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Chapter Two
Sara woke on the Monday morning feeling much better than she had over the weekend. Sara had ached all day the day before from the work out with Hypatia on Saturday without her slayer powers, but now she felt strong and ache free, so she knew that her powers were back, and this also meant she could go out that night and start to track down this white wolf and the cyborg vampire that did all the damage to Neal Atkinson.
“How are you feeling this morning sis?” Sheana asked as she had a stretch and watched Sara jump out of bed looking more active than she had the past three days.
“I’m feeling like my old self again.” Sara grinned as she had a stretch and felt her muscles loosen up.
“I hope you’re not feeling like your old self.” Sheana said looking worried, but she was soon grinning to let Sara know she knew what she meant.
“How are you feeling today?” Sara asked, as she knew that Sheana lost all her powers when she was on her period as well.
Sheana just held up her hand and clicked her fingers to reveal bright blue sparks and then Jenna was giggling as she started to float up from the bed. Jenna was soon swimming around the room like she was in water, but she was actually just swimming through the air.
Prue looked up from the bottom of the bed where she’d been sleeping in her wolf form and just let out a groan before she jumped down and left the room after Sara opened the door for her.
Sheana clicked her fingers again and then Jenna slowly lowered to the floor until she was standing on her own two feet.
“That fun, again, again.” Jenna giggled as she clapped her hands together.
“Maybe later Jen bear.” Sheana grinned, happy to have her magic back. “I need to get ready for school.” Sheana said as she looked at the time.
Michelle had already gotten up and was wandering out the bathroom as Jenna did her little swim around the room, so she walked over and gave Sheana a kiss before she started getting dressed. Sara had gone into the bathroom to get a shower, so Sheana decided to keep Michelle company until it was her turn to go in and shower.

Karen and Sandy had already left for work when the girls got down stairs to have their breakfast, but Prue was in her human form again now and she had set out the things for the girls to have cereal for their breakfast, and she was doing them some toast as well.
“Thanks Prue.” The girls said as they sat down and put the cereal in their bowls and sorted out Jenna with some as well.
Sara filled Prue in on what they knew about the attack from the other night, and Sara also asked Prue if she’d ever heard of a bite leading to that person being turned in some way. Prue said pretty much the same as Hypatia had the day before.
“Do you think you’ll be well enough to go out hunting for them this evening?” Prue asked. “I already know that Sheana has her powers back.” Prue grinned as she referred to seeing Jenna floating around the bedroom.
“Yes I feel like I’m back to my normal self again now, so we can go out and see if we can pick up the trail.” Sara smiled. “I need to contact Karl later as well and see if I can talk him into not hunting and killing either of them.
“Good luck with that, but the bigger problem will be the locals going out looking for it.” Prue warned. “I’ve heard on the news that two people’s dogs have been shot since the attack. They thought it was the beast, but it turned out to be people just walking the family pets.” Prue frowned.
“I bet animal control will be on the lookout as well, and if this wolf is the one stopping her partner from killing anyone, then it could be very bad if they managed to catch her and he has no one to stop him going on a killing spree.” Sara said with worry in her voice.
“Holly next door has agreed to keep an eye on Jenna for me today, so I can go to the cafe and monitor what the men in black are doing, and I’ll let you know if I find anything out.” Prue explained.
“I gets to play with Maggie and Cathleen?” Jenna asked looking excited.
“Yes, but I want you on your best behaviour baby sister.” Prue said as she stepped around the table and gave Jenna a kiss on the cheek.
“I always on bestest behaviour.” Jenna pouted. “I not help if troubles find me.”
“You should learn to hide better then you little monster.” Prue said as she started to tickle Jenna.
Jenna squirmed and squealed in her sister’s arms, but Prue was just too fast for Jenna, even without her vampire speed.
Once breakfast was done with, Sara, Sheana and Michelle all went up to finished getting ready for school before they left the house to meet up with Jo.
Jo was waiting for them at the end of the road and they all walked to school where everyone was buzzing about the animal attack on Neal, and they could see Neal with a large group of people stood around him.
“Someone said that both your arms were nearly bitten straight off, but I can’t even see a mark on you man.” One of the other kids was shouting as he looked at Neal’s arms showing below the short sleeved shirt. The only sign that anything happened to Neal at all was the faint red marks that were still showing where he was bit.
“I don’t know what to tell you, other than you shouldn’t believe everything you hear.” Neal shrugged as he fought his way through the crowd and went into the school trying to get away from them all.
Sara, Sheana, Michelle and Jo all followed him into the school to make sure he was alright. They found him just going into the boy’s toilets, so Sara, Sheana and Michelle all waited out in the hallway and let Jo go in and make sure he was okay.
“Hey Neal, you okay mate?” Jo asked when he saw Neal looking at himself in a mirror in a strange way.
“I’m fine! Why do you ask?” Neal snapped back as he spun to face Jo looking nervous. “Has someone said something about me?” He asked.
“Other than you being attacked, no not a word.” Jo said taking a step back as Neal was freaking him out now. “I just wanted to check on you and make sure.” Jo added.
“I’m sorry Jo, but to hear that lot speak out there, they’d have been happier if I’d had both my arms bitten off.” Neal said with a sigh as he leaned against the sink. “It’s bad enough I’m having weird dreams, never mind those freaks out there wanting to see gore.” Neal added with a roll of his eyes.
