Project Guardian: Book 2, Chapter 10.

Project Guardian.

Book two: Avenging Angel

By SaraUK


Chapter Ten of Fourteen


    They all spent the next two days doing fun stuff with Tammy, Melissa and Maggie before the three of them left for the clinic that would be doing the surgery on Tammy to make her a girl. They went shopping at the mall again, or malls as it was. They went to the movies and enjoyed a couple of movies, and Alice, Alexis and Lana even found time to look at information on Diablo Tech Incorporated.

    It was soon time for Tammy, Melissa and Maggie to leave. They all had to say their goodbyes in the base, due to Bob not wanting anyone to see them all together just before Maggie and the girls left on the plane that would take them to a air strip near the clinic being used.

     “I won’t lie to you Tam, it’s going to be painful and saw for a bit, but it will get better, and you will feel like a whole new woman when you get back.” Alexis said with a grin as she gave Tammy a hug and then she hugged Melissa and Maggie.

     “I hope I do, or what’s the point of going through it all.” Tammy said with a nervous giggle. “Try and keep out of trouble while I’m gone.” Tammy added with a worried look towards Alexis.

     “I’d like to say I will, but this mission is going to be a tough one for me and Alice. Meeting the parents after all this time.” Alexis pointed out.

    They all shed a few tears and then they let Maggie and the girls leave in the elevator on a Sunday afternoon. Once they had left, Alexis and the others all gathered in the coms room to do some final research on the company where Alice and Alexis’s parents worked ready for Alice going there the next morning with Alexis disguised as an assistant so she was close by if Alice got into trouble while she was at Diablo Tech.

     “Are you sure you’re ready to do this sis?” Alexis asked Alice as they all sat in Alexis and Sarah’s living room on the Sunday night.

     “I’m not sure I’ll ever be ready to face them again sis, but it will help to know I have you close by.” Alice smiled as she looked over at her identical twin. “I wonder if mum would still be able to tell us apart if you switched places with me at some point?” Alice asked as an afterthought.

     “Let’s not find out shall we.” Lana said looking worried. “The last thing we need is your parents kicking up a stink over the fact they think Alex may still be alive, even if he is now a very hot looking girl.” Lana added the last bit with a grin on her face as she pulled Alice a little closer.

    They all got an early night ready for the mission to start the next day. Sarah was going to be helping Lana out in coms with Bill and Ted, so they all went to bed early.

Now the story continues...

     “Do I really have to play my part looking like this Lana?” Alexis said as she stood looking in the mirror on the Monday morning.

    Alexis was stood looking at a chubby woman that looked a little older than her and Alice were, and she was feeling much chubbier to go with it, due to a fat suit, or Bill and Ted’s version of a fat suit. The guys had designed it to be able to hide Alexis’s body armour and cat suit, so she’d be more ready if trouble started while the two of them were inside Diablo Tech. The down side was how hot it could get for Alexis while she was wearing it.

     “Yes you do Lexi.” Lana said as she helped Alexis finish getting dressed. “We needed a disguise that neither of your parents would see through.” Lana explained for the hundredth time that morning.

     “I’ll never make fun of overweight people ever again.” Alexis moaned as she looked at herself in the mirror.

     “I wasn’t aware you ever did to begin with?” Lana asked with a puzzled look.

     “I didn’t, but I really won’t anymore. I am worried about baking in all this padding and armour though.” Alexis said voicing her concerns.

     “Bill and Ted already thought about that and added a little something extra to this suit for you.” Lana said with a grin on her face as she stepped over to where Alexis was stood and lifted her wrist before pushing two buttons on the wrist watch Alexis was wearing.

    Alexis suddenly felt coolness spread across her body. “That is so cool, no pun intended.” Alexis giggled as she felt much better now she knew she wouldn’t bake as the day went on.

     “I wish the guys could come up with something to help Alice with her problems.” Lana said as she worried about Alice’s first meeting with her parents after all this time. Lana was also worried about Alexis being face to face with them as well.

    Alexis was going in as Alice’s assistant, so she would have a reason to be close by at all times, due to them having very little details on who the bad guy was selling government secrets to the highest bidder.

     “I’d trade with you in a heartbeat sis.” Alice’s voice said from the doorway as she entered the room and looked at a very different looking Alexis.” I warned you eating all the rocky Road would come back to haunt you.” Alice added with a giggle when she looked at her new chubby assistant.

