Ithycca- Chapter 2: The End and a New Beginning

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A long time ago, the Earth blessed four spirits, making them gods. The gods of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, oversee their realms, creating sentient creatures to help cultivate their lands. These beings constantly war over each other, eventually driving the servants of Water, the Merfolk, to extinction. Millennia later Kyle Weathers receives a gift from an old and mysterious lady while working in Haiti. This gift will change his life forever.

Chapter 2- The End and a New Beginning
By AoifeM

My oversized shirt drooped over my tiny little body, the collar hanging off of my shoulder. I must have lost a good five to six inches of height, and over 150 pounds of muscle mass. Not too long ago my shirt would have fit like a charm. Now the only thing that kept it from falling off me completely was my breasts, which I didn’t even have until this very morning.

My pants weren’t so lucky. They were ripped to shreds, the result of my new fish like tail. Lying here I felt as hopeless as a newborn child. With my miniscule arms, I couldn’t even drag myself from off the floor.

And meanwhile, there was my friend, Eliza, looking at me like I’m a fairy tale come to life. In my mind I wished that this was like something from that movie Inception, that this was just a dream, in a dream.

And that dream I had last night didn’t feel like a dream either. It felt more like something within me unlocked and all these vaguely familiar memories came flooding back into me. Why was that? What did this all mean?

Finally, Eliza broke the silence. “This can’t be real,” she said, struggling to grasp the reality of the situation.

Still getting used to my high pitched voice I countered, “It’s way real.” Still attempting to climb back up to my bed I finally gave up. Turning to her in defeat I pleaded to her, “Could you help me up on my bed?”

Seeing I was now lighter and most likely weaker than Eliza she easily picked me up, her hand touching my scaly tail as she lifted, and place me on my mattress.

“That felt rather awkward,” She explained, “You tail is kind of slippery, if that’s the proper word. I hope I didn’t touch anything inappropriate.”

“I don’t think you did,” I replied, browsing my backside. I didn’t know where on my new body my gastrointestinal tract ended. Furthermore I didn’t even know where my reproductive organs were, and to be honest, I’d rather never know. Confirming I had a fish uterus would only destroy what little hope I still had that I was male, even though the evidence was already piling up against me.

As I continued staring at my tail I had an epiphany, and I was surprised I didn’t think of it earlier. Reaching into my oversized shirt I pulled out my necklace. Oddly enough, the scale had lost all of its brilliant hue; it now resembled a dull, clear piece of glass. Touching the scale caused it to disintegrate; nothing but particles remained, confirming the truth: that necklace made me into this.

Suddenly I felt like something was beginning to burn me from the inside. At first it was more like an inconvenience, but as time went on the heat within me rose. My throat felt parched, and my tail, which I wasn’t familiar with in any biological matter, felt brittle and rough to the touch. By the time I realized something was wrong I felt I was being baked in an oven. Panting, I instinctively began to flop around on my bed, violently flailing my tail, holding on for dear life.

Frighten, Eliza yelled, "What's wrong?"

“I need water!” I screamed, frightened to death of my predicament. “Get me to the Tub!”

Seeing that my life was on the line Eliza picked me back up and hauled me into the tub. The faucet immediately was turned on, and the shower quickly allowed the heat to subside. Plugging the bathtub I subconsciously submerged myself as the water rushed over my face. I didn’t even notice anything peculiar until Eliza pointed it out.

“My God,” She exclaimed. “Your neck- You can breathe underwater.”

I gently grazed my neck and felt tiny, sensitive slits on both sides of my throat. You would even notice unless I was underwater. I sure didn’t realize it until now, and neither did Eliza.

Freaking out, I rose swiftly, splashing water all over the place as I tried to balance myself. I found out that sitting would be a difficult task when you have no butt. “Is there any other surprises?!” I exclaimed, obviously about to break down from the overwhelming feeling of it all.

About to go all teary-eyed, Eliza witnessed my frustration and began to embrace me in a hug. I let everything go. What’s the point of fighting it? I was scared, confused, and unable to comprehend anything that happened to me. I was at least thankful that Eliza was there, supporting me.

