The Girl Inside the Boy : Part 2 Chapter 9

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The Girl inside the Boy


Part Two Chapter Nine

by Roo

Editing by Bronwen


Doctor Ryan then said, “Carla, I will see you next week and we will sort out what you have to do as far as medication goes. It can either be given as an injection or by taking tablets but I will talk to your Mum about that in due course ok?”

“Yes doctor.” I said, and gave him a hug as well. Rose then got back to the subject about the study she was conducting about identical twins and said she will be around for a couple of days and would I mind if she brings her tape recorder and camera to do the interview, and that Mummy has agreed to do the filming for her. I shrugged my shoulders and said, “As long as I can stay being a girl she can film me anytime she wants.”

Mummy and Rose both laughed and Mummy said, “That's our Carla.”


Saturday 6/6/1959. It was Rita’s sixteenth birthday and Mummy told her she didn't have to go to work, so she could organise the barbecue for lunch today and ring the people that she wanted to come, and tell them the time to turn up. Mummy, me, Daddy, Aunty Bella and Uncle Tony were there to help with all the food so Rita didn’t have to do anything but be the hostess.

Rita is basically a very shy person and she would have preferred to have only family and the love of her life Peter to be there. Mummy talked her into inviting some of the people that are regulars at the restaurant, so we ended up with about twenty people at the barbecue Of course after the obligatory 'Happy Birthday' song, and 'She is a jolly good Sheila', Rita was asked to make a speech. Rita is a person of few words unless she knows someone really well, so her speech was short and sweet.

She said, “I want to thank every one for coming to my sixteenth birthday barbecue. Thanks for the presents, and enjoy the food and free beer.”

That was it, and then she got a big kiss from her precious Peter. Ricky looked at me and winked and I had to quickly look away because it made me think of the killer kiss we had at the park earlier this week. If Mummy found out what I was getting up to with Ricky she would probably never let me out of her sight again. Anyway it was only a kiss. Admittedly, because of 'Jean' it sat Ricky on his behind, and made me feel weak in the legs. I will not let Ricky do any more than that. I think that Jean did that on purpose so to make Ricky respect me or she will zapp him. I would have to have words with her that night in bed when all was quiet and I could concentrate on her.

Rita got some nice things given to her, mainly jewelry and a signet ring from Peter, and various dresses and shorts. The one present that surprised me was a beautiful silk skirt and blouse with matching three inch pumps. The skirt was a powder blue and the blouse was the same colour and it had delicate cream lace around the collar and at the edge of the sleeves. The shoes were two inch heels in a cream leather with a little bow just above the toes.

Mummy made her change and show Mary Winton the dress shop owner who gave it to Rita. Let me tell you Peter was dumbfounded when Rita walked out looking like a fashion model, make-up and all. I can only hope that I will look as pretty as her when I am sixteen.

Alice and her Mum Jenny, and Linda had to leave early because of the restaurant. All three hugged Rita and said goodbye. It was about three o'clock when most of the people started to go home but there a couple of people that stayed back and they were Peter's friends. The boy's name was Jason Bailey and the girl was Denise Walker and they both went to school with Peter. So it looks like there is a friendship building between the four of them which is exactly what Rita needs to bring her out of herself. Me? I'll talk the pants off a kangaroo, or like Daddy says, ''Carla, you can talk under water.''

My girl-friends Jenny, Brenda and June all stayed for a couple of more hours and because they missed out on my fashion show the other day, it was time to show them what was bought for me in Brisbane. Brenda and June were a bit miffed because they weren’t my size and couldn't try anything on but Jenny certainly did.

Anyway, their Mums eventually said, “Come on girls, time to say goodbye to Carla and go home.” Poor Ricky hung around with Uncle Tony and Daddy while I was doing girly things, but he wanted to see me before he got on his bike to ride home. We went out in the backyard to where the big gum tree was and sat on the old swing that was hanging of a branch, and I reckon it must have been there when Daddy was a boy. It is a single swing, so I had to sit on his lap and he had to put his arms around me.

It felt really nice and he said, “Carla I really like kissing you and I can't stop thinking about you. Are you the same?”

I replied, “Yeah sort of, and it feels nice when we are close like this, but we can only kiss in secret alright?

“Yeah I guess so.” he replied.

It was then that I felt his penis digging into my buttock and I realised that I must be a girl because I don’t get hard down there at all. Even when I rub it, just feels really nice, but it stays the same size, so what Doctor Rose said about the tests must be true.

I said “Ricky, I know what is happening to you down there so I had better get off your lap now.”

He said “Yeah I suppose so. I can't wait till we get older and can do what we want.”

