Safe at First Ch. 4


Danni and her family come to grips with all the changes that have occured. Along the way she even has the opportunity to help Gina.


Safe at First Ch. 4


Paula Dillon

Danni and Debbie were excited as they headed to the airport. It had been a long two months since they left Mom to visit Aunt Michelle. Michelle was also excited to see her sister and was anxious for her to see her children. They both had matured very nicely Michelle thought.

Danni had insisted that they dress to the nines when they went to pick up their Mom. All three had gone to a salon and had their hair done; Danni and Debbie looked so precious. Danni’s hair was done in a French twist with lots of tight curls hanging from it, she looked like she was fit to go to a prom or formal dance but it looked good on her. Debbie’s hair was done in a French braid that stylish but very mature. Michelle had a soft wave permanent that left her hair full of body and shine in a page boy.

Their clothing was outstanding. Danni wore a two piece suit in a black pin stripe; the skirt was fitted and hit her at mid thigh. Danni seemed fond of suits instead of some of the flashier teen clothes she could have picked. She also wore off black pantyhose that made her legs look simply divine and black patent leather pumps with a three inch heel made her look older. Danni had done her own makeup, she had gotten very good at it, and she looked very nice. Her eyes were simply beautifully done as she had blended her eye shadows, added mascara, eyeliner, tweezed her brow in a feminine arch and touched them up with a pencil. She looked twenty in many ways. Her nails were professionally done and made her hands look dainty and very feminine.

Not to be out done Debbie was dressed similarly, she wasn’t as suit crazy but her dress fit her nicely. It was her little black dress that had spaghetti straps a square neck and an inverted-V hemline. It was a little more risqué than Michelle liked, but she looked good in it and after all she wasn’t going out with a guy looking like that. Debbie wore pumps with only an inch and a half heel, but they were so pretty on her feet.

Michelle dressed in a suit also. She often wore them to meetings and such and she fit in nicely with the kids. She was very happy at how they all looked.

Danni tried so hard to fit in. It was easy for her to see the changes the hormones had done to her body. She still needed the breast forms but her waist, hips, face and skin texture were showing the changes she was going through.

They parked in the short term lot at the airport and made their way to terminal. Watching Danni walk it would have been hard to believe that she had been a boy in April. She had a very feminine walk, not overstated but nice.

They checked the monitors and found the gate Barbra would be arriving at. They went as far as security would allow them to go and waited for her to appear. They were about fifteen minutes early so they had to wait as passengers from several other planes deplaned. They gave each other a once over to make sure they all looked good.

The wait was unbearable as they watched the passengers come down the hall. Everyone held their collective breath as another group of passengers come their way. It seemed like it took forever and then they saw Barbra coming their way. Danni ran to her Mom when she passed the security gate shouting, “Momma!”

Barbra heard her shout and it took a few seconds to realize that the person shouting was her Danni, and shouted, “Danni!?!” She dropped her carry on and bent down to catch her daughter. It didn’t take long for their makeup to be streaked and smudged but they were elated. Debbie and Michelle joined in the group hug. They were all like little girls meeting their long lost friends.

It took them several seconds before they realized that a camera flash was going off and they turned to see that Stephanie had come too and was taking everybody’s picture. Danni saw her and ran over to her and hugged her also.

“Dr. Stephanie! It is so good seeing you too.” Danni said. Her eyes sparkling as she looked at her friend.

“It is so good seeing you to Danni, you look great girl.”

“Thank you Ma’am you look super too. I have missed you and Mom so much but I have learned so much.”

“I can see that, now go back to your Mom, she has missed being with you so much.”

Danni did that. They all cried as they were so happy to be together again. Soon they all gathered their composure and got Barbra’s and Stephanie’s carry on bags. They headed to the luggage carousel after stopping off at the ladies room to take care of their business and to fix their faces. It took quite awhile as Danni’s face needed a lot of work. The girls just stood there watching her as she made herself gorgeous. They all applauded her work.

“My, how you have grown so much,” Barbra said.

It was true Danni had grown an inch and a half in height and the hormones were putting flesh on her in all the right places.

“Yes she has hasn’t she, and she looks so happy too Barbra,” Stephanie added.

“You two won’t believe how much she has changed,” Michelle said.

“I am glad to hear that, I was so worried about her. She seems to have done a good job down here. It might have been so hard on her back home but she has really blossomed here. Don’t you think so Barbra?” Stephanie asked.

“Yes she has. I have missed her and Debbie so much.”

Finally presentable, they all left to pick up their luggage and headed to Aunt Michelle’s car.

“Why did you come here Dr. Stephanie?” Danni asked.

“I wanted to have one group session with all of you and your current doctor. I also wanted to ask you to do a favor for me, Danni. Plus this is a great vacation for me too. It’s a working vacation that I can deduct as a business expense.”

“You're staying with us, aren’t you,” Danni asked.

“I haven’t planned on it. I don’t want to intrude.”

“You must stay with us Stephanie,” Michelle insisted, “I have plenty of room in my house. I insist and it will give you a better opportunity to observe everybody.”

“Ok, you have talked me into it.”