“Bad dreams? Anything to do with the attack?” Jo asked sounding worried.
“I didn’t say bad dreams, just weird, and I’d rather not talk about them.” Neal frowned. “Thanks for being worried about me, but I don’t want to freak you out with my odd dream pattern.” Neal added as he pushed himself up off the sink and then grabbed his school bag before he left the toilet as he said catch you later to Jo.
“Catch you later man!” Jo shouted back.
Sara, Sheana and Michelle were all eager to find out what Jo had learned when they saw him step out of the toilets.
“Well, what did you find out?” Sara asked for the three of them.
“Not much, other than he really isn’t much of a people person, and he’s having weird dreams, his words not mine.” Jo stated.
“He’s bound to have weird dreams after being attacked by that thing just the other night.” Michelle pointed out.
“Did he tell you what kind of weird dreams?” Sara asked.
“I was only in there five minutes, if that.” Jo said looking shocked. “How much do you think I would get in that time?” Jo added with a grumble.
“I don’t know, I just thought you said you were friends and he’d talk to you.” Sara argued.
“Yes I can talk to him, but Neal isn’t the world’s biggest talker to begin with.” Jo said. “He use to talk to Mike more than anyone, but I think Mike showing up now would really tip Neal over the edge.” Jo added with a frown as he looked at Michelle.
“The last thing we need is the school thinking it has a ghost roaming the hallways.” Michelle smiled sarcastically. “I’ve kind of got used to just being Michelle anyway, and I left my white sheet in my other school bag.”
“I thought you only had the one school bag Michelle, and why would you want to carry a white sheet?” Sheana asked looking puzzled.
“I was joking.” Michelle giggled. “And the white sheet was me referring to throwing it over myself and pretending to be a ghost.”
“Oh, I see, I think.” Sheana said still looking confused.
“We’ve only just managed to get rid of the men in black, so let’s not go giving them a reason to come back and start looking for any of us again, and seeing Mike around would lead them right to our door as well, due to us all hanging out together.” Sara frowned as she thought about Karl coming back to the school.
“It’s all a mute point anyway, as I think Neal would just run away screaming if Mike suddenly popped up and asked how he was doing.” Jo chuckled at the thought of Neal running away while screaming he’d seen a ghost. “Can’t you just link up with his mind and find out what he was having weird dreams about?” Jo asked as he looked at Sara.
“My gift doesn’t work like that.” Sara said with a sigh. “I can only see what people are thinking about, or I can make them think about something, but to try and pick out a dream from everything else he would be thinking about would be impossible.” Sara explained.
“What if I went and spoke to him again, and then got him to talk to me about his dreams?” Jo asked with a grin. “Then he would be thinking about the dreams and you could see just how weird you think they are?” Jo added with a smug look because he knew he’d just had a good idea.
“That’s actually a good idea.” Sara said sounding a little shocked.
“Why did you say it like that?” Jo asked with a whine. “I have a lot of good ideas, I’ll have you know.” He added with a grumble.
“I know you do baby.” Sara said as she stepped over and wrapped her arms around Jo and he did the same to her. “I just meant it was such a good idea that I should have thought of it myself, I am supposed to be the leader of this little group after all.” Sara said trying to make Jo feel better.
“Face it baby, you’re the muscle and I’m the brains.” Jo said with a grin.
“Now that is a scary thought.” Michelle giggled.
“If you weren’t a girl now, I’d punch you on the arm for that.” Jo warned.
“I’ll fight with Josie anytime.” Michelle said with a grin just before she stuck her tongue out at him.
“Josie’s a lover not a fighter.” Jo grinned back as he also stuck his tongue out at Michelle.
As though the very mention of Josie’s name cast a spell, Susan and Kimmie walked around the corner and Susan started to shout Sara’s name. Jo groaned as he remembered the look they’d left Susan with the day before at the hospital when Sara implied Josie liked girls.
“Sara! Sara!” Susan shouted a couple more times, even though Sara was now looking right at the two girls as they approached.
“Hi Suzy, Kimmie. What can I do for you on this wonderful Monday morning?” Sara asked with a grin as she went back to resting her head on Jo’s chest.
“Can I have a quick word with you, in private?” Susan asked as she looked at the others stood around.
“Sure.” Sara shrugged as she broke away from Jo’s embrace before walking up the hallway a little ways until they were far enough away from the others to not be overheard if they whispered. “What’s wrong Suzy?” Sara asked looking worried.
“I’m worried about what you said yesterday, about your friend Josie.” Susan started to explain. “I hope she didn’t think I was trying to chat her up or something like that?” Susan asked.
“Don’t worry, Josie knew you were just being nice to her, and she already has a steady girlfriend.” Sara smiled as she knew it was her.
“Does Jo know that you and this Josie are an item as well as you being with him?” Susan asked when she saw the smile Sara had on her face as she answered her.
“Not that it’s any of your business Susan, but yes Jo knows all about Josie and I, and he’s fine with it.” Sara said trying to act a little angry, but she really wanted to giggle at the fact it would be hard for Jo not to know about her and Josie. “I can call him over and you can ask him for yourself if you don’t trust me.” Sara added as she went to waved Jo over to them.
