Why Can't a Boy be More Like a Girl? Part 4

Why Can't a Boy be More Like a Girl?
Part Four

Another Lesson


Mary Beth Grows Up

By Angel O’Hare

  Gwen and Trish now encumbered with five dresses that Trish allowed Gwen to pick out. Truth be known, Trish had steadfastly refused about ten of the dresses as being to babyish in style. The five they took with them to the dressing room were styled for teens; three were straight A-line in style, but two were borderline pre-teen to teen in design. Trish had agreed to try these on because she knew the styles they were purchasing for her little brother, now sister. She knew that if she wore one of these for their first time out with their father, Mary Beth would not fuss. One of them was a print dress with a snap in crinoline that poofed the short dress out, not enough to allow anyone viewing the wearer to see the fancy panties worn underneath. This was a popular design because the dress could be worn off the golf course by easily snapping in the crinoline. It was pastel blue in color with yellow flowers sewn on all over the skirt portion. The wearer had to be careful though. It would take very little movement to flash the fancy panties worn underneath.

Janet and Mary Beth returned, with Janet taking the chosen five dresses for Mary Beth to try on from April. They joined Gwen and Trish in the dressing room as Trish was admiring herself in the mirror wearing the blue pastel dress. Mary Beth could see Trish’s fancy yellow panties as she twirled back and forth. Mary Beth giggled seeing his older sister having fun twirling back and forth. Trish seeing Mary Beth’s reflection started giggling as well.


“Oh Mary Beth, hurry and try on one of your outfits, let’s see what we look like together.”


“Ok Trish; come on Mommy, help me please?”


“Well let’s not dawdle and keep Trish waiting Princess.”


Janet and Gwen chuckled seeing Terry’s, now Mary Beth’s rush to try on his dresses. Since it was just the four of them in the dressing rooms, Janet began undressing him right there. Mary Beth looked around worriedly hoping his mother would take him into one of the booths to do this.


“Mommy, what if somebody comes in here?”

“So? What if they do; what will they see, but a pretty little girl changing into one of her pretty new dresses.”

“You need help getting dressed Princess, and the changing booths are a little cramped for two people to be in them at one time.”

“Ok, Mommy.”

The first dress Janet picked out was the one that matched what Trish was now wearing. This version was just a little more babyish by being just that much shorter; all who cared to look, if she just moved a little, would see Mary Beth’s panties. That and the yellow flowers were more childish in design. On went the dress and then Mary Beth stepped into the yellow ruffled panties. The panties were sheer and the multi colored flowers on her diaper pants showed through clearly. Mary Beth could not see this as the dress kept this little truth from her. Janet called to Trish, and had them stand together.


Holding hands and giggling together the two girls looked so cute! Gwen and Janet smiled, and then gave each, one glowing compliment after another. No one would ever have guessed these two children’s true ages, as they were dressed now. Trish looked about ten while Mary Beth looked to be about four or five. Maybe with a quick glance even younger when you saw she was clearly wearing diapers.


“Ok girls, we know the sizes we picked out are correct, and we must get back to your father before he spends all his money. We have more things to buy and Mary Beth needs her costume for the pictures tomorrow. The two girls giggled as they both were undressed and put back into the clothes they were wearing before. Janet was careful to remove Mary Beth’s panties before the dress.



Fred had picked out his dream clubs, a new golf bag, his new golf shoes, and the little accessories that go along with everything else. He watched as his wife, Gwen and his two daughters approached. The smiles on their faces made him smile as ‘Dog’ began to chuckle.


“Well Fred, looks like the girls have done a bit more shopping. You ready to get the clubs and extras they need now?”


“Oh man Dog, my plastic is going to melt in the machine before we are through spending money today.”


They both laughed as the girls met up with them.


Janet looked at the two laughing men, shook her head and then they all started laughing together.


“Honey, we are running out of time, we need to get Mary Beth’s costume, so I think we should come back another time to get the other golf things the girls need.”


Dog jumped in quickly saying; “Janet, all I need is to take a few measurements, Fred and I can pick out what the girls need ok? That is, if you don’t need Fred with you to pick out the costume.”


Fred looked imploringly at his wife. He definitely didn’t want to hang around a girl’s shop.


Janet laughed seeing the expression on Fred’s face and just nodded, as the girls were off on yet another shopping expedition.



Gwen had the perfect store in mind, but was deep in thought about the color. Baseball fields are always hot and very dusty. White, was out of the question...


Janet was chuckling to herself as she watched her two daughters so happy together. She looked over at Gwen and saw her with that ‘lost in space’ look.


