Where No Boy Has Gone Before -WARNING!!!! - This is a very DARK story -

Where No Boy Has Gone Before

By Angel O'Hare


This was written for a reason! To show the differences of transformations done out of love for the boy, and this particular story, a transformation done out of hate for the boy.

Unfortunately, some people use hate and love almost together. The true meanings and consequences of these two words are directly opposed to each other, but not with some people!

The combination of these words in some stories I have read boggles my mind.

"I hate you dad, but you’re my dad so I still love

WHAT? If you hate someone you cannot love them! You might hate one of their actions or reactions but not the person! What was the old saying? Oh yes, "Hate the sin and not the sinner." Giggle, giggle. You see there is a big difference.

Hate and love are opposites! Diametrically opposed to one another.

To link one mother who is helping her son out of compassion and love to one that hates their own child and is transforming that child totally against their will and in a humiliating way is ludicrous!

I truly think that those I am trying to reach with this story see this, but refuse to give an inch based on how angry they got reading my other story. Giggle, giggle.

Oh well, I am glad I don't have to write another one like this. It really hurt to write this one!

***Addendum...Erin wrote this and please heed her advice! "WARNING: This story is rather strong and may offend or upset some people. It deals with some of the conventions of TG fiction in a context of cruelty and child abuse. I did not enjoy reading or editing this story but I am glad I did. It's a good story and Angel knows what she is doing."

Thank You Mom (Erin), this one I cried the whole time I was writing it!


PS. The hit counter registered (4693 Reads) before Erin disabled it for the Big Closet Classic site. Go figure, my darkest tale was the most read on the old site!


Where No Boy Has Gone Before

by Angel

It was a very hot night and a severe thunderstorm moved nearer and nearer. The sound of thunder drew ever closer as the seconds ticked away loudly from the wind up clock on the dresser in the little boy's bedroom.

Little Patty lay huddled, trembling, with his head buried beneath his covers. He hated lightning storms with their accompanying thunder! FLASH and BOOM over and over! It was getting closer and closer. Then it happened! FLASH, BOOM the room shook the lightning struck so close! Little Patty wet the bed so fearful he was! The storm went on and on poor Patty trembling and wet. He wet until his bladder was empty and he still shook with fear.

Finally the storm passed and he could hear the ticking of his clock once again. His heart that was beating so loudly he could hear it as well as feel the pounding quieted to its normal rhythm and rate. Now he had a new fear! What would his parents do to him this time when they found he had wet his bed yet again? He started to cry then. Tears of helplessness and despair; but no comfort soothed the young and innocent broken heart.

The morning broke and the new day's sun shone through Patty's window. It spoke of a new promise and new beginnings but not for Patty. What he feared would be coming through his bedroom door any second now! His parents--more likely his mother--and the first thing she would do would be to check him to see if he is dry. When she finds him wet? A new hell begins for him!

He still huddled under his covers, trembling with what he knew came next. He heard someone enter and smelled his mother's perfume as she bent down to pull away his false security. His blankets she pulled forcefully away from his hidden form and she said, "Patty you did it again! I knew with that storm you would be like a baby again! Why can't you be the big eight-year-old boy that you should be instead of this baby who wets their bed at the first sign of a simple storm! I warned you what would happen if you did this again didn't I? Your father and I have discussed this and we feel drastic measures are needed here!"

Patty lay in his bed his tears flowing freely adding to the wetness already there. He was cold and uncomfortable looking up into his mothers angry and unforgiving expression. Her eyes spoke of things to come that promised to be anything but hurtful and humiliating.

His mother grabbed him by his arms yanking him out of his bed saying, "Ok little baby that cries like a little girl time for you bubble bath and we will go shopping together to get all the things my little baby girl needs. Your daddy has given me his credit card and told me to get anything and everything our little baby girl needs so let's get going so we can go shopping."

Patty tried to pull away! He pulled and pulled but his mother was much stronger than he was. He found himself being dragged down the hall and into the bathroom where a tub filled with bubbles and smelling like flowers awaited him. Patty hollered and screamed begging his mother to stop and let him go, but she would not!

His father hearing the shouts came into the bathroom holding his belt in his hand. His father said "Patty, we have tried everything we can think of to stop you from wetting the bed but nothing has worked! The doctor has said there is nothing wrong with you physically so it is you that lets this happen! Your wetting the bed will no longer be tolerated in this house and we have decided that you want to wet your bed and so we will let you. But! You will be treated like the baby you have decided to remain as and since you like to cry so much a baby girl is what we have decided you are to be. You can end this quickly enough just by not wetting your bed anymore! Until that time comes, you will be our little baby girl! Do you understand me?"

Patty could not speak, he was crying so hard and his heart had broken for what seemed to him must be the last time. He was in agony, he saw no escape from this coming punishment and humiliating existence. He just crumbled to the floor sobbing.

His father shook his head in disgust and left saying, "I have to leave for work. When I get home I will have a new baby girl and that better be what I find!"

With that said his father disappeared from view as his mother picked him up and undressed him freeing his body of the cold wet pajamas he was wearing. She lifted his small body up and laid him in the tub. It was then he heard something new and different from his mother. Baby talk! She spoke to him as if he was her baby girl as she washed him from head to toe. She was gentle and kind! This was new! Patty knew the price he would pay for this treatment though. He knew what lay ahead!

