The Voice - Part 1 Chapter 8

The Voice

Part One Chapter Eight

by Roo

Edited by Bronwen


I told Mum how I have felt all my life but because I never wanted to hurt Dad I let it slide and today Susan confronted me about it,and she says she wants to help me and be my friend.

Mum replied, “Jason I have known about you since you were about three years old.”

I said “Mum why haven't you said anything till now?”

She replied, “Jason I knew that eventually you would tell me, I just didn't want to push you either way, but if this is what you really want to do, than I will support you all the way.”

I said, “Mum, where do I go from here?”

She replied, “Well dear, you already know Susan and her Mum. I am quite sure that they will be only to happy to direct you to the right way to go about being who you want to be.” I looked up Susan’s home phone number and made a call!!!


“Hello Susan speaking.”

“Susan it's me. I just opened up to Mum and she has known about me since I was a toddler.”

“Well Jason it's still early if you want to come over for a while, I’m sure Mum won't mind.”

”Well I should be doing some homework but I guess this is more important, so I’ll be over in ten minutes ok?”
“See you then.”

I told Mum what I was doing and she replied “That's a good idea dear but don’t forget school tomorrow will you?”

“No Mum I wont stay to long.”

I took a torch with me because it was really dark that night with no moon out and the street lamps were next to useless. It's not that I was scared of the dark, I just didn’t like running into things.

I walked down Susan's street and nearly walked past her house because in these old suburbs all the houses looked pretty much the same especially at night with no moon out. I looked at the house number with my torch and it said number five so I was here.

It was spooky because I was just about to knock on the door when it opened up
but Susan wasn't there.

I said' “Hello Susan! It's me Jason, the door was open so I thought you must have left it open for me.”

Susan and her Mum came out to the little entry hall and Susan said, “Jason the door is always locked from the inside with a dead lock.”

I replied, “Well I think I know how it got opened. Uncle Albert seems to be keen for me to talk to you Susan. You have seen what happened at the cemetery gate, I can see I’ll have to have a word with an over-zealous uncle.”

Susan’s Mum said, “Come in Jason dear, is there something you need to tell me about your uncle?”

“Err yes, he is not of this world Mrs Beck.”

Susan had a bit of a giggle and said, “Jason I told Mum about your uncle's spirit doing all sorts of things including giving you super strength when you were threatened by those two idiots at your school.”

I replied, “Oh! and you don’t mind your daughter being friends with someone weird like me?”

“Jason dear, every one knows that there are trapped entities in that old cemetery. That is why it has never been developed like most other old historical places in this city.”

Susan said, “It looks like your uncle will be quite handy when you start to transition Jason, because people can be quite mean to transsexual people.”

I replied, “Did you have much trouble Susan?”

“No, because Mum dressed me as a girl as soon as I went to Kindergarten and all that remains to be done is the surgery when I turn eighteen.”

I said, “But Susan you have fully developed breasts, did you get implants?”

She replied, “Jason these are all mine and home grown.”

Susan's Mum laughed and said, “That's one way of putting it Susan, but no Jason, Susan has been on hormones for about four years now. Once I convinced her stupid doctor to prescribe oestrogen pills she developed a girlie figure fairly quickly.”

Susan looked at me and said, “Jason if you are really serous about being a girl than I will help you all I can, but you have to make an appointment with a gender clinic to get diagnosed first up or you won't be able to get any scripts for hormones, and you will have to also have blood tests done.”

I replied, “I already know all this because I have been on the internet and have looked it all up, but was never game enough to say anything to Mum because I thought she would be all upset with me.”

Mrs Beck said, “Jason dear, I will have a talk to your Mum tomorrow and we can sort something out and see if can't get you an appointment with Susan's doctor, not the stupid one but the one down at the clinic.”

Susan said, “Jason, your Uncle must know about your gender dysphoria because he seems to be pushing us together doesn’t he?”

“Yeah it looks like it doesn’t it?”

“Jason it's getting late and you still have to walk home so we can talk more tomorrow ok?”

“Yeah I suppose so.”

Susan's Mum said, “Jason have you got a girl name because we wont be able to call you Jason once you start dressing in female attire will we?”

I replied , “Well I like Jessica because I used to play with a girl named Jessica at kindergarten and I always wanted to be her even then.”

“Ok Jessica it is, so now you had better go and have a good nights rest and tell your Mum I will come and have a chat with her tomorrow Ja–Jessica.”

I said good night to her and Susan and started to walk home.

As I was walking I said, “Uncle are you there?”

He answered and was in my head and he said, “Jason ---Jess this is what I am here for, to protect you from harm.”

I replied just talking in a normal voice, “Shit I thought I had hidden it pretty well but it looks like hiding is over, things are really going to get tough for me now aren't they?”

“Yes Jess ---you don't mind me calling you Jess do you?”

“No uncle, because that is who I am, so go ahead. It's not as though any one else can hear you is it?”

