Well, today started promising. I was able to get a whole chapter done on my "Quest" story. But I made the mistake of having MSNBC on in the background, and so when they started talking about the Pen State case I lost my ability to write, or do much more than feel ill. Hopefully, I'll feel better soon.
Do me a favour Dorothy?
When you have the tv on in the background from now on tune it to Space or Comedy of a music channel? New is not good for we folk...too many triggers... My cable is set to Space and occasionally i look up to see Shatner and Nimoy... not harmful...
Love you darling Girl.
Angel Hugs,
Member of Bailey's Angels
Background Television Channels
Heh. When I'm on this computer, I usually have the TV near it going, and those are the three channels it's usually on. Space (our sci-fi channel), the comedy channel, or Much More (music channel).
Actually, that's usually what it's on even when I'm not on the computer. :P
Angel Hugs,
Member of Bailey's Angels
(the short one)
Not to seem harsh ...
I agree, I deliberately did not watch coverage of that story, as I did not watch much of the Japanese Earthquake, and several of the other stories with great sadness in them. In fact, by edict of my roommates, we do not even own a TV. It is not a question of some sort of imagined intellectual superiority, but of just needing to take charge of guarding myself from harm.
There are certain subjects that I don't read about either.
I did just spend about 20, totally wasted minutes on Youtube, watching an old segment of "Laugh In", in which Goldie Hawn and Dean Martin are talking about her organisation called the Dummies, of which I would have been a charter member had I known about it. LOL This is what Dialectical Behavior experts call "Opposite Action" and it is quite effective to help me pull myself out of a funk.
Much peace
since you liked my story,
since you liked my story, which im still not sure how i did that,