Camp Kumoni : 20

“She really needs to get rid of those split ends and I thought she should be brought up to date. Her hair, it just doesn’t do a whole lot for her.” Samantha explained.

Sasha combed through Erika’s hair as Samantha spoke and looked from time to time in the mirror at Erika as he moved her hair around. “Are we going for a big change or a little one?”

Erika’s heart skipped a beat. Big change? She didn’t know if she was ready for a big change. Hadn’t she changed enough for one week?

Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread

Chapter 20
Erika sat towards the back of the bus, surrounded by the girls of Columbine cabin. This array of vastly different girls: the athletic Rachel, the quiet book worm Krystal, the statuesque Katie (supermodel looks), the short, spunky Dani, the smart and logical Victoria, and the cheerleader Samantha. This collection of personalities all called Erika their friend. They put up with her emotional outbursts. They helped her through a potentially embarrassing time with a guy. They accepted her and liked her, as much as she accepted and liked them.

Erika looked from face to smiling face of her new friends and wondered how in one short week, she could arrive a scared, timid, mouse of a person, and then be on the bus today, laughing and giggling, telling jokes, and having a good time. These friends didn’t want to trip her on the trails, or push her head underwater in the lake. Nor did they want to throw food at her in the mess hall. These friends didn’t seem to want anything other than friendship with her. That is something that she was still having a hard time dealing with. She admitted to herself that it was all rather different and strange, but it was something she was starting to understand. Even more, it just felt right.

A small part of her was still terrified at being found out. What would these new friends do if they found out her dreaded secret that she had arrived to the camp with? She suppressed a shiver and bit her lip while she tried to keep the tears from flowing.

“Are you okay?” Samantha leaned in.

“Yeah… I think so.” Erika wiped one eye and smiled back at the blonde beauty. “I am just happy.”

Samantha grinned and rested a hand on her shoulder.

“I’m just not used to having friends. It’s been… a long time.” Her bottom lip trembled.

“Whoa! Erika, are you all right?” Katie sat forward in the seat across the aisle.

“She’s fine.” Samantha cut in. “She’s just a bit emotional today.” Samantha smiled at Katie, then to Erika and back at Katie.

Katie crossed the aisle and wrapped her long skinny arms around Erika, enveloping her in a giant hug. “You looked like you could use a hug.” She whispered into Erika’s ear.

Erika wrapped her arms around the tall girl and hugged back. “Thank you. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

“We all get like that every once in a while. Don’t worry about it.” Katie gave a final squeeze and released her.

“Okay,” Rachel and Victoria joined the group. “Victoria and I worked it out. We get four hours to do our laundry and there are seven of us. Eight if we count Phoenix.” Rachel took them all in with her eyes. “If we all share the responsibility for each other’s clothes, and do laundry in shifts, we can each get about three hours to shop or play.”

“When we get to the Laundromat,” Victoria explained. “We will all sort our laundry into the like piles, then get them going. One person will stay there for half an hour while the rest of us take off, then every half hour after, one of will replace the one before us. If we do it this way, we won’t all be stuck at the Laundromat all day.”

“Sounds good to me.” Dani agreed.

“You can count me in on that.” Phoenix came up from behind Rachel.

“Cool.” Victoria smiled. “I just made a quick schedule as to who gets what shift. If you want to trade, go ahead. Just make sure that all of you show up when you are supposed to.” She handed out pieces of paper with numbers on them. “I didn’t know what time we would be getting there, so I assigned numbers instead.”

Erika took one of the slips and looked at it. Number one. “I get first shift it seems.” Erika nodded.

“I gave you first shift so that you could find time to find that stuff you needed to find.” Victoria spoke low so that Phoenix didn’t overhear. “As in power… for your laptop! We all want to jump on during our shifts. That is why I gave Phoenix the last shift. I will be right before her, so that I can hide it before she relieves me.”

“You’re almost as devious as me.” Erika grinned.

