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Hugglebug transformations can be fun, but watch out if there's no adults around.
The Sequel
A Hugglebugs story
by Prudence Walker ©
““Bill. . .” Michelle said quietly in a voice that Bill knew from past experience meant she was after something.
“Yes dear,” he sighed knowing nothing good was in it for him.
“You remember that company, Hugglebugs?”
Now his ears really perked up, he remembered all right.
“Yeees,” he said, slowly wondering what Michelle had up her sleeve this time.
“Well. . . I was wondering . . .” Bill sighed again, thinking, “here we go again.”
“Yes dear?” Bill said, thinking back to the time when Michelle surprised him with the spray can of Nanite’s that changed him into a babe, then into a child.
“Can we try it again, with you becoming a little girl for the seven days you’re taking off from work?” She wheedled.
“I thought that we were going on that trip away up to the ski fields?” Replied Bill, getting a sinking feeling in his stomach.
“Well yes, but I thought we could enjoy being mother and daughter again,” Michelle said pleadingly.
“Can I think on it?” Asked Bill, knowing it was a lost cause already. He would do almost anything for Michelle, and he couldn’t help thinking of the fun they had had last time. She looked at him with her lost puppy eyes and his heart melted again.Sighing, he nodded assent and she reached over and hugged him.
“I’ll order it tomorrow from Rose,” she said, gleefully.
“Rose?” Bill replied, “Who’s Rose?”
“Oh, she’s the receptionist at Hugglebugs.Did you know she was the first person to undergo the trial of the Nanite’s?”
“No, was she always a woman then?” Bill asked.
“Funny you should ask that, but no, she used to be a guy. Now she’s a 5 foot 8 inch redhead with 38DD breasts. Apparently it was supposed to be temporary, but something went wrong and now she’s stuck.” Bill shuddered wondering if those sorts of things could still happen. Michelle, sensing what was going though his mind said.
“It’s okay Bill, that was years ago. Now all of the bugs are ironed out.” She then started giggling. Bill looked at her sideways wondering what was so funny.
“Bugs ironed out, get it? Hugglebugs,” she gasped.
“Hmmm, flat Nanite’s,” mused Bill, joining in on the joke, setting Michelle off again. Bill shrugged and added.
“Just a little humour.”
“Microscopic I’d say,” squealed Michelle, as she erupted into laughter. Bill reached over and started tickling Michelle in revenge, thinking it might be the last time for a while that he would have the upper hand in strength to best her.
“Stop! Stop!”Giggled Michelle. “Just you wait.”
“Promises, promises,” replied Bill with a grin.
Friday night came at last. Bill sighed as he came home and entered the house, glad of the next seven days away from the daily grind of work. Putting his bag away he sat down in the lounge and closed his eyes, relaxing from the pressure of rush hour traffic.
While sitting there, he heard footsteps coming from the kitchen. He remained still, waiting for the inevitable.Suddenly feeling something icy against his brow, he looked up to see Michelle holding his favourite tipple, Vodka, Lime and Lemonade.
“Thanks dear, just what I need,” he said, accepting it gratefully.
“Drink up dear, it’s the last for a while, we can’t have you drinking after the transformation.”
“Oh, just when are we doing that?” Queried Bill.
“Right now, so drink up and come into the bedroom dear.”
As Michelle walked to the door Bill finished his drink and walked to the bedroom, finding himself getting nervous at the upcoming transformation. Even knowing that it would be painless didn’t put him at ease. This was messing with nature big time, and he didn’t want to become another statistic.
Michelle was waiting for him with the spray, so he undressed and as she started the process of covering his body with the contents of the spray, something unexpected happened. The top of the can split where it joined the body, and there was a whoosh as the contents erupted everywhere, covering Michelle as well.
“OH NO!” Exclaimed Michelle. “Does this mean I will be changed too?”
“Let’s find out,” said Bill, thinking fast, he grabbed the children’s clothing that was meant for him, and started putting it on Michelle. She was so shocked by the exploding can she hardly resisted until it was too late.
As she shrank to become an eight year old girl, she started protesting that it wasn’t fair, and said she’d just change back into her old clothes and regain her normal body.