     “That’s right! Make fun of the fat girl in the room.” Alexis said with a pout, which made Alice feel bad for making the joke in the first place when she saw the way Alexis’s new chubby face looked when she did.

     “I’m sorry Brenda, but I’m just nervous about this one.” Alice said as she stepped over and tried to give her sister a hug. Brenda was Alexis’s cover name on this mission, and Alice was trying to keep that in mind as she spoke to her.

     “It’s still not too late to back out baby.” Lana said looking hopeful that Alice would change her mind and back out of this mission. “I’m sure your parents would understand you changing your mind.” Lana added as she walked over and wrapped her arms around Alice once she’d stopped trying to hug Alexis.

     “I think it is to late Lana, and you know it.” Alice said with a weak smile. “This meeting is long overdue, and the reason for me walking away from them all those years ago, doesn’t have as much meaning as it once did.” Alice added as she looked past Lana at her now chubby looking sister. Alice and Lana were soon giggling though when they heard what Alexis said next.

     “Does this skirt make me look fat?” Alexis said in a airhead bimbo way as she looked in the mirror.

     “No, it’s just the lighting in this room, it adds ten pounds.” Lana said in a Jersey sounding voice as she made it sound like she was chewing gum at the same time.

    Alexis was just about to respond with something else when they saw Sarah enter the room and look at Alexis in a weird way. “Don’t you love me anymore baby?” Alexis ended up asking with a pout.

     “Yes!” Sarah said as she ran over and threw her arms around Alexis and tried to hug the stuffing out of her. “I just can’t get used to all these different looks you keep having.” Sarah added in a mumble due to her head being buried in Alexis’s shoulder.

     “Are you sure that’s the only reason for all this?” Alexis asked, sensing that something else was worrying Sarah about this new look she had.

     “No! I’m worried about you two meeting your parents after what they did to you.” Sarah said as she lifted her head and looked Alexis in the eyes, or the eyes that looked back at her due to Alexis now having contacts in to change the colour of her eyes. “You really don’t look or sound anything like my Lexi at the minute.” Sarah added as she looked for any sign of her Alexis in this woman before her.

     “That’s normally a good thing when going on a mission.” Alexis giggled. “Alice and I will be fine once the first meeting is out the way, and everyone will be expecting us to be a little nervous going into a new company for the first time.” Alexis said just before she leaned in and gave Sarah a kiss.

     “I will say one thing for this look Lexi.” Sarah smiled when they broke the kiss.

     “And what would that be baby?” Alexis asked looking puzzled.

     “There’s a lot more to cuddle with this disguise.” Sarah grinned as she hugged Alexis a little tighter.

     “I hope you’re not turning into a chubby chaser?” Alexis asked looking worried for a couple of seconds.

     “Why don’t you start running and find out, my chubby little lover.” Sarah grinned as she grabbed Alexis’s new chubbier cheek between her thumb and finger and gave it a quick little shake making the whole of Alexis’s face wobble.

     “I worry about you at times.” Alexis giggled.

     “Only some of the time?” Sarah pouted.

     “Okay, all the time.” Alexis corrected her first comment just before she leaned in and kissed Sarah again.

    Alexis finished dressing, which just required her putting on the jacket to go with the female business suit she was wearing. Alice was dressed in the same way, but hers looked much better due to her not looking as chubby as Alexis did, but that was the look they were going for. They wanted Alice to have looks and brains. It would also let their parents see that the last six years had been good to Alice.

     “You ready to do this sis?” Alexis asked a worried looking Alice stood next to her.

     “No, but let’s do this anyway.” Alice said with a sigh as she tried to steady her nerves.

     “Sarah and I will be in coms ready to help out if you need it, but due to all the security checks and the fact you can’t take any electronics into the labs, we won’t be able to hear or see you in there, so remember to give us regular check in calls to make sure you’re both alright.” Lana said as they walked to the elevator.

    Alice and Alexis were soon in the car they were using for this mission after a short flight to get them to the city where Diablo Tech was based. Alexis was driving as she was playing Alice’s personal assistant and general slave. Alexis had told Alice to play the part of a real bitch. Alice hadn’t been happy about it, but Alexis said it would wind up their parents when they saw how badly she treated her assistant. Alice did think it would be funny watching her parents explain the reason for their daughter treating everyone like she did, as they would have been singing her praises since finding out she would be coming to help out on the project.

