Healing Cousin George - Part 11 A Night of Surprises

"...I entered the kitchen just in time to see Melissa make a bid for freedom! She had climbed out of her high chair and was balancing precariously on the table. I rushed across the kitchen..."

Healing Cousin George

Part 11 - A Night of Surprises

by Karin Roberts

I was in a foul mood the next morning when I awoke. George’s reaction, when I had come home last night, had soured the experience of my first night out as Alex. I arose and took a quick shower. Soon, I was drying my hair and dressing in a pair of black jeans and a lemon blouse. The blouse was short and tied it across my midriff. Our exercise sessions had really been working as I now had a perfectly toned stomach. Looking down, I made a mental note to maybe get my belly button pierced with a jewel. That would be lovely! I thought.

Shaking myself back into reality, I thought about last night. George had said that maybe it was time for me to go back home. So why was I thinking of increasing my femininity when I could easily be back in my family home soon? I put on some light make up and left my room to collect Melissa. Picking her up, I teased her, her giggles and grabbing at my fingers a delight as I walked downstairs with her. I set her inside her high chair and was soon making us both breakfast.

Ten minutes later, while I was feeding Melissa and munching on a couple of slices of dry toast, being washed down with some pineapple juice, I heard footsteps on the stairs. Gradually, Amanda came into view. Shit! That bitch stayed here last night! I muttered under my breath.

“Morning Alex,” she tried putting up a smile. “Any coffee ready?”

“No. I’m not really one for coffee in the morning, but the kettles over there.”

I pointed towards the worktop as I spooned the last of Melissa’s breakfast into her mouth. Watching her giggle in glee, I wiped her chin with a tissue and then placed the dishes in the sink and began washing them.

“So how was your date with Pete last night?” she pried, while waiting for the water to boil.

“Eh fine. We went to see The Woman’s Club and then had a couple of drinks.”

“Oh! I’ve heard that’s quite good. I’ll need to get George to take me there.” she sneered, as I sat back down and the table to finish my breakfast. I decided to bite my tongue and not say my piece of mind to her considering George’s current state of mind.

“How was your meal last night?” I offered.

“Oh really nice! We had a great time after as well, if you know what I mean!” she smiled in the fashion of a predator. She then spooned some coffee into her mug and poured in the hot water, stirring it. She then sat down opposite of me and Melissa at the table.

We sat silently as she stirred her coffee. She took a sip before stirring nervously again.

“Alex, can I ask you something?” she blurted.


“You don’t like me, do you?”

Well, to the point! I thought “Not really. But then, I don’t know you that well.”

“No you don’t. I suppose others have clouded your judgment of me” she stated.

“Others?” I asked.

“Yeah. You’re friendly with Debbie Carter, are you not?” she eyed me.

“Well, we have gone out together now and again, but Debbie’s not really mentioned you.” I lied.

A frown began to appear on her face as I went on. “George is old enough to make up his own mind about who he dates. I know that you are keen on George, but I’m not sure if you are right for Melissa.” I stated matter-of-fact.

“In what way?” she wondered.

“I don’t know. I just don’t see you as the motherly type.”

“Well maybe I’m not. But then that’s George’s choice, is it not?” she lashed with a touch of anger.

“Yes it is.” I replied as the phone rang. I got up and picked up the cordless phone, switching it to answer.

“Oh hi Debbie!” I smiled. I could see a forced smile appear on Amanda’s face as I started to head for the door.

“Eh, just a minute.” I put my hand over the mouthpiece. “Can you watch Melissa for a couple of minutes?”

Amanda nodded and I picked up my discarded cigarettes and lighter and went outside.

With the phone balanced between my shoulder and ear, I pulled a cigarette from the packet and lit it.

“You still there?” I asked. I exhaled some smoke and walked across the porch.

“Course I am! You think I’d have hung up without finding out about last night? Well? What happened?” I heard her giggle on the line as I paused.

“Nothing really. We went to see a film, had a few drinks, and then came back home.”

There was silence.

“That’s it?”

“Well… what did you expect? Rampant sex? That was hardly likely, though I did kiss him goodnight.” There was a chuckle from the other side. “George was smashed when I got back. In fact, the wicked witch of the west is still here,” I grinned, glancing back towards the window.

“He suggested that it might be time that I went home. He was really in a bad mood when I got back,” I stopped.

“That ungrateful bastard! After all you have done for him…” Debbie angrily spat.

“I know! I don’t know what’s going to happen now. We need to have a chat tonight. Look, I’d better go see what she’s up to. I left Melissa with her.”

“Ok, speak to you later.” Debbie sympathized. I touched the end button and dropped the cigarette, crushing it out. I hurried back inside the house.

