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“I need help to figure out how to disguise my ‘maleness’ while wearing my bathing suit.” Erika bit her lip.
“Can you just tuck it between your legs?” Samantha looked at Erika’s shorts.
“You know that saying about it having a mind of it’s own?” Erika looked worried.
“It’s true..."

By Anistasia Allread
Chapter 7
Eric woke in the early hours of morning with the need to pee. He flipped back his covers and sat up. His mind was fog filled as he padded along to the bathroom. He closed the door and lifted the seat to the toilet and began to pee. He rubbed his eyes with his free hand and looked down at the target he was aiming at. Purple sweat pants. Why am I wearing purple sweatpants? Oh shit! I’m supposed to be a girl. The previous day’s events slammed through his mind so hard he almost staggered.
He stopped his stream, although it burned to do so and quickly put the toilet seat down and sat. He released his penis and allowed the urine to flow. Damn! I need to be more careful. What if Rachel had walked in? oh god, she’d probably beat the hell out of me then feed me to the rest of the girl campers. Or worse, what if Victoria finds out. Not only will I be banned from camp in a humiliating fashion, but the whole school will know.
Erika finished, pulled up pink panties, purple sweats and washed her hands while looking in the mirror. Crap, my make-up is everywhere. I look like Marilyn Manson on a bad day. She wet some paper towels and began trying to remove the dark stains from under her eyes.
“Morning.” Phoenix stumbled into the bathroom. Her curly mop of copper hair stood straight out in every which way, worse than Princess Marida after a tumble in the woods . she pulled down her sweats and began to pee. What was it with girls just dropping their pants and peeing in front of one another?
“Morning.” Erika returned. Uncomfortable in the situation, she tossed the used towel into the trash and made a quick exit.
She climbed back into her bunk and pulled the blankets over her head. Just as she closed her eyes, a trumpet blasted over the loud speaker. A girl from a cabin nearby screamed at being startled to wakefulness. Erika could hear the girls in Columbine as they groaned and pulled pillows over their heads.
“Come on girls. We have morning showers this week.” Phoenix called as she came out of the bathroom. “We have one hour to shower, dress and get this cabin looking clean before we go to breakfast.” Erika peeked out from under her blankets just in time to see Phoenix blocking a pillow flying at her from Rachel’s direction. “Just think how nice it will be to start the day fresh and clean.”
That caused more than one groan.
One by one the girls of the cabin rolled out of their beds. Victoria in her navy satin sleep dress that barely covered her olive toned buttocks, to Samantha in lavender, lacey, panties and cropped sleeping shirt. Erika was tired, but also terrified. Seeing these beautiful girls in their sleepwear had caused a morning reaction that was a little embarassing.
Damn! She cursed to herself. Damn, damn, damn! Think of something else. Think of being in the showers with them……. Wait, no, that doesn’t help. Shit! Think of something to get rid of this…. this ‘stiffy’.
“Come on, Erika, stop dreaming about Josh.” Dani teased.
Josh. Josh was the guy who helped me up after I fell last night, and likes me, eww. Well that seems to be working. Josh the guy who Samantha is lusting over. A chill ran down her spine. The guy who my Samantha is lusting over. Shit! What am I going to do?
“Come on, Erika. I know you’re awake.” Phoenix ripped back the covers.
Erika sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes and swiped black hair out of her face.
Samantha came into view and handed her a towel and toiletries bag. “Come on sleeping beauty. I think you need the shower more than the rest of us.” She snickered. “Come on. Grab a change of clothes.” She encouraged.
Erika slid off the bed and rummaged through the drawers, grabbing shorts a lavender T-shirt that hadn’t been altered, panties, and slipped her feet into her flip-flops before following Samantha out the cabin door.
“Vicki, what’s on the agenda today?” Dani asked having to scramble to catch up.
“It’s Victoria. I can’t stand Vicki.” The Latin beauty turned to her diminutive cabin mate. “I believe after breakfast, we are going to the stables to learn the fundamentals of horses, then this afternoon, we are being tested on our swimming abilities.”
“Swimming?” Erika’s attention perked up.
