I'm kinda stuck in terms of a transition. I cant change my name until I get my birth certificate, and I 'm stuck waiting for the forms. But I'm feeling desperate to feel like I'm making progress, and I dont know what else I can do in the meantime.
Ah, well.
Just Go Forward!!!
There's nothing worth going back for.
Love And Huge HUGS!!!
Bailey's Cuter Half;0(Giggles)
[email protected]
Waiting on others is progress. Remember that the process takes time so moving along the time line is progress. Good luck and best wishes.
Give me a cuddle?
I like cuddles... = )
Cat MegaTomboy Cuddles
You DEFINITELY have cat DNA in the mix... :P
Why can't you change your name, without having already changed your birth certificate (BC)?
From what I've been able to find out the name change and gender marker change on the BC are independent changes. (In New Jersey (NJ), you go to court and get the name changed - and then submit the court order to the records folks @ the state capital and poof - your name is changed on your NJ BC.) Of course - that doesn't help me, given my BC is from California (CA)... But, I can change my name (and am doing so, now) and don't expect to update either my name or gender on my CA BC until this summer.
one of my first steps was buying an obviously femme pair of glasses.
i understand Dorothy
i'm waiting on government documents, doctors referrals, and all you want to do is go forward.
but we are going in the right direction... i know we are
Huge Hugs,
Proud member of Team Dorothy
Each day
is a step forward, because it isn't a day spent in the past.
Legal vs Practical
As long as you do not use it for any legal/governmental purposes, or to deceive someone, there is no reason not to introduce yourself as Dorothy.
Name change
I changed my legal name, and my Driver's License, and my Passport, and my voter's registration. My Birth certificate will be last. In the US, your next step is to get a letter from your shrink saying you are transitioning.
I dont know what to do next
Do not get impatient
May Your Light Forever Shine
Take up stamp collecting
I have no idea what you're feeling but I love to give everyone advice
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Yn wir
Mae'n rhaid i chi'n dysgu i deall cyn siarad.
It's hard to know what to say...
...not being in your situation. I do wish to change my name, but after sixty-one years, it would probably be too difficult for family to call me Andy after calling me Doug for so long. I'm named after the uncle who abused me and Joann. I look at it and realize that every one that's important to me doesn't call me that, anyway My brothers call me and just say hi. My wife calls me honey, my son calls me pops or dad and while I don't really care for it, everybody else calls me by 'that name.' But all my friends here call me Andrea. I guess it's a matter of the context, since you've already passed the point where hardly anyone calls you by your other name. I wish I could speed up the red tape. However you shan't get advice from me, since you know better than anyone else what you need, aye?
Love, Andrea Lena