“That’s what you think,” replied Bill, getting the fixer spray out and spraying Michelle as she tried to avoid it. Michelle protested long and loud in her now little girl's voice, saying he was the one that agreed to the change.
“Oh I’ll change,” he said, looking round the bedroom and spying Michelle’s clothes lying on the floor. To Michelle’s surprise he started to put on her clothes.
“What are you doing?” she asked with surprise.
“Well, I’m going to be the mother and you can be my daughter for a while.”
“What! No! Please, this isn’t what I meant. Please, you need to know something.”
As the changes started, Bill found to his astonishment that while he was changing into a female he was beginning to look exactly like Michelle.
“What’s happening? Why am I not looking like I did last time? I’m beginning to look like you.”
“Yes dear, I used a sample of my DNA, so that when you made the change you’d look like a younger version of me. Now it’s changing you into an exact duplicate of me,” she said, laughing in her child-like voice. “I hope you like being me, Michelle,” she said, giggling at Bill’s predicament.
“This is a turnaround,” grumbled Bill/Michelle, “so what are we going to call you?”
“What about Shelley? I know it’s a corrupt form of Michelle, but I like it.”
“Okay, Shelley it is. Now be a good girl and finish getting dressed for your mother.”
Michelle/Shelley giggled, getting over her surprise.
Bill/Michelle then did the same, finding it was starting to come back to him/her, how nice Michelle’s clothes were to wear.
It seemed odd to be wearing his wife’s body as he looked in the mirror while brushing his/her hair. He didn’t quite move like her, but he found himself mimicking her movements as if from memory. Maybe seeing her from his former body had ingrained her movements into his brain. Now that he was the owner of that body he was unconsciously copying them.
Finally they were ready. Shelley had stopped complaining; instead she wanted to know what they were going to do next.
“Shopping,” was Michelle’s only comment.
“Shopping for what?” Queried Shelley, looking up at Michelle.
“Clothes,” replied Michelle, shooing Shelley outside to the car.
Driving into town, Shelley was beginning to fidget, wondering where it was going to end, knowing that Michelle hadn’t sprayed herself to prevent further changes during the Nanite’s' active phase. Reaching the store they went in, but as they were making their way over to the children’s clothing section, they heard a voice calling.
“MICHELLE” Looking up, Michelle saw a large woman waving and starting to head in his direction. By her manner Michelle assumed it was of his wife’s close friends.Shelley couldn’t see her over the racks, but guessed from the voice that it was Susan. Pulling on Michelle’s arm to get her attention like little girl would, she whispered that she thought it was Susan and to be careful of what she said to her.
As Susan came up to them she said,
“I’ve been looking for you for a while now, I expected a phone call from you about the meeting.”
Thinking quickly, Michelle told her, that due to her niece, Shelley, arriving suddenly she wasn’t able to call. Susan looked down at Shelley, as if noticing her for the first time, and said, in puzzlement,
“I didn’t know you had a niece Michelle.”
“Well we don’t normally talk about that side of the family,” Michelle replied, then whispered in Susan’s ear. "Bad blood and all that sort of thing."Nodding, Susan winked her understanding and said nothing more in front of the ‘niece.’
“Well I won’t keep you then, I just wanted to know if you’ll be supporting us on the issue we discussed.” Looking down at Shelley, Michelle saw her nod her head then shake it sideways.
“I haven’t yet made my decision,” Michelle replied, hoping she had interpreted it correctly.
Susan looked at her then at Shelley, seeing there was going to be no further discussion on the matter, replied.
“Okay, then I’ll leave you two to your shopping, but please let me know when you do decide, okay?” Nodding in the affirmative Michelle walked on, giving a sigh of relief.
“That was close,” Michelle said, looking down at his wife
“So I’m your niece now, am I,” smirked Shelley.Michelle shrugged,
“I had to come with something didn’t I? You couldn’t exactly be my . . . our daughter,” Retorted Michelle. “I thought it was pretty slick, considering.”
Moving back to the job in hand they started pulling clothes out and examining them for sizes and colours.
