The Princess of the Desert
By Melodie Thomas
Edited by Holly Hart
Chapter 9
Saturday, May 2, 2009
My mind was totally scrambled by the time we left the crime scene, only fifteen minutes after we arrived. Smith led me back out to the waiting SUV, and we were off to the airport again. The Lear Jet took off only minutes after we boarded, heading to Washington D.C.
The seats in the Lear were arranged with four seats around a fixed table. There were four of these table/chair sets on the jet.
I was seated in one of the forward facing seats, just staring off in to space, when Smith set a bottle of beer in front of me and took a seat opposite. “What do you think?”
I slowly shook my head for a couple of moments, “I am not sure what to think. I am not sure I want to go where my mind is trying to take me.”
“Where is your mind taking you?”
“I want to say, she was programmed somehow to kill Garcia and then eliminate herself.”
“Then your mind is pretty much in the same place as mine. That is what I have been worrying about for some time.
I looked at Smith, “How is that?”
Smith just looked at me for a moment, “Okay, we have been looking over your shoulder since last October, ever since you sent Miss Atkins to Mount Elizabeth.”
“At what point do you plan to explain that to me?” I could feel my anger starting to increase.
“You will get most of it tomorrow from Ivan.” Smith put his bottle on the table, “Look, Dan, we were not sure what was going on either, and we have done nothing to Stephanie but try to help her. So, please, cut me a little slack for not ‘crying wolf’, when all I had was a theory.”
Smith looked at me for a moment. I picked up my bottle of beer and took a sip. “Okay, but I hope you don’t try to keep me in the dark too long.”
Smith smiled, “If I planned to keep you in the dark, I would not have brought you to Albuquerque today. I need your help with this and it is time to put the cards on the table. If what I am suspecting is actually happening, we have a huge problem on our hands.”
“Then, at least, tell me about the Stephanie side of things. How did she tip your hand?”
Smith nodded as he took a drink. “Whenever we bring a field agent home …”
“When you say ‘we’, you mean CIA?” I interrupted.
Smith just smiled and continued, “… we run them through a psychiatric evaluation. We want to make sure all the wiring is correct up here,” pointing to his head. “Over the years a standardized evaluation has been created and is used at all the major psychiatric hospitals in the country.
“When Stephanie arrived at Mount Elizabeth, she was given the standard pre-admission evaluation. The results of that evaluation set off a number of red flags, and those flags landed on my desk. I contacted the Vasnevs, who are on staff at Mount Elizabeth, and asked them to look into it. They reported to me that the flags were real, and we had a potential problem. Before you ask, Ivan will have to explain the flags, because I don’t understand them.” He paused, looking at me.
I nodded my understanding.
“At that point I started looking into your case from behind the scenes. At first, I did not think your case had anything to do with what I was worried about. The type of people that I am looking for would not be publishing porno films; they would not try to attract that much attention. However, after your guys traced those videos back to that place and we saw how it was abandoned, my interest picked up. Honestly, we saw the discrepancies about a week before you did.”
“If you were ahead of us, why pull us in?”
“First, because I didn’t want you getting in my way. Once you started looking in that direction, there was a good chance we would start stepping on each other’s toes. Second, as I have told you, was your relationship with Atkins. We needed her, and the Vasnevs told me we were not going to be able to keep her away from you and still have her be effective. So, bottom line is, we are better off working together.”
“Okay, so what is your theory about what is going on here?” I asked, setting my empty bottle back on the table.
“I think the videos were purely Garcia. I think he found a way to play with the girls left in his charge and make a little money on the side. I think once the FBI started to get on that trail, the organization he was working for moved in and shutdown the Arizona operation. I think Garcia knew he’d screwed up and was trying to skip the country, thinking that would save him. As for the dental assistant, I think I will wait until Ivan explains things to you, as I think it will make more sense then.”
“Now, it seems we only have this ‘Charlie’ as our only open lead. What happen to the two security guards at the courthouse?”