I replied, “Yeah me too, and I jumped off his lap but, not before giving him a quick kiss on the lips.

I don't think any one saw me do that but I had to giggle when Ricky stood up and had to put his hands in front of his crotch and walked funny for a couple of minutes I thought 'Wow I did that!' and then felt a little tremble as if that naughty twin of mine was having a giggle too. I'm going to have a serious talk to her about her wanting to share my boyfriend.

Anyway Ricky got on his bike and rode home before it got dark.

Rita pulled me aside and said “Carla, I saw that and you had better behave yourself or you will find yourself in big trouble with Mum.”

I replied, "But Sis I didn't do anything!”

Rita said, “Don't you play the little innocent girl with me Carla. Next you'll be telling me that Jean made you do it.”

I replied, “As a matter of fact - ohh forget it.” and stormed off to my bedroom and cried into my pillow.

I must have fallen asleep because Mummy came in and said, “Sweetheart, Rita told me what happened on the swing earlier and this is just the type of thing I was trying to explain to you the other day about not taking things too far with Rick. He is a real nice boy but you must realise that boys are aroused when a pretty little girl like you goes sitting on their lap and giving them a kiss.”

I just looked at her with fresh tears in my eyes and said “Mummy when can I be like Rita and kiss Ricky on the lips like she does with Peter?”

Mummy replied, “Carla, I know you and Ricky are really close and tell each other everything, but if you want to kiss him just make it a peck on the cheek ok?”

“Yes Mummy.”

“Alright, now go wash your face and join us in the kitchen and have some tea.”

“Yes Mummy.”

Rita and Peter's friends were still there and were going to play a board game after tea, and Daddy would drive them home later. I sat down and had something to eat which was left-overs from the barbecue and there would be enough for a couple of more meals after tonight as well. I got up from the table and said I had better feed my baby which made them all look at me and say, “What!!”

“The kitten.” I said, “Fluffy”, rolling my eyes and said “silly people.”

After a while the laughter died down and Aunty Bella said, “Carla If you keep feeding her every few hours all we will be able to see is a big ball of fluff with a pair of blue eyes and no legs.”

I replied, “But won't she stop drinking when she is full? I do.”

Anyway there was a lady that I talked to that lived just down the road from us and she asked me to bring Fluffy down so she could identify what breed she was. The old lady ''Irene” she said her name was, said, “Fluffy is a long haired Persian and looks like a pure breed. Why anyone would want to get rid of her in such a cruel way is beyond belief.” Daddy said that he will take her to the vet in a couple of days and get her checked over and have her shots because she is a really valuable cat. I am sure Ginger and Goldie think so too. I didn't want to play in the board game, and said 'good night' to every one and went to my room to read up on how to look after pure breed cats.

I was just about to drop off to sleep when Jean made her presence felt and I closed my eyes and there she was sitting on my bed, when she said, “Carla you can open your eyes and you will be able to see me for a short while but it takes a lot of my energy to do it so if I fade you will just have to close your eyes again ok.?”

I said, “Can you do this with Mummy too?”

“No, it can only happen between us because we share the spirit soul, and we will always be connected till you come and join me when the time comes for you to cross over.”

I said, “Did you zapp Ricky on purpose when we kissed?”

“Yes Carla, we are too young to be doing that, and if Ricky keeps it up I will zapp him harder next time. Remember I am with you all the time, and I have to watch over you so you can't ever get rid of me.” Then she said “Bye for now Carla, my energy is fading.” She was gone and I fell into a deep dreamless sleep.

Sunday. Daddy, Rita, and Aunt and Uncle went to church, but Mummy and I were waiting for Rose to turn up to do the interview about identical twins. She arrived just after the others had left for church and also had doctor Ryan with her because he got roped into doing the whole twin study as well.

Mummy said, “Jim, I see Rose is getting you involved with this as well?

“Yeah” he said, “She is pretty pushy, but I must admit it is very interesting to find out that your daughter is part of a spirit soul that can communicate with her.”

Mummy said, “Jim, you don’t know the half of it.” Once we were set up in the lounge with tape recorder switched on and Mummy had the very expensive looking camera worked out, the interview started.

I got to tell my story as I saw it, and both Rose and Jim asked questions and said, 'Would I think that it would work if I tried to contact Jean while they were recording?

I said “No, that it would take far to much energy for Jean to accomplish.” So I was not going to agree to that at any time soon.

Rose said, “That's ok Carla, we have more than enough to take to my next meeting with the study group.”

I replied, “What about a vagina? Will I be able to get a vagina?”

“Yes you will, but your body has to finish growing first Carla or it wont turn out right.”

I asked, “When will I stop growing then?”