“I like this colour,” Shelley murmured, looking at a nice plum coloured dress. Michelle looked at it, but rejected it, saying,
“I prefer this colour,” pulling out a yellow dress with lace on it. Shelley pulled a face, but Michelle quickly said something that made Shelley’s eyes widen in surprise.
“If I’m going to wear it, then I get to choose.”
“YOU’RE going to wear it? You do know what that means don’t you?”
“Of course. I never said I wouldn’t become a little girl,” replied Michelle. “It’s just now, we can both be little girls,” she sniggered.
Shelley rushed to Michelle and hugged her saying,
“I love you, Bi -- er, Mommy,” she said, hastily correcting herself, seeing other customers nearby.
Paying for the clothing, they drove home and hurried to the bedroom where Shelley started helping Michelle to get the new clothes on.
Michelle felt the changes taking effect the gradual shrinking in height and the reduction in the size of her breasts. Sighing a little as they got smaller, thinking they were such a perfect size. Then as the changes finished and they looked at themselves in the mirror, Shelley whipped out the fixer spray from behind her back and covered Bill’s/Michelle’s body with it.
“Hey,” Bill/Michelle spluttered. “Watch it, I wasn’t ready for that!” He/she grabbed Shelley and started tickling her. “Umm, what about our names now, I guess you want yours back, so am I going to be Shelley or Linda or what?”
“Let’s stick with them, the way they are now. I kinda like being someone else for a change.”
“Okay,” replied the now re-christened Michelle.“So now we are little girls for the rest of the week, I just hope nobody questions why there are no parents present.”Shelley laughed and said,
“Who needs parents? We’re responsible, adult children.” At which she started giggling like the eight-year-old she appeared to be.
“Shall we walk to the park to play?” Suggested Shelley.
“Okay, but I get to play on the swings first,” laughed Michelle. Then as they checked themselves out in the mirror before leaving, Shelley said,
“I can’t get over this being an eight-year-old twin, it’s eerie! Apart from our clothes, we’re identical.”
“We even sound the same,” replied Michelle.“Are you ready?” Michelle asked, heading for the door.
“Coming,” answered Shelley.
On the way to the park (about a mile away) they drew some attention from passing adults, mainly women whom the girls heard saying as they passed, "What darling twins they are." Reaching the park they saw other children playing there with their parents in attendance. They joined in, playing hopscotch and a few skipping games that Michelle had a little difficulty with at first, not having ever learnt them as a young boy.
As time went on she started to pick it up reasonably well, the youth and flexibility of her body helping a lot.
“This is fun,” she gasped after a particularly difficult session skipping, using a double rope. Shelley just laughed, saying:
“Of course it is, that's why we play it."
Then it happened. Shelley was climbing up a pipe-constructed tower when she slipped and fell, hitting her head on a pipe on the way down. Michelle ran over to find her unconscious and blood seeping out on her head and matting her hair.
“Mich...Shelley!” Michelle screamed, lifting her limp body in her arms. Alerted by Michelle’s scream, some women that were nearby ran over to help,
“What happened?” They asked. “Where are your parents and what are your names?” They continued. So Michelle explained to them what had occurred and gave them the names they were using. When asked again about the whereabouts of their parents Michelle mumbled that they had just left for a few minutes to buy some ice cream.
One of the ladies had a cell phone and had rung for the ambulance as she said she didn’t like the way Shelley looked. Michelle was getting worried not only for the health of Shelley, but also about what would happen if they couldn’t supply the required ‘parents.’
When the ambulance men examined Shelley at the playground, they said she needed to get an X-ray in case of any internal bleeding.So going with them, Michelle and Shelley headed to the hospital. The men were asking difficult questions about their parents that Michelle wouldn’t answer (not wanting to explain).
To cover herself, Michelle just started to cry until they desisted. They took Shelley into X-ray on arrival and Michelle was allowed to wait nearby.Unknown to Michelle they had started investigating their backgrounds as best they could from the meagre information Michelle had given them.
After what seemed ages waiting, along the corridor came Shelley with a white bandage around her head, looking rather embarrassed about causing such a furore.With her, came the doctor and another lady to whom Michelle took an immediate dislike. Running to Shelley and giving her a hug Michelle asked her how she felt.
