To Make A Wish, Book 2, Chapter 01

 © November 2012

Chapter One

    It had been a couple of months since the trouble with the Commander and his mad lab of horrors, and Sara hadn’t had much trouble with the supernatural world, but it hadn’t stopped Hypatia from having Sara keep training with her, but Sara thought it was because she was the only one that could give Hypatia a good work out.

     “Do you need to take a break old lady?” Sara asked after blocking another attack from Hypatia.

     “I’ll give you calling me an old Lady.” Hypatia grumbled as she started another attack.

     “I was going to call you an old dragon, but I thought that would just be rude.” Sara giggled as she only just managed to block the attack.

     “I just might have to take you across my knee for that.” Hypatia grinned.

     “I’m not sure if you ever taught me how to block that attack.” Sara said sounding out of breath.

     “I think that will do for one Saturday.” Hypatia said as she stood with her feet together and bowed in Sara’s direction as she placed her balled up hand to the open palm of the other hand.

     “I never thought I’d miss playing cat and mouse with the men in black.” Sara said with a sigh as they made their way down the hallway at Hypatia’s to the rooms they used to shower and get cleaned up in.

     “I’m sure it’s more fun working with them than against them though?” Hypatia asked.

     “Most the time, but they seem to be dealing with most the vamps and other demons that pop up.” Sara said with a sigh. “The only time I get a call is when they find another one of the freaks that the Commander made. I still can’t believe some of them managed to escape.” Sara added.

     “I think that nasty little man planned out everything he did, and those things that got out were designed to get out and cause trouble, I just think the Commander planned on you not being around to stop them.” Hypatia smiled.

     “No, I think he was planning on me becoming one of them, or my DNA becoming the main part of them.” Sara said with a shudder as she thought about some of the things her and Prue had to fight back in the men in blacks base the day the Commander set them all free.

     “Things are running much smoother with Karl in charge.” Hypatia pointed out. “Even the demon world seems happier with a new person in charge.” Hypatia added.

     “Once Karl saw Prue fighting alongside his men, and she wasn’t trying to drink everyone in sight, he realised that not all vamps are evil. The blood banks he set up helps to keep them under control as well.” Sara smiled “Crap! I better get a move on, or I’ll be late for my shift at the cafe.” Sara said when she saw the time.

     “I must warn you that I’ve been hearing some chatter that some of the more old fashioned vamps aren’t happy with going to a blood bank that’s being run by the men in black.” Hypatia said with a frown as they showered.

     “There’s always a small group that aren’t happy with something, but it’s got to be better than the MIB’s trying to catch every vamp they come across.” Sara said as she found herself looking at Hypatia’s body as she showered. Sara found it hard to believe that this woman could turn into the large fire breathing dragon that saved her life a couple of months back. Sara found it even harder to believe that Hypatia was older than time itself.

     “I agree with you, but it might be worth warning Karl to keep an eye on his men, and to let you know if anything weird starts happening.” Hypatia warned Sara. “The last thing we need is another war breaking out so soon after the last trouble.

     “I’ll get word to him the next time I mind link to him or one of his men.” Sara said.

    Sara quickly got showed and dried before she morphed into her slayer armour and then touched her belt to blink back to her house so she could then get ready to leave for work with Sheana, Michelle and Josie.

    The other three were all sat in the kitchen with glasses of juice when Sara appeared in the room. Josie was moaning at Michelle over the fact Michelle had talked her into buying a new skirt and shoes that morning.

     “It’s not like I put a gun to your head and told you to buy them or else.” Michelle said in her defence. “I just said they made you look hot, and Sara would love to see you in them with that skirt you saw in the other shop.” Michelle added with a smirk as she looked over at Sheana trying not to giggle as she went red faced.

     “Did you go spending your hard earned money on things to look hot for me?” Sara asked with a pout as she slid onto Josie’s knee after morphing back to her normal look.

    Josie was Jo with a ring on that Sheana charmed to help Jo get a job working at the cafe they all worked at as a cover for the secret room in the basement where they kept an eye on the men in black, and the town for any signs of trouble.

     “Yes I did, but only because she tricked me into doing it.” Josie whined as she pointed at Michelle sat on the other side of the table.

     “Think yourself lucky you got to go shopping.” Sara said. “Try spending your morning training with a cranky old dragon.” Sara added with a sigh as she rested her head on Josie’s shoulder. “I really do hate this time of the month.” Sara groaned. “All I want to do is take a hot shower and then spend the rest of the day vegging out on the sofa.”

    Sara lost all her slayer power at that time of the month when all women felt like they could rip the heads of anyone that looked at them in the wrong way, the trouble Sara had was she could if she didn’t lose her powers for the couple of days her period lasted. Sara was hoping to be back to her old self by Monday for school.

    Sheana was having hers at the same time, and that was why she’d gone shopping with Michelle and Josie instead of blinking over to Hypatia’s. Sheana could blink over there still with the use of her Black Witch disguise, but Sara couldn’t see the point of Sheana getting bored as she watched Sara do some basic training with Hypatia.

    Hypatia had made Sara go over there and do some training while she was without her powers, so she would be able to defend herself if she ever had to do battle with a vampire or other demon again at this time of the month when she was at her weakest. Sara had already been crippled once by a vampire called Spike, but she’d healed from that when her powers returned. Hypatia wanted Sara to not be dependent on her slayer powers all the time, so she had started this training session every month when her period hit.

     “If you don’t feel up to going in today, I’m sure the three of us can cover for you sis.” Sheana said with worry in her voice for Sara trying to do too much.

     “I’ll be fine.” Sara smiled. “Someone has to keep an eye on this little trouble maker.” She added with a giggle as she wrapped her arms around Josie and then kissed her while rubbing one of her nipples through the bra Josie was wearing.

    Josie let out a groan as she loved it when Sara did that to her, but she was soon groaning for another reason when Sara suddenly stopped and then jumped off Josie’s knee to go and get ready for work.

     “That was just mean.” Josie said with a pout.

     “I know.” Sara giggled. “But I love it when you pout like that.” Sara added as she leaned down and gave Josie a kiss before she skipped off out the kitchen and went up to her bedroom to get changed.

    Sara, Sheana, Michelle and Josie were just about to leave the house when they heard the front door open and then Jenna came skipping into the house with Prue and Sandy following behind with some bags of shopping.

     “Hi Jen bear!” Sara shouted as she picked the little girl up and kissed her on the cheek. “Is that another new dolly?” Sara asked when she saw the doll Jenna had in her hand.

