Camp Kumoni : 2

After reading the story “The boy who wasn’t seen, and the Girl who couldn’t speak” by Rankan, I got to thinking about that storyline and decided to try out my own ideas. I hope that is okay.
“Here, lets get this sized for you.” Samantha held out a bra.

“What?” Eric’s face went white.

“You’re going to have to wear one at camp. Try it on.” Samantha’s soft voice took on an edge.

Eric put his arms through the holes while Samantha fastened it in the back and adjusted the shoulder straps so that it fit properly. Well kind of. It was in the right place, it just didn’t have anything to fill it out properly.

“I don’t think this is going to work.” Eric said showing her the deflated cups.

“I’ve got it covered.” Samantha reached into the box and pulled out two flesh colored things. “These are breast forms.” She explained to Eric. “When a girl doesn’t have enough chest, she cheats and uses these.” She tucked them into the bra, filling them out.

Eric looked down and couldn’t believe his eyes. It looked like he had breasts.

“Here try this on.” Samantha handed him a purple cotton top. He pulled it over his head and looked in the mirror. His jaw went slack. He could hardly recognize himself. There might be a chance yet.



Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread

Chapter 2

“Camp Kumoni is a co-ed camp.” Samantha explained. “but the busses that take us out there are divided. One for the girls one for the boys. Since you are now registered as a girl you will join me on the girl’s bus. While in transit, I’ll help you change.”

“Aren’t you forgetting one thing? I don’t have any girl clothes.” Eric protested.

“That is why we are going to my house.” Samantha grinned at him.

Samantha’s house was in a better part of town. A two-story colonial, that had recently gone through a remodel. Samantha led him inside by the hand. Eric looked around wary still of some kind of prank that might be played. No football players were in sight however.

“Come on, upstairs.” She took his hand and led him up.

“Where should I put this?” Eric referred to his deck.

“Oh, by the front door is fine.” Samantha released him so that he could do just that.

“Where are your parents?” he ventured. “is there anyone else here?” he was in Samantha’s house all alone with her. It was kind of eerie, but also thrilling.

“At work.” Samantha led him into a room that was painted a light shade of pink. Flowers and sweet scents permeated the whole area. A green bedspread with lilac flowers was partially covered with stuffed animals. Pictures of Samantha in her cheer uniform hung in the room next to it pictures of her friends and sister, Summer.

“After I changed your info in the camp’s computer, I set to work finding clothes that would work for you.” Samantha pulled a box out of her closet. “Strip down so that we can find you some things to wear.”

“You want me to get strip in front of you? Here?” Eric questioned, his head turning, his eyes scanning for hidden football players of a group of girls who might spring out of no where and take pictures to post on social media.

“If we are going to pull this off this summer. You will be stripping in front of a cabin of girls, Eric. You may as well start getting used to it now.”

Eric couldn’t believe he was undressing in front of this beautiful cheerleader, in her room no less. And to do what? Put on girl clothes.

Samantha turned and looked at Eric standing in his boxers. She looked him up and down. “Of course, you’ll have to shave your legs before you leave for the bus. Do it the night before.”

“Seriously? What if my parents notice?”

“Wear jeans to the bus. Once we are on our way, I’ll have you change into these. Try them on.” Samantha tossed Eric a pair of shorts.

Eric slid his legs into the shorts and pulled them up. It was a bit awkward buttoning them, with the fasteners being on the wrong side.

“Let’s see.” Samantha encouraged.

Eric dropped his hands and turned around. They were a bit tighter around the waist than the boy’s shorts he was used to wearing, but then again. Boys wore their pants a lot lower and baggier.

“I knew they would fit.” She beamed. “Good. Now let’s try on a few more pairs of these, just to make sure that they all fit you. It would be horrible if you got to camp and had only one pair of shorts to wear for the entire summer.”

In a short while, they had gone through all of the pants and shorts that were in the box. Only one pair of pants were too tight and two pairs of shorts didn’t fit.

“Here, let’s get this sized for you.” Samantha held out a bra.

“What?” Eric’s face went white.

“You’re going to have to wear one at camp. Try it on.” Samantha’s soft voice took on an edge.

Eric put his arms through the holes while Samantha fastened it in the back and adjusted the shoulder straps so that it fit properly. Well kind of. It was in the right place; it just didn’t have anything to fill it out properly.

“I don’t think this is going to work.” Eric said showing her the deflated cups.

“I’ve got it covered.” Samantha reached into the box and pulled out two flesh colored things. “These are breast forms.” She explained to Eric. “When a girl doesn’t have enough chest, she cheats and uses these.” She tucked them into the bra, filling them out.

Eric looked down and couldn’t believe his eyes. It looked like he had breasts. He looked up at Samantha wide eyed.

“Here try this on.” Samantha handed him a purple cotton top. He pulled it over his head and looked in the mirror. His jaw went slack. He could hardly recognize himself. There might be a chance yet.

