You may be familiar with a poem called "Footprints" where a person looks back on their life and realizes how often God carried them through hard times. Well, God has been walking me through some "footprints" moments the last little while. Not so much about hard times, but just how He has put me in just the right place at just the right time to receive a blessing. I could give lots of examples, but two really stand out for me. First is the very existence and presence in my life of my daughter. When I think about how unlikely it was that someone like me could produce a child, and then the number of things that had to go right to allow her mother to stay in the country so this little girl could be part of my life - well, it staggers me.
The other one is my job. I have just about the perfect job to transition at, really. See, its not a job that requires me to be super fem , so I'm getting a chance to go deeper into the water of femininity at a pace I can handle, rather than be dropped in the deep end all at once.
Thinking of these blessings, and so many more, all I can respond with is "Thank you, Jesus."
a "footprints" moment
You have been and continue to be Blessed
May Your Light Forever Shine
I wont offer my official benediction
of your situation, I'll leave that to others.
But good for you sweetie! I feel like you deserve
every good thing and every break that comes your way. Love ya!
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
I shall give you a benediction:
I don't think God will mind. You may take it in the religious sense if you wish, or you may take it in the original Latin meaning of the word "Good words (being spoken)", or you may reject it utterly and think me a fool. Your choice.
The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face to shine upon you; and give you peace. May it bring you peace as it does me.
Your friend,
We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!
Gender rights are the new civil rights!