Healing Cousin George - Part 6 Transformation

“You need to learn to flirt” she went on,"It's all part of the fun of life.”

“Eh maybe. Look, it’s ok for you, but I’m not exactly what I seem, am I?” I said as we walked along

“What you worrying about? You were a natural and they never suspected a thing,” she said, as we turned towards the car.

“No, I don’t think they did. But you weren’t the one that was getting their leg felt up.”

Healing Cousin George

Part 6 - Transformation

by Karin Roberts

Debbie spent the next hour or so working on my face,hair and nails. I protested a bit when she suggested cutting my hair into a more female style.

“I only met Amanda yesterday. She will notice the difference” I said.

“Don’t be silly Alex! Women change their hair styles all the time. So you had a trip to the hairdressers - so what?” she said giggling as she spoke.

“Eh I suppose so” I mumbled, so my hair was restyled.

“There done” she said as she shaped my fingernails finished and painted them with a light pink nail polish.

“Can I look” I asked.

“No not yet let’s get you dressed and then you can get the full effect,” she led me over to her closet.

“My stuff will probably be a bit tight on you so we need to do something about that.”

She opened the closet and rummaged around on the top shelf a bit. “Here this will do she said pulling down a boned corset from the shelf. “Now lean on the bed frame, while I put this on” she asked.

I put both hands on the metal bed rail and bent slightly she pulled the silky garment around me and started to pull in the laces.

“Breathe in a bit” she asked so I did.

I could feel the garment tighten around my waist and pull it in. Finished pulling she asked “Can you breathe, ok.”

“Yeah I suppose it feels a bit tight, and I’m not sure if I could bend easy” I responded,

“Don’t worry the feeling will pass, now let’s get the rest of your outfit sorted, times ticking and we have shopping to do.”

The rest of my outfit consisted of a light blue bra to match the panties I was wearing which she stuffed with some padding to give me the impression of breasts, a pair of tan tights, followed by some tight blue denims and a dark navy wrap round cotton top which although a bit low at the front was still adequate to cover my false cleavage. Shoes were a pair of 3 inch navy leather pumps with a thicker heel.

“Stiletto’s might be too much for you just yet but we do need to buy some, their essential” she joked as I walked around the room to practice.

Lending me a watch and a gold necklace and some gold bangles she produced a pair of clip on earring’s which she fitted to my ears.

“Voila the new Alex is born” she said.

“Can I look now” I asked.

“Yep” she said taking my hand and leading towards another cupboard in the bedroom, she opened the door inside the door was a full length mirror positioning her hand on my waist she moved me in line with the mirror.

“What do you think then” she asked, I stood open mouthed looking at the sight before me

“Jesus Christ” I said quietly. Looking at the sight in front of me I was dumbfounded in the mirror stood a hot young woman with a modern trendy hairstyle flawless make up and a good figure.

“Right that’s enough we’ve got shopping to do, go downstairs while I freshen up a bit then we are off to Glasgow to hit the credit cards” with that I left the room and negotiated my way downstairs.

I sat in the lounge carefully crossing my legs as I had watched women do countless times before, my mind fixed on the task ahead of creating Alex’s female wardrobe. Although I was about to be let loose en femme in a big city I was strangely confident that everything would be ok, Debbie’s transformation of me had created a vision of femininity I could never have imagined, licking my lips I could taste the lipstick and liked how I felt.

Fifteen minutes later Debbie appeared dressed in a short black denim skirt with black leather stiletto pumps a white satin top clung to her body showing the outline of her breasts making me wish that I had something similar to fill the cups of the bra I wore.

“Let’s go” she said as she handed me a white wool waist length jacket with a tie belt and a white leather shoulder bag which I slung over my shoulder the way I had observed female members of my family do.

“I took the cash card out of your trousers it’s in the purse in the bag” she announced

“Eh thanks” I said picking up Melissa and cradling her to my chest. We stepped out into the bright afternoon sunshine our two sets of heels clicking on the concrete path as we headed to the car. A strange feeling coming over me as I walked en femme to the car a feeling difficult to explain but dressed and carrying Melissa as I was I really began to feel that I was her mother.

We drove in silence each probably unsure in the unusual situation what to say to each other. As we reached the outskirts of Glasgow Debbie asked me to get her a cigarette out of her bag. I picked up the bag on the backseat and opened it taking out the packet as Debbie pushed in the cigarette lighter on the dashboard.

“Eh can I have one as well” I asked

“Eh if you want what’s wrong” she enquired.

“Just a bit nervous” I replied.

“You’ll be fine, look at you no one would guess you were a guy,”

“I know and thanks, but I’m still a bit spooked” I said.

