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This is a BIG chapter for the story a transformation and shopping what could be better…
Sakura Strife
Part 3
Eight hours after taking the potion, I woke up and got ready. I dressed in some loose clothes. Since I did not need to worry about going anywhere. I didn’t worry about any of my charms, as there was no use for them at this time. I went over to the circle on my floor that was linked to the one in the kitchen. I saw my mom and dad there, looking concerned. I sat up to the table and ate the huge breakfast that my mother had made for me.
Looking at the clock on the wall I saw that it was seven o’clock. “Going to go cat until Faith gets here or closer to blessing time whichever comes first.”
“I’ll join you,” my mom said, a sad smile on her face.
I spent the next four hours playing around the house with my mother. I will say this there is nothing that can take my mind off of issues like playing in my cat form; I could give up my magic and just become a Nekomori in a heart beat. It is one of the things that the double blessed like me think of leading up to our blessing day. We debate what we would be willing to give up to maintain our blessing.
‘A penny for your thoughts,’ my mother’s thought came into my mind.
I glared at the clock.‘10:59, About an hour till my life is changed forever.’ *I was thinking that if I could chose if I had to lose anything it would be the magic, not my Nekomori form. Most times the only thing that can calm me down no matter what is being in cat form. Shoot, it made almost four hours go by without me realizing it.*
*I was a ley line witch for the first sixteen years of my life,* my mom thought to me. ‘I lost all my magic and became a Nekomori. Other than you I am the only Nekomori in the family though I agree I love being in cat form.’
We both heard the door open and heard someone come in.
“Sam, Faith is here,” my father shouted.
My mother and I both ran down the stairs and into the living room. I could see her smile when she saw me run into the room then a look of shock when my mother came in. Here is the thing. In cat form, Mom and I look like twins.
“So, um, did Sam clone himself or something?” Faith asked with a strange look on her face.
Mother and I both took our human forms. We both shook slightly to get the tingles of the change out of our system.
“You remember my mother, right?” I asked with a shy grin. “That is who I get my Nekomori traits from. Our cat forms are identical.”
“Wicked,” said Faith with a grin. “My parents told me a lot about the blessed. They never really wanted to talk about it before, because it is a sore subject. They said that they miss it big time. I am hoping I get a transformation potion so I can let them be wolves again.”
“Very admirable, I can understand that, so what do you want to do to kill an hour or so?”
“Well, we could watch some TV.”
And with that we watched crappy pre-noon TV. At about 11:50 we where both taken down into the basement that my father has his lab. I stood in the middle of a circle that was engraved in the ground and filled with salt.
“Another quick lesson while we wait this out. This is a protection circle setup. Salt is the medium for a light circle. For a more powerful circle you can use blood, but that is normally for a dark circle. Also when you set up the circle you will want to make sure that there are no wires or pipes going under it and break the circle, Nothing that can get in that way. Also electronic signals weaken a circle. Some potions that are more complex and need a circle so that no other things get into the pot.”
With that my father put up the circle. I was surrounded in what looked like a green bubble.
“The circle you did at school was green as well,” Faith told me.
“My dad did it, it was stored in the ring, and I normally just use it so that I can make the harder potions. It has about ten circles stored on it, without salt or blood as a medium. though they are weaker.”
With that I felt pressure building in me. It was crazy powerful. It caused me to shout out in pure agony. It felt like my whole body was on fire though the strongest flames were on my chest, my crotch and in my eyes. I could feel my whole body being forced into a new shape. It felt like I was on fire for years, though I was told that I was only screaming for about a minute, which is very rare for a blessing. Most happen in less than thirty seconds.
Than my very world went black.
I woke up hard. It was like my mind was offline one second and was on the next. I did not open my eyes I was too scared. There was a strange weight on my chest and my body just felt different is the best word for it.
Okay, self test; I moved my ears and felt them twitch on top of my head. Okay, so I still had cat ears. I moved my tail and it was still there. I extended my claws and they were still there. With that I heard a scream of pain.