     “I hope you understand that anything I say to you, or call you while we’re here at this place are just role play sis.” Alice said as she watched Alexis drive up to a security gate and show the guard two ID’s to get them into Diablo Tech.

     “I know that Alice, but you need to stop calling me sis, or that will be a dead giveaway.” Alexis giggled at her own pun with the use of the word ‘dead’.

     “Very funny Brenda.” Alice said getting into character.

    Alexis was going to be playing Alice’s personal assistant called Brenda Cliff. Lana, Bill and Ted had built up a legend for Brenda that not even the CIA would be able to see through, and they had no worries about someone from Diablo Tech seeing through it.

     “I think Miss Cliff might sound better Miss Farrey.” Alexis pointed out. “First names might give people the wrong impression about how friendly we are.” Alexis explained.

     “Very well Miss Cliff.” Alice snapped as she watched Alexis pull into the parking spot that had the Name Miss Alice Farrey printed on the little plate attached to a post sticking up out the ground. “It makes me sound like such a bitch though when I say it like that.” Alice added in a softer tone.

     “We need you to channel the inter bitch, so it stops Paul and Pamela from wanting to get to close to you remember?” Alexis pointed out as they just sat in the car looking over towards the main building where a group of people were stood waiting for them. Alexis and Alice were glad none of them were their parents.

    Paul and Pamela were their parent’s names, but Alexis had never once thought of them as her parents since they disowned Alex when he got arrested just over seven years ago.

     “Do you think I should call them by their first names when I meet them Miss Cliff? Or should I call them mother and father with an angry edge to it?” Alice asked as she got into her character more and more. Alice was finding it a little odd to play such a bitch, when she was playing herself. Normally Alice was all smiles and friendly to everyone, so this all felt very wrong, but at the same time she was feeling a little bitchy over the fact she was about to meet her parents again after six years of not saying a word to each other.

     “That’s up to you Miss Farrey, but I’d be tempted to use their first names to keep a distance between you and them.” Alexis said getting into her character of Miss Brenda Cliff.

     “Very well then Miss Cliff. Paul and Pamela it is.” Alice said in a harsh tone. “Well don’t just sit there you fool! Get out and come open the door for me!” Alice snapped at Alexis as she looked over at her chubby looking assistant angrily.

     “Sorry Miss Farrey.” Alexis said as she got out the car and rushed to open the door for her sister.

    Alice stepped out the car and then waited for Alexis to get her briefcase out the trunk for her, but never made any offer to take the briefcase off Alexis as she started walking towards the people stood at the entrance. Alexis had been expecting this, and just rushed to keep up with Alice, but also keeping just behind her like an assistant would.

     “Miss Farrey, I’m so glad you decided to take our offer to come work for us.” A man said as Alice reached the spot where they were all stood waiting. “I’m Brad Jones, managing director of the company, and I’d like to welcome you to Diablo Tech Incorporated.” He added as he turned to look at the building behind him with pride in his voice.

     “It’s nice to be here working for you Mr Jones.” Alice said as she shook his hand.

     “Please call me Brad. Miss Farrey.” He said with a smile.

     “Then you must call me Alice.” She replied with a smile in return.

     “Alice.” Brad smiled even wider. “Let me introduce you to some of the people you will be working with.” Brad added as he turned to face the other two men and a woman stood with him. “This is Michael Thompson, Sean Sanchez, and Sasha Steen my personal assistant, so if you need anything just let Sasha know and she will sort it out for you.” Brad said as he pointed at each person as he said their name.

    They all shook Alice’s hand and then Sasha pulled out a business card and went to hand it over to Alice as she spoke. “Here’s my card with all my details on it Miss Farrey, please let me know if you need anything at all.”

     “My assistant Miss Cliff will take it as she’ll be the one talking to you when I do need something.” Alice said as she let Alexis step forward and take the card Sasha was offering.

     Alice and Alexis had come up with the cover of Alice being a bitch to help the other people working at Diablo Tech to open up to Alexis when they saw how badly Alice treated her. It was working already as Sasha gave Alice a look that said Sasha was thinking Alice was a bitch, and she felt sorry for Alexis playing the part of Brenda Cliff. Alexis just gave Sasha a smile that said she’d got use to being treated this way by Alice.

