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Spring Hills was in a state of total excitement! The small mountain town full of eclectic little shops and mostly geared towards the tourist trade went all out for the major holidays. Christmas this year would be no exception. Now Spring Hills wouldn’t forget about the religious meaning of this holiday, but that was mostly left for the churches and the individual families. The town itself was going all out for the business end and the commercial pageantry that would draw these tourists into town.
Angel O’Hare ©

Created 2006-11-20 00:54
Spring Hills was in a state of total excitement! The small mountain town full of eclectic little shops and mostly geared towards the tourist trade went all out for the major holidays. Christmas this year would be no exception. Now Spring Hills wouldn’t forget about the religious meaning of this holiday, but that was mostly left for the churches and the individual families. The town itself was going all out for the business end and the commercial pageantry that would draw these tourists into town.
Many of the small shops carried the creations of the local artisans that lived here year round. Christmas season meant big returns for those artisans that focused some of their work towards this special holiday. The potters and sculptors, the painters and sketchers, the sewers and quilters, you name it and Spring Hills had a crafter or artisan that would create something unique and beautiful.
What would bring the people into town was the pageantry, the parades, the concerts, the play and much more! All through town, they would have carolers, costumed dancers, and mimes decked out as winter creatures. Frosty the Snowman, Santa and his wife, and a lot of elves would be everywhere.
We arranged it so the elves, who would be the guides for the tourists and the children with them. They would not only entertain, give out candy and goodies, but they would also be barkers and lead people into the stores. Signs posted everywhere about town proclaimed have a question “ASK an ELF!”
The elves had to be of a certain size to be convincing elves. They had to be old enough to follow and carry out instructions as well as be able to perform in some way a talent. They had to be able to dance, sing, act, being amusing, as a clown of sorts, was a good plus. These requirements lefty out just about all of the boys. They were much too tall, those that were old enough to follow direction and carry out their duties. This left the majority of elves fall to the girls. But, there was one exception in town. His name is Kim Allen Taylor. He’s 16, very smart, he can sing, dance, act, and can be very funny. He is the perfect boy in all categories to be an elf! The only problem, he didn’t want to be an elf. Kim, called Katy by almost everyone preferred to stay by himself or with his parents helping with running his parents dress shop. The shop is well known and the name is even recognized on the internet crowd of shoppers. “Little Girls Wishes Come True.”
The reason everyone calls him Katy is every kid is called by their initials, well all the boys anyway, even a majority of the girls use the initial way of getting a nickname. We have Kim Allen Taylor, the kids called KT at first, but as you well know, it is easy to make that sound like Katy. They did this on purpose when they grew and Kim didn’t.
Yes, poor little Kim, Kimmie to his parents, just stayed small and underdeveloped long after the other kids went through their growth spurts. Just over 3-feet tall and weighing in at a little more than 30 pounds, he was the smallest high school student. Well, he was almost the smallest of grade school kids as well. A few Kindergarten kids were smaller than he was, but they were five not 16!
To describe Kim would be like describing a very beautiful child. Well, toddler is more the truth. Long flowing curly blond hair, he hated cut into a regular boy’s cut. That style made him look like a real doofus. His big sapphire blue eyes are what caught your attention. There is no escaping those beautiful large eyes with those long naturally curled eyelashes. His full puffy lips, combined with his angelic pretty face were the envy of every girl and her mother in town. Well, out of town as well! His little slim body was perfectly shaped and proportionate. From his head to his toes was like a mathematician’s dream of perfect proportions. Poor Kim caught hell almost everyday from all the kids at school. His size combined with his quiet manner made him a constant target for the bullies and want-a-be bullies.
The girls were nicer, but they too tried to pull their pranks. They had tried to make up his face, and do his hair in a feminine way more times than Kim could count. He escaped all this though and just ignored the taunts and teasing.
A typical day for Kim would be put on his clothes his mother had made for him, the latest styles, and fabrics, only in a much smaller version. His father is a master cobbler and made his shoes in the latest styles and fashion. He was the envy of all the popular boys. The girls loved his stylish appearance, but he was just so tiny!
All the adults and I do mean all of them, just loved little Kimmie. He is such a well-behaved and shy child. Smart; quick to lend a helping hand where he can, and always there when needed. He sang at church and in the town choir, a beautiful voice he possesses! He danced in recitals for Mrs. Wilbur; it was her dancing school after all. He loved modern dance, but was very good in ballet. That is, if you considered it OK for a boy to dance the girls parts. He had played several co-starring roles with the community theatre and in the schools drama program. They were musicals and he is a talented actor in his own right. He is also a volunteer at the local hospital. He plays with the children and is always clowning around and making them all laugh.
The one thing Kim was reluctant to do and never did was to take part in the pageantry and parades of the major holidays. He considered the other things he took part in as specialized and smaller events. Town wide events such as the parades and all the rest exposed him to too many people at once, a never-ending stream of potential problems.
He went to school, excelled in his studies, ignored those taunts and teasing as best he could, and then was picked up by his father and brought home. They live behind the store his parents own and operate. Once home he first changed and then did his homework, that is if it still needed doing. He would have a snack, clean up, and then go help one of his parents, usually his mother. He didn’t mind doing most of the things he had to do. From fixing up the display cases, they always needed that; customers were always unfolding things, just leaving them somewhere or shove them back unfolded. Refolding fancy frilly panties, refolding the fancy ruffled bottom tights, re-hanging the frilly and fancy dresses left from the dressing rooms. He did it all with a smile. The one thing he didn’t care for so much is when his mother made him be a stand in model for her creations.
His biggest fear came true this year when a few of the girls got a hold of the downloadable catalog from their internet sales site. Yes, Kim was the model for all of those very pretty, little girl’s dresses. The girls had printed it out and made sure everyone got a good look at Kim cross-dressed and looking beautiful as a little girl. To be truthful, most of them thought he was a very beautiful and convincing little girl!
This Christmas season Kim stayed out of the limelight. He refused to do the Christmas ballet recital. He refused to sing for the choir. He refused to perform in this year’s school Christmas play. The last thing was to decline a role in the community theatres Christmas musical. The one thing he still did was to continue to volunteer at the hospital’s pediatrics ward. He just loved those little kids!
His parents knew why. It was that catalog! They tried to reason with him about it, but he just couldn’t keep putting up with all those people wanting him to cross-dress! It even seemed that those he used to relish performing for, once they had seen that catalog, wanted to put him in costumes suited for little girls. Even the community theatre wanted him to play the part as a little girl! The pink leotards and white tights were the last straw for his dancing classes. He didn’t go anymore. The choir wanted him to sing a soloist part to a clearly girls song! He quit the choir. The thing he kept doing and loved the most was playing, singing, dancing, and making things funny were for those kids at the hospital.
He out of loyalty and love for his mother, allowed her to use him as dressmaking model when she needed him. He even put up with the customers that would always mention that such a pretty girl should be dressed in her mommy’s dresses, and not dressed like a tomboy. He would just smile and tell them he worked here and he did things that would ruin such pretty clothes. Of course, he never said he! He let them believe what they believed they saw. They all saw a pretty girl dressed in boy’s clothes.
