came home from work yesterday with a loonie-size bruise on my belly, and no idea how it got there. Today its spread, and looks rather nasty. One of these days, I'm going to poke a hole right through me, and not realize it until I look at the floor and wonder where all the red stuff came from ....
Hey be careful.
Hope no such thing ever happens. I have found injuries on my self I have no idea how happened, makes you wonder sometimes. Please try to be careful with your self.
Actually I had a relative do something similar to what you just joked about. He woke up in the morning to find a small puddle of blood on the floor next to his bed where his hand was hanging over the edge, With no idea how he injured his hand before bed. Luckily it had stopped bleeding and wasn't to much or to bad, things could have turned out much worse, as it was it was just a bit scary and puzzling.
Are you sure that isn't gangrea?
Why not go see a doctor asap before the "bruise" spreads?
If you see something weird, always go see a doctor asap!
Something has happened inside or to you, go now before its too late.
Just Make Sure...'s not some sort of insect bite. It probably isn't. It's probably just a couple capillaries that got damaged and bled into the skin for a bit. As the skin absorbs the leftover blood, it turns all sorts of glorious (?) colors.
But, if it's a venomous spider bite, it might need a little medical intervention. If it is, you'll see a lesion more or less in the center.