Clothes Horse A Hugglebugs story (Re edited)

Bill’s wife has had enough of him bugging her to wear sexy clothes, so using Hugglebugs technology, she gives him a chance to see how it feels to dress that way. In the the process, they gain a deeper understanding of each other.


A Hugglebugs story

by Prudence Walker ©


    “Awww, Please… you know I like seeing you in that tight little number,” Bill said pleadingly.

    “Look Bill, if you knew what I go though just to satisfy your lusts, sometimes I wish you could feel what its like to dress this way,” replied Michelle, checking herself in the vanity mirror.

    Then moving into the lounge to turn the TV off before they went out, she saw an advertisement for Hugglebugs. A word caught her attention and she stopped to listen. ‘Hmm,’ she thought, ‘I must see if their claims are true, that they can make a Nanite spray that will change your form to fit any clothing.’

    That evening at the restaurant while they were eating, she mentioned the advertisement to Bill. He just looked at her and said.

    “Okay, if you want to try it, go ahead. Maybe then you’ll be able to fit my favourite dress you keep saying, doesn’t fit you anymore.”

    Michelle smiled to herself thinking, yes someone will be able to fit that dress, and it won’t be me.

    The next day, she rang the Company to find out more about the Hugglebug product.

    “Yes we can deliver what you need” the girl at the Company said. “Now what time limit do you want programmed into the Nanite spray, it ranges from 3 days minimum to anything up to permanent.”

    “Three days will be fine I think,” replied Michelle. “When will it be delivered?”

    “This afternoon okay? We deliver all our products to make sure the right person signs the receipt,” asked the girl.

    “Yes thank you very much,” said Michelle, thinking of the fun to come when Bill got home that night. That evening after eating dinner, Michelle asked Bill to come into the bedroom.

    “Okay dear,” he said when he entered. “What did you want me for?”

    “Well I got this perfume I want to try out on you” Michelle answered, getting the Hugglebugs spray out, “But first I want you to undress, and then we’ll have some fun.”

    ‘Great’ thought Bill. ‘I love it when we have fun in the bedroom.’ As he stripped off his clothes, he saw Michelle getting out the dress that she said wouldn’t fit anymore, the one he loved.

    “Ok what now?” He asked standing naked and rubbing up against Michelle.

    “Close your eyes and don’t open them till I say so and no moving okay?”

    “Okay honey” he said thinking this sounded a bit kinky, but he wasn’t complaining. Closing his eyes, he felt a cool spray misting his body from head to toe.

    “Open your mouth, Bill” Michelle said, and he felt the spray going down his throat. Then he felt her fastening something around his chest, a bra? He started to say something, but Michelle’s finger across his lips was enough to halt him as she said.

    “Don’t move or say anything till I’m finished, and I’ll promise you an experience like no other.” Michelle said with a smile in her voice.

    Then she made Bill lift each leg in turn as she pulled a pair of panties up Bill’s legs. Bill was becoming aroused as the silky panties caressed his legs and then covered his manhood with a silky embrace. This was followed by a pair of pantyhose, which tented out, as his member grew rigid. A slip followed and he shivered as its silky texture as it draped down his body.

    “Okay, now for the dress,” Michelle said, “and you can open your eyes now.”

    Bill looked at himself in the mirror and saw himself, he looked ridiculous, but Michelle said that he had to put on the dress, which he noticed was the one she had been holding before.

    “I’ll never fit that,” he said, “no way in the world.”

    “Oh! Want to bet,” she said smiling. “Let’s see” and as she unzipped the back and motioned him to step into it, Bill started to feel strange.

    As the dress was brought up his body and Michelle began pulling on the zip. Bill was waiting for it to get tight; knowing it would never fit his much larger body, but was very surprised when Michelle announced that it was fully fastened. At first he thought that she must have altered the dress to fit, but as he looked in the mirror he nearly fainted.

