The Wishing Well - Part 1 Chapter 3

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The Wishing Well

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Part One Chapter Three

by Roo

Edited by Bronwen


Trina couldn't remember how she got into bed but she woke up in the morning very relaxed and calm as if someone had given her a sedative the night before.

Beth came into the room and said, “Good morning sweetheart, did you sleep well?”

“Mummy I can't remember going to bed last night, did you carry me in?”

Beth replied, “Something like that but I didn't have to carry you. An angel doesn’t need to lift anything it just happens.”

“Mummy no-one is ever going to believe us about Samandiriel are they?”

Beth replied, “No-one needs to know do they?”

“No I guess not.”


It was Saturday and Trina could relax until Monday morning when she had to go back to school in boy mode. She was beginning to worry about what would happen when she changed her look.

Sam the angel could sense the tension in Trina and knew that she would have to calm her down so she got into her mind once more and said to Trina in her mind at first, “Trina I want you to go out into the back garden where it is private and you cannot be observed by anyone.” Beth could also hear what was going on because she was also getting worried about Trina and her anxiety.

Trina did as she was asked and went out the back and sat on the love seat under the leafy oak tree, She was wearing girl jeans and a pink blouse and let her hair fall free as it felt more feminine like that. Only she could see the angel, but out here in the garden it didn't matter if it looked like she was talking to herself. Beth knew what was happening and if she wanted to could have listened in, but she left the pair alone. Samandiriel spoke softly and it had a calming effect on Trina as she looked at the beautiful angel sitting next to her on the love seat.

Trina said, “Sam I am really worried about going to school when I start changing my appearance.”

Sam replied, “Petrina you will do it so gradually that no one will really know it is happening. There are many students that look androgynous at your age and I can guarantee that there are a lot more girls like you at your school that no-one knows about.”

Trina looked at the angel and said, “Who are they? Do I know any of them?”

The angel hesitated for a moment and replied, “Well yes there are two more just like you, and yes you have met them on the play ground.”

Trina couldn't believe her ears and replied, “Who are they?”

Sam said, “Think about who you talk with when you are having lunch and also when you're in the library trying to be inconspicuous.” Trina thought about who Sam was talking about and it was like a light bulb coming on. She looked at Sam with wide eyes. Sam just looked back and nodded her head.

Trina said, “No way.”

Sam replied, “Yes way!”

Trina thought about it some more and said, “Sam I have known Jill and Marie for about six months and they have always been girls.”

The angel replied, “Well Trina so have you, but you were given the wrong body at birth and it was the same with your little friends.”

Trina was now confused. She thought, “How on earth could I have been friends all this time with them and they didn't say anything to me? They know I am different.”

Sam could hear Trina's thoughts and said to her, “They do know you are different but it is hard to tell how someone will react if you ask them about such personal things.”

Trina then asked the angel if she had something to do with Jill and Marie the same way she was helping her.

Sam replied, “Trina this is what we spirit angels do. We help humans achieve things that they would not be able to accomplish without some help from us in the spirit world” Beth looked out the kitchen window and could see her daughter expressing herself with her hands like any normal girl would do, but if any one could see her it would look like she was practising her lines for a school play or some such thing, which of course she was in but as a boy.

Trina was getting hungry and told her guardian angel she was feeling much better after their little chat and got up of the seat to go inside. Beth had baked a cake in the time that her daughter was being consoled by the angel, and had the cake, tea and coffee all ready in the lounge room on the coffee table.

Trina said, “Mum I have something to tell you about Jill and Marie,”

“Yes I know dear, I was tuned in to your angel. I couldn't see her but I heard every word that she said to you.”

“Did you hear me too?”

“No dear but I could see you waving you arms about as you were talking, very girly I must say!!!” Trina blushed at that and put her hands up to her face as if to hide the redness of the blush which made Beth giggle and say, “Darling you're going to make one cute girl”

As it was the weekend Trina said, “Mum I have Jill's and Marie's phone numbers, do you think it would be ok if I were to ask them to come over to practice the lines for the school play?”

“Trina I know what’s in the back of your mind and I don’t know if it such a good idea to push things too fast.”

“But Mum, Sam said they know I am different, so it's not as though it will shock them to know that I am like them is it!!?