The lighter popped out as I handed her the cigarette and took another from the pack she pushed the head into the lighter and inhaled deeply handing me the lighter over her shoulder I took it from her and did the same before handing it back to her. We both rolled down the windows and sat back to enjoy the cigarette and the last of our journey, I looked down at the white filter of the cigarette with the faint pink stain and little sparkles caused by the lip gloss Debbie had used on my lips. As I took a final draw and exhaled a slim cool stream of smoke towards the gap at the top of the window before extinguishing it in the ashtray. We turned left into a narrow street and towards a large multi storey car park. “Were here” Debbie said a smile breaking out as we travelled the final few yards to our destination.

We both got out of the car and opened up the buggy placing Melissa safely in the buggy we set of, taking the lift down to the ground floor we stepped out into the daylight our eyes adjusting to the bright sunlight as we walked along the street.

“I can’t believe I’m doing this” I said in a hushed voice to Debbie.

“Its fine no one’s given you a second glance” she said smiling over at me, as we turned into a busy Argyle Street which was packed with shoppers.

“How much has he given you to spend” Debbie asked.

“Don’t know but I suppose there’s a withdrawal limit on the card” I replied, “Tight git” she said laughing.

“I’ll help you out today you can pay me back when you see George” she said as we steeped towards an automatic teller.

“Maybe I shouldn’t go mad; I mean it’s only for a short period.” I said.

“Rubbish you know how he’s been working on that bit of land up in the woods, well it’s right by the new road they are going to build, sold it for about quarter of a million” Debbie announced, “Anyway a girl can never have enough clothes” she said with a smirk on her face.

I stopped stared at her “He never said” I responded.

“No well you spend what you like I’ll cover you, you can pay me back later.” I put the card in the machine as I thought there was a daily limit of  £500 so I took it all and stashed it away in the purse in my bag.

“Let’s get busy then” Debbie said and off the two of us strode into the shopping crowds.

Three hours later we were laden down with bags as we headed back to the car with our purchases my “allowance” well and truly gone and a sizeable chunk added to Debbie’s credit card.

“George will go mad” I said.

“He’ll be fine with it, anyway a girl can never have enough clothes” Debbie reassured me.

“But I’m not a girl” I said in a hushed tone.

“Don’t think any of the shop assistants thought that, especially that guy in the shoe store who was eyeing you up” she said.

“He was not” I said as a blush spread across my face.

“Whatever, take it from one who knows, he was” she replied.

The afternoon had been one of hitting as many stores as possible, me a nervous wreck at first as we sought out bargains. Changing rooms had been a problem for me at first but with Debbie in tow I had overcome my fear as she followed me in passing on advice on whether the item suited or not.

As we reached the car we pack our purchases away, shoes, boots, jeans, trousers, tops, skirts and a couple of dresses all for use of the new Alex.

“Ok let’s grab a bite to eat” Debbie said.

“Eh I don’t know” I said.

“Look you’ve marched around en femme all afternoon tried on clothes, not a single second glance, so going for a bit of dinner won’t hurt” she said.

“Ok I suppose not and it might be fun” I said with my new found confidence.

“Good let’s go then I’m starved “she said as she locked the car and we walked away.

We found one of those chain pubs serving reasonably priced meals and that allowed children in. Seated at a small booth by the window we looked out over the bustling city as offices began to close and workers began to make their way home.

We scanned the menu “What would you like” Debbie asked “Eh maybe fish and chips” I replied.

“Eh I don’t think so you’ve got a figure to look after now” she said a smirk crossing over her face as the waitress approached.

“Well’ have two tuna salads and two glasses of house white” she asked as the young girl scribbled the order down and off she went.

“I’ve enjoyed today” Debbie said.

“I think what your enjoying is the though of putting one over Amanda” said as she lit a cigarette and offered me one.

“Well there is that” she said as she offered me a light.

A few minutes later our food arrived and we sat in silence eating our snack. After our meal Amanda lit up again and offered me one I declined.

“See those two guy’s over at the bar they have been eyeing us up for the last half our or so” not used to the protocol I snapped my head round.

“Alex don’t be so obvious” she said quietly.

Two business men were standing just beside the bar I could feel myself blush as they smiled in my direction. One sort of made some head gesture to Debbie who nodded and then began to walk over. Turning towards Debbie I said.

“What you doing asking them over” in a panicky voice, “No sweat” she said taking a drag from her cigarette and exhaling a plume of white smoke towards the ceiling.

“Anyway you need the practice.”