“What did you have planned?” Dani asked Erika.

“I hadn’t really thought about it too much.” Erika admitted. “Get the things on our list of course, but after that, I was just going to take it easy.”

“Why don’t you join Katie and I at the nail salon…… We thought we would get a set of nails.”

“I don’t know, maybe.” Erika nodded but was non-committal.

“What about you Samantha?” Katie asked.

“I was going to get my bangs trimmed while we were in town, they’re getting a bit long, but then, I might stop by.” Samantha looked at her light pink nails. “I’m due for a fill.”

“Rachel and I are taking money from everyone to get the decorations for the cabin.” Victoria re-joined the group.

“How much?” Krystal asked.

“I don’t know, three to five dollars each.” Victoria shrugged. “Balloons, streamers, flags, and stuff.

Each of the girls handed over a bit of cash, which Victoria pocketed. “Thank you.”

The town was a town you’d find from the turn of last century. Stoplights on the street corner, sidewalks lining old store fronts with apartments and offices on the second and third floors. Cars lined the sides of the streets, where there were old parking meters. Brick and stone facades, and large picture windows welcomed them with a well-worn look of friendliness.

“Can you say Norman Rockwell?” Victoria giggled.

“Who?” Dani asked.

“Norman Rockwell, the illustrator.” Victoria looked quickly over a Dani. “Do you mean to tell me that you’ve never heard of Norman Rockwell?”

“Sorry.” Dani shrugged.

“She would know who he is, if she saw one of his paintings.” Samantha piped up.

The bus drove to the end of the three blocks that consisted of town and pulled into a gravel parking lot. The brick wall facing the lot had a chipped and faded advertisement mural for Coke-cola that looked to have been painted fifty or more years ago. The lot was mostly empty, but a few large trucks were parked here and there, most haphazardly. More than two of the trucks had some kind of dog in its bed.

“Okay, ladies,” a counselor stood up in front of the bus. “You have four hours to do laundry. No more than that. If your clothes are still wet when it’s time to leave, you take them back to camp wet where you can lay them out to dry in the sun.”

The bus doors opened and the counselor followed by the girls all carrying various bags of dirty laundry exited the bus and headed two doors down the street to the Laundromat.

The girls of Cabin Columbine staked out four washers and began separating their laundry into them. Darks and jeans into one, whites into another, etc… Victoria pulled a small zip-lock bag of laundry soap out of her bag and measured some into each.

She stopped and looked at the other girls of the cabin grinning at her. “What? I don’t trust the soap that they sell out of those dispensers.”

Phoenix followed her, putting coins into the machines and turning them on. It only took a few minutes and the wash was going.

“Do you think someone will prank the cabin while we’re here?” Krystal asked.

“There is a good chance. Oak Cabin hasn’t done a panty raid on us yet…… but I think they may try something while we are gone.” Rachel admitted. “That is, after all, why we laid out our panties for them.” She joined Dani in a good chuckle.

“What if they decide to do something else?” Krystal looked worried.

“Then we will retaliate.” Rachel smiled at the quiet girl. “There’s nothing to worry about.”

“I just worry about my books getting damaged or stolen.” Krystal mumbled.

“Most people won’t bother with a suitcase full of books.” Katie tried to help reassure Krystal. “Why didn’t you bring your kindle? It would be much easier than carrying all of those books.”

“No electronics.” Krystal shrugged. “I actually prefer paper over a screen. I know its strange, but I love the smell of the paper.”

Rachel wrinkled her nose.

“Krystal has the next shift so she should be relieving you in half an hour.” Victoria informed Erika. “I know it’s kind of boring, sitting here watching the machines, but we don’t want any of the other cabins to mess with them. I have heard of many pranks happening in the Laundromat.”

“I’m just going down to the five and dime to get a few things.” Krystal assured Erika. “I won’t be long.”

“I’ll get my bangs cut while Krystal is serving her time. Want to join me?” Samantha asked.

