

Chapter 13

Southlands Prep. Highschool….

I think it was a good sign getting off the bus and while there was a few protesters there from their “Holy rollers.” holding some signs up and yelling bible stuff in protest of me playing.

They had to do it off the school grounds since their right to free speech and assembly wasn’t applicable to the school grounds here. That was a good sign that they weren’t allowing them there. But then again those signs saying “God hates fags.” don’t look good for the school.

There was also two cop cars there just in case.

Oddly I’m not that mad really about it. We’d been told in advance by Southlands that there were these kids and some parents going to do that.

Tyler’s doing the whole. “Whoa…Dudes that’s so not cool.”

Keith’s beside me shaking his head. “Very un-cool talking for god.”

I shrug. “Yeah, hey the best thing about this is if they’re all up in arms about me then maybe they’ll leave someone here alone.”

Keith’s shaking his head. “Good thought but doubt it.”

There’s some general agreement as it kind of effects all of us…that’s another thing. It’s never effected all of us before. It does now because the guys and the coach. Very cool actually.

The next sign was when we were getting off the bus and there was a crowd there not like the protesters but there to try and see the girl-boy-it that all the shit was about. I went passed them and heard a girl saying to her friend. “I can’t see her, it’s just a bunch of guys.”

And… “Yeah maybe their bringing her in like separate.”

That actually made my night eve before the game started. The guys don’t say much in the locker room about me anymore except to talk about how cut I’m getting and some of the work out stuff we’re trying out. But mostly it’s talking about the Southland team and playing on wood. So far we’ve only played on cement floored gyms and we’re actually kind of excited about playing on wood. I guess the coach asked about us getting one for our school and he told us that we’d not just have to win state but nationals for that kind of a miracle. Tyler mentioned he thought because his dad was a carpenter that a hardwood floor gym we’d be looking at six figures.

We get ready and we head out as the music that our guys that help out with all the games has ready for us. There’s always this rush as we run out onto the court to the sounds of the really intense instrumental part of “Tom Sawyer.” by Rush…Yeah I know different right. Everyone does stuff like Queen or AC/DC or Metallica. We run out to the music and the cheers of the people who came to the game on our side and the jeers of the hometeam’s side.

We run a hard game. It’s a running game with lots of speed and we’ve got lots of experience and training on our feet and racing back and forth. We do mostly a good passing game but the fast pace is meant to run them ragged.

It tires them out and it gets them pissed off and I’ve been training really hard so when I get the ball. I score with long range shots that I shouldn’t have the power and accuracy for since “I’m the girl.” Heh-heh…fuck you guys.

Then it’s hurt her, beat on the girl…foul her and make her quit.

I’m not a girl…I don’t play like one and I don’t give up. And sorry but I’m not being sexist. I know girl can be good at sports and tough and all that. It’s these guys that are being sexist…they are.

But we are using it as a trap.

Foul shots.

I don’t miss a single shot in fact I make them pay through the nose for every bump and bruise and friction burn.

And when they think I’m too much trouble they put too many guys on me and that frees up the guys to do their thing.

Halftime is a serious head fuck as I sneak a very public kiss with Sable as she jumps into my arms before I have to head back into the changing room. The coach gives me the look. “Tame it down Swayze between you and your girl out there. We don’t want them hitting us for misconduct out there.”


I’m still grilling and Sable dances and cheers with the girls in a very risky sway, shimmy and slide with some of the other girls….PG…but really close to being rayed M.

Very distracting.

I laugh too at Tyler since we’re sort of like The Replacements. It’s a movie about replacement football player and one of my faves. Tyler actually tells their big guy after her got fouled. “That’ll do pig, that’ll do.”

Our football guys are in the crowd and they must have got it too because as we fall back after each score they sing out. “Ole…Ole, Ole…!”

Really, watch the movie.

And just to make it better we don’t just win but we stomp them into the ground with 28-62 for us. Getting out was actually a bit worse some of them were mad bent out of shape enough that they joined the haters outside and that bunch where yelling and calling us. “Dyke-lovers, Cheaters!” And… “You only won because that whore distracted our boys.”

It’s not even upsetting because we’re out of there pretty easily and as far as the opposing team went there might have been a few of them really bent out of shape at losing with me on the team they still shook hands after the game and one or two actually smiled as they shook my hand.

They and the place weren’t all assholes.