It turned out that they both worked in a local law firm just around the corner both were pleasant and easy to talk to. My initial fear grew less as the minutes went on, we told them we were up from Ayrshire they joked about county girls, we talked jobs the weather etc etc. About 45 minutes later and a bit to my relief Debbie finally let if be known that she was married and kindly announced that I was engaged to the father of the little girl in the buggy, blushing slightly as she did it I was still relieved as we got up to go, we said our goodbyes and headed out on to the street.

“That was fun” she said.

“For you maybe” I said.

“You need to learn to flirt” she went on,"It's all part of the fun of life.”

“Eh maybe. Look, it’s ok for you, but I’m not exactly what I seem, am I?” I said as we walked along

“What you worrying about? You were a natural and they never suspected a thing,” she said, as we turned towards the car.

“No, I don’t think they did. But you weren’t the one that was getting their leg felt up.” She turned around laughing out loud.

“He didn’t, well the sleazy bugger and you little Miss Prim one day out and your trying to hook guy’s in bars, your worth the watching” we both burst into laughter as we reached the car and got in to begin or journey home.

We arrived back at the farm just as the light was beginning to fade.

“Thanks for today, I don’t know how I would have managed without you” I said.

“No problem I loved it, it’s good to have a girlfriend to go shopping with, it can get a bit lonely out in the sticks.” She said as she pulled out a cigarette and lit it.

“Well don’t get to used to it, this is a short term gig” I said.

“Yeah but it’s going to be fun.”

I opened the door and stepped out as did Debbie she helped me unload the bags and carry them and a now sleeping Melissa up to the door.

“You want to come in” I asked.

“Eh no, I think I’ll let the new Alex introduce herself to George on her own” she said lightly kissing my cheek she handed me a package.

“What’s this” I asked.

“Eh just one of those tone up exercise DVD’s just do the exercises it will tone up those areas that females have it will make you a bit more convincing” she said.

“Eh thanks” I stammered not sure whether to feel offended or to thank her for helping.

“I’ll get the money back to you soon” I said as she stepped down the first stair back towards the car.

“No problem, I’ll drive over tomorrow see how you are getting on, ok” she asked.

”Yeah that would be nice I said as she waved and turned her back to me, reaching the car she got in waved again and then started the engine and drove off.

I opened that door and wheeled Melissa inside the buggy inside I made two trips back out onto the porch to carry in my clothing it still felt a bit strange carrying in all these bags from well know high street stores all renowned for there range of female apparel. Laying them down I spotted George in the lounge watching some TV. I walked towards the lounge with Melissa,

“Hi there were back” I said in my new softer voice, he turned and stopped, silence and then,

“Jesus what a change,”

“You like it” I said a smile creeping over my lips.

“Well I don’t know about like but it certainly works. I would never have recognised you, Debbie has worked wonders”

“Yeah I know, and we owe her some money I’m afraid I overspent a bit”

“Eh that’s ok it’s for a good cause” he said.

“Well I’m going to unpack so can you spend some time with your daughter” I said.

“Yeah no problem” and with that I left them behind and went to take my new world upstairs.

I packed all my male Alex stuff away in the case I had arrived with making a mental note to stash it away in the loft in the morning. The sight of soft lingerie in the drawers now, while in the wardrobe hung various skirts and dresses with shoes and boots of varying styles and heel heights lay below. Finished I closed the door and went downstairs, George was playing with Melissa on the couch as I entered a smile creeping across my face.

“You want a drink” I asked

“No, but you have one” he replied as I walked towards the kitchen.

Grabbing a bottle of wine from the wine rack I returned to the lounge. Kicking of my shoes I poured a glass and sat down pulling my legs up on to the sofa below me.

“You have a good day” he asked.

“Yeah it was kinda strange at first but I got used to it.”

“I bet it was” he said before continuing “Debbie’s really done a good job though” he said

“Thanks” I replied sipping some of the cool wine from the glass and aware of the slight lipstick mark on the rim.

“I better get Melissa ready for bed” I said about to rise.

“Eh its ok I’ll take her up, you finish your wine” he said lifting her and swinging her in the air she giggled “Say good night to Alex” he said as she gurgled as they walked towards the stairs.

I sat and thought about the day, my confidence high it had indeed gone well I had wandered around a major city en femme shopped, been chatted up in pubs and not one second glance I could do this I thought as I poured another glass of wine, what more part of me was enjoying it.
When George returned we sat and chatted about the day , maybe it was just me but I noted a change in him, no swearing as he talked of his day, a bit more attentive to what I said and more polite indeed just as you would expect a gentleman to react in front of a lady, eh hold that thought I said inside to myself a lady well not really but you know what I mean. Maybe this plan was going to work after all, I sure hoped so.

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