     “Hi Sara’s. Yes Sandy buy it fours me.” Jenna grinned as she held up the doll for Sara to get a better look at.

     “If my sister buys you any more dolls, we will need a bigger bedroom just to keep them in.” Sara giggled.

     “I not have dat many yet.” Jenna said it like Sara was just being silly now.

     “No you don’t, not yet, but at this rate it won’t be long before you have.” Sara said just before she kissed Jenna on the cheek again and then placed her back on the ground. “Hi Sandy, Prue. Do you need a hand with the shopping?” Sara asked as she saw the two of them wander into the kitchen with the first lot of shopping.

     “That would be great if you could.” Sandy said in a strained voice as she placed her shopping bags down on the floor. “You have no idea how much food we need to buy these days to feed us all.” Sandy added as she leaned against the counter top to get her breath back.

     “I can handle it if you four need to get going.” Prue said looking just fine as she placed her bags of shopping down. Being a vampire, she didn’t get tired as quick as Sandy.

     “We’ve got a little time yet, and we all need to do our little bit to help out around here.” Sara said as she followed the others out to Sandy’s car to retrieve some of the many bags that filled the trunk.

    Jenna was already sat at the kitchen table with a drink and a chocolate biscuit when they returned with the rest of the shopping bags, while Sandy had already made a start on putting the shopping away.

     “Thanks for the help sis.” Sandy said as she gave Sara a hug. “How you feeling now anyway?” Sandy asked with a pout, as she knew it was Sara’s time of the month and she knew how crappy it made her feel when it was hers.

     “I’ve felt better, but I’m hoping that keeping busy will help keep my mind off it.” Sara said as she hugged Sandy back. “We better get going, or we’ll miss the bus into the town centre.” Sara said when she saw the time was getting on.

     “I still don’t understand why you don’t just blink over there and save the bus fare?” Sandy shrugged.

     “We probably would, but Sheana is also on her period, so we can’t blink anywhere at the minute, not unless I morphed into the slayer and take us one at a time, or Sheana morphed into her black witch armour, and you know what mum said about using our powers like that.” Sara reminded her sister.

     “Right, I keep forgetting about that.” Sandy said as she slapped a hand to her forehead.

     “Don’t worry about it, you’re blonde, so we’ll let you off this time.” Sara said with a grin.

     “You’re just as blonde as I am.” Sandy pointed out as she pulled her younger sister into a hug.

     “Some would say I’m blonder.” Sara giggled as Sandy hugged her.

     “You’ll get no argument from me on that one baby sister.” Sandy giggled as she finally let Sara go, but not before kissing her on the cheek. “Have a good time at the cafe, and no making the boys cry this week.” Sandy warned.

     “I never made the boy cry last weekend!” Sara whined. “I just made his eyes water, and he asked for it when he slapped Josie’s backside.

     “True, but did you really need to pick him up off the ground by his privates?” Sandy asked with a pained look, even though she had no idea what it must feel like to have that done.

     “No, but it made Josie and I feel better.” Sara smiled.

    Josie had been serving a table in her section of the cafe when a boy slapped her on the backside and Josie had spun around as she went to punch him for doing it, but she’d forgotten that she wasn’t Jo at the minute. The boy had easily grabbed her little balled up fist and then spun her around and wrapped his arm around her as he tried to whisper something in her ear while reaching up with his hand to fondle one of her breasts.

     “Don’t fight it baby, you know you want me.” The boy breathed in her ear.

     “Let go of me you asshole!” Josie growled as she tried to get away from him, but the boy was almost a foot taller than Josie. She did manage to slap his hand way from her breasts though.

     “Don’t be like that baby.” The boy said in a soft voice as he tried to place his hand back on her breast.

     “She said let go, and I think it’s time you and your friends left.” Sara’s voice said from just behind the boy holding Josie.

     “Go wash some dishes; can’t you see we’re busy here?” The boy said in a dismissive tone as he looked over his shoulder at Sara.

     “I said let go!” Sara growled as she grabbed the boy’s hand and pulled it away from Josie’s body, spinning Josie free of the boy as he spun around to face Sara now.

     “You’re really beginning to piss me off now little girl.” The boy growled as he looked down at Sara thinking he had the upper hand.

     “Let’s see if I can really piss you off then.” Sara growled back as she grabbed the boy’s crotch and started to squeeze it as she lifted him off the ground making him let out a very girlie squeal.”Stop screaming and listen.” Sara said as she used her mind power to compel him to listen.

    The boy stopped screaming, even though he still had a pained look on his face.

     “You and your friends will leave this place, and you will never want to come back here again, or treat a girl like that.” Sara ordered as she looked the boy in the eyes. “Now say you’re sorry, leave a nice sized tip, and then get out of my sight.” Sara added as she gave his groin another squeeze.

    The boy and his friend quickly left some money on the table and then left the cafe as quick as they could. A couple of the boy’s friends looked back at Sara like she was psycho, but none of them were brave enough to call it her to her face. Sara could read it in their minds, but couldn’t very well attack them for that, not without more questions being asked, and the boy whose groin she’d just crushed had already been looking at her weird when she compelled him to stop screaming and listen.

     “I’d have crushed his privates.” Josie said, snapping Sara back from the memory of dealing with the boy from the weekend before.

     “Well just remember that you’re only as strong as the rest of us at the minute.” Sandy said with some worry in her voice.

     “That’s not totally true.” Sara smiled as she showed Sandy the finger with the ring on that Sheana had charmed with extra strength. “I do have this to use in an emergency.” She grinned.

     “I know, but it’s still not even close to the power you have as the slayer, and remember what mum said about you picking fights with people.

     “I know, I know, but I wasn’t going to just stand around and let that creep molest my boyfriend.” Sara grumbled.

     “Hey! I wasn’t your boyfriend at the time.” Josie shot back looking shocked. “Don’t go saying stuff like that.” She added in her musical voice that never made her sound angry, even when she was. That was one part about being Josie that Jo really did hate, and no matter how many times he begged them to make her sound a little less air headed, they never did anything about it.

     “Okay, he was molesting my girlfriend.” Sara said with a roll of her eyes. “Better for you baby?” Sara asked with a grin.

     “Much.” Josie said with a sarcastic smile. “Now can we get a move on before we end up being late?” She added in that same air head sounding voice.

     “Okay, don’t get your panties in a twist.” Sara grinned. “I sometimes wonder if you just like to tease the boys.” Sara added with a giggle when she saw Josie turning red with anger.

