Abigails Weekend Adventure 01-01

 ©September 2012

Part One of Three

Chapter One: Friday

    Adrian smiled as he saw the clock on his desk hit the twelve midday mark, this meant it was time for him to shut down his computer and start his weekend. The office he worked in closed at lunchtime on a Friday, and Adrian needed to drop into the town centre on his way home to pay some bills and then head home to start his weekend properly.

     “Adrian, Adrian! You coming to the pub for a liquid lunch?” Paul asked as he poked his head over the cubical wall that divided their work stations.

    Paul was a work colleague, but not someone Adrian would class as a friend, even if they did talk at work, and Paul asked him every Friday if he wanted to go for a drink with him and some of the other guys in the office. Every Friday Adrian gave him the same answer.

     “Thanks for the offer Paul, but I have things to do.” Adrian said with a smile as he grabbed his back pack and then left the office so he could get on the bus that stopped outside the building.

     “Come on man, just say yes this once and join the rest of us for a drink.” Paul shouted as Adrian left.

     “I’d love to Paul, but I really have things to do.” Adrian said as he looked at the time like he was going to be late if he didn’t get going.

    Adrian just wanted to get into town and get his jobs done, so he could get home and then get out of his work clothes and into something a lot sexier. Adrian was a crossdresser and he liked to spend all his weekends dressed as Abigail, his female persona when dressed as a woman. That was the reason he never went for a drink after work on a Friday, he just wanted to get home and start the long process of becoming Abigail.

    The bus made several more stops and picked up more people finishing work or just going into town on their lunch break. Adrian felt a pang of jealousy when a woman got on the bus and sat in the empty seat next to him. The woman smiled at him and he smiled back. She was wearing a short tight black skirt and black tights or stockings. Adrian knew how wonderful they must feel on her legs, and he wondered if she took as much pleasure in wearing them as he did when he got the chance. She also had a wonderful flowery smell to her. Adrian couldn’t stop himself looking down at her perfectly painted nails. He wondered if she had a hot date, or was just going for an interview with how smart she looked.

    The woman stayed on the bus until they got to the bus station, which made Adrian smile as he got to enjoy the chance to keep looking at her smooth dark legs.

    Adrian found himself walking just behind the woman when they both got off the bus after it pulled into the bus station. He found he did this a lot when he went into town, he just loved to see all the women that took pride in their looks and he also wished that he could venture out dressed as Abigail and walk around hoping that other men like him would follow him around as he showed off his legs and sexy figure that he had while dressed as a woman.

    Adrian knew he wasn’t a super model when he was dressed, and he wasn’t going to win any beauty contests, but he thought he looked nice and if he saw a woman that looked like he did out on the street, he’d ask her out on a date and not feel embarrassed to be seen with her.

    The thing that really got to Adrian though, was walking past all the women’s clothes shops and looking at all the beautiful dresses and other clothes that he wished he could go into the shops and try on, but he was just too scared to go out dressed and he’d never walk into a woman’s clothes shop while dressed as a man and ask to try something on. Adrian did all his shopping for Abigail online or from catalogues. Getting the right size was a bit hit and miss, but beggars can’t be choosers.

    He found himself walking around the city centre looking at all the women, wondering if any of them were crossdressers, crossdresser’s that were too scared to go out and shop while en-fem. He knew that women came in all shapes and sizes, He did think about going out all the time while dressed as Abigail, but he was just too scared to do it on his own, and he didn’t know anyone that would go with him, so he would just have to be happy with spending his weekends locked in his flat while pretending to be Abigail.

    Adrian had a pretty normal childhood, he wasn’t picked on or anything like that and he never felt like he was gay either. It was while playing the part of a fairy in the school play that he realised he liked to wear female clothing, but not having any sisters meant he couldn’t dress. He soon got into it when he left school and got his own place while going to college away from home. His mum and dad helped him pay for the place, which he shared with three other guys, but they all had their own bedrooms with locks on the door, so Adrian went to a charity shop and found some items of female clothing he liked and bought them. He’d looked silly in the beginning, but since the early days, Adrian had learned a lot and now he looked very passable once he’d gone all the way. Most of his education had come from watching videos on You Tube. Adrian would spend hours watching and re-watching tutorials on how to get a dramatic look with his eyes, or how to get more pouty looking lips.