His mother finished washing him rambling on like she was talking to her baby girl and as she lifted Patty out of the tub she resumed talking to him as the 8-year-old boy that he was. She said "I bet you are glad it is still August and you have a few more weeks of summer vacation before school starts aren't you? To bad you will have to quit Cub Scouts they don't allow baby girls you know. Maybe I can get you into the Brownie Troup that Mrs. Jenkins leads wouldn't that be nice? It would be very easy for you to join that group because they meet right down the street at her house I could walk you there and walk you home. Maybe I will even become her assistant what do you think of that?" Patty just stared at her in disbelief the silent tears trickling down his cheeks falling on his bare chest. She continued "Since it is Friday you will have to skip your swimming lessons this morning but don't worry you can go Monday I don't want you to miss swimming with all your friends I know how much you enjoy the pool. I found out that they make some real pretty swim diapers and the town pool allows little children to swim if they are wearing these so I will get you a few pairs. They even have matching tops so they look like a two-piece bathing suit like a lot of little girls wear. Oh yes I almost forgot I am signing you up for dance lessons! Isn't that exciting? We will go right after we are finished getting you a perm at the beauty parlor. Mommy needs her hair touched up and I know how you hate to keep your hair neat so a perm would be perfect don't you think? I am so glad you haven't had you hair cut all summer it is just long enough to look real cute with lots of curls. I think we will get your finger and toenails done in a pretty pink maybe I will even let you wear a little lipstick wouldn't that be wonderful Patty? You know now that I think about it a little baby girl isn't such a good idea. I think you will be an 8-year-old girl that still has to wear diapers because she likes to wet her pants all the time. Yes, that is what I will tell the salesladies and everybody! We will have lots more choices of pretty outfits and I could even get you a training bra! Oh yes, that's just what I will do! I am so excited I can't wait!"

With all that said Patty's mother dressed him in his play clothes gathered her purse and dragged him out to her car. Patty had no tears left he had cried so hard and so long he was empty of tears. She kept talking as they drove but stopped as she noticed her good friend Hazel a neighbor and frequent visitor at Patty's house. She honked the horn and waved Hazel over to the car as she pulled to the side of the street and stopped.

Hazel came rushing over eager for some exciting gossip or the latest news. Hazel came up to his mothers window and said, "What is it, Diana, something new?"

Patty's mother said "Hazel, Patty and I will have a big surprise for you in a few hours. I will call you and you come right over ok?"

Hazel said, "A surprise? I love surprises I can't wait I will be back home in an hour so please call me right when you get back ok?"

Diana said, "Don't you worry about that Hazel you will love the surprise and Patty is going to need your help as well." Hazel looked at Patty and noticed his look of helplessness and despair and she smiled real big knowing this was going to be a lot of fun for her. She hated boys! She hated men! She just knew that what Diana had been planning and talking to her about for weeks was about to happen. They both had figured out a way to get Diana's husband to finally give in to their plans! She was so excited she clapped her hands and said "Oh Patty, this is going to be such fun! I can't wait for you to surprise me and I promise I will help you all I can with whatever it is you will need my help with." With that said she waved goodbye and Patty and his mother were on their way once more.

They drove into town and his mother stopped at the local baby store. She said "Isn't it wonderful that you are still so small and have hardly grown. I think a size 6X will fit you perfectly. The diapers and plastic panties we can get here will fit wonderfully. If you were bigger we would have had to drive into the big city to the medical supply store. I'm glad we don't have to do that because I don't know anyone their but here I know everybody. Let's go in and start shopping Patty.

Patty knew that if he resisted his mother would make things even worse for him so he reluctantly opened his door and got out. His mother got out and motioned him to her and she took his hand in hers as they entered the store. It was still early and the store had just opened so there were no other customers just the two ladies that own and ran the store. Patty's mother knew them both well. She said, "Jill, Debby, how are you this morning?"

Jill and Debby looked at them and answered, "Just fine, Diana." Jill went on to say "I see you have finally brought Patty in for some diapers and plastic panties! I told you he needed them months ago and I am glad you came to your senses at last. No sense in having a smelly wet bed and child to deal with."

Diana said, "Ladies, we need your help in getting my sissy crybaby son some pretty girly diapers and plastic panties. I think you mentioned to me about those new swim diaper sets and we will need a few of those as well."

The two ladies smiled real big then and excitedly took Diana and Patty to a section of the store that had the frilliest plastic panties and cloth diapers that had different prints and even solid colors along with plain white. Debby asked, "Will our little sissy girl be wearing these out of the store?"

To Patty's utter horror his mother said "Why of course we will be doing more shopping here in town for dresses and things so my little sissy girl will have to be wearing her diapers so we can get a proper fitting." The ladies and Patty's mother laughed long and hard as they started picking things out for him to wear. Diana added, "You won't mind if I leave my car parked out front do you? The other stores are so close by and I hate to have to find another parking space at each one."

Jill said, "Of course not, Diana, you can leave your car right where it is if you promise to bring Patty in and let us see what a pretty little diaper girl he makes before you leave for home."

Diana said, "Oh yes, we would love for you to see him in his pretty outfit wouldn't you, Patty?"

Patty in a rare act of defiance said, "No, I would not and I think you are all real mean and nasty!"

His mother grabbed him real hard and said "For that little girl smarty pants you are going to get a good spanking right here and now on your bare fanny!" With that said she pulled Patty's pants and underwear down and pulled them right off of him. He was now naked just wearing his pull over play shirt that was a little small even on him. Nothing covered his nakedness and he tried to cover himself but his mother grabbed both of his hands in one of hers, which she lifted over his head as she began slapping his fanny with the other. He danced around trying to twist away from her as Jill grabbed his hands and held them tight in hers. His mother continued to slap his fanny until it was beat red and stung real bad. Some how Patty found he did have a few more tears to shed and cried just as a lady and her baby came into the store!