Minutes passed and my composure slowly regained. Eliza kept an eye on me. I wasn’t hurt by her staring, however. I mean, how often could anyone truly say they have seen a mermaid?

My thoughts obviously were on more important things: how to return to normal, for one thing. Watching the scale of my necklace dissolve pretty much gave me all the proof I need. That was what turned me into this. And who gave me it? That strange lady, who rewarded it to me after I brought back her child. Put two and two together, and it’s obvious where I need to go next.

“That lady,” I said, “Eliza we need to find that lady who gave me that necklace!”

“How will we do that?” She asked. I really didn’t know either, seeing I’m not in the mobile of forms.

“You can carry me to your car!” I answered. “I can direct you to where I met her last!”

The plan set in motion she immediately got up, leaving me in the tub.

Wondering what she was doing I replied, “You can’t leave me here! I’m kind of important you know?”

Turning back to me she replied, “I’ll be back in a bit. I’m sorry but I don’t think you could go out in that!” Then she teased, “By the way, your nipples are showing.”

Looking down I saw my nipples, erect and showing through my gigantic shirt. Embarrassed, I immediately tried to hide it. Why did she have to remind me?

Giggling, she closed the door behind me. I almost think she’s enjoying this.

...Why me?

Impatiently, I waited. She really hasn’t been gone long, but that was beside the point. One more minute in this body was one minute too much. I wanted to return to being a human as soon as possible. At this point the only thing I’d get by staying a mermaid was a feeling of helplessness.

She arrived carrying with her an oversized beach towel. “This should help cover your tail. I don’t think people will notice.”

“Good thinking,” I commended. As she laid the towel on the floor I saw another piece a fabric in her hand; something I wasn’t about to put on.

“Oh, no,” I began, “I am so not wearing that.”

That, as I so eloquently referred to it as, was a top half of a two piece bikini. I may be a woman, but I’ll be damned if I’ll dress like one!

“Well, what else are you going to wear, Kyle?” She questioned, “All of your clothes are too big now, and I don’t think the locals will appreciate some well endowed woman flaunting her stuff all over the place. Well, at least the female half won’t!”

Sighing, I whined, “Couldn’t you have just grabbed a shirt or something?”

“Well, I figured this was proper,” she explained, “If you needed to find a place of water to soak in or something, I’d rather not have my wardrobe getting wet.”

“You’re worried about your wardrobe at a time like this?” I complained.

Shrugging me off she continued, “Take off your shirt so I can put this on.”

I was kind of uncomfortable about showing off my new jugs. I don’t know how she could be so nonchalant about it.

“Oh come off of it!” she cried, “It’s nothing I haven’t seen before.”

Dejectedly I relented, pulling off my shirt and swallowing my pride, allowing her do her thing. Oddly enough the maneuvering of my breasts as she adjusted the top felt good. I had to bite my tongue to keep from gasping. Like my tail, it seemed these things would take time to get used to. Maybe even more time.

Finished, she just had to comment. “Looks like you’re just my size.”

“Great,” I replied cynically as the sensitivity from my breasts started to fade.

Draining the water she carried me up from the tub and onto the bathroom floor. Try as I might, I still wasn’t capable of sitting as I fell on my stomach. I was the proverbial fish out of water.

Flipping myself over Eliza helped me cover my tail with her gigantic beach towel. Indeed it was good enough to hide my fish-like extremities, which was a load off my mind. With everything taken care of it was time to make way toward her truck.

“Are you ready?” She asked.

“Ready as I’ll ever be, I guess,” I replied half-heartedly.

Picking me up I still couldn’t help but feel demoralized at how easy she could pick me up. It should be me picking her up, not the other way around!

We made our way downstairs, with me helping as much as I can by opening the doors and pressing the elevator buttons for her. Reaching the lobby, her truck was waiting out front. We made it outside; apparently no one was suspicious that some weird unknown girl was about being carried out by a British aid worker. Maybe they thought I was someone’s date for the night?

...That thought immediately made me cringe.