“Yeah, you know, when you get in to the water and you move your arms and legs to get from point A to point B.” Victoria rolled her eyes.
“Samantha, I think we have a slight problem.” Erika whispered to her.
“Can it wait until after I’ve had my shower?” She asked.
“Well……. I guess so.”
Girls from other cabins were already in the shower building. The showers were all full, and a line for an open shower stall had started. Two girls dressed in shorts and bras without tops on, stood in front of mirrors blow drying their hair.
“That’s a waste of time.” Samantha nodded to the two. “They must not have heard about the swim tests today, or they are hung up on their hair.”
“What should we do about our hair?” Erika inquired. This was all new territory for her.
“Pony tails or braids work the best.” Samantha shrugged. “You ever have anyone braid your hair?”
“No.” Erika looked at Samantha like she was crazy.
“How about once we are back in the cabin, I French braid your hair.” She smiled. “It’ll be fun.”
“Could you French braid mine as well?” Victoria asked. “It’s so long that my arms get tired doing it myself.”
“Sure.” Samantha moved forward in line.
“I wouldn’t mind getting mine done too.” Dani added, an eager smile on her lips.
“I guess Columbine cabin is going to be in braids today.” Katie joined them in the shower line. “That is if one of you doesn’t mind dong mine.”
God, this is every guy’s dream. Erika thought looking around at the half naked women all around him. Every guy’s dream and I can’t be a guy to enjoy it. She held her armload in front of her groin to hide the excitement that had reappeared there.
A shower stall opened. “Your turn.” Samantha nudged Erika.
Erika made her way past the other shower stalls. A curtain was open where the last girl had just exited. Inside, Erika found a small bench, with some small hooks attached to the wall above it. A raised shower mat, allowed excess water to drain into a drain in the floor. A new cream-colored plastic shower curtain concealed the shower. Erika pulled the curtain of the changing room closed behind her and began to arrange her stuff. She loosely hung her clothes on the hooks, dropped her towel on the bench beside her, and removed her panties and bra last, hiding her breast forms under her towel, just in case someone were to come in.
She turned on the shower, adjusted the temperature and stepped in with her toiletry bag. Showering in flip-flops was a new experience. They squeaked every time she shifted her weight. Erika quickly washed her hair, then scrubbed her face, trying to remove as much of the raccoon look that she had as she could.
Eric had a bit of peach fuzz on his face, and only needed to shave once a week or so. Erika on the other hand didn’t want to take the chance of being discovered, because of some errant facial hair, carefully scrapped her face with her pink Daisy razor Samantha had purchased at the drug store. Her legs were still quite smooth from when she had shaved them the day before yesterday, but remembering how the bathing suit fit in the groin, Erika carefully shaved her groin. A thorough soap down, rinse, and Erika grabbed the towel from the bench and began drying herself.
She quickly dressed, carefully slipping her breast forms into her bra, and smoothing her shorts out, hoping that she wouldn’t get aroused on the way out of the Showers. She flipped her hair forward, wrapped it in the towel and made a quick turban as she had seen so many other women do.
Only a few girls were remaining when she exited the stall and headed back to the cabin. The crisp morning air was refreshing as she squeaked along the trail in her flip-flops. Giggling and talking was heard from the cabins as she passed them on her way to Columbine.
Erika entered the cabin to find Phoenix and Rachel cleaning and straightening everything up. Phoenix was sweeping the last of the dust out the door while Rachel was lining her shoes and sandals up in front of the bed. Both of their beds had been made tight enough to be hospital corners.
“Feeling better, Sunshine?” Phoenix greeted.
“I’m vertical and my eyes are open.” Erika tossed her towel on her bed, dropped her toiletries in her top drawer, and dirty clothes in the bottom one.
“You going to grab a shower?” Erika asked Phoenix, whose hair was pulled back into a messy, frizzy bun.
“I’ll take one while you are at the stables.” Phoenix put the broom back in the closet
“How about you, Rachel?”
“I’ll wait until after the swimming tests.” Rachel shrugged. “Fold the towel up and neatly hang it over the towel rack in the bathroom.”
“Why? What’s with the anal retentive cleaning?” Erika inquired.