“We have not found them,” Smith stated, “my guess is they are on the bottom of a lake somewhere. This group does not seem to be the kind to leave many loose ends. I agree with you, our focus needs to be on finding out who ‘Charlie’ is. We also need to chase down the identity of our dental assistant, and there are a couple of other things we will talk about tomorrow.”
Darkness had just settled on the city when we arrived in D.C.. Smith had a car waiting. Traffic was pretty heavy for the evening rush, and the drive into town took nearly an hour. The driver pulled into the entry of a very high end hotel and stopped at the front door.
Smith handed me a magnetic key card, “You are in room 2107. Use this key on the elevator, and if you want anything, just charge it to the room. I will pick you up at ten in the morning.”
I got out of the car and closed the door. Smith rolled the window down and smiled. “And try to get some rest tonight. You will need your wits about you tomorrow, ” as he drove off.
I stood there and watched him leave for a second, wondering what that comment was about. Puzzled, I entered the hotel lobby, found the elevators and selected the twenty seventh floor. When the elevator door opened on the twenty seventh floor, I was greeted by a Secret Service agent.
“Good evening, Sir.” The agent said, “Your room is just around the corner to your left.”
“Good evening, and thank you.” I responded as I followed his directions.
As I rounded the corner, there was another agent standing in front of a door labeled 2107. “Good evening, Sir. The door is open.”
I was a little set back by the security level, but I opened the door, entered the room and closed the door behind me. As I entered the living area of the suite, things became much clearer. Sitting on the couch, reading a magazine, was Stephanie. Her hair was pulled back in a soft ponytail. She was wearing a white, almost see through, blouse, brown dress slacks and white three inch sandals. The scene that played through my mind was so perfectly displayed for me, I could not help it.
“Hi, Honey, I’m home!” I announced.
I loved the sound of her laugh as she set her magazine aside, stood and took the ten steps or so to reach me.
She put one arm on each side of my head as she step up to me. “Hi, Dear. How was your day?”
I could not help laughing either, as I instinctively reached my right arm around her waist and pulled her too me.
Looking into those sparkling eyes, I could feel my heart rate increasing. “This is probably not the safest position for you to be in.”
“Why is that?” she responded with a bigger smile.
“Honestly, I have a very strong urge to kiss you right now.”
“What’s stopping you?”
“I don’t know if it is the right thing to do.” I said, lacking anything else to say.
“Mr. McNeil, I have already told you I loved you, and I already told you who I wanted to be. Now you need to decide if you can accept me as I am, or if you want to tell me to leave. Either way, it is time for you to get off of that fen…” as I cut the last word off with my lips.
As our lips parted, her eyes had a softness to them I had never seen before. They still sparkled, but there was something else in there.
“Thank you,” she whispered. “That was the choice I hoped you would make.”
“Are you sure we should be doing this?” I whispered back.
“Oh, I am sure,” as our lips met again.
When Stephanie finally let me sit down, like it was all her fault, I realized that I had not eaten all day. We pored through the room service menu, decided on our menu choices and passed them to the Secret Service agent outside the door. When our order arrived we chatted all through dinner about various topics, none of which were related to the case. I told her about Brenda coming to stay with me, and the conversations that Brenda and I’d had. She told me about sessions with Vivian and Ivan and the things she was learning to think about.
Once dinner was over, and the service items pushed out of the room, Steph helped me with some light shoulder exercises. We had just completed the shoulder work, and I was sitting on the couch without my shirt on, Steph sitting behind me, gently rubbing my shoulder and neck., when I asked, “When do you need to go back?” It was almost a mumble, as she was putting me to sleep with the neck rub.
“Go back?”
“Yeah, go back to… I don’t even know where you stay here.”
“I am staying with the Vasnevs, but tonight I am staying here.”
I turned a little too fast. My shoulder did not like that movement, and a grimace crossed my face.
“Easy!” She said with a concerned look.
“Ouch!, What do you mean you are staying here?”
She had a worried look in her eyes, “There are two bedrooms here and I plan to stay in the other one.”