    After finished college he moved back home for a short time, but applied for some jobs, and soon found one. He lived at home for a short time after that, but he missed not being able to dress, so he found his own place and soon moved out. That place had been okay, but he wanted to move to a better area of Nottingham, and then he found the place he had now. It was on the top floor of a block of flats, which he shared with one other flat, so it was nice and quiet.

    He soon had his bills paid and then he wandered around window shopping for a short time, and also following some of the women that were wearing clothing he liked the looks of, but he finally called in at a supermarket and did some food shopping to keep him fed over the weekend, as he never left the house while dressed, and he wasn’t planning on becoming Adrian again until Monday morning.

    Adrian had made some mental notes to check online at some of the stores he’d noticed while walking around town, he would then try and buy some of the items he liked from their online stores. There was something about him going into the town centre that always depressed him, the not being able to just go into the shops and try on all the beautiful clothing. It was times like this he wished he’d been born a girl, but for the most part he was happy with the thing between his legs, even if he did love all the female clothing.

    Once he had his shopping, he decided to get a taxi home, so he could get in and then let Abigail out. The taxi soon had him at home and he paid and tipped the driver before dashing into the block of flats as fast as he could with a couple of shopping bags full of food.

    Adrian lived on the top floor of a small block of flats; he’d not lived there very long, and hadn’t met any of the neighbours. He shared the top floor with another flat which he knew a woman lived in because he’d seen her coming and going through the spy hole once or twice, but they had never bumped into each other yet. Arian didn’t want to get to friendly with his neighbour and have her calling round all hours of the day and night while he was dressed as Abigail.

    Once in the flat he got the shopping put away while he started running a bubble bath so he could relax with a glass of wine while he shaved his body and started his transformation into Abigail. With all the shopping put away he returned to the bathroom to check on the bath before he went to his bedroom and started sorting out his clothes for the evening.

    The first thing he did was sort out his underwear which was a red silk bra and panty set he’d ordered last weekend and he’d been waiting most the week to wear them. He’d also ordered a suspender belt and new stockings to go with them, so he sorted out them as well.

    Next he sorted out a cream silk blouse and a gray skirt that looked a little like the one the woman on the bus was wearing earlier in the day. He hung these items on the wardrobe ready for when he had all the other items on.

    Adrian got his breast forms out and the glue to apply them to his chest for the weekend. He also made sure he had the releasing agent so he could remove them again on Monday morning when Adrian returned. Then he sorted out his press on nails and his makeup. With all that done he went back into the bedroom and then removed his male clothes and slipped into a nice hot bubble bath and relaxed for a short time before he started to shave his legs and then his chest and arms. He didn’t need to worry about shaving his face because he’d been having laser treatment to remove it from his face permanently.

    Once he was hair free where he didn’t want it showing, he emptied the water out the bath and then rinsed off in the shower and then returned to the bedroom to apply the breast forms and his false nails before he started to get dressed.

    He was already beginning to feel more like Abigail than Adrian, as he felt the weight of the breasts pulling down on his chest, this just looked even better as he altered the look of each finger when he applied the false nails that made his fingers look longer and thinner. He was going to leave painting them until later in the evening, but for the minute he just wanted to slip on his new underwear and feel the silky feel of the stockings on his freshly shaven legs.

    The stockings and suspender belt were the first items he slipped on, so he wouldn’t have any trouble going to the bathroom later in the evening. He smiled as he had to alter the way he did everything due to the longer nails, but he loved the fact that this reminded him that he was now Abigail and not Adrian. He soon had the stockings on and then after some difficulty he finally had them clipped in place to the suspender belt.