I entered the kitchen just in time to see Melissa make a bid for freedom! She had climbed out of her high chair and was balancing precariously on the table. I rushed across the kitchen, grabbing her just as she slipped!

“Where the Fu**ing hell is that bitch!” I cursed to myself, seeing her coffee cup left discarded on the table. Amanda came down the stairs.

“Goddamn! Where the hell were you? Melissa nearly fell out of her chair!” I shouted angrily.

“Oh, sorry. My mobile went off. I forgot I need to see a case in half an hour,” she non-chalantly chimed, grabbing her bag as she began to leave.

“She could have fallen and hit her head! Don’t even care she could have been hurt or even died?” I was incredulously exasperated.

“She didn’t though, did she? And anyway, you’re the babysitter, not me.” she snobbishly rebuffed my concern as she left.

“BITCH!” I screamed as the door closed behind her.
Early that evening, George came home. I knew he would probably be going back out with Amanda, as he did most Saturday’s, but I wanted to clear the air. As we sat eating I picked my moment.

“George, about last night…”

He stopped eating, putting down his fork. “Yeah?”

“Well… you seemed to want me to leave.” I softly spoke as I looked across the table at him, trying to catch his eye. He kept his head down.

“Look! You took a real chance last night as Alex. One false move and we are all stuffed! What would the village have thought? What would Pete have thought? And more importantly, What would Amanda have thought?”

I put forth my best effort to convince George. “I know… it was really silly. But it worked out ok. And it won’t happen again. Pete understands and he’s cool with it. I told him there’s someone else at home, so he’s fine. He won’t be bothering me again.” I bit my lower lip waiting for him to respond.

“I was a bit wound up last night, and a bit drunk, when you came back. I’m terribly sorry for what I had said. You’ve been great with Melissa and I don’t know if I would have coped without you. So, let’s just forget about last night and start again,” He admitted as he raised his head to face me.


After a moment, we both returned to our meal.
Thing’s pretty much got back to normal after our chat and the next couple of weeks went by fine. Me and Debbie were back in our usual routine of morning fitness sessions, followed by afternoons out either shopping or taking Melissa somewhere. She was becoming more and more of a handful with boundless energy. By evening, I was washed out on most days and spent the night curled up on the sofa, with the occasional glass of wine, watching TV with George. Our conversation got back to normal as well, and we had numerous chats at night, as well as the usual ‘how was your day?’ that couples usually do.

One Friday, as Debbie was getting ready to go home, she asked if I might fancy a night out, just me and her, at the local pub.

“Eh, I don’t know. Look at the trouble my last night out caused… and anyway, George goes out with Amanda on the weekend, so who would look after Melissa?”

“Gavin would. You can stay overnight with us and we can go out Saturday. On Sunday, we can go to an amusement park with Melissa. That would give George and Amanda some space to themselves” she finished. It was obvious she had this all planned out.

“Anyone would think you like her now.” I barbed.

“Don’t push it! We both know she’s trouble, but she’s the one in possession of the ball or balls, so to speak…” she wickedly grinned.

“I’m not so sure. Let me think about it. I’ll ask George tonight.”

“Ok. Ring me and let me know.”

After dinner, I waited for Melissa to settle down for the night before tackling the issue of Debbie’s request.

“George,” I approached him, my hands held together before me,” I was talking with Debbie today and she’s been a bit bored.” I stopped.


I fidgeted. “Well… she was asking if both her and me could go out for the night? Down to the pub? One night?”

I looked his face over for a reaction. There was none.

“I’m not sure. You know what happened the last time Debbie encouraged you? And what about Melissa?” he interrogated me.

“Well, Debbie said Gavin would look after her while we were both at the pub and that I could stay overnight as well to give you and Amanda a night to yourselves.” I replied. The thought of that made me a seethe. but at least if Melissa was with me, she would be ok.

George sighed. “Ok. But please don’t get involved with Pete again. If he’s in the pub go elsewhere. And try to get Debbie to stop setting you up with any of the other local’s as well.”

“Thanks!” I burst with joy and kissed George’s cheek. “I’ll just phone Debbie and tell her.”

I picked up the phone and walked outside, lighting a ciggie as I went. I stopped in mid dial. Did I just do that? Kissed George on the cheek? The action was just beginning to register in my brain. It was something that had come very naturally too. Jesus! I thought. I’m really undergoing some personality change!

I dialed Debbie’s. A couple of ring’s later, Gavin answered.

“Gavin? It’s Alex. Can I speak to Debbie please?”

“Sure, no problem. How are you?”