“I am sorry,” I said as I ran my hand through her hair, “I didn’t mean to upset you; I was just surprised is all.”
“Do you mind if I stay in the other room?” Her eyes were downcast.
I lifted her chin, and lightly kissed her lips. “I am sorry if I misunderstood. Steph, I never want to hurt you in any way. That includes moving ‘us’ along too fast. I will always worry about that with you. Sorry, I can’t help myself. No, I don’t mind if you stay. I would like that.”
Stephanie smiled and returned my kiss. “I know, and I don’t want to move you past your comfort zone too fast. Brenda said that I need to be slow.”
“Brenda? Oh, God, I am being double teamed.” I laughed.
Lying in bed and studying the dark ceiling, I found it interesting that the horrors of the day had vanished the instant that Stephanie stepped in to my arms, or should I say, arm. Yes, I actually kissed someone today that was not born a woman, but my mind only saw a woman in the person I kissed. I hope that I didn’t make a mistake. As Steph said in the hospital, are we chasing an impossible dream? I guess, in my own mind, I needed to ask, ‘What dream am I chasing?’ I am always pondering the question that Ivan asked me in the hospital as well. Is our relationship based only on the events we are experiencing? But then, it seems the events completely disappeared tonight. I still don’t know how to answer that question.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
The alarm on my cell phone went off at 7am, which started my normal daily struggle of getting though the shower with a damaged wing. After finishing my bathroom chores, I put on a bathrobe and pondered what I was going to do for clothes. I had not really planned on an overnight trip, so had not packed for one. I decided to see if someone could at least, press my shirt and pants from the day before so they would look half way reasonable. However, I soon discovered that all of my clothes from the previous day were missing.
I entered the living area, with my stylish hotel bathrobe, and saw that Stephanie was already up, dressed and sitting on the couch.
“Good morning,” She greeted me, as she rose from the couch.
“Hi, Princess, did you take my clothes?
“Oh!” she seemed startled, turned and went towards the door. “I ordered these for you last night.” She returned carrying a suit bag and a smaller plastic bag. “I got you a new pair of pants and shirt, along with new underwear and socks.”
“When did you do this?” I was stunned.
“Last night, after you went to sleep. I got the sizes off of the ones you were wearing.”
“I thought you had already gone to sleep?”
She kissed me lightly on the lips, “Darling, sleep is still something I struggle with. I don’t sleep well, so I stayed quiet until you were asleep and then took care of this.”
I think she could read the worried look on my face. “It’s alright, don’t worry. I am getting much, much better, but I do still have some problems.”
She is right, and I don’t know why I should expect otherwise. I returned her kiss. “Thank you, I’ll be right back,” I returned to the bedroom.
After dressing, we ordered coffee and breakfast. Stephanie had packed her suitcase, and it was sitting by the door when the call came a few minutes before ten that our car was here. I pulled her suitcase as we were escorted down to the waiting car.
The trip to the Vasnev’s home took us out of metro D.C. and into northern Virginia. The drive was actually pleasant as we toured through the rolling green hills and passed the stately mansions built on Civil War era farms. After nearly an hour, we pulled into the drive of one of those mansions and stopped at an iron gate that blocked the drive to the house. Armed guards checked our identities and inspected the car before allowing us to continue.
Stephanie simply opened the door to the house and walked in, with me behind her. As we entered the house, Vivian was approaching the door.
“Good morning, child,” Vivian greeting Stephanie with a kiss to the cheek. “Welcome, Dan, please come in.”
Vivian led us to a set of double doors that I could see were the entry to a large office or study. Stephanie turned to me. “I have some things of my own to do while you visit with Ivan. I will see you later for lunch.” She then lightly kissed me, took her suitcase and headed down the hall.
Vivian smiled, and I actually felt a little embarrassed to have her see Steph kiss me. Nothing was said as she opened one of the double doors and motioned me to enter.
“Hello, young man, come on in.” Ivan greeted me as I entered the room.
The room looked like a library with two walls full of books, a large desk and a seating area that consisted of two facing couches that were capped on each end with a single overstuffed chair. Ivan was sitting on one of the couches, so I moved to the one opposite him.