The fateful day came when his mother used him as a dressmaking model for a little girl that was to be an elf this year. Pamela Ridgeway, an 8-year old, as tiny as he is, but a little spoiled brat. The only reason she got the role as an elf, is because her father is the mayor and her mother is a major monetary sponsor for the festivities. Kim had to stand in for the little brat because she wouldn’t come for the fitting! That and she was a sickly little thing, Kidney problems, that is what kept her so small. Funny thing though, when Kim saw her in the hospital, she wasn’t a little brat at all. He actually had fun playing with her and she would laugh and laugh right along with all the other children. It wasn’t until her parents showed up that she would immediately turn into a little brat once again. He couldn’t figure it out.
Anyway, this outfit we should say costume was very extravagant and very expensive. Her mother paid over a $1,000 to have this one made for her. An elfin costume it wasn’t really. It was more like the fanciest, frilliest, most decorated Christmas costume ever created! The brightest red velvet and the shiniest green satin one could get. Little golden and silver bells sewn on the sleeve cuffs with green and red leaves embroidered all over it, trimmed in green ruffled lace with the bright green satin backing. The green satin was made into a wide sash and tied into a bow at the back. Kim wasn’t too happy about that part, when the sash was tied, his underwear showed! He told his mother and his mother chuckled. She then had him step into a pair of panties that made him squirm! He wore them over his briefs, but still, these were diaper panties! They were made from the red velvet and had five rows of stiff ruffled green lace covering his bottom. These panties were too puffy to pull up all the way with the sash tied. His mother untied the sash, pulled the special panties all the way on, and retied the sash. The sash actually pulled the panties tighter and helped hold them in place firmly. Kim moved a little in discomfort and then heard the crinkling sound they made. Oh brother, these were lined with vinyl!
Kim’s mother told him why she needed the special panties and Kim understood. Pamela had kidney problems, of course she needed these. Funny thing though, Pamela’s feet were bigger than his were, he could wear the fancy thigh high stockings, but the shoes were two sizes too big. His mother solved the problem though; she had a pair of shiny red Mary Jane’s with a golden buckle in Kim’s size that would do nicely for the modeling. Kim felt funny with the thigh high stockings on. Why did he have to wear those? Red hose with little green wiggly lines in them, topped off with a red velvet bow with two little bells, one silver one gold, fastened to the tops of the stockings. His mother affixed his elfin hat, another two tiny bells at the tip with the same little red velvet bow. The hat was stretchy and clung to his head, the shiny green, ruffled, laced trim made sure that the hat would stay on.
There was jewelry, a bit of makeup, lipstick, and even a small bottle of perfume next to a little red velvet sack with a green woven green satin lanyard. It must be a little purse to hold that stuff. Kim guessed the lanyard would go around a wrist.
The bells above the door let out there rings as a customer came inside the shop. He stood there as his mother went out. He could hear her talking to a woman and then he was shocked as they walked right in through the curtain that separated the shop from his mother’s workroom. It was Pamela mother and she started examining the costume with a stern expression on her face. She even lifted up the dress and examined the diaper panties Kim was wearing. He turned beet red, and then Mrs. Ridgeway smiled and said.
“So far this is excellent, but I want to see the full affect. You don’t mind do you Kimmie? It’s just us here, and I want to make sure everything is perfect for my little girl.”
“Um, Ok I guess.”
Mrs. Ridgeway asked Kim’s mother.
“You do have 6 pairs of those special panties don’t you Jane?”
“Just as you ordered Gertrude.”
“Good, Kimmie can keep those he has on. He does make a very pretty little girl doesn’t he Julia?”
“Gertrude, he is wearing his briefs under those panties. They haven’t been soiled in any way. Pamela can still wear them.”
“Good grief Julia, how can Kimmie tell me if those panties are comfortable if he is still wearing his yucky scratchy boy’s underpants under them?”
“Oh, I had no idea you wanted him to tell you how everything felt Gertrude.”
“Well I do, if the costume, every bit of the costume isn’t comfortable I want to know and I want to know why. I’ve paid over a thousand dollars for this you know.”
“Um, alright, if you could wait outside the curtain for a minute, I’ll get him into them.”
“Julia, I have a small container of baby powder here in my purse. I use it for Pamela when we are out and about. Here, sprinkle enough to just have a light coating inside the panties.”
She handed Kim’s mother the powder and stepped back through the curtain.
Kim started up right then and said.
“Mom, this is getting a bit strange don’t you think?”
“Honey, we can’t afford to lose the money and time we spent creating and making this dress and all the rest. It will only be a few more minutes and she will be happy and leave. Do this for me OK Sweetheart?”
“Mom, I’m going to do it, I said I would. It’s just a little weird is all.”
Kim’s mother untied the sash as Kim slid the special panties off, turned his back, and slipped of his underpants. His mother handed him the special panties, now with a light dusting of baby powder inside. He stepped into them and pulled them up as high as they would go. His mother smoothed them out, cinching them just a tad higher, lowered the dress and re-tied the sash. The satin covered diapers made Kim squirm a bit, but he had to admit they felt wonderful to wear. His you know what reacted to them as well. A small bit of powder ended up on his stockings and his mother was busy wiping it off. The little bells at the tops of the stocking made a nice ringing sound to go along with the tingles Kim was feeling.
Mrs. Ridgeway walked back through the curtain, lifted the dress, and patted the panties lightly, front, and back, asking Kim how they felt.
“They feel very comfortable to wear Mrs. Ridgeway.”
She chuckled smiling as she reached for the fingernail polish and asked.
“Julia, please have Kim sit here at the mirror and help me do this makeup and jewelry.”
Kim was made to sit at the mirror as his mother and Mrs. Ridgeway set upon him. Soon, his eyes seemed even larger, his lashes darker and longer, curled to perfection. His puffy lips now coated with a shiny red lipstick, they even looked wet. Mrs. Ridgeway said he had ‘Kissy-Lips’ and he blushed as red as his lips now were. His mother adorned his neck with a braided gold and silver choker. It had a pair of little bells, silver and gold at the center with a shiny red enameled bow as a background. His earrings were also two little bells, silver, and gold in each ear. His fingernails were now a bright glossy red as shiny as his lips. The final touch was the satchel purse she tied to Kim’s right wrist making a fancy bow. Back up onto the little stand he stood as Mrs. Ridgeway had him smile as she took a few pictures from her compact digital camera. She smiled, said everything was perfect, and said she would pick it up before the open house at the town hall. That would be Friday evening at 7:00.
Since it was only Monday, it gave Julia a few days to make sure it was pressed and packed nicely for Friday morning. Kim was surprised as his mother told him to just put his pants on over the panties and stockings. She wanted him to help her with a few things right away. She said this as she was putting the gown and accessories away. She said,
“Those stockings you can keep as well Kimmie, I knew Mrs. Ridgeway wouldn’t want them for Pamela once you had worn them. I have two extra pairs for her.”
“Mom, what do I want with stockings and especially these diaper panties, GEEZE!”
She just chuckled, bustled him out to straighten up the shop. Kim was self- conscious about those panties. His pants just fit over them. The bulge they made was obvious if one cared to look. He felt his backside and he could feel the rows of ruffles as well. He couldn’t help but notice how these things made him tingle all over though. Those panties were making him feel things he never felt before and those stocking caressed his legs making the tingles even stronger.
He made it through the rest of the shopping time though without incident. He could have sworn a few of the customers winked at him and they were smiling more at him then usual. It could just be his imagination and nervousness though.