With Stephanie’s acquiescence, the car full of women headed to Michelle’s home. The kids told their Mom about everything that had happened since they had been down here. Stephanie made mental notes of what was said and what she heard as she listened.

“Oh my, you certainly do have plenty of room,” Stephanie said as they drove up to Michelle’s home.

“Yes, my husband was in aerospace stuff. He died in an experimental aircraft he built for himself, four years ago and left me well enough off.”

Michelle got everyone situated in their own bedroom. The kids took their Mom in the bedroom nearest Michelle and Stephanie in a bedroom further down the hall.

Michelle then asked, “Would you two like to rest before dinner?”

“That sounds very nice.” Stephanie said.

The kids gravitated to their Mom’s room.

“Danni, I can’t believe how well you look and adjusted dear. What has been happening?” Barbra asked.

Danni gave her a condensed version of what had gone on. Barbra was impressed with her candor and openness; it was so unlike the old Danny. They talked for about thirty minutes.

“Mom, I am going to check on Dr. Stephanie, I will leave you with Debbie.” Danni said sensing that her sister needed some Mom time too.

Debbie and Mom hugged Danni, as she left to go to Stephanie’s room.

Danni knocked on Stephanie’s door. She opened it and invited Danni in. They sat on the bed and had a long chat about things; Stephanie was very interested on how Danni was doing.

“Danni, I would like you to do me a favor. I know you are going to go to school here this fall but I want you to come back with me for a few days and talk to Gina. Things have been hard for her. I want to show her that you have come out good. I am not suggesting that you come out to everyone but I think it would help her to see that not everything turned out so badly. She needs a reason to keep on going right now.”

“How is she Doc?”

“She is better than she was right after the attack, but it seems like she just wants to give up on life Danni. She still worries about what she did to you. It would really help her if she saw that she didn’t ruin your life.”

“If it is ok with Mom and I get back before school starts. I guess it would be good.”

“Thank you Danni, I know this has all been so hard on you, but you are really shinning now girl.”

The phone rang and Danni was the first to answer. “Hello. Oh hi Heather, sure I can watch Angela if she can go out to eat with us. My Mom and a friend came down and we are going out to eat. Sure she can still go with us. Just get her in a nice dress. Ok, your welcome.”

“I need to go tell Mom and Aunt Michelle that Angela will be going with us.”

“Who is Angela?”

“Oh you’ll just love Angela; she is Heather’s six year old daughter. She is such a sweet kid.”

Stephanie just had to smile as Danni left. She had turned out so well. She was just a typical teenage girl in so many ways, but more mature in other ways.

Danni, Michelle and Barbra were at the door as Heather dropped off Angela. Angela ran to Danni and jumped into her arms. She was dressed in a pretty pink, white and blue party dress. Heather talked with Barbra and Michelle as Danni took Angela to the TV room.

“Hello Heather, I am Barbra; Danni and Debbie are my children.”

“I just love your children Barbra, especially Danni. She is such a sweet girl and Angela loves her a lot.”

“I can see that, Danni is special but I love both my children.”

“I know what you mean; I wouldn’t trade any of my kids away. Kimmie, my other daughter is just as important to me as Angela. Well I got to get on the road I have a meeting to go to and I hope you don’t mind keeping Angela for me?”

“No, if Danni wants her to be with us then it is ok with me,” Barbra said.

Danni was having fun with Angela. They were watching a cartoon movie on TV. You couldn’t get a piece of paper in between the two and Angela’s face was beaming with a smile as she was held.

Soon Michelle informed them that it was time to get ready for dinner. Angela went to Danni’s room to help her get ready. Danni was still nicely dressed from earlier and just needed to fix her face. Angela watched as Danni cleaned off her old makeup and redid her face. She even put a spot of makeup on Angela just a little foundation, powder, some pink lipstick and some pink nail polish. Danni put the pink lipstick in her purse along with her coral blush lipstick and they met the others by the front door.

Barbra fawned over little Angela. “Such a pretty little girl you are and I see you like my little girl too.”

“Danni is my friend; I love her lots and lots.”

Danni told her, “I love you lots and lots too Angela.”

They all climbed into Michelle’s car and buckled up Angela in the back between Danni and Stephanie. They drove to a very nice restaurant. Danni told Angela that she had to be on her best behavior and act like a little lady. Angela promised that she would.

They had a wonderful meal Barbra was mesmerized by how both her children had matured and how well Danni and Angela got along. They chatted amiably away while they ate. Angela imitated everything that Danni did at the table, trying to look proper. It was easy to see the child adored Danni.

“Angela you are such a pretty and proper little lady,” Barbra said.

“Thank you Ma’am, I try.”

“Yes you are, and you’re doing a very good job. Danni she is so sweet.”

“She has a big sister named Kimberly; she is on the softball team I am working with. Angela is like the mascot for the team.”

“Tell me Danni, what are you doing with the softball team?” Stephanie asked.

“Well I help out as an equipment manager and also help in practices, you know mostly fielding, throwing and hitting the ball for them, oh I keep score sheets for them too. I am only about 90% recovered now but I am doing better.”

“How are you getting along with the other kids Danni?” she asked.

