Snakes and Ladders-15 & 16

Snakes and Ladders-15 & 16

Chapter 15

If you told me at anytime is my old life that women wake up just as horny as a man does I honestly would’ve doubted it. But it’s worse, it the first time for me but its worse…or…it could be who I’m sleeping with. My smooth female skin on Shaya’s and she’s not just a girl she’s Sylvan. The tiny pores in her skin make her so smooth, and she’s a warrior so as silky and soft and sensual I feel the muscle underneath.

We’re breast to breast and her are draped over my hips and her heads tucked under my chin and I’m smelling her hair, her, the light soaps and I’m so aware of her lips pressed to my neck.

Our legs are intertwines and it’s just this whole Sapphic experience waking up and feeling like this so hyper aware and my breasts are aching and my pussy hurts. God the feels so weird to say, I think almost like I should self edit. I think I even blushed in bed. I must of moved or something but I woke Shaya who does this “Mmmm…” an this head lift toss her hair back out of her face thing like out of the movies and she smiles this kinda of crooked smile at me. “Oh…Morning beloved.” She leans down and kisses me deeply and slips me her tongue and keeps kissing me and her hands cups my breasts as much as she can handle and squeezes me perfectly…that almost sort of hurting squeezing and her knee slides between my legs rubbing my labia and the little pixie sticking her head out of my faerie mound.

“Ooooaah, Shaya, Shaya…Ughnnn!”

She rolls my breasts and I know this is the link, our bond I woke needing this and She’s so…responding to my needs. I can’t help but to lose myself in her doing this to me, making love to me. I implode in waves of pleasure after she rolls my breasts in her hands again and squeezes again and broke the kissing to take one of my nipples into her mouth.

It was one of those back arching, stop breathing, seeing spots orgasms. I fall back to the bed only to have her left arm slip under my back and hold me up. She’s so much stronger than she looks and she takes me sort of…

God she pulls me to her and kisses me, my legs are spread and over hers and her hand slips into my sex. I cry out in pleasure, her middle two fingers slide over my clitty and the rest of her fingers rubbing the other too…too…sensitive parts inside of me….

It like in the movie where the guy’s making love to the girl and they’re both sitting up on their knees and she’s absolutely losing herself in being taken. Oh I’m so being taken, I can’t even put into words how good this feels and it’s even better than I even thought, there’d been so many fantasies I had every time a watched a love scene in the movies or on TV. I was that girl, in that guys arms or really really wanted to be.


Now I’m in the arms of the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen and ever known. And It’s better than any fantasy I’ve ever had as she…it not making love, it more than that it’s f-wording while being in love.

I honestly had no idea about lesbian sex. I mean as a guy or maybe even a straight girl you’d think you know but…as we go from my third, fourth, fifth screaming orgasm I fell back and pulled her down with me as we descended into pleasure and moans and giggles, there’s so much more you can do with every little curve of each other and we make love over and over ending with me and our toy and taking her and making love to her over and over before we kiss each other back to sleep.

…………………………….I was not expecting this life to be like this, I never thought I’d spend most of the day in bed and making love.

Oh yeah, the day’s a lot longer here. Thirty six hours long and I’m so not used to that even now. I wake up and take a long stretch and smile, There’s this perfection in this, right now even with the other stuff going on. You know how you sort of feel everything tense and stuff in a good way when you stretch? Well mine is afterglow and long legs and that post sex feeling between them and the feeling of the weight and jiggle of my breasts.

I roll over to kiss Shaya but she’s gone and a note left in her place.


Our time was the best recovery healing that the gods could have given me but duty has called and I had to slip away to see the commander and to use the com-array to make emergency contact with The king over the latest attack and the new creatures that we faced. I’ll return as soon as I’m done my duties if not seek me out please.

All the Love in the Universe, Your Shaya.-

I smile and smell the note somehow infused in with her scent, this mixture that smells like not just her perfume bur her skin and her sex but just ever so. I have a big smile on my face because it’s really been a long time since I’ve gotten anything remotely like this and I’ve never really got something exactly like this.

I take the letter/love note and after holding it awhile I get out one of the books I’m using as a sort of a log and sort of a journal and I slip it inside and pad my way into the shower.

I love showering. And yes it’s the feeling of the soap and the water running off and over me and my body. Right now it’s too new still and too good not to love it and I honestly think my hair is as big a femme thing for me as the feeling of soapy water running down my body.

It’s the weight of it really. Once it’s wet it just hangs heavy down my back and there’s no feeling like it.