“Eh fine. You?”

“Oh working hard to keep Debbie in clothes…” he laughed.

“Here she is now.”

“Hi babes!” Debbie cheerfully greeted me.

“We’re on! George agreed to it that it would be ok.”

“Great! Next Saturday suit you then?”

“Fine by me.”

“Ok. We can speak again during the week. We just need to get you a new outfit. It’ll also be an excuse for me to get one too. We’ll go shopping one day this week, ok?”

“Fine by me,” I smiled. It was slowly beginning to dawn on me that being Alex was getting to be expensive!

“Goodnight babes! See you Monday.”

“See you.”

We both hung up.
The week went along as usual; we went shopping on Wednesday to get outfits for our girly night out on Friday. I couldn’t believe the outfit that Debbie chose! Hers was likely to blow the minds of the regulars at a local country pub rather than keeping with a capital city nightclubl. Friday arrived, and after a light lunch, I packed some clothes for Melissa and myself before climbing into Debbie’s jeep and heading for her house.

“I’m really excited about tonight,” she bubbled in her normal fashion.

“Yeah so am I. Just remember: no trying to set me up… or I’ll be grounded for life.” I grinned.

“Yes Miss!” she chirped as we turned into her driveway.

I had only ever been to Debbie’s house twice before, nearly all of our daily rendezvous having been at my place, which was natural enough, as I didn’t drive. Debbie had teased me about this, saying that it would be useful to learn, once Melissa was at school. I, of course, reminded her that my term as Alex was only until later next month, when I was due to go home.

We had a light dinner; I fed Melissa while Debbie got a meal ready for Gavin for when he got back. Gavin arrived just as we were starting to get ready. Debbie greeted him with a deep open mouth kiss on the lips as he came in.

“Good day?”

“Yeah, very good.” Debbie got in another kiss, playfully nipping his tongue, ”Got all we wanted to do done and some more. So should be a light day tomorrow. Oh, Hi Alex.” he smiled as finally disentangled himself from Debbie.

“Dinner’s in the oven. Wer’e going to get ready, Melissa has been fed and is fast asleep. We tired her out today, so she shouldn’t be much bother. Just check on her every now and again” Debbie said as we climbed the stairs to get ready.

Deep in the sanctity of Debbie and Gavin’s bedroom, I began to feel a bit uncomfortable. Here I was, a male masquerading as Alex, while my friend Debbie pranced around in black shiny panties and a matching push up bra. Not that Debbie needed any help in that area, as she had a good, no, excellent pair of boobs. Deep down, my inner masculine self began to take effect and I could feel a stirring in my groin as I tried not to watch her.

“Eh, I’m just going to the loo for a minute.” I squeaked and hurriedly left the room. I sat on the toilet inside, slowly peeled the false vagina off and did a pee. Then, I did something I had not done for two or three years: I pictured Debbie’s impressive chest and jacked off. I figured that once satisfied, I could now stand the sight of Debbie prancing around almost naked and not be distressed. With the toilet tissue washed away, I reattached the false vagina and returned to the bedroom.

Around forty minutes later, we were both dressed, sitting and smoking a cigarette before we went downstairs. I was wearing a turquoise cotton top with a round neck not low enough to show off any cleavage. The top, however, had a split from the shoulder to the elbow and then another from just below the elbow to the wrist. I’m sure you’ve seen the type. I also had on a tight white skirt on which came to about two inches above my knees. Tan tights and white 4 inch stilettos with a silver metal heel completed my look.

Debbie, on the other hand, looked ravishing. She had skin-tight denims on, which looked as if they had been painted on her. Her top was the most revealing thing I had seen in a while; it was black with a cut out diamonds down the side, revealing bare flesh. The front of the top was very low cut, just covering her nipples, but ensuring that the rest spilled out above. On her feet, Debbie had a pair of black boots. Her jeans were tucked inside the boots with what must have been five inch stiletto heels. Our makeup was immaculate and we had both overplayed the perfume a bit, leaving the room reeking of Debbie’s latest scent.

A car horn sounded outside “That’s our chariot M’lady” Debbie cheered. She crushed out her cigarette and I followed. We picked up our evening bags and left the room. Downstairs Debbie called to Gavin, “See you later baby!”

“Ok girls! Have a good night. Be good.”

It was just before nine by the time we arrived at the pub. It was the first time I had ever been inside it. It was just what I expected, wooden timber frames with agricultural items hanging from them, pictures of old farms covered the walls, farmers with horse drawn plough’s, pictures of people seeding by hand, pictures of old stone farmhouses with chimneys billowing smoke while chickens ran around free in front of the house. The modern was there as well, with a jukebox in the corner. A large screen TV for showing sporting events dominated t he room and a pool table through the side was close to the toilets. We found a free table and ordered our drinks. To be honest, at that time, most of the tables were free.