“How is that arm doing?” Ivan inquired.
“Better,” I responded, “I should be able to get rid of the sling in a week or so.”
“Excellent. Well, we have a lot to talk about today, so I hope you got some rest last night.”
I felt myself blush, “Yes, Ivan, we were good children.” I said with a smile.
Ivan laughed for a moment, and then became more serious, “Our Mr. Smith,” Ivan gave slight chuckle, “said I was to explain our suspicions to you. So, I will tell you a story, but I warn you, it is not a pretty story.”
I nodded my understanding.
Ivan took a moment to collect his thoughts. “For as long as the concept of psychiatric medicine has existed, doctors and scientists have been researching possible ways to modify human behavior. The vast majority of this work has been targeted for the betterment of society by helping people become more productive members of society as a whole. Efforts such as rehabilitation of criminals, helping troubled children to learn new ways to deal with things, or just helping everyday people with problems such as insomnia, compulsive gambling, etc.
“However, as with all aspects of society, whenever something is developed that may help people; someone will always look at it as a way to reach a more sinister result. When these darker forces started looking at behavioral modifications, they saw them as a way to make people do their bidding for the gain of the controller, not necessarily society. From these activities the phrases of brainwashing and mind control, began to immerge.
Ivan paused for a moment to sip his coffee. Vivian had brought me a cup of coffee and then sat by her husband.
“In the mid 1950’s,” Ivan continued, “at a Russian prison camp outside of Yakutsk in the Republic of Sahka, a semi-ethical program was started to work on the behavior modification of hardened criminals. At least that is how the story was told. In reality, the victims of this study were political prisoners that stood against the ideals of the mother state. Though the original concepts of this program were an attempt to change the subject’s political view point, the program rapidly degraded into a way to maximize the punishment and humiliation of those that opposed the state.
“During this period of history, the concept of homosexuality and transgender behavior was considered to be a major sin against God and society. As such, the greatest punishment and humiliation that could be dreamed for a man, was to make him act as the woman in a sexual act with a man. With this concept in mind, the doctors at the camp began experimenting on methods of forced feminization of the political prisoners. The ultimate goal was to manipulate the prisoner to the point that the prisoner would willing give themselves up as a sexual toy for other men.”
I think I was turning white, “The government let them do that?”
Ivan smiled, “Remember, the Soviet government had many other issues to deal with, and as long at their political opposition was locked up somewhere, they really didn’t care what happened to them. Anyway, since the doctors had an almost unlimited supply of political prisoners, they began experimenting with many different ways to accomplish the end goal. They used physical torture, body modifications, and large variations of chemical and drug cocktails to see what the overall impact was on the prisoner. Over the period of a few years, they began to identify a methodology that worked over ninety percent of the time, and they continued to refine it.”
“Ivan,” I interrupted, “I am sorry to interrupt, but how do you know so much about this?”
An aurora of sadness came over Ivan and he looked down at his coffee. Vivian reached over and gently patted her husband’s leg.
“The sad truth, young man, the head doctor at that prison camp was my father. I was a student at the university at the time and spent summers working with my father at the camp. I saw this activity first hand, and, sadly, I even participated in it.”
That revelation stunned me. How could anyone willing to that to another person, yet I had someone sitting right in front of me. I could feel the anger and disgust starting to build.
“Dan,” Vivian spoke, “before you pass judgment on Ivan, I would like you to hear him out. Please understand that people change, and if you would look at your own attitudes over the past months, you may see that.”
I didn’t understand how she could compare what he did to what I have done. Yes, I agree, my attitudes have been changing, but I didn’t physically torture anyone. I still wanted to hear the story, so I nodded my acceptance.
“I am sorry to disappoint you.” Ivan said, “As the techniques were continually improved, the doctors discovered that over time the subjects would develop an attachment to their controller. They would almost become like pets, willing to do anything the master asked in order to earn praise and positive feedback. The doctors put the subjects through some hideous tests to have them prove their loyalty. Their minds were so completely torn down and rebuilt that they believed the only way to happiness was through the happiness of their controller.