    Instead of his 6 foot body with its slight paunch, now there was a 5’7” female torso with, he guessed 38c-24- 36 measurements. His face was still male at this stage, but as he looked, stunned. Michelle placed a blonde wig on, with shoulder length hair. Then Michelle grabbed his arms, and placed two elbow length gloves on his unresisting hands. As he watched, his face took on a female shape. His nose receded to a pert upturned one, and his lips reshaped themselves into a cupid’s bow. When he raised his hands to his hair he could see they were the graceful arms of a woman. With delicate hands and on the long fingers under the gloves, he could feel his fingernails sticking out beyond the ends of his fingers. Pulling on the wig, he found it hurt, as if it was now his own hair.

    “What have you done to me?” he cried, and then stopped, as he heard his new contralto voice coming out of his altered throat. “I look and sound just like a woman,” then getting a sudden thought, he grabbed at what used to be his pride and joy.

    “It’s gone!” he screamed. “Why did you do this?”

    “Well you said you loved this dress, now you’ll get the chance of wearing it, and calm down, it's only for 3 days” replied Michelle. “The Nanite’s in the spray have entered your skin, and will change your form to fit the clothing you wear, but to stop it changing again, I can spray a fixer on it just in case just in case.” Getting another spray can out and moving towards Bill with it.

    “No, no don’t do that just yet,” said Bill, “let’s think about this for the moment.”

    “I don’t believe this,” said Bill, looking more closely at his new body. “I mean it feels so different. I feel so much lighter now, I never knew it would feel like this,” he said doing a twirl. Michelle laughed at his antics, then sobered and said.

    “Bill, you’ll need a new name for the next 3 days, any thoughts on that?”

    “Hmm, let me think,” mused Bill. “What about Belinda?”

    “I think, just Linda is nice,” said Michelle looking at her ‘husband,’ preening in front of the mirror with a grin.

    “Okay, Linda it is” her husband said. “Now, what are we going to do?”

    “Oh, I can think of a few things,” Michelle smirked, looking at the bed pointedly. Linda looked at Michelle with surprise,

    “I never thought you swung that way.”

    “Well I don’t normally, but technically, you’re still my husband even though you look more like my sister.”

    Starting to undress again Linda went over to Michelle for a cuddle, before pulling her clothing off as well. Then the two of them started kissing each other’s bodies as they sank down onto the bed.

    Linda was finding out that a woman’s body was more sensitive to the kisses that Michelle was giving his, no make that her body, and he was getting very aroused. By the time Michelle had worked her way down Linda’s body from lips and breasts, to her crotch. Linda was starting to feel the onrush of her first female orgasm. As Michelle parted Linda’s legs and was entering uncharted territory, Linda started arching her back in the throes of ecstasy.

    Linda started to reciprocate the actions Michelle was giving her clitoris, as they started to climax together. The heady feelings filling Linda’s brain was the best that she’d ever had. The unbidden thought passed though her mind, if it's this good with a woman, what would it be like with a man between her legs.

    The next morning, found Linda and Michelle spooned together after their night of sexual exploration. Linda, waking first, as was usually the case, felt the need to relieve herself and so wandered into the bathroom to use the toilet, still half asleep. Standing in front of the toilet she started to reach for it, but not finding anything she woke fully. Oh my God, she thought, how did I end up like this? I mean it’s a lovely body, but it’s just not me.

    After finishing in the bathroom, and finding out you needed to wipe after only urinating, she decided to shower, to cleanse herself of the night’s exertions. Showering was another surprise, as he found that the pressure of the water that he normally used was too much for her new sensitive skin. She found her nipples tingled, just from the water hitting them. Soaping them felt nice, but her hair took a while to shampoo and she had trouble trying to wrap it up in a towel, as Michelle did.

    Going into the bedroom he found Michelle had woken and she smiled and said, "You smell great. You must have used my shampoo.”

    “Yes I did,” Linda replied, “but I need help with this hair, can you do it for me?”

    “Love to, but let me get a shower first, while you can pick out something to wear.”

    “Okay” Linda said, walking over to the closet.

    Linda started bringing outfits out and standing in front of the mirror, holding them up in front of her, trying to decide what to wear. Michelle had a nice selection of tasteful clothes, nothing too flashy, but not too conservative either. Finally, selecting a lightweight summer frock in yellow, she started to look for underwear.

