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FTL-11…Faster Than Life.
Chapter 11
I sit back in the seat and I stare at the thing well…the ship that’s waiting for us as it comes into view.
I’ve never seen anything like this. I’m not an expert but there are a whole range of things that are very similar about all starships.
This was sleek.
Now most people don’t do bother with sleek designs not for starcraft. There is usually anti-gravity gear in place and while there’s some streamlining it’s usually about function than being something pretty.
Star yachts the rich owned things are pretty.
But this was over a thousand meters long and it was sleek and actually shaped very much like a spearhead or one of those double edged throwing knives the combat troops often have.
It’s actually right at the blade edge that we can see anything like windows or sensors the rest is very armored and that armor seems like its metal at least with this almost blue grey steel look.
I check my screens. “I’m not picking this thing up on our sensors.”
Stillwater nods. “We figured that, there are rumors they have a sensor foiling armor and apparently it’s not a rumor.”
“Okay…but who are they.”
“They call themselves the Makere.”
“I’ve never heard of them.”
“Neither had I until I was briefed a few hours ago.”
I look at some of the others in the crew and they’re doing the same. To keep this that hush hush is a big deal. It’s top secret stuff. It’s also…there’s something else I notice. Every member of the flight crew has their swords. Both with them but we’re all medaled with our blades.
“So what are we here for?”
“Political pick up we’re picking up an ambassadorial team.”
“They’re joining the C.U.?”
“No…they’re allies.”
I don’t really get it but we get hailed and then there’s a data stream sent to us with the vectors and speed and coordinates for us to make out docking run.
I know military ships and these are way cleaner than our hangars when we land. They have troops out there in formation waiting for us as honor guards and we all notice one thing first.
“They’re blue?” one of the security detail says.
It’s true they’re dressed in more of flight suit or jumpsuit types of uniforms but they have blue skin the color of the sky and darker blue’s for the color of their hair. The combat armor that they wear is form fitted overlapping plates and it’s the same thing as the hull. The armor is very body hugging it looks like you could move very well in it actually and you can definitely tell the genders apart it looks actually almost robotic with that bare metal look except for this slightly v- shaved visor that sort of shimmers this emerald green. I’ve never seen their rifle types or their side arms either.
We get told to get into positions to welcome dignitaries and I stand at the ready at my station and I see an entourage coming of sorts. It’s so strange there’s no military fan fare no music being played no sounds at all on their sides.
They come up to us and Stillwater is out there with the welcoming party and there is the greetings and shaking of hands and then they board. They are all good looking, maybe bio sculpted? I see the head of the Makere delegation and she is stunning she has this very amazon like body of amazons produced waifs. She’s tall six foot six at least and thin, long thing legs coming from these seductive hips and narrow waist and everything but her very full and ample breasts is that thin and lovely look.
Not common beauty either she’s too tall for it to be our fashions no she’s stunning more because of the way she just seems so comfortable in who she is.
It’s kind of intimidating to see a woman like her she gives off this comfort and relaxed confidence in who and what she is like no woman that I’ve ever met and honestly I think even Stillwater’s nervous around her.
Her staff though seems relatively normal as people go except the things that I had mentioned. They are quiet though and I notice this very odd accent on the lady diplomat it’s pleasant almost Dutch/Danish like?
I see some of the staff look pretty young, like some of my peers like they are green members of this crew. There’s a dozen of them including the four soldiers that they have with them.
They get settled in and we head off once we’re granted clearance to go ahead and do so. Stillwater comes up and joins me up front.
“Let’s get some more speed in getting back to the ship okay. I don’t want to be out here with these people this vulnerable any more than we need to be.”
“Corporal? Is everything okay?”
“Yeah but I wasn’t filled in that this is a second contact mission.”
“Second contact as in what comes after first contact…”
I don’t get it but some of the others are getting it and staring.
It slowly sinks in.
No…that can’t be right can it?
“Corporal? They’re….”