Initially, my father was very surprised with these results. A few ‘friends’ of his in the intelligence community saw a large potential for this work and coaxed my father to start focusing his work towards optimizing these traits. As a result, my father’s work was focused on taking a healthy male, and through the process of forced feminization, physical torture and chemical inducement, turn these men into mindless robots that would do any bidding their controller asked.”
“So, why did you stop being involved?” I asked with an icy tone.
Ivan smiled, “I have to give credit for that to my faithful wife. We met at a convention in Geneva, and since I was Russian and she American, our growing relationship was considered to be taboo on both sides. My father was adamant that I was not to have a relationship with her, and in that behavior I began to see that my raising was not much different than his test subjects. Oh, I was not subjected to the physical tortures, but the mental manipulations were designed to have me focus on seeking his praise and approval. When I was no longer doing the things he wanted of me, I became nothing but a nuisance to him.
“My eyes were finally opened to the fact that what my father was doing was not science, but madness. I stood out against him and tried to have his experiments stopped. However, it seemed his work had become an interest to too many internal security agencies, and I was arrested and sent to prison. I spent one year in prison before I promised my father I would be a good boy. I was released on the condition that I would return to work with my father, which I did until I earned enough of his trust that he allowed me to attend another convention. At that convention, I met up with Vivian again, and she helped me defect to the United States.”
“Your own father had you thrown in prison?” I asked, unable to comprehend that.
“Oh, yes,” Vivian answered, “and it would have been much worse had Ivan not used his head to find a way out. These are not nice people we are talking about, Dan.”
“Okay, so how does this relate to what is going on today?” I asked.
“My father died in 1966,” Ivan continued, “and the best that we can tell, his work stopped at the same time. Public outcry against the inhuman treatment of prisoners was starting to reach a peak, so the Russian government put a stop to such activities. At least they said they did. Since I had already defected, all of my father’s belongings, including his research notes, were given to my sister. With the assistance of the U.S. embassy, my sister was able to pass my father’s research notes to me.
“When young Miss Stephanie was sent to us, the initial evaluation tests that were preformed indicated signs, and signatures similar to the forms of mental manipulation used by my father many years ago. As Vivian and I continued to work with Stephanie, we found much more than just similarities, we found almost exactly matched patterns of behavior modification, which indicated someone was replicating my father’s work. Of course all of this is just speculation, but the longer we have worked with Stephanie, the more convinced we have become. With the unfortunate incident yesterday in Albuquerque, we have reached the conclusion that this type of behavior modification activity is exactly what we are dealing with. “
“Let me make sure I understand you, “I interrupted. “What we had been thinking was a human slavery, pornography, operation; you are now telling me is some kind of brainwashing activity? The type of brainwashing where a person can be programmed to do something then released in public to just wait for their orders?”
“I think that is a fair outline,” Ivan said. “The work that my father did had not reached that level of maturity. His notes clearly show the ability to get his subjects to perform any act that he desired, including murder and suicide, but he had not attempted the long range control necessary for what happened yesterday. However, that is not to say that whoever has taken over his work has not been able to accomplish that.”
This was mind boggling, and I was pretty sure I was not getting the whole picture. The first thing that popped into my mind was a small army of these pre-programmed girls, staged all over the United States, ready to strike at will. Then my mind focused on the fact that Stephanie was one of these girls.
“What about Stephanie?” I asked.
Ivan smiled, “I wondered how long it would take you to get to that connection. Stephanie is fine. We found a few ‘triggers’, for the lack of a better term, programmed into her. However they were not what we would call dominating triggers.”
Ivan paused for a moment, “Now, what I am going to tell you next is really more speculation than anything, but hopefully, educated speculation. When my father was doing his experimentation the concept of transgendered people was not well known or believed in. For the techniques that my father had developed to be at their most effective required a subject whose mind was well into the ninety five percent, or greater, male end of the spectrum. People in that category would have the strongest reaction to the forced feminization they were subjected to. His notes did report failures, or people that he could not totally control, even though he was able to magnify their female persona.