    Michelle finally came out of the bathroom, looking freshly scrubbed. She walked over to Linda and took the towel off. Examining Linda’s expertly, she told her that she needed it styled, and so only curled it with a brush and the hair dryer in the meantime. Checking Linda’s selection of undergarments, she discarded the black lace bra, saying it would show under the dress and handed Linda, a matching set in white satin. Then under Michelle’s guidance, Linda got dressed.

    Michelle started Linda’s first lessons in makeup, saying she needed to learn this in case she wasn’t available sometime. Linda went along with it, thinking it’s only for a couple of days, I can put up with learning about makeup. Soon, Linda was looking fantastic under Michelle’s expert tutelage, and Linda strangely enough, was pleased at her new image, thinking if she was to be a woman, then looking great was important.

    Soon, the pair of them were ready, Michelle handed Linda a handbag, reminding her not to forget it. Then driving to her usual beauty parlour, Michelle ushered Linda out of the car. Linda was hesitant, as during the ride she was conscious of her new femininity, and the looks she generated from the passing male population.

    When Linda stepped out of the car she suddenly got scared, thinking she was a guy in drag, and was sure everyone could see his male self under this beautiful female shell. Michelle, realising in a true feminine fashion what was going though Linda’s head, reassured her that she looked great.

    “Just relax, and enjoy the feeling of being beautiful,” she said, taking Linda’s hand and pulling her into the beauty parlour.

    Entering the parlour, they were greeted by Rose, Michelle’s usual assistant.

    “Hello Michelle, I see we have a new customer with you. Hello my name’s Rose” she said, looking over Linda with a smile. “I see I have my work cut out for me, when was your last appointment, love?”

    Linda was silent, thinking how about never. Just as he was about to blurt out something inane, Michelle spoke up saying.

    “Oh Linda has just come back from living in the country and hasn’t been to get her hair done in years.” Shaking her head in wonderment Rose said.

    “Then be prepared for the works love, you’ll enjoy it.

    Getting one’s hair washed by another was rather soothing, Linda thought. She enjoyed the gentle massage, and it relaxed her enough to put up with the conversation between Rose and Michelle, as they discussed what changes they were going to do to her.

    Several hours later and a bit poorer having had her ears pierced and some new earrings, that Michelle, ‘just’ happened to have in her bag, plus a complete makeover. Linda looked in the mirror and was astonished. No longer seeing the unruly looking hair, but a beautifully coifed hairstyle and a face to die for, the subtle makeup emphasising her best features.

    “Wow” said Michelle, “you really look hot now, let’s go have some fun.”

    Going outside to the car, Linda was even more conscious of the way she looked, as the passing male population was certainly aware of her beauty, and as they passed, eyed her with lustful glances.

    “Let’s eat,” said Michelle, “we can go to Josie’s restaurant and have a nice lunch.”

    Lunch started out well, with them ordering a fish dish with a salad. Michelle putting any of Linda’s objections aside, saying she now had to watch what she ate. Then as they were finishing their meal, a couple of well dressed men walked over to their table. They introduced themselves, saying they had just flown into town for a conference and were looking for someone to accompany them to the conference's evening, farewell bash.

    Linda looked at Michelle, and shrugged, as if it was up to her to make a decision. Michelle thinking this was an ideal situation to let Linda feel like a real lady accepted and told Keith and John to meet them at 8 pm at their house.

    Michelle said to Linda, after Keith and John left that they needed to get a new outfit for tonight.

    “But you already have some nice clothes,” said Linda, who was starting to regret, accepting a date with John. “Why do we need more?”

    “Linda, you’ll have to learn that a woman feels her best when she goes out on a date in a brand new outfit, anyway, I need a new outfit seeing as I haven’t bought one in a month.” Sighing a little, Linda bowed to the inevitable and just went along with Michelle’s wishes.

    Buying new clothes was a new experience for Linda, who was just used to going in, looking at something, and then buying it. Not this looking, then trying on, then looking, then trying on again routine. The one thing nice about it, according to Linda, was seeing the near naked women in the changing rooms. For once in his life, Linda was glad she didn’t have a penis, nothing to show off her obvious sexual interest, but she was feeling her body react in more subtle ways.