“I’m okay, just a bump and a graze, but the fall just knocked me out for a while. The doctor here says I can go home,” she replied.
“Great,” Michelle replied, “but we haven’t any money with us, and it’s going to be a long walk home.”
Just then the lady said she would take them there to sort things out. Michelle had a bad feeling about it, but it looked as if she wasn’t going to take no for an answer, so they agreed.
Arriving home 20 minutes later, the girls entered their home and were going to say goodbye to the lady when she pushed herself into the place and started looking round. Michelle asked her to leave, but she refused, saying she couldn’t allow two young girls to stay in a place with no adults. Michelle said to her,
“We are the adults. We just changed into little girls with a Nanite spray from the Hugglebugs Company.”
“Oh yes and I’m the Queen Mother,” snorted the woman, disbelievingly.
“You're looking good for your age,” Shelley sniggered.Michelle sighed, knowing that comment was sure to bring trouble.
“Okay, that’s it. I’m taking you into custody care until we get to the bottom of this,” she replied, getting angry.
Despite the girls' protests that they lived here, she pulled them out to the car saying there was no sign that any children lived there; No children’s clothing or photographs that gave credence to the girl’s story. She was totally ignoring Michelle’s explanation as pure poppycock.
She drove them out of town to a large house with ornate gates, which automatically opened as she drew up in the car. As they approached the house the girls could see other children there, playing nearby.Opening the door, she took each of them by the hand and led them inside.
The girls found out that this was a girl’s only refuge, mostly girls from separated parents where custody issues were involved. The girls were shown a bunk bed each, and then told to go get acquainted with their new bunkmates.
Michelle looked at Shelley and shrugged her shoulders as if to say,
“Looks like our holiday plans have gone out the window." Shelley whispered back, “Won’t they get a surprise when we revert back?”
Michelle hoped things would be okay and nothing else would happen. They spent the rest of the day trying to blend in as much as possible, playing a little with the other girls. That night after dinner which was served in a manner more like a prison than a home, they discussed ways of getting out of there and back home.
One of the other girls there overheard them, and butted in; saying it wouldn’t be possible, as there was only one gate and it was controlled by a guard, though a camera system.
Feeling a little dismayed at this information, they went to bed to sleep uneasily though the night.
The following morning the lady was back and again took them in hand, saying there were no records anywhere that showed they existed. So she was taking them to a couple to be fostered out until further investigations had been undertaken. Glad to be out of this place they didn’t complain. Instead they welcomed the change in circumstances, thinking their chances of returning home better in a normal home.
It wasn’t until they found themselves boarding a small aircraft that it dawned on them; things had just got worse. Asking as to where they were going they were told to shut up and behave. Looking at each other they began to get an awful feeling of impending doom.
Being forced to fly to some unknown destination had the two girls' minds working overtime on the possible danger they were in.Michelle being the ‘man’ of the two, was blaming herself for trapping her wife in her present form, thinking none of this would have happened had there still been an adult around.Shelley too, was blaming herself, for falling off the tower and starting this whole thing off. As one, they turned to each other to apologise.
As they started to speak, saying the very same words they realised, what the other was going to say and instead of continuing, they reached out to the other and hugged, tears silently leaking from their eyes. Finding some solace in each other’s arms, they drifted off to sleep.
The feeling of being jostled woke the pair, and as they struggled to get themselves awake, they could hear the ocean surf breaking somewhere nearby. They found themselves lying on the back seat of what seemed to be a four-wheel drive vehicle. Looking outside, they saw that they were travelling along a narrow strip of road bordering some steep cliffs overlooking the ocean.
Wondering just where they were headed they looked to see who was driving. There was no sign of the lady that taken them this far, instead they saw a rugged outdoorsy looking man wearing an old fisherman’s jacket. Michelle looked at Shelley with an eyebrow raised then deciding that a question was in order, leant forward over the front seat and spoke to the man.
“Who are you? And where are we?” The man looked over towards Michelle, smiled and replied
“I’m Jack, and you’re going up to the house at Seaview heights.”