I shot up and saw Faith setting beside the bed looking at her hand that was bleeding where I’d nicked her with a claw. I had not even realized that she had been holding my hand. Then my mind caught up. I felt my body shift in a strange way when I shot up. I looked down and saw that I had breasts. They were not big, maybe a B cup, not that I was an expert or anything. I wanted to check below the belt, but with Faith there I could not.
“Mirror, please,” I asked in voice that made me grab my mouth real fast. She handed me a hand mirror. I closed my eyes and put it where I thought that it would right in front of my face. Then I opened my eyes. My face was breath taking. I took after my mother big time, with big kissable lips, cute little nose. And the eyes pink cat eyes had a star in them with a circle around it. I noticed for the first time my hair was longer, down to maybe my lower back, and it was now a light purple color. My cat ears and tail were still a pink color. My hair and fur went well together.
“So how long was I out?” I asked, hearing my voice again, sounding almost like I was singing.
“Around a hour. Your parents said that you should not wake up for another hour, with as big of a change you went through. Oh, and it is a complete transformation. Your dad was kicked out for that examination. Then I was once your mom got whiff of me.” Her hands went to her mouth and her face turned a very pretty shade of pink.
“Pink is a good color for you. I knew you are a lesbian by the way.”
“Do not do so,” I say with a small smirk. “I smelled it on you yesterday. You were only aroused when you saw another girl.”
She blushed again.
“No need for you to blush. Most people don’t know about that. Pixies, Lycanthrope, and Nekomori can smell emotions as well as lies.”
“How can you smell a lie?”
“It is hard to explain. It would be like trying to tell a person who could not hear how a song sounds. It is a mix of things you send as well as hearing things in the body betraying you, like your breathing changing pace or your heart speeding up. My mother is way better than me, though, so I try not to lie at all anymore.”
“It must stink that you cannot get away with telling a lie to your mother. You know? I had trouble getting to sleep last night. It was almost dawn when I finally got to sleep. And I slept for like eight hours, it was strange.”
“You just brought up one of the true things the blessed call a ‘curse’ of the change. Each different blessed group has a different sleep schedule. Witches or the plain magic users sleep from just before dawn for eight hours, lycanthrope are the same. Pixies and elves sleep four hours in the middle of the night and the middle of day. And the Nekomori get stuck with cat naps of one hour every three.”
“But I saw you awake for longer than that, how is that possible?”
“Potions. You can get a prescription for them and they are paid for by the government, since you have to take them in order to have a normal life. My parents said that it made me an easier child to care for since I had a ‘set’ sleeping pattern. Even though my dad could have used a sleeping potion on me they did not start me on them till school started. Most times on long weekends I will go natural, because that is when I feel best. I almost got my parents to send me to a Nekomori boarding school. Each group has private schools where their hours of operation match the group’s.”
“I am glad that you could not get them to agree to it. I think that we have already became good friends. I think what helped with that the most is the fact that you were able to help me so much yesterday. You know, I thought that you would be freaking out more with the whole being a chick thing.”
“Look at me and then kind of look through me. Tell me what you see.”
She looked at me strangely for a few seconds, than gasped, “You have a pinkish glow to you and there is a strange symbol on your forehead in blazing green.”
“That is a ley line charm to bring a level head and cut down on ‘freaking out’. My father more than likely put it on me. I cannot and will not complain about it though, it is better to get a more logical look at this then the emotional look in the start. I won’t be surprised if he doesn’t take it off me till tonight to see how I am holding up.”
“I can see how that is nice, but it is still strange. I just would not feel good knowing that someone did a spell on me without my permission.”
“I trust my father. He is one of the top males in magic. Also, it is not something that can cause problems. You’ve seen my eyes right?”
“Yeah you are so cool. They have a five pointed star with a circle around it. What does that mean?”
“That I have the option to use some of the most powerful spells out there. My spells will be way more versatile then either by themselves because they combine them both. If I freaked out I could cause a lot of problems so it was either stick me in a protection circle while I had a freak out, which would use A LOT of my father’s power and energy, or cast the spell. I am happy with this. Like I said, I can look at it more logically. I mean I would rather be female and still be blessed, then to stay male and lose all of my powers.”
“Wow, I think I will have to learn to do that for when I take test.”