“Great, I was surprised at how things went. Angela was responsible for a lot of it weren’t you.”

Angela frowned a little, “I said I was sowwy Danni.”

“I wasn’t complaining dear, I was just explaining how you helped me make friends with the whole team. You see Stephanie, she wandered on the field during practice. I went to get her so she wouldn’t be hurt and the coach hit a screaming line drive that would have hit Angela in the head. I dove for the ball and caught it bare handed and threw the ball home.”

“Danni dun weal good,” Angela said smiling and giggling.

“I say she did Heather, Angela’s Mom, whom ya’ll already met, brought Danni home. Her hand was red and sore. Minutes later my whole home had thirty, forty, I don’t know maybe fifty people in it. Everyone was saying what a hero Danni was. They ordered pizza and drinks and we sort of had a party,” Michelle added. “They even cleaned my home before they left. What Danni left out was she caught the ball inches away from Angela’s head; she rolled and threw a bullet home. It was like she was playing in some big league game.”

“Oh my, I can see why the people love you here,” Barbra said.

“I see a pattern to you Danni, I am glad I got a chance to get to know you,” Stephanie said. “You see a problem and without thinking about it you react without concern for your own health, to help other people. Would you say that, that is an accurate assumption?”

“I guess your right. I just do what needs to be done.”

“Yes you do Danni. Yes you do.” Stephanie said.

The women finished their meal and headed back home. Danni and Angela went to finish the cartoon movie and the rest went to the kitchen for coffee and conversation. Stephanie told the rest what she has planned for them. She had been in contact with Dr. Valerie Tanner, everybody’s psychiatrist down here about having a group session with everyone present to go over issues that each person was facing. She also talked about Danni coming back for a few days to see Gina before school starts. Barbra wasn’t thrilled about having Danni come back to visit Gina, but Stephanie persuaded her to allow it.

“Michelle does Heather know about Danni?”

“No, but Danni told Coach Amy and Vice Principal Myra Kingston knows. Danni told them basically everything.” Michelle said. “It doesn’t look like there will be any problems. In fact they seemed to have made things easier.”

“That is good, the fewer people that know the better. She shouldn’t have to explain herself or to justify herself to everybody. I am impressed with her recovery so far.”

Heather picked up Angela and everybody went on to bed.

Danni rose first the next morning. She got dressed in a skort and blouse, and went downstairs to fix breakfast. She whipped up some pancake batter and cooked sausage for pigs in blankets. Debbie came down, started the coffee and OJ. Michelle came down, set the table placing strawberry preserves and real maple syrup on the table. Lastly Barbra and Stephanie made their way down as Danni finished cooking. Everyone dug in and had a wonderful breakfast.

“I have a surprise for everyone,” Michelle said, “Including you Stephanie if you like; I have three day passes for everyone at Disney World. It is only an hour drive from here, so we can go there, get three rooms and have some fun.”

“I think that is wonderful,” Stephanie said, “I have never been there, but you have got to let me pay for myself. I can use it for a business deduction. When we get back we can have our little group session.”

The others agreed that it was a good idea. They all pitched in cleaning up from breakfast and headed to their rooms to pack their bags for a trip. Danni called Heather and told her she would be out of town with her Mom and Sis. In an hour all the arrangements were made. Michelle got her Suburban out of the garage. They packed it with all they needed and hit the road.

It was good to see Barbra letting go with her kids. She began to realize that things would really be ok with her family and her world really hadn't come to an end. This trip was a real healing experience for her. Debbie and Danni really got along well. They interacted a lot seeing that they soon would be separated at least until Christmas. They all found out that Stephanie was a bit of a prankster and an instigator. She fitted in so well with them.

In three days they went on about a hundred rides, caught four shows, and played about a thousand games it seemed. They swam, they played and they all let loose. They were more of a family than they had been in ages. It seemed like they were five kids rather than two kids and three adults.

It was a completely tired group that headed back to Michelle’s home. Everybody retreated to their own rooms for a nap before dinner. Stephanie made a couple of calls before she laid down for her nap. She called Dr. Tanner and arranged for her to come here for a group session the day after tomorrow. She also called her personal answering service to check for her messages. She was very pleased with all that had gone on down here so far.

The time they all spent together went by rapidly. They were a big family again. Michelle loved being with her sister and all the love and affection that Barbra received lifted her spirits. It almost seemed like it never happened except for the present makeup of that family.

Dr. Tanner showed up early on the date of their session. She and Dr. Thompson were together comparing notes before the group session. Valerie was very impressed by her colleague’s impressions and the stories she related of their mutual vacation. When they were both satisfied they went to get the others together.

They all met in the living room. Valerie started the session by explaining what they were trying to accomplish. They wanted each person to basically tell the rest whatever they wanted them to know. What they felt, what they believed, what they wanted in life and such.

“Danni, since you are the main character in this drama, I would like you to start by telling us what you remember from the incident and we will go on from there,” Valerie started.

“Well it started as me, my sister Debbie and a neighbor Shelley were going home after a ball game. As we were crossing a field I heard a muffled scream coming from behind the bleachers. I saw three boys, one was holding someone down, another was you know I don’t really want to describe what he was doing. Is that ok?”