     “I only do all this for you.” Josie pointed out as she looked down at her body over her breasts. “I’ve even been brainwashed into buying clothes that make me look sexy for you.” Josie added in a strained voice that made it sound like she was losing her mind.

     “You’re not telling me that you don’t enjoy being Josie just a little bit?” Sara teased as she walked over and wrapped her arms around Josie’s waist as she looked deep into her eyes.

     “That’s not the point.” Josie tried to argue. She went to say more, but Sara just shut her up by kissing her.

     “I love you.” Sara purred. “Both as Josie and Jo.” Sara added with a smile as she licked her lips, tasting the strawberry lip gloss Josie had used. “Why don’t we all go out to the movies this evening, and you can show me these new shoes and skirt you bought for me?” Sara asked.

     “I like the idea of going to the movies, but it will have to be as Jo, because I won’t have enough juice left in the ring to go out looking like this.” Josie pointed out. “I’ve been using the ring all morning to go shopping remember.” Josie sighed.

     “That still sounds like a fun idea.” Sara smiled. “Do the two of you fancy going to see a movie this evening?” Sara asked as she looked at Sheana and Michelle.

     “That sounds like fun.” Sheana grinned.

     “I’ve got no problem with it.” Michelle agreed.

    So with their plans made they all said goodbye to Sandy, Prue and Jenna before they left the house and made their way up the road to the bus stop.

     “You know we could have just used the phone app that Sheana made for us.” Josie pointed out as they walked up the road.

     “Yes we could, but remember what mother said about us not relying on magic all the time.” Sara reminded Josie. “We’ve already had some strange looks from people looking at us all wandering down from the flat above the cafe, we can’t afford to have people work out we’re using magic to get to work.” Sara added.

     “True, I hadn’t thought of that.” Josie agreed. “What about when we knock off at the end of our shift?” Josie asked.

     “We’ll use the phone app then because we’ll be down in the basement when we use it, and it will bring us out in my bedroom so we can get changed.” Sara smiled. “That’s just as long as there’s no trouble I need to go and sort out.” Sara added.

     “I thought you agreed to let Prue handle anything this weekend while you got over your monthlies.” Josie whispered as they were close to the bus stop, and there were a couple of people already stood waiting for the bus.

     “You never know when Prue might need my help.” Sara said in a hurt tone.

     “I’m not sure you’d be that much help if Prue couldn’t handle it, not at the minute.” Josie frowned. “I think you’d just be in the way.” Josie said with worry in her voice.

    Jo had been worried about Sara going out as the slayer when she was on her period ever since Spike managed to break her spine the first time it happened.

     “I’ve been working with Tia to make sure that doesn’t happen again, and Spike’s dust now, so I don’t need to worry about that happening again.” Sara pointed out in an angry whisper.

     “Please just take this one weekend off and let’s go out and do some stuff like a group of normal teenagers.” Josie pleaded.

     “That sound funny coming from a girl that is also my boyfriend.” Sara giggled.

     “Tell me about it.” Josie frowned again. “You should try it from my end.” She added.

     “I did for fourteen years remember?” Sara said. “I’m much happier as I am now thank you very much.” Sara added with a grin.

     “So am I.” Josie smiled, but really she just wanted to throw her arms around Sara’s neck and kiss her. “I want to kiss you so badly right now.” Josie mumbled as they got closer to the bus stop.

     “That would give the locals something to talk about.” Sara grinned.

    They waited for the bus and then all went up stairs to the top deck when it arrived and were soon getting off and walking up the high street to the cafe and getting started on their serving and making of drinks. Michelle spent most her time doing IT work on the machines, and also making sure no one was trying to do anything to illegal on the computers.

    Sara spent her shift monitoring the games rooms, but nothing bad happened, other than a couple of boys shouting at each other when one said the other was cheating, but it was soon sorted out when Sara gave them another hour, as it was towards the end of the day and no one else wanted to use the room. The two boys left at the end of the night and left Sara a nice tip for letting them carry on playing.

    They helped to close up the cafe and then went up to the flat and then used their phone apps to blink down to the private room in the basement where they found Prue and Samantha already down there looking at the MIB’s system to see if anything was happening.

     “Hi girls, everything is clear, so you can head home and have a fun night at the movies.” Samantha said with a smile as she scanned the computer screens for any sign of trouble.

     “Are you sure you don’t want me to hang around just in case there’s trouble later?” Sara asked.

     “We’ll call if we need you, but I think I can handle anything that comes up, if anything comes up that the MIB’s can’t handle.” Prue said. “You go out and have some fun with your friends.” Prue added in a bossy big sister way.

     “Okay.” Sara said with a sigh. “We’ll see you back at home later then.” Sara said as she got her phone out and punched in a number before saying home into it. There was a glowing blue mist coming out of the phone just before Sara was gone.

    Josie, Sheana and Michelle all did the same thing and they too vanished from the room.

    The four of them had returned home and then had some dinner while they waited for Josie’s ring to wear off and Jo to return. It took just under an hour for the spell cast by Jo wearing the ring to wear off and that gave them just enough time to have some dinner.

    Once Jo was back to his old self, and they had enjoyed some dinner with Karen, Sandy and Jenna, the four of them promised not to be out to late just before going up to the bedroom and then using the phone app to blink them to the alley just behind the cinema. Sara had scanned the area with her mind and couldn’t sense anyone in the area, so they knew it to be safe to blink there.

    Jo grabbed the tickets for them all, while Sara, Sheana and Michelle got them all some sweets, popcorn and drinks.

     “This is a nice change.” Sara said with a sigh as she cuddled up next to Jo towards the back of the cinema with Sheana and Michelle cuddled up together next to them. It was dark enough that no one could see the two girls cuddled up to each other.

    Sheana had made another ring for Michelle to wear when they went out places, so they could do things as a boy girl couple, but Michelle preferred to remain as Michelle, and Sheana seemed to like it that way as well.

    The movie was alright and they had a good laugh at it, but Sara knew something was wrong the minute they stepped out the cinema and a police car and an ambulance went screaming past them.

     “I better call Sammi and find out what’s happened.” Sara said as she pulled her phone out her pocket and called Samantha.

     “You reached Slayer central, Samantha speaking, how may I help you?” Samantha asked in a cheesy American voice.

     “Hey Sammi, what’s going on? We’ve just had the police and the paramedics go shooting past the cinema.” Sara asked Samantha as she tried not to giggle at the silly way Samantha answered the phone.