“It is one of the few spells that are permitted to use to take a test, since it does not help you by giving answers. It just lets you relax to where you can do your best.”
With that there was a rush of air and my mother and father were in the room. They rushed to me and gave me a hug. I could tell that Faith felt left out so I waved her in. After a few moments we broke the hug.
“So what are we doing first?” I asked my mother.
“We are going to the mall to get you your clothes. After we are done your father will take you and Faith to get you two each a grimoire. We are going to have so much fun.”
“Um, seeing as these clothes do not fit me at all, what am I going to wear to get to the mall?”
“Since I do not really have anything that I want to push you into right away, you can wear those. You will look funny, but it will still work for you.”
“Hold still Sam my boy,” said my dad. He made a gesture with his hands and all of sudden the clothes got smaller to where they fitted me. My shirt became a sports bra looking thing. “You can grab one of your smaller tee shirts and you’re ready to go.”
“I have got to learn to do that,” said Faith.
“It will not last,” said my father. “It will last about a hour to two. But it should help get you girls to the mall to get some clothes.”
“Um, even with the clothes like that, she really would not be safe showing up at the mall. That is so strange looking she would start getting a rep already.”
“Oh, the mall we are going to is about 500 miles away give or take,” said my mother.
“What?” said Faith with a look of shock.
“That is the mall that our one transport circle is still linked to,” said my father. “I have not had a chance to change the alignment of it. That, and I was going to just make a new one. That way Sam could visit any friends he, oh, I mean, she still has in the old city.”
“Getting back to the shopping trip,” I changed the subject. “It’s not just that we have a link to the mall, but Mom also knows the owner of the Tail Shop store. I have to get all the clothes that for the bottom of my body there so she can get a discount on it.”
“What do you mean you have to get all your lower body clothes from one shop? You are a girl now you have to shop around, girlfriend.”
“No, with my tail I am limited to one shop for all the clothes that would fit for my bottom part. Some of the bigger chain stores claim to have tail friendly clothes, but at least the guy stuff never fit right for me. Not only that, she can take my measurements without having to explain as much.”
“Oh the one big issue that I see, my name.”
Dad looked at me, “Well kid we already changed it to Samantha. When we named you we had two names picked out Samuel if you were male and Samantha if you female. You never name yourself so no you cannot pick it that is still our right kiddo.”
“Uh, Dad, Mom, You’re right, Sam won’t work anymore. And I don’t want to be Samantha, either.” I hesitated, “How about … Koneko?”
“Koneko,” Mom said. ”Child of Neko. I like it.”
“Of course you would dear, since your name is Neko. But I like it, too,” Dad told us.
“That was easy,” I told Faith. “I expected more argument.”
With that we all went onto the circle. My father activated the circle taking us to our transport room. Since some of the circles go to the kitchen, like all one from each bedroom, all the rest go here. There is a heavy duty outdoor door on this room, since it has the ‘public’ circle to our house in it as well.
We got onto the one to the mall and activated it. We then traveled around 500 miles in about 5 seconds and went back two hours. Faith eyes shot open looking around the place she could see all the different stores and that.
“Welcome to Blessed Mall. Only those that are blessed or with someone that is blessed can enter this mall. It has the most charm shops of anywhere as well as some of the best cat toys out there.”
My mother and I both gave a little laugh about that. We led Faith to the Tail Shop, and walked right in. Out of the back of the store a woman with neon green cat features came out and greeted us.
“Neko Strife it is so nice to see you, and who are these two beautiful girls and where is Sam?”
“Sarah you are always energetic,” my mom said smiling. My mom pointed to Faith and me as she introduced us. “This is Faith a friend of Samuel’s from school. And this is Samuel though she is going by Koneko now.”
Sarah did not even bat a eyelash and pushed me back to the changing room, grabbing a tape measure and started to measure me.
“So your blessing day was pretty big I see.”
“It could be worse. I could of became a norm. I get ley lines and the circle in exchange for my Y chromosome. That, and that girl out there I have crush on is a lesbian, so I might have a shot at her now.”
“Ah, your dad hit you with a relaxation spell?”
“Yes, not that I mind. There really is a lot that I have to do today.”