The last week of school before they got out for the winter break, they wouldn’t have to return until after the New Year! Everyone was excited; the festivities would begin this very evening at the Town Hall. Kim would be happy to see Pamela all decked out in her costume he went through so much so she could be beautiful this evening. All the biggies would be there tonight. The big sponsors would get their awards and recognition. All the elves would be there dressed in their various costumes, each promising to be different to match the elves roles. A party for all participants followed the presentations and acknowledgements. That part would be lengthy, speeches made by the mayor and others tended to drag on, but the free finger foods would be good, as would the refreshments. Kim thought Pamela would look cute as she helped present the awards to the recipients.
Kim’s role wasn’t until Saturday. He promised to help set up the booth for the hospitals children’s toy fund. The funds they received from those donations helped a great deal towards providing the special treats and presents for the children stuck in the hospital over the holidays. Christmas was always extra hard on the children. He loved to sing their favorite carols with them. The nurses and doctors just loved to hear Kim sing. He is very good and very talented.
Kim’s dad picked him up at school, and as they drove the short drive home, his dad tried to reason with him to at least take part in something this holiday. He said.
“Kimmie, it isn’t like you to not get involved in some way during the Christmas season. There has got to be something you could take part in.”
“Dad, we’ve been over this a hundred times. I don’t blame you or mom for the calendar, but what is done is done. You know what they all did or tried to have me do, even Mrs. Wilbur! She exchanged all my black leotards and tights with pink leotards and white tights! You already know what the other groups wanted me to do. I’ll attend some of the festivities dad, but I won’t be taking an active part in them this year. Maybe next year, if the fallout from the calendar shoot fades away I might. Hey. I’m still doing the hospital stuff and I did volunteer to help set up their booth.”
His dad wasn’t happy, but he went along with his son’s wishes. He said.
“All right son, but you will do one thing for your mother and I. You don’t have a say in this because we insist on it. Your mother and I signed you up as an emergency replacement elf. You should be happy to know that one has never been needed yet, but just in case, if one of the elves gets hurt or sick, you will be the one to replace them. Don’t worry we made the stipulation about your hospital things with the children. You won’t have to give that up to be an elf. Your mother and I already know you would never do that. The committee accepted everything and you are on the list for emergency replacement. You’ll also be happy to know that several positions already have back ups. There are only a few that you would have to stand in for.”
“OK dad, if you and mom insist I’ll do it. I want you to know that I’ll do it for you and mom, not the others.”
“That’s fine son, that’s all we ask. It’s a little hard for us being business owners and natives of this town to have our only child refuse to take part in things designed to bring in business for us. We do understand though. I’m proud of you son, no matter what, you stand in there and excel where other just barely make it. Your mother and I want you to know how much we love you and no matter what we are always with you.”
“Thanks dad, that means a lot to me. I love you both so much I can’t describe how much.”
They pulled up to the house; his dad gave him a big hug and kiss on his forehead. Kim hugged his dad back, ran inside to change and then to help his mother in her shop. His dad went back to his workshop to make some more special order shoes and to do a few repairs to a few pairs left that day.
Kim entered the shop through the back. His mother was busy out front. He noticed Pamela’s costume was gone, but he was surprised to see those ruffled diaper panties had been cleaned, dried, and so were the pair of stockings. He got the tingles just remembering how they had felt when he wore them yesterday.
Kim walked out into the shop to give his mother a hug and kiss as he always did. She was busy with a young girl and her mother. The young girl was in a wheelchair and not looking very happy. It seems the two women were talking and ignoring the little girl in the wheelchair. Kim interrupted just long enough to give his mom a hag and a kiss. He was introduced to the little girl her name is Kelly. Kim thought it appropriate with her coppery red hair and all those cute freckles. Kim took over and wheeled the surprised girl around the shop describing things. Kelly was soon chatting away and feeling much better about things. She asked Kim if he could keep a secret, of course he could and said so. Kelly said in a whisper.
“Kimmie, my legs are ugly and I have to wear stupid diapers all the time. I can’t wear most of the pretty things in your shop. I can’t wear petticoats or crinolines, fancy panties or dresses with the pretty bows and sashes.” Kim was surprised and said.
“Why not Kelly, you know I wore the prettiest pair of panties just yesterday and they are actually diapers. You want to see them?”
Kelly’s eyes lit up and she squealed in delight as Kim wheeled her in the back and showed her the frilly ruffled diaper panties he had worn just yesterday. Kelly loved them! Just then, the two women walked in, in response to Kelly’s squeal of delight. Julia was surprised to see Kimmie showing the little girl his special panties and he was describing them, as they were the best and most comfortable panties he had ever worn. Julia smiled at this and watched with a bigger smile as Kimmie removed the blanket covering her legs and lap.
The poor little girl’s legs had scars all up and down them. Kelly frowned, but Kimmie started putting the thigh high stockings on her. Hr mother seeing what Kimmie was doing lifted her little girl out of her chair so Kimmie could pull them all the way up. The pretty stockings hid the scars well and Kelly was very happy. She said.
“Mommy, mommy, look at the pretty panties; Kimmie says she wore them and they are the most comfortable panties she has ever worn. Guess what mommy there diapers too! Can I get some mommy, PLEASE?”
Well, that was that and she ordered some made for her little girl right then and there. Kimmie brought up the idea of a split crinoline. That’s a crinoline, which has been cut in the back and drawn to the front and sides. When Kelly is in her chair, the crinoline would be drawn to the front and sides. When Kelly was carried or out of her chair, the crinoline could then be drawn back to its full shape. He also described an idea for the dresses to be cut wider and slit in the back for when Kelly is in her chair, the dress could be drawn away the same as the crinoline was. When Kelly is out of her chair, the dress would then be drawn back to its full shape, which overlapped a bit to hide the slit. Kelly’s mom ordered two dresses and crinolines to be made just as Kimmie described them. Kelly got to pick them out from the selection of dresses out in the shop. Kimmie then let her pick out the crinolines and even look at the fancy panties to pick out what style covering she wanted for the diaper panties. Kelly was so happy and excited; her mother was overjoyed seeing her little girl so happy.
Kelly, when their shopping was done motioned for Kimmie to get closer. When he did, she gave him a big hug and kiss saying.
“Kimmie, you’re the bestest ever, would you be my bestest girlfriend?”
Kim blushed at that, but smiled and said.
“It would be my honor Princess Kelly.”
Kelly giggled, and her mother heaped praises to Julia about her wonderful and gifted daughter. Kim blushed again, but Julia was on cloud nine! They said goodbye, but not without Kelly’s mom giving Kim a hug and a kiss of her own while saying.
“Kimmie, you’ve made my little girl happier than she has been in a long time. In just a few seconds, you managed to gain her trust and make her love you. You have a God given gift and you are a very pretty, little girl. An angel like you shouldn’t be dressed like a little boy. We’re going to invite your family over for dinner some night soon. Make sure you wear a dress and looking your prettiest.”
With that said, they left the shop.
Julia started to chuckle and then laugh. Kim turned red and said.
“Why me mom, why does everyone think I’m a tomboy and not a boy?”