Just his luck it was a neighbor of theirs who lived 2 houses away from his. She said "Diana, what did Patty do now?"

His mother answered her, "He said we were all nasty and it is he who wets the bed and needs to wear diapers! He has been defiant and refuses to use the toilet so Herb and I decided that he will wear diapers all the time until he decides to be a big boy. Herb even suggested that since he cries about everything that Patty should be a little girl as well until he learns to be the boy that he is supposed to be!"

Beth gave Patty a look that showed no sympathy and said. "Well, I think that is a great idea and maybe he will learn his lesson a lot quicker this way. I think you should at least get him into some diapers before another customer comes in though. Seeing a naked young boy could scare them away."

The ladies agreed with this and took Patty into a curtained area and strapped him down to a table. They came back with several diapers that were pink and had little toy ponies and girls in diapers printed on them. Diana layered 3 of them and added two more tri-folded in the center. She spread a white cream all over his fanny and penis, sprinkled him with baby powder and wiped her hands with baby wipes. She then pulled the diapers between his legs real tight and fastened them with white teddy bear pins. Then she slipped a pair of sheer pink plastic panties with 6 rows of white very wide lace on the back over his feet and up to his thighs. She untied his hands and undid the strap around his chest as she had him stand and pulled them up over his diapers.

Debbie said, "How cute he looks! What he needs now is a new top to wear. We have just the top he needs hold on a sec while I go get it."

Patty's mother smiled and said to Patty "See isn't this fun?" Patty just stood there with his silent tears trickling down his cheeks.

Debbie came back with a pink top with rows of white lace just like the plastic panties. His mother removed his shirt and replaced it with his new top. Debbie said, "You are lucky Patty, these were sent in the wrong size for our shop and we were about to send them back. She looked at Diana and said "You know we have 2 pairs of each of the four colors with contrasting lace if you are interested, Diana."

His mother asked, "Do you have matching plastic panties to go with them?"

Jill answered, "Let me go and check. I think we do!" With that said Debby went to get the other tops and Jill soon answered by hollering out "We do! We have all four colors in the Rumba panties!"

Patty's mother purchased them all and even more! She bought diapers in colors to match the Rumba sets and a few clear and colored plastic panties as well. She added a dozen white diapers and several solid and assorted print diapers to the pile. She bought him six matching tops to go with the 6 swim diapers she purchased him as well. The tops were stretchy and fit real snug With the purchases rung up and bagged she handed Patty a bag to hold and with the help of Debby they went out of the shop and to the car and put the packages in the trunk. Now Patty was very humiliated and frightened. He looked down and saw that his top just covered the plastic panties and if he bent just a little his lace-clad bottom would be showing to everybody who cared to look.

Jill came to the door and hollered out saying "Diana what should we do with Patty's boy clothes and his shoes?" Patty noticed several people stop and look right at him pointing and laughing.

Diana said "You can throw away his boy clothes because he won't need them anymore but he needs his shoes and socks so we can go into the other shops."

Jill came out and handed Patty his shoes and socks then she turned around saying, "These will make good rags," as she began to tear his boy clothes into strips. The people near them were all laughing and pointing making Patty cry even harder in shame and humiliation.

His mother turned and said, "Patty if you don't stop that crying right this instant I will remove your diapers and spank your bare fanny right here and now!" Patty stopped crying out of fear of yet even more humiliation. Now all the people standing around knew he was also wearing diapers! His mother told him to put his shoes and socks on making him bend over showing everyone his lacy, diaper-clad bottom!

His mother took his hand once more as she led him down the main street sidewalk for everyone to see. She led him into a girls' dress shop and they repeated his humiliation over and over again as his mother stripped him down to his plastic lacey panties right in the store as she bought him a training bra and put it on him. She let everybody know that he was a boy and why he was there. The saleslady who Diana also knew helped pick out several party dresses skirts blouses and even a Brownie uniform! His mother bought him a pair of pink sneakers with white flowers printed on them. Two pair of Mary Jane shoes white and black, a pair of open toe sandals several pairs of tights some with lace on the fanny and many pairs of different colored socks a few with a little ball over the heel and at the ankle. Some knee socks and the list went on and on. He now had several slips and petticoats and even a padded bra! He now had several sundresses and even a girl's school uniform for the Catholic school he attended! She bought him two one piece bathing suits she told him he could wear over his swim diapers for his swimming lessons. They dressed him in a light pink summer dress with a slip under it. They had him put on his sandals and after the items were paid for and bagged once again they were off to the car. They had to make several trips until they had all of the items in the trunk.

His mother said "Patty you look so cute but not cute enough. It is time to go to the salon and then we will sign you up for your dance lessens and get your leotards dancing slippers and the Tutu you will need."

* * * * *

Patty was just overwhelmed by what was happening to him. Being young and only eight years old he still knew that his mother had lied to his father. He knew by what and how much his mother had bought him that his humiliation would last a lot longer than if and when he stopped wetting the bed.

Why did his dad have to marry this woman! His real mother who died when he was five of cancer would never have done this to him! Then just 2 years later his dad had brought Diana home and introduced her as his new mommy! No! He would not have that! He rebelled and that is when the problems really began.

