More Iconoclastic Ravings from Me

Why I write female to male crossdresing fiction, a.k.a. Why I'm a troublemaker

g2bb11.jpg There are several reasons why I write female to male crossdresing fiction. I thought that I might itemize some of them here in no particular order.

The first is that I am a sexual being. I like erotica. On top of that, I have a fetish for gender play, oh and one for underwear, er, make that men's underwear. The marketplace was woefully understocked when it came to what turns me on, so I went for it.

Now I must make a few side notes here. It is quite exciting for me to slip on a jockstrap or a pair of tighty-whities, or a guys undershirt, and all doubly so when I use an ace bandage to flatten down my boobs, or place a prosthetic penis in my underwear and turn sideways t o see may now masculine profile. I can assure you after having read gobs of male to female crossdressing fiction, that the thrill I feel inside from my crossdressing as a guy is every bit as exciting as that which the guys in those stories feel.

Naturally I 've gone through a phase of thinking that I am the only one out there like this, so, after some encouragement from a friend, I decided to try writing what I write to find kindred spirits.

Am I a writer? I'll be the first to admit that in the grand scheme of things, I'm probably Bulwer-Lytton bad writing contest material. But, hey, I write for me.

So why have I writing what I've written? It gets back that icon busting way of mine. For example, my latest post, the Bad Girl to Good Boy story, Chrissie to Chris to Christopher. I wrote it because all I ever saw was bad boy to good girl stories. When I wrote Her Crewcut Humiliation and Masculinization, it was attempt to turn the forced feminization genre on its head. Butchytown was an attempt to create a universe, which, if anyone wants to try a Butchytown story, please contact me for guidelines on the place.

In all attempts though, the goal has been to float the idea of taking some things like bad boy to good girl and forced femme, reversing the genders and then seeing if anyone else wanted to try. I would really like it if someone else would try a Bad Girl to Good Boy story or forced masculinization.

I will admit that they are not easy genres to write. You really have to stretch your thinking. It can be done though, and I know others can do it better than I can.

Oh -- and why do I rely on underwear so much as plot device. First off, that's my particular fetish. Second tough, I feel that underwear by its intimate nature is one of the single most defining external gender signals. All other items have equivalents in each gender (skirt = kilt, men's pants = women's slacks, men's suit coats = women's suit coats, etc). But there is not male equivalent of a bra, or female equal to a jockstrap (yes I know they sell bras for men in Japan, and that there is a groin protector called a jill strap for women -- to which I say --poo!).

So that's my story -- and I'm sticking to it

Staying strapped


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