“Honey, they just make assumptions based on what they see and hear. Think about it, here you are working in a dress shop filled with fancy frilly clothes for little girls. You told that little girl you were wearing those fancy frilly diaper panties and those stockings yesterday. Would a boy say those things? Would a boy put stockings on a girl without batting an eye? It’s those types of things that make people assume you are a little girl, a very smart and gifted little girl, but a girl they all think you are.”
“Um, I guess you’re right mom, but she looked so sad. I had to do something to make her happy. When she said she could never where most of the things we sold I had to think of a way she could. The ideas just popped into my head. I couldn’t help that mom.”
“No you couldn’t and I hope you never stop doing that Honey. That is what makes you so special. It doesn’t matter if they think you are a little boy or a little girl, everyone seems to love you seconds after they meet you Sweetheart.”
“Not everyone mom; none of the kids love me, they just want to make fun of my size and how I look. Just the grown ups seem to like me.”
“That’s just not true Kimmie. That little girl that was just here loves you. All the children in the hospital love you. In fact, I think the majority of the little children adore you as well as their mothers. I don’t know any of the adults that don’t sing your praises when they see me. Your father will tell you the same think Kimmie. It’s just a few bullies at school and they are always picking on and teasing someone.”
“Well, I guess you’re right again mom, but I wish they wouldn’t all want me to be a littler girl. Just once, I would like them to like me the way I am, as a 16-year-old boy. I guess that can be my Christmas wish for this year.”
His mom gave him a big hug and a kiss saying.
“You know, this was your idea, so you have work to do. You can help me make Kelly’s panties and dresses. I will need your help modifying those crinolines too. I’ll give you the commission if you do most of the work.”
“COOL! OK, let’s get started! Um mom, what should I wear for that dinner at Kelly’s house?”
“Why don’t you leave that to me Kimmie? I’ll pick out something that will make Kelly and her mother happy.”
“Um, OK mom, but don’t go to frilly on me.”
Julia chuckled; ruffled Kimmie’s hair and they started to work on making the diaper panties. They would take the longest and they aren’t that easy to make. The dresses and crinolines would be easy to modify.
Julia and her son Kimmie worked for a few hours and then quit for the night. They closed the shop and walked the short way home to get ready for the nights activities at the Town Hall. Kim was dressed in his best suit and dress shoes. His shirt and everything else tailored to perfection and fit him perfectly. He wore his red Santa Clause tie as a comic relief. They still had a half-hour before they needed to leave, and Kim was getting very hungry. He couldn’t wait to get at the finger foods and free refreshments!
Pamela looked cute as a button wearing her costume. She was a little pale, a little more so than normal, but her makeup hid it well. She wasn’t going to ruin this chance to show off in front of all those people. Tonight was her night! She was even going to get to sing! She was supposed to sing Silent Night Oh Holy Night once the presentations and speeches were made, just before everyone went in to eat the special catered dinner. She had already snitched a few of the finger foods. They were very spicy and her tummy started to hurt. She drank two glasses of the punch, but now she hurt even lower down than her tummy. She hid it well though; nothing would keep her from her grand debut tonight!
She sat down, waiting to be called; she was starting to hurt too much to walk around. Her father the mayor was preparing himself for his speech and the presentations. Her mother noticed she was missing and with just a half-hour to go, she went looking for her. Pamela saw her mother, stood up and quickly doubled over and fell to the ground.
Gertrude knew what it was. That girl would never learn to stay away from the foods she wasn’t supposed to eat. Well, she wouldn’t ruin tonight’s festivities. Gertrude called one of the deputies over and had him take Pamela to the hospital. She waved Pamela’s doctor over, and after disrobing Pamela and doing a quick examination, he sent her on her way to the hospital. He phoned in his orders of treatment and went back to the festivities. Gertrude’s next call was made in a frantic way. She was worried about a replacement for her daughter. She called and found Mrs. Gale the president of the committee. They quickly ran down the list of emergency replacements and Gertrude pointed to Kim Taylor name. She said.
“Kimmie is the one, let me make the call. I have the costume right here and I know it fits Kimmie perfectly!”
Little Pamela arrived at the hospital wearing only her diaper panties and stockings wrapped in a blanket. The hospital staff wasn’t surprised to learn that her parents nor her doctor would be coming. Nothing new there, they often just dropped her off and her doctor, more times than not, would just phone his orders in letting the attending physician do all the work. It would be a rough and painful night for little Pamela and she would have to suffer through it all without her parents giving her the love and support she desperately needed.
The Taylor’s were just about to walk out the door when the phone rang. Mr. Taylor picked it up, smiling and giving a cheery greeting. His smile vanished in a nana-second though. This made Kim and his mother pay attention. They heard him reply.
“Ok Gertrude, calm down, we’ll be waiting in the shop. (Pause) All right Gertrude, don’t worry, Kimmie will be ready in time. (Pause) Ok, Julia, Gertrude needs a very quick word.”
“Yes Gertrude? Um, no he gave them to a little girl in a wheelchair earlier. (Pause) Yes, he still has those. (Pause) Gertrude you gave them to him and anyway I did not charge you for that pair of stockings. I knew you wouldn’t want Pamela to wear something Kimmie had worn close to his body. (Pause) All right, He’ll be ready and I’ll do something with his hair. (Pause) Ok See you in a few minutes Gertrude.”
With that, Julia hung up the phone and said.
“Kimmie, the emergency replacement elf is needed right now and as quick as we can transform you. Come on Honey, to the shop and hurry.”
Gertrude informed her husband and directed him to stall until he saw the Kimmie dressed and ready to start. He nodded and she dashed off to her home to get the last pair of thigh high stockings. That and just a little bit more; she had an idea to make Kimmie even more beautiful.
Bill, Kimmie’s dad was already working on Kimmie’s pair of shoes. He had quickly left once he knew what was happening, removed the shoes from the back room of his wife’s shop, and brought them to his. He turned on his computer with a few of the pictures Julia’s store cams provided, and studied the outfit Kimmie would be wearing. He had to be quick, and he knew just what touches to make.
Julie had Kimmie quickly undress everything had to come off. There was not time to be bashful as she had Kimmie quickly slip into those special panties. Baby powder she didn’t have, but she did have some body powder Bill had bought for her. Supposedly hypoallergenic, and smelled so nice. Her favorite scent rose. A slight dusting and on the panties went. She went to work on his fingernails; his eyes were next, and then his lashes. Lastly, his lips were coated, now a shiny, glossy, red, they looked wet, and oh so kissable!
Gertrude came into the parking lot squealing her tires as she braked. Grabbing the garment bag and then the jewelry case, she ran inside. She smiled as she saw Kimmie, his face already a thing of beauty and wonder. Him standing there so prettily, wearing only the pretty diaper panties, rows of ruffled lace adorning his bottom. Julia and she hurriedly began the rest of his transformation. Kimmie surprised to see the petticoat being slipped over his head. The dress was short enough, now with the added tiny but thick puffy petticoat; his fancy, frilly, ruffled, diapered bottom would be even more on display. Add the pure white lace of the petticoat contrasting the look; everyone’s eyes would be drawn to those panties. Oh, but did that petticoat send the tingles to new heights! The dress was next; the sash cinched tightly drawing the dress and petticoat up even that much shorter. The stockings the women put on quick as a flash, but the sensations they caused to Kimmie was not missed. The women smiled at each other as Gertrude winked at Julia. Kimmie was covered in goose bumps! He shivered from the sensations his body was receiving. The jewelry was next, and then Gertrude did something with green and red satin ribbons to his hair.
