Well, yesterday I came out to my daughter's teacher, basically to get her to watch out for any signs that Sam is getting bullied because of my transition. Coming out wasnt that big a deal - to either of us, based on her reaction, but I felt better for taking a step to help deal with the anxiety I was having over Sam. Hmmm. Actually DOING something proactive? Could be a good idea for other stuff too...
On a completely different note, I have been following a strange case here in Canada where a guy apparently killed someone, sent body parts to a political party headquarters in Ottawa, and is on the loose at the moment. The thing I worry about is that this guy apparently dresses in drag on occasion, and I'm sure this is going to end up being like the colonel who raped women and stole their clothes to wear - another example of the stereotype of trans people as crazy.
Ah, well.
Being Proactive's good:)
You might very well be heading off trouble before it starts. Though likely you'll see more trouble from the kids because of the parents.
I know the murderer's nuts. I mean he sent a torso?! Even if sealed against the smell he's got to be nuts. You know how much he'd get charged for the shipping weight?
*Great Big Angel Hugs*
Bailey...A Proud Big Brother.
Bailey Summers
and to think
I wasn't going to respond to the man sending body parts in the mail, but then you did.
Other good jokes would have been.
I wonder if he got charged an Arm and a leg to ship the torso.
He's trying to give the politician a leg up
He only wants to lend a helping hand
As for hte other news. I hope all goes well for you and like Bailey said, the main issue would be other parents, but cross that bridge when you get there
mailling parts
No he just mail a hand and a foot and trash the rest. VERY bad taste.!!
He did post some vids of killing animals, and a blogs about leaving without any traces. Such a lovely person!!!
so when he's caught, he gave
so when he's caught, he gave them enough evidence to put him away for a while? Well that was polite of him. Saves the cops from doing extra digging.
Proactive is good.
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