“No! You don’t need to do that.” Susan blushed. “I just think Jo is a really nice guy, and I didn’t want to see him get hurt.” Susan mumbled, but Sara had snuck into Susan’s mind to find out what she was really thinking. Susan was actually hoping that her telling Jo about Sara and Josie would break the two of them up and give her a chance to ask Jo out because she’d had a huge crush on him for some time now.
‘Nice to see not all the bitch had left Susan.’ Sara thought to herself. Sara smiled as she called Jo over anyway, just to let Susan know Jo was hers. And she should keep her hands off him. “Jo, you got a sec?”
“Sara!” Susan growled. “I said it didn’t matter.” She added in an angry whisper as she started to blush even more.
Jo walked over and placed an arm around Sara’s waist as she looked first at Sara and then at Susan when he saw the smirk on Sara’s face and the blush on Susan’s.
“What can I help you ladies with?” Jo asked with a puzzled look.
“I need you to play along with what I say to Susan.” Sara’s voice suddenly said in Jo’s head.
“Okay, but what are you going to say?” Jo thought back to Sara, hoping that she’d explain her plan before she started speaking.
“It turns out Susan has a crush on you, and she was hoping to use the thing I said about Josie yesterday to try and spit us up.” Sara thought back with a growl.
“Me and Susan an item?!” Jo thought back rather loudly. “I think I just threw up in my mouth.” Jo added with a small grown that made Sara want to giggle.
“Susan was just asking if you knew about me and Josie making out. I think she was worried I was cheating on you behind your back.” Sara said with a pout as she rested her head on Jo’s chest again. “I was thinking of asking Susan if she wanted to try a threesome with us?” Sara asked looking more excited as she lifted her head and then winked at Jo while Susan wasn’t looking at her.
Susan’s mouth fell open in shock when she realised what Sara had said. “I’m not interested in anything like that with either of you.” Susan got out after stuttering over her words.
“Are you sure?” Sara asked with a pout as she reached out to touch Susan, just to have her flinch back like she was about to get burnt if Sara touched her. “Let us know if you change your mind.” Sara said trying not to grin as she said it.
Susan just took another step back before she ran off to grab Kimmie before running off down the hallway pulling a confused looking Kimmie behind her.
Sheana and Michelle just watched Susan run off dragging Kimmie along with puzzled looks on their faces before they turned and saw Sara and Jo laughing as they leaned against each other. The two girls walked over to them, so they could find out what just happened to make Susan act like she did.
“What did you say to Susan to make her act like that?” Michelle asked.
“She was hoping to split me and Jo up, so I just invited her to join Jo and me for a threesome.” Sara said trying to sound all innocent about it.
“It’s so nice to see that Susan still has some of that inner bitch just lying under the surface.” Michelle frowned.
“I read in her mind that she has a little bit of a crush on my little Jojo here.” Sara said as she wrapped both her arms around one of Jo’s in a protective ‘he’s mine style’.
“But won’t she go and tell others that you also like girls as well as boys?” Sheana asked with a puzzled look.
“No, she has a little thing going with Kimmie; I saw that as well, that is why she was so flustered by what I said.” Sara grinned. “She wouldn’t risk saying anything about me because they could find out about her.” Sara explained.
“Susan and Kimmie?” Jo asked with a faraway look in his eyes just before it turned into a grin.
“You can be such a jerk at times.” Sara said as she punched him on the arm a little too hard.
“Ouch!” Jo screamed out as he lost all feeling in his arm for a couple of seconds.
“Grow a pair Norman; you can be such a girl.” A boy said using Jo’s last name as he walked past with a couple of other boys.
“What do you mean by that you sexist pig?!” Sara shouted as she started off down the hallway to confront the boy that just made the comment to Jo.
“Cool it wonder woman.” Jo said as he threw his arms around Sara to stop her going after the boy. “I don’t think your mum would be very happy if you got in trouble for fighting.” Jo added with humour in his voice.
“There wouldn’t be a fight; it would just be me hitting him to see how much of a girl he was.” Sara growled.
“You’re kind of making my point for me here baby.” Jo pointed out.
Sara stopping struggling with Jo, not that she couldn’t break free from him if she’d wanted. “Okay, point taken.” Sara sighed as she relaxed into his arms.
“We’ll have none of that on school grounds!” A teacher said as he walked past.
“Sorry Sir” All four of them said, even though Sheana and Michelle weren’t doing anything.
Jo walked the three girls to their classroom and he gave Sara a quick kiss before he was running off down the hallway towards his own class. Sara had decided to put Jo’s idea into affect at lunchtime. Sara would link to Jo’s mind and then hook onto Neal’s from there while directing what questions Jo asked for her, but she would be in control of the conversation.

Karl was just looking over the mission report from Saturday and what they had found out so far about the animal that attacked a boy called Neal Atkinson when he heard someone call his name, but there wasn’t anyone else in the room with him.
“Hello Karl. I hope this isn’t a bad time?” The Slayer’s voice asked
“Hello Slayer, I thought I might be hearing from you.” Karl thought back to the voice in his head. “And no this isn’t a bad time; I was just going over some details from the attack on Saturday night.”
“Do you know that he was attacked by one of the commander’s experiments, but then saved by another one?” The slayer asked.