Every time his dad was gone Diana would be mean to him. He could never do anything right and she found fault in almost every thing he did. She lied often to his dad telling lies about things he did not even do! His dad would not listen to him and believed Diana instead. His fate was sealed. She would often call him a little sissy after she made him cry.

She would lie about him to his friends when he was not there until his friends started believing what she said! She was so mean and hateful! He had few friends of his own left that did not believe what Diana was telling everybody about him. The truth that he wet his bed was bad enough but she added things making it much worse.

Like the time George one of his so-called best of best friends asked him why he liked wearing girl's clothes all the time! He told him he never wore girl's clothes and that was stupid. George just said that Patty's mother said he did and told several of Patty's friends that same thing more than once! She even showed them a little girl's dress and told them it was Patty's favorite! The teasing started then and Patty went home and demanded Diana stop lying to his friends.

The spanking he got was the worst he had ever received in his young life! He had to stand in the corner naked with his bright red fanny exposed. Diana called a few of her friends and invited them over for tea and they had fun humiliating Patty. The terror, pain and shame Patty received from this woman had no limit. Patty knew deep in his heart that he was doomed.

No one believed him save just two of his friends, Jan and Pete who went to his school and lived close by. His father did not believe him and trusted Diana and never doubted her words. Now Patty knew that even Jan and Pete would desert him when they saw him like this. Little Patty knew of no way out from this. He wished he could just disappear, go to sleep and never wake up. He did not want to go to Hell for all eternity so he couldn't kill himself, but he sure did think about it!

His mother looked over at him seeing he was lost deep in thought and started laughing. She said, "Get used to it, little girl, I hate men and I hate little boys even more! Men you can use but little boys are just useless little things. I want a daughter! I want a young girl who looks pretty and is well behaved and guess what Patty? You are going to be that little girl!" She laughed and laughed with an enjoyment he had never seen before. She loved what she was doing to him. Worse still she had all the help she wanted and needed from her many girlfriends.

She said, "You know, Patty you were so well behaved in the dress shop I think you deserve a reward." With that said she pulled the car into the local ice cream shop and parked. The place was crowded and he could see many of his schoolmates and some of their parents sitting at tables outside the small shop. His mother dragged him out of the car and immediately it started.

She took him over to several of the mothers she knew holding Patty's hand with an iron grip. They talked and she told each of them her version of why Patty was now dressed the way he was. Well, all the children there were laughing and saying things and Patty knew his life was over. He knew even though the mothers hollered at their children and told them to stop saying those mean and hurtful things that his life would never be the same again.

His mother took him into the ice cream shop and ordered him a double cherry ice cream soda. She started calling him "Princess" and said "You were such a sweet well-behaved girl in the dress shop, Princess that I am going to let you have the works at the beauty parlor. We will get you a permanent so your hair will look real cute and curly. It will be much easier for you to take care of that way. Oh yes and we must get your ears pierced. No young lady would be without pretty earrings and all of the pretty ones these days are for pierced ears. Your finger and toenails have to be done I know. Your fingernails are a mess! I think we will get you some acrylic ones, they last a long time and you can have longer nails as well."

She had him sit outside with her at a table right next to the sidewalk and entrance to the shop everyone would be able to see him well! She told him, "Princess, now drink-up darling we don't have that much time before your appointment at the beauty parlor." He could hear the giggles and laughter from the children seated near them. He drank the ice cream soda as fast as he could which froze the inside of his mouth and it hurt. He was done in just a couple of minutes and they left and got back in the car to the sounds of children's sing-song words of "Goodbye, Princess darling," and more laughter.

He withdrew from life then. He shutdown everything he could. All his emotions and movement were shut down. Patty was an all but empty shell. His mother looked at him and smirked thinking to herself, 'So it begins, good it will make it that much easier for me and the girl's to change him completely. Soon, my little boy, you will cease to exist and my little princess will be born. Your father will not know what hit him he stands no chance of saving you.' She laughed with glee as they continued to drive to the beauty parlor.

They arrived at "Christina's Beauty Parlor" and as she parked her car Diana said "Princess, now you just sit back and relax when we get inside and let Christina do her magic. If you misbehave in anyway you will deeply regret it, understand?"

Patty just nodded and Diana repeated herself with a more angry tone so he said, "Yes, I understand."

She said "Princess, you will call me 'Mommy' from now on and every time you answer me, understand?"

Patty said, "I understand you, Mommy."

Diana smiled and patted him on his bare leg saying, "That's my girl" as they both got out of the car. Diana took hold of his hand and led him inside. Christina saw them and came over as Diana greeted her loudly saying, "Hello, Christina, I have brought my new little girl to you and she is to have the works. Now, don't pay any attention if she asks you to let her use the bathroom. She is being punished for always wetting her bed and is diapered thickly so she can just sit through the whole session, ok?"

This got the attention of all the ladies and girls in the shop and they were all staring at little Patty. Christina said, "Well, Diana, I don't know about that, are you sure her diapers can take four or five hours worth?"

Diana said, "Well, what do you think?" With that said Diana lifted up Patty's dress exposing his lacy pink plastic panties and thickly padded diapered fanny for all to see.

Christina patted Patty's fanny rather hard making a padded thumping sound that everyone could hear. She said, "Oh, yes, Diana, I think those diapers could hold a gallon of pee-pee." You could hear the muffled giggles and laughter from all those that were there.

Diana lowered Patty's dress and said, "Now, Princess, you be a good girl and let Christina make you into the princess I know you will be, ok?"

