Camp Kumoni : 13

The warmth from Josh’s body did make her feel a little better. She began to relax against the need to keep warm. For some strange reason, his closeness, his strength comforted her. It scared her a bit as well. Why was she becoming comfortable being held by a guy? It didn’t make any sense did it? Eric was never held by anyone girl or guy - except on rare occasions by his mother, when he was younger. Why did this feel so…. So nice?



Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread

Chapter 13
A few guys whistled as Samantha and Erika walked through the mess hall. Erika hoped that her iron-curled hair hid the redness blooming in her cheeks.

Although Eric had never ‘cat-called’ to women, he always appreciated watching a pretty woman walking by, all dressed up. Never in his wildest dreams did he ever believe he would be the girl, that guys were ogling and whistling at. Although his face was red, with embarrassment. A part of him was excited and even flattered by the attention that he was receiving as Erika. What is wrong with me? How can I enjoy this? I’m a guy.

“It’s kinda fun isn’t it?” Samantha beamed at Erika.

“What’s that?” Erika brushed aside an errant curl.

“Being a girl….. being appreciated.”

“I have to admit. It is.”

“You two, do look hot.” Dani commented from behind them.

“Thanks, Dani.” That means more coming from you than it does them.” Samantha took her seat at the table.

Erika had to remember to use her hand to smooth her skirt over her butt before sitting across the table from Samantha. The blonde cheerleader had twisted her hair up in a French twist and with Victoria’s assistance, twisted sections of the ends into curls and pinned them around the back of her crown. The hair swept away from her face, accentuated her high cheekbones and brought her brown eyes out even more. The tightening in Erika’s groin area, her bit of maleness were straining against its bonds.

Dinner consisted of a mild and a bit watery, stew served in bread bowls. A fruit cocktail and for those who wanted it, some salad.

Josh and Kyle finished their dinner quickly and as soon as announcements were over, came by Columbine’s table.

“We’ll wait for you outside.” Josh winked at the girls as he and Kyle exited the mess hall.

“What are you guys going to do?” Rachel inquired with concern.

“Josh mentioned something about rowing out into the lake to watch the sunset.” Samantha informed the table.

Rachel held Erika’s gaze. “Promise me you’ll be careful.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” Samantha looked back at Rachel.

“Probably nothing.” Rachel shrugged. “Just be careful out there on the lake.”
Samantha looked to Erika. “You ready?”

To go on a date with guys? Are you crazy? I want to go out on a date with you. Erika finished her bite. “Sure.”

Josh and Kyle were leaning against a tree talking when the two girls came out into the late, golden afternoon.

“What do I do?” Erika looked to the blonde who he admired. “How am I supposed to act?”

“Just be yourself.” Samantha instructed. “A more feminine self. And Erika, try to have fun.”

“Easy for you to say.” Erika mumbled. “You don’t have a penis under your skirt.”

“Hey there.” Josh greeted them, directing most of his attention to Erika. “I thought we’d row out into the lake and watch the sunset.”

“Sounds great.” Samantha said with enough enthusiasm for the both of them.

Erika just smiled. Kyle approached Samantha and the two of them took two steps towards the lake, then looked back to see if the others were following. Josh smiled down at Erika, who kept her eyes on the ground straight ahead and blushed.

“She’s shy.” Samantha whispered to Kyle.

“Your first time at Camp Kumoni?” Josh questioned.

“Yeah, yours?” Erika fidgeted with her hands, not knowing where to put them. If she had had pockets, she would have stuffed them in there. She swung them behind her and clasped hands.

“My parents send me up here every year.” Josh accidentally brushed against her. The contact almost cost Erika, her balance, but she was able to plant her next heeled step firmly. “They are both doctors, and I seem to get in their way, so they make arrangements for me to spend my summers here. Of course, this will be my last summer. I’m getting a Porsche for my birthday. Hopefully I’ll be spending next summer on a road trip. I can’t decide if I want to go to Virginia Beach or to Malibu.”

“You like the beach, then?” Erika asked.

“Yeah, there is a lot to do at the beach.” Josh brushed against her again.

Erika unclasped her hands and folded them in front of her. She was trying to see how Samantha was using her hands, but couldn’t concentrate on placing her feet and watching her friend.

“My Cabin won all of our competitions today.” Josh commented. “I scored several points in the water basketball.” He boasted.

“We won our first kickball game.” Erika was half listening.

“With Ragel in your Cabin, you guys have a chance at getting some really good points.” He brushed against her again, this time knocking her off balance. Josh’s hand shot out and grabbed her arm and held her up right. “Whoa, sorry, Erika. I wasn’t watching where I was going.” His hand lightly slid down her arm and took a hold of her hand.