“I’d worked out he’d been attacked by one, but not that another one saved him.” Karl said with a little shock in his voice.
“Yes the one that attacked the boy has been turned into some kind of a cyborg, but the one that saved the boy from being killed is a white wolf. From what I could understand it’s the cyborg’s mate and she’s stuck in her wolf form.” The Slayer explained.
“We can try to catch the wolf, Slayer, but the cyborg will have to be destroyed.” Karl said as he saw where this conversation was going.
“I have some friends that think they can undo what the commander did to him, so I’m asking you to give me some time to catch them both and see if I can fix this.” The Slayer asked.
“I wish I could Slayer, but this is all over the news, and the people above me want it dealt with quickly.” Karl said.
“Let me put it another way then Karl.” The Slayer growled. “You will give me some time to sort this out, or I’ll have to come to the base and collect them for myself.” The Slayer added just before she ended the link with him.
Karl felt the sudden void left by the Slayer and knew she’d gone. He rested his head in his hands as he realised that this animal attack was going to be a major headache for him. He’d already seen what the slayer could do if someone upset her, so he had no choice but to tell his men to try and locate the monster, but to then track and report back.
The trouble was some of his men didn’t always follow orders, and he’d been given some new men to train up, and some of them were a little hot headed. Karl was worried about what might happen when they meet the slayer for the first time, not that he was worried about the slayer getting hurt, but his men were another matter.

Sara had been sat in a rather boring science lesson when she decided to let Karl know that she would be sorting out the animal attack problem. She was a little angry with Karl though because he just wanted to kill all the things that the commander and his mad scientists create without even trying to help any of them.
The teacher snapped Sara out of her thoughts when he asked her a question. Sara could read in his mind that he thought she was just another airhead, just waiting to get knocked up and fill up the world with more waste of space children just like her. She also plucked out the detailed answer he thought she’d never know this side of hell freezing over. Sara was slightly annoyed with the teacher because the question was on a section they hadn’t covered yet because he wanted to show her up in front of the class as being another beautiful girl with no brains.
Sara gave the detailed answer and then had to hide a smile as she watched the teacher’s mouth fall open in shock. Sara then went on to say that he should really stick to asking questions about the parts they had covered, as not all the class would be able to answer his questions.
The teacher quickly moved on and looked glad to see the class end as he wouldn’t make eye contact with Sara again after that.
“I didn’t realise you know so much about history Sara?” Michelle said as they left the classroom and headed towards the school cafeteria.
“I don’t.” Sara giggled. “I just plucked the answer out of the teacher’s head because he was trying to show me up.”
“Teach him to watch who he picks on then.” Michelle grinned. “I don’t think he likes kids much either.” Michelle added with a frown as she tried to work out why someone would go into teaching if they didn’t like children.
“I wasn’t about to start poking around that much in his head.” Sara said with a shudder.
Sheana and Michelle just giggled when they saw the way Sara didn’t like reading some people’s minds, but they all knew she needed to try and find out what weird dreams Neal was having, and whether or not he poses a threat to himself or anyone else after the animal bites.
They met up with Jo and then went in to get their lunch before they went in search of Neal. They found him in the library, so Jo went over to speak with him while Sara, Sheana and Michelle went to another table so Sara could focus on Jo and Neal’s conversation.
“Hey Neal, how you feeling now?” Jo asked as he sat down at the table.
Neal just looked at Jo with anger in his eyes before he went back to looking through the book he had and taking down some notes.
“I don’t mean about your bites mate, I was referring to the fact you said you were having weird dreams.” Jo said trying to trigger Neal’s memories of what he was dreaming about.
“Oh, sorry about that Jo.” Neal said looking a little more relaxed. “I’m just really sick of being the centre of everyone’s attention.” He added in a whisper so as not to get in trouble with the librarian.
“Yeah I could see that this morning, that’s why I thought I’d just check in and make sure you’re doing okay now. I know what it’s like to have everyone keep asking how you’re doing when they don’t really care, and you can’t give them an answer.” Jo said as he thought about all the people that asked him how he was doing just after Mike died, or everyone thought Mike died, but it was just some thief that managed to steal Mike’s ring and then got hit by a truck. Mike was alive and well living as Michelle now.
“I guess you would know how I feel.” Neal said as he realised what Jo was getting at. “I really miss Mike.” Neal added with a thoughtful look. “You and Mike are the only two in the school that I ever felt close to as friends.” Neal sighed.
“You still got me to talk to.” Jo said with a goofy grin.
“Thanks dude.” Neal chuckled.
“You know I had some weird dreams after losing Mike, so don’t worry about them too much.” Jo said trying to get Neal to keep thinking about his dreams.
“That’s good, he’s thinking about them again now.” Sara’s voice said in Jo’s head as she looked in Neal’s mind to see what these weird dreams were about.
Sara saw a vision of Neal looking in a mirror, but it was a different looking Neal that Sara saw, but she couldn’t work out what was different, then she noticed his features looked softer and he had breasts. He was dreaming he was a girl. Sara wasn’t sure it was anything to be worried about; she’s had lots of weird dreams like that. Sara thought it could be a by product of hearing the woman’s voice just before he was attacked.
