Camp Kumoni : 17

"...I have to figure out a way that I can stay here and not have the girls in the cabin freaking out. Do they suspect that I’m a guy?.... No. At least not yet. They do however, think, or should I say, know that I am attracted to girls… So as far as they are all concerned, I am a lesbian..."
Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread

Chapter 17
Erika’s heart didn’t even bother to flip-flop, it just stopped. Her hand flew over her mouth. She had just said that? How was she supposed to pass for a girl, if she kept blurting out things like that? Her heart began to pump again, but in double time as it raced to catch up to the adrenaline coursing through her body.

Rachel strode across the room and sat down in the place that Victoria had just vacated. “Let me get this straight.” Rachel looked Erika in the eye. “Samantha asked you to go on a date with Josh, knowing, full well, that you don’t like guys?

All Erika could do was nod.

“If you don’t like guys, then why did you?” Dani asked from her bunk.

Erika got up from the bed. “I’ll see you in the mess.” She told no one in particular, as she walked out the cabin door. She looked ahead and saw Krystal coming up the path that she was going to take. Erika dodged around the corner of the cabin and leaned up against the wall under one of the open windows.

Rachel sat still for a moment. It was all starting to fall into place now. Erika was in love with Samantha. Did Samantha know that Erika liked her as more than just a friend? By the way Samantha treated Erika, Rachel would bet that she didn’t. Erika was a lesbian who had the ‘hots’ for her dead friend’s sister? This Summer camp was not going to be as boring as she had thought.

“What did I say wrong?” Dani asked the girls cleaning the cabin.

“Dani, you can be so dense sometimes.” Victoria shook her head.

“What did I say?” Dani persisted.

“I think she needs it spelled out for her in simple terms.” Katie wiped an errant tear from her cheek.

Dani looked around the room at the other girls. Not getting what had just gone down.

Krystal slipped silently into the cabin and quietly organized her stuff. Rachel sat down on the bed next to Dani.

“Erika doesn’t like guys, right?” Rachel looked at Dani.

“That’s what she just said.” Dani affirmed. Krystal looked up from what she was doing and paid attention to the conversation.

“Which means she likes girls.” Rachel went on. “She has spent a lot of time around Samantha the past few days and even agreed to go on a date with a cute guy, because Samantha had asked her.”

Dani nodded that she was following.

“Why would She agree to date a guy if she doesn’t like them…..” Rachel let it hang for a moment. “Because she is in love with Samantha.”

Erika had heard enough, she pushed away from the side of the cabin and headed into the cover of the underbrush.

Dani’s eyes grew large as the understanding sunk in. “Oh.”

“Does Samantha know that Erika likes her?” Krystal asked in her soft soprano.

“Does it matter?” Rachel posed. “She used Erika so that she might gain access to Josh.”

“That’s just mean.” Dani stated the obvious.

The girls in the cabin all looked from one to the other, a quiet understanding being built between them.

Phoenix entered the cabin with damp orange-brown curls hanging around her face, still dripping from the shower.

“The cabin is looking pretty good, Phoenix. Do you mind if I go get some fresh air?”Rachel asked.

Phoenix glanced around the cabin, “No, go ahead.” The counselor nodded.

Rachel started out the door of the cabin and nearly ran into Samantha.

“Oops.” Samantha grinned. “Sorry Rachel.”

“Are you, now?” Rachel’s voice dripped with venom. Her eyes hard as ice.
Samantha flinched almost as if she had been struck. Rachel marched past her and looked around for signs of Erika amongst the trees.

Samantha took a breath and gathered her wits about her and took the steps up into the cabin. The cabin was unusually quiet as she placed her things in the drawer and began to make her bed.

“Why is it so quiet in here?” Samantha whispered to Victoria.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Victoria’s voice was flat and without her normal intonation.

The girls of Columbine quickly finished with their cleaning duties and excused themselves quickly and quietly from the cabin leaving Samantha and Phoenix alone.


Lost in thought, Erika found herself wandering amongst the towering trees and mounds of ferns and underbrush. A thick carpet of pine needles softened the sounds of her steps.

The mundane sounds of the camp were muffled by the morning’s damp air and by the vegetation. Erika found a rock set back between two mounds of ferns and took as seat, drawing her legs up to her chest.

