Well, today was a tough day with my daughter. We took her and her two friends to West Edmonton Mall, played glow-in-the-dark mini-golf, and went skating at the ice rink. Sounds like fun, right? Well, not really, because the boys noticed I was wearing a woman's shirt, and so that became an awkward topic for conversation. Plus, I'm worried like heck about a friend of mine who is really struggling and has even talked about suicide.
It gets better, right?
Yes, Hon, it does
Remember that faithfulness is for when times are not going so well. It's easy to keep faith when all is going well.
Just hang in there and stay the course. You can do it. And you'll shine when you get to the other side.
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.