“Sure, I guess.” Erika smiled. “See you in a little bit. She waved as the other girls left. Erika waited a few minutes longer for another counselor to leave the Laundromat before pulling her lap top out of hiding. She went to the back corner of the place and plugged the power cord into a wall socket.

“…. got a lap top.” A girl’s voice reached Erika

“Must have smuggled it in. lucky.” Her friend answered.

Erika booted up and was rewarded with a signal for the web. She brought up her email and checked it. There were only a couple messages in her inbox and all but two were advertisements. One was from an online gaming group that Eric was a member of. They were missing his presence in the game and were wondering when he would be back. The other was from a fan of his comic, concerned that he hadn’t updated his strip in just over a week.

It wasn’t long before Krystal came back. Erika was just about to leave when the washers wound down to a stop from there last spin cycle.

“Let me help you with this.” Erika insisted.

The two girls quickly transferred the wet clothing from the washers to the dryers. Krystal pulled a few items of clothing out of the pile and hung them over an empty chair. “We don’t want those to shrink.” She explained to Erika. “Go on and get out of here. I think Samantha is waiting for you.”

“Go ahead and use the lap top, Krystal. But don’t let anyone who isn’t from our cabin use it please.” Erika exited the building to meet the blonde cheerleader, waiting in front of the window of the shoe store next door

“I love that pair.” She sighed wistfully as Erika joined her. She turned from the window and taking Erika’s hand, started leading her down the side walk. “I’ve already stopped by the salon and made appointments for us.”

“Us?” Erika looked to the girl of her dreams with shock.

“I’m getting my bangs trimmed up a touch and you need to get rid of those split ends.”

“I have split ends?” Erika pulled a strand of dark hair around so that she could view the end.

“Yes. And you need to be updated. Having long hair is one thing, but having a good cut is a totally incredible and refreshing experience.” Samantha explained.

“But… I don’t have that kind of money.” Erika protested.

“It’s my treat, Erika.” Samantha smiled to her new friend. “Besides I still owe you for the whole date thing. Besides, I hear that this guy is great!”

“How great can he be if he is up in this hole of a town?” Erika wondered aloud.

Samantha dragged her a few more stores down until they stood in front of Salon Sasha. Expecting a salon all in pink with blue haired old ladies sitting under dryers and gossiping about the town slut, Erika was quite surprised to find a modern salon decorated with muted warm colors.

The receptionist desk was a convex counter that faced the front door, behind the desk, the salon area itself was a circular area that along with the receptionist desk, created a circle. Ornate, gold-framed, full-length mirrors hung in front of each brown leather salon chair. A small wood chest of drawers stood beside each mirror as a tool station.

“Hello.” A receptionist with spiky platinum blonde hair with a chunk of purple greeted them. Erika liked her immediately. Her hair made her look like she stepped out of an anime. “You must be Erika.”

“Ah…. Yes.” Erika greeted.

“Samantha said that she was going to bring you in.” The pretty girl smiled. “Sasha will be out in just a moment. He needs to help his client to her car.

As if on cue. An older lady with a short spiky gray hair and pink tips, slowly came around the corner, cane in hand and a smile on her lips as a very flamboyant effeminate man came up behind her. His dark hair looked messy but in an on-purpose way and he wore a very nice buttoned shirt.

“The ladies at the home just love what you do with my hair, Sasha.” The elder lady smiled at the stylist.

“It always helps to have a beautiful woman with a great head of hair to work with.” Sasha smiled at the woman.

“Sasha,” the receptionist interrupted. “This is Samantha for a fringe trim and Erika for a cut.”

“Ladies.” Sasha looked at the two girls. “Go ahead and have a seat in the salon. I’ll be with you in just a few moments, I’ve got to help Grace to her truck.” Sasha looked at the receptionist. “Could you be a dear and cape them for me?” Sasha assisted Grace out the door.