Rose said “I should think that in four or five years time, so you will have to be very patient”.

I replied, “I don’t think I can wait that long.”

Doctor Ryan said “Well we will have to see how you develop and do some more x-rays and also the new ultrasound equipment these days is pretty good, so next trip to Brisbane I will be accompanying you so we don't miss anything. There might be something that they missed last time.”

When they left Mummy sat me down and said, “When they know more after the next visit to Brisbane, I will get Father Brian to look further into your birth certificate and see if we can get it to say your real name and gender and have you called 'Carla Jean Croft', because Bill is going to fully adopt you and Rita when we get married in September. How will you like that sweetheart?”

I said, “Ooh Mummy yes please! But what happened to the guy in Charleville that did the divorce for you?”

Mummy replied, “Seeing that Brian is a lifetime friend of Bill and he is a fully qualified lawyer he is going to do it all for nothing and seeing you and Rita had never been christened in a church, I told him that he could be a godfather to you both.”

I said “I didn't know Rita wasn't christened either.”

“Well,” she replied “James didn’t believe in God and wouldn't hear of it.” she continued and said, “There will be a wedding and christening at the same time if the bishop will allow it. If not one will follow the other.”

While Mummy was telling me this, the others were standing behind Mummy, because she had sat in front of me on an ordinary chair and couldn’t see the others sneak in and listen to what Mummy was telling me. It was a bit naughty of them but I think they knew most of it anyway.

Daddy came and sat beside me and said “I love you kid and I will be proud for you to carry my name.” and he had watery eyes when he hugged me tight and Rita sat down and joined in the hug.

Mummy, Aunty Bella and Uncle Tony all said in unison “Aww look at that. It's a love in!” and we all started to laugh. It was lunchtime and there was still left overs that had to be used up so that's what we had for lunch. Rita said that Ricky was asking about me and said he was worried that I wasn't at church, and thought I was in some sort of trouble.

I said, “You didn't have a go at him about kissing me did you?”

“No Sis, but I just want you to be careful ok?”

“Yes I know! The birds and bees thing.” and rolled my eyes.

Mummy said “Now now girls, no harm done.”

I was worried about Ricky and asked Mummy to ring his Mum Helen, and make sure he is alright because when he got on his bike yesterday to ride home he was in tears.

Mummy said, “I saw what was happening and had already warned Helen to talk to Ricky and explain things to him.”

I replied, “Can I ring him and make sure he is ok Mummy?”

Mummy said, “I suppose so, otherwise you'll be worried about him the rest of the day.”

I talked to Ricky for about an hour and he was ok. He said his mum sat him down and he understands and he just doesn’t ever want to lose me as a friend because of what he did. I know I shouldn't have but I said, “I love you Ricky.”

To be continued.


Next time: Another visit to the Mater in Brisbane, and the wedding and christening.

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Carla Jean...

Andrea Lena's picture

...has a nice ring to it! Carla can mean free, and Jean means gift of God. Makes sense, since Carla is such a gift to everyone, aye? Thank you, Roo!


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

Hadn't Realized...

...that the "zap" from the previous kiss was supposed to be a negative thing. As sensible as it may be for Jean to tell Carla to move more slowly on that, it's not exactly fair; Jean has eternity in front of her and doesn't need to hurry. Of course, everyone else is telling Carla the same thing.

Anyway, a nice chapter. Events seem to be moving smoothly, with everyone on the same page.


The Era Of Bodgies And Widgies

joannebarbarella's picture

1959! We all thought we were so modern, and now it's 53 years ago! Talking on the phone for an hour at a time used to drive the oldies up the wall, because nobody could ring in. Mobile/cell phones weren't even dreamt of in that day and age. Music came on vinyl at 78/45/33 r.p.m. Elvis was just getting into his stride.

Put another prawn on the barbie, before Paul Hogan was trying to sell Australia to the American tourist (not that they would have ended up in glorious down-town Quilpie).

Lovely stuff, ROO,


Carla is growing up!!

Pamreed's picture

She is so lucky to have all the support from her family in becoming her true self!!!
So many of us do not and it adds to the struggle to be ourselves!! Looking forward to
what they find out next time Brisbane!! Also the wedding should be fun.

Roo you are the best!!!


Those were the days my friend.

I thought they'd never end.

Kissing under the mango tree, going to church and checking out the talent, riding our bikes together, going to the pics with a girlfriend and cuddling in canvass chairs down the front, BBQ'S with half the town there, lot's of pets: dogs-cats-chickens-budgies
-parrots-lizards,gold fish,to name a few.

Sat night dances at the church hall.
We'd sing and dance forever and a day!

Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