“Where’s that?” Michelle continued, thinking, ‘at least he’s answering.’
“It’s down the coast from Maine, don’t worry your little head about it, you’re safe now,” he added.
‘Safe? Yeah right!’Thought the girls, not needing to say what was plainly on their minds.
“We were safe before you, and that woman took us 500 miles away from our home,” Michelle retorted angrily.
“Yes just because they couldn’t find our parents they didn’t even look for our relatives,” rejoined Shelley.
“Sorry, I had no hand in that,” replied Jack looking at them with a puzzled expression. “If that’s true, then it shouldn’t take long to get things sorted.” He continued saying all he knew, was that Mrs Parker at Seaview was waiting to adopt twin girls, and had put out a few feelers in the children’s welfare groups.
Michelle and Shelley relaxed; thinking if all Mrs Parker wanted was twins to adopt, then things might not be as bad as they had feared. Arriving at a rather imposing house set back from the cliffs, with a large number of trees and plants bordering the house. Michelle and Shelley were ushered inside to see a rather strange looking woman coming forward to greet them. Her clothing was rather old fashioned and sombre looking; she wore a rather odd expression. One of satisfaction, but the girls saw with dismay that there was more of a predatory look to it as well.
“Welcome children welcome” she called to the girls, and came toward them with open arms as if she expected them to rush to her. Michelle and Shelley just stood there, silently wondering just how to take her overly exuberant welcome. Michelle didn’t miss the flash of annoyance that crossed the woman’s eyes at their lack of response to her greeting, and thought, ‘we’ll have to tread very carefully here.’
Shelley went up to her and said to the woman,
“You do know we are not who we seem to be?”
“Yes,” Michelle butted in, “we do have relatives that will be looking for us, you know.” Michelle saw Shelley’s look of puzzlement and her mouth open as if to say what Michelle was afraid she was going to say and blurt out about their transformation.Michelle nudged her surreptitiously and shook her head in a negative; the last thing they needed was informing this woman of their altered forms. Michelle had this sudden vision of her getting hold of a permanent Nanite spray and using it on them, to keep the girls stuck this way. This by-play between Michelle and Shelley took only seconds, and fortunately went unnoticed by the woman.
After having been told their rooms were ready by an oldish looking housekeeper, the woman, who’s name they found out was Janice M Parker, took them upstairs to show them, saying they needed to be bathed and to put on clothes that were more suitable to be worn.
Michelle gave Shelley the ‘look’ as if saying ‘what’s more suitable than what they were wearing already.’ Shelley shrugged a silent response, curiously thinking how, since they became twins they knew almost what the other was thinking, and how much could be communicated with just a ‘look.’ Maybe, Shelley thought, there was something to be discovered by the H B Company about artificially produced twins.
After being bathed together under the rather foreboding scrutiny of Mrs Parker, they were given clothing that looked like it came from the eighteen hundreds. Long ankle length dresses with petticoats just as long. Long gloves and bonnets. Even Shelley needed help to get dressed. Michelle was at a loss donning some of the clothes mainly the undergarments due to her inexperience in such matters.
It was plain to see that this woman had a big thing about the past not only in dress but in attitudes as well. The girls were reprimanded at any conduct not becoming young ladies, (even though they were apparently only eight) no loud talking, no running around, even play was forbidden. Instead, they had to sit quietly and demurely while they were given tasks ‘more suitable.’More of the ‘silent conversation’ passed between Michelle and Shelley, than at any other time. One of the tasks given them was embroidery; Michelle was at a loss of how even to start. Shelley at least understood the basics and managed to do a little of it.
When Mrs Parker came up to them a little while later she found Michelle just sitting there looking bewildered having not even attempted anything.
“Well if you’re not going to do anything at all, then you’ll not get any dinner,” she remarked tersely. At this, tears started rolling down Michelle’s cheeks.
“I don’t know how to do this,” Michelle sobbed. Mrs Parker looked over towards Shelley and at how much she had done.
“Your sister has managed to do some, I think you are shirking and so the punishment stands.”