Just then, Bill came in holding the once plain shiny red Mary Jane shoes. They now glittered with red and green sparkles; he had added little silver and gold bells to the middle of the straps that went over the top of Kimmie’s feet. The little gold buckles hidden beneath the red velvet bows. He had also added slight heels of two inches to the shoes. Wide heels, but they made Kimmie’s calves tighten and added that little touch of femininity to his walk. The swish of the petticoat and the tinkling of all those little bells hid the crinkling sound of the waterproof panties hidden behind the fabric and rows of lacey ruffles.
With the red and green satin ribbons woven through Kimmie’s blond curls, starting with two pretty bows side by side, high on his head. He was now ready for his hat. Hat in place and with a sprits of perfume, he was ready for the festivities.
Everything was happening so fast, it wasn’t until Gertrude wrapped a matching red velvet cape around his shoulders that he realized what actually was happening. He was taking Pamela’s place! He would be exposed to almost everyone in town this way! There was nothing he could do about it though, his thought as he was hurried out the door to the car. Stupid car seats, of course Pamela needed one, she was a small as he was. Strapped in with no way of escape, they drove off to Kimmie’s impending doom. That’s the way he saw it anyway.
Mr. Ridgeway, the honorable mayor, was telling a few jokes. He got a few laughs, a few groans, but he brightened considerably as he watched his wife and the Taylor family walk in.
In the two minutes it took for Gertrude to speed to the town hall, she instructed Kimmie on what and how to perform his tasks. He groaned when he heard about the song he had to sing. That would do it for sure. The catalog was nothing compared to this! He agreed with his parents about being an emergency stand in elf, he had no choice really, but here he was and he would do his best.
At first, everyone’s eyes were on that very beautiful little girl making all those tinkling and swishing sounds as she so femininely walked her way to stand next to the mayor. Mrs. Ridgeway slipping off the cape the little girl was wrapped in. This revealed the prettiest costume anyone had ever seen. From her head to her toes, this little girl was a real beauty! It took only a minute or so for people to realize who that angelic beauty was. She had walked in with Mr. and Mrs. Taylor! Goodness, that’s Kimmie Taylor he’s so beautiful! The mumbles and whispers began in earnest after that realization-hit home.
Kimmie, with the purse dangling from his right wrist, affixed with the lanyard tied into a pretty bow, stood there smiling and making the best of this humiliating trial. Mayor Ridgeway gave a little speech about each recipient of the special plaque awards. They would walk up and Kimmie would take the plaque from the mayor and because of the heels, sashay to the person, and hand them the award. Turning he would sashay back to take his place once more next to the mayor. Kimmie ended up receiving and giving more than a few kisses, mostly from the women who received awards. A few of the men insisted on a kiss though. Kimmie’s cheeks were as red as his outfit! This just added to how cute he was. Everyone said so!
Finally, the speeches and presentations were over and the mayor announced that Kimmie Taylor, yes he announced to everyone that this was indeed Kimmie, would sing a carol for everyone. The music started and Kimmie began to sing. Silence, all that was heard was the music and Kimmie’s singing. He sounded so wonderful, everyone felt as well as heard that song. Kimmie’s sapphire blue eyes, looking so huge and pretty flashed and sparkled as he sang. His lips, glowing red, so full and shiny, everything he wore glittered and sparkled as well. He did look just like a little angel while he sang. Everyone said so! When the music and song ended, at first, there was silence, but then the applause began and went on and on for three-minutes at least! Kimmie smiled an embarrassed, red-cheeked smile, gave a little nod, and waited for the applause to stop. People shouted and demanded another song. The mayor stepped forward and announced that dinner was now being served. The people wouldn’t leave until Kimmie promised to sing another song. Once again, Kimmie was forced into doing something he would rather not do. He had to agree and did. Everyone flowed in to the room for the catered dinner. Happily, the mayor and his wife allowed Kimmie to sit with his parents. Pamela’s setting had been removed from the head table, leaving that much more room for everyone else sitting there.
Kimmie was mobbed by adults and kids alike. Almost all of the kids Kimmie went to school with; especially the girls only had nice things to say to him. A few that dared say a few nasty things were soon yanked away and given a very stern talking too. One, the biggest bully in school, had his mother grab his ear and drag him away, much to the delight of everyone present.
Kimmie sat with his parents; they shared with Mr. and Mrs. Wells. Kimmie groaned the wells ran the community theatre. Mr. Robert Wells, Bob to almost everyone in town was the director, his wife Minnie, was in charge of the costuming and makeup crew. They started in on him immediately.
Mr. Wells said.
“Kimmie, why you refused to take the part of the little girl for our musical I cannot even fathom! Look at you you’re beautiful! Your singing voice captured everyone here Kimmie! If they only knew how well you can dance and act, you would soon be the new star in town. I will even bet, that if you stared in our play, you would soon find that you would be in demand for other things, bigger, better, and more lucrative things!”
Mrs. Wells jumped in saying.
“Kimmie, my sweet beautiful child; you are more beautiful than I imagined you’d be! When you sang, I got chills listening and watching you perform! You must reconsider joining our play this season, you must! You’re perfect for the role as Amanda. I promise you the costumes and the makeup will be perfect! Please reconsider, the person we have playing the Amanda role can never fill that part. She is nowhere near as talented or as gifted as you are. Kimmie, you will make our play a success. Without you, I’m afraid our play will close soon after it opens. You know how much we depend on ticket sales to keep the theatre going. What can we do to convince you Sweetheart?”
When Kimmie didn’t reply and only looked away, they started their appeal to his parents. That wasn’t enough, those at the nearby tables had overheard, and they added their two cents worth, appealing to Kimmie to help save the theatre. They made it sound as if without Kimmie, the theatre might even have to close. That was absurd, they were well funded, but a few flops or bad plays could change that in a hurry. The allowances for costuming and all the rest would have to be cut. The budget for publicity would be reduced considerably. All this was bantered about until Kimmie gave them a maybe. His parents left it up to him and said they would support him with whatever decision he made.
Dinner was served, and Kimmie was starving! He hadn’t been able to get one bite of finger foods and only water to drink during the speeches and presentations. Salad first, he ate taking small bites and chewed everything completely, savoring each bite. Soup was next, along with cheese slices and warm bread with butter. Oh, that tasted so good! Kimmie was slowly relaxing and enjoying the delicious food. It was prime rib with a baked potato, smothered in butter and sour cream. These weren’t the usual tiny portions either they were huge! Kimmie was able to only eat half of the prime rib and less of the smothered potato. Desert followed, Kimmie could only drink his hot chocolate, and he had no room for anything else.
Kimmie had about five minutes to relax when the mayor stood and announced that Kimmie would now sing for all of them. He asked Kimmie if he knew O Little Town of Bethlehem. Kimmie knew it and nodded. The DJ that was playing soft carols while everyone was eating walked to the front of the head table holding a microphone for Kimmie. To constant, urging applause, Kimmie stood and walked his way to the front. The heels making him swish and sway in such a feminine way. The multiple little bells tinkling as he walked. He could feel his bottom wiggling like never before; he was glowing red in his embarrassment as he took the mike and turned facing the crowd.