    He picked up the red panties next and slipped them up his legs and felt a shiver run through his body as he felt them slide up is stocking covered legs. He pushed his manhood between his legs just before slipping the tight fitting panties the rest of the way up to leave him with a smooth looking front. He resisted looking in the full-length mirror until he had the bra on, so he picked it up off the bed and then he slipped his new breasts into the cups after he slipped his arms through the straps. Adrian had mastered the art of being able to clip a bra closed, so he was soon dressed in his new underwear and then he stepped over to look at it all in the mirror for the first time while wearing it.

     “Hello Abigail.” He said in a breathy sounding voice that made him sound like one of the women from a sex line. He still looked like Adrian from the neck up, but he was about to sort that out with some makeup. Adrian had been teased by the kids at school and then his roommates while at college because his butt looked more like a girls than a boys, it was very round and bubble shaped. Adrian had secretly loved the fact he looked feminine when wearing female underwear.

    He took a seat at the dressing table and crossed his legs to enjoy the feel of his stocking covered legs rubbing together as he covered his short hair with a wig cap before he started covering his eyebrows with a glue stick and then using some different things to lose them altogether before he added foundation to his whole face and then he spent some time making himself look like every other woman he’d seen walking around while in town earlier. Abigail never went heavy with her makeup, and she just looked like a normal pretty woman that took pride in her appearance and not a drag queen.

    Once the makeup was done and Adrian was gone apart from the fact Abigail had no hair, he picked up his auburn wig and slipped it onto his head and then spent ten minutes teasing it into shape as he used some hair clips to pin it in place. Adrian was now looking at Abigail in the mirror of his dressing table. She now had flowing wavy auburn hair that fell just past her shoulders and her face looking perfect, thanks to the makeup.

    Abigail managed to pull herself away from the mirror finally, so she could finish getting dressed. She walked over to the wardrobe and slipped the silk blouse off its hanger and then slipped her arms into the sleeves and buttoned it up over her breasts. Abigail liked how it looked like the breasts were trying to escape as the blouse was very slightly being pulled apart where it passed over them.

     “You’re being quite the tease tonight aren’t you Abigail?” She giggled at the woman in the mirror as she pushed her chest out a little more.

    The skirt was the next thing she took off its hanger and stepped into before she pulled it up and then tucked in the blouse before she clipped the skirt closed and then pulled up the zip and did a final check in the mirror to make sure it all looked okay.

    Once that was all done and it looked fine, she sat on the edge of the bed and slipped her feet into her three inch spiked heeled black pumps and then got up and went back over to the mirror to see what the finished outfit looked like.

    Abigail loved how different she looked to Adrian. He was nothing much to look at as a male, but Abigail had a nice slim waist and Adrian had always had a little too much fat around his hips and bum, but this just worked even better for Abigail with her C cup breast to balance out the overall look she now had. Abigail looked even better when she used a waist clincher, but that was a little restrictive and Abigail wanted to have a relaxing evening as she painted her nails and watched a couple of movies.

    Happy with the way she looked, Abigail left her bedroom and made her way down the hallway to the kitchen and made a start on sorting out her dinner for the evening, which was going to be poached salmon, baby new potatoes and some stir-fry vegetables.

    Abigail smiled as she walked back and forth around her kitchen as she listened to the sound of her heels clicking on the tiled floor. She also loved the look of her hands with the new longer press on nails as she looked down over her much larger chest to see what she was doing. Abigail had put a pinny on so as not to get anything on her skirt and blouse, but even the pinny looked cute and sexy on her.

    Once the meal was ready, she sat at the table in the kitchen and ate it while taking sips from her wine glass, which now had lipstick marks on the edge of it. This just made Abigail feel even more girlie as she enjoyed her dinner.

    Abigail finished her dinner and then got the kitchen cleaned up before she went into the bathroom and got that cleaned as well. She just loved wandering around the house doing all the cleaning while being dressed.

    Once she had all the little jobs done, she grabbed her nail polish out her bedroom and wandered back into the living room and found a movie to watch while she painted her nails.

    She gave them all a couple of coats before placing her hands under a special lamp to dry them faster, then once they were dry she sat back with a fresh glass of wine and kept looking at them while she drank and finished watching the movie.

