Vampyre 4.

Vampyre 4.

*A quick note to my readers. In order to get more character time in the Evanescence plot I'm switching Alecia back to having her own storyline. I might end up doing the same for Jill as well. Let me know.

Chapter 4

Evening came way too fast for me, and I could feel it too. It was this thing, like when you feel a chill.

This deep chill settling into me and it was like the setting sun had changed and I could feel the light, the warm seeping out of me…


I was one the couch with Donna and we’d just had this good day, we did nothing just sort of snuggled…made soup…ate soup…watched some TV kissed, turned off the TV made love.


That voice hit me inside like a sledge hammer, and I sat up and felt my eyes change to red…my vision filled with red and… and…the moment the sun went down over the horizon…

My heart stopped again.

“Alecia….” Donna calls out sleepily.

“Donna…get out of here…I’m not sure that I can hold it…”




I can feel it reaching for me, seeping in wanting me back…Dammit Donna’s not moving, please, please baby Run…

She’s reaching for me and under her soft sweet smelling skin I can smell her blood boiling there right under the surface.

I do the only thing I can do I run, I leave and I jump through the window.

It ripples instead of shatters and I land out on the pavement turning to stare but only for a second….it want’s me too much.

~Alecia…there’s no use…I’m older than she is…she…is still so young…your soul…it’s miiiiiine….~

~No!, I’m free!, I’m free she saved me!~

~Then where is she little one, where is she?~


“Goddess…help me…?”


~She’s not here…I forbid it, you are MINE!~

I run, I have no idea where I’m running to at this point but I’m running and running and getting faster and faster as I feel the changes taking hold in me.

The entire time it’s laughing in my head, getting louder and drowning out my thoughts and I can feel her inside of me…this broken discarded wounded thing that the Templars had broken and I though that I had long buried deep inside.

Alecia…. My black, black side of my soul was drinking in it’s power and waking up…like the ancient masters and the oldest of fangs returning to life if bathed in fresh dripping blood.

I keep running into places where there’s people around, innocents and it’s getting harder to turn away from them.

Red eyes, red sight…bloodsight’s kicking in…

There’s a group of teens and they…I can seen the faint shimmer of the essence rich blood flowing through them and I can see their pumping heart through their bodies shiny like dull heat…red coals…heat…power…my blood is so cold…

I’m so cold…


It bursts out stopping me in front of the town cemetery…staggering me as there’s this high and heroin junkie going through the shakes and…she giggles.

The sound’s like a razorblade to my soul.


Part of me wants to answer, needs it, wants it.


I see someone there.

Following me.

No heat, no life, no blood.

Black leather jacket, black hoody, hood up only darkness inside.

I run.

The Graveyard, I he takes me there I might be able to fight off the killing surge, the insane need to paint the town red and …

~Alecia…it’s too late, I can feel you want it, you want this…no more pain, no more guilt, and the power…you remember the power don’t you…?~

“Yes…I remember…”

It hurts so bad inside it feels like the cells in my body are ripping each other apart, that I’m feeding on myself. But there’s no majik, no vampire blood majik dulling the pain or doing something else to it.

~I can even make amends…Michel…I can give you Michel…revenge…after all these years…revenge…~

Images, memories being locked up, tortured, starved, made to eat the worst ruined dregs of humanity until I was driven insane.


~No? there is only the inevitable there isn’t any No.~

“No…fuck you…I…I can make it so sunrise.”

~No…,No you won’t…~

There’s movement on the edge of my senses, then the smell of earth and dirt and I move around looking in a circle and bump into the man in the leather jacket and the hoody.

There’s more movement, and the red predatory eyes of my kind out there around me in the dark.

I look at the man beside me.

I look into the hoody and see nothing…no not true.

I see the absoluteness of nothing, I see Death itself…HIMSELF.

HE stares into me and that other me, bloody little Alecia.

She’s freaking the fuck out.

Immortal things are afraid to die.

I’m not.

“Do it, do it end me…”

“No.” HE’S got a surprisingly normal voice….and time stops…or slows the other vampires already moving at freshly fed speeds are blurs.

“Please…? I don’t want to go back to that…this…”

“No…Alecia, I need you.”

HE needs ME?

“I…I’m seeing someone…”

HE smiled; I couldn’t see it but somehow I know that he smiled at me.

“The Beast and its kind have long upset the balance of things, I cannot return you to true life, what is done is done but I can give you a new death.”


“SHE could not hold you truly as hers as you are but the bonds have been broken. It would reclaim you if they could make you feed once more.”

“So I’m doomed?” I feel the bloody tears running down my face.

“No, knowing she could not keep your soul and she passed the keeping of your soul to my keeping. But you are the undead now and even I cannot keep you to me against your will.”

“I have to join to you as your?”