“Go have a seat, I’ll be right there.” The receptionist gestured into the salon.

Samantha and Erika walked into the circular part of the salon and took a seat in chairs next to one another. Separating the stations from one another were green potted plants. In fact, Erika didn’t realize, until just now, how many potted plants filled the salon. Other than the warm colors, natural woods, the dark green of plants filled the salon.

“Can I get you some coffee? Mocha?” The receptionist asked as she draped Samantha with a cape.

“No thanks.” I’m just getting my fringe trimmed.” Samantha smiled at the young receptionist.

“Becky.” The stylist called from the door. “I need to ask you to run an errand for me.”

The receptionist snapped the cape around Samantha’s neck and walked to the meet up with Sasha. The stylist gave her some instructions in a low tone and handed her what looked to be a credit card.

Sasha stood behind Sam and looked at her in the mirror. “Hello, Samantha, I’m Sasha. We’re just trimming your fringe today?”

“Yes please.” Samantha smiled back. She pulled a piece of fringe down and showed the stylist. “It’s been a couple of months and they’re getting a bit long…. Just a trim though.”

Sasha smiled as he took his comb and shears and went to work. Erika watched as he combed out her hair and sliced back and forth with his scissors. A few moments later, and Samantha was grinning in the mirror.

“Thanks Sasha.” She looked at him through the mirror. “It’s perfect. Not too short.”

“No problem my dear.” Sasha whipped the cape off of her and let her up. He dropped the cape in the seat after she vacated it and went over and stood behind Erika.

“And what are we going to do for you, hon?” Sasha smiled at Erika through the mirror.

“I’m not really sure.” Erika admitted.

“Not sure?”

“This was her idea.” Erika looked over to the golden girl that Eric was in love with.

Sasha looked over to Samantha.

“She really needs to get rid of those split ends and I thought she should be brought up to date. Her hair, it just doesn’t do a whole lot for her.” Samantha explained.

Sasha combed through Erika’s hair as Samantha spoke and looked from time to time in the mirror at Erika as he moved her hair around. “Are we going for a big change or a little one?”

Erika’s heart skipped a beat. Big change? She didn’t know if she was ready for a big change. Hadn’t she changed enough for one week?

“What did you have in mind, Sasha?” Samantha inquired.

“Well…….” Sasha played with Erika’s hair. He looked directly into Erika’s eyes. Erika felt self-conscious from his probing look. “You have a beautiful face, Erika.” He spoke directly to her through the mirror. “You could continue wearing it long, and I’d just update it. You could also wear it in a flirty bob, similar to say….. Jennie McCarthy, or shorter and funkier like Victoria Beckham’s look.” He paused and pulled Erika’s hair away from her face. “Or you could be daring and pull a short messy crop similar to that of Kiera Knightly in Domino.”

The color drained from Erika’s face. It had taken Eric years to grow his hair to the shoulder length that it was now, and this ‘light in the loafers’ stylist suggested chopping it all off? The bob seemed too girlish, it would be perfect for the summer, but going home with that cut would be difficult at best. The short, short hair? Well that would be easier to pull off when going home, but wouldn’t it make her look to much like a guy during the summer? A lot of Hollywood stars chopped their locks for different roles. And Kiera Knightly did look hot in the short crop that she sported for that film role. Long hair with layers would be just the same as she had. It would look great for the summer, but how would Eric explain the girl cut on his long hair to his parents?

Erika looked to Samantha for some help.

“They all sound really cute.” Samantha agreed. “Sasha, why don’t we let you decide. Besides, I’ve got to go back to relieve Krystal in a few minutes. I’ll be back before Sasha gets finished with you, or soon after.” Samantha rested a hand on Erika’s shoulder and gave her a reassuring squeeze. “Thanks for doing this Sasha.”

“Is that okay with you, Erika?” Sasha again captured her gaze.

All Erika could do was nod. She swallowed a hard lump and nodded with a slight smile.


End of Chapter Twenty

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