“He was raping a girl, that is all we need to know Danni.” Valerie said.

“Yes and the third one was standing, getting ready to switch places, I think. I ran over there taking my bat. These guys were big; a lot bigger than I was, but for some reason I wasn’t afraid. I don’t know but it seemed they were moving in slow motion and I was in hyper drive. I hit the guy standing first. I hit him with the bat at his knee. I could hear the bones crushing when I hit him. He went down fast.”

“The second guy I hit was the one who was holding the girl down. He started to stand after I hit the first guy. I swung the bat like a gold club and caught him in the crotch. I remember his expression as my bat hit; it was horrible. I still see his face sometimes.”

“The third guy was in a bit of a fix. His pants were at his knees and prevented him standing too fast. He looked pissed that I had interrupted him. But I turned and caught him with the bat in the rib cage. I felt the bat hit him and sink into his side some and heard his ribs crack.”

“I looked around at the boys lying there, they weren’t moving much so I dropped my bat. I looked over to the girl lying there. It was Gina Thompson but I would never have guessed it was her. She was bleeding from the nose and her clothes were all ripped up. I wanted to help her but didn’t know what to do, so I walked over to her and reached out my hand. I wanted to help her stand.”

“I don’t remember much after that until a few days later. By then everything was over with and my life had taken a drastic change.”

“For a long time I hated everything that happened to me. I hated what I became and how I now looked. I know that nothing will ever be like it was but I have begun to accept how things will be.”

“That was very good Danni. Tell us how you feel about all the people involved, the guys, the girl, your sister, and your Mom?”

“I hate the guys who started all this happening. I can’t help it but I hate them. I know what happened to them and I can’t feel sorry for them.”

“I was a little mad at Gina. I didn’t really understand why she did what she did, but I don’t blame her so much for what happened. I know now that she was in shock and only reacted to the things that were happening around her. She just saw what she thought was another threat and reacted to that threat. I guess.”

“Debbie she saved my life. If she had not called 911 when she did things could have been a lot worse for me, or so the doctors told me. I love her a lot.”

“Mom did what she had to do. I know she had a lot of hard choices to make and not a whole lot of time to make. I sort of remember being in a daze and people telling me a lot of things. I think it was at this time that I first saw Stephanie but I am not sure, and I sorta remembering telling my Mom that I trusted her decisions. Now I am thankful for the choices she made.”

“Tell us what you remember from your recovery Danni?” Valerie asked.

“Well like I said, it was several days later before the fog my brain was in lifted. My first recollection was I hurt. Then I saw Mom and Debbie there. They looked awful. I could see the worry in their faces and I tried to be strong for them. That is when I really remember Dr. Stephanie also. I liked her very much. Everyone was so much help to me; the doctors and nurses and everyone else. It was amazing seeing all the flowers, balloons and such all over the room.”

“Even Gina came into my room. She looked like death warmed over. I could tell she was afraid of me and for me. It was like she took two steps forward, one step back. She apologized for what she had done. I learned that it was Gina who had done the damage to me. I tried to be strong for her, but inside I was pissed at her too.

“It seemed that I was in the hospital forever, it was only ten days, they told me. A whole bunch of people were at my home when we arrived there. The whole baseball team my friends and neighbors were all there. It felt great that they all came there for me. I was glad that they didn’t know all that happened to me. I was afraid of how they would react if they knew. Nobody did though and they were all great.”

“Lots of kids came by my house. My teachers did too. They all helped me catch up on my school work and helped me pass all my classes.”

“When and why did you decide to transition to being a girl?”

“Well it was during one of my talks with Dr. Stephanie. She emphasized that I needed to be on hormones either male or female to continue to grow and such. I was never a big guy. The doctors told me that I was pre-pubescent. Is that right Stephanie?” Danni asked.

Dr. Thompson nodded her head to Danni’s question.

“I would never be a normal guy. I couldn’t even shower with guys anymore at school. Dr. Stephanie and I went over the pros and cons over and over again. It seemed that the only way to have a normal life would be to become a girl. It wasn’t my first choice, but I guess it was my best choice. I cried a lot before and after I made that choice. I hid it as much as I could but I know my Mom and sister knew it. We had a family meeting with Dr. Stephanie there and I told them what I wanted. We talked for hours that day. I wasn’t sure about it even after I said it but looking back I know it was right. Now I am legally Danni Marie Webster.”

Everyone but Valerie and Stephanie was crying by this time. Michelle had made sure though that there were plenty of boxes of tissues there.

“Okay that is enough form you for now Danni, we will get back to you though. Now Debbie it is your turn.

Debbie started the story from her point of view. “I was pissed at having to be there for my brother. I don’t like sports at all, but Mom always insisted that we come home after Danni’s games together. Shelley and I sat in the bleachers at the baseball field while the game was going on. That was the only thing that made it bearable to me. Shelley is my best friend back home and our neighbor. We met Daniel at the door to the locker room and left for the walk home. We heard the noise a muffled scream and Daniel was off. I always walked home with a cell phone in my hands. I had 911 on speed dial. Mom insisted that I always carry my phone. Well when he dropped his glove and shoes before heading over to where the noise came I hit my 911 speed dial. I told the operator that I thought there was a rape going on under the bleachers by the football field. He kept me online as he notified the authorities and while my brother was doing his thing. I nearly came unglued when I saw Daniel go down. I ran to him while I was talking to the operator. I don’t know what happened, I think I threw the phone down to help Daniel. He was out cold and I couldn’t see well enough to tell he was bleeding.”