“My guess is he was running into the natural percentage of the population of males there were more effeminate than what was required for success of the techniques. Based on my knowledge of Stephanie, I believe that is the case there, as well. We know from her background that she was always fighting to maintain her masculine identity as a boy. Therefore, we are pretty confident that she was an effeminate male. If my theory is correct, the techniques used on her were able to amplify her femininity and to brainwasher her to some level. However, they were never able to break her down enough to establish the long range controls they were seeking. As such, she was discarded.”
I sat shaking my head, “I am sorry, but I just don’t understand any of this, or how it works or anything else about it. You are telling me, these people can grab a man off of the street, turn him in to a woman, reprogram his brain to think like a woman and then turn back out into society?”
“No, not quite,” Ivan said with a serious look. “I would agree with everything you said with the exception of ‘think like a woman’. However, based on my father’s work and the poor dental assistant in Albuquerque, I think we can say they found a way use these poor people. I would also assume it say to say, if they have done it once, they can do it again.”
“Okay,” I said, “let’s talk about Stephanie a little more. Why is she so feminine? I mean, if it wasn’t for the fact that I already knew she started life as a male, I would never know.”
“What you see in Stephanie,” Ivan started, “is the combined effects of three things. First, her natural genetics. As we have already discussed, her history shows some effeminate behavior. Second, the results of the program she went through. Due the negative/positive reinforcement she received in the past, the results are partially due to her captures, but also her own internal defense systems. The more feminine she became, the less negative reinforcement was needed. There is also an impact from our own work that required amplifying her feminine side to overcome some of the other issues we encountered. “
“What other issues?” I pushed.
“I am sorry, Dan,” Vivian spoke, “but there are certain things that we will not discuss with you concerning Stephanie, as it falls under doctor/patient and we wish to keep it private.”
I looked at her for a moment, “It bothers me that there is something about Stephanie that you are not telling me.”
Vivian smiled, “I am sure it does, because you are her protector, and you are in love with her. However, please understand, the sessions that we have with Stephanie are private and are to be only shared between her, my husband and I. If anything should come up that puts her at risk, or is a danger to her, I will promise you I will tell you.”
I am not really sure I heard everything she said after her statement that I was in love with Stephanie. Was I? I knew I was very attracted to her, I cared for her a lot, but was I in love with her? I decide that was one more thing I had to try to get my brain wrapped around.
“Promise to tell him, what?” I heard Stephanie’s voice from behind me. I turned and watched her walk in to the room. She was wearing a light yellow summer dress that reached to her knees. I was surprised, because this was the first time I had seen her in a dress since her breakdown in Tucson. Stephanie walked around the couch and sat down by me, placing her hand in my lap. She was definitely beautiful. Was I in love with her?
“We were just talking about some of your sessions, Dear, and Ivan and I would rather keep those private.”
Stephanie turned to me and smiled, “Why would you be interested in that boring stuff?” Then turning back to the , “Lunch is ready whenever you are.”
Stephanie escorted me to the dining room, where a large table was set with six places and a large variety of foods. I heard the door bell ring, and Vivian left the room to answer the door. A few moments later, Vivian returned, followed by Smith and another man that I did not know.
“Hello everyone,” Smith announced to the room, “I would like to introduce you to Richard White, a co-worker of mine.”
Handshakes were extended around the room and everyone was seated at the table. Stephanie was seated next to me, with Smith and Mr. White seated across from us. Vivian and Ivan sat at opposite ends. Initial conversation was focus around lunch as various foods were passed and explained.
After everyone had filled their plate, Smith looked at me. “What did you think of Ivan’s story this morning, Dan?”
“Mind boggling does not even begin to describe it,” I answered, “Terrifying in the concept, and adding to the fact we have no idea how to stop it. I keep finding myself thinking this is science fiction, and can’t really be happening.”
