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A long time ago, the Earth blessed four spirits, making them gods. The gods of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, oversee their realms, creating sentient creatures to help cultivate their lands. These beings constantly fought each other for supremacy, eventually driving the servants of Water, the Merfolk, to extinction. Millennia later Kyle Weathers receives a gift from an old and mysterious lady while working in Haiti. This gift will change his life forever.
Chapter 5: Fish Sandwiches
by AoifeM
Here I was, overlooking a crowd of my own. The mermaids and mermen, all looking to me for guidance, for support. There must have been thousands, all waiting for me, to finally give my speech. Swimming forth I began giving my speech. In my dream it the words sounded like a mix between normal human English, and certain dolphin like cries that I began to gradually remember and translate.
“My people, how I have wept!” I cried. “How the great mother Earth neglects us so, instead giving her blessings to the Earth Goddess and her human filth! Look how they corrupt the land, and defile our waters! They are the ones charged to guard the mighty gate that separates the realms? Millennia from now there may not be a world left to guard, and Mother Earth sits by and accepts this?”
With a fierce determination in my eyes I shouted, “My mother, Goddess Alora, refuses to sit by and let this tragedy continue! With our army, we can win the Gate. Us, the rightful rulers of this Earth. And if my spawn must continue the fight years from now then I will give them up willingly! My Mother’s will is certain, and I will have no regrets! Let us fight! For Atlantia!”
And with a strong cheer I swam away from the podium, where a merman of fantastic physique waited for me there…
I work up from my sleep induced coma. It was 5:00 in the evening. Just 3 days ago I was in Haiti, as a man, helping people recover from a major earthquake. Now I was a young beautiful black woman, whose secret identity was the legendary mermaid princess, Ithycca.
Still groggy, I flopped off the bed and onto the floor. I was completely unaware my tail returned while I was sleeping. I involuntarily reverted to my mermaid form during my nap; my body assuming it would be better suited for the ebb and flow of my waterbed. I’d have to work on maintaining my legs while sleeping. Seems like even in rest Gaia was making me work.
Doing as Gaia instructed me, just by thought I casted my glamour, and my tail became legs again. Luckily I was wearing a robe so I wasn’t surprised this time by my naked and penis-free abdomen.
Standing up and smoothing out my robe, I turned my gaze to my aquarium. “Hey there, little fellas,” I greeted. I felt a kinship with the creatures. I was sure they wanted some breakfast. Reaching for the fish feed I poured the flakes into the water and they happily devoured it up.
“There you are,” I said. I looked at the bottle of fish food something in me wondered whether this stuff was as good as those fish made it out to be. Curious, I poured some flakes into the palm of my hand and into my mouth. The bitter taste was immediately apparent, and unable to keep from gagging, I immediately spitted it out. Nope, not all fish, I thought.
Once in the bathroom I grabbed a bottle of mouthwash and gargled the remaining taste from my mouth. Even that seemed difficult, as when I tried to gargle the mouthwash the liquid seemed to pour out from my gills, making a mess of my robe. Looking at me, it wouldn’t look like my gills were present, but indeed they still existed, and apparently they hate gargling.
Wiping the mouthwash off from my neck, I couldn’t help but stare at myself once more. I was very attractive. I still couldn’t believe I looked like this. In human form I could almost pass for a Rhianna clone. I didn’t know if I should be thrilled or disgusted. I just wanted to be Kyle again.
Stripping down to my bare essentials I turned on the water. A quick check down below confirmed the sensitivity of my new human vagina. For a glamour, it could pass as the real deal.
Before I knew it I was massaging my breasts and feeling my vulva. Realizing what I was doing I stopped, much to my body’s disappointment. I wasn’t some sort of slut.
In my mind I didn’t want to feel that. It only made me feel farther away from my old self. However, it seemed that even my new body was out to get me, to make me forget my male self.
I swear that wouldn’t happen.
The tub now filled, I slid into the water. Immediately my tail returned, and with my face submerged the water massaged my gills. Relaxed, I began to reminisce about my dream last night. It had me worried. What did I have against the Earth Goddess, Gaia? And that still didn’t answer why my Mother had a problem with her.
Seeing Gaia now, I don’t necessarily think of her as an awful being. She was a pain in the ass, yes, and I didn’t like being transported out into the middle of nowhere. But she did grant me my legs, and this nice house.
Plus, I look at her with her children. It’s hard to believe Gods actually interact so directly with the real world. But there was no question. She truly loved her children, her obviously human children, which she gave birth to.
Much like I assumed my mother gave birth to me.
I really couldn’t believe that fierce, charismatic mermaid was the woman I was now. She doesn’t seem anything like me. It made me question again if I even wanted to remember the old me. Throughout my life I might have been determined, and maybe a little aggressive, but I wasn’t a fighter, not by any stretch of the imagination.