It’s still so really five star here compared to what I’m used to. The elves have such long lives they take everything to this new level if you’re going to do something right. Unless you’re in the barracks the rooms are huge and everything to me is very high end. Human craftsmanship hardly compares really, how can it when the artisans here have centuries of experience compare to us.

I air dry and only take the time to wring out my hair. I cheat and close my eyes and touch my mana. It’s this sort of warm light inside of me that responds to my mind like a malleable force that can touch forces that aren’t physical. Like right now I’m gathering ambient heat and wrapping it around my body like a warmed up set of flannel Pj’s and then I use my power to push the moisture through my hair until it’s dry and I get dressed.

Okay I love that too. It’ll be a long time before you ever hear me complain about me getting into a bra, and I do love how pretty my things are even if I’m just getting into my training clothes.

Yellow, I really love the way that it set’s off my hair and makes my eyes pop. But then again the exact shade and cut was designed to show me off best. If it hadn’t the master seamstress that made them would have been insulted.

I start re-cleaning my gear and the weapons I own and them my armor, it’s been repaired but there’s this salve to rub into it that kills bad smells and my armor doesn’t end up smelling like a old bag of hockey gear.

I pull my sword and go through some of the patterns to keep in shape and I replay some of the fighting I’ve just done in my head and feed it some mana. It’s a self imposed illusion now. Only I can see these foes from my memory and at first I use then to shadow fight. But they’re just images of things that were. I add more power to them actually trying to make them a bit like fighting a video game opponent and I want to feel a cramp in where they hit me.

I know crazy right?

I have to be a little crazy, getting involved in all of this and everything plus there’s Kyte who want’s to pound my butt into the floor of the courts if not worse. She’s an actual knight, and that means she served here on the darklands border for a while at least.

I kind of feel like I’ve been set up to pick a knife fight back home with a captain out of the special forces or something.

I need to get better and I need to get creative in home I’m going to do that. My illusions are pretty real to me know and I get hit a lot and the cramps aren’t mild, in fact the pain gets pretty harsh and I have to fight better to get through it.

At one point I’m getting really beat on by three illusionary orcs when I feel.

~Beloved! What’s happening are you all right!?~

~Hush, Bonded Erendae is training. ~ comes from Bhlaze.

~Training, I can feel her in pain!? What are you doing Wren? ~

~Training, like Bhlaze said. ~

~But, you’re hurting? ~

~Incentive not to get hit honey, I’m okay…….~ I was trying to block this out and to keep concentrating and it’s a mixture of brawling and sword work and on of the orc’s I’d downed was quite lethally down and he planted a fist between my legs.

I cut them down all three of them in a pain boosted fury and stagger back and lean on my sword sinking to the floor on my knees my sex twitching in a really bring tears to my eyes cramp.

~What happened! ~ She’s almost shouting through the link. Almost ready to take off from where she is in this meeting with all these maps and stuff.

~You distracted me love. ~ I send he a flash of me getting straight punched in the crotch.


~Uhn-huh, I’m just recovering from that one. I’m fine what’s going on? ~

~We’re trying to see where in the darklands these things were at and where they might have come from and to see where they might come from next. There’s troops supposed to be here sometime tomorrow and there will be Rangers here too and other help. ~

~Other help is good. ~

~Lady Kyte is said to be coming here and to be part of an observation party in the interests of Crown security. ~

~Oh, so what is she going to be observing? ~

~You, the conservatives are making waves that they don’t trust the reports coming out of The Darklands about Us and You and they say we cannot be certain that sorcery isn’t involved in coloring the sentiments about you.~

~Oh that’s just…..~ My brain wants to say so Effing Republican of them but she wouldn’t get the reference and I reach up and run my fingers through my hair.

~Yes Love they are being massive arserags.~ I can feel Shaya’s angry, angsty little pout and I love her for that and send to her this forehead to her’s touch and kissing her feeling which she returns and then I break it.

~I love you for caring about me so Shaya; I love you so much you know that right? ~

~I know Erendae, I know it and I can feel it right to the bottom of my soul, there was just darkness there Wren, until we found each other and my Phoenix had lit up the gloom in there.~

Dammit, I was all feeling good and kind of girly-gung ho with the training and the practice and everything and now There’s these happy tears pouring out of my eyes and I’m alone but I’m not alone because we’re bonded and I’ll never be alone again and that adds into things and make more happy tears…

Glomping. It’s the only way to describe what I’m doing and feeling at the same time is Glomping.

~Love You Wren. ~

I feel her pull away and it’s all I can do to get to the bed and cry. It’s no where near a bad cry but this is that grabbing the pillows and crying because the happy giddy so deeply in love I’m drowning in it squeeze the pillows to death thing.