     “You must be looking forward to working with your parents Alice?” Brad asked as he guided her into the building so he could give her a tour of the place she’d be working.

     “I’ve not had anything to do with Paul and Pamela in some years now, but it won’t be a problem on my end.” Alice said when she saw the worried look Brad gave her. “I’m here to do a job, and I’ll have you back on track in no time.” Alice added with a smile.

     “I was hoping that Paul and Pamela would be out front to greet you, but it looks like they were busy in the lab.” Brad said looking relieved that they hadn’t been out front with the way Alice reacted to his question.

     “They always were more interested in their work than their children Brad.” Alice said with a sarcastic little giggle. “That’ one of the reasons we stopped talking to one another.” Alice added, thinking she wasn’t lying about it.

     “As the manager of the company, I can’t fault them for being that way, can I?” Brad asked with a nervous chuckle. “Do you want a tour of the place, or would you like to just get stuck in?” Brad asked looking hopeful that Alice would just want to start work and get to the lab.

     “A tour of the place would be nice, but maybe Sasha can give Miss Cliff the tour later, then I can just get her to show me the way when I need to get about, but right now I’d like to take a look at the project and see what we have.” Alice said as she waited for Brad to show her the way to the lab.

    Sasha looked over at Alexis and gave her a sad little smile to say she was happy to show her around whenever she wanted. “Just call me when you have some time Miss Cliff, and I’ll be happy to show you around.” Sasha whispered to Alexis.

     “Please call me Brenda.” Alexis whispered back. “That would be so kind of you.” Alexis smiled.

     “Remember that you are here to work for me Miss Cliff, not make new friends to waste your time with.” Alice said in a harsh tone without even bothering to look back at Alexis over her shoulder.

     “Sorry Miss Farrey, but I was just being polite.” Alexis said with a little stutter to her voice to make it sound like she was scared of this woman she worked for.

    Alice hated everything she was saying to Alexis, but she also knew it was all part of the cover, and Alexis wasn’t taking any of it to heart, but it still didn’t stop Alice hating it.

    They were soon stood at a set of doors that needed an ID card scan and then an eight digit key code punching in to gain access to the lab.

     “If you place your ID card on the scanner, we can get your key code set up for you.” Brad said as he pointed at the card scanner and key pad to the side of the doors.

     “Miss Cliff!” Alice said as she turned to look at Alexis stood to the back of the group with Sasha. “You know the code I like to use.” Alice added as she looked at the scanner and key pad for Alexis to sort it out.

    Alexis stepped forward and placed the card on the scanner and then keyed in the eight digit code her and Alice had decided to use. “All sorted for you Miss Farrey.” Alexis said as she turned around and handed Alice the card.

     “Very well done Miss Cliff, but you now need to do your own card as well.” Alice snapped at Alexis like she was being an idiot.

     “I’ve not been issued with an ID for the Lab Miss Farrey.” Alexis said looking down at the floor like she’d done something wrong.

     “This will not do at all Brad! How is she to help me if she can’t come and go to the lab when I need her?” Alice asked looking shocked to hear this little piece of news.

     “I’m sorry; it must have been a mistake on our end.” Brad said looking at Sasha for some help.

     “That’s my fault sir; I thought we’d sent out two ID cards.” Sasha said looking nervous herself now. “I’ll sort it later when I give Miss Cliff a tour of the building.” She added.

     “See that you do Sasha.” Brad said looking stern, but he did give Sasha a wink after Alice turned to enter the lab.

    Sasha looked at Alexis as they all entered the lab where Alice would be working. Alexis looked back at Sasha and mouthed the words ‘sorry’ Sasha smiled and then mouthed back ‘don’t worry about it’. Alexis smiled, partly because Sasha was a nice person, and also because she knew Sasha would be a good source for information on the other people working here.

    Alice had entered the lab and suddenly stopped dead in her tracks as she saw her parents stood on the other side of the room looking at something on a computer screen. They hadn’t bothered turning to look at who had entered the lab, so Alice had time to pull herself together again before they saw her.

     “Paul, Pamela! I have that help I promised you.” Brad said as he led Alice across the room to where her parents were just turning to look at Brad.

     “Alice! You came.” Pamela said as she put her hands up to her mouth before she ran across the room and went to give Alice a hug, but stopped when Alice stepped back and raised a hand to stop her.