“I’m not sensing anything strange in his thoughts, other than he’s sick of people noticing him.” Sara informed Jo. “And he’s sick of being picked on by some of the kids here in school and his uncle.” Sara added as she saw a flash of Neal locking himself in his bedroom while a drunken sounding man bangs on the door trying to get in.
“Can’t we do something about that?” Jo asked as he got to see the trouble Neal was having at home.
“Not at the minute, but now I’ve linked to his mind I can try to link with his uncle the next time Neal is close to him, but trying to compel a drunken mind will be something new.” Sara warned. “I may need to have a word with Hypatia and see if she will help me convince Neal’s uncle to sober up and stop beating him.” Sara added thoughtfully.
“I really hate assholes like that who think its okay to get drunk and then start hitting women and kids.” Jo thought with a growl.
“We all do Jo, but we need to handle this carefully.” Sara warned as she felt him starting to lose control. Sara sent him some soothing energy and he was soon calm again. “Ask if he wants to join us, this may help him keep the others away, for lunch at least.”
“I’ll ask, but he’s kind of a loner.” Jo said.
“He might think differently though after today.” Sara thought back with a smug tone to her voice.
“Why don’t you come and sit over there with Sara, Sheana and Michelle?” Jo said as he got to his feet and pointed over towards Sara’s table.
Neal looked over at the table where the three girls were sat and they all waved at him as they smiled. “I’m not very good around girls Jo.” Neal said nervously.
“Please join us; it’s so dull at times being the only guy in the group.” Jo said with some pleading in his voice. “Michelle’s pretty smart, and I’m sure she can help you with that homework.” Jo added as he saw what Neal was working on.
“Okay.” Neal said with a smile after thinking about it for a couple of seconds. He was soon following Jo over to the table with Sara and the other two sat at it.
“Hi Neal, I’m glad you’re getting better fast.” Sara said with a smile as she watched Neal place his books down on the table before pulling out a chair and sitting down.
“Thanks Sara.” Neal smiled back nervously. “I hope none of you mind me joining you?” Neal asked as he looked at the three girls.
“We’re glad you did, it must be getting to you with everyone asking you how you are.” Sara said with a roll of her eyes.
“You have no idea.” Neal agreed. “It’s nice to just hang with you and try to get some work done.” Neal said with a sigh as he started to relax, partly thanks to Sara sending him some soothing energy to help.
“What you working on anyway Neal?” Michelle asked.
Neal showed her what homework he was trying to get caught up on, and soon Michelle was sat at his side explaining how she had done that homework a couple of weeks back.
Neal was soon caught up on his home work and then they just enjoyed the rest of the lunchtime in the library due to the weather not being very good.
“We better see about getting to class Neal.” Jo said when he saw the time.
Jo and Neal were in the same class right after lunch, but it was on the other side of the school to where the girl’s needed to be, which was just down the hallway.
“I’ll meet you at the end of school down at the main gate.” Jo said as he stepped around the table and held Sara close to him just before he leaned down and kissed her.
“Okay baby.” Sara purred just before she kissed him back.
Sara let out a sigh as she watched Jo and Neal walk up the hallway away from them. Sara turned to look at Michelle when she heard her let out a sigh of her own.
“Everything alright Michelle?” Sara asked as she turned to look at Michelle properly.
“I guess so, but I can’t help feeling a pang of pain when I see Jo wandering off like that with Neal, I wonder if it’s hard for him to just carry on like he does, not having Mike around anymore?” Michelle asked with another sigh.
“I won’t lie to you and say he’s fine all the time because it does bother him to be in classes on his own, but he soon gets over it when he sees us again, and I think hanging with Neal might help him get over the loss of Mike.” Sara explained what she’d picked up on in Jo’s thoughts from time to time.
“It can’t be easy hanging out with a bunch of girls all the time.” Michelle said as she thought about it, and how Jo spent a lot of his time wearing the ring that made him Josie.
“Are you worried about losing him as a friend to Neal?” Sara asked as they made their way to the classroom they were in next.
“I’m not sure, I mean it’s not like we can have the same sort of friendship we use to have, but I am a little jealous of him hanging out with Neal like he use to hang out with Mike.” Michelle said looking a little confused herself.
“Just think of it as Jo being on a secret mission to keep an eye on Neal, more than him trying to replace Mike.” Sara said as she tried to help Michelle get over her sudden mood.
“This mood isn’t like you Shelly.” Sheana said sounding worried for Michelle.
“I’m not sure where this all came from either.” Michelle said with a frown. “I’m not sure I’m feeling too good either.” She added as she rubbed her belly.
“You could be coming on again.” Sara pointed out.
“But I was only on a couple of weeks ago.” Michelle whined. “How can I be on again so soon?”
“Mum and Sandy both said it could take a couple of months for you to settle down to a normal monthly cycle” Sara reminded her.
“I better stop off at the toilets then and use a pad.” Michelle groaned, not looking forward to being on again. She’d had a rough time of it just two weeks ago when she had her first.
“Do you have a pad with you?” Sheana asked as she helped Michelle make her way to the toilets.
“Yes, Sandy said it’s always best to carry them, and I can see why now.” Michelle grumbled.
They made it to the toilets and Michelle disappeared into a cubical where she pulled down her panties and saw a couple of spots of blood on them, so she placed a pad in them and then pulled them back up. They were soon done and making their way the rest of the way to the classroom and the start of a long afternoon for Michelle.