“Penny for your thoughts” Janet said as she squeezed Gwen’s elbow.


“Janet, Marry Beth can’t wear white and the shades of browns wouldn’t suit her. I have the perfect store in mind, but I doubt they would have the color we need on hand.”


Janet chuckled, “You worry too much Gwen, we are in a huge mall for heaven’s sake. We’ll check out your store, and knowing you, you have someone there you know well. We’ll get suggestions from her.”


Gwen laughed, shook her head, and squeezed Janet’s arm. “You’re right on the mark Janet. Let’s go to ‘Everything’s Elegant’ and talk to Minnie.”


They both looked at the two girls when more giggles erupted. Trish was whispering in Mary Beth’s ear. Janet turned to Gwen, “Just look at those two; they never got along so well. I mean, they always got along, but just look at them now.”


They both smiled looking at the two girls giggling and whispering to each other.


Gwen reached out and tapped them both, getting their attention. “Ok girls, the store we are going to is just around the corner. It is a very fancy store and you both have to listen well. The woman’s name we are meeting is Miss. Minnie, Ok?”


The two girls nodded and Mary Beth had that look that told you she had more to say or ask.


Gwen smiled, “What is it Mary Beth?”


“Can Trish get something too? It isn’t fair for me to be getting something and not her.”


Now, Janet was surprised! Terry had never thought of sharing with his sister before. Not only did he not like to share his things with her, but also he was always trying to get the ‘one-up’ and even pouted when she got something and he didn’t. Now, as Mary Beth, he seemed to have matured and become more caring of others.


Janet scooped him up in her arms and gave him a big hug. “Mary Beth, that was very thoughtful of you. Yes, Trish can get something too. We will get a couple of pretty dresses for you both. You need something pretty for church and Trish always needs more dresses.”


Janet put Mary Beth down and Trish gave her a big hug whispering in her ear. “Thank you Mary Beth, I love you.” She giggled looking at her new sister’s facial expression.”


“Um...I love you too Trish.” They both hugged; hand in hand, they looked up at Janet and Gwen, “Let’s go!”



April, once Dog had handed her the measurements for the two girls, started picking out accessories they both would need. Fred and Dog were choosing a basic set of clubs for them both.


April was on cloud nine! Her commissions for that day were already an all time high. She loved the two girls, and that Mary Beth! She thought she looked like a boy? April laughed aloud at the thought. She hadn’t seen a little girl as pretty as that one, ever. She thought, PINK, for Mary Beth, YELLOW for Trish. Yes, the colors suited them. She selected tube covers for the clubs in those colors. (Tube covers slipped over the handle and covered the shafts of the clubs. It added so much, the shafts of the golf clubs were of a drab metal color and children love color.)


Sweatbands for the head and wrists, a golf hat each, well, make that two, the standard visor type, and the very cute hats with the puffy tassel on top. April was having a grand time and she picked out a few sets of pretty, laced topped sweat socks in various colors. Shoes, she had to go and ask the girl’s father on that one. Should they be the sneaker type or the cleat type?



Minnie was arranging her latest design for her Mother and Daughter outfits on the mannequins in the window. She looked up and saw her good friend Gwen walking with another woman and two young girls. They were heading her way and she got a better look at the young ones. ‘Oh my, look at the little one! She is a beauty; I would love to have that one model my children’s dresses.’


   Gwen entered the shop first followed by Janet and the two girls. Minnie smiled, “Hello Gwen, and who have you brought with you today?”

Minnie, I would like you to meet Janet and her two beautiful children, Trish and Mary Beth.”


“Hello Janet.” Minnie knelt down in front of the two children. “You are both very pretty girls. What are you shopping for today?”


Trish spoke up first, as Mary Beth was embarrassed and turning various shades of red. “Miss Minnie, we both need a pretty dress for church and Mary Beth needs a costume.”


Minnie looked up at Janet as Janet and Gwen began to chuckle.


“Hi Minnie, it is a little hard to explain, but I will try. Yes, we need to get each of the girls something pretty for church. Mary Beth is the new mascot for the girl’s softball team. The name of the team is ‘The Ladies’, but we are concerned about the dusty and dirty conditions near the baseball fields.”


“Ok Janet, I can see why they chose Mary Beth as their mascot. What a beauty you are dear. Oh, Trish, you are very pretty too, and I know I have something here just for you.”


Minnie gave Trish a hug, and led her over to a rack of crinolines.


“Let’s start from inside out, ok Trish?”


“Ok Miss Minnie.”