     “Hello Pamela, Paul.” Alice said keeping some distance between them.

    Her parents both looked shocked to hear their daughter call them by their first names rather than mum and dad, but they soon recovered and both stood side by side as the others all looked at each other trying to work out what must have happened in the past to make Alice act so cold towards her parents.

     “It’s wonderful to see you again Alice.” Pamela said as she looked Alice up and down. “You look amazing.” She added looking impressed with what she saw.

     “I wish I could say the same, but if I’d never seen either of you again, it would have been too soon.” Alice said with real bitchiness in her voice. Seeing her parents again had brought back all the feelings and memories of what they did to Alex seven years ago, and how they had stopped her having anything to do with her brother.

    Alexis was glad to be stood at the back of the group where she could stand and look at the two people she once thought of as her parents, but now she just saw two strangers stood looking at Alice with hurt in their eyes, a little fact that made Alexis smile. She thought her parents had aged twenty years since she last saw them stood on the front lawn as the police dragged her away, or Alex away.

     “Alice! You can’t still blame us for what happened to him.” Paul said in a harsh whisper, not wanting to carry on airing their family secrets in front of other people.

     “Alex! His name is Alex, and he was your son and my brother.” Alice snapped as she started to lose her cool a little.

     “I told you I never wanted to hear his name ever again Alice.” Paul snapped back at Alice. “He was sick, and tried to have you arrested for trying to kill someone.” Paul tried to remind his daughter.

     “Alex, Alex, Alexi!” Alice said sounding very childish as she did so.

     “Miss Farrey, this isn’t what you’re here for remember.” Alexis said stepping forward and trying to calm Alice back down again.

    It seemed to work as Alice took a deep breath and then looked at her parents again. “Please show me the project, so we can get to work on fixing the problems you’re having.” Alice said sounding professional again as she waited for Paul and Pamela to take her over to the computer with the chip specs on it.

    Alexis and Alice could see that Paul wanted to carry on the talk they were just having, but one look from Brad told him to let it go for now and get to work. Pamela must have had the same thought about getting back to work because she was soon pulling Paul over to the computer they had just been using, so they could show Alice the specs for the new guidance chip.

    Alice took a seat at the computer and started going over all the data. Paul and Pamela just stood looking at their daughter going through screen after screen, not bothering to write anything down due to her being able to remember and understand everything she was reading on the screen.

     “This will take some hours to go through Miss Cliff, so please let Sasha give you that tour and sort out your ID card while she’s at it.” Alice said as she carried on scrolling through the data on the computer screen.

     “Are you sure you won’t need me for anything Miss Farrey?” Alexis was worried about leaving her sister on her own in a room with their parents.

     “That was an order Miss Cliff. Don’t make me repeat myself.” Alice growled as she looked over her shoulder at Alexis and gave her a look that said she’d be fine.

    Paul and Pamela looked shocked when they saw the way Alice spoke to the woman that had come with her to help them get the guidance chip project back on track. But the woman left the room with Sasha and the others before they could say a word to Alice about it.


     “I hope you don’t think me out of order saying this Brenda, but why do you put up with being treated like that?” Sasha said as she walked her to the room where they sorted out all the ID’s.

     “She’s not normally that bad, but she has a rocky past with her parents as you’ve just seen.” Alexis said in a whisper. “And she is pretty much the smartest person on the planet. I hope some of it will rub off on me if I work for her.” Alexis added with a giggle.

     “No amount of intelligence is worth putting up with being treated like that.” Sasha pointed out.

     “The pays good as well.” Alexis added with a grin.

     “It would have to be.” Sasha giggled.

    Alexis wasn’t upset with Sasha for poking fun at Alice, because at the end of the day this is what they wanted Alice to be thought of as, a real bitch to work for. It was working wonders for Alexis getting closer to the other people working at Diablo Tech. Sasha was already treating Alexis like her new best friend, or Brenda Alice’s chubby assistant, as that is the person Alexis was pretending to be, and what Sasha saw when she looked at her.

     Sasha’s first stop was the large security room where a team of ten guards were sat at computers making sure the place was secure. Sasha led Alexis over to a section where one of the guards was looking at ID’s and checking them against logs to make sure none of the staff were wandering into area’s they weren’t suppose to be.