It was a strange experience for Michelle so feel so vulnerable to these emotions flooding her young body, so unlike that of her adult male body. She felt like a child and her body reacted like a child’s would, even though crying, as she was seemed unnatural to her old way of thinking she couldn’t stop it.
That night at dinner she was told to sit at her place at the table where food was placed out for Shelley and Mrs Parker, but none for Michelle. Only a glass of water was permitted. Michelle’s stomach grumbled as hunger and the smell of food made it worse. Shelley too, was uncomfortable eating while her twin was unable to.
That night when they finally got to be alone in their shared bedroom, Shelley came over to Michelle and started to cry. Michelle hugged her tight saying,
“Not to worry it will soon be over, only 3 more days.”
“One more hour is one too many,” sobbed Shelley. Silently Michelle agreed, but said nothing to upset Shelley any more than she was already.
The next morning Mrs Parker went out leaving the girls to the tender mercies of the housekeeper. Her instructions were to supervise the girls in their efforts at hand sewing.Michelle had the sudden vision of another day without dinner, as sewing wasn’t something she knew much about either, apart from sewing the odd button back on a shirt, her knowledge of anything more complicated was woefully lacking.
Shelley though, was having no more repeats of yesterday and managed to give some help even swapping the items giving Michelle her finished one and finishing the one Michelle had started herself.
Suddenly, Michelle started feeling odd, as if her skin was crawling. Then as the feelings intensified, she realised what it meant.
“Shelley I think I’m starting to revert,” she whispered.
“But it’s not due for another few days at least,” Shelley whispered back.
Michelle thought for a moment, then her eyes lit up as the realisation of the reason hit her.
“One can is supposed to do only one transformation, but we got two so maybe it was only a half strength dose we got and so the reversion is earlier.”
“So what happens now, how will we hide it until we regain our full size,” Shelley said, excitedly.
“Well if things go as they did in my previous transformation, I should remain much the same size till a high dose of calcium rich food is eaten.I will turn back into a male though . . .” Michelle answered worriedly.
“We might be able to disguise you until the growth spurt starts.Remember last time your hair didn’t revert, it just stayed the same length so we had to cut it.”
“Hmmm, I see where you’re getting at,” mused, a thoughtful Michelle.
“If my hair stays long all I need is to hide my male bits which won’t be hard in this getup as long as Mrs Parker doesn’t dress me personally.I’m glad our hair is nearly the same shade,”
“Right!” Said, Shelley feeling much more optimistic. Later that day after a meagre lunch which unfortunately contained none of the required calcium, they were allowed outside to ‘take the air’ as Mrs Parker put it, having returned in time to allow them out after lunch. Michelle and Shelley promptly went about trying to find a way to escape the clutches of this seemingly bizarre woman.
While trying to force themselves though a hedge at the edge of the property they slipped ripping their dresses, and just as they thought freedom was near, a big hand literally grabbed their bodies and lifted them clear off the ground. It was Jack the driver who had hold of them, and struggle as they might, they couldn’t break free.
Jack carried them back like they were just so much luggage.Finally dropping them down at the feet of Mrs Parker. The girls looked up to see her angry face as she saw the tears in their clothing. Michelle tried to say something about them playing hide and seek, but she wasn’t buying it.
“Get up stairs and change . . . NOW!” She shouted, “I’ll deal with you two later.” Feeling like two trapped mice in front of a hungry cat, they slunk upstairs to change.
As Michelle disrobed she found that her body had reverted back to male her/his small penis silent testimony to the final change. Looking in the mirror with Shelley beside him he was disturbed to see they still looked remarkably similar. Close scrutiny showed slight differences, but none of a major nature.Small changes in the shape of the nose and cheekbones, eyelashes maybe a tad shorter. In one way this pleased and upset Bill/Michelle. Pleased in that it would make it easier to disguise the fact that he was in fact a he, and not a she, but upset, because he was thinking that the reversion had failed to complete itself.
“Why do I still look like you,” Michelle asked. Shelley looked at him, thinking.
“Do you remember that time when I had shown your mother my baby photos after we had got engaged? And remember what your mother said about them?”
“Not really.” Replied Bill, I know she made some sort of joke about it, that’s all.