“As My Vampyre. Yes my soldier, my enforcer against that we both hate.”

“I won’t be one of them?”

“No, you will be you as long as you can hold out?”

“Hold out?”

“Yes against The Thirst…I can once bonded sever you from The Beast and he cannot influence you. But you will still be a changed creature. Every sunset you will die, you will die and become my Vampyre and in that nature of what you were made into you will have to fight The Thirst, this cannot change, this will always be your curse. If you fall and take the blood and life of an innocent my bond with you will be broken and IT will try to reclaim you.”

“But the sunlight…today…and…”

“In the daylight hours you will have your life given to you once more as a means to live and to keep hope and to feed from your normal life.”

“You won’t send me after my friends?”

“Only if they break the laws of life and death.”

“What do I do?”

“Be Still.”

HE looms over me then and I feel small as I really am I guess and the hood is blotting everything else out right now. “Do you agree to be mine?”



Then…HE kisses me.

DEATH French’s me.

Bloody little Alecia screams and I feel HE shoved her out of my heart out and locked her behind something with IT too.

IT’s gone…I’m me…again, and HE’s gone too.

HE squeezed my butt too.

Then everything snaps back into real time and the vamps are on me. There’s a difference between me and them. They might have fed really recently but these are younglings, freshly made and they are nowhere near as old as me.

And I can sort of feel it too. Vampires feed on the essence, on the majik in the life in the blood. I died at sunset but I was alive, my blood then was still blood…so I’m freshly fed too.

My girlfriend made me soup.

I’m just as fresh as them.

They’re bigger, there’s more of them but me…this…IT trying to take me back and ruin everything!

I might be a small fry fangy little girl but I’m a very pissed off small fry fangy little girl.

The fight goes on for awhile, strength and claws and foreign objects… the thing with supernatural strength is nothing is really that nailed down and it’s easy to grab a bench and bash someone a couple of dozen feet with it.

I’ve had a lot of years to know exactly how to use my essence for my strength and my speed and then there’s training.

Yeah, this is the real world, not Buffy. A newly made vampire doesn’t learn how to do martial arts. They have majik of the blood boosted strength and speed and there’s claws and stuff and it looks great. Looks like they know how to fight and there is a certain boost from becoming a predatory creature but...

In a fight against a real opponent. You really should know what you’re doing. In my glory days it wasn’t a big thing until I ran into Slayers people with training and weapons that can kill us. That changed the rules. So back then it was me learning some sword play and knives then taking a lover in Beijing.

Vampires are famous for their bite but it’s a cliché, yes we will use it to kill like a final blow sometimes but we are all about the claws. So once I was on my own from Michel I ended in China hunting in the streets of Beijing and finally took to my bed a nasty violent psychopath by the name of Feng-Li. I was his little pet vampire right up until he had showed me not only where he had stashed away his fortune from his years in the Tong but a very good deal of Tiger Style Kung fu.

And like I said it’s a different fight when you know what you’re doing and how to use your powers.

I drop the last of them and I’m panting and hurting as my body is regenerating from the slashes and wounds on me and I don’t see the headstone that is thrown at me. My back does a nasty crunch when it hits me though.

“Hello….Alecia it’s been a long time hasn’t it?”

I manage to roll over coughing well vomiting up blood to see Isadora. She’s is one of my older siblings of Michel’s making. Oh and she’s Italian not the old kind of ethnic kind…think euro-trash about three hundred years old but still very euro-trashy.

“Not long enough, where’s Raphael?” That’s her twin brother.

“Oh he’s off having a snack, he’s missed America so…these people all they eat is garbage…I think he’s having a KFC employee or some other trash.”

“You always were a snobby cunt.”

“Oh, yes this coming from the little whore who was too good for our court.” We don’t call them nests, that’s a human term.

She calmly walks over to me and kicks me through a crypt/coffin box. It still hurt.

“Little fucking Alecia, Blood and Honeysuckle herself always better than everyone else and for what, all you are is just cheap plantation trash, and a little Poof that loved to be buggered enough Michel turned you into one of his playtoys.”

She straddles me and punches me. Get’s into this rhythm of left and right and left and right going on and on about how I was so stuck up back in the day.

Truth to be told I was. I loved killing and blood and more than that I wanted power. I wanted to take control of the court and remove Michel as Sire.

Knowing what I know now, what I’ve seen. Asmodeus…I think he was scared enough of me that he was the one who let the Templars ambush me.

Now I should right about now be getting this great big surge if this was a TV show and beat her off of me but it’s not like that. I used power on her newborns, and she’s older than me and she’s nice and freshly fed too.

That’d be like a seven year old getting a full grown man off of him. The pain gets fuzzy right up until I see the flashing lights of Donna’s truck.