“Ok I am going to shoot you. Your measurements are 36”-24”-36” 5’8” and about a B cub breast though I would suggest you go to VS to get measured as well, since they are the best for those measurements. Stay here I will let your mom and friend know so they can bring you clothes to try on.”
“Uh, VS?”
“Oh, I was forgetting you have only been a girl for a short time. Victoria’s Secret, dear”
I’m glad we were alone, as I know I blushed scarlet. If there was one place I never expected to shop for myself, VS would have been it.
I have seen Hell. Hell has a name. Hell is trying on an entire side of a store before being let leave the booth. Then Sarah talked me into wearing a skirt out of the store. The rest she said she would transport to our home for us. You have to love Blessed Mall’s delivery service.
We ended up spending over 5 hours shopping. It was not that bad once I got into the swing of things. I had some fun, even got some dresses. By the time we finished clothes shopping, I was in a halter top with skirt as well as high heels. Faith was so jealous of how easy it is for me to walk in heels though with my tail and the fact that cats naturally walk on the balls of their feet it was easy for me to walk in them.
I had thought that it was at last time for the part of the day that I was looking towards, getting my grimoire.
But my mom and Faith took me to a body art store. “My daughter needs her belly button pierced please, as well as three in each ear.”
I gave a look of pure hate but she gave me ‘The Look’. You know the ‘The Look’ that has grown men skirting away and hiding? So I got pierced along with three each in my ears. The only thing nice about it was I know people that make charms out of the earrings and belly button rings so I have more places for my charms. That, and Faith said it looked hot. It was nice that they healed as soon as they were pierced as well, so I could change them whenever.
My father caught up with us at last after that he did not even break a sweat when he saw the piercings. He even took out the belly button ring and put a charm in it.
“A protection charm,” he said with a smile.
We then walked down the hallway to the door that leads to the grimoire store. Mom stayed behind, since only witches can enter the store.
It was full of books and more books, all of them roped off. We went to service desk.
“I have two new blessed ones that need their grimoire.”
We then went up to two different people at the counter. They put our fingers in a machine and gave us a number from one to a hundred telling us where we fell on power.
Faith got a 75 which means that she was high as she could get without a circle. With practice could get the circle people have been known to go up almost a full 10 points before. Me, I got a 90 which is one of the highest score ever, though I knew it had to be at least a 76, since I was blessed at 75 before blessing day.
We each led to different tables. Both tables were covered by very nice looking books. I saw a pink book with a purple five sided star in a circle on the cover. When I touched it glowed and joined with me. I had my grimoire. I was not a fan of the pink, but to have a grimoire bind to you without the binding spell is rare and they will work better for you than anything else around.
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Nicely Done...
I liked that bit about cats and high heels.
I sure wonder what's going to happen tonight when the equanimity spell wears off or is removed. A panic attack may be even harder to handle than Dad anticipated, now that Koneko's powers and aptitude have increased.
You've thought this situation out quite well, I think, with the varying sleep hours and other pluses and minuses of the transformed types. Should be interesting to see how they (and probably other things that haven't been mentioned yet) fit into the rest of the story. Then again, the magic we've been introduced to seems capable of handing just about anything that arises.
Heels and tails
Me too Eric. That was a nice bit with how the tail helps with balance and wearing heels.
We have seen some adjustment with tech and magic, but not any infor how history handled Merlin's Face in the sky. That was a very turbulent time that sparked off major events.
Great story. The way magic
Great story. The way magic works here sort of reminds me of the Hollows Series by Kim Harrison. I mean the stuff with the circles, beware of electronics. On the other hand that may just be magic 1o1, what do I know :D
The idea with the relaxation spell was great. On the other hand that leaves the suspense for the anxiousness attack when the spell gets off.
If I understand the story correctly then Koneko can reach the powerscore of 100, does that mean she can be as powerful as Merlin, or was he off the charts?
Thank you for writing this captivating story, I can't wait for the next chapter,
I based most magic off the
I based most magic off the Hollows series. Though it is based on actual myths on magic.
Merlin’s Curse Part 3
May Your Light Forever Shine
Incredible Imagination
I am really enjoying this fantasy though I must admit to a whole pile of jealousy.