Patty was forced to reply and said, "Yes, Mommy," as he heard even more giggles and laughter.

Christina knowing beforehand what was going on said, "You look so cute in your dress, Patty, and soon you will look even cuter. Isn't this so much better than your boy's clothes?"

She continued without giving Patty a chance to reply, but she succeeded in getting all the others attention. Just the women under the hair dryers could not hear what was being said. "Your Mommy has told me how many times she has caught you wearing her clothes and panties. I think she has made the right decision if you want to be a girl so badly you will now get your chance and your dream fulfilled." Patty could hear the gasps and surprised whispers of exchanged comments as she led him to a curtained changing cubicle.

Diana was going around the shop answering questions and explaining the situation of making Patty into a girly-boy. She told them all how she had caught him time after time wearing her panties and slips. Threats, spankings, and other remedies she told them were all tried and none could make him stop. She went on and told them that the psychiatrist she had taken him too had recommended this type of treatment, fearing Patty might try and harm himself if they refused to let him be the girl he so desperately wanted to be. She made it sound as though she was making all the sacrifices and it was only her undying love for this child that she could go through with it. She added that Patty was her stepchild by marriage and felt real sorry for her husband.

This succeeded in getting the sympathies and promised help from the ladies and the giggles and laughter from the younger girl's. Their mothers made them stop and scolded them right there in the shop. It worked and at least the girl's would not be laughing and giggling at him the whole time he was being transformed. To his continued horror Christina left the curtain open as she undressed him down to his training bra and lacy plastic panty covered diapers. He could hear the ladies telling Diana how cute "HE cough, cough SHE" was. Some of the girl's giggled and he could hear several slaps as their mother's smacked them into silence. Christina put a transparent pink tinted plastic cape around him tying it in the back and led him to a sink and had him sit in a salon chair. He knew everybody could clearly see what he was wearing underneath and he shut down even more! He did not look around or show any interest in what was happening to him. He ceased to listen to anyone save Diana and that was out of pure fear.

Christina laid the chair back and had his head over the sink as she began to shampoo his hair. The sound of the running water gave him the urge to pee and he tried to hold it back. The sound and warmth of the water made the urge too strong and he just had to let it flow after just a few minutes. The double ice cream soda had done its work.

Christina saw his expression and just smiled and nodded to Diana with a smile. She rinsed his hair and washed it one more time. She then added a conditioner wrapping his head in a turban and she sat him back up. She looked to Diana and said, "You know, Diana, I think we should tint her hair more blond so it matches her pretty eyelashes and eyebrows."

Diana agreed with her and added, "Her brows are so thick I think you should thin them and shape them into a nice delicate arch don't you?"

Christina smiled and said, "Leave it to me, Diana, you go and get your touch up and we will surprise you with your new pretty daughter when we are done." Christina called one of her assistants over and they both began working on Patty in earnest as Diana was led off to get her touch up.

As she was led away Diana said "Oh, Christina, make sure Patty gets a big glass of water every half hour. The Doctor said she needs it because of her new medicine. Oh, yes, she needs to take two pills with her next glass, let me get them for you." With that said his mother went to her purse and took out to pills from a prescription container.

Christina filled a big glass of cold water as his mother handed him the pills. He swallowed the pills and drank the big glass of water. He wondered what the pills were for but he knew why she wanted him to dink so much water!

Diana looked at him sternly and said, "What do you say to Christina, Patty?"

He said "Thank You for the water, Christina." His mother smiled and walked away to get her touch up.

Patty was treated like a little girl and pampered with care as Christina talked to him like he was a little girl getting the works for the first time. She explained everything she and her assistant were doing to him in great detail delighting in telling him how long everything would last.

Step by step, they made him over starting with the tinted perm and moving on to his eyelashes, eyebrows, fingernails and toenails. They added half-inch acrylic nails to his fingers. They shaped them and covered them with several coats of pink polish and a sealer coat on top of that. His toenails and fingernails glowed pinkly in the lights.

It was then Christina said, "Ok, Princess, now hold your head very still this will hurt a little but it won't hurt for too long." She wiped both his earlobes with an alcohol swab and looked over to find Diana only to notice she had left. She shrugged her shoulders and said to her assistant, "I think three in each ear would be perfect, don't you?"

Her assistant replied, "Oh yes, three is the most popular number of earrings for each ear, now."

Patty grimaced and went deeper in his depression. Christina made several marks on each ear and then he heard and felt each pop as three gold studs were pierced into each of his ears.

She took delight in tweezing his eyebrows into a thin delicate arch. They curled and dyed his eyelashes! She told him it was better than mascara because it would not run and would last with a little touch up as his eyelashes grew. She said "Princess, you can use a little mascara when you want fuller lashes and for special occasions. With your lashes dyed like this they stand out so prettily. It is the latest thing and more and more girls will be doing this. All you have to do is brush them out and curl them. Don't you worry, sweetheart, we will give you a little kit with everything you need in it to take home with you as a special present for being such a good and brave little girl."

She looked him over and said to her assistant, "Let us surprise Diana and do a little extra. The assistant nodded and led Patty over to a chair which sat next to a mirror with lights all around it and had many containers of colored powders, creams and tubes in racks that set on a table close by. She used a soft pad and rubbed his face all over with it and then spread creamy stuff on his face and spread it evenly and thinly. She described everything she did and let him know what each item was for and how it changed his appearance. She did around his eyes with several colored powders and finished with his lips. She first outlined them with a soft colored pencil shaped thing and then had him open his mouth as she painted his lips with a brush which held a pink cream. She powdered his lips and reapplied the color. She had him blot his lips by closing them on a tissue and said, "You look beautiful, Princess! Let me put this in a special little frame for your Mommy. I know she will want to save your first blotting paper." With that said she put the tissue with the pink outline of his lips in a small frame.