“As long as their mums agree than I suppose it will be alright but I don’t want you to get upset if things don’t turn out the way they should ok?”

“Yes Mum thanks.”

Trina/Peter phoned his friends in boy mode and asked them if they wanted to come over for the afternoon to go through the lines of the school play with him and they both agreed to come for the afternoon and get their mums to drop them off at his house. Beth was a bit worried because although she knew about the two girls being transgendered they don’t know that she and Peter knew about them from the spirit angel.

It was just after lunch when both mothers turned up almost at the same time. Peter had changed to boy mode for the time being while he worked out how he was going to tell his transgendered friends about what had happened in the last couple of weeks. Beth invited the Mums in to have a cup of tea before they left their girls at her house. Jill, Marie, and Peter all went out into the garden, and all three sat on the love seat which was a swing type. They gently swung it back and forth while they started to talk about the school play, but something happened and Samandiriel was in all three girls minds. Yes they were all girls as far as the angel was concerned and she was going to make sure that Jill and Marie knew that their school friend Peter was in fact like them. It was almost like she reprogrammed their brains and within minutes of them talking they were calling their friend Trina as if they had always known her by that name.

Beth was inside talking with the two mothers when all three girls came in and said they were going to go to Trina’s bedroom to see her new skirts and get her to change into them. The two mothers Gabby and Jemma looked at Beth and asked her what was going on with her son. Beth said she would just get the letter she got from Doctor Bronsen to explain what was going on.

Gabby said, “Doctor Bronsen, that's the doctor at the gender clinic Beth.”

Beth replied, “Well by the sound of that you already know what I am about to tell you about my child, the friend of your transgendered daughters.” She wasn't going to beat around the bush and just came straight out with the truth that she knew about Jill and Marie being transgendered.

Meanwhile three fifteen year old girls were in a bedroom giggling and trying on each others clothes. It didn't seem to matter what they had between their legs. As far as they were concerned it was nothing more than a little birth defect. All three girls now in skirts and blouses and some make-up on came down the stairs giggling and sat down with their mothers as if nothing was amiss, and of course it wasn't, was it?''

The mothers read the letter Beth produced and confirmed it was the same as the one they had for their daughters, so they got up and said goodbye to their girls and told them they would pick them up in the morning.

The girls looked at each other and all three said together, “In the morning?”

Beth than said, “Yes girls you are going to have a sleep-over unless you don't want to!!”

Three girls all squealed in delight and all started talking at once when Beth said, “Before you all get carried away, there are two of you that haven't got any sleepwear with them so what do you suggest we do about that girls?” The three of them looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders as if it didn't matter. The two other Mothers were about to leave but before they did told their daughters that they gave Beth enough money to take them to the mall and buy them a nightie each. ''Squeals'' again and the women said goodbye to their daughters.

It was getting close to lunch time and Beth decide to take the three girls to the mall and have lunch there before they went to the shops to buy their nighties. Of course it was fast food but Beth decided to just let them have a good time and for once not worry about the junk food that the three girls were devouring. While they were all sitting down together Samandiriel got into their brain and said that once the weekend was over they had to accept that Trina had to go back to school as a boy for a little while till things could be sorted out with a doctor, and the school be informed just like had happened to Jill and Marie when they first started to transition. They all nodded and it looked quite strange for them to be nodding at nothing, but no-one took any notice. Once they finished the meal they left to go and look for nighties for all three of them because Beth wanted to buy one for her new daughter as well.

Trina was a bit apprehensive about being seen by any of the kids from her school but seeing she was with Jill and Marie no one even noticed her, and why would they? She was a very pretty fifteen year old girl shopping with her best friends. Beth let them choose their nighties and as it worked out all three wanted the same colour and design. Beth asked if they were sure because girls like to wear different things than their friends but their minds were made up and the nighties were paid for and they were on the way home.

They arrived back at Trina's house all excited and all they wanted to do was go and try on their new nighties but it was only early afternoon so Beth said “Girls you have all night to wear those, so how abut you just watch some telly or do a board game or better still practice the lines in your school play?”

In the end the girls thought that practising the lines for the play was not really good because Trina had lines for a boy in the play and this weekend was girl time only.

Trina said, “How about I show you where I first made contact with our spirit angel?”