     “Someone reported an animal attack, but we’re not sure if it might have been a vampire attack.” Samantha explained. Prue’s gone to see what she can find out, and I’m keeping an eye on the MIB’s as well, as I’m sure Karl already has the down low on what’s happened.” Samantha said using more American slang.

     “Do you want me to change and go back Prue up?” Sara asked.

     “Police are all over it, and I’m sure you’ll hear from Karl or Prue if it’s that bad.” Samantha said not sounding to worried about it. “How was the movie?” She asked.

     “It was good, but I’m ready for my bed now, what with training all morning with Tia and then working at the cafe all afternoon.” Sara groaned.

     “You should learn to take it easy when you’re not all super powered up on your slayer powers.” Samantha warned her in a caring way.

     “Yes mum.” Sara whined sarcastically. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow then Sammi. Night.” Sara said just before she ended the call and then made her way back down the alley so they could all blink home.

    They all blinked into Sara’s bedroom and then made their way down stairs to find Karen and Sandy sat watching a movie on TV with Jenna fast asleep draped across their knees.

     “She didn’t want to go to bed on her own.” Karen said when she saw Sara looking down at Jenna.

     “Do you want me to carry her up to bed for you now then mum?” Sara asked with a smile as she looked down at Jenna fast asleep.

     “That would be nice if you could sweetie.” Karen smiled up at her daughter. “Did you all have a nice time?” Karen asked as she watched Sara lift Jenna up in her arms.

     “Yes, the movie was good, and the popcorn really yummy.” Sheana grinned. They had realised some time back that Sheana really did love popcorn.

     “Do you want me to drive you home Jo?” Sandy asked. “We saw on the news that there was an animal attack this evening, so I’m not sure how safe it is to be walking around out there.” Sandy added with a worried look.

     “If you give me a couple of minutes to get this little monster upstairs, I’ll come with you.” Sara said as she indicated Jenna as being the monster, not that she looked like a monster at the minute; Angel would be a better name for her.

     “I’ll take her up for you Sara.” Michelle said as she stepped over and let Sara place a still sleeping Jenna into her arms so her and Sheana could take Jenna up to bed while Sara went with Sandy and Jo.

     “Have you had any contact with Prue tonight?” Sandy asked as she drove Jo home.

     “No, but that’s the second MIB van I’ve seen, so I’m beginning to think that there is a little more to this animal attack than the news is telling everyone.” Sara said. “I’ll link up with her now and see what she’d found out.” Sara added just before she reached out with her mind and made contact with Prue.

   &nbsp:“Prue? You got time to talk?” Sara thought to Prue once she felt their minds link up.

   &nbsp: “Hi Sara, thought I’d be hearing from you.” Prue thought back. “I guess you’ve heard about the attack then?” Prue asked.

   &nbsp: “Yes, I called Sammi when we came out the cinema and she told us about it, what have you been able to find out?” Sara asked.

   &nbsp: “Not much, there’s a weird smell at the scene, but nothing like I’ve ever smelt before.” Prue explained. “Some of Karl’s men were there, so they let me take a closer look and get a good sniff of the scene.” Prue added sounding happy that she was now classed as one of the good guys.

   &nbsp: “Do you think it might be one of the escaped freaks from section six?” Sara asked.

   &nbsp: “That would be my first guess, but it wasn’t trying to kill the boy it attacked. From what I’ve heard a couple of witnesses say, the animal was trying to stop the boy getting hit by a car when he ran out into the road.” Prue told Sara what she knew.

   &nbsp: “Doesn’t sound like the normal MO for a section six freak.” Sara said sounding puzzled. “How’s the boy doing now?” Sara asked.

   &nbsp: “He lost some blood and had a nasty set of bite marks on his arm, according to Karl’s men. He’s been taken to the hospital, but he doesn’t seem to be in any danger.” Prue said with some relief in her voice.

   &nbsp: “See if you can find out the boy’s name, and I’ll go and check up on him tomorrow before we go to the cafe.” Sara asked.

   &nbsp: “I’ve already got that info for you.” Prue thought back sounding a little smug. “They said his name is Neal Atkinson.”

   &nbsp: “Neal Atkinson?” Sara asked sounding a little shocked.

   &nbsp: “Yes, do you know him?” Prue asked.

   &nbsp: “Yes, he’s in my year at school.” Sara replied. “He’s always been a bit on the quiet side, but an okay guy.” Sara added.

   &nbsp: “That will make it easier for you to go see him then, and find out what he can tell us about the animal that attacked him.” Prue pointed out.

   &nbsp: “Do you want me to morph and come out hunting with you?” Sara asked.

   &nbsp: “No, nothing to hunt. I lost the trail some time back, and was thinking of heading home myself. The MIB’s seem to have the vamp situation covered.” Prue thought back with a sigh.

   &nbsp: “Okay, we’ll see you back at home, Sandy and I are just driving Jo home. Sheana and Michelle were putting Jenna to bed when we came out.” Sara informed Prue.

   &nbsp: “Sounds like I get to have a nice relaxing night then.” Prue said with a smile in her voice. “I’ll see you back at the house then, Prue signing off.” Prue thought just before Sara ended the link, but always kept a thin thread connected, just in case Prue ever ran into trouble, not that they did now Karl was in charge, and Prue was treated as a VIP, just like the slayer and the black witch were whenever their paths crossed with those of the MIB.

     “Is everything alright sis?” Sandy asked sounding worried. “You were spaced out for some time just then.” She added.

     “Yes, Prue’s on her way back to the house, but a boy in my year at school was the one that got attacked.” Sara explained.

     “What was his name?” Jo asked from the back seat.

     “Neal Atkinson.” Sara said.

     “Neal? Is he okay?” Jo asked.

     “Prue said he just got a nasty gash on his arm from where the animal bit him, but she said that some of the witnesses said it looked like the animal was trying to save his life when he was nearly hit by a car.” Sara said with shrug.

     “Do you think it was an escaped freak from section six?” Jo asked. “Not that it sounds like one of them if it was trying to save a life, those things just take them.” Jo mumbled with a shudder as he thought about some of the things Sara, Sheana and Prue had done battle with in the past month.

     “Prue said it had a weird smell to it, so it sounds like it could be, but I don’t understand why it would be trying to save someone and not just trying to kill like the others we’ve tracked down.” Sara said sounding puzzled. “I told Prue we’d call in at the hospital and see how Neal is doing, and see what we can find out about the animal that attacked him.” Sara added.