Christina came over and said "Oh, you are so pretty now, Patty! I can see why you so much want to be a girl! Let us get you dressed and wait for your Mommy, ok?" She did not wait for an answer as she took his hand and walked him back to the cubicle once again leaving the curtain open. She removed the plastic cape and again standing in full view of everyone in his training bra and lacy plastic panty and diapers she helped him put his dress back on being careful not to mess up his makeup. Dressed again with his ears burning not only from the new holes that were added but his shame in knowing all there would soon be telling his story to everyone they knew.

He sat in the front of the beauty shop waiting for his mother to return. No smile on his face and a blank look in his eyes. He sat motionless as Christina handed him another big glass of water. He looked up at her and sighed, remembering to thank he,r and drank the water down in quick gulps. He had to pee again and succeeded in holding it back until now he just let it flow out of him, feeling his diapers getting heavier.

A lady and her daughter came over to him and the lady said, "Hello, Patty, I am Mrs. Page and this is my daughter Angie, she wants to ask you something."

Patty said, "Hello, Mrs. Page, Angie."

Angie smiled at him and took his hands in hers and said, "Patty, I think you are a very brave boy to do this and I want to be your friend. I want to invite you and your mother over to our house tomorrow after Church. I know you go to my Church because I have seen you there. You can sit with us and then we can have some lunch and play together afterwards ok?"

Just then Patty's mother came into the shop so Mrs. Page repeated the invitation to her. Diana looked at Patty and said, "You are so kind and Angie, you are a very special girl to do this. I would be honored to attend Church and sit with you and your family but Patty has to decide for herself."

With that they all looked at Patty and with Angie still holding his hands in hers she squeezed them slightly and he said, "Thank you, Mrs. Page and Angie, my Mommy and I will be there."

Angie squealed in delight as she hugged him being careful not to mess up his make-up. They said their good byes and left. Tomorrow Patty would have another nightmare to add to the many he already experienced.

Diana had him do a small twirl and looked him over. She was smiling and said what a beautiful little princess he was.

Christina came over and handed him a little package and told Diana what a perfect little girl he was for them. She pointed out the number of earrings Patty now had and asked, "Is that alright, Diana?"

Diana said, "Oh, he looks so darling with them you made the right decision and I love the make-up and his eyes and eyebrows are simply dreamy! The fingernails and toenails are perfect!" You could see Patty's toenails easily through his open-toed sandals he had on. Christina had left his cute socks he had worn into the shop off. Diana paid her and gave Christina and her assistant a big tip. They left the beauty shop and got back into the car.

Diana looked over at Patty and smiled saying, "You are going to be better than I thought. You look just like a pretty little girl and I think I will call my Doctor friend and make it permanent. Now that I have started you on estrogen that little penis of yours is going to shrivel up and your little balls are going to atrophy we might as well make a pretty little cunny and remove both of them. What do you think about that Patty?"

Patty looked at her with horror, as he knew she would do just that! She said "Well? You don't think I want a little girl with a boy's thingy do you?" She smiled at him seeing the horror and fear written on his face.

They pulled into another parking space outside the "Miss Janet's School of Dance and Ballet" and got out of the car. Patty saw that his mother now held a big pink diaper bag with the strap over her shoulder. It had writing on both sides that read "Patty Calloway" his full name! Diana held his hand in an iron grip once more as she led him inside.

Janet was there with a few girls all dressed in pink leotards and slippers. She looked over and greeted Diana warmly as she looked at Patty and said, "Well ,this must be our little Patty who still needs to wear diapers. Don't worry, little one, I have three of our advanced students who have agreed to take care of you while you are here." She introduced the girls to Diana and Patty and informed Diana that they were all experienced diaper changers.

Diana said, "Well, that is great because I know that Patty is soaking wet and needs a changing before we have her try on the leotards and tutu's. Do you girls think you could change her now so I can observe and make sure you really know what you are doing?"

All three girls smiled real big looking at Patty and said, "We would love to Mrs. Calloway."

Diana then added "She needs to have the Zinc Oxide spread evenly over her front and fanny and it must be completely and thoroughly covered, then we sprinkle the powder on her. Everything you need is in her diaper bag which she will always carry with her when she is here."

With that said one of the girls took his hand and they all went into the dressing room. Once inside they closed the door and undressed him down to his training bra and plastic panties. They then had him lie down as they took turns doing each step. Soon he was naked and they all smiled and giggled seeing his little penis. Each one took a turn cleaning his little thing and fanny thoroughly with baby wipes.

Patty tensed up each time because the baby wipes felt so cold against his very sensitive area. His little penis shriveled even smaller because of the ice-cold wipes and the girls giggled a little more.

They each spread an even coat of zinc oxide that ended up being three layers thick! They each sprinkled baby powder on him as well making him really smell like a baby. This time only two diapers and one tri-folded one was used. They were imprinted with little yellow ducks. Each girl put it on and pinned it tight and then the next one unfastened it and refastened it showing Diana they indeed knew what they were doing.

Diana handed them a plain pair of yellow plastic panties and when the first girl put them on correctly Diana said, "Ok, girls, I see you know your stuff and you are hired."

