I posted a little something on Facebook, and I quote it here:
To my fellow Christians:
You are no doubt familiar with the story of the "Good Samaritan". But I wonder if you realize how shocking it would have been to Jesus' audience for him to use a Samaritan in such a context.
As good and proper Jews, they regarded the Samaritans as .... race traitors, and would have never spoken to one if they could help it.
So the question I have for you is this - Who is your Samaritan? Is it the gay couple down the block? Or the trans person who lives in your neighborhood? Am I or the people like me your Samaritan?
And if we are, how do you think Jesus would have you treat us?
I leave you to think and pray about your answers.
We are the Samaritans
Fortunately for me my conviction as a christian is strong. I have met the zealots who tell me I am an abomination. I don't let that bother me. Since I present full time as female I like helping other people. I've never went int helping others wondering if they realize I am not what I seem to be. I go in knowing that my help is needed and that I can do what is necessary.
My hard time is wiht those who have met the Iron Clad Zealots and are afraid of Christians. then i know God is in my life as I become a living witness to my Christianity. What Would Jesus do is not how I see it, I see it as What did Jesus do? I've had a lot of growth in the past year. I know Jesus would not ridicule but he would love the person who is beint taunted, bullied what ever is degrading. I try to do that, love the sinner hate the sin.
I taught a mental health class where we taught Sincere Uncritical Acceptance. When you teach you have to have done and continue doing. I like helping others as much as I can. to me Christianity is not a religion but a relationship with Jesus and God.
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.
It's been a while since I read the Gospels, but my recollection is that they tended to portray Jesus as a bloke who routinely hung out with the lowest classes of society, including societal outcasts - rural villagers, fishermen, tax collectors, unmarried women...
He also had short shrift for the religious leaders of the day (which has lead some scholars to believe he was from a pharisee line), and given the comparitive sparsity of analogies relating to the building trade, probably didn't spend much time with dad (forget quaint furniture repair - it's far more likely Joseph was the builder type of carpenter, possibly working on Tzippori).
So it's rather ironic that some Christian congregations and leaders (not everyone believes what their faith leaders tell them to believe - some don't accept those pre-packaged opinions at face value!) seem to have forgotten that Jesus appeared to offer an inclusive faith ("Everyone's welcome") but instead offer an exclusive faith ("If you do X, Y or Z you're not welcome!") and also proclaim their thoughts and opinions loudly (also very ironic given the passage where Jesus is quoted as telling his followers to pray behind closed doors, in private - only mentioning his name if people ask why they're being so altruistic) - never mind all the rules, regulations, doctrines and dogmas applied to various forms of the religion as it grew and diversified (erm, didn't Jesus complain about the over-zealous interpretation of extremely vague laws?), or the "pick 'n' mix" attitude to Leviticus (not to mention complete disregard for the suggested punishments, which were almost invariably public stoning!).
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Something I posted on Facebook
Very thought provoking.
May Your Light Forever Shine