    Her nipples went hard as she looked openly at the other women. Going unnoticed, in this inner sanctum of femininity was turning Linda’s or should that be Bill’s male mind on and this in turn was getting her new body turned on as well.

    Finally, they decided on outfits that the both of them agreed, looked superb, accentuating every curve of their bodies. Linda was thinking she was showing far too much décolletage, but Michelle said it was fine, and that they were just out for a night's fun.

    Getting ready to go out on her first ‘date,’ Linda found out first hand what women go though to get ready. Getting dressed, from the skin out in silk underwear, and hose, not to mention the cool caress of the bra, holding her ample breasts and the satiny feel of the slip, was starting to turn her on. Linda tried unsuccessfully to get Michelle to have a romp on the bed, but she just said to wait till they got back. Linda was starting to get a little worried at her feelings, they just seemed to bubble out of her, so unlike Bill’s.

    She wondered whether she would be able to quell the feeling of excitement of going out with what should be an anathema to ‘his’ whole way of thinking? Pushing these male type thoughts into the background, Linda concentrated on getting dressed instead. Pulling on the gown and feeling it slither up over her silky under garments, was enough of a distraction that thoughts of men went out the window.

    Perfumed and be-gowned they waited; as the time arrived when the men said they would come.

    “Are you feeling all right Linda?” asked Michelle, as she watched Linda fuss with her hair.

    “Well I am feeling nervous, I must admit.” Grinned Linda ruefully, “I just hope they don’t get too fresh with us.”

    “You’ll be fine. Just don’t let them take liberties. Remember your first date with me and act accordingly.”

    Just then, a knocking on the door announced the men had arrived. Opening the door, they saw that both guys were wearing tuxedos and looked very debonair.

    “Wow! You ladies are a sight for sore eyes,” they said simultaneously, they grinned at each other, and then chuckled.

    “We really lucked out today. In fact, we must have the most beautiful girls in this town.”

    Both Linda and Michelle blushed. Linda felt herself tingle all over at these compliments, and suddenly, with a feeling of release; she relaxed and started to get comfortable with the more passive role she was playing.

    Taking the initiative, Linda slid her hand around John’s arm and looked at Michelle with a ‘come on, get with it look.’ Laughing at Linda, Michelle grabbed Keith going one better and kissed him in thanks for the compliment. Linda took the plunge too, after a pause and let John kiss her; it wasn’t much different from kissing Michelle if you closed your eyes. The smell of John’s cologne, marking the big difference.

    She took it slow, more because she was unsure if she could do it, than any intentions of making it last, but as the kiss deepened, she felt something deep inside, start filling her body with new feelings. She broke it off suddenly, one, to get a breath and two, to get a grip on her runaway emotions.

    The men opened the car doors for them and Linda managed to get in without looking too unladylike, arranging her gown around her, after watching how Michelle entered first. John sat next to her making pleasant small talk, and it seemed only moments, before they arrived at the conference centre. John helped Linda out and took her hand in his, saying

    “I hope you have fun tonight, there will be dancing after the dinner.”

    Hmmm! Thought Linda, I hope I don’t stand on his toes. Looking up at him, with a smile she said.

    “I’m sure I will John, it’s been a long while since I went out on a date with a gentleman.” Thinking, that’s so very true, with an inward giggle.

    Dinner went great; the two girls got a lot of attention, as many of the group failed to turn up with dates. After the meal, the party started and Linda was asked to dance. Reluctantly at first, she soon found she was able to follow John’s movements with an ease that surprised her. Many of the other men there cut in on John for a quick dance and as the night wore on, she found herself enjoying the attentions of the men. Drinks flowed freely, and soon, she was a little drunk and had to sit down, before she fell down.

    “Enjoying yourself?” Michelle asked when she got the chance to sit down herself.

    “Yes, I’m having a great time, this is fun.” Linda giggled, “pity we can’t do this more often.”

    “Why not?” asked Michelle, we could do this every now and then, when you have time off, I mean all we have to do is get some more spray from the company.”