Janet and Gwen looked on, surprised at what Minnie had done. No one had ever left the parent behind like that. Just taking the child and off they went to pick out a dress without the mother!


Now, Mary Beth was still red faced from Minnie’s remark to her.


Minnie looked over her shoulder at Janet.


“Janet, why don’t you look over the shop and start picking out a few dresses for Trish? Please, pick out the ones that need a crinoline under them. I’ll explain why a little later, ok?”


“Ok Minnie. Come on Gwen, let’s start looking.”


Mary Beth, left standing all alone decided to look around the shop. She was amazed at all the different things here. She really didn’t know what was what, but there were several kinds of everything. She walked over to a large display case and looked at all the different items it contained. Little combs decorated in all different manners. She blushed seeing what were obviously booby helpers. The little hand written note read ‘No one will know but you.’ There were two kinds, one with, and one without nipples. She just stared at them and then looked over at Trish.


Gwen seeing this, walked over to the display case. She quickly scanned the items to see which would cause Mary Beth to blush so deeply. She spotted the faux breasts and smiled. As Mary Beth was still looking at her sister, she hadn’t noticed Gwen. Gwen quickly and silently walked back to Janet and whispered in her ear. They both giggled, Janet had to see these.


Minnie had selected four crinolines for Trish. She took her in back to try them on. Janet and Gwen had found five dresses in her size and that needed the must have crinoline. Janet took them to the back leaving Mary Beth and Gwen alone.


Mary Beth continued to look around; as Gwen made out that she was busy looking at more dresses. Mary Beth would quickly glance over her shoulder to check where Gwen was. Gwen would also make quick sneaky glances to see what Mary Beth was looking at.


The next display Mary Beth found were row after row of children bras and panties. A few were displayed as cut-aways on those chest type mannequins. They showed the different thicknesses of the padded cups. The ones that held Mary Beth’s attention the most were the mannequins that had the booby helpers on them, they were held in place by sheer bras, but one mannequin had them just stuck on with no bra at all holding them in place.


Mary Beth made a quick glance to see where Gwen was, she was busy looking at shoes. Mary Beth reached up, cupped one of the breasts with a hand, and gently tugged. It was stuck on all right! It felt soft and squishy to the touch. Mary Beth went to the next one, the one with the nipple. She took a quick look over her shoulder and almost caught Gwen looking at her. Gwen was peeking through the sandal shoe she was holding and Mary Beth had missed her peeking at her.


Mary Beth was very curious now. She knew that Trish started wearing bras recently and always wondered why. These fake boobies had started her thinking. She reached up and cupped the one with the nipple. She could feel it on her palm as she gave a tug. The breast didn’t move at all. She squeezed it and tugged harder. That is when Mary Beth let out a little squeal of surprise. The mannequin fell off the counter right into her arms.


Gwen couldn’t stop herself from chuckling as she rushed over to help Mary Beth.


“What did you do Mary Beth?”


Mary Beth, now with her face deep crimson, just stuttered.


“Uh, um, I, um...”


Gwen placed the mannequin back on the shelf and waited for Mary Beth to answer her.  




“I wanted to see how they stayed on without a uh, um.”


Gwen chuckled.


“Without a bra holding them?”


“Yeah and how come they have them?”


“Look at your chest Mary Beth. Most of the girls your age have started to blossom. I mean, they have started to grow breasts. Some girls blossom later than others do. They want to look like the other girls and these help them.”


Mary Beth got that look of concentration on her face which made Gwen chuckle to herself.


“Ok, I understand now. Trish won’t need these because she blossomed already.” Mary Beth smiled at her new knowledge.


Then Mary Beth turned red again as she thought further and realized what Gwen had said.


“You mean I need these? I have to have booby helpers stuck on me?”


Gwen couldn’t help herself and started to laugh as she hugged Mary Beth to her.


“Oh Sweetheart, you don’t have to have them if you don’t want them. They are just another choice you can make. Right now, you look like a little girl. If you wanted to look older, these are what help you do that. Let me show you something else Mary Beth.”


Gwen took Mary Beth’s hand and led her over to a rack of panties.


“They call these ‘panty-briefs’, you see the padding in the hips?”


Mary Beth reached up, squeezed the hip portion of the panty, and nodded.


“Trish has already started growing into a young woman and her hips are wider than yours. All the little girls and boys have no shape to their hips. It is only when a girl reaches ‘puberty’, that she starts to develop the shape of a young woman. Do you understand?”


“Um, puberty means blossom?”


