Well, things could get very dicey here after the election. One of the candidates of the party most likely to win is on record as saying gays and lesbians will burn in hell. Now, he's trying to say he said that as a pastor, not as a politician, but the party is also on record as saying it will allow marriage commissioners to not recognize a gay couple that comes in to get married, even though gay marriage is perfectly legal here.
Oh well
Vote for the opposition then and tell your friends. If he knocks on your door, tell him there's no hell to burn in, just the one he's trying to create here and now.
I don't know much about
I don't know much about Canadian provincial politics but I guess it could be a blessing in that it might push undecided and 3rd / 4th party voters to grit their teeth and back the most realistic alternative candidate? In close elections a lot of voters don't make their minds up until the final week, so there is still hope he won't win.
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
Just be glad...
Just be glad you don't live in the States. That sort of rhetoric is almost de riguer for politicians here...
too true
Honestly I was hoping that Rick Santorum guy would have won the republican nomination, that way he could keep spewing his whole thing about no public schools, women as basically second class people, no abortion for incest and rape and every teacher and woman in the country would have voted for Obama.
I found it funny that Santorum was against schools till I saw the report he had an overdue Bill from a private school that the state refused to pay. Or the fact he was pro abortion, when he needed to be for his wife and now he's against it.
Must be Alberta.
That sort of attitude doesn't surprise me coming from Alberta. Be consoled with the fact that any government legislation tabled to allow provincial employees to withhold consent for "gay" marriage would be struck down pretty quickly once challenged in court. A public official already tried not to marry a gay couple and was ordered to by the court.
Obviously the government could pass that legislation under Section 33 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms but I don't expect that to be likely. People tend to be very unhappy when that section is used. When they used that section in 2000 they never renewed it 5 years later because they knew their political longevity would be threatened.
Have you ever thought of moving to a more tolerant province? Like, anywhere except Alberta?
Hell, I'm American
And I'd move to British Columbia in a heartbeat. Kind of hope it isn't there. I'd like to keep dreaming that there is a paradise somewhere.
Honestly I don't understand why folks are so against gay's.
I honestly don't understand why folks are so against gay marriages,I think it's mainly the macho got there head up there ass's types that think oh well if 2 gays get married then they might *GASP* turn others gay -_-;. I really do hate stupidy with a passion an thats what it is. I worked with 2 gay guys that where both restaurant mangers of my local pizza huts. They both where nice guys easy going. They never came on to anyone closetest either of them came to hitting on someone was some harmless playful banter between one of them an the head devilry guy and they had been doing it for years. I know alot of folks say it says in the bible that a man shouldn't lay with another man an a woman shouldn't lay with another woman. Well the bible has been translated so many times an by so many different folks with different ideas we don't know whats correct an whats not.