God, I’m screwing this up! Erika thought. I lose my mind in a nervous breakdown last night, then while in the showers this morning I decide that I want to give this whole girl thing a chance, only to blurt out that I’m not attracted to guys ten minutes later? How am I going to pull this off?

Erika absently caresses her smooth legs with her fingertips, unaware of how soothing the act was, how wonderful her soft, hairless legs felt. If I’m going to pull this off, I am going to need some help. I am going to need to start acting more feminine... of course last night’s emotional tornado was very feminine. I need to talk to someone, to be able to talk freely with someone. Samantha is of no help! She got me into this mess… No, I got myself into this mess. I could have told her no. I could have backed out at any time. What would have happened if I had backed out?

Erika reached out and pulled a fern stem out of the ground and began to systematically pull each leaf off from the stem I would be over there in the boy’s cabin miserable; I probably wouldn’t have any friends except the computer lab and maybe the groundskeeper. As a girl, I’ve got friends… At least... I think I still have friends. The girls in my cabin seem to like me, even after that whole episode last night. Shoot! Phoenix even gave me a hug after that so-called talk.

Erika tossed the denuded stem to one side and began stroking her soft legs again. She realized what she was doing and stopped momentarily. They feel so silky, so soft… What am I saying?... wait, I’m supposed to have soft, silky legs. I’m a girl for the summer.

Erika reached around, pulled her braid forward and absentmindedly tucked the ends of her hair into her mouth. Damage control. I have to figure out a way that I can stay here and not have the girls in the cabin freaking out. Do they suspect that I’m a guy?.... No. At least not yet. They do however, think, or should I say, know that I am attracted to girls… So as far as they are all concerned, I am a lesbian. Erika giggled aloud at that thought, while lightly caressing her cheek with the end of her braid. She grew silent and sighed heavily. I am a lesbian who happens to be in love with Samantha and the whole cabin knows it... except Samantha. Will they all start freaking out on me now? Will they start looking over their shoulder every few minutes to see if I’m checking them out? Damn! I don’t want to make them feel all uncomfortable around me, now that they know I like girls. That would just put me back in with the outcasts, the ‘plague’ of Camp Kumoni.

She closed her eyes and listened to the wind blowing through the branches in the tops of the trees. A jay could be heard chattering and making racket down towards the lake. The rustling of leaves and pine needles covering the forest floor signaled that the chipmunks had grown more bold with her presence. It all comes back to finding someone to talk to, someone I can trust. Someone to confide in…… but who? Who can I talk to, that won’t flip out when they find out that I’m really a guy? Erika sighed again, flipping her braid back over her shoulder, she opened her eyes and marveled at how colorful the world around her was. She hoisted herself to her feet, brushed off her skirt and started back towards the camp. Her stomach was grumbling and she could smell bacon coming from the mess.


“Good morning beautiful.” A voice called out. Erika looked around and spotted Josh walking towards her.

Oh shit! Josh. Erika’s brain screamed. She forced a smile. “Good morning, Josh.”

“I missed you at the campfire last night.” Josh bit his lip. I was hoping that we would be able to continue our time together while enjoying the entertainment.

“I wasn’t feeling too well last night.” Erika didn’t exactly lie. “I spent the evening laying in my bunk.”

“You’re feeling better?” Josh’s face showed some concern.

“Yes, and no.” Erika continued walking towards the mess. “I feel better than I did last night, but I’m still not feeling normal.” That was an understatement! Of course, what exactly is normal now?

Josh’s hand slipped into Erika’s as he walked beside her. Erika’s first instinct was to pull away again, but she remembered that Josh wasn’t privy to all that had transpired since their date last night and that the act of pulling away would be uncalled for. The palm of her hand began to itch again however.

“Drink plenty of fluids today.” Josh lectured. “And drink some hot tea. The heat will help kill germs in your throat and will help clear your sinuses.”

“Uh, okay.” Erika answered.

They paused outside the doors to the mess. “I had a lot of fun with you last night,” Josh smiled down at her. “You seem different from a lot of girls.”

If you only knew. Erika suppressed the giggle. “Josh I had a good time with you last night, but I need to talk with you.”

