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“So what about Gavin watching us?”
“Every guy’s fantasy is watching two women having sex together - the way they touch each other, the sensuousness, the kissing....”
I had a restless night. My mind churned over the events: the engagement, the kiss, and Gavin watching as Debbie tried to seduce me. In truth, I could not make much sense of any of it. I woke up reasonable early the next morning. In truth, Melissa woke me up, tugging at my arm to get me up.
“Morning Darling,” I said, slipping out of bed. I grabbed my overnight bag that I had brought over with me and pulled out a pair of jeans. I pushed my legs into them, then took a tee-shirt out of the bag and pulled it over my head. Melissa was buzzing around my feet. I got her settled and dressed and, taking her hand, I left the room and took her to the bathroom. As she attended to her business, I spruced up my face with some light make up.
During the night, I had half a thought about just sneaking out early this morning, taking Melissa home, and avoiding the awkward scene in the morning. Eventually I decided not to, as I owed Debbie something for all the help and support she had been giving me. She deserved more than just slipping out quietly. The house was silent. I figured Gavin had gone to work and Debbie was probably still sleeping off last night. Maybe it was the drink. I thought that maybe that had brought on that reaction. Who knows?
I made some breakfast for Melissa: some cereal, milk and juice, along with some toast and coffee for myself. I took it all outside to sit on the patio. It was a bright sunny morning and I wondered how George was waking up with his fiancé by his side. God! What was he letting himself in for? I looked at the child busily clearing her plate. More importantly, what was he letting Melissa in for? Melissa finished her breakfast and started to play around on the grass in front of the house.
“Be careful darling.” I said, lighting a cigarette and watching the happy child in her own world, without a care or worry in the world. Well, for now anyway, I thought.
The patio door opened behind me and out stepped Debbie, looking a bit bedraggled and the worse for wear after our session last night.
“Morning,” I tried to smile.
“Yeah morning. What time is it?”
“Just gone ten,” I replied, as she sat down with her cup of coffee.
“Can I have one of those?” she pointed to my cigarettes. I handed her the packet and the lighter. She took one out and lit it up. I was keeping a close eye on Melissa, who had as usual, had gotten herself dirty and would need a change before we went home.
“Quite a night, last night.” Debbie broke the ice, blowing out a stream of smoke
“Yeah it was. Full of surprises.” I glanced towards Melissa again, to check that she was ok.
“Look. I want to explain about last night. Can we talk?”
“Fire away.”
I lit another cigarette and sat back to listen.
“Alex, it’s been great having you around. You know that. Having another girl, to go shopping with and do things like last night; I know you’re not a real girl, but I don’t see the old Alex anymore.”
She stopped taking a drag from her cigarette. I cast my eyes again over towards Melissa, who was sitting on the grass happy in the sunlight.
She continued, “I don’t know whether it was the drink last night, or the fact that I knew you were upset over George; I just wanted to comfort you.”
She reached over a bit and took my hand. I flinched a bit in surprise and she let go.
“But even more so, you really do make a cute girl and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t fancy you.”
She stopped her head bowed, blowing out a cloud of smoke.
“You what?”
“I fancy you. Is that so hard to believe? After all, Pete was attracted to you.”
“So are you a saying you’re a lesbian? Or what?”
“I’ve always known I’m bisexual.”
“So what about Gavin watching us?”
“Every guy’s fantasy is watching two women having sex together - the way they touch each other, the sensuousness, the kissing.” She took a long slow drag from her cigarette.
“But you’re married! You know I’m not a real woman, if anything had happened, Gavin would have found out!”
“Gavin already knows.” she replied.
“Do what? Gavin knows?” My hand covered my mouth in shock.
“Alex we’re man and wife. We don’t keep secrets from each other, especially in the lifestyle we lead.”
“What do you mean lifestyle?” I pulled another cigarette from the packet and lit it.
“Can you keep a secret?”
“I’m surprised you need to ask. I mean look at me. What have I been doing for the last couple of months?”
“Ok” she said “here goes…..”
For the next twenty minutes Debbie explained her and Gavin’s lifestyle to me. Finishing, she said “…..there, you know it all now. We are swingers.” She crushed out her cigarette and looked across the table at me.
“You shocked” she asked.
“Eh, well yes. I had no idea”
“No one does. Not even George or anyone else around here. We go to parties in the city, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Newcastle. All around really.”
“So last night, you wanted me to have sex with Gavin as well?” I incredulously ventured.
“Not if you didn’t want to. We wouldn’t have forced you to do anything. Only if you wanted to do it.”
I lit another cigarette. Melissa was stretched out on the grass now, fast asleep in the sun.
“I’d better get her inside, before she burns” I hastily crushed the ciggie out and walked over to her.
“Alex, speak to me. We can still be friends can’t we?” Debbie’s Debbie’s voice and eyes caused me to pause for a moment and think. I picked up Melissa and took her inside, gently putting her down on the settee. She stirred slightly.
“It’s ok darling. We’ll be going home soon.” I quietly cooed to her, brushing my lips against her forehead.
I went back outside. Debbie was still sitting where I left her, cigarette in hand and a fresh cup of coffee by her side. I sat down.
“You think we’re bad people?” she asked.
“No I don’t. I’m just surprised. You just seemed so in love with each other.”
“We are. But we just like a bit of variety in the bedroom. No one will ever come between us. We go to the parties and then come home together. Nobody comes here so no one even knows where we live.” She paused.
“It’s not forever. We want to have a family as well, so when the time, comes we’ll stop.”
“So how often do you go to these parties?”
“Maybe once a month. Sometimes more.” Debbie admitted. “In fact, we have one next weekend.”
I lit another cigarette and exhaled a cloud of white smoke.
“Always’s safe sex? I hope.”
“Of course! Ok, some don’t. But we always do, if I’m at that time of the month. That way, it’ll be Gavin’s child and not one of the men we meet at parties.”
“And Gavin… is he bisexual to?”
“He wasn’t when I met him. But he’s tried it a couple of times; only blow jobs, no penetration. It’s up to him and we respect each other’s limits.” she replied.
I sat in silence for a couple of minutes, absorbing what Debbie had just told me. I suppose that explained a couple of things, like how Debbie had been so comfortable accepting me as Alex. If her own sexuality was bisexual, then a guy in a dress would be no problem to her.
“Look Debbie, I won’t say anything. I could not have coped without you these last couple of months. I do treasure our friendship. The things we do together are fun. So you and Gavin’s secret is safe with me. But just so you know… I’m a one girl man, a one man girl” I said with a smirk. She giggled.
“I know that now. I think you really know what you want and I’m going to help you get it. Friends.” she said, reaching out and squeezing my hand, grasping it firmly.
“Friends” I said.
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My what a turn of events.
I have lead an extremely sheltered life. Before the transition, only ever had sex with my wife. Never had even seen another woman's pussy and most certainly had never seen another man's willy.
Were I Alex, what happened would really have had my top spinning. Some of the things I read about on this forum, like deep throating and three way sex, I have no idea if such things are even posible.
I can imagine that from Alex's point of view this is all really really weird.