     “Hello Ron, I need you to generate an ID for Miss Brenda Cliff with full access to lab one.” Sasha said with a smile to the man sat at the computer.

     “I’ll get right on it Sasha.” Ron said as he started tapping away on the computer as he brought up a program that made the ID’s. “I’ll need to get a picture for the ID Miss Cliff.” Ran added with a warm smile as he got up and showed Alexis where to stand to have the picture taken.

     “Please call me Brenda.” Alexis smiled back trying to be super nice to the man. Alexis placed her bag down on the floor close to the computer system, so the little spider type robot that Bill and Ted had designed to attach to the Diablo system could crawl out of the little pouch in Alexis’s bag and attach itself to the system.

    The Diablo computer system was a closed network, so the only way for Bill and Ted to get a look at it and also get eyes in the place was to design a little device that would attach itself to the system and then allow them to access the system via a wifi connection.

     Alexis and the guys were counting on the fact the security team didn’t get to see too many woman in person, and seeing Alexis, even if she was an overweight woman, would distract them while the device hooked up to the system. It seemed to be working as all ten guards were checking out Sasha and Alexis, even though Alexis was sure most were checking out the much prettier looking Sasha than the chubby woman with her, but Alexis did notice some of the guards smiling at her more than they were Sasha. A warm tingly feeling behind Alexis’s left ear let her know that the guys were into the system, and Alexis could look around to see if any alarms were going off, but Alexis didn’t see anything out of the ordinary, so she guessed that everything was okay.

    Once the ID had been done, and Alexis had entered her eight digit pin to activate it, Sasha took her on the tour of the place.

     “Thank you for showing me around the place Sasha. I hope I’m not keeping you from anything important?” Alexis asked trying to make conversation.

     “Think nothing of it Brenda. Brad cleared my schedule for the day so I could help Alice settle in, so I’m glad you’re here with how bitchy she seems.” Sasha said with a worried look. “I’m not sure I’d have the patients you have with her.” Sasha added with some pride in her voice for what Brenda had to put up with.

     “She’s really not that bad once you get to know her, but like I said earlier, she’s had some trouble with her parents in the past.”

     “I heard her say the name Alex; do you know anything about it yourself?” Sasha asked looking excited about hearing some gossip.

     “Alex was her brother, but something happened seven years ago and it led to him going to prison where he died. Alice has never really spoken to me about it, and I’ve never pushed her for any details either.” Alexis gave Sasha a pleading look, or what Alexis hoped was a pleading look, for Sasha to not ask any more questions about it.

     “I always thought Pamela and Paul only had the one child?” Sasha said looking a little shocked to find out there was once a brother.

     “They disowned him when the trouble happened seven years ago. That was the same time they stopped Alice having any contact with him. She moved out and stopped speaking to them just after she found out he’d been killed in prison.” Alexis said feeling genuinely upset for what Alice had gone through all those years ago.

     “I’m sorry to hear that Brenda.” Sasha said with a sad look. “I feel sorry for her now, and can see why you put up with all her bitchiness. She just needs a friend.” Sasha said with a sad look.

     “Miss Farrey has trouble making friends for some reason.” Alexis said with a puzzled look, but was soon giggling, which set Sasha off as well.

    Sasha finished showing Alexis/Brenda around and then walked her back to the lab one, where Alice was working with her parents. Alexis was expecting to find Alice stood in the room with a couple of dead bodies at her feet, or find them all arguing, but when she used her new ID to get in the room, Alice was still going over all the data, but their parents were now sat at other computers working on something themselves.

     “And just where have you been all this time Miss Cliff?” Alice snapped when she saw Alexis enter the room with Sasha at her side.

     “I’m sorry Miss Farrey, but time just got away from me, and it is a large place to be shown around.” Alexis said as she made her way over to where Alice was sat.

    Sasha went to speak in Alexis’s defence, but stopped when she saw Alexis wave her off with a warning look. “Please call if you need anything Brenda.” Sasha ended up saying instead just before she turned to leave the lab.

     “I’ll do that Sasha, and thank you for showing me around.” Alexis said as she gave her a little wave.

     “AWWW how wonderful, you made a new friend while you were off having a good time.” Alice said heavy with sarcasm. “I trust you now know your way around, so you’ll be able to take me to the canteen to get a drink and some fresh air.” Alice added before Alexis had time to reply to her first comment.