Jill and Marie replied, “We had a dream and it went from there for the both of us and that was about twelve months ago. Once we were diagnosed with gender dysphoria we were allowed to dress as girls and the school was ok with it because the law states they cannot discriminate against different gendered students, as long as they are see a therapist and don’t swap and change once the transition starts.

Trina replied, “Does that mean after I see Doctor Bronsen on Monday I can come to school dressed as a girl?”

Jill said. “Well I think you will have to show the principal all the relevant paper work first, but after that, yeah I guess so.”

Trina said, “I wonder if I should just dress as a girl on Monday morning anyway?”

Marie replied, “No Trina, don’t do that or they might get cranky because you are just doing it to be smart. Just show the principal the letter and make sure your Mum comes in with you. That way there are witnesses to make sure everything is done properly.

The three girls walked down the couple of streets to the park where the wishing well was and they sat down on the edge of the well and Trina said, “Ok I have three coins.” She gave the other two a coin each and said, “Close your eyes and drop the coins in the well and call Samandiriel to appear before us.”

They all dropped their coins in the well and said, in unison, “Angel please appear.” Sam the angel played along with the game the girls were playing, but the girls really didn't have to do the coin thing for her to appear.

The angel was sitting on top of the little gable roof and said to the girls, “Why have you all got your eyes closed? Don't you want to see me or something?” The girls jumped with a start because they didn't expect her to appear and be seen with their eyes open.

Samandiriel said “Now girls I won't be able to do this for you every time you want to talk with me, but because there is no-one else around in this park I will allow it just this once and go along with your game.” Jill and Marie hadn't seen the angel with their eyes open before so this was special to them, but of course Trina had seen Sam like this quite a few times now.

The girls said they were thirsty so they has better head back to Trina's house, but the angel out of nowhere produced three wooden goblets and slipped down the well. When she came back up to the top the goblets were full of crystal clear water and she handed them one by one to the girls. When they took a sip from the goblets it tasted like lemonade, The three girls looked at each other shrugged their shoulders and and drank as if it was normal to get lemonade out of a wishing well.

They stayed at the well chatting away with their angel as if it were the most normal thing to do but of course they all knew that there must be something really special about the three of them for this to have occurred. They soon made their way back down the street to Trina's house to help Beth prepare dinner for the four of them. After dinner the three girls watched a short movie.

When bed time came, out came the new nighties that Beth bought all three of them. They all looked the same and were bright pink and made of a smooth silky-type material, Both Jill and Marie had been on hormones for a while now and were sporting small breasts which made Trina quite jealous, but she knew that it wouldn't be long and she would be getting the same hormones as her girlfriends. Trina had a king-size bed so all three girls cuddled up and after chatting for about half an hour they fell asleep still in a three way cuddle. Beth looked in on them before she herself went to bed and decided to try and communicate with Samandiriel the girls' spirit angel.

Beth turned of the bed lamp and closed her eyes and concentrated in her mind and thought, “Ok Sam talk to me!!”

The angel was there instantly and said “Elisabeth open your eyes.” Beth did what Sam told her and got a start when she saw Sam was sitting at the end of the bed. Although the lamp had been turned off Beth could see her in a kind of twilight as though it was a late afternoon sun.

The angel said “Elisabeth while I am appearing to like this you can speak to me in a normal voice and we can communicate as you would normally do with your daughter.”

Beth said, “Samandiriel, was this always going to happen to Trina?”

Sam replied, “Yes, sooner or later she would have made contact with me, but when she started tossing coins into the well I used that to make myself known to her in a very gentile way. As you have seen it has worked out really well.”

Beth said, “Sam do you know what is going to happen to Trina's future?”

“Beth the future takes care of itself but yes I do know and I will be there for all three girls and also for you. I will influence the people that you and Trina will encounter. It won't always be smooth but the future is like a road map and that road must be travelled to get to where all humans meet their destiny.”

Beth fell asleep while Sam the angel sang a beautiful song.

“Here comes a sign from a girl
She's the finest , sweetest thing in the world,
Oh, take you to heaven tonight .

I feel the horses come galloping
In the summers end,
Take you to heaven tonight,
Oh because I love you
for what you are.

I'll gallop to you
Tonight, tonight I will ride,
I'll give it to you,
we'll go to heaven to night.

To be continued.

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Hugs Ronnie.

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