“Not only can it happen, it is happening based on the evidence that we have,” Smith answered. “We now have 7 of the 24 girls accounted for, assuming, our Stephanie was the last one taken. We do not have identification on our dental assistant yet. The fingerprints do not seem to be in any of the databases, so we are back to searching missing persons reports, which could take forever. We have the sketch of ‘Charlie’ being circulated throughout the all of the law enforcement agencies in the world that we have agreements with, but, so far, no idea who he is.”
“But we have to look for a Russian connection, Right?” I asked, looking at Smith and Ivan.
“Yes,” Smith answered. “We have much a better working relationship with Soviets now than we have ever had. The picture has been forwarded to them as well. I had a frank discussion with a counterpart in Russian intelligence this morning, and he vehemently denies any knowledge of such an operations. So, we can’t rule out that this organization could be freelance, but they have a large money source, so I still have to assume they are being backed by someone.”
I kept watching Stephanie through this whole conversation. She was actively listening to the conversation but showed no outward emotional signs to the discussion.
She caught me looking once. “I am sorry, Darling,” Stephanie said to me, “but I have no idea who number seven was. I have no memory of ever meeting her.”
“So, what do we do now?” I asked, “Sit on our thumbs until we find the identity of one of our unknowns?”
“No,” Smith said, putting his fork down, “We have another idea, but you will not like it, and it will piss you off because you are the last one to know about it. We want to move Stephanie into the open a little, and see if we can catch the followers.”
I stopped in mid bite, and looked at Smith, “Like hell you are!”
Smith gave a half smile, “I think I win the pot on that response. Dan, look, I am positive that whoever is behind this already knows where Stephanie is. I am willing to bet they are already watching this place as we sit here. I want to try to take advantage of that and see if we can get them to trip up a little, and give us more to work on.”
I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, “You are not, and I will repeat not, going to use her as bait and some sacrificial lamb. We are not playing games with her life, period!”
Stephanie turned facing me, “Dan, I am sorry, but it is my life, and I want to get some of it back. If that means taking some risk so we can put an end to this, then that is what I want to do.”
I sat there stunned for a second, looking back and forth between Smith and Stephanie. Again, I am the last one to know what the hell is going on, and they are talking about putting Stephanie at risk.
I stood up and took Stephanie’s hand. “Would all of you excuse the two of us for just a minute?” I said as I led Stephanie back into the study and closed the door.
“How can you let them talk you into this?” I asked as soon as the door was closed.
“Talk me into this? I was mostly my idea to start with,” Stephanie responded.
“Your idea, based on which one of them convincing you, Smith or Ivan?”
Stephanie’s face clouded over and for the first time since Tucson, I saw anger in her eyes. “What, you think they are manipulating me, Dan? Okay, based on my history, maybe I have to give you a little ground there. No, those people in there are trying to work with me to solve a problem. The only one trying to ‘control’ me right now is you.” There was anger and volume in her voice and I was stunned by the response.
“I want my life back,” Stephanie continued. “I want the freedom to do what I want to do and go where I want to go. I want to stop this madness and get the other girls out of there. If that requires taking a little risk, then that is what I am going to do.” Stephanie’s ferocity startled me, even had me taking a step back.
A tear started forming in Stephanie’s eyes, “Now, I love you Daniel McNeil, but I will not have anyone tell me what I can or can’t do again. If you think that is the role you are going to take in my life, then we have a major problem before we even get out of the starting gate.”
She turned to the door and started to open it. I step behind her and stopped the door, she didn’t fight me. I pushed the door closed and wrapped my arm around waist pulling her back to me. I paused for a moment.
“I’m sorry, Steph.” I whispered, “You are right. You need to have control of your life, and I should be supporting you, not fighting you. I haven’t said this yet but, I love you too, I don’t want to lose you and I am afraid that will happen. I’m sorry.”
Stephanie turned inside my arm, facing me. She put one hand on each of my cheeks and looked me in the eye. “I don’t want to lose you either. The only way we should be broken apart is if someone takes us apart, we should not be fighting each other. I understand you want to protect me and I can’t express my gratitude enough for that. We have to work together.”