    Alexis knew that ‘fresh air’ was the code word they came up with for Alice needing to get away from her parents for a couple of minutes. “Yes Sasha showed me where the canteen was Miss Farrey.” Alexis said as she waited for Alice to get to her feet.

     “Well what are you waiting for?! Show me the way you idiot.” Alice snapped as she waved Alexis from the room.

    Alexis left the room with Alice right behind her without saying a single word to her parents before she did so. Alexis could only guess that Alice was being driven mad by them.

     “Is everything alright Miss Farrey?” Alexis asked with worry in her voice even if the voice did sound different to how it normally sounded.

     “Those people still treat me like I’m a child, and nothing ever happened.” Alice said with a growl. “I didn’t think you would be gone as long as you were Miss Cliff.” Alice snapped as they walked past a couple of women just coming out of the canteen.

    The two women looked at them both and were soon talking in whispers once they had walked a little ways down the hallway. Alexis could only guess that Sasha and some of the others had already started spreading the gossip about how bitchy, Alice was, and how her poor assistant got a rough deal because of it.

    The canteen had a patio area out in the sun, so Alice headed straight for that while Alexis went to get them both an iced tea to enjoy out there.

    Once Alexis had the drinks she went out to the table Alice was now sat at, where she got her phone out and then pushed a couple of buttons that jammed any signals around them so they could talk without being spied on by any electronic devices.

     “Was it really that bad being in a room with them again Alice?” Alexis asked. Saying the name Alice meant that the device was on and jamming any signals, so Alice could then speak her mind.

     “It was worse Brenda.” Alice said with pain in her voice, and sticking to Alexis’s legend first name to be on the safe side. “They just started having a go at me for the way I was talking to you. It was like I’d never left home six years ago.” Alice added as she threw her arms in the air.

     “It does feel weird being so close to them after all this time.” Alexis said as she thought about them being in the lab when she walked in with the others.

     “I know it must be worse for you seeing them after all this time, and what they did to you.” Alice said as she went to reach across the table, but Alexis pulled her hand away and gave Alice a stern look.

     “No Alice, someone could see us, and it could give them the wrong idea about you and me.” Alexis said in a whisper that was full of warning.

     “Sorry, but I can see how much this is getting to you Brenda.” Alice said with real pain in her voice. “Be ready for a big hug once we get back to the apartment though.” Alice warned.

     “Okay Miss Farrey, I’ll get right on it.” Alexis said when she saw a couple of men walk out onto the patio and sit on the next table over.

    Alexis gave Alice a look that said she didn’t like the way the two guys turned up not long after she started jamming the signals in that area, so they finished their ice tea in peace and quiet before getting up from the table and then going back to the lab. Alexi had left the jamming device in place until they were ready to leave, then she placed a smaller version of it under the table to fool the people spying on them into thinking it was some other source causing the jamming problem. They knew they would get more answers when they spoke to Lana and the others later in the day. Alexis sent Lana a text message asking her to remember to feed the fish, this was so Lana knew that everything was going okay, but would mean nothing to anyone picking up the message as well.

    Alice and Alexis had learned pretty early on in working together, since Alexis revealed herself to Alice, that the more high-tech you go into a mission with, the easier you made it for the bad guys to find things out about you being in their undercover, so they kept things simple now and let the bad guys see that they had nothing to hide. The jamming device had been a test to see if they were being spied on, and they now knew they were. Bill and Ted had designs the device to explode after a short time, so no trace of it would be left behind, and it was small enough to not make a very loud pop when it did either.

    They were soon back at the entrance to the lab and Alice waited for Brenda to let them in using her new ID and pin. Their parents were sat together talking, but stopped when they saw Alice and her assistant enter the room.

     “Did you make them changes I asked you to make Paul?” Alice asked as she took her seat at the computer she’d been working on before going for a drink with Alexis.

     “I just have a couple more to make Alice, and I’d wish you’d call me dad, it sounds weird hearing you call me by my name.” Paul said as he tapped away on the computer.

     “I thought you’d have it all done if you have time to chat.” Alice said taking no notice of what he’d just said about the dad part.

     “I’m not going to sit here and be spoken to like this by my own daughter.” Paul said angrily as he pushed his chair back and turned to look at Alice.