Putting these vexing thoughts aside I stepped out in my human form and threw a towel over me. Even being a woman for just a few days I wrapped them around my breasts as if I was doing that all my life. Heading back to my bedroom I headed to my dresser. Opening the drawers I saw that all the clothes were feminine in nature, from the lingerie to the short shorts. She even was so bold to put a few thongs in there. With a roll of my eyes I sarcastically quipped, “Thanks again Gaia, you crazy woman.”
I kept it simple; I’m not about to go all girly. A spaghetti strap and tight jeans were as far as I’d take it and only because it was warm and there weren’t any tank tops available.
My main goal was to eventually get back to Haiti and reunite with Eliza. I could only guess how worried she’d be. I had just vanished without a trace, after all. However, I am 500 miles away, in Key West, and while I can swim like nobodies’ business, seeing I just got my tail muscles working, I don’t know how long or how far I could travel at this juncture. I needed to improve my endurance.
Of course, if Gaia wasn’t so damn frustrating she could just whisk me back over. But I guess that’s the whole point in me being here. One way or the other I was going to learn how to be mermaid, like it or not.
But, for now I needed to put this on the back burner. I was starving as I hadn’t had any food since yesterday. Deciding it might be wise to check out the island, I figured I’d head to a fast food joint and grab a bite. Looking for some cash, I came across a purse lying almost suspiciously on top of the family room coffee table. Beside it was a note, which I took the time to read:
To my niece,
I figured you might need something to tide you over. Work hard, but don’t forget to take time and enjoy yourself!
-Aunt Gaia
I looked inside and was flabbergasted. There had to be over ten thousand dollars in there! How the hell does she get this money? She must have had her mitts in the affairs of Earth for a long time.
I quickly snapped the purse up and threw the strap over my shoulder. If I had the wallet, let alone the pockets, to carry such cash around I would. Unfortunately, I don’t, and right now I’d feel more at ease with this money by my side than lying out where people could get to it. So for this time only I was willing to swallow my pride. Carrying my purse I headed out.
It’s surprisingly a decent neighborhood. You would think the beaches would be loaded with bikini-clad supermodels and parties galore, but that wasn’t really the case. If I had the opportunity it would’ve been a nice place to live.
I guess I have the opportunity now, albeit in my mind a short one.
There was a McDonald’s nearby. I can at least count on McDonald’s to be everywhere, even in this paradise. Walking inside, my growling stomach was about to take control. Immediately I came up to the cashier and gave my order.
“I’ll take 5 fish sandwiches and a Dr. Pepper!”
I guess I’m a growing, er…girl.
Coming to a total of fifteen dollars, I felt a little guilty having them break a hundred dollar bill, but I figured this community was wealthy enough that this happens quite often here. Receiving my change, I put it back into my purse and waited anxiously for my meal.
My stomach was about to mutiny as I finally got my sandwiches. I turned around and rushed towards a table, unaware of the man who stood behind me. Colliding, my tray was tossed into the air, and my fish sandwiches flew all over the place.
“…My sandwiches,” I pouted as they fell on the ground.
The man, dazed by me running into him got up. Looking at me, concerned, he asked, “Are you ok?”
Picking up some of my food, I replied, “Yeah, I seem to be,” looking at him embarrassed, I added, “Sorry about that.”
He held out his hand, “Here, let me help you up.”
Without thinking I cordially accepted his hand as he pulled me up. “Thanks,” I said.
“Let me grab your sandwiches,” he insisted, “They look ok. They’re still in the wrapper, but if you want I’ll be glad to buy you replacements.”
Was this guy offering to buy me something? I adamantly refused. “It’s ok! If I wait any longer to eat I might devour one of my arms!”
He laughed at my comment, and then offered, “You seem new here, would you care to join me? I could use the company.”
What the hey. I didn’t know anyone around here anyway. It would be a good opportunity to familiarize myself with everything, and everyone.
So I joined him at his table. Immediately I unwrapped my first sandwich and started to consume it, still unable to preserve any etiquette as I did so. This didn’t seem to bother him, instead he seem to laugh a little while watching me. I couldn’t help myself and belched, and realizing how I must have looked, a meekly responded, “Sorry.”
With a warm smile he replied, “It’s quite all right.” Seeing he finally gained my attention he began to strike up a conversation. “My name is Douglas Barth. And who might you be?”
“I’m Ithycca,” I stated almost immediately. At this point it was getting harder and harder to identify as Kyle, and in this moment, even if I took the time to remind myself, it would be a little awkward calling me that in front of a random unknown stranger, at least in my current body. I didn’t want to scare him away like that.
“What a beautiful name,” he replied, causing me to blush a little.
“Thanks,” I said, flattered.
“I haven’t seen you around here before,” he stated.
“I came here just a couple days ago,” I explained. Making things up on the fly, I continued. “My aunt had business and asked me to watch after her house for awhile.”
“I see,” he said, “Would your aunt happen to be Miss Gaia?”
Surprised he guessed correctly right off the bat, I answered with another question, “You know her?”