“Jess I am here for you so don’t hesitate to call me for help any time you need me and tell your Mum to come to my headstone as soon as she can. I have a feeling she is as responsive as you are in connecting with me.”

“Ok uncle I had better get home now it is getting quite late.”

“Don't forget to tell your Mum tonight.”

“Ok yeah I won't ok.”

I hurried up and was home within ten minutes. Mum was still in the kitchen having a cup of tea waiting for me to come home.

She said, “Jason how did it go with Susan and her Mum?”

I replied, “Well Mum it looks like I am going to get a lot of help from Susan and her Mum. They even got out of me what my girl name is.”

Mum replied, “Oh and what might that be dear?”

“Err how does Jessica sound Mum?”

“Well Jessica that is what your aunty's second name is, she will be pleased I’m sure.”

“Mum I was talking with Uncle Albert on my way home and he asked me to tell you that he wants you to come to his tombstone as soon as you can find the time.”

Mum replied, “I wonder what he wants with me? Oh well I'll go there tomorrow morning and you can conjure him up for me on your way to school.”

“Yes Mum, and Susan is going to be passing this way to her school as well because her school is just down the road from mine, and we can take the same bus and all.”

Mum replied, “Well Jas–err —Jessica, oh dear it is going to be hard to cope with the name change while you are still going to be going to school in boy mode for quite a while yet.”

“Mum I am going to talk to the school counsellor when I get to school in the morning. I think there might be other transgender students at the school as well so, it might not be as bad as I first thought to come out as having gender dysphoria.”

“Well dear you had better go to bed, it is getting quite late.”

”Yes Mum goodnight.”

I kissed Mum on the cheek and went to brush my teeth in the bathroom and looked in the mirror and pulled my hair out of the ponytail and brushed it into a feminine style. It was almost down to my shoulders so I held it this way and that, and decide that I would get Susan to teach me how to deal with it so it would look ok.

I went to bed but could not get to sleep and I said in my mind, “Uncle are you there ?”

“Jess you know I am, what seems to be the problem?”

“Uncle I can't get to sleep with all the stuff that's happening to me at the moment. I’m all wound up, can't you zap me or something?”

Albert said, “Jess keep your eyes closed and count to three.”

I said, “One, two, three.” and the next thing my alarm clock was going off at six am. I thought 'I must remember when I can't sleep next time to get zapped by Albert the sleep-maker. Wow I could make a lot of money if I could somehow make it happen through a phone line.'

Any way I got up had a shower and put the kettle on to make myself a cup of coffee and Mum a cup of Earl Grey. I put some bread in the toaster and waited while the kettle boiled. Mum came into the kitchen just as I was about to take the cuppa and toast up to her bedroom and she said, “Jessica dear, don’t forget I am coming with you to the cemetery so you can connect me with Albert, so breakfast in bed is not an option this morning.” We had our breakfast and got dressed and ready to walk to the cemetery, when there was a knock on the front door, I opened it and there was Susan all dressed up in winter clothes and knee high boots ,

I said “Wow you look good this morning Susan. I hope you can show me how to look that good too?”

She replied, “Jessica err — you are in boy mode so I had better call you Jason in public or we might have trouble especially on public transport.”

Mum said, “Hello Susan, I'm coming with you as far as the cemetery this morning because Je-ason is going to connect me with his uncle Albert's spirit.”

Susan replied “Yeah it's really cool how Jess can talk with her dead uncle.”

Mum said, “Susan you will have to watch calling her that in public.”

Susan replied, “Oh shit, sorry I forgot.”

We made our way to the cemetery and the the little hidden gate on our side of the cemetery and went straight to Albert’s tomb stone.

Mum said, “Ok dear now what?”

I replied, “Ok Mum and Susan, I want you both to sit on that little grave bench and close you eyes and don’t open them till Albert tells you to.” I sat on the tomb itself and asked Albert to do his stuff.

He came in loud and clear and said, “Hello Mary and young Susan. Don’t open your eyes or I will lose contact with you.” Just as well there was no one else around because there was a mist around all of us and it got quite cold.

Mum and Susan just nodded their heads and Albert said, “You can only hear me in you mind and as time goes on you will be able to hear me like Jess can.” Albert then said, “Ok Jess and Susan, you two can go now while I have a talk to Mary on her own. Mary keep your eyes closed so I don’t lose you or I will have to get Jess back for us to connect us again.”

I said, “Come on Susan, we have a bus to catch.” I didn't say bye to Mum in case I broke the connection with Albert so we just quietly slipped away.

Susan said, “Does it always get that cold when Albert talks to you?”

I replied, “No, only around the tomb and the mist is a lot denser as well.”

We caught our bus and both got off outside my school because Susan's school is only half a block away.

She gave me a hug and said, “I will see you at the bookshop this afternoon Je–ason, be careful.” I walked through the main gates and to the office of Mr Green the school counsellor.

To be continued.

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