Janet then said, "Patty you can't wear really thick diapers here. You have to be able to dance and it will be hard enough just wearing two diapers. So, when you piddle you are to get one of the girls and she will change you at the next break. If you do a stinky you are to get one of the girls right away understand?"

Patty had a blank look on his face so Janet said, "By stinky I mean if you go poop in your diapers. Now do you understand?"

The girls giggled again and Patty said. "Yes. Miss Rawlins."

She smiled at him and then said, "Alright then let us try on a few leotards and find you a pretty Tutu and dance slippers. They had several colors but his mother insisted that they all be pink ones even the slippers. They had several styles and Patty soon had two of each and three tutus in case he wet or messed one or two. Diana paid Janet and got Patty's schedule of his classes and they redressed him and they left with more packages to add to the trunk. Patty was aware that he now could walk easier wearing only two diapers.

Too soon they were parked in front of his neighbor's house. Mrs. Jenkins, the Brownie Troop Leader was apparently watching for them because as they got out of the car, the front door of her house opened and she was standing on the front porch with several little girls dressed in their uniforms. One of the girls looked to be too old for Brownies but she was wearing a sash with many patches sewn on it. Her uniform was green and not brown. The introductions were made and the forms filled out and Diana was officially made an assistant troup leader.

Then to Patty's horror it was explained to him/her why the Girl Scout was there. Her name was Tina and she was the most advanced Girl Scout and needed a teaching patch to qualify her as an honor scout. She was going to teach babysitting to seven other Girl Scouts to earn her badge. This was very important to her and Patty was going to be used for the baby care portion! They informed Patty that he/she would earn a badge for "volunteering" to do this.

Diana informed Tina that this was fine but she would have would be there as well. Tina only agreed to this for the first meeting and said, "Mrs. Calloway, you can trust me to take good care of Patty if anything bad happened she would not get her patch and she would not qualify as an honor scout. Diana agreed and Patty knew he would be at the mercy of eight girls and be alone with them and in diapers and probably naked as well! Sure enough Tina outlined her course that included changing diapers, bathing, dressing, bottle-feeding, baby food feeding and everything else involved in baby care! Patty had another nightmare added to his long list of nightmares!

Tina was very happy and hugged Patty and thanked him/her for being such a good girl. She promised to give her a party at the end of the course and an invitation to her Honor Scout banquet that he/she would be honored as well. That is the last thing Patty wanted but had to thank her anyway. His "Mommy" was there!

Back to the car they went and soon Patty found they were parked outside of Hazel's house. Hazel came out looking a little mad and said, "Diana, that was the longest couple of hours I have ever spent! You could have called me and told me you were running like 5 hours late!"

Diana said, "Hazel, I am sorry but just wait a second and you will see it was worth your wait." With that said she got out of the car and came over to Patty's side opened his door and with a flourish had him get out and as she said "I present to you Princess Patty Calloway!" She told Patty to do a twirl and he obeyed. Hazel was beside herself with glee! She smiled and laughed and giggled right along with Diana. Hazel scooped Patty up in her arms and carried him into her house.

Patty noticed several other people their and he knew it was not going to be a good thing for him. These ladies were all part of the secret club his mother belonged to. All he ever heard was it being called "the club" and all the members were women and none of them had liked him when he met them. They often ridiculed him and made fun of him only to send him off to his room while they held their meeting. Each woman would hold a meeting in turn at her hose.

Patty was the only boy among the members. A few had a daughter or two, but no boys. They all hated boys and men! That was evident from what he had overheard from being at these meetings. He was always sent off somewhere but a few times he was close enough to overhear what was being said. He had to play with the girls and only play their games and do what they said. That was an order from his mother.

That was a secret hell that Patty had kept from his father. In fear, he had kept these meetings secret knowing that the threats that these women made to him they would carry out if he ever did tell! The girls would often make him take his clothes off as they each took turns playing with him. They would play dress up with him being the dolly. These girls also knew he wet the bed but kept it secret for their own purposes. He would be their baby and they would make him wet himself or they would pee in a container and pour it into his diapers. He was in his own hell and there was no escaping it now.

Diana placed a call to her husband using a happy and cheerful voice while showing her contempt for him on her face. The ladies knew this was a marriage of convenience for Diana; Herb had money that Diana spent as often as she could. Her plan was to bleed him dry and use his son to torture him even more. The plan was well underway and worse, it was working as planned.

Now the daughters of these women were being trained as well. They were being taught to hate all boys and men! Patty knew that two of these ladies had several male teachers in their pockets and were blackmailing them. They had used their own daughters to incriminate them as pedophiles. It was not true, but as they say pictures don't lie! If people only knew how pictures can and do often lie!

The Doctor Diana spoke of was a member and she was there! They had poor little Patty lie on the dining room table as they removed his dress, plastic panties and diapers. The young daughters were allowed to wash him off with baby wipes and they were gentle physically but they were hurtful verbally!

The Doctor told them all to stop their verbal abuse and it did stop immediately. She was the leader and in full command of this group. The Doctor said, "If we do what Diana asks of us then Patty will be a girl so I forbid anyone from any more verbal abuse against her while she still has her male parts. Let me examine Patty now."

Everyone stood aside as the Doctor examined Patty she said, "Let me see how much sensation you have, Patty dear," and with that said she manipulated his member until it grew rigid. She smiled and said, "Yes, a fine clitoris this will make." She felt his scrotum and said "Much too small to form a vagina now. We will wait until she is older for now a clitoris and the labia's will be enough. Tonight we will just remove the testes." The ladies held Patty down as the Doctor gave him an injection. Soon he drifted off into nothingness.