We had a team dinner at Dominos Pizza and it’s a good time and everything but I dunno I spent a whole lot of time with Sable and us in the corner kissing and making out. I love the way that she runs her fingers through my hair. She likes playing with it while it’s sort and spiked so I’ve been keeping it that way and then there’s her running her fingers through the shaved short hairs on the side of my head and back of my neck. Oh that gives me the shivers in a good way.

I love kissing with her and it’s different this time. I’m more hands on, touching her but not in the whole obvious areas…my hands holding her face sometimes…touching her like china yet guiding her to my kisses…kisses that treat her like a peach…sweet, juicy but aggressive not badly so but I’m the one kissing her…and wanting her…my peach girl like I’m hungry for her.

Her breathing changes like she likes it…

She moves when I touch her legs, and hold her…grip well but not squeeze…her bottom…but lower down…holding her weight…or settling into the soft curve of he waist…just move the thumbs…feel her tummy sort of…smell her….touch her with my nose…use my lips…

Sable’s kissing really hard…breathing hard and pressing her yay bits into me diligently offering herself up and fuck….I’m so hard. We are both very horny by the time that we break to get back on the bus. It’s a long drive into home and we head to her jeep and I text home. [Home and we had a good game. Going to Sable’s…Wow…nervous…thanks dad…advice helped lots.]

Yeah lots of those things I was doing was stuff that we talked about…It’s kind of strange getting intimate advice as a guy from my Dad about stuff like how to touch and hold and kiss a woman given how…how I was born but unlike a lesbian I don’t have that empathy of knowing what she’d want. I’m a trapped alien in my own body…even now I’m really trying to keep the fact I’m hard…that my cock is hard for Sable and the wetness is a guy’s wetness…pre-cum instead of…

Nervous…hot, hard and nervous.

Sable keeps looking at me as we drive too her place, she’s still flushed and her nipples are poking through her cheer top so deliciously.

We get to her place and we start kissing and it’s passionate and hot and we fumble our way inside and to her bedroom. We’re pulling off clothes and as much as I’m nervous at being naked with her Sable’s body is ten times hotter in person than she was on screen. I mean that too…she’s older, more filled out in better shape and…She presses her naked body against mine and it’s not the freaky scary thing that I thought it’d be…god she’s so soft…her breasts feel so amazing against my chest.

“Oh fuck! Charlie…I had no idea…I’ve dreamed about this…”

“You have?”

“God for weeks I’ve wanted to jump your bones…I never thought you’d be this…fucking hot…”



She moves to turn on the stereo then walks over and she starts to dance, we’re both naked so she’d kind of using me as a stripper pole. Moving around me and running her hands all over me.

“Hot…all that muscle…and all that strength…lean…hard…”

“Oh fuck Sable…”

“Yeah…please…” She pulls me to this big wicker chair by her bed and sets me down. And she gives me a lap dance and she moves and grinds and slithers against my legs grinding into me…moaning…touching me…shoving her perfect breasts into my face…I lose myself in that…I really do love her breasts…love breasts…full, rich breasts with big perfect nipples… and the taste and scent of her skin…the way she moans as her sex slips over my knee and I feel her shiver and shake.

I’m born the same as she was but everything isn’t me being a girl…I’m making love to her breasts and she’s running her hands over my muscles and I…I was meant for this…meant for this…her hands grip the muscles in my arms hanging on as she has an orgasm.

My god what a beautiful sight.

“Charlie…god…You are so perfect…”

“No…No I’m not…”

“Yes you are…Handsome…(kiss)…brave…(kiss)…strong…(kiss)…I’m so in love with you…with your heart…”

She kissed he way down and she starts to kiss and lick and suck on my ab’s until she’s between my legs….

“Sable…” God I’m scared of this…

“Charlie…please…please baby can I suck your dick…?”


She sinks down and kisses and smells and I shiver then I whine, bite my lower lip as she sinks a finger into me…opens me up…scared, scared…freaked…scared…it feels so…then she pulls on my clit…curling her finger behind it and setting it up more and she has me open…then…then…Oh shit…Oh shit fuck…!

Sables lips wrap around my…and I don’t know if she’s moving her lips or head but it feels like both and I’m soon forgetting that I’m open…that…hell anything except that she’s…that she’s sucking my cock…yeah.

“Oh God Sabe…god do it, do it suck my cock…please…please don’t stop…god I can feel it…feel your hot mouth over my hard…Oh!!!”