“Why yes,” he told me, “She is such a wonderful woman. Often during my studies she would come out from her house and offer me some tea. She knows how to treat a person, that’s for sure.”
Yeah, she’s one hell of a people person, I thought to myself, hardly believing him. Am I the only she seems to enjoy torturing?
I shook my head and continued. “So, what is it you do?”
“Me?” he started, “I’m a marine biologist. I love studying the flora and fauna of the seas, the Gulf Region and Caribbean in particular.”
You would’ve love the sights and sounds I’ve witness, thinking to myself.
“Ah, that stuff must sound boring to you!” He claimed as he saw me drifting into my thoughts.
“No, no!” I insisted, “I think it’s a very commendable career to have!” I added, “I’ve really grown to enjoy the water. I don’t think you’d believe me, but I am quite the accomplished swimmer.”
Grinning, he teased, “Oh really?”
Leaning closer to him I replied, “Yeah, really.”
Backing away, he took the last few bites of his sandwich and stated, “You’ll have to prove it sometime.” With a quick sip of his drink he got up from his seat. “I’m afraid I’ll have to get home. I enjoyed the chat. I hope to see you around.”
“Take care.” Waving goodbye to him, he turned away and walked away. Instinctively I focused in on his butt. Wow, I thought, wouldn’t it be nice to get my hands around that? It only took a second before I realized what I was thinking and immediately stopped.
What the hell was I doing?!
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an eyeful? = )
Maybe his scent
smelled like tuna fish?
By the way, I decided to name all my fans of this story "Prawnies" (Kinda of like Bronies from those My Little Pony fans). What do you think?
I'm already known for my love of eating prawns. It wouldn't work so well with me.
Try again, my beautiful princess who drinks beer and plays rock music in her lingerie. = )
*HuggleSnugglePurrKiss* <3
And yeah, hopefully it was just a tunafish scent. Going for guys instead of girls really would be the final nail in the coffin...
I wouldn't worry too much
What Ith finally does with her love life is only one main character. I still have three other major characters to reveal, and some of them will be lesbian/bisexual in nature.
Geez folks! It's not like Ith isn't disgusted at herself right now! ;P
Aw, Extravagance, thanks for the hugglesnugglepurrkiss! *huggles*
Now we're just getting into semantics!
All I was thinking is, hey, all the cool fanbases have cool names!
A love interest?
Oh please don't do that. Make him an ally or something- let er get her wings -or should that be tails- first.
Love? No...!
I don't think someone like her will just accept her new feelings so easily.
so, no chance she's a lesbian, huh?
Oh well.
Who knows?
It's definitely something she'll have to think about.
I have some ideas about her.
Forget about Gods and Goddesses in other cosmologies (except Hindu, they deal with remarkable amounts of time). Take Lilith, who is supposed to be a million years old; Gaia is more than 4 billion years old and she knows she's not immortal. She comes and goes along with the planet; when the Sun is a red giant and swallows the earth, she is no more.
Having seen so much and being so old she can fool around and make a mermaid, maybe to gradually make some changes, but she's very, very patient. In my thinking, she cares about all her creations/children, but she knows that a specific species only lasts on average 3 to 5 Myears. I think she is getting more and more pissed at humyns, but she's very slow to anger and the humyn problem has grown so quickly. She knows things happen that are out of her control; she can't dodge asteroid paths she crosses. If the sun turns cooler for a while, there might be an ice-age.
She really didn't like it when she was encased in ice for thousands of years, and it happened twice! She just waited it out and gradually had volcanoes put enough CO2 in the atmosphere to get greenhouse heating to melt the ice. She had a trick! The Earth was covered by ice and was initially at -40°, evaporation was minimal and there was no precipitation! Normally rain dissolves CO2 and washes it into the ocean. With no rain for thousands of years CO2 built up to extraordinary levels with enough greenhouse effect to overcome the high albedo of ice and snow reflecting most solar radiation back into space. Uhpss....
Sorry about the lapse into nerdiness.
Now I can't remember what I wanted to say. Oh, well!
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
In my story "Gaia" is actually a mediator of planet Earth, not the planet itself.
She does control the power of Earth, and all those who live in her realm (which would be our world, the human world).
She technically has no direct control of the Merfolk, that is under the dominion of Alora, Goddess of Water. However Gaia just so happened to somehow gain access to Alora's scale. At this time she isn't real clear on how she got it, or why she decided to revive Ithycca. That
is something that will be told later.
I'll have chapter 6 up in the next few days. They'll be some more "ingredients" added to the story's mixture, that's for sure!
If I had to guess they didn't
If I had to guess they didn't completly wipe out the mermaids last time and this time they're going to try again. And Gaia wants to prevent another war, I guess... I don't see Ithycca ever be something like the warlord she appeared to be in the dream sequence again.
@Renee: Humans are obviously Gaias children, so I don't see her that enraged about our faults.
AoifeM, thank you for writing this captivating story, I can't wait for the next chapter,