He woke in his own room to find he was wearing a sleeper with feet and mittens. The mittens were tight and he could not move his fingers or thumbs. His legs were bent slightly and he could not straighten them all the way. He would have to crawl on his hands and knees if he wanted to move at all. He found he was heavily diapered and was very sore between his legs. It felt like it was burning like someone was holding fire to the area.

He had something in his mouth that he could not spit out. He felt something around the back of his neck and knew what ever was in his mouth was tied in place. He tried to holler out but only muffled sounds could he hear.

He rolled off his bed and crawled to his open bedroom door. He looked out and saw no one and continued his crawling to his parents' bedroom. No one was there either. He was very sore and each movement caused him more pain. He knew he was wet and his fanny hole felt very sore and he didn't know why. He crawled to the stairs and saw his mother coming up them.

She saw him and smiled. She held a tray and he saw several hypodermic needles and a small bottle with cotton balls next to it. She said, "Good morning, Princess, I have some very powerful hormones here as well as an antibiotic and a pain shot for you. Now don't you feel better knowing that you are almost a girl? One thing is for certain without those nasty little balls of yours you will never be a boy or grow into a man." She giggled with a hidden joy as she walked past him and entered his room. She called to him and he knew he had to crawl back.

There was no escape. He wondered where his father was and why he did not do or say anything to stop this. Did his father even know what had been already been done. No, he probably came home and just looked in on him seeing him in his pink fluffy sleeper. His mother probably showed him the items she had purchased and told him about the beauty shop. He wondered what his father had said about his ears. He could not figure out why his father had let this go on. He had only wanted Patty to be shamed into stop wetting his bed, not all this!

Patty realized then that he was truly finished as a boy. His future was already planned and he had no say and no hope to change the outcome. He crawled into his bedroom with tears of loss and increasing pain falling heavily from his eyes. His mother smiling picked him up and unsnapped the crotch of his sleeper. She said "Patty, you are really soaking wet and that is why your little cunny burns so much. Let me clean you up and give you something that will take the pain away." She removed his feet and legs from the sleeper and removed his plastic panties and diapers.

She carefully cleaned him checking the small cut that was made to remove his two testes. Modern medicine allowed just a slight cut to be needed to do this, now. Just two stitches closed the opening that had been made. Easily cleaned and with a barrier cream added kept it free from any chance of infection.

She rolled him on his side and swiped his fanny with a cotton ball soaked with alcohol. She gave him the first shot which was for pain and much more than just to relieve the pain. This would make Patty groggy and high as a kite unable to resist anything shortly after it was given. She waited a few minutes taking his temperature with a rectal thermometer while she waited. No temp! That was good. She injected him with the antibiotic next and it burned but Patty didn't care. Then came the powerful hormone shot. She was happy and Patty just didn't care.

This went on for several days, he hardly remembered anything that had gone on. He only knew that this morning he was being dressed up and would be taken somewhere. His foggy brain heard his mother say he was going to the pool today, now that his sutures were all healed up. She had dressed him in the swim diapers and added just a top. No one piece bathing suit to cover the swim diapers today.

He remembered drinking from something was it a straw? No! It was a baby bottle and his mother had just inserted the nipple of another one into his mouth and told him to drink it all up. He was very thirsty and did just that. She carried him out to the car and off they went to the town pool.

He was slowly waking from the dream state where he had been for days remembering nightmare after nightmare. He could only waddle in his diapers as his mother led him into the pool area. She had had to stop and show the attendant that Patty was wearing the approved swim diapers before they were allowed entry.

He heard the children and parents around them laughing. He knew they were laughing at him. Dressed in a girl's two-piece swimsuit the bottoms being obviously swim diapers. His mother continued on toward the wading pool area. She met some of her friends there as she sat Patty in the cool water of the wading pool. Many of Patty's schoolmates came over to stare and point him out to others. His mother kept the children from being abusive but the damage was done nonetheless.

Patty just sat there ignoring everything he had found a safe place to be! He went within himself and locked everything else out. He saw nothing, he heard nothing, and he wanted nothing.

He felt himself being lifted out of the water and being carried. He felt himself being put into the car and his seatbelt fastened around him. He heard nothing, he saw nothing even though his eyes were open. He did feel though. He could not help but feel things. He did not react to the feelings he just felt them.

He felt pain in his arms as a needle was inserted in each vein, IV fluid ran into him keeping his body hydrated. He felt a pressure as they cut a hole through his skin and into his stomach. He felt pressure as they inserted a feeding tube and sutured it in place. He felt liquid flowing slowly into his stomach as he was being nourished now by machine. That is all he felt. He stopped even feeling then going even deeper within himself.

Shock! Light! Feeling! Sound! Smells! He was aware! He saw himself from above looking down. He did not know who it was at first. The body lying there was like a creature about twenty years old or so. All bent up with shriveled limbs, the sightless eyes looking up, their emptiness staring right at him floating above looking down. A very old looking man was crying by the bedside holding a shriveled hand in his. He heard him say "Patty, please forgive me, I should have believed you."

Patty, yes, that was his name! But he was only eight years old and definitely not the shriveled dead thing he saw lying in that bed. Patty saw a light, a very beautiful light which he headed for floating away silently from the scene below.

Something a little different...



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