“Hurry up, Josh!” Kyle darted up and punched him in the arm. “We don’t want to lose any points because you need some alone time. Breakfast is about to start.” Kyle turned to Erika. “Hey Erika. Sorry, but we have some major competition for points this year.”

“I’ll be right there, Kyle.” Josh promised. He looked down at Erika’s pretty blue eyes. He leaned in for a kiss, but Erika pulled away dropping his hand at the same time. Josh pulled back and frowned at her. “You get some tea, for breakfast and we’ll talk later. I believe our two cabins are playing volleyball against each other this afternoon.”

“You are in for some major ass whooping then.” Erika smiled.

Josh opened the door with a big smile and held it open for her to precede him into the mess. “There is no one I’d rather get my ass whooped by.”

The noise of the mess was like a wall of sound as she entered. Columbine’s table was already filled by the girls. Something was wrong though as she approached. Most of the girls were sitting by one another talking, while Samantha sat isolated at the other end of the table, frowning to herself and occasionally looking down the table at the others.

“Here, Erika, we saved you a seat.” Rachel motioned for Erika to sit between her and Katie and across from Krystal, Victoria, and Dani.

Erika almost sighed aloud. The girls weren’t uncomfortable around her, knowing that she was attracted to girls. This was a good sign. Now, she needed to keep up the charade and find someone she could trust to confide in.

Erika joined the girls as the breakfast was being served.

“Protein, Krystal, think lots of protein. Very little carbs.” Rachel advised.

One of the chefs came out of the kitchen carrying a special plate and set it down in front of Krystal. It held two slabs of ham, cooked egg whites a piece of wheat toast, and a small bowl of mixed fruit.

“Wow!” Rachel commented to the chef. “That’s perfect! Thank you so much for doing that for us.”

“Yes, Thank you.” Krystal smiled up at the chef.

“If you have enough drive to stick to it, the kitchen staff will do whatever we can to help you.” The chef smiled at the large, shy, blonde girl.

The rest of the girls began helping themselves to bacon, and scrambled eggs. Katie already was finishing up a bowl of cereal and Rachel had already finished some yogurt and fruit.

“I hear we are playing Josh’s cabin in volleyball this afternoon.” Erika looked at the others. “Are there any ideas on how we can beat them?”

“Fairly? Or using dirty tricks?” Rachel smirks.

“I’d prefer fairly.” Erika smiled. “What did you have in mind?”

“We could have a few of us play while wearing our bathing suits” Rachel smiled deviously. “Any of you play volleyball in school?”

“I was on the Junior varsity team.” Katie piped up.

“Don’t look at me?” Dani grumbled. “I can walk under the net without it touching my head.”

“You’d be great as a setter.” Katie told her bunk mate.

“I played in Jr. High school.” Victoria joined. “I could hold my own, but I wasn’t great.”

“What about you, Erika?” Rachel nudged her.

“I played in P.E.” she admitted. I do alright as a setter.”

“I was on the varsity team in Junior high.” Samantha entered the conversation.

“Okay, so we have a little bit of talent.” Rachel ignored Samantha’s comment. “I don’t think we will need the bathing suits, but our sexy T-shirts will definitely help.” She smiled.

The other girls all giggled with anticipation.

“What do we have on the list to do today, Victoria?” Rachel looked to the studious girl.

“A nature walk this morning.” Victoria referred to the schedule. “Then horseback riding, followed by lunch, and then volleyball. After Volleyball, another game of kickball, this time against cabin Alder.”

“We have to play kick ball against the boys?” Dani groaned. “That’s a loss.”

“Not always, Dani.” Rachel reassured. “We won a good game of kick ball yesterday and we were just starting to figure out who was strong at which positions. We might do well against Alder.”

“What does this nature walk entail?” Krystal asked nervously. “I’m not into doing any hiking yet.”

“You’ll be just fine on this first one.” Rachel reassured with a knowing smile.


After breakfast and the morning announcements, the Columbine girls led by Phoenix walked down by the lake where they were met by, as Erika later dubbed him, ‘Grizzly Adams’. Grizzly Adams was a throwback to the hippies. His long, thinning gray hair looked scraggly tied in back and held in place by a leather thong. Frizzy pieces of hair shone in the morning sunlight like a halo around his head. His graying beard was scruffy and long as well. The facial fur hung off his chin, resting on his chest and bounced as he spoke. His leathery face had seen too much sun and was like wrinkled leather. Soft, dark eyes looked out from overgrown eyebrows.