     “I have some classes with him, and we’ve talked a little, but Neal isn’t the most talkative guy in school, so this could be a little tricky.” Jo warned.

     “Well it’s a good job I don’t need to just listen to what comes out of his mouth then.” Sara grinned as she referred to her being able to read minds.

     “That mind reading gift of yours still freaks me out at times you know.” Jo said looking nervous.

     “You sound like a person with something to hide.” Sara pouted. “Are you keeping secrets from me baby?” Sara asked with another pout.

     “No, but it doesn’t stop me worrying every time I walk past a girl and think she looks cute, then I panic and wonder if you might have heard my thoughts and overreact to it.” Jo explained.

     “Just how many times do you see these cute girls?” Sara asked with a little anger in her voice.

     “He’s a teenage boy sis; he thinks all girls are cute.” Sandy giggled as she tried to stop Sara getting mad with Jo over something as silly as this.

     “I may think other girls look cute, but I think you’re the most beautiful girl in the world.” Jo said laying on a heavy dose of compliments to try and make Sara feel better about what he was saying. “I have chocolate as well.” Jo added with a smile as he pulled a chocolate bar out his pocket and smiled at Sara nervously.

    Sara started to giggle when she saw the nervous smile on Jo’s face. “I don’t mind you thinking other girls are cute; just don’t let me hear you telling other girls that they're cute.” Sara said as she took the bar of chocolate and grinned as she ripped it open and broke a chunk off and handed it back to Jo before she did it again and handed it to Sandy before she finally took a piece for herself.

    “Do you always carry bars of chocolate around with you Jo?” Sandy asked as she looked at him in the rear view mirror.

     “Only when I know what time of the month it is.” Jo grinned back as he looked at Sara happily munching on a piece of chocolate.

     “I like the way you think, but with a house full of hormonal women, you must always have a bar in your pocket ready to tame the savage beast?” Sandy asked with a giggle.

     “I do, but it’s better than getting my head bit off.” Jo said as he watched Sara bite of a chunk of the chocolate bar and start chewing on it.

    Sara was like any other girl at this time of the month, but she had learned to not fly off the handle at Jo or any of the others when she was like this, and she found that chocolate helped a lot as well.

    They dropped Jo off at home and then made their way back to the house where Sara found Prue already there sat talking to Karen. Sheana and Michelle were already in bed, but they were both still awake. Sara got ready for bed and brushed her teeth before she too was in bed cuddling up to the others. Sara felt Prue get on the bed a little later in her wolf form just before sleep overtook her.

    Jo arrived the next morning and they all left the house to go and see Neal Atkinson at the hospital to find out what he remembered about the animal that attacked him. Jo had the ring with him that would turn him into a fully clothed version of Josie today, so they could go straight to the cafe once they were done at the hospital.

    Kimmie and Susan were both at the hospital when they arrived. Kimmie helped out around the place because of her mum working there as a nurse, and Susan had started going to the hospital and helping out just like Kimmie did. Susan had really changed since she had the run in with Spike, and Sara had to fix the damage that Spike did when he’d compelled her to leave the Slayer a message at school.

    Spike had left a link into Susan’s mind which Sara found and then forced him to close it after Sara found out she could get into his mind through someone he was linked to. Sara had later killed spike after she as the Slayer and Hypatia tricked Spike’s girlfriend Drusilla into using some cursed crystals that trapped her within their crystal form.

     “Hi! What brings all of you to the hospital?” Kimmie asked.

     “Hi Kimmie, Susan.” Sara smiled as she gave each of them a hug. “We heard about Neal getting attacked last night, and we just wanted to make sure he was okay before we went to work.” Sara explained their reason for calling in.

     “Oh wow, he was so lucky that dog didn’t take his arm off.” Susan said sounding shocked.

     “Have either of you seen how bad he was attacked?” Sara asked.

     “No, but we did hear some of the doctors talking about him needing skin grafts first thing this morning, but now they say it wasn’t as bad as they first thought.” Kimmie told them. “They now say he won’t even need stitches.” She added with a shrug.

     “You know how doctors like to overreact to things, and a couple of nurses did tell us there was a lot of blood when he was brought in.” Susan pointed out.

     “Do you know what room he’s in?” Jo asked. “I’d like to tell him to get well soon.” Jo added as a reason for them wanting to see him.

     “Kimmie and I will walk you down there; we need to take this trolley to a ward just past Neal’s room anyway.” Susan said as she started pushing a trolley.

    Kimmie and Susan showed them to Neal’s room and then carried on down the hallway while Jo knocked on the door and waited for a boy’s voice to tell them to come in.

     “Hey Neal, how you doing mate?” Jo asked as he entered the room first.

     “Hi Jo, I’ve been better.” Neal sighed as he held up both his arms to show Jo that he had been bitten on both his arms.

     “What were you doing out at that time in that area, and did you get a look at the animal that attacked you?” Jo asked as he cringed at the bandages on both of Neal’s arms.

     “One was a wolf of some sort, and the other thing looked like something out of a horror movie.” Neal said with a shake of his head like he was having trouble believing it all himself. “I know how weird this is going to sound, but I swear the wolf was trying to protect me from the other thing.”

    Sara got a quick flash of a man trying to hit Neal before it was gone again. “What did this other thing look like?” Sara asked trying to sound more nervous than interested as she tried to focus on the animals more than the fact she thought Neal was being beaten by his father, or some other man that lived in the same house as she didn’t get a vibe that said the man was Neal’s father.

     “It looked a little like a vampire from some sci-fi movie.” Neal tried to explain. “It had fangs and the weird eyes, but it had wires and metal plates all over it as well.” He added. I thought it was that movie company that sent that other wolf and the babe in the red leather cat suit, but then this vampire thing tried to take a bite out of my arm.” Neal looked to be deep in thought as he replayed what happened out in his mind.

    Sara took this chance to look in Neal’s mind and see what happened, and what the two animals looked like, so she had a better idea of what she was looking for.

    Neal was making his way along a footpath when he’d heard something following, but when he looked there was nothing there, so he turned to carry on walking home when he suddenly came face to face with the vampire thing he’d just told them about. Sara could see that it had the same metal plates and wires that Prue’s clone had, but not quite as many though.

    The vampire cyborg lunged at Neal in his memory and then took a bite out if his arm when Neal raised it to defend himself. Just before the vampire cyborg could do anymore damage to him though the wolf leapt past Neal and slammed into the vampire thing and knocking him to the ground before it turned to look at Neal. Sara was a little confused when she saw that Neal remembered hearing a woman’s voice in his head telling him to run.