“The police and the EMT’s arrived fast. They started checking everybody. I really came unglued when that stupid cop cuffed my brother. I don’t know but I believed I started beating on that cop. They wouldn’t listen to me and I was livid. They wouldn’t let me ride with Daniel in the ambulance. Finally a detective came and listened to my story. He called the other cops on the radio and told them what he thought. Somewhere in all that I found my phone and called Mom, I told her what happened. She came and picked me and Shelley up and drove us to the hospital. Mom raised total hell with the nurse at the desk till they let her back to where Daniel was. I wanted to go too so I screamed and shouted till I was given some kind of injection and wow I didn’t know what was going on for a while.”

“What do you feel about what has happened Debbie?” Valerie asked.

“I blamed myself for a lot of what happened. Daniel getting hurt, him being cuffed too and him having to go through all that surgery.”

“Do you think it was realistic, that this was all your fault?”

“No, but I can’t help the way I felt. All though he was my little brother and he was a pain in the butt at times, I still loved him. When he got hurt I felt that I let him down.”

“How do you feel about all the changes that have been made?” Valerie asked.

“At first it made me feel even worse although I tried not to show it. It seemed like he had a little reluctance to the changes at first. It showed in the little things he did. He tried to act strong but I could tell he was in upset over the changes. It hurt me that he was being forced to do something he dreaded.”

“It wasn’t to long though I think he started to accept those changes and I felt better. I did everything I could to make him feel accepted by me and my friends. I even twisted some arms of people who he wanted to see but were a little afraid too.”

“When he started on female hormones I tried to teach him all sort of girl things. He soaked it up like a sponge and I could almost swear he liked it. It was at this time I really started treating her as my kid sister instead of my brother. I can’t believe how close we have grown and how much she has matured since then. I love Danni so much and I am glad she is my sister.”

“Thank you Debbie. Now I want to hear from Michelle since she has also been seeing me about this. Then I will let Dr. Thompson work with Barbra for a while. Now Michelle, tell us what you know?” Valerie asked.

“Well I guess it was about a week after it all happened, before Barbra called me. I wanted to drop everything to come up there to be with her but she talked me out of it. I feel I should have anyway. She went over what happened to Danni and how she felt. I just let her cry to me over the phone. It was so hard to be so far away when I realized how my sister was hurting. We talked almost daily after that for the next month or so. You should have seen my phone bill. I at least made her call me collect or I called her most of the time. I think our chats made her feel better. I guess it was the middle of May when I called her and she told me that Danni was going to transition.”

“I knew the implications of a boy becoming a girl in the community he grew up in. I started planning for Danni to come here and to start school here the next fall. She didn’t say it out loud but I think that was on Barbra’s mind too. She was just afraid to ask it. We both wanted to protect Danni as much as was possible.”

“I finally broached the subject with Barbra. She admitted that she wanted that to happen she just didn’t know how to ask it of me. I love both of her kids and would do anything for them. They usually come here once a summer for a vacation lasting two or three weeks. I talked her into sending them here at the beginning of the summer. It would give Danni the greatest chance of making friends with the kids she would be going to school with. I had two bedrooms cleaned and painted in girl’s fashion and had furniture that was appropriate for girls their ages. I had everything ready for them when they got here.”

“I was excited when I saw the kids. It was easy to see that they were both scared and hurt when they arrived but they were also happy to be here. Poor Danni he really was like a boy in a skirt when he first got here. He tried hard though and as the meds did their work on his head. With your help and a whole lot of love Danni began to blossom. I talked with Barbra almost daily although she only talked to the kids every few days or so. She wanted to know everything the kids were doing. She was so excited when I told her about what happened at the ball field and about all the friends that Danni had made that day.”

“It was after that that we made plans firm plans for Danni to go to school here. Barbra thought though that it wouldn’t be fair to Debbie to make her change schools in her senior year. I had to agree with her. It would also make Danni have to stand on her own two feet for Debbie to go back to Texas while she went to school here. I think that is right also.”

“I will do whatever it takes to help Danni, Debbie and my sister Barbra.”

“Ok Dr. Thompson, your turn.”

“Ok Barbra, we have heard from your children and your sister. I know this is hard on you. It was harder on you than the others know, but we need to hear from you.”

“I will remember that day for the rest of my life. I had had a hard day at work and I was relaxing at home when Debbie called. She was awfully confusing at first. I had a hard time understanding her, she was shouting in the phone. What I did understand was Daniel was hurt, there was a rape and he was being cuffed. I finally got Debbie to tell me where she was and I went and picked her up and drove to the hospital. There were several in the area and it was only luck that I drove to the one where Daniel was. I came close to tearing that nurse a new… Well I won’t say the word I was going to say but to say the least I was very upset the nurse wouldn’t tell me where my son was and let me see him. When I got a chance to see him my heart almost stopped. They had him on an exam table and his feet were in stirrups. The doctors were feverishly trying to stop his bleeding. It was then that I realized how close Danni came to dying.”