“Yes, that’s it Mary Beth.”


“Ok, I understand. That’s why everybody thinks I’m a little kid. I haven’t blossomed.”


“You’re right again Mary Beth. Do you want to look older, like your sister does?”


“I really don’t like everybody thinking I’m a little kid. I’m eleven years old! I want to look like everybody else my age.”


“Well, you keep looking around the shop and I am going to go and talk to your mother and Minnie, ok?”


“Um, ok Miss Gwen, what should I look at next?”


Gwen spotted a pad and a pen on the counter. She wrote down what she thought would be a good size for Mary Beth for bras and panties.


“Here, these are your sizes; this one is for bras and this one is for panties. Why don’t you see if you can find a few in your sizes ok?”


“Um, I don’t know Miss Gwen.”


“Oh Mary Beth, you want to look older right? Now off with you, find at least three of each in different colors. Try to get the colors that match each other.”


“Ok Miss Gwen.”



April found Dog and Fred in the children’s club section.


“Hi Doggie, I need to ask Mr. Slothrop what style of golf shoes he wants for his daughters.”


Fred looked over at April and smiled.


“What do you mean April?”


“Well Sir, you have several choices. You can get them special sneakers, shoes with rubber or metal cleats, or you can just have them wear regular sneakers.”


  Fred looked at Dog for help. Dog laughed and nodded.

“Ok April, Fred wants to teach them the right way to play golf. It is not just play time, but lesson time. To do that correctly they will need golf shoes with metal cleats. Why have them slipping on the damp grass? That will just make them get frustrated as shot after shot goes anywhere but where they want the ball to go.”


Fred nodded and agreed.


“Ok April, pick out golf shoes with the metal cleats.”


“Ok Mr. Slothrop, I’m having fun today and I love your beautiful daughters. They’re so sweet!”


Fred got a big smile on his face and puffed up as all proud fathers will do when being complemented on their children. Dog just chuckled and smiled.



The fifth dress Trish tried on was the one. A very beautiful full cut yellow satin covered with light blue lace. A very grown up look that Trish adored; she had refused the three with the waist ribbons that tied in a bow at the back. To juvenile she had said.


Janet nodded at Minnie as Gwen came up to her and whispered in Janet’s ear. “We have to talk privately.”


As Trish was changing back into the clothes she was wearing before, Gwen and Janet had a little private talk. Minnie gave them a look and Gwen held up one finger. Minnie stayed and helped Trish change.


After their little talk, they both went back out on the showroom floor. Janet smiled seeing Mary Beth holding three boxes and three pairs of panty briefs in her hands.


“Let me see what you picked out Mary Beth. Oh, bras and panty briefs. These are pretty bras Honey. Are you sure you got the right sizes?”


Mary Beth was once more crimson from head to toe.


“Um, yes Mommy. Gwen gave me this paper with my sizes on it. Mommy, I want to look my age, will these really help me?”


wen stayed behind and talked to Minnie and Trish. Trish giggled, Gwen chuckled, and Minnie thought even harder about her idea. She still did not know that Mary Beth was actually Terry, an eleven-year-old boy.


Janet looked at the boxed bras more carefully. The first bra was white with yellow flowers and fully padded to an AA size. The second, thin, unpadded and a very pretty light pink color with lace around all the edges. The third one was a T-backed beige sports bra. Janet knew the second and third bras would require what Mary Beth told Gwen were ‘booby helpers.’ The panty briefs matched the colors of the bras.


“You did a great job matching the colors Sweetheart, but you will need something to fill these two bras out. This one is fine, why don’t we go in the back and put this one on you and see how it looks ok?”


“Um, are you sure Mommy? I don’t want anybody to laugh at me.”


“Honey, why would anyone laugh at you? Every girl needs to get a bra sometime. You are eleven years old and I think if you want to look your age, you will need to start wearing one don’t you?”


“Um, uh, but I’m really a boy Mommy. Won’t everyone laugh at me when they see me with boobies?”


“Has anyone laughed at you Mary Beth?”


“Uh, no Mommy, but nobody I know has seen me yet; just some of our neighbors and none of the kids.”


“Don’t you think the word has spread by now Mary Beth? I bet most of the kids know how you are dressing. The next question we have to answer to them is why. I think your Daddy, your Sister, Gwen and I will be filling them in very soon. Don’t you think we have to tell the girls on the softball team? How about you being on the Tiny Tots tennis team, don’t you think they deserve to know the truth? Honey, we are trying to teach you important lessons in life. Lessons you so far have refused to learn or have not followed.”












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