    Confused and in some pain from the bite on his arm, Neal did as he was told, and he started to run until he was out on the road where he stopped and looked back to see if the vampire thing was still after him, but he couldn’t see anything, not until he saw the headlights of a car coming right at him, but just before the car hit him, he was pulled out the way by the white wolf pulling on his other arm.

    Sara saw Neal looking up at the wolf and seeing a set of human looking sad eyes looking down at him from the wolf, and then she heard the woman say she was sorry he got hurt just before the wolf was gone again.

     “To bad the sexy babe in red leather didn’t turn up to save you.” Jo said trying to play down just how serious this was.

     “I was grateful that the wolf showed up to save me twice.” Neal sighed just before he winced at the pain in his arms. “I tried to tell the police all this, but they said that it must have been the shock from being attacked that left my mind confused.” Neal frowned.

     “It does sound a little crazy though Neal.” Jo shrugged. “Maybe it’s for the best if you just leave it as an animal attack.” Jo added.

     “I plan to do just that, and it turned out to be less dreadful than they first thought anyway.” Neal smiled. “They thought I’d need surgery to get feeling back in my hands, but everything is fine now, and they say I’m healing pretty quickly as well.” Neal grinned.

     “When do they think you’ll be out of here and back at school?” Sara asked.

     “I’m hoping to be home later today, and I can’t see why I won’t be at school tomorrow.” Neal said as he flexed his hands to show them that he was fine again now.

    Sara only knew of two things that healed as fast as Neal was, one was a demon/vampire, and the other was her, so Sara was worried Neal might be turning into a vampire, but Prue had told her that only drinking human vampire or demon blood and then dying with it in your system could turn you, but she saw from Neal’s memories of the night before that he didn’t do any of that, so she needed to have a word with Prue and Hypatia, to find out what might have happened to him. She also knew she’d need to keep an eye on him for the time being, to make sure he didn’t start trying to eat people.

    They all stopped and talked about school stuff among other things for another ten minutes before Sara, Sheana and Michelle said they needed to get to work. Jo said he’d walk them out, even though he was going to work as well, or Josie was.

    Jo ducked into one of the toilets they had in the hospital and no one noticed Jo go in, but Josie come out and carry on walking down the hallway. They did bump into Kimmie and Susan again though.

     “Hi Josie, what happened to Jo?” Kimmie asked as she looked at them all, noticing that Jo wasn’t with them now.

     “Don’t you know?” Sara asked in a creepy voice. “We’re all witches and we turned Jo into Josie.” Sara whispered in the same creepy voice, just before she started grinning.

     “If you are witches, then I need to complement you on your powers being able to turn Jo into something that good looking.” Susan said looking impressed.

     “What are you trying to say about my boyfriend?” Sara asked in a hurt tone.

     “I didn’t mean it like that Sara” Susan said as she raised her hands to show Sara she didn’t mean anything nasty by her comment. “I just mean Josie is such a cute little thing.” Susan added with a flustered look. “It’s kind of a silly thing to argue about anyway, because we all know that Josie isn’t Jo under some magic spell.” Susan pointed out.

     “True, but I’d be very careful about calling her cute Susan, She has been known to... You know...” Sara trailed off with a grin as she started walking again, leaving Susan to wonder just what she meant by that last statement.

    Josie gave Susan a nervous smile before she ran off to catch up with Sara and find out what she was playing at. Sheana and Michelle just smiled before they also ran off to catch up with Sara and Josie.

     “Sara! What the hell was all that about? Telling them about the spell and who I really am.” Josie said in an angry whisper, or what Josie hoped sounded like an angry whisper in her cute high female voice.

     “Relax Josie, what are the odds on them believing any of that?” Sara asked as she waved off Josie’s worries. “It worked and stopped them asking anymore questions about what happened to Jo didn’t it?” Sara added with a grin.

     “What would you have done if they had believed you?” Josie tried to argue.

     “I’d laugh at them, and they’d have felt foolish about it.” Sara shrugged.

     “And what about the fact you practically called me a lesbian in front of them.” Josie asked as she made her voice go even higher than it normally was which made Sara cringe a little.

     “Well you are.” Sara smirked. “Unless you have something you need to tell me?” Sara asked with a grin.

    Josie went to say something and then stopped just before she let out a growl and stormed off in front of Sara trying to look mad, but Sara couldn’t help giggling as she thought Josie looked cute when she tried to look angry.

     “Will Jo be alright sis?” Sheana asked as she watched Josie walking away from them still looking angry as she walked.

     “Jo’s fine, but I think Josie’s a little upset with me at the minute.” Sara smiled.

     “You know what I mean sis.” Sheana frowned. “I think you might have gone a little too far with the comment about Josie being into girls.” Sheana pointed out.

     “I guess you could be right, but I didn’t want them asking too many questions about Jo not being with us.” Sara explained her reason for saying what she did.

     “Well I think it worked.” Michelle giggled. “I’m just worried about Susan ever being able to close her mouth again. Did you see how far it fell open when she worked out what you were getting at?” Michelle asked with more giggles.

     “It’s not often you see Susan short of something to say.” Sara giggled. “I better go and smooth things out with my girlfriend then.” Sara added with a sigh as they looked over to where Josie was now stood waiting for the bus to take them into town and work at the cafe.

     “I’m sorry if I embarrassed you Josie.” Sara pouted as she stepped up to Josie and wrapped her arms around her as she rested her head on Josie’s shoulder. “Please forgive me.” Sara said as she looked at Josie with sad looking eyes as she lifted her head up again.

    Sara saw that Josie was trying not to grin, but it wasn’t working. “I want to be mad with you.” Josie grumbled as she playfully slapped Sara on the arm just before she started giggling. “The look on Susan’s face though was priceless.” Josie giggled.

     “Does this mean I’ve forgiven then?” Sara asked with a grin.

     “Yes, but I’m not going to forget this, and I will get you back in some way.” Josie warned with a grin.

    The bus arrived and they climbed onboard and found a group of empty seats near the back before any of them spoke about what Neal had just told them back at the hospital.

     “What do you think of Neal’s story about what happened to him?” Michelle asked in a whisper.

    Sara decided it would be best to open a mind link and chat that way, so they didn’t have anyone listening in. Even though they weren’t as worried about the men in black now with Karl in charge, none of them wanted to start waving a flag to say who they were and that one of the group was the slayer.