“I remember getting on Terri Anderson’s case when she came up to me. It was her daughter Gina who had hurt my Danni. My claws came out if you know what I mean. I was mad at the world. I could have killed the boys who raped Gina. It was their fault all this had happened. It was good I didn’t see Gina until I had a chance to cool down. It was like my whole world was ending for a while.”

“Doctors talked to me about things but I was in a daze too much to intelligently speak about what they said. I just know that I had to make decisions that affected my children’s lives and none of us were really equipped to make those decisions at the time.”

“Everything seemed to be going in a direction I had no control over. I was just an observer not a participant. I had failed as a parent to protect my children. I wasn’t worthy of the responsibility of my own children. I wanted to die for a while.”

“I grew old in a hurry but I also grew stronger. I realized both of my kids would need me to be there for them. My boss was great. He gave me as much time as I needed before I came back to work and he still paid me. Since their father had died two years ago I have been very protective of my kids and I realized that they needed me more now than ever. That is what kept me alive. I couldn’t die and not be there to help my kids.”

“Since they have been here in Florida it has been very hard on me I still needed to work. Work was good for me. It got my problems off my mind for long periods of time. I was overjoyed to hear from Michelle. She was my life line; she gave me strength to go on.”

“I know now we are going to make it. Debbie is going to go home with me and Danni is going to go to school here. Next summer I am going to sell the home in Texas and move here. Hopefully Debbie will come here to go to college. Michelle and I are working out the details right now. Michelle has been so good to me.”

They all continued talking. They went on for about four hours. When Stephanie and Valerie finally called an end to it, the four girls had a big group hug and cried on each others shoulders. It had been a good session and both doctors were pleased with the way things went.

Stephanie and Valerie went out and had a drink so they could decompress and share notes. Most people don’t realize how draining a session like that is to their psychiatrists. Many of them see other psychiatrists to share their loads within the limits of their professional restraints. They were good together and for each other.

It was late when Stephanie got back to Michelle’s home. Danni was there to let her in even before she could knock. Danni just hugged her and said thanks as they walked hand in hand towards Stephanie’s room. Danni kissed her cheek before she left her at her room.

The next day everybody made plans to go back to Texas. Michelle refused to stay in Florida while the others returned and she made everyone’s travel plans. What good is money if you can’t spend it to help your family?

Michelle thought it best if everyone stayed in a hotel for Dr. Thompson’s next plans. Stephanie had to agree with that idea. They didn’t really want to alert the whole town that Danni was back. It was agreed that the kids’ closest friends could be notified and invited over after they had had their session with Gina and Terri. Michelle planned for her and Danni to spend three days there to get what they wanted to bring back and say their goodbyes, before they returned to Florida.

Finally, they were all packed up and a limousine came to pick them up. They headed to the airport and caught their flight back to Texas.

Stephanie had to leave them at the airport in Houston. Her Jag just couldn’t accommodate them all. Michelle rented a Lincoln Towncar and drove them to their hotel. They shared two rooms. Michelle and Danni were in one room and Barbra and Debbie in the other. Tomorrow morning they would meet Terri and Gina at Stephanie’s office. They were all exhausted, so they went to bed early.

The next morning Danni got up early and started working on her appearance. She didn’t usually dress frilly, she liked a conservative look but today she wanted to look as feminine as possible. She was excited and scared about what was going to happen today. She fixed her hair with tons of curls and fullness. Then she got herself into her green satin corset, nude color stockings and a matching panty. Then she dressed in a Kelly green chiffon dress with ankle strap pumps with a three inch heel that matched the dress. It was not really appropriate for wear this early in the day but she looked really great in it. Her makeup was impeccable, she had used every trick she had picked from all the girls who had helped her to look great. She added accessories as she deemed appropriate, a heart shape locket that had a picture of her Mom and one of her aunt, her sister and herself in it, a misty green translucent scarf, a few gold bangles, heart shaped drop earrings, and a couple of rings.

She woke her Aunt with a kiss to her cheek and a soft hug.

Michelle woke and rubbed the sleep from her eyes before she looked closely at Danni. She had a big smile on her face as she focused in on her. “Oh my, Danni you look gorgeous dear, you have really set the bar high for the rest of us girls,” Michelle said, “Thank you for that sweet wake up.”

“Your welcome, Auntie. I liked doing it.”

The hotel rooms the four shared were adjoining rooms and had a door connecting them. Danni then went into her Mom’s and Debbie’s room and gently woke them with a hug and a kiss.

Everyone got up and started getting ready for the day. Michelle asked Danni to call room service and order breakfast for everyone. She found the hotel menu and made selections for everyone. She had learned well since becoming a girl what everyone’s favorite breakfast was. Before the changes she'd never really paid that any attention, but now it seemed important to her. She had learned to pay attention to details like never before.

Their food arrived to Michelle’s room as the rest of the family was finishing getting ready. They praised Danni on her thoughtfulness as they sat to eat. They took their time eating; Danni had to eat slowly because of the corset. That was one benefit to wearing it, other than the nice figure it gave her, her posture and the enhancement to her bust. She really cared how she looked now, and finally understood what her Mom and sister went through to look nice.

Her good looks seemed to bring cheer to the rest of her family, too. They understood that she accepted that this was a part of her and that she was happy like this.

They finished eating, fixed their faces, and checked their appearances before heading out. It was Danni’s first time out in her home town dressed as such. She knew she would be running into people that had known her as Daniel, but she didn’t let that bother her. She was as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs, but she went out proudly and held her head up high. The four of them grabbed lots of attention. Barbra and Debbie even got calls of recognition from the people they passed. They would stop and be pleasant, Barbra would introduce her sister and niece to them and then they would move on. Nobody saw a boy pretending to be a girl.

They made it to Stephanie’s office; her receptionist led the foursome right in to see her. Stephanie was too stunned to speak at first. She had wanted Danni to look nice, but she was beyond description.

“Danni you look great. I never expected you to look this good.”

“Thank you Ma’am, but everyone here looks good too, even yourself.”

“Thank you Danni. I want ya’ll to move into the other office and wait there. Gina and Terri will be here shortly. I want to talk to them for a few minutes and then I will bring Danni in and then the rest of you. Ok?”

They all followed Dr. Stephanie into another room. It was comfortable but a little plain compared to her office. They sat patiently and waited for the call. Danni picked up a copy of Today’s Girl and started thumbing through it. She wasn’t really reading it but she used it to keep her mind occupied.

After about twenty minutes the tension in the room was so thick, you could cut it with a knife. They were about to despair that they would be in there forever when the door opened and Dr. Stephanie entered. She spoke briefly to them, telling them that it was time. Danni and Stephanie entered her office. Terri and Gina sat in front of the desk.

“Gina I told you I had someone I wanted you to meet. I will let her introduce herself.”

Gina had a strange frightened look on her face, not one of recognition. Terri just looked confused.

“Hello Gina, I know you might not believe it but we do know each other. I don’t know how to say it any other way than except to say that I am Danni.”

Terri realized first who it was that stood before them. She gasped before her breath caught in her throat. Gina looked more confused for several seconds.

“Yes Gina, I am Danni Grant. I use to be Daniel.”

“Is this some kinda sick joke Dr. Thompson,” Gina shouted.

Gina’s face was filled with rage and anger. Everyone included Terri was shocked at her outburst except for Danni.

“No Gina, it is not a sick joke,” Danni said, “This is what I have become and I am happy with who I am now. My injuries were so severe I had little choice but to become as I am. I hold no ill will to anyone over it; not even against you Gina. I wanted you to see that I am well and that I am ok with what I have become. I wanted you to know that you can become whole too, to go on with no regrets in life.”

Gina sat and looked at Danni quietly for several minutes. Danni just smiled at the girl before her. The silence was deafening as seconds went by like hours. Finally Gina broke into tears and jumped up and flung herself into Danni’s arms. She cried on Danni’s shoulders for several minutes in a hug that made the corset seem too loose. Danni just let her cry. She could feel her let go of her hate, fear and anger.

Terri was amazed; her daughter was more animated than she had been since before her attack. Gina had seemingly crawled into a hole and pulled the hole in behind her. Now Gina seemed to be emerging from that hole. This remarkable person, Danni, it seemed had saved her daughter again. Stephanie moved the two girls over to her couch and had them sit down. Gina still clung to Danni.

Dr. Stephanie brought in the rest of the family. Terri and Barbra hugged and looked upon their daughters. After what seemed like an hour but was really only about fifteen minutes, the two girls started talking. At first their conversations seemed a little stilted, but as time went on they became more comfortable talking together. They talked like no one else was in the room. They began to sound like teenage girls talking.

Soon the others started talking. Danni had to relate to everyone what she had gone through and how she felt. Then Gina started telling everyone what she had gone through. It was like a veil that had lifted from Gina. She still needed more work, but at least she was now headed in the right direction. They parted with a promise from Terri and Gina not to reveal what Danni had shared till she was ready to come out to everyone.

Stephanie let them get themselves together and compose themselves before it was time for them to leave.

It was early in the afternoon when they finally hit the streets again. The four of them got in Michelle’s Lincoln and drove to a nice restaurant. That interview session left them all famished.

“Eat light girls,” Michelle told them, “After something as emotionally draining as that was we need some chocolate therapy.”

“Chocolate therapy?” Danni asked with a little incredulity in her voice.

Michelle leaned close to Danni’s ear and whispered, “It is a girl’s most secret thing to do when emotionally stressed.” She said that as if she was letting Danni in on something that was ultra top secret.

“Yeah Danni, girls get a lot of emotional support from anything chocolate,” Debbie added.

The restaurant was very nice, Mom had never taken the kids to this place before and after looking at menu’s Danni understood why. It wasn’t exactly the most expensive food Danni had ever seen, but it was close to it.

They all looked the place over, Debbie and Barbra even saw some people they knew here. It seemed though that everyone was caught up in their own groups.

Everything at the restaurant went smoothly till it came time to leave. Then Debbie and Danni had gone to the ladies room afterwards to take care of business and fix their faces before leaving. It was there while Danni was still in a stall that she heard.

“Hi Debbie. Are you and your Mom back in town now?”

“Oh hi Christy. Yes we just got in last night. We are staying at the Broderick.”

“That is great. How are ya’ll and how is Danny?”

“We are all doing great. Uh… Danny is doing good, he is still with relatives, and he is still recovering, but my Aunt Michelle Webster and my cousin Marie Webster came back with us for a few days.” Debbie said.

Danni realized that Debbie had used her new middle and last names. She finished getting herself together and exited the stall. As she washed her hands and started to fix her face Debbie exclaimed.

“Oh Marie, you have got to meet one of my friends from high school.”

Danni already knew Christy, she had always been a little aloof from Danny when they were at school but she seemed genuinely interested in meeting Marie. “Hello, you’re Christy right?”

“Yes Christy Allan, Debbie, Danny and I went to school together. We were all so shocked when he got hurt and we couldn’t understand why he had to leave to recover. I have to say I really miss him.”

This was news to Danni she didn’t think anyone would really miss Danny.

“My Marie, but you are hot girl. I love the way you look.”

“Why thank you Christy, I just love that dress on you. You look beautiful in it. Where did you get it?” Danni asked. Christy really did look good in that dress.

“I got it at Nieman Marcus; Mom got it for my birthday. As a matter of fact that is why we are here today.”

“Oh I didn’t know it was your birthday Christy.” Debbie said.

“It is not really, my birthday is this Saturday, but Dad is going out of town for business, so we are celebrating today.”

“Well happy birthday, Christy,” Danni said, “We are in a little of a hurry, but it has been really nice meeting you.”

The girls all hugged and air kissed, before parting.

“You handled yourself well Danni, I think she genuinely likes you,” Debbie said.

“You did ok too, Cousin Debbie.”

“Well it was our cover story for while we are here.”

“She said, she really missed me. She was always so aloof when I was around.”

“Silly that is the way some girls are around someone they like.”

“It is news to me Debbie.”

Barbra and Michelle were waiting patiently for them when they finally showed up. As the four of them were leaving they had to say hello a few times to people they knew and make introductions. Danni passed beautifully with these people. Nobody suspected that she had been a boy.

On the way home they stopped at an ice cream. It was a really retro turn of the century appearing shop. The ice cream was really good there and the waiters and waitresses really hammed it up. They had lots of chocolate. It was good that Danni had the corset on or she would have really had to work off all the weight off. Danni had gained more weight since becoming a girl than she had in the previous year, a product of the hormone therapy.

After ice cream they caught a movie at the local theater. Danni use to like action flicks but now her tastes had changed to more chick flick type films. This left Danni a little confused. She had not really thought about her sexuality yet and she still liked girls. She just didn’t know if it was in the same way she used to feel about them. She also realized that she was starting to notice guys too. It was all so confusing to her; she made a mental note to talk to Valerie about this. Valerie and Stephanie hadn’t brought this up with her yet, Danni guessed that they were waiting for her to broach the subject.

They went to sleep early that night. It had been an emotionally draining day. Tomorrow would not be much better. Several of Debbie’s and Danny’s friends that they agreed to be open with, would be going to spend the day at Six Flags Astro World. Barbra had already talked to the families and informed them how things stood and they had all agreed to keep the secret. There would be Shelley, Paul, Brenda and Arlene. They were mostly Debbie’s friends except for Paul. He had been on the baseball team and was Danni’s closest friend. Danni had also liked Shelley; he had liked her a lot, but had never told her so.

The next day they all dressed comfortably for a long day at the park. Even then Danni looked good. The families all came very early that morning to their hotel rooms for a meeting, a sort of ice breaking session. Danni had been fearful of how they would respond, but they had chosen which friends to tell, a few had actually figured things out themselves.

After the initial introductions had been made and such the kids and olds separated. The kids totally accepted Danni, the parents for the most part did too, but a couple of them were obviously not as comfortable about it as the rest of them. At least they understood the why and they truly seemed like they would do Danni no harm.

Shelley and Paul both seemed to latch on to Danni. She felt very comfortable and uncomfortable at the same time with their attention.

Everyone left for Houston at about nine. They all met up outside the main gates before entering. After receiving money and instructions from their parents the kids went one direction and the olds another.

Danni couldn’t remember having so much fun with these kids before. She was passed among them and had to ride some ride with each of them several times. Paul at times seemed very affectionate, but at least he had made no overt passes nor did he make any inadvertent intimate contact with Danni’s person. They just seemed to fit in well together.

Paul was actually in hog heaven. Here he was with “five world class babes” (his words). He had readily accepted Danni as a girl. That statement brought giggles from the rest.

The kids and the parents met at one of the restaurants in the park for a late lunch before separating for some more fun. Then after dinner there too and everyone thoroughly exhausted, they all called it a day.

The next day Michelle and Danni took Barbra and Debbie home. Danni picked up some things she wanted to take back with them. After a long tearful goodbye, Danni left her old life behind and prepared to begin her new life.

(to be continued)


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