“While we are at breakfast, two counselors check all of the cabins for neatness.” Rachel informed her. “They are extremely picky. Last year my cabin got dinged one day because the clothes hamper lid was askew, another time, because someone had washed their hands in the sink and forgot to wipe the sink dry afterwards. One time we got dinged because one of the shoes that were all lined up like that.” She pointed to her neatly arrayed shoes. “One of the shoes didn’t have their laces tied.”
“What? You can’t be serious.” Erika shook her head, as she folded her towel.
“I’ve known cabins of girls to sleep on top of their covers so that they didn’t have to re-make the bed in the morning.” Phoenix added.
“By getting anal the first day, we can gain more points and set a standard for the rest of the camp.” Rachel continued. “I really want to win this summer.”
“The standard for what?” Katie asked entering the cabin.
Rachel and Phoenix quickly re-told her what they had been discussing.
Once the rest of the girls were back from the showers, they were like a whirlwind cleaning every surface, tidying up, and smoothing blankets on their bunks.
“Come here, Erika.” Samantha directed.
Erika sat on the end of the bed while Samantha took a brush to her hair and brushed it out. It was still a touch damp, but not bad. Samantha sectioned off a section of her hair and began twisting and pulling. She then grabbed a small section of hair and continued the process. The steady tempo of having her hair pulled on and fussed with was rather soothing. Erika closed her eyes and let herself enjoy the grooming ritual as Samantha pulled her hair away from her face. A few more flicks of her fingers and Samantha was wrapping a hair elastic around the ends.
“There you are, Erika.” She leaned forward and whispered. “Now you need your hoops and some eye make-up.”
Erika got up as Victoria came up and took her place on the bed. She grabbed the toiletry bag from my drawer and went into the bathroom.
Erika looked in the mirror and was amazed at how she looked. Samantha’s pulling her hair up into the braid, opened her face up more than the ponytail ever did, and it had a cool looking pattern as the hair entered the braid. Erika put in the silver hoop earrings then worked on the eye shadow and mascara as quickly and carefully as she could.
“Wow, you look great, Erika.” Victoria looked into the mirror at her own hair. Her braid reached down to the middle of her back and was extremely thick.
Erika went back to help the others with the finishing touches on the cabin., while Dani was in Samantha’s capable possession.
Victoria came back in and stood behind Samantha. She started braiding Samantha’s hair while Samantha worked on getting Dani’s curls as tight a she could into the braid.
As soon as Dani was finished Samantha called Rachel over.
“My hair is too short.” Rachel surmised.
“Not for half-up.” Samantha smiled. “Come on. We’re all doing it.”
Rachel scoffed, but sat down as Victoria finished Samantha’s hair. Samantha efficiently pulled the hair forward of Rachel’s ears up and into a braid while Victoria grabbed Phoenix by the arm and sat her down so that she could put hers up.
Phoenix stood by the door tugging on her fiery braid and looked the room over. “Alright Columbine, let’s go get some breakfast.
“We aren’t going to parade in to the mess again, are we?” Erika asked Rachel.
“Don’t need to. The guys already know who we are.” Rachel smiled. “Don’t be surprised however if you see other cabins start doing it though.”
A long table was placed along one wall. It was laid with three different kinds of cereal and milk. Yogurt, and fruit salad, a toaster with bread, butter and jam were provided as well.
Just about every guy was smiling at them as they entered the mess hall and sat at their table.
The table was prepared with butter, and syrup. As soon as they sat down. One of the servers set down two large plates stacked with pancakes. Erika helped herself to three pancakes while Dani, Victoria, and Samantha went and got yogurt and fruit.
“Pass me those flap-jacks.” Katie smiled.
“You’re not a fruit and yogurt girl?” Erika asked eyeing the thin girl.
“I probably eat twice what you do.” She sighed. “I just can’t seem to gain any weight.”
“That just isn’t fair.” Phoenix complained. “I even look at those pancakes and I’ll gain weight.”
Everyone had finished eating and were getting antsy.
“Why are we just sitting here? Don’t we have things to do?” Dani looked to Phoenix and Rachel.
“Morning announcements.” Rachel moaned. “The only good thing is that they announce the top three cabins in the points race.