   &nbsp: “Everything Neal told us was the truth.” Sara said once they were all linked. “I saw it all play out in his mind as he told us, and he was right about the wolf saving him from the other one, but there was something else, it was like the wolf was talking to him.” Sara tried to explain.

   &nbsp: “You mean the wolf could talk?” Jo’s voice asked

   &nbsp: “Yes, but not with its lips, more like what we’re doing now.” Sara said sounding confused about it. “It was like I knew the voice, it was a woman’s voice, and when I saw the wolf’s eyes they looked human.” Sara added.

   &nbsp: “Do you think it might have been another clone of Prue, but one that is stuck in wolf form?” Michelle asked. “Maybe they managed to tap into part of the gift Jenna has, it must run in the family.” Michelle asked with a shrug to her voice.

   &nbsp: “No the woman’s voice wasn’t Prue’s, but it was like I knew it from somewhere, and then there was the other one, the vampire cyborg looking things, that was male, and he looked like I’d seen him before as well.” Sara said as she brought up an image of what she’d seen in Neal’s mind from the attack.

   &nbsp: “I can’t say I know them from anywhere, but I can’t say I hang out with many vampires.” Jo’s voice said.

   &nbsp: “I think I remember the vampire male sis.” Sheana said sounding thoughtful as she said it.

   &nbsp: “Where from?” Sara asked sounding excited.

   &nbsp: “I think it was the first night we went out in our disguises and we came across a male and a female couple of friendly vampires.” Sheana explained where she remembered the male vampire from. “They were both really friendly and wished us good hunting, do you remember?” Sheana asked.

   &nbsp: “That’s it!” Sara shouted, making the other three suddenly jump and Michelle let out a small squeal that made the other people on the bus turn and look in their direction.

    Josie had to bury her head in her hands as she tried to stop herself from bursting out in a fit of giggles as Michelle just sat there blushing.

   &nbsp: “Sorry.” Sara thought to Michelle sheepishly. Sara was soon trying not to giggle as Michelle sent her an image of her hitting Sara over the head with a large foam mallet. “Okay, I’ll consider myself told off.” Sara thought back with a giggle.

   &nbsp: “More of the commander’s work I gather?” Jo asked with a growl. “Have I said how much I hated that man?” He added.

   &nbsp: “You may have mentioned it once or twice.” Sara thought back as she rolled her eyes while looking at Josie with her arms folded across her chest, which just made her breast look bigger as she pushed them up. Josie was soon unfolding her arms when she saw Sara look down at her bust and smile.

   &nbsp: “Are we still going to hunt them down and kill them like the rest?” Sheana asked with some doubt in her voice about doing this.

   &nbsp: “I need to have a word with Prue and Hypatia first, but I want to try and catch them both. I have a feeling that the woman even though she’s stuck as a wolf, is still trying to stop her partner from killing.” Sara explained. “I just hope we can catch them both and then do something to help undo what the Commander and his team of psycho’s did to them both.” Sara added with anger in her voice.

   &nbsp: “I was talking with Sammi, and she’s been looking over that data we got from section six when Karl got in there, and she said that it shouldn’t be hard to remove the cyber parts, and the vampire natural healing should do the rest.” Michelle said sounding positive. “I’m not sure about the wolf woman though.” Michelle added.

   &nbsp: “I should be able to undo whatever that is with a spell.” Sheana said.

   &nbsp: “So all we need is for me to get back to full strength and then catch the two of them.” Sara explained her part of the plan. “What could be easier?” She asked sarcastically.

    The bus arrived in the town and they all got off and made their way to the cafe and then got changed into their uniforms before they started serving and keeping an eye on the computers and the games rooms. The cafe had proved to be a popular place for the kids from school to hang out, but most knew to behave themselves, and Sara used her mind control to stop the others from starting any trouble. Lucky she didn’t have to use it very often, and the only time she’d got angry enough to use force was with the creep that had hold of Josie the Sunday before.

    Thankfully this Sunday was a lot quieter and they had a trouble free day apart from people talking about the animal attack, and how some boy had had both arms ripped off in the attack. Sara and the others said they’d been to see Neal, and he still had both arms, and was going home later in the day.

    They finished their shifts and then got changed before going down to the basement to fill in Prue, Samantha and Hypatia.

    Sara was glad to see that Hypatia was down in the secret room under the cafe when they all got down there. She was helping Samantha to sort through some CCTV footage trying to get an image of the thing that attacked the boy in the hospital. Prue wasn’t down there, but Prue tried to spend as much time with Jenna as she could since they were apart for a week when the Commander and Valeck got their hands on her.

    Valeck was dead now thanks to Sara rescuing Prue and then watching as Prue drove a silver steak through his heart and watched him burn up into dust.

     “We have some info on the animal that attacked that boy, and I can show you what they look like.” Sara said as she sat in one of the empty seats in front of one of the computers in the room.

     “What ‘they’ look like?” Hypatia asked as she picked up on the fact Sara was saying there was more than one.

    Rather than explain everything to Hypatia, she just linked up with her and Samantha before she played them a run through of what Neal had shown her at the hospital.

     “How is the child doing?” Hypatia asked with worry in her voice after she saw that the boy had been bitten twice.

     “He’s doing much better than I thought he would be, and the doctors are talking about letting him go home today.” Sara started to explain. “Have you ever known of someone being turned by just a bite?” Sara asked Hypatia.

     “Not that I can remember, but then I’d never known of anyone doing such drastic experiments on any demons before either.” Hypatia said with a frown. “Why do you ask?”

     “When the boy was admitted last night they were talking about plastic surgery, and whether or not he’d still have use of his hands, but this morning he’s sat up with just some bandages on his arms and he’s being released later in the day.” Sara explained.

     “I do find that a little hard to believe having seen what happened to him just last night.” Hypatia said looking worried now. “Did you get any feelings from him?” Hypatia asked.

     “No, he seemed fine apart from I think he might be getting beaten by his father.” Sara said worriedly.

     “Neal lives with his uncle.” Josie Said. “His Parents were both killed. I heard that Neal was delivered at the scene of the car accident because his mother was dying.” She added with a shrug.

     “Unless you can get Neal to talk about his uncle hitting him Sara, there’s not much we can do to help him.” Hypatia pointed out. “The last thing you need is people asking you questions about how you know such things if this Neal has never spoken about it, unless any of you have seen him with bruises that he can’t explain?” Hypatia asked.

