A couple of years ago, when I started working for Zellers, I got a credit card, which turned out to be a mistake - I was not prepared to handle it, and eventually cut up the card.
Well, today, I paid the last remaining part of the debt on the card, and it feels good to put that behind me, and be just that little bit closer to being totally debt free.
All I have left owing is some on my car, and a student loan, both of which I should be able to clear off over the next two-three years, barring major issues.
Be nice to go into the surgery with no outstanding debt, but that depends on whether I will need to take out a loan to pay for us to move out of this place, or take out a loan to go back to school because I cant do my job post surgery, or both.
Ah, well.
decisions,decisions,decisions, think well my Kitten HUGS & snuggles,,,Dad
Wow that is quite an accomplishment good for you
yes to be debt free
and get what you want in life is a major miles stone and congrats to you on paying your card off . i too hate credit cards and have no use for them . i am already debt free but it took me the hard way to do it after i got sick i recommend not to do it that way. a good clean slate to start with i wish you well
Just remember
how far you've come and use it to light the darkness when it comes, well done.