The Voice - Part 1 Chapter 6

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The Voice

Part One Chapter Six

by Roo


Justin made an attempt to get up and take a swipe at me but Bill the cop pushed him to the ground and put a set of cuffs on him and the second cop did the same to his brother Dave so they couldn't cause too much more trouble.

The cop in charge said to me,”Ok kid I’m taking these two in and writing up the charges, and I want you to come down town to make a full statement so we can get this all sorted out.”

I replied, “What about school?”

The cop said “Shit kid, someone has just attempted to kill you and all you can think of is school!!”

I looked at the principal and he said, “Jason you go with them and get it sorted and I will call your Mum. She may want to join you at the police station.”

When we got to the station I said, “Can I call my Mum? I want her to be here when I give you guys the statement.”

The Sargeant at the front counter said he had already dispatched a car to pick Mum up to bring her down to the station. Twenty minutes later Mum walked in the front door of the station and said, “Jason are you ok dear?”

I replied “Yeah Mum thanks to Uncle Albert.”


Justin and his brother were in the station somewhere but I wasn't told where. W
We were ushered into the interview room and the man I presumed was a police inspector, said, “Hello, I’m Senior Inspector Greg Bailey.”

Mum replied “Inspector, I hope this can be sorted out and those two criminals be put somewhere where they can't do any more damage.”

The Inspector replied, “Mrs Smith please call me Greg and yes we will do our best to have these two put in the care of a juvenile detention centre.”

Mum said, “I know this won't be easy to explain but when you take a look at the tape from the camera at the school where all this occurred, you will have some questions to ask about Jason's strange ability to do things that seem out of this world, and by the way call me Mary seeing we are on a first name basis.”

“Ok, lets start at the beginning when all this hostility started.” said Greg rubbing his temples as though he was getting a headache. He looked at me and said, “Jason we will be taping this interview so please speak clearly.”

I looked at Mum and she said, “Sweetheart, just start at the very beginning when you thought you were being followed into the cemetery at the beginning of the week.”

I told the inspector all that had happened to me and he listened to my story without interrupting me. When I finished I needed a drink and asked Greg if I could have a coke from the vending machine that I saw out in the hall earlier.

He said “Sure I have some tokens here in my drawer.”

He reached in the drawer and got out the token.

I thought to myself, 'That would be a handy item to have I wonder how it works?' and then he handed it to a police woman that was taking notes and she went to get me my can of coke.

The police woman came back with my can of coke and handed it to me and gave me a big smile and a wink, I wondered what that was for?

I said, “Thanks” and she replied “You're very welcome honey.”

I liked her. Not all cops are that nice. As I was taking a sip of my drink she went to Greg's desk and picked up the tape of me doing Justin some damage and she put it into the machine over where a monitor was set up.

Greg said, “Lets have a look at this and see if what they have been telling me about you Jason is for real.”

Mum said, “Greg, it is for real alright. Before Jason’s Dad passed away (God bless him), he had an encounter with the spirit of his uncle Albert at that cemetery and it is just a continuation of that with Jason.”

Greg and the police woman watched the tape and when it came to the part where I was holding Justin up off the ground like he didn't weigh any more than a two year old baby, Greg looked at me and said, “Ok Jason, I can see that your uncle has the power to make his spirit come through you, I have seen this before when I was in the army in a war zone and the guy I was about to take out called out in his own tongue to something I didn't see, and my rifle was literary ripped out of my grip and the guy I was trying to take out had a kind of mist around him and he escaped back into the jungle.”

Anyway after Greg finished the interview he said, “There is enough evidence to charge the two brothers with attempted murder and we will be in touch when it goes to trial. You might have to give evidence to make the charges stick.”

Mum replied, “Greg I’m a bit worried about their mother. She has been abused by her husband and also by those little monsters. Is there any help that she can get to survive all this?”

Greg looked at the police woman and said, “Jill can you contact the shelter and see what they can do for Mrs Bradford?”

Jill replied, “Yes sir I’ll get onto it straight away.”

We were finished at the police station and it was lunch time so Mum said to the police officer at the front desk of the police station, “Are you guys going to run us back home or do we have to walk?”

The cop looked up from what he was doing and said “Sorry Ma'am I just started my shift. I’ll get someone to take you home.”

It was Jill that came down the hall from Greg's office and she said, “Ok Mary and Jason, I’ll get a car and drop you back home. It's at the end of my shift and where you live is on my way home.”

Mum and I waited out at the front of the police station for her to bring the car around from the back parking lot. As she pulled up in a marked police car we were about to get in but three guys with cameras and recorders stepped in front of us and started to take pictures of me and the second guy started to ask me questions about the incident at the school and is it true that I have super strength when someone threatens me.

I replied, “Who are you and what do you want from me?”

Jill got out of the car and said to the guy with the microphone in his hand, “Andy turn that thing off and let these people get in the car.”

Andy didn't want to take no for an answer so Jill got on the two way and asked for some help from inside of the station. Thirty seconds later Bill and Joe were there asking the press men to leave or they would be arrested for obstructing the police in doing their duty. They left and got into a van with a satelite dish on the roof so they must be from the local television station trying to get an exclusive for tonight's news.

Jill said, “Someone must have tipped them off about you Jason. I think you are going to have them come back till you talk to them.”