The music started and he began to sing, these words never sounding so rich, powerful and filled with such emotion.
Yet in thy dark streets shineth For Christ is born of Mary, O morning stars, together O holy Child of Bethlehem! We hear the Christmas angels,
how still we see thee lie!
Above thy deep and dreamless sleep
the silent stars go by;
The everlasting light;
The hopes and fears of all the years
are met in thee tonight.
And gathered all above,
While mortals sleep, the angels keep
Their watch of wond’ring love.
Proclaim the holy birth,
And praises sing to God the King,
And peace to men on earth.
Descend to us, we pray.
Cast out our sin, and enter in,
Be born in us today!
The great glad tidings tell;
O come to us, abide with us,
Our lord Immanuel!
Kimmie’s eyes, sparkling, his whole body flowing with the sounds and emotions of the song captured everyone present. He had sung the song with such flowing notes they never paused between. The words were felt as well as heard; his last notes flowed and held for so long people were holding their breath. When the song ended, you could hear people gasping as they finally drew a breath. The applause began, people started standing, and the applause grew. People were shouting, Bravo, Bravo! Kimmie nodded his head, smiled and walked back to his table.
After more people came to say a few words of praise to Kimmie and his parents, it was finally time they could go home. Mrs. Ridgeway and her husband the mayor came over and made a big thing about giving Kimmie the costume as Mrs. Ridgeway wrapped the cape around Kimmie’s shoulders. He was hugged and kissed finally they could leave. They walked home in the crisp still night, the skies clear, and the stars gleaming brightly. They walked hand in hand, Kimmie in the middle. His parents glowed they were so proud and happy. As they walked, they hinted that he might reconsider doing the play. He was needed desperately and they knew he could do it. They told him how many actors played the roles of women and young girls. It was just a role to play to entertain and to fulfill a role with his skill and talents. Everyone knows he is a boy; they appreciate his gifts and the skill he gives them for others.
They pointed out that almost everyone praised him this night. The few that didn’t were dealt with rather swiftly and completely. They chuckled remembering the bully, Tommy Lewinski, so big and intimidating, grabbed by the ear by his mother and dragged right out of the town hall in front of everyone! Yes, that brought a laugh and a smile to Kimmie.
Kimmie started talking about the play, he said.
“You know, the play starts in a week and I don’t know the dance steps or the music. I don’t even know the script. I could never learn all that in time.”
Julia spoke up.
“Honey, the Wells wouldn’t have asked you to do the part if they thought you couldn’t do it or learn what you need to learn by the plays opening. I’ll tell you what, while you’re helping at the hospital booth tomorrow, I’ll call the Wells and tell them your concerns, all right Sweetheart?”
“OK mom, right now though, I just want to get home. Get out of this outfit, and take a nice hot bath. My legs and feet are killing me!”
They all chuckled and Julia added.
“It the heels Honey, what we girls go through to show off our pretty legs!”
This made them all laugh even harder.
Kim, dressed as Kim, the stylish little boy made his way to the hospital booth site. He was surprised to be stopped by so many girls and adults that were setting up booths this morning. They all told him how much they enjoyed his singing and that he made a very beautiful little girl. Kim blushed, thanked them, and walked faster to the place where the hospital crew was setting up.
Nurse Betty and Dr. Noel greeted him warmly. He had to listen to more praises from them, they attended last nights affair. He helped stack the give away items for those who donated to the children’s Christmas fund. He helped as much as he could when Dr. Noel pulled him aside with Nurse Betty. He said.
“Kim, we have a favor to ask that might just increase the amount of donations for the children. Betty and I after hearing you sing last night and seeing how beautiful you look as a young girl came up with this idea. How about for every donation of $20.00 or more, you sing a song. We thought that after all those people heard you sing and they all begged you to sing some more, well, dressed and looking so beautiful, the donations would poor in this year. What do you think Kim?”
“Um, well, I couldn’t wear the same costume. It has to be cleaned after last night. How about I just dress up in my suit and still sing?”
Nurse Betty spoke up then.
“Kimmie, Sweetheart, don’t you think people will be more apt to donate to hear a beautiful little girl sing, especially one dressed prettily and looking so innocent? I mean, you could sing dressed in your suit and tie, but don’t you think our idea would bring in even more donations for the children’s Christmas fund? We are desperate to raise the money. We have over twenty children still on the ward that will be staying during Christmas.”
“Well, you would have to speak to my mom about a costume. All we have are the dresses you know. That costume my mother made for Pamela originally. She was supposed to do hand out the presentations and sing that song. What happened to her anyway, is she all right?”
Dr. Noel spoke up.
“I not supposed to discuss patient’s conditions, but I’ll make an exception for you Kim. Promise me you won’t tell anyone I told you this.”
“I promise Dr. Noel.”
“Ok, last night just before she was to begin her elf role, she had a major attack. Her kidneys became inflamed and she needed to be hospitalized. Pamela is recovering now, but she is still in pain, and no one has visited her yet today or last night.”
“You mean she was sent to the hospital and her parents stayed at the festival?”
“I’m afraid so Kim. This is nothing new though. Even her doctor just phones in his orders. Her parents will visit for a minute or two each day she is in the hospital.”
Nurse Betty spoke up.
“Yeah, sure, her mother will bring her a new doll and a new baby doll nightie. Her father will bring her a box of chocolates and new game for her X- Box. The nightie and the doll will just sit in the corner of her private room. The X-Box we save for her is still in the box. I think she has about 15 games for it now, all unopened. The poor little thing seems to only cheer up when you come to visit, you make her forget, and she laughs and plays. We need you Kimmie, the children need you, and they adore you.”
“Um, Nurse Betty could you come with me to see my mom?”
“I’ll be glad to Kimmie!”
She gave Kim a bone crushing hug and big kiss right on his lips! He turned beet red as she took his hand and they walked back to his mom’s shop.
Julia was surprised to see Kimmie return so quickly. He usually always stayed to help at the booth. She was more surprised to see Betty come in with him. That is until Betty explained her and Dr. Noel’s idea. Julia smiled and asked her son.
“Kimmie, you want to do this?”
“Sure mom, it’s for the kids, they need these donations so they can have a nice Christmas. There stuck in the hospital and they all feel bad knowing that they are missing all the fun. I think they even get sicker or at least don’t heal as fast when they are depressed.”
Nurse Betty agreed with Kim on that score. She said.
“You’re right Kimmie. It is a proven fact that happy children heal much faster than sad ones. Depressed children can even get worse.”
Julie piped up and said.
“In that case I have the perfect outfit and everything that goes with it.”
Dr. Noel was watching Mr. Johns put the finishing touches on the banner he was having made. It read.
It didn’t take long once the banner went up for the news to spread. The fact that the sign read Kimberly, let everyone know Kimmie would be dressed and appear as the beautiful little girl once more.
Funny how thing go, Kimmie was still getting ready when the street fair opened and people began to line up and make their donations and sign the paper with their name and their donation. Already, six people made a $20.00 donation. They waited around nearby just to hear and see Kimberly.
By the time Kimberly was ready, 18 people had made the $20.00 donation and two other donated $50.00! The hospital booth was already breaking all their previous funding records.
Julia chose her best of the best for Kim to wear. He knew this and tried to protest, but Julia would hear no arguments! She said.