As if on cue, Director Hobbs stepped to the front of the room. Her whistle around her neck and a clipboard in her hand. She quickly read through the morning announcements and then began reading off the total points for the cabins. For the boys, the top three cabins were cedar, oak and spruce. Erika was kind of excited to see how their cabin did.
“For the girls. Sweet pea, Foxglove, and with a commanding lead, and one of the cleanest cabins the camp has ever seen, Columbine.” Director Hobbs smiled. “Good work Columbine.”
Erika could see Rachel react with a big smile.
Samantha leaned in close to Erika. “You said that you needed to talk to me about a problem?”
Everyone got up from their tables as if on cue and began talking and filing out of the mess.
“It’s about my bathing suit.” Erika muttered below the noise around her.
“What about it?” Samantha leaned closer.
“Well it doesn’t quite fit in the groin.”
“What do you mean?”
They emerged from the mess hall. Erika pulled Samantha over to one side away from the herding campers.
“I need help to figure out how to disguise my ‘maleness’ while wearing my bathing suit.” Erika bit her lip.
“Can you just tuck it between your legs?” Samantha looked at Erika’s shorts.
“You know that saying about it having a mind of its own?” Erika looked worried.
“It’s true. I’ve had to hide it a couple of times, especially in the shower room. What happens if I’m in my bathing suit and it decides that it wants to…. You know.”
“That is gross." Samantha winced. "Can you tape it?” She asked.
“With what? We don’t have any duct tape yet.” Erika reminded her.
“Well we have a few hours before we have to start to panic. I’m sure we can come up with something.” Samantha gave Erika a hug sending a pleasant chill through her system. “You’re doing really good, Erika. No one in the cabin even suspects. If I wasn’t in on this, I wouldn’t suspect.”
The two girls rejoined their cabin mates and hiked out to the stables. Once there, and in the capable hands of the Stable master, Phoenix took her leave to shower.
The stable master gave them a tour of the stables and a brief equine anatomy lesson. She then showed them the proper way to saddle a horse. After donning helmets, each girl was assisted up into the saddle and was assessed at their comfort and riding abilities.
Erika was nervous. The closest she had come to a riding a horse before was the carousel at the county fair. This beast was monstrous compared to the brightly painted wood horses, and sweaty too.
Once astride the large hoofed animal, the Stable master walked the horse around the arena. Erika swayed with the horse’s rhythm and was finding it quite relaxing.
“Alright, lets pick up the pace.” The Stable master called out. She flicked the lead rope and the horse began to pick up speed. Soon Erika was bouncing uncomfortably in the saddle. The jarring was definitely reminding her that she was not a girl, as dull shooting pains coursed from her groin.
“Okay, I’m done.” Erika almost screeched. “I’m done.”
The stable master slowed the horse to a walk and then halted it.
“Remember exit on the left side.” She called out as Erika practically vaulted from the beast.
Once on the ground and hidden from the others by the four-legged animal, Erika grabbed her groin and massaged gently, before joining her cabin mates.
“You didn’t like it?” Rachel asked.
“Oh, I was fine as long as Mr. Ed there was walking.” Erika wanted to continue massaging her sore parts but thought better of it. “It was the bouncing that did me in.
“No. Don’t touch me. I’m not an invalid!” Dani pushed the stable master away.
“I’m just trying to help.” The woman recoiled. “It’ll be quick and easy, just let me give you a boost.” The Stable master pressed.
“Lead him over to the fence and let me get on from there.” Dani directed.
“It will only take a second.” The Stable master continued.
“NO! I will mount from the fence, or I will not mount at all.” Dani crossed her arms over her chest.
“The fence it is.” The stable master started leading the horse towards the fence, as Dani started climbing it.
“I think I’ll pass on the whole riding thing.” Katie backed away.
“What’s wrong, Katie.” Victoria asked.
“Nothing.” Katie was non-committal.
“Scared of horses?” Rachel asked, almost mockingly.
“No.” Katie spun and glared at Rachel. She took a deep breath and took of her helmet. “I just don’t feel like it today.” She walked out of the arena and took a seat on some bales of straw that looked to be used for fresh stall bedding.