    Abigail missed the end of the movie though due to her neighbour having an argument with someone out in the hallway. Abigail looked through her spy hole and saw a blonde woman stood on the doorstep facing hers shouting at a man half dressed still. The woman was throwing things at him and calling him a two timing pig. The woman finally turned around and walked back into her flat, slamming the door shut hard enough to rattle Abigail’s front door.

     “And that is why I don’t date men.” Abigail giggled at her own joke as she turned around and returned to the living room, enjoying the click of her heels as she walked and she let her bottom swing from side to side in what she hoped was a sexy way.

    The fact was Adrian never dated, so Abigail never dated. Adrian didn’t think of himself as being much of a male, and dating a girl would mean him not dressing as Abigail as much, and he liked being Abigail more than he would being with a woman, or so he thought. He’d never had a girlfriend or even been with a girl, so he had no real experience to call on.

    He’d heard rumours at the office about some of his colleagues thinking he might be gay, but none of them had ever walked up to him and asked, and he couldn’t see the point of arguing the fact he wasn’t, but he did wonder what they would think if they all saw how he was dressed at the minute.

    Abigail took a seat on her sofa again and carried on sipping her wine while reading a romance novel. She had some music playing on one of the many music channels she had as part of her cable system while she read.

     “What the hell is going on now?” Abigail said to herself out loud when she heard some banging and shouting out in the hallway again. Abigail went and looked through the spy hole again and found the man back, but he sounded drunk now, and he was demanding that some woman called Tanya let him in.

     “Let me in now you bitch!” The man shouted in a slurred voice as he had to lean on the wall so he didn’t fall over. “I’ll kick the door in if you don’t let me in!” He added just before another bout of banging on the door.

    Abigail thought about opening the door and telling him to go away before she called the police, but she didn’t want to explain to the police why some crazy drunk man had been causing trouble, and she wasn’t about to get changed.

     “I’ll just mind my own business and let them sort it out.” Abigail thought to herself as she returned to the living room and left them to argue.

    He did finally give in when he realised that the woman wasn’t going to let him in, not that Abigail could blame her after all the threats he’d made.

    Abigail had just sat down on the sofa again when there was a soft knock on her door. Abigail was worried it might be the man back, but the knock was way too soft to be an angry drunken man, so she went to the door thinking it might be the police knocking on the wrong door, but it was far worse than that, it was her neighbour.

     ‘Crap’ what do I do now?’ Abigail thought to herself as she looked at the woman out in the hallway looking up and down it to make sure the coast was clear. ‘I’ll just ignore her and she will think I went out or something.’ Abigail added to her own thoughts.

    The woman knocked again and Abigail could see she looked upset and scared as she was sobbing. She knocked again a little more urgent this time. “Please answer your door.” The woman said in a pleading tone that left Abigail unable to do anything but help her out.

    Abigail took a couple of deep breaths and then took the chain off the door and undid the two dead bolts and turned the key to unlock the door fully so she could open the door and let the woman into her flat where she’d be safe.

    The woman was a lot shorter than Abigail, due to Abigail being in three inch heels, and the woman wearing a pair of pink fluffy slippers. She had a nice figure and was very pretty, even though she looked worried at the minute with puffy red eyes from all the crying.

     “Are you alright honey?” Abigail asked in a soft voice, hoping that it wouldn’t give her away.

     “No, I’m scared he’s going to come back and hurt me.” The woman sobbed as she let Abigail lead her into the living room and sit her on the sofa.

     “Do you want a glass of wine?” Abigail asked.

     “Please, if it’s not any bother.” The woman said as she wiped her eyes with a tissue Abigail gave her.

    Abigail wandered off into the kitchen and poured her guest a glass of wine out and took a couple of deep breaths to calm herself before returning to the living room with it.

     “Here you go?” Abigail said in a questioning tone, remembering to keep her voice soft so as not to sound to masculine.

     “Thank you, Tanya, my names Tanya.” She smiled as she took the wine glass from Abigail. “I thought you might already realise that, with how loud he was shouting it just now.” Tanya added with a nervous smile just before she took a sip of the wine.