Y’know I dreamt and yearned until it hurt that I could just get close to these kind of feelings.

I don’t even cry myself to sleep but instead to deep breaths and love filled sighs. I get back up and make sure my hair and my face are okay and go looking for food. I strap on my weapons belt and bandolier my sword and head down towards the barracks and the general mess hall getting those nods and salute things of respect here and there as I go.

I’m totally being stared at until I realize the strap for my bandolier crosses between my breasts and pushes my shirt a bit flat but totally is advertising my chest. Even here amongst the busty Rymora elves I’m standing out proudly. And of course the attention’s doing this whole psycho-somatic thing with me and I’m noticing my boobs more which means I feel them more.

End result my nipples are rock hard and very noticeable even through the bra and my top.
At first it’s a little embarrassing then it’s kind of fun. I mean this whole being cute, well beautiful by standards back home thing is part of who I am and I did used to dream about even just the chance of being passable, of being pretty.

So I go with it. I don’t flaunt it but I don’t hide it after awhile either. It’s kind of a real trip and a real rush to my ego and self esteem. And it’s a little scary too at the same time that there are men here that’d grace any male model shoot home looking at me with male appreciation…I’m not sure elves can do Public lust…but there is wood, and that’s like I said.

Scary and thrilling and empowering. Is it just me that feels that way when I’m doing this whole sexy thing or is this just me?

I also notice the Rymoran women look at me differently, they seem like this different breed of woman here and the women soldiers sit with the women workers buy choice I’m pretty sure a lot like the fact that being Rymoran women makes then all equal despite their stations.

I get a plate of food. I’m starved and help myself to a full board, no plates they eat on the trays in this very rustic way only the soupy stuff has bowls but they too are simple wood. I pile it on. I’d normally be a bit twitchy about this with my past but with being healed and the majik I used in the last battle and all my training I’ve already done plus the lovemaking we’d done. I have to eat or else I’d start getting down to that too thin me I was when I first got here.

So its perogies, and sauerkraut, kielbasa and really well done schnitzel’s of different kinds and potatoes done in herbs. The Rymoran food is almost this mixture of things that you’d see on home on earth from the Northern European countries all the way down to places like even Austria and Germany. I get some of this lemonade they have made there as I’m not much of a drinker and never really liked the taste of beer.

I end up taking a hit or two of something called aquavit that tastes a lot like caraway and apple schnapps. I just keep it to a few tries to say that I did but I’m not a fan of drinking in general. I never got a taste for it and I did too much bouncing and dealing with drunks that it kind of sours you on the whole drinking thing.

That and its breakfast.

Oh yeah that’s right middle ages like them drinking for breakfast. But I think they used to do that back in the olden days and stuff. There were a lot of things they did back then we don’t do now for the most part.

I smile seeing Shaya coming in and she’s dressed in a chemise and a zip up tunic/hoody and these tight hug her like a second skin canvas pants like someone poured her into something between a jean and combat fatigues. She get’s het own board and walks over to the other side of the table and leans across it and she kisses me and I kiss her back and there’s some tongue and a lot of banging and thumping on the tables around us in that whole army kind of catcalls and teasing kind of way.

She breaks the kiss and she gets this impish grin and she hops up on top of the table and walks/ climbs over it to sir down beside me on the bench to some applause at which she stands and she bows to. I love her like this, full of fun and life. She should always feel like this. This is her being sort of that rogue like her twin brother is.

We kiss a lot really not holding back on the PDA’s at all and I think Shaya wants the rumor mill to get going and we feed each other too. Shaya has a thing for potatoes and cheese and butter she eats three bowls of perogies and yet she’s not too keen on the sausages. (Giggles) I think we’ve both had enough of those.

We hear in our minds. ~The Airships are here from the Holy City, She’s with them. ~ from Bhlaze.

Shaya looks at me and I look at her and we both take our boards to the wash station and quickly wash them clean. And place them in the drying racks and head outside.

Chapter 16

I’m still really not used to the idea of a flying ship. Even though they have space travel apparently they also have flying sailboats. There’s three of them and two look pretty basic I guess. I’m from the mid-west so you’ll have to for give my lack of knowledge about the subject but the third is her’s without a doubt fancy black lacquer on it and very white sails made from silk I think emblazoned with a red bird of prey with it’s wings outstretched in a circle of some kind like a design and Sylvan writing around it saying.

“Before us will the enemy fall like game birds.”

I look at Shaya. “Nice logo, her family seems like a friendly bunch now don’t they?”