“She went and got out a photo of you at about the same age.I think you were 6 or 7 at the time, and she remarked that if you had been wearing a dress, then we would have looked liked twins.”
“I remember now,” he mused, as Bill again looked at their reflections.
“It was that comment that started this whole transformation thing in the first place. At the time I just put it aside as something impossible to achieve until I saw the advertisement on the telly.”
“I’m still not convinced that the changes have gone back to where they should be. Maybe the smaller dose has had some effect like there not being enough Nanite’s left to finished the job completely,” Bill continued.
“Nothing we can do about it here Bill,” Shelley replied, shrugging her shoulders.
Shelley then started getting dressed and helped Bill into his clothes, needing only to pad out his chest slightly. Luckily Bill’s voice was still able to sound the same; it just took a conscious effort to keep it light and feminine where before it was naturally feminine.
They stayed in the room waiting to see what Mrs Parker had in mind when the housekeeper opened the door and indicated that they were required downstairs.
Going downstairs felt like they were going to meet their executioner, both Shelley and Bill getting very nervous about just what Mrs. Parker had in mind.
“Well at least you did do as I told you.” She said when she saw them. “Your punishment until you learn that disobedience will not be tolerated, nor lying is that for the next few days you will get only bread and water.”Both Shelley and Bill felt their hearts sink at this knowing they needed calcium and bread and water wasn’t going to give them much of that.
That night Bill woke Shelly up in the middle of the night whispering to her that he had a plan.
“Let’s go downstairs and raid the fridge.”
“Okay, but we have to be careful,” Shelley replied, easing quietly out of bed.
Opening the bedroom door they peered out checking to see if the coast was clear, then sneaking quietly down the stairs they walked to the kitchen to where the fridge was. Looking inside they saw very little in the way of calcium rich products. A little cheese and some butter, but only half a bottle of milk.Bill suggested only one of them take it so at least there would be one adult and not two teenagers. Bill insisted that Shelley take it, saying her normal form would require less calcium than his larger one.
He then started making some butter rich cheese sandwiches, while Shelley drank the milk. Giving her the sandwiches, she started to eat trying to get as much in as she could in the shortest time. Finally having finished, they went back up stairs to wait.
At about 4 am in the morning Michelle/Shelley had regained most of her growth and decided to try and leave the house and get away from the Parker residence. Having no clothes to wear now she was fully adult, she wrapped a blanket around her, sari style and tied the middle with a belt she had found. Again the two ventured downstairs, this time to look for the keys to the four-wheel drive vehicle.
Managing to locate them near the kitchen on a hook there, they quietly opened the front door and walked to the car. It was unlocked and they made little noise opening the doors, but didn’t attempt to shut them, fearing the noise might wake someone before they got it started. Holding their breath, they turned the key in the ignition. The noise of the engine as it roared into life was shockingly loud in the quiet predawn morning. Quickly selecting a gear they roared off spinning the wheels in the gravel driveway.
Bill, looking back though the rear window at the disappearing house saw lights coming on and someone run outside looking towards them. Michelle who by this time was fast approaching the front gates, which appeared to be shut, yelled at Bill to get a seat belt on, as she wasn’t stopping.Gripping the steering wheel tight Michelle accelerated at the gates crashing through with a sound of rending metal.It appeared that any damage to the vehicle was minimal and hadn’t stopped them from continuing on in their frantic rush for freedom.
Driving along the winding road in poor light conditions with no headlights, (they had been broken on contact with the gate) near the edge of cliffs, was nerve racking to say the least. Bouncing over unseen potholes and ruts made the vehicle jump around and they nearly left the road a few times.
As the miles widened between them and the house they slowed, gaining more control of the vehicle. Then as they started to come into the outskirts of a small township nestled in a valley overlooking the ocean, they spotted the flashing lights of a police car coming towards them. Slowing, they saw the car slow then turn across the road blocking it.Coming to a stop, Michelle stayed in the vehicle as the patrolman advanced on them, gun drawn.