Opening the passenger door, Eliza gently slid me inside. Balancing myself with the armrest, I could tell that sitting on my tail like this was going to be stressful. I blocked my mind from the pain though. I couldn’t let that get in the way of finding that lady.

Shutting the door, Eliza started up the ignition. Let the searching commence!

With a decent photographic memory I led Eliza to the apartment complex where I met with the lady earlier. The slums were busy; people were cleaning up, trading, doing business, and salvaging items much like before. Still even with all the activity that lady wasn’t to be found.

Seeing we were getting nowhere just driving around, she slowed to a stop. Turning to me she asked, “You’re sure this is the place?”

“I know it is,” I reassured her, not too happy she would second guess me like that.

She shut off her engine and told me, “I’m going to ask around. She has a kid, correct? That should make finding her a little easier. Stay here and wait for me.”

Rolling my eyes like some immature little brat, I vilely replied, “Yeah, like I can just mosey out and leave here.”

Apparently unfazed by my snarky behavior, she shut the door and began to investigate. Maybe I was acting a little bitchy. But seeing how I’m starting to label my attitude “bitchy,” it only made it even worse. I really want to get back to normal, and I'd rather do it soon, because I’m starting to feel like this is effecting my head.

A few minutes passed. The sun was directly hitting me, and although I haven't been sitting here very long, the bright yellow orb was turning the car into an oven. Considering I was creature who needed to be moist and hydrated at all times, I could see how sitting in a car for any length of time would pose a threat to my health. however, I don't think either Eliza or I could have imagined that I could be dehydrated this quickly!

Starting to breathe heavy, it was getting hard for me to focus. I needed water…Eliza, hurry up!

I was drifting in and out of consciousness. Before I faded into black I heard the passenger door open, and a voice speaking.

“You be lookin' rather thirsty,” She said almost jokingly.

I opened my eyes. I was alive, somehow. But what happened?

Coming to, I tried to recollect what happened. Eliza left to investigate, leaving me in the car. Neither of us knew how harmful it would be staying in a hot car, so I couldn't fault her. I've been a mermaid for a few hours and I'm still subconsciously thinking I can endure things as if I was still human. I found out the hard way; sitting in a hot car for even a short period of time would be no big deal for a human, it proved nearly fatal for me.

Putting these thoughts aside, I decided to look around and see where I was. Almost immediately I realized I was underwater. All around me were fish of different colors and sizes. Looking down I spotted the kelp. Upon touching it, I realized it was fake.

Staring out in front of me, I was greeted by a barrier of glass. This glass seemed to cover every corner: front and back, side to side, and top to bottom. Trapped as if I was buried in a coffin, I tried frantically to break out, but with little room I hand't any momentum to shatter this glass. Beyond the glass seemed like a family room. And in that family room was that mysterious lady; the one one who put me into this mess. She was having a heart to heart conversation with her child.

Obviously that came to an end with my ceaseless squirming. With all the ruckus I was causing she knew I was awake and around.

“You run along now,” she chided to her son, “And don’t you be runnin’ off like ya' did before! I needn’t be greeted by some other generous stranger.” Obviously that was a jab at me. And trust me; if I had another opportunity, I would have taken him to child services, you witch!

“I know you can hear me,” She stated, obviously directing that to me. “And I’m not a witch, at least, not in a derogatory sense.”

Okay, now I was freaked out. Did she just read my mind?

“Well, how else would I be able to communicate wit’ ya?” She questioned. "It be kinda hard for you talkin' in the water like that." Yep, she was reading my mind.

“Oh, I must apologize for havin’ you cooped up in my aquarium like that,” she said. Not much choice seeing you were graspin’ for dear life.”

Well, that answered that question.

“Bein’ I saved your life, would you be so kind to allow me to talk?” She suggested. “I’m sure it be of great interest to hear what I have to say.”

Well, I’m kind of trapped here, I thought. I might as well hear her out.

She smiled. “Thank you sweet child. Allow me to introduce m’self. I am Gaia, the Goddess of the Earth.”

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