Shit, shit, shit…

Isadora looks up and smiles…Donna’s pulling up she got out took one look at us and got back in and pulled away?


Good girl…

“Well that human must have a clue about us; I’m going to have to make sure the word doesn’t get tossed about that we’re real of course.”

She hits me again.

“But Love I’ll have time for that later, I’m going to enjoy beating you to a bloody pulp until dear sweet Raphael arrives.”

Yeah, not a lot of vampire morality, I’ve been pretty sure they share the same coffin if you catch my meaning.

A few more hits and everything is blurry, there’s skull fractures to be sure. Vamps regen fast but this really hurts think like getting multiple repeated concussions you keep healing from but the pain and the headache is so thick and continuous that if she keeps this up I’ll be as concussed as Eric Lindros.

I hear Donna’s truck.

Oh baby you should’ve stayed gone.

Did she bring help? No she wasn’t gone long enough...ten...twenty minutes it’s hard to tell with the repeated blows to the head.

“Oh look she’s found her courage, or she convinced herself that it wasn’t what she saw…This should be interesting…I’m sure you could use a break (She breaks my right arm)…and I could use a snack…what…?”

Donna’s not stopping, not parking…the truck bashes right through one of those tall skinny grave markers…oh she has it floored…and there’s all these things stuck to the front of the truck with duct tape? Grill, metal, hood, bumper….

My girlfriend runs me over.


I hate being run over, I really do.

Isadora screams though and there’s an almost mini explosion of burnt vampire and paper?

The Skitch is on fire as she’s knocked through a tombstone and she still springs to her feet and Donna’s right there and jumped over some debris and punches Isadora in the face and makes her howl some more.

“You dare! You little mortal whore!”

“Yeah I dare, I guess it runs in my family.”

“You meddle in affairs that’ll be your doom”

“You started it messing with my girlfriend.”

“Ha,ha,ha,ha! Oh I’m going to enjoy eviscerating you in from of her then.”

They’re fighting as they’re talking and of course Isadora wouldn’t be so gauche as to learn how to fight while Donna’s a sworn in member of the Sherriff’s department and has had some training and she’s got what looks to be her night stick in one hand and her cross from around her neck wound around the other.

I’m really weak from all the juice that this healing’s taking and I look at the tatters of paper on the ground as my sight’s clearing…these are pages from The Bible?


Ow! The thing burned my hand. I drop it. Okay…good thing I was flat on my back when she hit her.

I feel ribs unpopping from my lungs, not a good sound either.

Isadora rips the night stick from Donna’s grip and smashes her fist with the cross wound around it. She punches Donna hard four or five boosted speed hits and Donna screams sort of as a fist hits her diaphragm and she can’t breathe.

Isadora laughs and grabs Donna by the hair and pulls her up baring her neck.

The thing is when a Vampire is biting for the kill they get mono-focused, vulnerable…I use what essence I can muster and I’m suddenly behind her. My hands on her shoulder, another on her arm and before she can bite Donna.

I sink my own fangs into her throat.

My existence so clear, so different that hers, than what I used to be. I don’t drink from her.

I can’t, I’m a Vampyre…not a Vampire.

What’s the difference?

Me, Death, Fire…

It’s that Pyre in Vampyre.

I inject her instead of drain her, some of my blood laced with all the daylight that I absorbed today while I was alive…

I pull her away from Donna and wipe off my mouth and spit. It’s still Isadora and I don’t want anymore of her skanky blood on my taste buds that I can help.

She’s screaming her eye’s going wide and redder and redder until that red is fire and she’s burning from inside out…it just takes seconds and she’s dust…a sunlight death before sunrise.

Then it’s quiet.

Donna’s looking at me and I’m looking at her.

We do that for awhile.

“Are you still dangerous?”

“I’ll always be dangerous Donna.”

“Are you in control?”

“Yes…” I weave on my feet, suddenly weak. She comes closer… “Don’t, I’m regening…I’m not safe while I’m this hungry…”

Another wave of weakness drops me and I’m hot, I’m boiling alive as I can feel the first rays of the sun coming up and filtering through the trees.

That fire in it that burns them reigniting the life through my body and it hurts…and Donna holds me through it as I scream in pain…my heart re-starting had to be the worst.

I pass out and wake up a few moments more in her arms and the morning sun’s washing over us and the cemetery battleground. She’s so beautiful like this…real wet salty tears are running from my eyes as I look up at her…I can see and feel beauty like this…I close my eyes and listen to life, the sound of the birds and even the people driving by in their cars on their way to whatever and I can’t help but smile.

Then she kisses me.

I was hoping she would.

“So…are you still hungry from recovering?”



“I’d Love that, I’ve never been to one.”

“Good, then you can tell me what happened tonight while we have our…first date.”

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