“Kimmie, it’s really cold outside so you’ll have to dress warmly, yet still look beautiful. Put these on first, they’ll keep you warmer.”
“Mom, these are those diaper panties.”
“Yes Kimmie and they’ll keep you a lot warmer than the dainty ones you could be wearing.”
“Um, ok.”
Nurse Betty said.
“Kimmie let me help you dress Sweetheart. Don’t be embarrassed, I am a nurse you know.”
Kimmie nodded as Julia added just a dusting of powder to the inside of the panties. Kim was a little embarrassed as Betty helped him undress and then slip into the panties. He couldn’t help but get that embarrassing reaction from the panties. Those tingles had started already! Betty just smiled and winked saying.
“They feel nice don’t they?”
“Um, they feel REAL nice.”
They both chuckled as Julia came in with a full petticoat, handing it to Betty. Once that was on, Kimmie shivered. Julia and Betty shared a knowing smile and a wink.
Julia stepped out and returned holding a pair of red tights embroidered with little angel holding lit candles on the legs. The panty part was much thinner and sheer. These would be nice and warm to wear. Kimmie couldn’t help shiver as Betty slid them up his legs and smoothed them over his pretty-white satin diaper panties. On Kimmie’s bottom across the panties was embroidered in dark blue script, “Our Little Angel.” The sheer portion of the tights let the embroidery show through clearly.
Julia and Betty loved it, too bad Kimmie hadn’t noticed that little touch.
Julia handed Betty the shoes Kimmie had warn last night. Kimmie said.
“Mom, those are the ones dad fixed up for me.”
“Kimmie, dressed as a little girl you should talk like one. Your daddy made those shoes for you. He made them even better to go with your costume for last night. I’m not mom, I’m mommy OK?”
“Um, isn’t this going a bit over the top mom, um mommy?”
“No Kimmie, not after the phone conversation I had a little earlier.”
“What phone conversation, um, mommy?”
Julia smiled at least he is trying. “I talked with the Wells, I told I would. They want you for the play more than ever.”
Betty jumped in here.
“You’re going to be in the Christmas musical Kimmie?”
“Um, I don’t really know Nurse Betty. I don’t think I have enough time to learn all the lines, the songs and the dances. The play opens in a week.”
Julia chuckled and said.
“Kimmie, with that sponge of a memory you have, it will take you one walk through, one practice session after you see the dance steps and one read through. All you will need to practice is your delivery and timing. I got that straight from Mr. Wells. You go to the theatre in the morning for fittings and rehearsal.”
Betty chimed in.
“Well, if you’re going to be the star I had better order my tickets now. When word gets out, they’ll be sold out in no time!”
Kim blushed and said.
“Stop teasing me Nurse Betty. That’s not so.”
“Kimmie, I think I like Auntie Betty better. When you are Kim, you can call me Aunt Betty all right?”
“I think I like that a lot, um, Auntie Betty.”
She gave Kimmie a quick hug and a kiss as Julia stepped out and returned with that special dress.
Betty’s eyes popped when she saw it. Kim smiled; it is a very pretty dress. His mother’s best of the best. Green velvet lined on the inside with red satin, it’s overlaid with red embroidered lace. The lace is covered with tiny green velvet bows with little ribbons hanging from them. Each of the bows has a little angel charm in the middle. The phone rang, Julia answered it, but it was Dr. Noel for Betty.
“Hi Pete, what’s up? (Pause) You’re kidding me! (Pause) Ok Pete, we’ll be right there, I put everything into high gear, bye!”
Julia asked what was up and Betty said.
“That was Dr. Noel. It seems they have a lot of impatient people waiting for Kimberly to show up and sing.”
Kimmie said.
“Kimberly? Um, how many people?”
“Dr. Noel had a banner made after you agreed to dress up and sing. It says, ‘Kimberly Taylor will sing just for you for each $20.00 donation.’ He told me they already have over 30 people that made the $20.00 donation and they have signed a list. Six people have donated $50.00 or more as well! We have to get you ready super fast and get you down there like yesterday!”
“Auntie Betty, stop teasing me.”
“I’m not teasing you Kimberly, this is for real Honey!”
Julia said.
“Calm down Kimberly, this is what everyone one wanted isn’t it? Look at all the funds for the children you are making.”
“Um, OK Mom–Mommy.”
Dress now in place, the red satin sash tied into a nice big bow at Kimberly’s back. A quick make over, hair tied into a pretty ponytail with red and green sating ribbons. Interwoven ribbons made into a nice bow clipped into Kimberly’s ponytail. A pair of white stretch gloves and off they went. Kim was just to excited, to realize he was walking so feminine again thanks to the heels. The dress was as short as the one from last night. His bottom peaked through with the littlest wiggle. If one looked hard enough, they could read the writing on Kimberly’s diaper panties. As the crowd saw Kimberly approach, they began clapping and shouting. Kimberly and Betty were surprised to see the number of people surrounding the hospital booth. They actually were blocking two other booths!
Dr. Noel handed Kimberly a hot apple cider, which she took and drank from happily. Mm, that was good! Kimberly had no choice but to start singing right then and there. She sang a song, drank a mug of cider, sang again, and drank a mug of cider. This went on for two hours straight. Finally, she just had to take a break. She was about to pee on herself! She pulled ‘Auntie Betty’ aside and told her she needed a bathroom real quickly. Betty said.
“Kimberly, can you make it to your mommies shop?”
“No way Auntie Betty I have to go and go now.”
“Sorry Kimberly, but your mommies shop is the closest bathroom. Why don’t you just let it go? You are wearing something made just for that purpose you know.”
Kimberly had no choice once again. She just let it flow, trying to look casual while she did it. It didn’t help when Aunty Betty giggled. That made Kimberly giggle and everything was over soon after that. Kimberly began singing again, and repeated the same sequence. Song, mug of hot apple cider, another song, another mug of hot apple cider. The panties worked and she had no leaks! After 4 hours of singing and two wettings, she needed a break. Aunty Betty walked with her back to her mommies shop. They giggled about Kimberly needing a diaper change. Julia handed Betty another diaper panty and Betty did the honors of washing and powdering Kimberly before she helped her on with the second diaper panty. They returned and the process repeated itself for another three hours.
Wow, $2,327.94 was the final tally, shattering all previous records. Kimberly even posed for pictures and giggled when some people even wanted her autograph!
The next morning Kim was up and dressed ready to go to the theatre for his fittings and rehearsal. The fittings went quickly and he was glad there were no diaper panties this time. He did love the way they felt, but the silky ruffled panties he was to wear on stage felt nice as well. He just loved the feeling of the slippery cool, satin against his skin. Of course, the reaction his body’s response caused made the women in the wardrobe department giggle. They made sure that Kimberly wore a smaller sized ruffle free satin panty underneath. That solved the little bulging problem. The women exchanged knowing looks and winks.
The walk through was easy. Kimberly remembered her marks and her timing after just two tries. The dance steps took her three tries, and her lines took only two. They would work on her delivery the following afternoon.
Tomorrow morning Kim would be going to the hospital to help launch the Christmas Surprise. He had a plan that would help Pamela and all the other children. He hoped it would work as he felt it would. If so, everyone would be happy and that was his sole purpose in life, to make people happy and set an example for others to follow.