I arch my back and Cum…shake…it’s like my brain just got-sex-tasered…I arch and snarl out in pleasure and release like…

Well…it’s my first non-self orgasm.

And I’ve my fingers winding through my head as Sable takes me to my second…

I’m panting hard and seeing stars. I shiver as she runs her finger over my clit or cock… “Mmm…sensitive…Good…”




“Trust me?”


Sable reaches under her bed and takes out a bag and there’s a strange set of underwear and a fake penis…dildo…even with a set of balls on it and she look at me. “I’ve been thinking a lot about this….just…trust me…?”

I nod and swallow and she takes this clear bits of rubber hose out? She’s sorting through them until she nods.


“Trust me baby…”

“Okay…” I bit my lip though as she opens me…strokes my clit-cock and then I feel something…?


“It’s soft surgical tubing Charlie…I had this idea…”

“Feels weird…oh…”

“See I squeeze the end and it hugs Henry like a Chinese finger trap.”


“Because…” She hold op some clear past thing. “I fit this clip for the tube in here…then the mated end goes in the strap on…I made a hole to set it in and…”

God it feels strange her getting me to slip on the underwear and then she clips the thing into the strap on then feeds and sets the strap on in place. I feels so strange. I can feel the weight of the strap on tugging at my clit but only so much because the real weight is held up by the underwear harness.

“How’s that feel?”

“So strange…uhm…”

Sable smiles and runs her fingers over the length. “Just relax…focus and feel…can you feel it?”

It takes some time…but at the same time it’s all connected now oh…oh shit I can feel it the tug the feel, the way her touching it is translating into me with these small ways.

Like it’s sort of a sexual blind mans cane.

The more Sable does the more that I feel it, it’s not the same but it’s so much more than I ever known!

She uses lube and a light grip and gives me a hand job…there’s a point where she wraps my hand around it and I’m…oh…I’m…I’m jerking off…I’m sorry but the feel being the right size and shape and my hand moving with my feeling the tug and pull…

I bring myself off hard.

Then she gives me a blow job.

Okay she’s sucking on it this time but I swear I felt the sort of give when it pushed passed her lips…the way her throat moved up and down it…I feel it and then…then seeing her looking at me in the most erotic visual…visceral thing…It got hard to breathe…and when I came this time it was with my head back…and tears running down my face.

“Finally…oh fuck finally…”

I hurt in the best way because it’s like every cell of me is screaming yes.

And Sable pulls me up by my arms then jus moves the few steps backwards to fall back on her bed…I take top.

I take top like I was meant to and even as I kiss her and worship her body I’m still feeling it…like that new tactile extension…my sex cane…touching her body…her leg…and there’s this point where I’m pressed to her making love to her breasts and I can feel my new cock pressed up between us and it feels so right…I can feel her body move through that…I can feel the little vibrations of her breathing.

Then we get to that point on me sinking into her…I feel it…the give of her vagina’s lips, the way it reacts to her inner walls of muscle as the twitch, tremble and hug…the pull on the way out…it’s not having the real thing but like I said it’s so much more than I thought that I’d ever…ever…know.

After a few minutes It just piles together…feeling that, feeling in this own new way of mine that I’m inside her…her moans, her cries, the way she moves…tastes….holding her in my hands as I move in this so…so…goddamned right way finally while Sable talks really dirty to me…

It piles together and I am totally Charlie until I literally can’t anymore and Sable’s crying. “Stop Charlie…oh…stop…no more…my pussy hurts.”

I hurt too…when I come down from the cum and still lost in afterglow manage to peel myself off of Sable our bodies sticky with sweat and cum…I wince as I slip fingers down to my clit and squeeze the tubing and pull it free…

Ow…I’m so sore there…it’s not rubbed raw but tugged on too much…more than I’m used too…I check…I’m not bleeding but a bit swollen…the strap on still protected me and took the brunt of it all…but I’m not used to this…so not used to this.

I pull Sable to me and she squeaks a little.

I’m crying now. I press into her and I hold her so tight and I spoon with her and cry… “Thank You, Thank You, Thank You….I…God I love you so much…”

“God Charlie…I…I love you too…I…can…can…we sleep some baby I think there’s smoke coming off my pussy…”

I’m blushing but I press my face into her shoulder and nuzzle, nibble a bit… “Anything…anything you want Sable…anything…”

I want to keep just like this but as things slow down and the afterglow fades I’m so beat that I spoon Sable and fall asleep with my cock still between us.

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