    “You wouldn’t mind?” Linda asked, incredulously, “isn’t that a little over the top. Once yes, but I wouldn’t want to use all my spare time like this.”

    “We’ll see,” said Michelle, “give it more of a chance. You may want to stay like this for longer than you think.”

    Linda mused over this new information, thinking, ‘I wonder if she’s got more than a little lesbian tendencies herself.’ The drinks Linda had consumed started to hit her hard and soon put a stop to further speculation.

    As the party came to a close, the guys took them back to their hotel room, supposedly for a night-cap. Linda wasn’t feeling nervous at all. The drinks had loosened her to the point where she didn’t care about anything, other than having a great time. Entering their room, the girls sat together on the sofa while the guys went and got some drinks. Linda kicked off her heels in relief, and stretched her legs out saying

    “It’s strange, I didn’t have much problem walking and dancing in them, but it’s still a relief to get them off.” When the two returned, bringing glasses and a bottle of bubbly, Linda started to giggle in a most UN-Bill like manner. When John asked what was so funny, she said.

    “If I start drinking that, I might pass out, right here.”

    “One glass will be okay, surely?” said John, but he didn’t pour until she nodded her assent. Raising their glasses together they said.

    “To the two most loveliest, gracious ladies around.”

    Blushing, both Linda and Michelle gave each other a look that spoke volumes, and Linda now very uninhibited said.

    “Well you may get luckier than you anticipated.”

    Michelle looked at Linda with eyebrows raised, Linda seeing the silent question in her eyes; nodded and whispered in Micelles ear.

    “I want to find out what it’s like, nothing else, okay,” Michelle smiled and whispered back.

    “Okay, but I want it just as badly, and if you’re not going to accommodate me, then I’m going to do it with Keith tonight.”

    Linda nodded agreement, as she couldn’t really blame Michelle wanting sex, if she felt as aroused, as she was at the moment. Michelle took Keith’s hand and led him into the bedroom, giving Linda a wink. John looked at Linda with a little concern, saying.

    “You’re a little drunk, are you sure you want to go to my room for sex? I wouldn’t like to think I was taking advantage of you.”

    “No please, I really do want to do it, I haven’t had sex with man in.......” she trailed off, as if trying to remember, leaving him to come to his own conclusions.

    “Okay then, if you’re sure?” and so saying, John lifted Linda to her feet and then walked her into the adjoining bedroom in the suite and led her to the bed. She stood there waiting; thinking this was going to be an experience like none before, to have a man’s dick inside her, to experience sex from the other perspective. John looked at her and gave her a slow kiss, which started her trembling, as the feelings filling her body, made her weak kneed.

    John started to undress her slowly and she reciprocated by loosening his clothing so he could step out of them. Soon they were both naked and John started kissing her lower, on her breasts. Linda felt a cascade of emotions flood her mind as her body responded to John’s attentions. This was far different from the way her old body felt and she began to appreciate the opportunity to experience this, even if it was only temporary.

    Pulling him onto the bed, Linda started actively encouraging John and even started fondling his member in order bring him to the same level of excitement that she was feeling. John started stroking her between her legs, moving upwards, towards her sex. As he touched it with his fingers, shivers started running though her body. She arched her back and spread her legs, letting him get better access to her pussy. Her eyes closed in a sort of denial, that it should be this good with a man, she never saw him enter her, but felt herself being impaled as a huge hot cock entered her virgin pussy.

    Gasping at feeling this alien intruder pushing into her body, she felt it was too large for her as she felt it filling her in a strange, but not unpleasant manner. Getting caught up in these new sensations, Linda lay passively, letting John do all the hard work as he stroked in and out in an increasing rhythm.

    Linda was feeling her body responding and the feelings built up to a crescendo, as she had her first orgasm with a man. John, not having reached his own, continued, and Linda again went into orgasm, her mind was in the throes of ecstasy. Never had she realised that it could feel this good. John came with a rush, spurting deep into Linda, she felt John’s seed filling her and then felt his cock shrink and slide out leaving her feeling somehow empty. He lay spent beside her, then dozed off.