I nodded, “I’m sorry, you are right. I’m sorry.”
Stephanie pulled my face to her and kissed me softly. “Then, let’s go back in there and figure out how we are going to solve this thing, as a team.”
I nodded, “Okay, but I need something from you too. I want this team, the you and me team. To have that I have to trust you, but you have to make sure there are no more behind my back plans being made. “
Stephanie sighed, “You’re right, and I am sorry about that. No more.”
“Thank you. Also, I don’t trust Smith. I think he would sacrifice any of us if he felt it was for the greater good. Please be careful around him.”
Steph nodded again. I kissed her lightly, “Let’s go do this.”
I was holding Stephanie’s hand as we walked back into the dining area and returned to our chairs. “Okay,” I said looking at Smith, “what is this plan?”
Ivan laughed, “I win the pot that time.”
I had a response for him about to come out of my mouth, I think Stephanie sensed and quickly grabbed my hand. I bit the response back and looked back at Smith.
Smith nodded his head, “As I said, I am pretty sure they, whoever they are, are watching this place right now. What I want to do is a surprise move that only the people sitting in this room will know about. Dan, I want you to take Stephanie home with you for a couple of weeks.”
“How do you plan to protect her?” I asked. “I am still winged, nowhere near at one hundred percent.”
“To be honest with you,” Smith responded, “protecting her will be our second priority. Now, before you tear my head off, hear me out. Mr. White,” pointing to the man next to him, “is the commander of an advanced team that I have already sent to Tucson. We have ten assets there right now setting up a security screen around your house. However, they are not there to watch you, they are there to watch the watchers.”
Smith paused for a moment to see if I was going to say anything. Though I wanted to, I held back and just nodded.
“Once Stephanie leaves here,” Smith continued, “the people watching her will be trying to figure out where she went. It won’t take them long, and then they will try to move assets to Tucson. The team I have down there are specially trained anti-surveillance experts who will be watching for the watchers to show up. Once they do, we will have them, and try to trace their communications to see where they are reporting back to.”
“What are we suppose to do in Tucson?” I asked.
“Whatever you want, within reason. You are a smart man, and I don’t think you will have her standing out on the street by herself. However, at the same time we want these people to know where she is. We don’t want to make it too obvious, but we don’t want to completely hide it, either.”
“Am I going to have any assistance in case something goes down?”
“We will have a response team in the area along with the surveillance folks. Please don’t look for them.”
I looked at Stephanie, who nodded her head that she agreed.
“Okay,” I asked to Smith, “When do we leave?”
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You may think this is fiction...
But, after what I have seen, I would not doubt that any of it is true; probably even more than we know. I don't know if Dan will ever know if she has a planted trigger word.
I still react very strongly to certain tones of voice in Males. I do not know if it will go away.
Nice writing.
The Princess of the Desert -- Chapter 9
Well, there is the story of Russia doing what Ivan said to athletes. But is it fiction?
May Your Light Forever Shine
Is one strong willed, strong young woman, isn't she? Still a great story.
Thank you Melodie,
What a fantastic story! Tom Clancy,eat your heart out! Beautifully written and so well characterized.
End of the mystery.
I think the mystery element to this story has just about run it's course. Truthfully speaking, this wasn't much of a mystery genre entry to begin with. There's no list of suspect nor any clues for the audience to make their own conclusion of the culprit's identity.
There were no clues, just the author dropping info via dumps. All the bad guys are just faceless mooks. I mean, come ON, Russians? Russians? That came out of no where within one or two chapters.
The mole wasn't even introduced until after he was rooted out.
My suggestion for future stories: try to plan out everything before hand and make better use of foreshadowing. In addition, introduce bad guys even if they're not immediately identified as the bad guy.
Well we don't to hear about
Well we don't to hear about your criticism and your expectations on what this story should or should not be. It's been a wonderful story on its own merit, relationships, characterization. How about you send your criticism to the author in private and post a story here to show us your so-called expertise on mystery.