Jo was waiting for them at the main school gate with Neal stood at his side. Jo had found out that Neal lived in the same direction as them, so they could walk home together.
“You okay Michelle? You don’t look to good.” Jo asked looking worried.
“It’s that time of the month again.” Sara said in a whisper so none of the other kids leaving school would overhear her.
“Oh, that sucks.” Jo said with a wince as he looked at Michelle being helped along by Sheana.
“You have no idea.” Michelle snapped at him as she walked past.
Jo went to say something cocky, but stopped when Sara grabbed his arm and then shook her head from side to side in warning. Jo just started walking behind Michelle and Sheana with Sara one side and Neal the other.
“I bet you’re glad to be finishing school today?” Sara asked as she looked past Jo at Neal.
“Yes, which is normally the opposite.” Neal said with a roll of his eyes.
“Do you not like being at home then?” Sara asked trying to make it sound like a simple enough question.
“I live with my uncle, and let’s just say we don’t get on very well.” Neal said in a tone that told Sara he didn’t want to speak about it anymore.
Sara used the fact he’d just said that to link with his mind and check out the sort of memories that brought up in his mind. Sara was shocked when she saw Neal’s uncle beating him a number of different times when Neal wasn’t fast enough to get out his way. Other images showed Neal blocking the doorway to his bedroom to stop his drunken uncle getting into his room.
“You’re welcome to come and hang with us at my house.” Sara offered.
“Really? You don’t mind, or have to check with your mother first?” Neal asked looking shocked at being invited to Sara’s house.
“Mum would be mad with me if I didn’t offer.” Sara giggled.
“You’re welcome to come over to my place anytime as well.” Jo said. “It would be doing me a big favour with my mum; she’s always going on at me about hanging with more guys.” Jo added with a roll of his eyes.
“Is that because of what happened to Mike? And you not hanging out with anyone now?” Neal asked with a sad look.
“Hey, what do you think we are?” Sara asked trying to look hurt by Neal’s comment.
“I’m sorry; I didn’t mean it that way Sara.” Neal said looking worried he might have just upset her. “I just mean he doesn’t hang with other males.”
“Well neither do you.” Sara said as she stuck her tongue out at him just before she started giggling. Neal was soon chuckling as well when he saw that Sara wasn’t really angry with him. “Why don’t you hang out with some of the others guys at school anyway?” Sara asked when they stopped laughing.
“I just feel weird being around most kids my own age.” Neal started to explain. “They all complain about their parents, or they’re all excited about something their parents did, and I found I didn’t know what any of that was like, so I just stopped hanging around other kids.”
“Do we make you feel like that?” Sara asked.
“No, you’re the first group that actually cared about what I was feeling.” Neal smiled. “I know I’ve been asked it all day at school, but it seemed like you all actually cared, and you also came to see me at the hospital yesterday.” He added proudly. “Not even my uncle came to see me while I was in there.” Neal added with a frown and an edge of anger to his voice.
“What’s the deal with you and your uncle, has it always been just the two of you?” Sara asked.
“No, it used to be me, my uncle and his wife, but she left him when she found out he’d been sleeping with another woman. Now he’s just a very angry drunk most the time.” Neal found himself saying before he could stop himself. Neal looked worried when he realised what he’d said.
“Is that why you don’t like going home then?” Sara asked in a caring manner. “You shouldn’t let him get away with things he shouldn’t be doing Neal.” Sara added.
“I don’t.” Neal snapped back before he let out a sigh and calmed down again. “I’m sorry Sara, but I just need to make it to the end of this school year and I can move out and go to college someplace far away.” Neal explained.
“How will you look after yourself and get through college?” Sara asked.
“My parents had some money and it was put in a trust that can’t be touched until I turn sixteen. It was something my father put in place to cover me going to college, or so a friend of my father’s said.” Neal shrugged like he didn’t have all the details.
“Aren’t you worried about your uncle getting his hands on it?” Sara asked sounding worried.
“No, he has access to money to look after me, that’s the only reason he puts up with me, well kind of puts up with me.” Neal said with a sick sounding chuckle.
“Your father sounded like a smart man.” Sara said with a sad smile.
“I’m told he was, and I think he knew he couldn’t trust my uncle or his wife, and that is why he set up my inheritance the way he did.” Neal grinned at that. “He even made it so the money would go to a number of different charities if anything happened to me, just so my uncle never saw a penny of it if he got any weird ideas.” Neal explained.
“So you just put up with him beating you?” Sara asked.
“I never said he beats me!” Neal shot back with a worried look. “What told you that?” He asked sounding panicked.
“No one told me, I just thought that was what he was doing to you, and why you didn’t want to go home.” Sara said as she tried to cover her slip. “Is he doing other things to you then?” Sara asked with fear in her voice, but she already knew that nothing like that was happening to him.
“Oh god no!” Neal said as he screwed his face up in degust. “I’d kill him if he ever tried anything like that.” Neal added.
“So does he hit you then?” Sara asked in a soft worried voice.
“Yes, but only when he can get his hands on me. Most the time I can keep out his way, and I don’t want to end up in foster care, I hear that can be just as bad.” Neal said looking worried.
“You should still talk to someone about it Neal.” Jo said. “Don’t put up with shit like that.” He added with anger in his voice.
