Conservative Right get something correct, for once.
Suze Orman Is a economic expert from Chicago and one of her expertises is women and their money.
Suze Orman show today on CNBC News channel, had a long feature on the Money worries of gay and to a lesser extent "other" marriages. I think if you are going to have a life partner type of relationship or have one, you need to see this...
(Maybe some thing for USA only but good advice for most)
The financial ramifications for gay couples who cannot get married.
The best way to handle finances when a couple has no legal connection..
A short rundown of some of the things talked about are:
Orman talks about Adoption, Student Loans, Foster Care, Pensions, Social Security, Death Benefits, Marriage Deductions and Taxes.
Holly and Susan(not ours), a lesbian couple of 5 years are used as a point that it is not fair or right to treat Marriage and 'marriage' differently. The domestic partners laws and rules fall, WAY short of the equal treatment before the law, requirements that the public thinks people are getting.
And we all know death and taxes are 2 or the only things you can not fully avoid in life. We as a community burr that line even more then most, be need to stand up for those rights. Or at least know them, with our relationships being a good percentage same sex or same gender, this is one of our subject to know.
Family is the point of the economic talk, in this episode. I do not watch her often, but the subject for today got my attention. I do not hold out hope for me, but we should have the rights freely gifted to others.
"P.S. Smoking is a bad habit but also not smart from an economical point of view." -Suze Orman
{Real P.S. My grandmother pasted on this last month and I would like one comment that your prayers or wishes are with me and my family. The memorial it going to be tomorrow, and the way things are going in the family at this time is going to be the last time I see some of them for years if not ever again.(that is a different blog)}
Same Sex Marriage
Though it is not really my business, I don't think marriages of people of the same gender should be viewed in the same way as marriages of reproductive couples. Sure, let them have all the legal insurance and personal benefit rights, but to think gay/lesbian partnership as marriage just does not mesh with me. Spare me the comments about suitability of parents and all that. There is no proof either way that gay/lesbian partnership is either harmful or good. I had reproductive parents that were so messed up it is unimaginable. Just try to be good to the little ones.
So what about ...
... heterosexual marriages undertaken on the understanding that there would be no children, as ours was? We just loved each other and wanted to make public our commitment. Presumably our 45 year-old quite successful marriage is also not to be regarded in the same light as those that reproduce? As long as it's not compulsory I fail to see any valid argument against same sex unions being called marriages - and, in the UK and presumably in the US and elsewhere, there is neither compulsion to marry a same sex partner nor for religious organisations to sanctify them.
As for financial arrangements, they vary from couple to couple whatever the union is called. In our case we pool all our finances and everything we own is nominally shared where possible. Obviously we don't ride each other's bikes but I sometimes scrounge a pair of shorts :)
Interesting advice
Financially, my wife anmd I are just keeping our heads little bit more than above water, but that will change, soon. Within 4-5 years, our house will be paid off, our vehicleswill be ours free and clear even sooner, and all of our kids will be able (if not willing) to leave the nest. This puts us in an interesting position, with many possible alternatives. As we're already effectively retired, there will be a lot of discussion about this.
I understand that our situation is different from many others. As an "officially" married couple, things apply differently to us than some others here. Perasonally, I have hope that things will change soon, and marriages will apply to all equally, but maybe I'm just overly optimistic.
PS-Yes, you are in my families prayers. We understand how painful that can be, having lost my wife's father not long ago. I'm sure that there are many issues you will have that we do not, but I pray that you will have the strength to de with them.
Love is love and fairness is fairness...
It's the 21st century. Time to let go of all the old prejudices and move on! Same sex marriage threatens no one and it's an idea who's time has come. You can't put the toothpaste back in the tube or press the wine back into the grape. Those who try are on the wrong side of history.
Gender rights are the new civil rights, It's time!
We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!
Gender rights are the new civil rights!