     “I’m Abigail. It’s nice to meet you.” She smiled back. “He was so drunk, I wasn’t sure he was calling you by the right name or not.” Abigail added with a smile as she sat down facing Tanya.

     “I hope I haven’t disturbed you and your partner.” Tanya said just before sipping her wine again.

     “I don’t have a partner, it’s just me here.” Abigail said without thinking.

     “Oh.” Tanya said looking puzzled. “I thought a man lived here.” She added sounding confused.

     ‘Crap!’ Abigail thought to herself. ‘This is what you get for trying to be helpful little Miss Smarty pants.’ An inner voice said sarcastically.

     “He does, but I’m his sister. He’s away for the weekend and I’m house sitting.” Abigail blurted out as she thought smugly to her inner voice. ‘How’s that for quick thinking?’

     “House sitting? Does your brother have pets then?” Tanya asked as she looked around for any sign of there being animals in the flat. “I didn’t think we could have pets in these flats.” Tanya added, still looking around for signs of animals being there.

     “No, I don’t... I mean my brother doesn’t have any pets.” Abigail said as she had to correct herself. “Just water the plants and keep an eye on the place.” She added, but hoped Tanya didn’t realise that the only plant in the flat was the remains of something in the kitchen window that had long since died, but Adrian hadn’t got around to throwing it away yet.

     “Were you just on your way out, or have you just got back in from someplace? You look very nicely dressed.” Tanya said just before she took another sip of her wine.

     “Just got back in from being out.” Abigail said to cover for the way she was dressed. “Been visiting with some old friends for the evening, and was just enjoying a glass of wine before bedtime.” She added with a smile just before picking up her own glass of wine and fighting the urge to gulp it all down in one to calm her nerves.

     “I’m sorry to drop in on you like this, but he was scaring me.” Tanya said with fear in her voice again.

     “May I ask what his problem was, other that sounding like a jerk?” Abigail asked, trying to keep her voice soft and feminine sounding, but her nerves were making it hard to keep a soft tone to her voice.

     “We were dating, but I found out he’s been sleeping with my best friend behind my back, so I told him to sling his hook.” Tanya said sounding angry and glad she was rid of him.

     “Doesn’t sound like much of a friend, never mind a best friend.” Abigail pointed out with a frown. “How did you find out he’d been cheating on you with her?” Abigail asked.

     “Tell me about it.” Tanya said with a sigh. “She’s not a friend anymore, not after this.” Tanya snuffled. The bitch texted him while he was at my place earlier this evening. He was in the bathroom and I picked his phone up to let him know he had a message.” Tanya explained.

     “Does she know you’re not her friend anymore?” Abigail asked.

     “Yes, I called her using his phone, and she called him baby down the phone and giggled like a bloody school girl.” Tanya growled getting angry.

    Abigail had to fight back a grin when she saw how cute Tanya looked when she was mad. She managed to pull herself together before she tried speaking again.

     “I’m sorry.” Abigail said, not knowing what else to say. “You’re welcome to stop the night if you want? I can sleep in my brother’s room while you sleep in the guest room.” Abigail said before she realised what she was saying, and just how dangerous it would be.

     “I don’t want to be any more trouble than I already have, Abigail. You’ve been so kind, just letting me into your home, or your brother’s home I should say.” Tanya smiled.

     “It’s no trouble Tanya, the bed is already made up for me, but I can sleep in Adrian’s room tonight.” Abigail said waving off Tanya’s worries. “I’d feel better knowing your safe, just in case he comes back later in the night.” She added, meaning what she was saying.

    Tanya seemed nice, and friendly. Abigail also thought she was cute as well, and part of her hoped that they might become friends over time, but Abigail was thinking with the female part of her brain and not the part that said she was really a male and this was just a part-time thing being Abigail.

     “Thank you for being so kind Abby.” Tanya smiled a warm smile as she shortened Abigail’s name.