    Sliding out of the bed, Linda found her clothes and dressed quickly then walking quietly to the other bedroom door, she listened for any noise. Hearing nothing, she was about to peek inside, when it opened and Michelle backed out, holding her clothes. Linda smothered a giggle at the sight of her wife sneaking out of a strange guy’s room, naked. Seeing Linda there, Michelle smiled and got dressed and holding their shoes, they quietly went out and then burst out laughing as they waited for the elevator.

    “Love them and leave them” Michelle said, when she got herself under control, “did you have great sex?”

    “Well it was the best sex I ever had with a man,” said Linda, trying to keep a straight face.

    “Oh is that right?” Michelle said trying not to giggle, but looking at each other for a few seconds, they both cracked up again. Arm in arm they walked past the startled doorman at the exit of the hotel still giggling, as they hailed a cab.

    Arriving home, they went for a shower together. Soaping each others slippery body felt nice and was starting to get them aroused again. Feeling tired after the long day, Linda wanted nothing more than to go to sleep and so after getting into silky nighties, they cuddled together in bed.

    Next morning Linda woke to the sensations of having her breasts kissed, opening her eyes, she saw Michelle smiling at her as she continued to suckle.

    “Sleep well?” She asked. “Any strange dreams of men in your sleep?” She added grinning at Linda’s pained expression.

    “No thank God, just went out like a light,” replied Linda, “so what’s on for today? And where’s my breakfast in bed?” She asked wryly. (Bill usually made Michelle her breakfast in bed on Sunday.)

    “Never a good man around to make it when you need it,” she giggled.

    Michelle looked at her and said.

    “Well, will you do this again, if I asked you?”

    “Hmm....maybe,” Linda said noncommittally, “it’s certainly different and an experience I’ll cherish forever. It should help me improve our sex life now I know what buttons to push,” she said, looking at Michelle, intently. Michelle saw her scrutiny and asked what was the matter.

    “Oh...... nothing, just thinking.”

    “Thinking about what?”

    “Nah… you’d never go for it, Linda replied.

    “Come on tell me,” Michelle insisted, getting exasperated with these non-answers.

    “Well I was thinking, the next time we do this.......”

    “Yes?” Michelle cut in trying to get to the bottom of it.

    “Why don’t we both swap, then you could be the man and I the woman and you could feel what’s it’s like to be me.”

    Michelle thought about it for a few moments, then said.

    “You really want to try this again, as a woman?”

    “Yes, but I’d like for you to try being a man this time,” Linda said looking at Michelle for her reactions.

    “Okay, but it’s just for three days right? I mean I’m comfortable being a woman.”

    Linda laughed thinking, ‘I thought I was comfortable as a man too.’

    “Of course honey,” Linda said grinning at her and throwing her own words back at her.

    “You might find you like being a man.”

    Michelle started tickling Linda in revenge and soon they were both in paroxysms of laughter.

    “Enough enough,” Michelle gasped, “I give up,” then jumping out of bed, she ran to the shower to cool off. “Don’t think of coming in here with me,” she called out. “Otherwise we’ll never get a thing done,” she added, giggling.

    “Spoilsport” Linda pouted, trying to emulate a disgruntled lover.

    Sighing, she started getting dressed ready for a new day living as a woman. As she got out some of Michelle’s clothes, fingering their silky softness, she thought to herself, how nice they were to wear. Making a mental note to buy some silk underwear and shirts, for when she changed back.

    After breakfast they decided to do some window shopping, and maybe try on a few things. ‘It’s funny how shopping for sexy clothes is different, when you’re the one that’s going to wear them,’ thought Linda. Going into one store, they passed the children’s clothing section, Michelle paused, looking with sad eyes at little girls clothes, knowing she would never be buying from this section.

    Linda, knowing that Michelle had a medical problem that meant she couldn’t conceive, had a sudden thought.

    “You never used that fixer spray did you?” she asked.

    “Huh! Oh no, we didn’t,” she said, coming back from her wool gathering. “Why?”