“Is it always this quiet?” I whispered.

“It will busy up a bit in a half an hour or so,” Debbie replied before she sucked up some of her drink through a straw. Debbie was right! Within half an hour of us arriving, the pub had filled up to near capacity. The two vacant seats next to us had been taken by a couple from the village I would have guessed to have been in their early fifties. They made pleasant company as we sat and chatted about everything from the weather to the latest TV shows. All in all, we were having a pleasant, quiet evening.

Just after 10pm, George and Amanda arrived. Predictably, she had dragged him off to see the film that I had gone to see with Pete a couple of weeks ago. Debbie nudged me in the ribs with her eyes gesturing towards the door. I turned and looked. Both seemed a little the worse for wear already, as Amanda gripped on to George’s arm as they approached the bar. I tried to ignore it and we went on chatting as if nothing had happened. But I still needed to glance over now and again.

Initially I didn’t think they had spotted us, but Amanda caught my eye.

“George, there’s Alex! Let’s go and join her,” she spoke loud enough, that most of the bar could hear her. They walked over to our table. Our guests, being the courteous and nice people they were, got up and gave them their seats. I really wish they hadn’t.

Amanda and George sat down; the usual pleasantries were exchanged. We asked if they had enjoyed the film. I just wanted to get out of there and away from HER.

“Debbie, I’m going for a cigarette, you coming?” I asked picking up my bag. I stood.

“I’ll catch up with you. I need to go to the loo.”

We both left the table at the same time. I stepped outside the pub, my heels clicking loudly. In the still summer night, there was only one other smoker outside the pub, an elderly gentleman who said “Hello,” and continued his smoke. I flicked open the catch of my bag, and took out the pack of cigarettes. Taking one out, I lit it. Inhaling deeply, I wrapped my arms just below my chest, cradling my arm holding the cigarette. I held my hand down to avoid smoke going in my eyes.

The door opened and out stumbled Amanda.

“Shit!” I angrily thought as I looked down and blew a cloud of smoke at my feet.

“Oh there you are!” she muttered, fumbling with a fresh pack of cigarettes to get the foil wrapper off. She eventually managed it, and began to search through her bag for her lighter. Being the more sober, I opened my bag and took out my lighter and offered her a light. The flame sparked to life as she edged forward and put the tip of her cigarette to the flame.

“I just though you should be the first to know…” she announced. “Me and George got engaged tonight.” She flashed her hand in my direction. My stomach sank to my ankles as I took her hand and stared at the ring on her finger. There was silence before I spoke.

“Eh… congratulations.” I stammered, not meaning a word of course.

“Well, I guess that means you won’t need to stick around for much longer.” she smiled while taking a draw from her cigarette.

“Maybe not.” I softly replied as I dropped my ciggie and crushed it out before leaving her standing there and went back inside the pub.

As I walked in Debbie was just about to join me.

“You Ok? You look a bit pale.”

“I’m fine” I replied, a bit upset, as I passed her and moved back to the table.

“I gather congratulations are in order?” I announced to George as I sat down.

“Oh she told you then? I asked her not to. I wanted to tell you myself.” He frowned.

“She did that.”

“Well, it won’t be for a while yet.”

“I’m not sure if it should be ever.” I forcefully picked up my glass and took another sip of my drink.

“Look. I know you don’t like Amanda, not many people do. But you will be going home soon and I need somebody to keep me on the straight and narrow” he said.

“And what about what Melissa needs?”

“She’s my daughter. I think I know best.” He answered, a touch of anger in his voice

“Yeah she IS your daughter. But… I’m not so sure you know what’s best for her.”

Just at that point, Debbie and Amanda returned. I could see a look of disgust on Debbie’s face.

“What are you two gossiping about?” Amanda accused as she began to sit down.

“Eh, nothing” I replied. Just then, Amanda’s hand hit my glass containing my vodka and coke and depositing it all over my white skirt.

“FUCK YOU Amanda!” I vehemently spat.

“Oh… sorry”

I got up.

“We’d better be going Debbie, and get this washed before it stains.” I glared at both Amanda and George, stepping back from the table. Debbie got up, picking up my bag,

“See you in the morning?” George apologetically looked at me.


“Alex. I’m sorry.” Amanda insecurely spoke as we turned to leave.

“Yeah, I’ll bet!” I gritted my teeth, as I pulled open the door.

Outside I barked at Debbie, “Get a fucking cab!” I lit another cigarette.