“Indeed, her family hasn’t used that “logo” in a long time. They haven’t had many knights of the renown to make that more a fact than a statement.”

We watch as she comes to the airship docks and she takes a long…long…majik done step? They’re just pulling up and she walks from the open railing to the dock a good twelve feet in a single step, riding an air flow or something. It’s actually kind of impressive and that also tells me that she’s not to shabby doing majik either.

“She’s a mage?”

“No, she’s a majik user but no mage.”

“What’s the difference?”

“Mages use majik as their primary craft; if she was a mage then she’d not have the issue with us.”


“Her family barely allowed her to try for her shield, to allow her to become a mage would be putting way too much power in the hands of a woman.”

“Fucking assholes.”

“Yes, they are abusive sodomites…same cut and cloth as my Uncle Lyam.”

I hug her and then there’s this feeling and she’s staring at us. She looks quite formidable actually. Her lithe body is sheathed in this red leather and around her small bust there’s what looks like chainmail peeking from under the leathers and she had knives strapped to her thighs and two swords on her back as well as two of those blasters like I have that resemble wheel lock pistols. Her face has a touch of make-up enough to make her green eyes look fiercer and her hair has a braid hanging down in front of her ears and the red of her tumbly red locks are held back by a pony tail.

There is no mistaking the sneer on her face as she stares at us. She has an entourage of warriors in her family colors with her and she walks down the stairs and trying to go past us like we’re supposed to move out of her way.

I stare at her and she stares at me.


“Say please.”

Shaya bristles and glares at her. “Curb you rudeness.”

“Oh I’m sorry my Prince.”

It’s a reflex, I don’t know where it shorted out my rule about hitting a woman but I slapped her in the face before I knew I had done it.

She pulls her swords, Shaya pulls her sword there’s a fast clash, Kyte’s men pull their swords, I pull my sword and it’s about to get interesting when there’s men and women in green cloaks with knives to all of us and this elfin woman in grey leathers and a grey cloak and a leather breast plate/cuirass with a decent push up effect. She had her sword in between Kyte and Shaya’s blades and she had light brown hair head back only by a braided leather headband and steely grey eyes.

“Ladies, please we’re all here on urgent business so can we skip the drama and all do our jobs.”

She’s even got this smirking wry half smile on her face like she finds this all a little funny.

“She insulted my lover, and the princess.” I say evenly.


“She called her, “Her Prince.” It was a little rude so I tuned her up a little bit.”

“Tuned? You slapped her; I suppose you mistook her for a piano?”

“It’s just slang from my homeland.”

“Still Miss Phoenix the slap wasn’t necessary. The Princess is a dragon rider and she should be made of tougher stuff….I mean considering what you’ve been through Lady Shaya.”

“She drew steel on Wren.” Shaya says looking the woman over.

“And that was uncalled for as well.”

“The big titted bitch deserves to be taught a lesson!” Kyte spit at me.

“Fine….Here and now, no blades, no blasters and just fists and feet.”

“Fine by me, I’m a little sick of her attitude!” Dammit! She and I said it at the same time.

The woman pushes us apart and her Rangers take our weapons away from us and escort us over to the horse coral. It starts to rain and Shaya’s looking at the woman in greys. “Just on whose authority are you doing this?”

“My own?”

“And you are Lady?”

“I’m No Lady. I’m a Paladin.”

“This is a noble matter.”

“No it’s not Wren has no title, she’s as common born as I am.”

“That still doesn’t give you the right. Who are you?”

“I’m Sage-Commander Illisia Truewood, of the Temple of Deneir.”


~Honey? Who is she? ~

~Paladin and one of Father’s hand picked generals. She’s the Sage-Commander. ~

~Sounds like she’s a Librarian. ~

~She is, but picture someone who never forgets a single thing she’s seen or read and apply that to fighting and warfare. ~

~Oh…she’s SONTBFW then. ~

~Sont…biff? you have lost me beloved.~

~Oh sorry it means Some-one-not-to-be-fucked-with. ~



I’m taking that as it was meant to be a warning as Kyte stepped in and she hits me while I was talking to Shaya through the link just as fast as fast gets I guess. The first hit is a punch to my mid-section and it drives the wind out of me and then several more hits in rapid fire almost martial speed to my torso and she steps back as I double over and she still has enough speed to punch me in the kidneys.

I hit the mud now becoming muck in the bottom of the coral.

“Had enough wench? I’ll give you the beating of your short life.” She yells at me.

I do a slow push up out of the muck looking at her and smiled. “Girlie, you haven’t even gotten me warmed up yet. You want to do this, let’s do this.”

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