“I’m fine.” Neal said trying to reassure them. “I need you both to promise me you won’t tell anyone about any of this, I can handle my uncle for another year.” He added.
Sara and Jo both promised to keep his secret, but Sara had a plan to go round and compel Neal’s uncle to stop drinking and never raise a hand to Neal again, but she wasn’t about to tell Neal she could do all that.
“So do you want to come back to my place and hang out for a couple of hours? We’ll even throw in dinner to temp you.” Sara asked with a grin.
“Are you sure your parents won’t mind me coming round?” Neal asked looking nervous, but already knowing he wanted to hang out with them all.
“It’s just my mum, sister, aunt and her little sister back at home, and then there’s me and Sheana. Michelle comes over to do her home work and hang out until her mother comes to collect her later in the evening.” Sara explained the reason for Michelle coming back to the house with them like she lived there, which she did, but they didn’t need Neal finding that out.
“You all work together at the internet cafe in town as well don’t you?” Neal asked.
“The girl’s do, but I don’t.” Jo said. “I don’t have the legs to carry off wearing the skirt.” He added with a grin.
“Yes we do.” Sara said as she giggled and slapped Jo for being silly. “Have you been in there?” Sara asked.
“No, too many people in one place for me.” Neal said with a shudder.
“You really are a private person aren’t you?” Sara asked with a curious look.
“Yes, I guess I am, so you can see why being attacked by some... Whatever it was that attacked me, was the last thing I needed in my life.” Neal frowned.
“You seem fine when you’re with us.” Sara pointed out.
“You all seem a little different to the others, but in a good way.” Neal said when he saw the way Jo and Sara looked at him. “You’re the only ones that didn’t look at me like I was insane when I told you about the thing that attacked me, and how a white wolf saved me from getting hit by that car.”
“After what happened at school the other month, we all believe anything can happen.” Jo said.
“I’m not so sure that it was a movie publicity stunt after what happened to me.” Neal said in a whispered voice as he looked around for any signs of them being watched. “I think some of the things they make movies about are actually real.” He added just before he looked around again.
“So you think that vampires and other monsters are real, and the government know all about it and hide it in plain sight and argue it all away as being fake or just a movie stunt?” Jo asked it like Neal was being silly.
“Well it would be the perfect cover for it all wouldn’t it?” Neal said in his own defence.
“I can see why you have weird dreams now.” Jo chuckled as he slapped Neal on the back.
Sara just kept quiet and wondered what Neal would do if he knew just how true his thoughts were, and the fact that he was walking with a real life slayer and a witch that was once a genie, and as far as Sara knew Neal could be turning into a form of vampire himself with how fast he healed from the attack.
“Let’s get back to the question I asked you then Neal, do you want to come over for some dinner at my house?” Sara asked.
“Yes please, I’d like that a lot, but only if you’re sure it won’t be any trouble.” Neal answered with a smile.
“It’s settled then.” Sara smiled as she carried on walking towards her home with Sheana and Michelle walking just in front and Jo and Neal at her side.
Sara formed a mind link with Prue and warned her they were bringing home company, just to stop her or Jenna saying something about the supernatural world when they walked in. Sara also linked with her mother and Sandy to let them know she was bringing home the boy that got attacked, and what she had found out about his uncle.
Prue was prepared to play the perfect aunt when Sara and the others entered the house. Jenna was sat at the kitchen table colouring when they entered the kitchen.
“Hi Prue, I hope you don’t mind, but I invited Neal over to join us for dinner? His uncle is working late and I didn’t think he should be on his own after what happened to him at the weekend.” Sara explained “This is Neal, and Neal this is my Aunt Prue and her little sister Jenna.” Sara introduced them to one another.
“Hello Neal, it’s nice to meet you, and we can always make room for one more at the dinner table.” Prue smiled as she shook Neal’s hand.
Neal noticed how cold Prue felt to the touch, but never said anything and just put it down to her handling something cold before they entered the kitchen. “Thank you for letting me join you Prue, and hello Jenna.” Neal added with a smile as he looked down at the little girl now stood just in front of him looking up.
“Hellos.” Jenna smiled as she reached out to shake his hand like Prue just had. “Does you’s like to colour?” Jenna asked.
“I use to, but it’s been a long time since I last did any.” Neal said as he bent over to get closer to Jenna’s height.
“I helps you to remembers then.” Jenna said as she dragged Neal over to the kitchen table and made him sit down next to her so they could colour together.
Neal looked happy enough to sit and entertain the small child and he was soon being handed a crayon and shown which part needed colouring in.
“I’m sorry about this Neal, but she loves to have people help her colour.” Prue laughed as she watched him start to do as he was told.
“I don’t mind Prue; she’s hard to say no to.” Neal smiled.
“Sara said something happened over the weekend, I hope it was nothing bad?” Prue asked pretending not to know who Neal was as Sara hadn’t said anything about it yet.
“I’m sorry Prue, but Neal was the boy that got attacked by that animal.” Sara said pretending to sound shocked.
“That was you?” Prue asked sounding just as shocked to find out. “The news said they thought you’d lose both arms they were that badly hurt.” Prue added as she looked at the fact Neal had full use of both arms and hands. Prue couldn’t sense anything odd about Neal, but she saw enough blood at the scene to know he shouldn't be up and about now.