     “I’ve never seen anything.” Josie said.

     “I’m more worried about this accelerated healing and what might be happening to him.” Hypatia said looking to be deep in thought. “I think you should try and get closer to him and see if he starts doing anything weird.” She added after a couple of seconds.

     “That won’t be easy, Neal’s a bit of a loner.” Josie pointed out. “Mike and I tried a couple of times to make friends with him, but he just wouldn’t open up to us, so we gave up.” Josie explained.

     “What about one of you girls showing some interest in him?” Samantha asked.

     “No!” Sara shot back. “I’m not going to lead him on like that, just to crush him later when he finds out it was all a lie.” Sara added.

     “Even if it could save someone’s life at a later date?” Samantha argued.

     “We’ll find some other way to get closer to him, but I’m not going to let myself or one of the others hurt him if we’ve got all this wrong and he’s not changing into something else.” Sara said in a tone that made her choice final.

     “I’m in a lot of the same classes, so I should be able to keep an eye on him and report back if I see him doing anything odd or odder for Neal.” Josie laughed. “He normally acts a little odd.” Josie added. “And I should say that Jo shares a lot of classes with him. I don’t even go to the same school.” Josie grinned looking all innocent.

     “I think our main concern should be tracking down and doing something about these two creatures that did the damage.

     “I want to try and catch them.” Sara said.

     “Why would you want to do that?” Hypatia asked looking a little puzzled.

     “Sheana, Prue and I ran into these two while they were still just vampires, and they both seemed like good vampires, and you saw how the wolf was trying to protect Neal, and the only reason she bit him was to pull him out the way of that car.” Sara explained.

     “If that is the case then the wolf should be easy enough to catch, but what about the other one, he doesn’t look like he cares about whether or not he hurts anyone.” Hypatia asked.

     “Samantha and I were talking the other day about the experiments that they were doing in section six, and we think that we could undo some of the things they were doing.” Michelle said sounding nervous about what she was saying.

     “Do you think you could remove all those machine parts Sammi?” Hypatia asked as she looked at Samantha.

     “I think so, and it would help us to find out if we could help some of them instead of just slaying them all.” Samantha said with a thoughtful look on her face as she was already working out the different ways she could go about trying to help them all.

     “You still need to work out a way to catch it though, and I’m not letting you out to do that until you’ve got your powers back.” Hypatia said it like she was Sara’s mother.

     “I’m feeling much better now, so I was going to go home and grab Prue, then go out on patrol tonight.” Sara said. Before Sara knew what happened she was across Hypatia’s lap being held down while Hypatia rested her hand on Sara’s bottom ready to spank it like she would a naughty child.

     “If that statement was true Sara, then I never would have been able to get you across my lap, so are you sure you want to keep lying to me?” Hypatia said in Sara’s ear. “And remember where you are before you answer, because I will spank you if you keep lying to me.”

     “Okay, I’m still not back at 100% yet.” Sara answered with a sigh. “OUCH!” Sara suddenly screamed out. “What was that for?” Sara asked as she stood up and rubbed her bottom where Hypatia had just slapped her.

     “That was for lying to me to begin with.” Hypatia said with a smirk. “You had trouble killing that thing they made to look like Prue when you were at full strength, so how do you hope to battle and catch one when you’ve got none of your gifts?” Hypatia asked.

     “I thought that was Prue at the time and it shocked me, I wouldn’t have the same problem with this one.” Sara argued. “And I’d have Prue and Sheana to back me up on this one.”

     “I’m sure that once you are fully recovered they will, but until then you are not allowed to go out and hunt for either of them.” Hypatia ordered.

    Sara thought about going against Hypatia’s orders, but the throbbing in her backside told her that wouldn’t be a good idea. “I will get you back for this.” Sara grumbled as she rubbed her bottom, but excepting Hypatia’s order to not go after the two section six escapees until she was back on her game.

     “I look forward to it.” Hypatia grinned. “Now go home and rest up for the rest of the night, and I will be calling your mother and informing her of what I’ve done and why.” Hypatia added.

    Sara kept rubbing her bottom with one and while getting her phone out with the other and using the app to blink her home. She appeared in her bedroom just before she was joined by the others.

     “You okay Saz? That looked like it really hurt.” Josie said as she stepped over and wrapped her arms around Sara while replacing Sara’s hands with her own.

     “I can assure you it did hurt, a lot.” Sara said as she let out a sigh from the nice way Josie was rubbing it better.

     “I gather you will be taking the night off then like Tia told you?” Josie asked.

     “I have no desire to have her spank me again for going against her word, well not until I’m back to full slayer strength, by which point I won’t be going against her.” Sara smiled just before she rested her head on Josie’s shoulder.

    Sara, Sheana and Michelle all got changed before joining Jo down stairs where he was sat with Jenna on his knee at the kitchen table, while Karen, Sandy and Prue worked on dinner. It had been much quicker for Josie to get changed, she just removed the ring and she became Jo again right away with this ring, it didn’t have an hour delay like the other one.

     “Has Tia called you mum?” Sara asked as she gently took a seat at the table next to Jo.

     “Yes we spoke.” Karen smiled. “I have warned you about lying to people.” Karen added with a smirk.

     “So it’s okay to lie some of the time, but not at others?” Sara asked as she thought about the whole fact that she was the slayer and had to lie to keep that a secret.

     “If it’s for the greater good then yes, but lying to Tia about you being back to full strength was just silly and you know it Sara.” Karen said sounding a little angry about it. “You’ve already been hurt because you tried to do more than you were able to when your powers were down.” Karen reminded Sara of what happened when she tried to fight Spike without her powers and ended up with a broken back and was unable to walk for nearly a week.

     “I’m sorry mum.” Sara said when she saw how upset and worried it made her mother to think of Sara putting herself in harm’s way all the time.

     “I know that most the time you can cope with almost anything, but at this time of the month, I need to know that you’re safe, and I’m not going to get another one of those calls to say you’re hurt.” Karen said as she walked over and sat down next to Sara before she pulled her into a hug.

    Sara just let out a sigh as she realised how lucky she was to have such an understanding mother as Karen. Sara was soon entertaining Jenna with Sheana, Michelle and Jo while they waited for dinner.


To Be Continued Next Tuesday  


Story by SaraUK


Edited and Posted by SamanthaK

    EDITORS NOTE: Please Comment and/or leave Kudos and let Sara know you like her work please, Any comments on spelling, grammar or the layout of the story please PM me “Samanthak” not Sara. Thank you

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