As he neared he motioned with his hand for Michelle to get out of the vehicle.Michelle complied holding her blanket tight about her. Bill had also climbed down and walked to where Michelle was shivering in the chill morning air. Taking her hand in his they waited while the man spoke into a walkie-talkie. He advanced on them telling Michelle to raise her hands.She started to explain that she had nothing on underneath, but at his angry gesture with the gun, she reluctantly released the blanket.
As her hands started rising the blanket decided to slip down, falling from her shoulders, leaving her completely nude from the waist up.The mans eyes widened as they took in her naked form, her nipples on her breasts started puckering into hard nubs in the exposed air. He lowered, then holstered his weapon, saying she could pull the blanket up again, although his gaze lingered on her, as if reluctant to see her body covered up again.
Michelle started to explain, saying she had escaped from a house and had taken her niece with her. Bill looked up at Michelle wondering at the sudden change of relationship between them, but said nothing, thinking Michelle must have her reasons.As the patrolman listened, his eyes showed puzzlement.
“I was called in to a theft of a motor vehicle and the abduction of two eight year old twin girls,” he butted in. “Now ma’am your story tells me something completely different.I’m going to settle this back at the station, please get in the back of my car so we can get to the bottom of this.”
On the drive back to the police station Michelle again continued her story about the abduction of her niece and how she ended up without clothes.Saying she was held captive for two days in a locked room and naked so she couldn’t escape, and that it was Shelley who had finally helped her escape. At the station, a phone call to Mrs Parker resulted in more questioning of Michelle; she was accused of lying and of abduction of minors.
Things really started getting heated when Mrs Parker arrived, claiming Bill/Shelley was in her care and what had Michelle done with the other twin. Michelle having no ID asked them to call a number and ask the person there to give them a description of herself and her niece. One of the officers did and found to his puzzlement that the description that Susan, the person the call was made to, confirmed Michelle’s claims.
Mrs Parker was asked for papers confirming her story on the children’s placement at her home and when she couldn’t supply them, the police started to question the truth of her story, saying it sounded more like there was some truth in Michele’s story. Michelle said she wouldn’t press charges as long as she was given some clothes and a flight home.
Arriving home after a short visit to a clothing store where Michelle was given new clothing at Mrs Parker’s expense and a paid ticket for a flight back, they finally arrived home. Sinking into the couch they hugged each other too tired to do much more. After a supper consisting of dairy rich foods for Bill they went to bed to sleep like logs for the first time in days.
The next morning Bill woke to find himself back to normal except he thought he could still see a lingering resemblance to Michelle.Asking Michelle when she woke, she replied,
“Well there is a marked difference, but nothing that shouts out loud, maybe over time it will fade.”
“That reminds me we need to go to the Hugglebug Company and complain about the faulty can,” Bill said.
“Okay let’s go after breakfast then,” Michelle replied, getting out of bed and starting to get dressed.
At the company Rose the receptionist was most sympathetic to their story and went back into the warehouse coming back in a minute or two with two more cans of spray.
“Here is another dose of spray same type as before, but without the DNA element in it and another can of fixative spray,” she said, handing them the cans.
Driving back home from the H B Company Michelle looked at Bill and then at the cans a smile on her face,
“Bill?” Bill looked at her in amazement thinking she wouldn’t, couldn’t, be thinking of trying it again. Michelle saw his expression and laughed,
“No Bill I wasn’t,” knowing the thoughts plainly shown on Bill’s face, “in fact this is what I was thinking of,” as she opened the window and threw the two cans out towards the trees lining the roadside. “Now what do you say to an adoption of a child for us?” Bill replied as they drove on, that that sounded like an excellent idea.As they sped off not caring that one of the cans had fallen into a hole and the other, the form changing one, had bounced of a tree root and had landed at the edge of the road, where it could be plainly seen.
The End?
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Searching ...
... for that can would probably take a while. Where was that road? Story doesn't seem to say. Still, the can is supposed to be in plain sight, so it shouldn't be that hard. It may take me a while, but I think it'll be worth it if I can get me a can of that Huggle Bug spray.
Heather Rose Brown :)
Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend.
Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.
Groucho Marx
This one was so cute too! Oh my, if it continues what could happen next? Could a curious TG kid find it? Or someone else?
I just got to be me :D
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D