     “I’ll have a word with Brad then, and get him to take you off the project. I’m sure my assistant can do what you were supposed to be doing anyway.” Alice said in a bored sounding voice.

     “Do you really think you’re that important to this project that you can get me taken off it?” Paul snapped as he jumped up and tried to intimidate Alice with his size over her.

     “Their paying me a lot of money to come here and dig you out the shit, so what do you think?” Alice asked looking calm as she kept working like her father wasn’t towering over her.

     “When did you become such a bitch?” Paul asked.

     “Paul!” Pamela snapped at him. “Don’t talk to her like that.”

     “Well she is a right little bitch now.” Paul said in his own defence.

     “I became such a bitch as you put it, when you left my brother to rot in prison while you dragged me across the other side of the country, and he died all alone in prison thinking we all abandoned him there.” Alice spat back as she jumped to her feet and went on tiptoe to get right in her father’s face.

     “He was sick and needed help we couldn’t give him.” Paul said backing off a couple of steps.

     “Alex only did what he did to stop me going to prison for the crime I was being framed for by some other kids in school.” Alice said with pleading in her voice for her father to finally understand why Alex did what he did.

     “I’m sick of hearing you say that Alice. You’re just lying to protect your brother.” Paul said it like Alex was still alive and in prison.

     “What reason would I have to protect my dead brother?” Alice snapped. “If you want me to treat you like a parent, then you need to start acting like one, but oh wait, you can’t can you? Because my brother died six years ago, so you lost the right to expect me to call you daddy or anything like that back then!” Alice added as she finally broke down in sobs of tears, but wouldn’t let either Paul or Pamela console her. She did let her assistant take her out of the room and down the hall to a restroom though.

     “Are you okay Miss Farrey?” Alexis asked once she got her to the restroom and sat on a seat they had in there.

     “I will be, but I just couldn’t keep it all bottled up anymore.” Alice said as she looked into the eyes of her assistant, wishing that she could just look at her sister for a couple of seconds to help her believe she wasn’t dead like she’d just made her parents believe.

     “I think that’s something you’ve wanted to say for some time now Miss Farrey. I just hope you feel okay to carry on working with them both?” Alexis was asking if Alice wanted to abort the mission in a roundabout way.

     “Yes I’ll be fine now I’ve gotten that off my chest.” Alice said as she got up and splashed her face with water before setting to work fixing her makeup.

    Alice had just finished with her makeup when there was a knock on the door and they both saw Pamela poke her head around to see if she was okay.

     “I’m sorry about your father Alice, but he still hasn’t come to grips with what happened.” Pamela said as she stepped into the room and tried to give Alice a hug, but Alice backed away again.

     “We can’t do this Pamela.” Alice snapped looking angry. “I blame you just as much as I blame him for what happened.” Alice said as she forced her way past her mother to return to the lab.

    Alexis was left in the restroom with her mother while she put away the makeup Alice had left there with her purse that Alexis had grabbed from the draw in the small room they had to leave their things in as they entered and left the lab.

     “I’m sorry that my daughter gives you such a tough time Miss Cliff. She wasn’t always this way.” Pamela said as she watched the woman cleaning everything away again.

     “I don’t know all the details Mrs Farrey, but from what I do understand, Miss Farrey has every reason to be mad with both of you.” Alexis said using all her control to not scream at her mother for an answer as to why she just let their father do what he did.

     “Please call me Pamela.” She smiled at Alexis in hope of finding some more things out about her daughter from the one person who knew her better than anyone.

     “I’m sorry Mrs Farrey, but Miss Farrey wouldn’t be happy if I started doing that.” Alexis said as she finished putting everything away and then stepped around Pamela to get out the restroom. “Please excuse me Mrs Farrey.” Alexis added just before she left the room with the sound of her heels clicking loudly in her ears.

    Alexis was finding it hard to believe that she had just been in a restroom inches from her mother and her mother had no idea that she was stood talking to her dead son, who was now a woman and playing protector to their daughter who was a spy trying to track down whoever it was selling the designs for the next generation missile guidance system.


To Be Continued Next Sunday  


Story by SaraUK


Edited and Posted by SamanthaK

    EDITORS NOTE: Please Comment and/or leave Kudos and let Sara know you like her work please, Any comments on spelling, grammar or the layout of the story please PM me “Samanthak” not Sara. Thank you

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