He asked his mom for help once again and she provided him with a simpler yet still pretty Christmas dress with all the accessories. He would get his Aunty Betty to help him dress. Yes, another pair of the angel diaper-panties was included. Kim didn’t know that yet though.
His dad drove him to the hospital where Kim met up with Aunt Betty. She and Nurse Carol made a quick job of getting Kimberly ready for her big debut. Kimberly with a garment bag, wrapping paper and all the trimmings walked into Pamela’s private room. She said.
“Hi Pamela, how would you like to make all the children on this ward jump with joy and giggle with happiness?”
Pamela was shocked; she starred at Kimberly and shouted.
“Kimmie, is that you; you’re beautiful! I just new you were really a girl! Um, how can I do that?”
“Well, first you have to get ready to be my special elf to hand out your presents to the other children.”
“Um, my presents, I don’t have any presents for anybody.”
“Sure you do lots of them. Stop and think for a second OK?”
“Um, help me Kimmie please?”
“It’s Kimberly when I’m dressed like this OK Pamela?”
She giggled and agreed saying.
“Ok Kimberly, now tell me what presents do I have?”
“Let me see. First, you have an X-Box still in the box with a lot of games still unopened right?”
“Yup, but my parents gave those to me.”
“Right, but do you want them?”
“No way! I want them, not no stupid presents.”
“Ok, so there yours right?”
The light switched on and Pamela realized what she had.
“OH YEAH, I got dollies and nighties too!”
“I brought wrapping paper, ribbons, bows, tape, everything we need, but first my elf has to get ready!”
“What, how do I do that?”
“By getting dressed in this costume I have right here.”
Pamela squealed with delight as she saw her costume with all the accessories. Nurse Carol came in and was very happy seeing the always-depressed Pamela practically jumping out of her bed.
Kimberly asked Nurse Carol if she would help get Pamela in her costume. Pamela shook her head and insisted on Kimberly helping her dress in her costume. Kimberly had Pamela agree to let Nurse Carol help her into her diaper panties first, and then Kimberly would come in and help her finish getting dressed. That’s how it went, and soon Pamela was dressed complete with makeup. They wrapped all the presents and once they were done, they carried them into the playroom. The nurses helped and even Dr. Noel got in the act. He made sure the children stayed in their rooms until the proper time.
Once everything was set, Kimberly and her little elf, well they are the same size. Kimberly and Pamela with the help of Dr. Noel and the nurses got all the kids into the playroom.
When the children saw all those presents they were giggling and got very excited. First Kimberly handed Pamela the X-Box to give to the nurses and Dr. Noel. It was a present for the playroom. They all pulled a piece of the wrapping paper off until the X-Box was exposed. The little boys all screamed and said COOL! The girls weren’t all that excited about it, but some of them were. Kimberly then handed the wrapped games for Pamela to hand out to the boys and even to two of the girls that got excited over seeing the X-Box. The kids went crazy and wanted to play right then and there. Kimberly made everyone calm down and nothing was going to happen until all the present were handed out. She reminded them to look at the little cards attached so they knew whom the presents were from. They did just that and gave Pamela hugs and even a few kisses! Kisses from little boys are a rare treat!
Kimberly then continued handing the presents to Pamela and Pamela being the great Elf that she is, passed them out to the girls. Well, you would think these children were getting a lifetime pass to Disney Land ® the way they were shouting, giggling, and being so happy. Pamela was the Queen Elf that day. All the kids loved her and they kept hugging her and telling her how much they loved her. Pamela was the happiest she has ever been in her entire life that day. Funny thing about that, she didn’t get one present for herself.
The nurses came in wheeling a cart full of ice cream cake and huge card. The card was from Kimberly, she made it herself. The nurse told the children that the goodies were from the person that made them the special Christmas card. Surprisingly they wanted to open and read the card first. That is what they did.
Kimberly had written a special message to each of them and signed the card “Huggles and Giggles to All, Kimberly.”
Right in the middle of all this happy bedlam, Pamela’s parents arrived. Finding Pamela’s bed empty they followed the noise and watched as their once bratty and sad little girl was laughing, giggling, and having the time of her life. Something happened then, maybe it was one of those Christmas miracles we here about from time to time, but Pamela’s parents realized their loss and it was their fault. They cried while holding each other. The vision they saw that moment was one of a daughter full of happiness, joy, and love. It should have been them sharing this moment with their daughter, but their own selfishness and wants kept that from happening.
Pamela spotted her parents smiling at her with tears in their eyes. She jumped up, ran over to them hollering.
“Mommy, Daddy, I’m the Christmas Elf after all and I made everybody happy! Kimberly helped me and you did too!”
Now this caught them off guard and they asked her.
“What do you mean we helped Princess?”
“All those presents you gave me instead of staying with me. I gave them to all the kids and that made them real happy. They gave me hugs and kisses and said they loved me! Mommy Daddy, thank you!”
Well they were really crying now, tears of joy and being ever so happy. They joined the celebration as Kimberly quietly slipped away. This was their time, not hers.
Well, word gets around as we all know, especially in a small town.
Kimberly did star in that play and it was a huge success. It ran over until March! She became very popular, and everyone loved Kim as well. Katy was dropped and Kimmie was adopted by one and all. It was a good compromise. No one teased Kim after that. That bully and his friends soon learned you don’t bother a person the whole town knows and loves.
Kim could be Kim whenever he wanted to. Kimberly could show up anytime, she was requested for a lot of appearances. The Taylor family has a son and a daughter now. They love both as one in the same.
It is said throughout the town that Kimmie is an angel sent from heaven. How do I know that? Because, EVERYONE SAYS SO!
Huggles and Giggles to All
Angel O’Hare.
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So sweet
A beautiful story, thank you. Now I'm off to the store for more Kleenex.
Christmas Surprise
Christmas Surprise Is one great Angel O’Hare story that is a must read.
May Your Light Forever Shine
...And a Merry Christmas to you, too!
Well done, Angel! I enjoyed that very much!
watery eyes
Very good huggles to you.
Early Christmas Surprise
Thanks for posting this story.
I like it very much every time I read it again!
I read this last year
Angle I read this story I think last year still a good story ;) keep up the good work hun
Love Samantha Renee Heart
Love Samantha Renee Heart
Christmas present
Thank you for this special Christmas Present. I remember in my younger years volunteering in a Children's Hospital. It is amazing how little it takes to cheer a kid up.
Kimberly found a balance between her two halfs. I especially loved how the females picked up on her enjoyment while Kimmie was still fighting being put into girl clothing.
Merry Christmas
Keep Smiling, Keep Writing
Christmas Surprise
It is hard to deliver more than expected when the title seems to give it away. You and Kim rose above our fondest expectations. Kim drew it out in others as well as raised herself up in the best sense of the Christmas Spirit. I think many of us see our flaws made beautiful through your writing.
Kim touched my heart.
Jessie C
Jessica E. Connors
Jessica Connors
I hope that you are as beautiful as the stories you you XXXXX
To Angel
I have always loved your stories, and it has broken my heart to learn of your passing on. I truly hope that you are now a true Angel in heaven and have earned your wings for helping so many of us to heal, and to be happy with whom we are.
All My Love to my Friend and My Angel..
Thank you for letting us know.
I only discovered Angel O'Hare's stories today. I was wondering why she published so many wonderful stories from some years ago and then stopped. Thank you.