Erika curious by the tall beauty’s outburst excused herself, saying she had to use the bathroom.
“Mind if I join you?” Erika stood a few feet back from the bale.
“I guess not.” Katie forced a smile.
“Katie, from what little I’ve seen of you, you aren’t violent at all. What was with the outburst?” Erika asked.
“You wouldn’t understand.” Katie absently pulled a piece of straw from the bale and picked at it.
“You might be surprised.” Erika took a chance
“You ever been scared of people finding out secret things about you?” Katie looked into Erika’s blue eyes.
Every waking moment. Erika thought. Instead, “What could you possibly be afraid of people finding out?”
“That I have a fear. It’s totally stupid and even laughable.” Katie threw the piece of straw and pulled another.
“We all have fears, Katie.” Erika nudged. “I think Rachel’s fear is losing to boys.”
Katie smiled as she looked towards her cabin mates in the arena. “Not like this.” Katie spun the piece of straw between her thumb and index finger.
“Are you scared of horse sweat?” Erika poked with a smile, “Because I can tell you, that horse is sweating quite a bit and it’s gross.”
“You can’t tell the others.” Katie looked up from her piece of straw.
The smile faded from Erika’s face. “I promise.”
“You’re going to laugh.” Katie blushed.
“I might, but I’ll try to keep it a chuckle.” Erika smirked.
“I’m afraid of heights.” Katie blurted out.
Erika clamped down her teeth and pressed her lips together real hard. Her shoulders started shaking as she attempted to keep in her laugh.
“I knew you’d laugh.” Katie’s face bloomed scarlet, then turned away. Erika took a couple of quick deep breaths.
“I’m sorry, Katie, I truly am. It’s just that you ….”
“Are so tall, how could I possibly be afraid of heights.” Katie finished.
Erika nodded.
“I always have been.” Katie shrugged. “I get dizzy on a step stool.”
"But you chose the top bunk in the cabin?" Erika inquired.
"The bunks in the cabin aren't that high." Katie explained. "Besides, it is kind of difficult for someone with such long legs to get in and out of the bottom bunk. Once I met Dani, I figured It would be easier for me to get into the top, than for her to."
“Everyone behaving?” Phoenix asked from behind them, startling them both. Wet copper ringlets framed Phoenix’s face and hung heavy with moisture down her back.
“We might need to smooth out things with the Stable master over wanting to boost Dani up.” Katie grinned.
Phoenix’s jaw dropped. “She actually suggested boosting Dani up?”
“I don’t think she will make that mistake again.” Erika bit her lip to keep from laughing.
“Everyone had their ride?” Phoenix inquired.
“Yep.” Erika nodded in the direction of the horse and guide. “Samantha is the last one.”
End of Chapter Seven
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And please, remember to comment, too! Thanks.
The story is quite fun.
The story is quite fun. There are a few misspellings, but those are confined to words that sound the same.
And yeah...riding a horse or a bike tucked is a special pain. I was glad you included it.
We are the change that will save the world.
We are the change that will save the world.
A very sensitive approach
I must say that the naration of this story makes me feel as if it could have been your personal experience. Yes, it is that thoughtfully done.
Keep up the good work.
Thank you Gwenellen
Thank you for such kind remarks.
I have been working on my narrative writing for the last 3 years. I find, and I think it helps to write the same way as how we talk. I allow my characters to react as if they were real, even though they can sometimes go places and say things I don't wish them too.
I only went to camp once. It was an okay experience. I know it could have been better, but it didn't suck either. I have gathered some ideas from those experiences, but I have also watched a lot of movies. :)
Thankyou again
Finally get to go to camp :)
A long time ago, I was determined to go to camp and begged and pleaded with my parents to let me go.
I never got to go.
Now, after reading this series, I feel like I'm finally able to fulfill that long denied wish ... and in the right gender too! Thank you so much for sharing such a wonderful story, Anistasia.
Heather Rose Brown :)
Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend.
Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.
Groucho Marx
Thank you
Heather Rose,
such praise coming from you is such an honor. You have truly made my weekend.
Thank you for reading, enjoying and commenting.
being afraid of heights
I know that one well.