    “Well, I have an idea,” and Linda then whispered into Michelle’s ear for a minute. Michelle’s eyes widened as she listened and tears started to glisten as she hugged Linda.

    “I can’t believe you’d do that for me,” she cried.

    “Well we have one more day before I change back, so this is my gift to you,” Linda said, starting to tear up as well.

    Then they moved though the racks of girls clothing selecting a complete outfit from head to toe. Checking to see if anyone was watching, they quickly entered the changing room. Linda started disrobing while Michelle removed the price tickets from the items of clothing. Getting the girls clothing on was a slow process for Linda, as she had to wait while her body shrank as the clothes were pulled on. One thing they noticed was as the body shrank there seemed to be a lot of water vapour coming out of Linda’s mouth and nose, like as on a cold day as she breathed or spoke.

    Slowly her body became that of a ten-year-old girl with head and arms to match. Even her voice changed as her throat got thinner rising to a clear soprano.

    Linda couldn’t get over how easy she transformed, without any discomfort. She was now the picture of a ten-year-old. Having to reach up and open the door reminded her fall in stature, everything seemed so much bigger now.

    She twirled in front of the mirror, then on a whim, said to Michelle.

    “Do I look good mommy?”

    Michelle bent down and hugged her, tears streaming from her eyes.

    “Oh honey, you’re just beautiful, I love you for doing this for me.”

    Linda felt very secure in Michelle’s arms and managed to give her a kiss. Michelle looked at her and then took her by the hand and led her outside to pay for the clothing. Linda’s clothes went into a plastic bag that had another purchase in it. Walking out the store, holding Michele’s hand felt strange from her new perspective, but looking up at Michelle’s face and the expression of joy on it, made her feel good that she could do this for her, if only for a day.

    Being treated like a child again was funny, but Linda handled it, going along with every thing Michelle asked of her, they even went to a playground where Michelle pushed Linda around on a merry-go-round till Linda got that dizzy, she nearly fell off.

    Eating out that night, they only had to pay for a child’s meal and Michelle said jokingly, it was one way to save some money. That night Linda crawled into bed with Michelle, struggling in the oversized nightie that was getting wrapped around her legs.

    “Comfy?” Michelle asked, as she kissed Linda on the cheek. Linda pouted a little, wanting more than a peck on the cheek, but conceded that it would look, and feel a little strange for Michelle to get amorous with what looked like her daughter.

    The next morning Linda was expecting some changes to her body, thinking she should be getting bigger and more masculine as the Nanite’s shut down, but nothing. When she looked in the mirror she still saw the cute 10-year-old girl. Waking Michelle she said.

    “Nothings happening, shouldn’t I be reverting, I’m getting worried. Michelle said that maybe the changes were delayed or the time limit was fairly flexible. Still to calm Linda down she rang the company to make sure.

    “Yes he or rather she should be changing back,” the girl at Hugglebugs replied.

    “But she’s still a little girl,” she insisted, getting worried herself. There was silence for a few seconds, then the girl asked.

    “Wasn’t he only getting a straight change to an adult female,” queried.

    “Yes, she decided to become a child for my sake,” Michelle explained.

    “Okay, that explains the delay then, when reducing the body mass to such a degree, the Nanite’s can’t just restore it like that. There would have been a major loss of fluid, mainly water as much of the body mass is made up of water.”

    “Yes we did notice that at the time,” Michelle told her.

    “Well, then to get back to full size, she needs a major intake of milk products, not only for the water, but for the calcium as well. Give her plenty of milk and she should be fine,” the girl said.

    After Michelle put down the phone, she told Linda the news, saying it would be longer than expected. Linda took the news with a sigh of relief, thinking, at least she wasn’t stuck like this forever. ‘At least Michelle will get to play mommy a bit longer,’ thought Linda. She relaxed; feeling a sense of freedom as all her old responsibilities had been removed by the change in apparent age.

    Chuckling as a sudden thought of Michelle as a little boy, and himself as the father and the fun they could have. Linda skipped into the kitchen for breakfast, knowing it would be Michelle doing the work. It made the future seem a little more exciting, thinking of the fun and the possibilities they could have transforming each other.

    To be continued…



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