She looks at me and she nods. “Yeah Stone…those are gene mods, they are actual real live no-human life forms.”
Oh really doesn’t cut it I mean there are things out in the galaxy that are just so amazing and unique and even evil or just bent and twisted but all of the sentient life that we know of…well it’s human. Even the Tekkers had started out as humans.
Oh god this changes everything…it changes god even…I mean we aren’t alone? Humanity isn’t alone.
I look back and I steal a glance or two at these Makere and I’ll admit this is huge and just the stuff I can think of is scaring me. And I catch the eyes of one of their uniformed staffer’s for the envoy and I can almost tell.
She’s as freaked out as I am.
I offer her a shy smile and a friendly head nod.
She offers one back.
Okay…the alien…she’s not that alien.
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We have met the alien, and she's just like us!
Nice touch.
Thanks Lexa:)
Even as short as this was I wanted to get some staging done for the next parts. I'm glad that you liked it:)
*Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
We have met the alien, and she's just like us!......
I'll just second that.
Are these aliens skilled
at prawn fishing? = )
Likey the are skilled at prawn fishing Extravagance:)
But they likely call them something else.
*Huggles and scratches.*
Bailey Summers
Kewl Legumes!
It appears humanity is lucky they ran into a friendly civilization else with the tech the Makere ( makers? ) have they would have been subjugated by now. Am so curious as to where this story arc is headed.
Vulcans, it had to be Vulcans ;-)
LOL Kim it took me a minute to get that:)
Not Vulcans but yes the get ready maybe for a bigger universe all the same. There will be a definite direction to where the plot will be heading.
*Great Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
wow moment
they have spread far and wide, an this is the first time they have made contact, wow!
short one, but great chapter.
Even with FTL and everything it's a vast universe and a huge
galaxy. While bound to happen it didn't mean it'd happen fast.
*Hugs and Howls*
Bailey Summers
I can see that, though with all the maybe visitors we've had you would think we would have meet them out there by now. maybe after they saw us they just ran far far away.
Bad news
I had to think about it, but I think this is not good news. For nations to ally that implies some kind of common enemy. Friendly relations are good, meaning trade and exchanges of information. Allies, are for when you're backed into a corner. These Makere appear very competent with a technology that has taken a different path than Earths.
On the other hand they are alike enough so that a smile is a smile and we have some kind of common ground.
Very interesting Bailey!
I am hoping that this will entertain.
The Makere and other things and events will soon be coming to a head. I'm just thankful that as small as this was it's gotten good attention from the fans.
*Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
Interesting. At least she's not the face-hugger type. (At least not yet ...)
Nice chapter.
Thanks Dorothy:)
i'm glad that you like this and will hopefully like the story as it continues.
*Great Big Angel Hugs*
Bailey...A Proud Big Brother:)
Bailey Summers
I'd like to see you spend more resources on this story line. I'm curious to see what you do with this genre.

Thanks Winnie I'm going to try.
It needs some more attention but i'm trying. Lots of stuff to write.
*Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
So if they're aliens... why
So if they're aliens... why do they look like humans? What means gene mods? Did they create human look alikes that they pilot or did they actually change their bodies so they would look human.
Are "we" also their first contact, or is something else going on...
This starts to become really interesting. Thank you for writing this captivating story,
It's mentioned that "we" are or Erin and them are in 2nd contact
And Gene-mods are people like Patrick. "Genetically-Modified." to do something or even look a certain way. Gene-Mods to look the way they do would be more believable like to humans than aliens.
The rest...comes with the story.
*Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
No-human life forms
Gene mods? Nonhuman beings? Everyone on pins and needles because they're not human? Or because it has greater implications for the beliefs of those who thought humans were alone in the big sea of blackness?
If it were generally known these beings existed, there would not only be a lot of nay sayers, but those who's look for ways to exploit them.
So what's Erin's take on the situation?
Others have feelings too.
Gene mods?
If they're gene mods this implies to me that they are modified human genes. If they are nonhuman then why call them gene mods?
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb