The Tryst

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The Tryst

A lifelong dream and desire to bring to life my alter ego, Sarah, is realised in this autobiographical story. All events herein happened very recently, and has resulted in a different type of story for me. This story is complete.

Dedicated to Lucy, a lifesaver xx

The Tryst
by Pyrite

Part 1. Dressing Up

I was walking in a daze as I crossed the road towards the apartment that I had arranged to be available to us, all those weeks ago. I looked at Rosie as she walked alongside me and smiled. The large bag that she was carrying looked heavy, as was mine, but neither of us cared. It wasn’t far to go and we both had an energy borne out of waiting with eager anticipation for these last two months and knowing that very soon our plans would be completed.

A minute later I was inserting the key into the apartment door and then turning it with trembling hands. I felt so nervous — would the reality be as good as the desire that we had both shared for so long? There was no fear though. I trusted Rosie completely. At that moment I knew instinctively that everything that would happen within the next three hours would be every bit as good as we expected it to be.

“Ok darling, just put the bag over there and start taking off your clothes while I sort myself out” she said, and I paused for a moment as she placed her own bag on the floor in front of her.

I took a deep breath and started unbuttoning my shirt as she removed some items of clothing from her bag, and then pulling off the delicate top she had been wearing over her head carefully, wanting to minimalize any damage that action might do to her hair. As I pulled off my own shirt our eyes met and my shy smile was returned by her confident, but loving, look. She reached across to me and gently caressed my hand.

“Don’t worry Paul, you can trust me. It will be fine” she said, confirming my thoughts of a few moments ago and reassuring me.

There were so many emotions going through my mind. I felt vulnerable but excited, nervous but never surer that I wanted to do this. I took a deep breath.

I nodded feeling a little calmer now and started to remove my trousers. I could hardly take my eyes off of her as she opened the clasps of her bra and then let it drop away revealing her full and firm breasts. I stepped out of my trousers as I watched her sit down and remove her tight leggings. I followed her example and sat down myself, pulling off my socks and then pausing again as Rosie stood. There was a momentary look of shyness on her face now as she was aware of her breasts swinging slightly as she reached across towards the clothing that she now had laid out. I almost gasped as she held up the most beautiful black satin boned corset. I felt such a rush of emotion. I felt envy, imagining how wonderful it must feel to have your body encased in the corsets firmness, and then desire as I anticipated seeing her wearing such a sensual and controlling thing. I had only ever seen this corset in the pictures that she had sent me prior to our get together, but seeing her almost naked body in the flesh, slowly being shaped and defined by the corsets tightness was absolutely breath taking.

I felt such a surge of devotion and love for her as I helped her tie the laces of the corset , enhancing her hourglass figure even further. Oh God, if only I had such a shape myself! I watched avidly as her breasts threatened to spill over and out of the tight cups and then followed her instructions as she motioned towards my shorts and gestured for me to remove them. It was strange, I had expected to be apprehensive at this point because I no longer sported the slim defined shape of my youth, but found that didn’t matter. There was no sense of embarrassment whatsoever as I pulled them down and kicked them away from me, waiting for her to tell me what to do next.

She smiled again, knowing that she had total control of this moment as she then bent carefully and removed the black satin knickers that she had been wearing. My cock was so hard at this point and must have been taking most of the blood in my body because I felt a little dizzy, looking at the beautiful void that lay between her legs but, of course, there was no void, just the initial appearance of one. She was so smooth and absolutely perfect as I saw the hint of her lower lips and I could think of nothing more than throwing myself on her there and then and claiming her as mine, something I had wanted for so long. That thought was interrupted however as she passed the knickers over to me and told me to put them on.

I took them in a semi-dazed state and it was all I could do to stop myself smelling her sweet aroma and rubbing them in my face as she gestured for me to hurry up. I had hardly even noticed that she hadn’t bothered to replace them on herself. Catching her eye once again I lifted one foot and then the other as I slid the knickers up my legs. I felt a shiver pass through my body as they settled snugly against my groin and sighed a little, as I felt the warmth of her body and a hint of dampness, a remnant of her own building arousal. The sheer softness of them caressed my balls and I was worried that my hardness would break free of them as I stared at her. She looked so seductive as she rested on one hip. She was perfection, my ideal woman.

“Come on darling, we have to make the most of the time we have” she said, passing me a matching corset.

I knew that however it looked on me that it could never compete with the vision of beauty that she was but I was so excited and so was she. Her eyes devoured me as I loosened the corset as wide as it would go and then pulled it on. Despite the slackness of the cords at the back it still felt tight as its boned structure settled around my torso. God, this was all so erotic, as I watched her catch her breath as it started to take shape. I saw her tremble a little as she slowly tightened the cords still hanging loose at the back. The silence between us at this point made the whole scene even more erotic, neither wanting to break the moment.

I could feel subtle changes occurring to my body with each gentle pull that she made. Although I had no hips to speak of, a semblance of what might have been slowly appeared as if by magic as the corset started to squeeze tighter around my waist. This also had the effect of pushing any excess weight into the chest which, as it settled into the cups of the corset, created the illusion of cleavage.
It was harder to breathe now and I had to calm myself down a little and take smaller breathes. I wanted to go to the full length mirror in the next room but Rosie stopped me.

“No, not yet my lovely. You’ve got to be patient”.

I nodded although patience was not some something that I had an abundance of at this time. I paused though and told myself that I should really enjoy on focussing as much on this preparation as to the finished article. After all, it had been eight long years I had been waiting for something like this and I had thought I would never experience such a thing again!

She passed me a pair of 10 denier sheer black nylon stockings something I could tell from countless years of detailed observation. I saw the seams at the back of the stockings and smiled to myself. She knew how much I loved the traditional style of them.

She was right. Being patient enhanced the whole experience I thought, as I sat down carefully, for the corset made even this simple act far more difficult to achieve, and I had to breathe in as I lifted my left leg. I was careful as I rolled the stockings into a bunch. I didn’t want cause a snag or ladder them. I had been working on smoothing any rough skin or callouses for weeks now for this very moment and was rewarded as I started to slide them onto my foot and then slowly lifted them up my calves. I was so glad that I had shaved my legs because the whisper soft sensation over my skin was so incredibly sensuous that I almost whimpered with pleasure. God, how lucky women were that they could experience this sensation whenever they wanted to. Did they really appreciate that? I continued to pull them over my smooth thighs and then started on my right leg. As it reached the top I clipped them to the front clasps of the straps hanging from the corset and then Rosie did the same at the back, carefully making sure that the seams of the stockings were straight, making perfectly straight lines.

I was almost desperate to see myself but again resisted the urge at her bidding and thought back to the times when I had viewed women wearing the same thing. I had so loved the lines at the back of the legs, imagining where they were leading to. I felt myself swell a little at the thought, for although dressing like a female was an exciting experience for me, it was only women that I was interested in. I so admired and envied their femininity, such a powerful thing, and a beautiful woman (like Rosie) would make me want to take them, possess them, just as any other red blooded male.

My moment of reflection was broken as Rosie passed me a mid-thigh length black lined skirt and I stepped into it carefully. As I pulled it up to my waist I was surprised that it fit. It had seemed much too small at first but obviously, the corset had done its work splendidly. The feel of the skirt lining gliding across the stockings was another delight, one that had almost been forgotten, and as I then stepped into the heels that been placed on the floor for me I felt almost complete.

I moved around for a moment, just wanting to enjoy all of the sensations that were bombarding me, and to get my ‘girl legs’, and then Rosie took me by the hand and pulled me around so I would be facing her. There was such love in her eyes and her smile carried so many different emotions, and in that brief instant I recognised them all. It was a smile of hunger, of longing, of affection, of love, of happiness both for her and me. She ran her hands along the sides of my body as I closed my eyes, glorying in the wonderful feeling of her hands as they drifted towards that narrow expanse of thigh between the stockings and my ‘MY’ knickers, and they were my knickers now. If I had my way she would never have them back.

The next thing I felt was the feeling of her lips pressing gently against mine, and then pulling back a little.

“I just wanted to taste you before I start making you up” she said, and then leaned back towards me again.

I was a more than willing participant this time as we shared our first kiss. It was incredible really. We had loved each other for a long time now but any intimacy we had shared had been reserved for our emails and telephone conversations. We had never been this intimate before in the flesh, and oh, what a kiss — it was worth the wait. We gently brushed our lips together, enjoying that first taste and feel, and I then slowly started to ease my tongue inside her mouth. I was careful not to force myself, gently probing and only moving forward as I felt her acceptance of me, and then doing the same as she responded in mind. We parted for a moment and just stared at each other’s eyes. The love I felt for her was almost overwhelming and I almost forgot how we were dressed for a second as we leant back towards each other. I was soon reminded though as I felt her hands caressed the outside of my cock through the knickers, circling its head in a way that made it grow even harder.

As the intensity of our kiss grew stronger I felt her hand inside my knickers now, cupping my balls so softly, and my hands went to the back of her and ran down the side of her hips and felt the shape of her wonderful bare backside. God, she was so feminine and sensuous and all of those things and more rolled into one, and by now we were both lost as our mouths attacked each other with a passion. She then pulled away, reluctantly, and held her hand up to hold me back as I leant forward again.

“That was just supposed to be a taster my lovely. I haven’t finished with you yet”.

She took her hands out of my knickers and looked across for her make up bag. It was just as well. Much more of that and I would have cum and I wanted this to go on.

A few moments later she led me to the bedroom and, making sure that I didn’t look in the mirror, told me to remove my heels. I kicked them off reluctantly and then carefully sank down onto the bed, feeling the tugging from the corset as I tried to get myself into a comfortable position but, with Rosie’s help, I was soon flat on my back. I was about to ask her what was coming next but she shushed me by touching my lips with her finger. Of course, I succumbed to her ‘request’ knowing that she was still in charge at this moment, and enjoying the feeling of being under her tender control.

I became excited again with anticipation as she climbed up on the bed to join me and even more so when she straddled my prone body. The sensation of her stockings as she sat across me, rubbing and sliding against my own, was electrifying, as was the occasional feel of her bare damp pussy as she shifted around on me, trying to make herself comfortable. She then picked up her makeup bag and leant down close towards my face and I couldn’t help but look down towards her bust that had already been struggling to remain contained within the corset, and that was now threatening to spill out completely. She pulled my face back upwards though and made me shut my eyes and she massaged moisturiser lightly into my face. Her fingers felt wonderful against my soft skin.

“Patience Paul, all good things come to good girls and boys. Mmmmm, your face is so soft” she purred, obviously appreciating how carefully I had shaved just an hour earlier, using a new blade just for the occasion.

I purred right back. This was pure and unadulterated luxury and my breathing settled into a steady easy rhythm until I felt her fingers move away. I opened my eyes for a brief second and then closed them as I felt her applying something else to my face with what felt like a sponge. This was soon over and I then felt a brush flicking against my cheek.

All the while this was going on I could feel her groin pressing against mine, the ever growing warmth of her arousal pressed tight against my hardness as she shifted upwards again, her pussy pressing against the smoothness of my knickers. There were so many sensations to take in all at once as I then felt a brush being stroked around the outside of my lips. I then recognised that wonderfully waxy feeling of lipstick as the brushed was replaced and she applied it so carefully and smoothly to me, as I enjoyed the feeling of her occasionally teasing my mouth open a little. At the same time my cock moved automatically towards her girlish crevice as if with a mind of its own, but there was too much for me to enjoy with her attention to my face so I refocused on what she was doing there.
After she had finished with my lips she looked upwards and examined my eyebrows for a moment and then frowned. She then reached into her bag and brought out a pair of tweezers.

“Hey, what do you think you are going to do with those?” I questioned nervously, fearing for what I thought she about to do. I had to carry on a ‘normal’ life after this and could not afford my eyebrows to look too feminine when this was over.

“Trust me my lovely, I’m just doing a bit of tidying up”.

I opened my eyes and saw that she was leaning forward once again and then closed them again as I felt her applying eyeliner to one of my eyes. A moment later she started on the other one and then repeated this procedure but this time with mascara brushing against my eye lashes. Her face was a picture of concentration as she then made me close both eyes and I then felt a gentle brushing on my eyelids. All the time I was aware of the subtle movement of her body on top of mine. Even this in itself was simply wonderful and I could have stayed like this forever, feeling totally spoilt and pampered for the first time in my life.

Eventually though she moved off of me and urged me to stand. For a moment I had forgotten about putting my heels back on. Without them I was instantly aware of the difference in height between us. She was naturally tall and statuesque anyway but in her heels she was at least 5 inches taller and I felt a curious thrill as I found myself having to look up to her. As I caught her eye I examined these feelings and realised that they were mild feelings of submission and I knew that she was aware of this herself as a hint of mischief glinted in her eyes as she studied the results of her work. I quite liked these feelings though because again, I had never really felt this way before and it was wonderful for someone else to take the responsibility for a change, for that was something I had grown weary of over the years.

As I considered this I detected a sense of envy within myself, a regular occurrence today, as I thought how lucky women had it at times, being able to devolve responsibility to their male partner whenever they wished and never being considered weak for doing so. Of course, I wasn’t that naíve that I wasn’t aware that there was also a downside to this as well. There would be many men who would not willingly relinquish the feeling of power this gave them, and would undoubtedly abuse it also, but I shook those thoughts away as Rosie leaned towards me and placed the magnetic earrings she had bought me as a present, over each ear. She stood back for a moment to take in the vision she had created and then leant back again. A huge smile lit up her face.

“I don’t think I am going to be able to resist you Paul. You look totally adorable” she said and then kissed me again, taking full control again as she did so.

I felt so feminine and passive as her tongue invaded my mouth and I parted my lips willingly to give her better access. A quick thought flickered through my mind “Oh, no, my lipstick will be ruined!” but I then let it drift away as I enjoyed her sweet taste as she explored my teeth, gums, and everywhere. I reciprocated her actions as her tongue retreated for a moment but then backed off as she pushed back inside my mouth again. When she finally pulled away I felt myself in a total daze as she picked up the lipstick once again and reapplied it on me. She then encouraged me to step out of my skirt so that I could properly see myself in my lingerie and she then took my hand and turned me around towards the mirror after helping me back into my heels.

“Oh my God!” I exclaimed, seeing myself fully for the first time, as my hand went to my mouth.

“Careful my love, I don’t want to have to repair them again”.

I pulled my hand away and felt such an upsurge of emotion as I took in the whole of my body. I was overwhelmed. I looked at my feet and legs. The heels and stockings had changed my stance completely, shifting my balance and causing me to rest on my hips more than I was used to. Moreover, the shape of my legs looked completely different and my eyes were led upwards towards the suspender clips attached to the corset. I could not believe that the smooth expanse of thigh between my stockings and corset were my own as I wondered again at the semblance of hips I now had beneath Rosie’s — my — knickers. Of course, my hips hadn’t grown, it was just an illusion created by the slimmer waist I now had, a result of the corsets constriction, but it was wonderful and I allowed myself to fall under the corsets spell, completely. I looked so girlish and, dare I say, pretty. I was seeing my alter ego, the girl I knew as Sarah, for the first time ever. None of my attempts at bringing her to life came remotely close to what Rosie had achieved and I almost cried with joy at finally seeing her in the flesh.

I had a momentary flashback as I remembered the times when I was a teenager when I would have the house to myself and put on my mother’s white corselet and stockings. I had very long hair back then, as was the fashion at the time, and, with the corselet’s cups filled with scrunched up socks to pad them out, made a pretty convincing figure. Of course, I was also much slimmer back then, but I quickly returned to the present as I continued the visual journey upwards along the remainder of my body.

The corset’s boned black velvet construction provided me with a good facsimile of a slight hourglass figure and again, I noticed the appearance of small cleavage gathered into the corsets cups. My gaze then moved towards my face and I marvelled at the visage of prettiness and femininity that it now presented. The smooth clear complexion; the luscious purple lips; the smokiness of my dramatic eyes, that now looked so much wider and clearer, with far brighter coloured irises. I smiled at the earrings and loved their blue colour which also helped highlight the colour of my eyes. These small studs made the whole effect complete.

I felt my heart pounding with bliss and emotion, like it would burst from my chest, as my eyes remained glued to the mirror. Rosie was still holding my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze to reassure and support me as I felt myself on the verge of tears once again. I was vaguely aware of her talking.

“Come on darling, don’t ruin all of my hard work” she said, as if she was admonishing me, but I knew that she wasn’t really because as I looked into the reflection of her eyes I could see nothing but love and happiness for me.

I didn’t trust myself to speak and simply nodded as my focus returned once more to my own reflection. A shy smile appeared on my face as I looked into this woman’s eyes and I managed to mumble out the words “Hello Sarah”.

It wasn’t the greatest speech I had ever made but it was probably the most significant. I was welcoming someone who had lived inside of me since my first ever memory. I was welcoming my feminine self, Sarah, standing here in all of her finery, in front of me for the very first time. Sarah smiled in reply. Yes, I had cross dressed periodically over the years but had never seen Sarah as clearly as this before, not ever! My previous experiences had only provided mere glimpses of her existence and potential.

I turned to Rosie for support, overwhelmed anew, and she lightly dabbed the corners of my eyes with a tissue to absorb the build-up of moisture that was threatening to overflow.

“Oh Paul — Sarah — don’t worry. You look so, so pretty my love. You look wonderful”.

I nodded, needing her physical reassurance and hugged her tightly. Despite my runaway emotions I loved the feeling of warmth that emanated from her, and the feeling of the swell of her beautiful breasts as they pressed tight against my chest. After a few minutes together I took another brief glance at my image in the mirror and checked that I didn’t need any repairs for any minor damage to my face that my introduction to Sarah might have caused. All was ok though.

“Ok, let’s finish this then” Rosie said, handing me back the skirt and helping me to pull it back into place around my waist and hips.

I looked back towards the mirror and there was Sarah, once again. I savoured her, devouring every piece of her image that looked back at me. I moved my body sideways and she moved with it. I pouted and she pouted right back at me. It was all so strange and yet all so right. As I looked at her I could see that my transformation was not a total one, for my hands and wrists were far too large to be female and the lack of any colouring or varnish on my fingernails left a lingering impression of masculinity, still. I was fine with that though because I had always considered that Paul and Sarah were exactly that, part male, mainly in the physical sense, and part female, predominately in the mental and emotional sense. I liked this though because I enjoyed the paradox of knowing that the more female I appeared physically, then the more masculine my body responded as this was the only way that Sarah could show her arousal.

“God Paul - Sarah — just what do I call you now my love?” Rosie asked as she came to join me at the mirror.

“Sarah I think” I replied, smiling, with a hint of devilment creeping back into my eyes. “Let her enjoy her freedom”.

My attention was fully back on Rosie now, for I wanted to thank her so much for what she had done for me. I knew that without her my dream would never have happened. I felt so much love for this wonderful woman and this was quickly following by arousal once again, as I stared at her beautiful body, bound up in her own wonderful corset. Although I was enjoying this unique experience of being able to share Sarah with someone, and a beautiful woman in particular, it was still Paul’s body that was here and certain parts of him were beginning to make their presence known once again.
Rosie smiled as she became aware of my hardness and reached down and lifted my skirt gently to caress my cock through the smoothness of my knickers. I felt a shiver pass through me, feeling so wonderfully female at being treated like this, but also feeling the urgency of my masculine energy right here, and now. I stepped out of my skirt once again to give her better access to my body and reached towards her.

I was so glad that Rosie had not bothered dressing beyond wearing her corset and stockings and ran my fingers gently down to the nape of her neck until I could feel the start of her spine, and then back again to the bottom of her hairline. Her skin was so smooth and flawless and my touch was like the finest gossamer as I moved my fingers in circles, caressing every centimetre of her skin. I was now focussed on her and her pleasure only. My hands and fingers then moved slowly towards her shoulders and I stroked her so slowly and tenderly, making sure that not a single part of them escaped my attention.

I then moved down towards her shoulder blades, my finger and hands once again moving in slow delicate circles. I then slid my hands towards her collar bone and just brushed the top of her breasts and felt her shiver throughout the whole of her body. As I looked into her eyes I could see that her pupils were fully dilated, indicating both her hunger and eagerness for me to continue.
I knew that at this moment she had ceded control of this situation back to me and I put an arm around her shoulder and led her towards the bed. I was about to make Rosie’s body sing with a wonderful combination of delicious anticipation and sensory delight. I wanted to do this for her so much, to make her feel the most loved and special girl in the whole world, and she deserved nothing less.

Part 2. Union

This time it was Rosie that was in a daze as I eased her down gently, and it was my turn to straddle her, making sure that she was comfortable as I did so. I slowly ran my hands down across her breasts and undid a couple of clasps to allow myself access to every part of them. As I peeled back the cups of her corset I looked at her nipples longingly. They were hard and firm and so inviting that it took a real effort not to dive down on to them and take them in my mouth right now. Instead I took my tongue and licked slowly around her areola, first on her left breast, and then the right. Each time I removed my tongue I blew gently around the whole nipple area, giving it a slight chill and watched her nipples get even harder.

Rosie gave a little whimper and I looked back for a moment and saw her stocking clad legs parting slightly, imagining the build-up of warmth and moisture that I knew had already started some time ago. I could almost smell her arousal in my mind as I returned my attention to her breasts. I took her left nipple in my mouth and alternated between sucking and nibbling, giving gentle bites and making her tremble with need, as I gently ran my hand around her right breast. I then reversed the action before lightly licking the valley between her breasts. The texture of her skin was wonderfully smooth and soft and for a moment I thought about nestling my cock between them and sliding it up and down. I decided to leave that thought for now though; there was plenty of time for that and more, later.

She reached towards the front of her corset to loosen some more clasps but I stopped her by holding her hands.

“No, not yet darling. I’ll decide when you can do that”.

Her eyes blazed for a moment with irritation as she wondered why I had stopped her, but as I gently turned her over on to her front and started kissing her neck and shoulders again I knew her irritation would not last long.

I just love a woman’s neck and shoulders. The way the neck flows into the narrowness of her shoulders, such a contrast to the strength of a man’s … it is simply so arousing, and strapless shoulders are one of my favourite features, and that is what I was concentrating on now. The smoothness of Rosie’s skin, so graceful and refined, supporting her slim arms and leading down her beautiful back … all I wanted to do was caress and kiss every part of them and that is exactly what I did. In between the butterfly kisses I started to describe what I was thinking of doing next … I knew exactly how exciting this could be for a girl.

I described where my kisses were about to go and then licked her skin tenderly and slowly as I travelled towards that area. Sometimes I would tell her one thing and then go somewhere else entirely, keeping her in a delightful state of anticipation and tension that just added to the whole experience for her. I was the exquisite torturer, the queen of delight, and during this I was constantly aware of how I was dressed, conscious of the stretching and tugging of my corset and the flesh that it contained, revelling in my combined masculine and feminine qualities.

Eventually I reached the delicious curves of her bottom and gently rubbed her skin in circular motions, just where the start of her cheeks started to separate. My touch was feather soft and I felt her start to squirm as I bent down and gently ran my tongue down from the top of her valley for a couple of inches and then pulled away slightly as I started to stroke and glide around each of her cheeks. She had such a wonderful bottom and I could have stayed here for hours following the flow and swelling of her curves — so feminine and divine.

The scent of her excitement was now very apparent and I drank in its aroma, sweet and primeval, as I moved down to the top of her thighs, so smooth and pale against the darkness of her stockings. I decided I would turn her body over so I gently coaxed her onto her back with promises of the delights to come and this elicited a tiny whimper of anticipation as I parted her thighs. I returned back to the area above her stockings but this time, instead of licking and kissing her, I pulled back a little and concentrated on gliding my fingers so gently across the inside of her thighs. I wanted to see her wonderful pussy properly this time, not just the glimpse I had previously when she removed her knickers. I wanted to see it in all of its glory. I moved my face to within 6 inches of her beautiful pink folds of flesh and breathed in deeply, once again enjoying that feminine scent of arousal. I could also feel her heat and this time I groaned myself in appreciation.

I then breathed out I and blew on pussy and was rewarded with her parting her thighs even wider, beckoning me on to complete what she now wanted. I still wasn’t ready yet though. I wanted to send her to the brink. I tenderly moved my fingers to the very top of her inner thighs and then circled the centre of her sex, taking great care to get very close but never touching it. I knew that this was absolute torture for her again, but I also knew that she loved every moment as her anticipation built every stronger. I mentally went through the official descriptions of her feminine parts as my fingers drew closer still and this time I allowed them to gently and swiftly touch her labium majora, her swollen outer lips. She shuddered once again as I then allowed my fingers to stray and lightly touch her labium minor, spreading her arousal and marvelling at how wonderfully slippery it was.
I continued to examine her in minute detail, loving the soft natural pinkness of her inner flesh, and as her lips parted even further, swelling with her ever building hunger, I could clearly see the moisture pooling inside of her and starting to run along the length of her pussy. I was beginning to lose control myself and could not stop from burying my face inside of her wet crack, feeling that slick moisture all over my face, rubbing my nose inside her fold and then pulling back a little so my tongue had access. I licked softly and slowly all around her pussy and sampled every little bit of her, separating each individual fold of flesh from the other and then nibbling them a little.

“God Paul, will you fuck me for God’s sake!” Rosie cried, and clamped her thighs around my head which only had the effect of grinding my face into her even more deeply. I carried on with my task.

I was as skilled as a master artist as I used my tongue to explore and trace ever intricate patterns inside of her leaving her never really knowing where I would go next, and savouring the taste of the copious amount of lubrication emanating from within the depths of her as I did so, heading inexorably towards the amazing magic button that only a woman possesses. Finally, I reached my goal and again, blew gently on her and I could see, I swear I could, her clit trying to rise outside of itself, reaching towards me, as I finally teased aside the hood and slowly circled her clit. As she met each movement of my tongue she wailed, her high pitched moans serenading me and singing a song of joy, and then the sound would fade as her thighs squeezed ever tighter around my head, covering my ears.

As I pulled back for a moment to admire her femaleness once again I could see her clitoris clearly, like a miniature cock head pulsing and throbbing, and I envied her once again, wishing that I had such a magic button of my own for I knew that whatever her miniature cock lacked in size, it gained it sensitivity. I shook these thoughts aside for now though as I felt my own tension building. I would spend a little longer on worshiping her body and then take some payback for myself.

I managed to extricate myself from between her thighs and then traced patterns with my fingers, down along the length of her legs and around her ankles, and then I lovingly stroked the soles of her feet, tickling them and teasing them for a few moments as she purred, feeling her intensity subsiding a little as she relaxed. Having lulled her into this state I then lifted myself upwards, resting on my arms, and then eased myself in between her legs as my face positioned itself in front of hers.

I made an incongruous sight, my firm cock a sharp contrast to my feminine corset and stockings. At this moment I was neither Paul nor Sarah, I was the best of both.

Neither of us spoke at that moment, we just stared deeply into each other’s eyes without even blinking as I slowly moved into position, until the head of my hard and rigid cock rested against the opening of her pussy. I paused, absolutely loving the moment, and relishing the sensation of her warm dampness pulsing and throbbing and trying to draw me into her. As soon as I felt that happening though I eased back a fraction, letting the tension between us build even further.
Eventually though I decided I had waited enough and it was time now to claim her as my own. I knew that she was about to experience something totally knew, something so wonderful, a shared love and passion in the truest sense. We continued to hold each other’s gaze and I could see the pleading in her stare as I finally relented and very, very, slowly eased myself into her. My manhood was like a hot knife entering melted butter and I could see the submission in her eyes, begging for my dominance. Domination though was not on my agenda. I wanted her to give herself to me, willingly.

“I love you so much my sweet darling Rosie” I said, and eased even further inside her until I was almost half way in, feeling her wonderfully moist flesh parting and surrendering so deliciously to me.

She was about to reply but her eyes suddenly widened and instead gasped as I suddenly slid all the way in, filling her completely. I slowly ground myself against her pubic bone and then made sure to rub the length of my cock against the top of her pussy and then massaging her clit as I eased myself out. I paused for a moment and her eyes opened even wider as she gave a little whimper, desperate for more. I rested my cock against her entrance and slid back inside of her again, I could feel the muscles of her pussy spasm as they gripped my cock tightly and began to massage me this time.

I heard groaning once again but this time it was me making the noise. She was so skilled and it could have been her hands playing with my cock and I marvelled at her level of control, teasing and pulling at my helmet. I had intended to continue with my slow build up but Rosie had seized control of the situation again, despite me being the one on top, and she started to quicken the pace of our love making as her hips rose to meet me, raising her bottom from the bed as she did so. She pushed back strongly now and began to dictate our rhythm and I was all but helpless as she continued to massage my cock with her amazing pussy, but more than happy to follow her lead. This was ecstasy!

All throughout this we maintained eye contact and continued to do so as our bodies played out the symphony of our desire. It was if I could see into Rosie’s very soul, and she into mine, as our bodies continued their dance.

“This is … how it feels … to make love … now you understand. It’s so … much better than sex?” I managed to say between gasps.

“Oh God …yes … fuck yes. I…have never felt … anything like this … before … Paul” she replied, and I managed to smile as I saw her eyes begin to glaze over.

I knew that she would soon reach a climax but I made her focus on my face as I took control of our rhythm once again. I started to thrust harder, using my advantage in strength.

“Come on Rosie, I want … to hear you … say my name … every time I push into you, and the more you … say it the harder I’ll fuck you. Say it Rosie — beg me — say my name ……” I ordered her.

“Oh, oh … Paul ……. Paul ……. God, I can’t stand it …….. Paul ……… Paaauuuullllll ……..” she moaned, her voice getting higher each time.

I wasn’t worried by her reverting back to my male name because I was very much a man at this moment and I rewarded her by pushing myself inside her even harder. Her body was now thrown backwards each time by the force of my thrusting as our pubic bones were mashed together, and I saw her eyes roll up into her head as she threw her head back and moaned again.

“Paul ….. Paul ……..P..a…….u..llllllllll, fuck me …. Fuck me … so …..hard …. I love you Paul …. ….oh God, the waves … the .. w…a……ves…….”.

I smiled to myself. She was mine now, completely. Her eyes were tightly shut as she internalised every sensation, like a Technicolor dream inside of her head running in slow motion, and as she came her body totally was defined by mine and I could feel my cock start to twitch, seemingly of its own volition, in an attempt to join her . I regained control of myself - I didn’t want to cum now; I wanted to ride this tiger beneath me and bring her to a level of sheer bliss that she would not have believed possible.

I continued the cycle of withdrawal and then thrusting myself back inside of her and she continued to writhe and squirm deliciously. I was so turned on as I watched her, studying her face so closely and watched every grimace, every muscle movement as I began to vary the pace a little. She was so, so beautiful and I became totally lost to her combination of vulnerability and strength - the power of a woman - as she alternated between a delicate girl-like fragility to a feral strength and cunning. I knew that I had already fallen in love with her before but now, well there was no coming back from this. I wanted to hold her, protect her, love and cherish her, and keep her safe from everything that had ever troubled her, both in the past and the future. I wanted her forever.

As these thoughts ran inside of my head I suddenly remembered how I was dressed, almost forgotten in the passion of the moment. Becoming aware once again of the sensation of my stockings as I slid into Rosie, of the constrictions of the corset, and the smoothness of my thighs against her own, my emotions finally got the better of me. She had made this all possible, a lifetime’s dream come true, and my love for this gloriously feminine creature touched so deep inside of me. As our eyes met again I recognised the first feeling that my own orgasm had now begun its own unstoppable momentum. I started to close my eyes as the sperm in my balls started it journey towards its goal, but then made a supreme effort and opened them again because I had to be looking at her when we came together.

In that split second before my release I could see that my timing was perfect as she was still in the middle of her own orgasm, and I felt her whole body tremble in tiny waves as she pulled at me. My vision started to blur slightly and I was so aware of everything and nothing as time lost all meaning. I felt my sperm moving along my shaft in what seemed like slow motion, and I finally exploded into her with a loud grunt, still forcing my eyes to remain open — I wanted to see Rosie’s reaction to feeling my male essence splash against her cervix and flood that soft and pink crevice.

Everything became confusing after that, as I seemed to disappear through a series of tunnels and doors in my mind, each one opening and then closing behind me as I rode my own climax. It seemed endless, wonderfully so, as I drowned in these wonderful amazing sensations that would remain indelibly etched in my mind. I had lost myself completely, and in the midst of this, as we fell into each other’s eyes, I imagined for a moment that I could see my own face staring back at me and that I was now underneath. I could feel my own cock inside myself, twitching and spurting its potent seed and marvelled at how filled and complete I was, and then I was back on top once again, frozen inside of Rosie as her cunt milked every ounce of semen that she could get out of me.

It was a moment I would remember and cherish forever, and not just our amazing love making. It was a moment when, just for the briefest of times, we had touched and shared souls, something that I somehow knew could only happen when you truly love, adore and worship someone with all of your heart, and that feeling is returned. I knew for sure that everything that I felt for Rosie was retuned else this would not have been possible.

And as I lay there, completely spent, I could feel those wonderful, girlish trembling movements from Rosie, slowly subsiding until she finally stopped and joined me in that wonderful afterglow when everything is still fresh in your mind and everything that could have been given, has been given. I gently rolled off of her and then turned her towards me and felt a surge of unbelievable love well up inside of me and she gave a shy but satisfied smile. I could tell from her eyes that she had been through a similar experience to that of my own and that I dared to hope that she had felt herself inside of me in that same split second that I had experienced sex from her perspective. Yes, our souls had surely merged and been one at that time and things would never be the same again.

I studied her with a lover’s eyes and saw an impish grin on her face and felt her fingers lightly stroke my cock and then heard her say “I haven’t finished with you yet Sarah, my darling pretty girl…”

I felt a surge of warmth come from deep inside of me at being called her girl, and by my girl name, and then felt a stirring within my penis in response.

Part 3. Sarah Awakes

I was physically exhausted and still recovering from our love making and could barely move as she pulled herself up and sat on me. Slowly, she started to inch her way forward and I could feel the dampness from her pussy against my stomach as she slowly slid her way upwards. She was so hot and wet still and I knew the dampness was a combination of our union. I felt paralysed from our exertions and just lay back for a moment, enjoying that warm wet feeling as she slowly inched forward, and then the view of her breasts dangling and swaying enticingly as she leant towards me and gave me the most sensuous and gentle kiss I could ever imagine.

It felt so good and I luxuriated in total bliss as I continued to lay there, inactive and spoilt by Rosie’s hunger for me. She nibbled on my lips lightly, breathing gentle words between each nip, grinding her pussy into me as she did so.

“I……. …….. you …so…… ……much…Sarah…..”.

I could only manage a groan in response, hypnotised by the sway of her beautiful tits. I thought briefly how I would love to have tits like hers and felt my resolve weakening. My cock was once again awakening as my desire started to build, although this time it was not getting hard, just oh so sensitive.

I could not have loved anyone more than I did her right now and bemoaned the twist of fate that meant that we could only rarely enjoy moments such as these.

“Mmmmmm, I can feel someone getting naughty” she said, becoming aware of my still soft penis pressing against her bottom.

She had the wickedest smirk on her face as she lifted herself off of me and turned around before sitting down on me once again. I studied the shape of her wonderful bottom, the way her hips flared from the slimness of her delicate back, the swelling of each buttock as it settled on me — she was stunning, absolutely wonderfully stunning whether from the front or the rear. Lost in my thoughts I failed to notice that she was bending down again until I felt the most glorious sensation as she enveloped my penis with her mouth. I then hit sensory overload as she raised her hips and exposed her wonderful pussy and I was able to appreciate the sheer physical beauty of this most perfect validation of her womanhood. I looked at each delicate fold with a connoisseur’s eyes, marvelling at how much it reminded me of a flower. Each layer of perfect flesh resembling nothing less than petals, her feminine moistness reminding me of an early morning dew, and as she moved her hips closer to my face I inhaled her scent, fragrant and earthy.

I was in heaven and then moved beyond heaven to another place even more wonderful as I felt her tongue delicately running up and down my diminished shaft. My cock trembled and shivered with each caress of her tongue as it explored and circled each tiny muscle, each delicate vein, and then sliding upwards, all the way to the tip. All I wanted at that point was for her to envelope my penis completely but instead she pulled away, teasing me, and then giving tiny butterfly kisses all the way down to the base. All the time I was aware of the sound of someone moaning with a deep guttural sound, seemingly in the distance, and only a small part of my mind recognised that it was me making that noise. I then felt her soft hands stroking along my thigh, pushed underneath the straps of my garters as I was reminded once again of how I was dressed.

I felt so much like a girl at that moment, with my soft penis responding but still not hard. I shivered with desire as Rosie then moved up along my cock again, repeating her earlier actions, but this time with a little more vigour. This time though, as she reached the tip once again she gently inserted her tongue into the little slit at the very tip giving me a completely new experience and one that nearly send me over the edge. She must has sensed my building tension and gripped the base of my cock tightly to prevent any premature climax and then plunged her mouth completely over my penis, taking me all the way into her throat, forming a perfect suction as she trapped my manhood completely with her. She moved her head up and down slowly giving me the most glorious sensation across my sensitive skin, and it as so, so wonderful, like a delicious pain and from somewhere I was aware of her cupping and stroking my balls as she did so an then grabbing and tugging the hair around my groin, playfully, until I nearly drowned in ecstasy.

She then moved her hips backwards until her pussy rubbed into my face, my tongue and nose sliding into her feminine folds, grinding into me as her own excitement began to mount. I didn’t think that I could hold on for much longer but mustered every ounce of self-control that I had as the pattern of her movements changed slightly, synchronised with her sucking my cock.

I felt her mouth come off of my cock for a moment.

“Oh Sarah, you have such a pretty clit my lovely girl, so pretty …” she said, softly and then returned to her sucking and licking.

Her words then sent me into overload as I imagined myself truly as her girl, her lesbian lover. I could hear moans joining mine and could feel that sound vibrating on my clitoris as I felt that oh so familiar feeling deep within my balls as my sperm reached overload, about to explode with a glorious release.

“Oh fucking hell Rosie … I …. I’m going to cum … you fucking wonderful fucking bitch. I.. I… love you ….so …fuckin’ …much…..” I gasped and felt her shiver in response.

Her mouth was working so fast now … sucking … sucking …. SUCKING… and then she came. She pushed her cunt into my face so hard and I could feel her musky dampness running down my face like a small stream, as her own clit started to quiver. There was so much wetness there and I was drenched in her cum, and it was wonderful.

I could take no more. My body took over completely and I felt almost as if I was detached from myself as my spunk travelling upwards along my soft shaft on its unstoppable journey into Rosie’s body for the second time today. She was still cumming herself as I finally exploded into her mouth, my salty, musky man cream filling her from the back of her throat to the edges of her teeth. It may have been soft but I was beyond control as my cock continued to spasm and twitch, shooting its load in a rippling, pumping, motion and with each spasm Rosie sucked and drew out every last drop of my sperm.

Eventually my climax started to fade until there was nothing left apart from my soft, velvety hardness which remained firm between her lips. Still though she drank from me; her thirst for my cum was unquenchable. As she did so she continued to push into my face, her scent and dampness invading every part of me, every orifice, and I so, so, adored her — I would die for her! As the waves of her climax continued to crash over me I lay there, motionless, until they eventually died down as she joined me in the most perfect of stupors.

Part 4. Paul Returns

I have no idea how long we lay there together. Our bodies seemed melded as one as I held her, her shoulders and back pressed into my chest and stomach, her bottom against my groin. Somehow we had both become naked during our love making, apart from the remnants of my stockings, and the texture of her silken soft skin pressed against mine was like heaven. Never had I experienced such a feeling of contentment before and I wanted to stay here forever like this, falling asleep with her and then waking together. I didn’t care whether I was her man or her girl, or an amalgamation of both and I imagined awakening to the sensation of her lips once again around the shaft of my cock, teasing and tempting me to fill her stomach once again with my man juice. Or maybe of me waking first and playing with that delicious femininity between her legs, exploring every fold and crevice and feeling her copious dampness return, and then gently positioning myself over her before sliding my penis inside that moist, enveloping cave.

I could feel myself stirring once again with these thoughts but I knew that we were running out of time. This was a time to show Rosie the tenderness and love that she deserved and that I so wanted to give, so I gently turned her towards me and stroked her face, feeling every part of it, glorying in her beauty, and there is nothing as beautiful as a woman who has been well fucked. She smiled at me and closed her eyes, feeling the satisfaction of a woman who knows she is adored.

“Are you ok my lovely - are you Paul now or Sarah”?

I smiled back at her, trying to hide the sadness I was starting to feel.

“Who do you think I am?” and could hear myself giggle inside. I had answered her question with another question. What a feminine thing to do.

She paused, thinking for a moment as a frown appeared on her beautiful forehead.

“Both I think. I love them both anyway and you know, it is hard to tell the difference really because you are a perfect combination of the boy and girl as one. You are a man unquestionably, where it counts, but you think and feel like a girl and I just love it” she replied, and pulled my face towards her and kissed me desperately.

She was picking up on my sadness, and we both knew that Sarah’s time to be real was almost gone, for now at least. I was not going to let this fact spoil the mood however.

“And Sarah and Paul are the same and they want you to know that they will always be your girl Rosie and yours alone. We love, adore, cherish and thank you so much my darling and you have given us a gift more valuable than you could ever possibly realise. I am both Paul and Sarah but she has never shown herself before, not to another person, but you have brought her to life and that is something I never thought would happen. Whatever happens from now on my life will never be the same. You have enriched it so much and made me feel complete and whole, boy and girl as one, as I always have been deep inside. I love you so much Rosie and you are the best thing that has ever happened to me.

We embraced once again and then I sat up and removed the last trace of my feminine garb, loving that last feel of the silken stockings and they slid from my legs. I knew that we had work to do before we left for the sheets were all but soaking wet from our exertions, and the whole place smelt, most wonderfully, of sex. I took off the makeup first though and watched as Paul’s face once again regained control. I could still see Sarah though behind the mask I had worn every day of my life up until today. I could see her so clearly and knew that I always would now, thanks to Rosie bringing her to life.

We left the apartment and went back across the road to where I had my car. We held hands as we did so and that simple act meant as much to me as anything we had done today. I was totally in love with this woman, this wonderful girl, and not just because of the incredible gift she had given me. She was perfection in my eyes and in my heart, and I knew that there would be many other times, however far apart they might be, where I could be whole once again and Sarah would return. I lived now to become that person and to treat my wonderful Rosie as she deserved to be treated, as the most special and wonderful person that she was; my goddess; my queen.

The End

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this was really good stuff

what a lucky person he/she is, to have found someone who loves both sides of them. Well done, and thank you for sharing.

Dorothycolleen, member of Bailey's Angels


Great story Pyrite. It is

Great story Pyrite. It is good to see you writing again. It was great to read about your experiences. Thank you for sharing.

The Tryst

Great story!

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

Wonderful :)

I absolutely loved this. What a wonderful description of your love, so erotic too. I wonder if our hero managed to keep her knickers in the end?!

Really good story...