“The news just made it out to be much worse than it actually was, as you can see.” Neal said as he pulled up the sleeves on his jumper to show Prue the faint scars on his arms.
After seeing his arms and how fast they had healed to that point, Prue knew that something strange was going on with the boy, but she couldn’t talk to Sara about it until later, and then they would need to keep an eye on him to see what happened next. Prue did think about getting Sara to form a mind link, but she thought it best to wait until they could all talk later after Neal went home.
“I’m very glad they did, but I bet it still must have scared you half to death?” Prue said as she carried on sorting out dinner.
“I thought I was going to die until the large white dog jumped in and tried to save me.” Neal said, not bothering to say it was wolf anymore, as this just got him strange looks from everyone he told.
“I guess someone thought your number wasn’t up yet.” Prue smiled like she was glad he was still with them.
Neal spent a little more time colouring with Jenna, and then they all got cleaned up ready for dinner and they were just dishing up as Karen got home, followed by Sandy a couple of minutes later.
Sara introduced Neal to her mother and older sister and then Neal had the same talk with the two of them as he’d had with Prue earlier. Neal seemed to fit right in with the others and he was soon being treated like another member of the family, he even helped the others wash and dry the dishes after dinner before they took over the kitchen table to get their homework done.
Once their homework was done they sat and talked about music and films for a time before Sandy offered to run Neal and Jo home. Sandy already knew that Sara and Sheana were going out with Prue to try and track down the thing that attacked Neal, and the white wolf that saved him. Michelle was going to monitor things from the secret room under the cafe with Samantha and Jo, but Jo would need to make it look like he was going to bed at home before he used his phone app to blink over there.
“Are you sure you’re up to helping out tonight Michelle?” Sara asked as her and Sheana were getting ready to morph into the Slayer and the black witch.
“I’m good.” Michelle smiled. “I’ve taken something for the cramps and Sandy gave me this big bar of chocolate.” She added with a grin when she held up the bar of chocolate in her right hand.
“Save me a piece.” Sheana giggled when she saw how happy Michelle was with the fact she’d get to eat chocolate again, and not get moaned at for it.
“I’ll try, but I won’t make any promises.” Michelle warned.
Prue finally joined them when Sandy got back from running the boys home and Jenna was being entertained as she wouldn’t go to bed alone while she was still awake, so she always sat with Karen and Sandy in the living room.
Sara and Sheana morphed into their armour, as did Prue now that Sheana had helped Samantha design an outfit for her as well, so they knew Prue would be better protected if another vampire like Valeck tried to take her out and Sara and Sheana weren’t around. Sheana had even helped design a belt so Prue could blink just like Sara could with hers. So they were soon all blinking over to the cafe and the secret room in the basement. Sheana blinked herself and Michelle over, while Sara and Prue blinked themselves.
Samantha and Hypatia were both in the basement already looking through the information, so they could direct the three of them to the best place to start looking for the cyborg vampire monster the commander came up with.
Prue explained what she’d seen on Neal’s arms, and how she couldn’t; sense anything vampire or other demon in him, but something was going on with his body to heal it as fast as it was.
“Let’s just focus on catching the two of them, and then we can have a look at your young Mr Atkinson.” Hypatia said, wanting to concentrate on one problem at a time. “Sammi and I have noticed a pattern of animals going missing in this area, so we think that it’s the best place to start looking, and it’s close to where the boy was attacked.” Hypatia explained as she pointed at a map of the county.
“Is Karl keeping his men out the way like I asked?” Sara asked, but already knew he wouldn’t before she saw the frown Hypatia gave her.
“Did you really expect him too?” Hypatia asked with a chuckle.
“No, but it was worth a shot.” Sara said in her sexy slayer voice as she looked at Hypatia from behind the sunglasses she always wore when dressed as the slayer. “Okay, let’s go catch us some monsters.” Sara said with a smile just before she blinked to the point that Hypatia had indicated on the map.
Sheana and Prue did the same, while Michelle joined Samantha and Hypatia at the computers, they were joined by Jo a little later after he’d faked going to bed before blinking over.
And so the hunt started to track down the monster that attacked Neal, and the wolf that saved him.
To Be Continued Next Tuesday 
Story by SaraUK
Edited and Posted by SamanthaK
EDITORS NOTE: Please Comment and/or leave Kudos and let Sara know you like her work please, Any comments on spelling, grammar or the layout of the story please PM me “Samanthak” not Sara. Thank you
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Hope they catch the couple
Hope they catch the couple soon and that they can help them, it's got to be extremely stressful on the woman to constantly prevent her husband attacking humans. I'm also curious to find whats happening to Neal, is he transgendered like Sara. Also will they be able to stop the abuse.
Looking forward to more, thanks for sharing.
Big hugs.
Lizzie :)
Bailey's Angel
The Godmother :p
M.A.W. cyborg vampire has me
M.A.W. cyborg vampire has me wondering if the bionics were added before or after he was turned and what of the replaced organic parts? Are they a part of some experiment yet to be seen?
May Your Light Forever Shine
I have a theory on why Neal healed so fast. If my theory is correct and he is tg then there could be a problem. There is a problem none the less. I will continue to read to see if my theory pans out. Great story as always