Well, I am sufficiently certain that I am having a cycle of some sort that I have downloaded an Ap called "My Days" to see if there is any veracity to the idea at all. I've been suspecting this for quite a while, so in two or three months I will know for sure. I placed my start date at the 22nd of July.
This is hard to understand, because there is no cycle to my hormones, so either my brain is having a field day with me or the moon is sending me suggestions.
So, do any of you have similar delusional states?
I wouldn't call them delusional
My body has a cycle; it was more obvious when I was younger, so much so that you could set the calendar by them.
Now, though, they are less frequent and mainfest as a severe depression coupled with a crying fit. Fortunately they last only overnight and I'm usually fine the next day.
Yeah, I know that one too.
Maybe it is the PAIS, not the PMS? :)
About every month
I have a couple of days when I feel more irritable than usual, and a couple of days when I feel more interested in sex than usual, other things like bloating occur and my boobs can feel more tender or bigger some days than others.
I'm not taking a cyclic oestrogen, I take the same day in day out unless I forget - which I do occasionally.
Delusion or what? Dunno.
Well, I am legally insane.
Yes, I have this delusional issue called GID :)
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Not since GRS. Did before,
Not since GRS. Did before, would get moody, a bit depressed, constipated, and bloaty feeling. Lasted about 4 days most times. Since surgery, like sailing a placid lake.
Have the same app
Got to wondering awhile back so I downloaded the same app. Tracking by my moods as well as depression symptoms, I am pretty darn regular. And it seems like I "PMS" really badly. I suspect nobody on BC would be surprised to hear that!
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Drama Queen???
I have such mood swings that I've really had to work hard to keep from doing lethal damage. LOL I asked for a cage and someone to lock it but no one took me seriously. :(
I'm not surprised at all!
Pre Manuscript Syndrome...
Love, Andrea Lena
A Cycle? -- You Betcha!
I had never heard of such a thing, until it happened to me. First, I'm not on estrogen - yet.
I thought I'd finally gone around the bend... crazy, loopy, touched in the head, as my dad would say.
Every month for the last six months, as regular as clock work, I find myself feeling an "urgency" to relieve myself. It's gotten so bad that I either use a pad, or wind up with an embarassing small wet spot.
For the past three months, I've been very deliberate in NOT checking the calendar, until after the fact.
Sure enough, every month it happens for three or four days.
I finally asked Carol (my pshrink) about it last week.
She said this was not all that unusual in MtF's. It is apparently psychosomatic. It can manifest itself in any number of different ways, depression, irritability, etc... or like me, peeing all over myself. Even if I don't actually watch the calendar, my subconscious does.
That's what she told me, Honest!!
Still, I've a better, simpler explanation; I HAVE gone around the bend {giggles}
Love, hugs, and Blessings!
Pseudo? Nope ...
You want proof you're female? La Luna has approved and welcomed you to the Sisterhood!