Mum said, “Do you think they know where we live Jill?”

Jill replied, “Well all they had to do is ask someone at the school and they could have gotten that information for a couple of quid.”

Mum said, “Yeah I guess so.”

Anyway Jill drove us home and there was no one at our house so we were happy about that.

I said, “Mum, I should be going back to school after we have lunch I don’t want to fall behind because of all this.”

Mum replied, “Jason I don't think that a few hours away from school is going to make you a drop out do you?”

“No Mum I guess not”

After lunch I decided to go for a walk to the cemetery and see if I could have a chat with Uncle Albert. I knew I could just get him to talk to me if I concentrated hard enough but I just wanted to go to where I first met Uncle Albert and see if the connection was stronger at the tomb stone.

I told Mum what I was doing and she said, “Give Albert my love Jason, and tell him thanks for looking after you.”

“I will Mum, I’ll see you in a couple of hours.” and I walked down the road to where Uncle Albert's spirit lived. I felt a bit guilty for not being at school but I would have only been inundated with questions and would not have been able to concentrated on listening to Terry anyway. I got to the cemetery gates and they were locked, so I thought I would try and see if Uncle Albert was as good as he said he was and closed my eyes and said, “Uncle I want to come to your tomb and sit and talk to you there, but the gate is locked with a great big padlock on it.”

Nothing happened for a few seconds but then I could see the the lock moving and it clicked open.

I said “Thanks Uncle.” in my normal voice and hoped that no one was watching me. I opened the gate just enough to slip through and put my hands through the bars of the wrought iron gates to hang the lock in place so it looked like it was still locked.

I walked to where Albert’s tomb was and and said in my normal voice, “Hello uncle I hope you don’t mind me coming here to talk to you but it is so nice and peaceful here and no one will disturb us while we are communicating.”

Albert said in my mind but it sounded as if he was just beside me, “Hello Jason, I am glad you want to talk to me because it gets a bit boring being a spirit that is stuck here on earth.”

I replied, “Uncle why are you stuck here in spirit form?”

“Jason I can't move on till I have done what is required of me, and I have not been told by the energy that controls these things just what that is.”

I replied, “It must have something to do with me don’t you think?”

This conversation went on a bit longer and Albert said, “Jason, there is someone at the book store that you work at that is trying to get your attention. Her name is Susan and you and her have something in common, so you should get to know her.”

I replied, “Uncle, do you know what I do all the time then?”

“Yes Jason, I was connected to you as soon as you touched my headstone that afternoon and our spirits intermingled so I know exactly what you are up to. How do you think I got to you so fast when that idiot Justin tried to stab you?”

I replied , “Well I had better behave myself than hey?”

“Jason I am not here to judge or control you but to help you along the way and protect you from any harm, but if you do naughty things I will be watching.”

I said, “Uncle thanks for the talk, and what about the lock on the gate. Will I be able to get you to open it any time I come back here.”

“Did it open when you asked me before?”

“Yeah it did.”

“Well you know what to do then don't you.”

“Ok, I had better get going and get home to have a shower because I have to work at the book shop this afternoon.”

Albert said, “Don’t forget about the girl will you?”

“No uncle I wont, I'll see you later.”

I went back to the gate and it had locked itself again, so I said, “ Uncle please.” and it unlocked. I walked through and replaced the lock and walked home.

Mum was preparing some thing for dinner tonight when I walked into the kitchen and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

She said, “Jason I was wondering when you were coming home I was beginning to think Albert was leading you astray.”

“No Mum but we had a long chat and it seems that he is part of my life now and seems to know every move I make.”

“Well Jason sweetheart, at least you'll be safe from now on wont you?”

“Yes Mum I will.” I went and had my shower, got dressed to go to work and had a quick snack of toast and a drink of milk to tide me over till I got home from work at seven o'clock. I said 'bye' to Mum and walked to the bus stop to catch a ride to the book shop.

I arrived at the shop at three thirty my starting time, and said 'Hello' to everyone including Susan. There was a lot of new stock to sort out and both me and Susan were asked to go into the store room and put the books in some sort of order so they they could be brought out to the main shop in the next couple days.

Susan was my age and quite pretty but very shy and didn't talk much. As we were sorting out the piles of books, I said, “Susan, I have an uncle that seems to think I need to talk to girls more. Do you mind?”

Susan replied in a husky voice, “Jason I was hoping that you wanted to be my friend but I have a bit of a problem, I think you probably know what I am talking about because I have a feeling that you and I are the same.”

I thought, 'Shit, how on earth does she know about me?'

I said, “What do you mean Susan?”

“Well I saw what you wearing under your shorts the other day when you bent over and exposed a waist band that looked a lot like you were wearing a pair of pink panties, am I right?”

“Um-er—well—ok, so what happens now?”

“Why should anything happen Jason? I told you we have something in common and if you will just listen to me I will explain a little bit about myself.”

I sat on one of the boxes and listened to what Susan was about to reveal to me.

After she was finished I said, “Wow Susan I had no idea, you look real to me.”

She replied, “Now it's your turn Jason. I will help you if you want? My Mum helped me all the way and when the time comes I will have the full operation as well.” I sat there and was dumbfounded for a few minutes but then started to open up to Susan. My life would never be the same from then on.

To be continued,

Next time: I talk to Albert first and then Mum. Oh boy!!

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