Erika had the sudden urge to pull her hand away, but thought of how Samantha might handle the situation. Samantha might even get mad at her if she pulled away. She didn’t want to get Samantha all upset with her. As she had said. It was only one date. Erika could let Josh down gently after that, so no one thought she was a bitch. Josh’s hands were half again as large as hers. Strong fingers gently cradled her hand in their grasp. The palm of her hand began to itch. The thought of holding hands, in a romantic fashion with a guy, made the itching worse. Relax, Eric. She told herself. It’s only holding hands, it’s not like he is French kissing you. Relax and pretend that you like it. Erika gave Josh’s hand a soft, quick squeeze. She looked up at him, only blushing slightly. He seemed not to be paying attention, as if it was normal.

Samantha and Kyle were already half way out on the dock when they reached the beach. Samantha’s shapely tan legs were accented by the knee length skirt that she wore.

“And where do you think you are going?” Todd came out of a shed beside them.

“We’ve got two hours of free time, Todd, and We’d like to go for a row.” Josh turned and flashed his smile.

“Let’s see your bracelets.” Todd ordered.

Erika and Josh both held up green bracelets for Todd to inspect.

“You’ve gone through the water craft class today?” he quizzed.

“Yes, sir.” Josh answered.

“Not you, Josh. I know you know the rules. I was asking your friend.” Todd looked at Erika.

“Yes, Todd. I went through it this afternoon with Columbine cabin.”

“Columbine?” Todd muttered to himself in thought. “Yep. Okay. But you two have to have MY boat back before the sun goes down.”

“Sure thing Todd.” Josh gave Erika’s hand a squeeze and led her down the dock.

“Tell those other two that I want them to come back here and check in before they go out.” Todd called after them.

Josh suddenly turned back. “Todd, can we forego the life-vests. I promise we’ll keep it low key.”

“Keep them in the boat with you.” Todd nodded. “You all are wearing green, so I’ll let it pass this time. But I will be checking in on you, while you’re out there. I have binoculars, remember.”

“Thanks Todd. I owe you.” Josh turned back and casually took Erika’s hand in his as if it belonged there.

When they reached the others, Josh informed them that they had to go check in with Todd. Josh then led Erika over to a rowboat and knelt down and held it against the dock. “Careful as you get in.” Josh looked up with a grin.

Eric had never had anyone hold anything for him. Not even an elevator. And here was this guy, holding a rowboat for him to get into? Sure, it was going to be challenge with the wedges on, but guys didn’t hold things like that for other guys. Not really. They just expected the other guy to hop down in and hope that they fell in to get a good laugh.

Erika eased into the boat, which immediately shifted under her added weight. She quickly reached for the side of the boat for support and took a seat. Josh, finished untying the boat and casually hopped in as if he had lived on a rowboat. His momentum pushed the boat away from the dock. He settled himself in the forward seat and placed the oars in their oarlocks and adjusted himself on the bench seat before dipping the oars into the water.

“Now let’s see if I still remember how to do this.” He flexed his massive biceps and pulled back on the oars, pulling the boat through the water.

“Wow.” Erika couldn’t believe she had just said that out loud. Josh was built with a well-developed chest and arms, but even she was unprepared to see how strong he was as he showed his strength off for her.

Erika didn’t know what to do, while Josh propelled the boat. The silence was only broken by the dipping of the oars, the creak of the oarlocks and the soothing sound of water lapping against the boat. Josh’s eyes wandered about the lake but always found their way back to her. It was a bit unnerving. Did all girls feel this way, like everyone was staring at them? Erika tried to ignore the blatant stares and looked at the surrounding trees and hills that surrounded the camp.

It only took them a few minutes for Josh to reach the center of the lake. Erika looked behind her and watched as Kyle struggled to catch up to them with Samantha sitting prim and absolutely beautiful in the boat. She was so natural looking, so at ease, so relaxed. Erika wondered how she made it look so effortless. She herself was nothing but a wound-up rubber band. She was wound so tight that she might snap and hurt those around her.

Josh brought in the oars and looked across the boat at Erika, then at the sky above her. “You aren’t going to see much of the sunset from that angle. Why don’t you ease on over here and we can watch it together?”

Erika shrugged. What choice did she really have? She was supposed to be on this date with Josh so that she could ease him down, and leave her alone. But Samantha said she first had to be civil so that he didn’t think that she was a total bitch. Erika slowly made her way the few feet to Josh’s side of the boat and sat beside him. Kyle and Samantha were now close by. Kyle brought his oars in as well, while Samantha repositioned herself the same way that Erika had, just more gracefully and without any prompting.

The sun was just starting to touch the top of the mountain West of the camp. Its snow cap looked like liquid gold as it sparkled in the nearly cloudless sky.

“Beautiful isn’t it?” Josh stared in wonder at the horizon.

“Yes, it is.” Erika agreed. “Beautiful and quiet. It’s really peaceful out here.”

The evening breeze, cooled as it blew across the surface of the lake, raised a few goose bumps on Erika’s arm.

“You’re cold.” Josh observed. He wrapped his massive arm round her shoulders. “Come closer, I’ll try and warm you up.”