     “I’d like to think someone would do the same for me if I was in your boat.” Abigail smiled back as she got up and went to make sure the bed in the spare room was made up.

     “I thought you said the bed was made up already?” Tanya asked when she saw Abigail looking in the room to make sure.

     “My brother can be a little forgetful, so I just wanted to check and make sure.” Abigail said with a roll of her eyes.

     “He still sounds pretty special though to let you come and stop here while he’s away.” Tanya said as she entered the bedroom and looked around the room. “I’m an only child myself, but I do wish I had a brother or sister sometimes.” She added with a sad look.

    Abigail wanted to say she knew what she meant, but due to the large hole she was digging for herself, she couldn’t. ‘You’re asking for trouble.’ The inner voice sang in her head.

     ‘I’ll let her stop the night, and then she will go back to her flat and I’ll let her think Abigail left again.’ She thought back to the doubting voice, but even she had her doubts as to whether or not she could pull this off.

     “Do you mind playing look out while I pop across to my flat and grab some clean clothes and my night things?” Tanya asked, snapping Abigail out of her thoughts.

     “Okay, sure.” Abigail said nervously. Tanya would have thought Abigail was nervous because of her ex boyfriend coming back, but it was because Abigail had never set foot outside the apartment before.

    So with a frying pan for a weapon Abigail followed Tanya across the hallway to her flat and then stood guard at the door while Tanya ran inside and got some things. Even thought Abigail had been seen by Tanya and she wasn’t screaming that Abigail was really a man, she was still scared that someone might see her and work it out. Abigail was also worried about what might happen later if or when Tanya found out she wasn’t really a she, but for the time being she would do all she could to help keep Tanya safe and offer her a good night’s sleep, if only to stop Tanya freaking out later when she found out the truth.

    Tanya was soon stepping out her flat and closing the door, she’d got a bag draped over her shoulder with the things she’d need for the night and clean clothes for tomorrow.

     “Thanks again for doing this Abby.” Tanya smiled as they made their way back into Abigail’s flat.

     “You’re welcome honey. I’m just glad I was here to help.” Abigail said as she closed the door and locked it all up for the night using the dead bolts.

     “I think I’ll head off to bed now and let you get those heels off, they must be killing your feet.” Tanya said as she looked down at Abigail’s feet still in the three inch pumps.

     “Yes they are feeling a little sore.” Abigail said with a little giggle.

    Tanya just looked at her for the longest time as she looked to be working something out. Abigail had to look away in the end and then she led Tanya down the hallway to the spare bedroom and left her to get ready for bed while she returned to the living room to wait until she knew Tanya would be in bed before she thought about doing the same.

    Abigail waited for half an hour before she took the two wine glasses to the kitchen and rinsed them out, smiling as she saw the lipstick on the edge of her glass, then she slipped off her heels and made a quiet trip down the hallway to her bedroom, or Adrian’s bedroom as Tanya thought it was. She loved the feel of her stocking covered feet on the cold floor, it wasn’t as nice as the sound of her heels clicking, but it still felt good.

    It took her some time to remove the wig and makeup, but there was no way she could sleep in any of that, and Abigail knew she’d have to get up early the next morning and redo the look before Tanya saw her and realised that she and Adrian had more in common than she realised.

    Adrian was back in the mirror now, apart from the fact he still had the breast forms attached to his chest and he still had the long nails attached to his fingers. He slipped into his silk PJ’s and then got into bed wondering if he’d made a big mistake letting Tanya into his flat. Part of him couldn’t help feeling pride in what he’d done, and Tanya did seem really nice and friendly.

    He found himself dreaming about being Abigail and going out shopping with Tanya, just two girls having fun. Adrian wished it could come true, and he could go out shopping as a woman, if only to try on some of the dresses and other stuff he’d love to try on.


To Be Continued Next Tuesday  


Story by SaraUK


Edited and Posted by SamanthaK

    EDITORS NOTE: Please Comment and/or leave Kudos and let Sara know you like her work please, Any comments on spelling, grammar or the layout of the story please PM me “Samanthak” not Sara. Thank you

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