“Calm down babe. I’m as annoyed as you are. I never expected them to get engaged.”

“She practically flaunted it in my face!” I fumed, taking a deep draw on the cigarette.

“You wouldn’t expect anything else? She was the same way with me when I was outside,” Debbie offered, as she pressed the numbers to the key pad of her mobile.

“That BITCH knocked that drink over on me on PURPOSE!” I ranted.

“Yeah, I know. Now just calm down, will you? We’ll talk about it over a glass or two at home,” Debbie responded.

As she made the call, I paced around, smoking my cigarette. My mind was in turmoil and my stomach churned at the thought of Amanda being Melissa’s mother.
The cab ride back to Debbie’s was a silent one. Back at her place, Gavin was informed of the night’s event and then we grabbed a bottle of vodka and some mixer’s and headed upstairs so I could change out of my sodden skirt. As we reached the top of the stairs I stopped, “Debbie I just want to check on Melissa”

“She’s fine. She’s asleep” she replied.

“I know, but I just want to check on her anyway.”

I walked to the bedroom that I was sharing with Melissa. Quietly opening the door, I stepped inside. There she lay fast asleep on the little camp bed that Debbie had put up for her. I walked over and gently picked her up. She stirred a little, her eyes opening a semi smile appearing on her face as she recognized me in her sleepy state.

“Hi darling! You ok?” I cooed quietly to her. Her arm tightened around my neck hugging me slightly.

“It will be ok baby! I’ll make sure you’re ok. Now go back to sleep. I’ll be along in a minute” I said as I lowered her back into her bed. Slowly and quietly, I edged away and back out into the hallway.

I found Debbie in her bedroom with some music on a radio as she poured us a drink. From where I stood, she was pouring very generous measures into the two tumblers.

“Here, get that down, you.” she said handing me a glass. I sat on the edge of the bed and Debbie sat beside me. Debbie pulled out her cigarettes and offered me one. We both lit up.

“Well that was a shocker!” she chuckled, blowing a narrow cloud of smoke across the room. I took a large swig from my drink.

“You’re not kidding! How can HE be so stupid? How can HE not see her for what she IS? I tried to talk to him while you were out, but he more or less told me to mind my own business!”

“Yeah, what is it they say about a fool in love?”

Debbie put her drink down and stood up. She opened a dresser drawer and rummaged around.

“Here, wear this.” she said tossing me a black skirt. I stood up, unzipped the skirt and took it off, before pulling on the skirt Debbie gave me.

“Here give me that skirt,” she offered, as I handed the damp skirt to her.

“I’ll just go and put it in the wash basket. We can wash it properly in the morning.”

She left the room I took another drink from my glass, the alcohol beginning to take an effect on me. I took a long drag from my cigarette and exhaled the smoke up into the air. I thought about tonight: the announcement, the sleeping child along the corridor, and what would happen to her. Amanda was only really interested in the money and George; Melissa would be packed away to some boarding school at the first opportunity. Tears began to form in my eyes. I began to cry in earnest and covered my face.

The door opened.

“Babes, don’t cry!” Debbie comforted me as she came to my side. Her arm encircled my shoulders, then pulled me to her.

I could feel my shoulder press deeply against her breasts, their heat on my arm. I continued to cry, my sobbing getting stronger.

“It’ll be ok” she whispered lovingly.

“Howw’s it going to be ok?”

“It will. I promise. You’ll see.” She planted a kiss on my forehead as I continued to cry. She caressed my cheek as she did so.

“You still have me and Gavin.”

“Y-yyeah… but…”

“But nothing!” she retorted. I became aware of her other hand stroking my thigh, moving across the top and resting on my knee. Her hand moved upward. I sat transfixed and still sobbing a bit. Her long nails flicked and tickled at the inside of my thigh and I could feel myself growing hard.

“It’s ok” she said again. “You’ve got me.”

Her hand moved higher under the skirt.

I looked up at her face, really close now; edging closer. Her lips met mine. Startled, I began to open my mouth to say something, but her tongue darted quickly inside. I responded slightly as my tongue met hers. Our lipstick coated mouths merged as one. She continued kneading my thigh as the intensity of the kiss increased. I suddenly pushed her away.

“No Debbie! We CAN’T do this!”

I looked to see Gavin standing in the doorway, watching us.

I pushed myself up off the bed and fled; pushing past Gavin. I bolted along the hall as fast as I could in my heels, and secured myself in the guest bedroom. I collapsed on the bed, kicking off my heels. I drew myself up into a somewhat fetal position and began to cry softly again. It was some time, before I managed to undress and slip under the covers to try and get some sleep.

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