“Good morning.” He greeted them with a grand gesture of his arms. “My name is Adam. Are you ready to get in touch with the incredible world around you?”

“Sure.” Phoenix broke the silence with more enthusiasm than any of them felt.

“Great.” Grizzly said. “Today we are going to take a walk around the lake and see what is here.”

“We’ve already been around the lake a few times.” Dani commented.

“That may be, but I doubt that you have actually seen it.” Grizzly smiled. Come with me and I will show you the lake as you have never seen it before.”

Grizzly proved true to his promise. The next two hours were spent walking around the lake with Grizzly stopping from time to time to point out a special kind of flower or a plant that had special healing qualities. He pointed out an eagle’s nest that was promising to hatch some eaglets high up in the broken off top of a tree. Then pointed out what looked to be a mound of dead grass in some reeds, until a duck poked her head up out of it. He spoke of the differences between the pine trees and the fir trees and of what moss was compared to lichen. He spoke of conservation and of how wild fires actually helped forests rejuvenate themselves.

Grizzly was right. Their morning walks around the lake were never going to be the same again.

After the nature walk, the girls all went back to the cabin.

“We have an active afternoon. It’d be best if you all wore clothing that you can play in.” Phoenix advised looking pointedly at Erika’s pleated skirt.

She never had to change clothes this many times as a guy. Shoot, as a guy, Eric would probably still be wearing the shorts he got off the bus in, if they were still clean looking. Erika sighed and pulled a pair of shorts out of her drawer. They were going to be playing kick ball and volleyball. She had better make sure that her breast forms were secure. She pulled the duct tape out as well and quickly hid them under her shorts and made her way to the bathroom.

After locking the door, she lifted her skirt, pulled down her panties and sat on the toilet. Realizing what had just taken place, she paused. She had just sat on a toilet to urinate, pulling up a skirt to do so and she didn’t even have to think twice about it. In fact, she was disappointed at having to change out of the skirt. The skirt had, in the last day or two, become very comfortable to wear. It was definitely cooler, and it was more free flowing, less restricting. Too bad she couldn’t ride horses, or play sports wearing a skirt. Too bad she would have to give up wearing them after summer was over.

Erika quickly changed and as quietly as she could, adhered the breast forms to her chest so that they would stay put better.

Down at the Stables, the stable master had eight horses all saddled up and ready to go. Erika groaned inwardly at having to ride again, remembering the pain she had experienced the other day having ridden tucked.

“Phoenix, I’ll be right back.” Erika excused herself. “I’ve got to use the facilities.”

Once in the bathroom, Erika pulled her shorts down and untucked her male genitalia. It felt strange to have it hanging naturally. Sure, the panties supported it, but she felt a bit exposed. She pulled up her shorts and joined the Columbine girls who were already saddled, including Dani, who was riding back from having to mount using the fence.

“Today, we are just going to work on mechanics of riding.” The stable master explained. We’ll stay here in the arena and ride about, until you are feeling more comfortable in the saddle and with your mount.

The session started out almost as bad as a crash-car derby. Horses barely avoided colliding into one another as the unlearned rider mixed up signals to the horses. By the end of the session however, they were all going in the same direction around and around the arena. Erika was starting to feel like she was at the skating rink, the only thing missing was the music.

Finally they stopped the bouncing in the saddle and dismounted. Groans escaped from more than one set of lips as the girls tried to relax their inner thighs and attempted to walk normally.

Erika again excused herself and went to the bathroom. While in there, she took a damp towel and wiped most of the horse sweat and hair from her legs, then tucked herself again before joining her cabin mates for lunch.

“I’m starving.” Krystal stated.

“I don’t care what anyone says. Horseback riding is hard work.” Dani added.

The Girls were one of the first cabins to enter the mess for once. It was fairly quiet, and subdued. When they sat down, one of the servers brought out a tray that contained bread, lunch meats, and sandwich fix’ns.

Rachel leaned in close to Krystal. “Wrap yours in lettuce.”

Krystal sighed but did as told. “How many can I have?” She asked.

“Three or four.” Rachel. “Just don’t overdo it. We have two games to win after this.”

End of Chapter Seventeen

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