So this is how smooth operators work. Erika thought. They put themselves in positions and places where they can act the ‘savior’. Damn, this guy is good. Erika hesitated only a moment. Be civil and nice, do this like Samantha asked. Erika scooted a bit closer to Josh feeling his firm body against hers. His arm wrapped around her shoulders tightened just a bit, his hand resting harmlessly on her arm. So this is why Josh asked Todd to allow us to go without the use of the life-jackets. Not only is this guy good, he’s dangerous. I need to keep Samantha away from him.

The sun had dipped halfway behind the snowcapped mountain. Orange and warm reds began to paint the sky in spectacular fashion. As if it were trying at one last ditch effort to warm the sky as the inevitable dark threatened to swallow and chill the planet. The warmth from Josh’s body did make her feel a little better. She began to relax against the need to keep warm. For some strange reason, his closeness, his strength comforted her. It scared her a bit as well. Why was she becoming comfortable being held by a guy? It didn’t make any sense did it? Eric was never held by anyone girl or guy - except on rare occasions by his mother, when he was younger. Why did this feel so…. So nice?

“You look very pretty tonight.” Josh whispered, his head next to hers, his breath slightly moving the curls next to her ear.

“Uh…… Thank you, Josh.” Part of her wanted to be sick. The other part was surprisingly pleased that she could draw another’s attention. That someone noticed her in a positive way rather than trying to trip her or tease her.

Josh leaned in close. It only took a half a second for Erika to realize that he was closing for a kiss. She quickly turned her head away, as his lips caressed her cheek. Strong lips, softened as not to hurt her skin. A strength that was tempered as not to damage something delicate.

Now what should I do? Erika’s inner voice screamed in her head. What do I do now, Samantha?

Josh, not one to be ruffled, snuggled his cheek up against hers, holding her close. “I’m sorry if I came on a bit strong there.” He whispered. “It’s just that you are so beautiful and the sunset is so incredible. It just …. It just…. I was overcome with it all.”

“That’s alright.” Erika sighed. What are you saying? She screamed at herself. You almost got kissed by a guy, who is whispering smooth, sweet lines in your ear and you say ‘that’s alright’? Are you nuts?

The tip of the sun vanished behind the peak, painting the sky scarlet in its passing. Erika looked over at Samantha and Kyle. They were sitting close together, but thankfully he wasn’t holding Samantha, like Josh was holding her.

Frogs and crickets were beginning their serenade hidden along the shore of the lake.
“I guess we had better start back.” Erika prompted. “Before Todd gets upset with us, and bans us from HIS lake.”

“In a minute. I’m enjoying this…… being here with you.” Josh gave her a squeeze. “It’s just so peaceful and so wonderful being surrounded by such amazing beauty.”

Be nice. Let him have his moment of delusion and be nice, for Samantha’s sake.

“Race you back!” Kyle called out from the other boat. He was already locking the oars into their locks.

Josh sighed deeply. “I can’t let him beat me.”

Erika sighed as well. Kyle, thank you for figuring a way for this to end. She took a deep breath as Josh unwrapped himself from around her and reached for one of the oars. She then slipped back to her earlier seat in the back of the boat and watched as Josh spun the boat around with little effort and was already catching up to Kyle and Samantha.

Josh and Erika pulled into the dock two boat lengths ahead of Samantha and Kyle. The only slightly winded Josh scampered to tie off the craft then anchored himself in a stance like Colossus.

“It gets kind of tricky, let me help you.” He offered down a hand.

Erika accepted it as he helped her to her feet, then held onto her hand as she scrambled onto the dock about as graceful as a bull in a china shop. She stood up a little shakily and smoothed down her skirt and smiled, relieved to have Samantha close, again.

Josh lightly leaped up beside her. He turned and laughed good naturedly with Kyle who shook his head with a smile. “Even with a head start and you manage to win.”

“You need to work out more.” Josh advised. He held out a hand and assisted Samantha to up onto the dock.

A stab of jealousy cut at Erika. Jealous of the easy way that Josh had with women. Jealous at the way Samantha smiled at him and drank him in with her eyes. Jealous that Samantha never looked at Eric that way. Then there was a small spark. Like a pin prick of something….. something akin to jealousy. Josh was giving her friend attention and not her. That last realization stunned her. She shook her head and cleared it, forcing that last thought back down into the recesses of her mind where she hoped that is would stay.

Josh turned from ribbing his friend and winked at her with a smile. He walked up to her and took her hand in his. Again, he acted as if that is where it belonged. This time her palm didn’t itch. It almost felt comfortable, almost natural. They walked hand in hand back down the dock towards the beach.

Once on the sand, Josh turned towards Erika and suddenly pulled her to his chest. She tilted her head up to question him and found his lips against hers. There wasn’t any time to turn her head away, no time to say ‘no’. Just his strong, yet tender lips against hers.

End of Chapter Thirteen

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