Hello cruel world.
I have been feeling pretty good lately, so when I got an invitation from the Pride group at OHSU to attend one of their meetings, I thought, "why is it that us T or I folk don't mix with the GBL set"? Perhaps there are some friendships there.
So, out of about 60 highly educated staff and students at OHSU, I think about three of them had some idea how to impersonate a human being. For the rest, it was all about them and their networking, what ever the hell that is. After about an hour, I began to search for a way to abscent myself from the room without it being seen as my leaving in complete humiliation. After a while, realizing that would not be posible, I simply put my coat on, grabbed my purse and fled, without looking back.
Their going to have some sort of gathering to help T folk on the 23rd. I wonder what that will be about? Somehow, I fear it will just be about their massaging their egos.
I Know how you feel i send you
Love And Hugs Hanna

Blessed Be
You certainly pick 'em
I suspect we're an irrelevance to most LBG groups because our numbers are so small and our needs are slightly different.
I agree
I have cut all ties with 'professional' TS groups. I'm just a short-sighted, absent-minded, accident-prone old woman and content to be one of the 'old girls' in my social group. This is the only forum to which I belong (if 'belong' is the right word).
Still dunno' ...
I still dunno' where I am on the LGBT, or is it LGBTI or is it LGBTITV Spectrum - I jus' dunno'. I find it pays to keep a fairly low profile when attending these meetings cos' some take themselves too seriously, some are judgemental, some are hyper-political and most are in some way (As Gwen so accurately notes,) egotistical. When they discover my age they all seem to want a flippin history lesson that I (and for that matter many ancient tee-girls)singularly fail to answer because everyone of us older individuals seems to have had different childhoods and life-experiences. Consequently it all tends to be, or appear to be, very subjective.
This then naturally comes accross as egotistical or cynical or whatever. Eventually I grow tired of the constant 're-classifications' and political deconstructions or reconstructions' and invariably, as world-weariness prevails, I get impatient with the politics and drift away. That's how I feel anyway. For my own therapy I simply try to shed all the emotional and political baggage by partying ... hard. In this respect I've been accused of being 'immature' and trying to play 'catchup, and 'rocking the boat politically' though GOD KNOWS how that works.
Farewell to arms, I say!
I'm thinking OHSU is Oregon ------- State University.
Oregon Health Sciences University.
It used to be part of OSU.
G :)
I think Bev's got it figured!
Partying with friends beats hands down a meeting with LGBT committee's.
I call them Sexual Intellectuals, but recognise them as 'Fuck Wits'.
Please excuse my language, but I'm an Aussie and proud of it!
Tie me Kangaroo down sport!
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
I am a Transgender Activist!
Today my therapist said that by quietly living my life, meeting all kinds of people and forming friendships in Muggle society, that is the most powerful form of activisim there is. I live right out in society, and I am rarely challenged either because I pass so well, or more likely in spite of my odd physical appearance, I act exactly like the person I say I am.
One of my Mormon friends who knows all about me said that I roam about all through society, cheerfully battering down the walls of prejudice with love. Wow, I hope that is true and I will do that as long as I live, inshallah!
Gwendolyn, your Beaten and
Gwendolyn, your Beaten and bruised blog shows that there are assholes who can't be human or identify with the T.G. Community. Don't go to their meeting.
May Your Light Forever Shine
Odd people,
The Dallas GEAR group is nothing like that. We are mostly new trans, or in my case, just starting. I find them to be excellent people, the kind I am really happy to call friends.
I have met one or two folks that are off putting, but the fact is you can't get along with everyone you meet. Lord knows I am not the most easy person to get along with, so I try very hard to stay open. GEAR is a subset of the LGBT alliance, but the standard joke within the group is the T is a little t, as in LGBt. Still, these folks are trying.
My personal theory is to really understand being trans it helps to be trans. How do you define what we are and make it sound reasonable. I can't, but there it is inside me, soon to come out in all its glory (or is that gory?). I have close family that is sympathetic, and it really helps, but I don't think he gets it. He accepts it, and that is enough.
Accepting Family.
Wow, it is really great that your family accepts! There are lots of us who became completely outcast because of this. And for me, I was hyper religious, and to have to face the reality of what was happening felt like a death sentence. The more we can become the women that we say we are, not just acting like a guy in a dress, the better it will ultimately be for you and everyone which follows.