“Now, Camp isn’t all shorts and T-shirts.” Samantha lectured. “A girl always brings skirts and a dress to wear. Skirts because they are light and allow freedom of movement. A dress because you never know what a camp might decide to do. Sometimes they have dances.

A little bit later, she added a half-dozen tops, a dress and three skirts to the pile of clothes that they were going to take to camp with them.

“Here, take these into my bathroom there, and try them on.” Samantha ordered handing him a pair of black lacy panties.

“What?” Eric exclaimed. “Come on, really Samantha?”

“You can’t exactly wear boxers in a cabin full of girls.” Samantha thrust the panties at him.

“I don’t know.” Eric was hesitant. “This is starting to sound more and more like bad idea.”

“It’s either that or these.” Samantha held up a thong.

Eric took the black panties and stomped into her bathroom. Next to being duct taped to the flag pole in his boxers, this was the next most humiliating thing that Eric had done. He closed the door behind him and slipped out of the pair of shorts. Looking down was more difficult with the breast forms and bra blocking his view. He stepped out of his boxers and took a good look at the black panties. It took a moment to figure out that the tag unlike guys under shorts was sewn into the side seam. Slowly he stepped into the black panties and pulled them up over his thighs. He was surprised at how little they actually covered. The high cut of the leg exposed more thigh than even the whitie-tighties he had worn a few years before. But the material was so different. Not the softness of cotton, but the smooth silky feeling of satin. He was embarrassed to find that his organ had swelled with blood, straining against the silky panties.

“Do they fit?” Samantha called from the other side of the door.

“Uh, yeah. I think so.” Eric called back.

“Well let’s take a look and see.”

“Just a moment.” Eric stammered. He took huge deep breaths and tried to think about his comic strip. Anything but the fact that he was wearing panties and that he kind of enjoyed how they felt….. Damn. Comic strip.

“Are you alright in there?” Samantha asked.

“F-Fine.” He managed.

“What’s wrong?” Samantha’s voice was becoming worried.

Embarrassment washed over him, shrinking his manhood instantly. With a sigh of relief, Eric opened the bathroom door. “Nothing’s wrong.”

Samantha’s eyes did a sweep of his body. “They fit well. Good. Take those home with you and wear them under your jeans when you go to the bus.”

Feeling awkward standing in front of one of his dream girls in panties, Eric slipped into the girl shorts laying on the floor.

“Since I have you in here, let’s do some cosmetic stuff.”

“What? Now?” Eric asked in nearly a whine.

“Sit down on the toilet.” Samantha backed him to the porcelain. She brushed his long dark hair out of his face and looked critically at his face. “You have beautiful blue eyes,” she observed.

“Thanks, I think.” Eric took a deep breath of her scent, causing a rise in his panties again. God, she smelled good. Guys all over the school would have given up their whole paycheck to get attention from Samantha Thompson and here he was in her bathroom playing dress-up with her.

“Your brows need to be shaped though.” She brought him back from his drifting thoughts.

“Huh?” not too intelligently put.

“Your eyebrows are too thick and need a bit more of an arch.” She reached into a drawer and pulled out a pair of tweezers. “This will hurt a little.” She said pulling the skin on his forehead taught. She started pulling out individual hairs in his eyebrows.

“Ow!” he flinched.

“I warned you. Now hold still.”

“How can I hold still if your yanking hair out of my face?” he complained.

“Girls do it all the time.” She said patiently. “Be still and be quiet, or I’ll mess up and you’ll have to draw your eyebrows on.”

Eric decided that he had better sit very still.

Fifteen minutes later, Samantha pulled away and studied her work. The skin above his eyes stung and he could feel it getting tight, as if it was swelling a bit.

“Good you have holes.” She said looking to each side of his head.

“What are you talking about?” Eric asked.

“Earrings.” She stated. “A girl our age has pierced ears. And some guys do. Your having them will make this easier.”

Eric grabbed the balled weights he had in his ears. “I’ve had them for a while.”

“Good.” She smiled. Then I’ll make sure to bring some extra earrings so that you can have some to wear.” She then pulled open another drawer and pulled out a small bag. “Now I have to teach you how to apply some make-up.”

“What for?” Eric rolled his eyes. “We are going to be at camp.”

“Even at camp, girls wear make-up. They just don’t wear as much. Don’t worry, Erika, I’m just going to show you how to put mascara on. Maybe a touch of eye shadow.”

“You just called me Erika.” Eric pointed out.

“That will be your name at camp.” Samantha reminded. “Now do this.” She demonstrated.

Eric complied as she delicately applied the mascara to his lashes.

“Here take a look.” She stood back so that he could turn to see in the bathroom mirror.

Eric was dumbfounded. Just the application of the mascara made his eyes look ten times bluer and larger. How is that possible?

“Now let’s teach you how to apply your eye shadow.” Samantha grinned.

Ten minutes later, Samantha was applying a bit of lip gloss to his lips. She stood back and allowed Eric to see Erika. Eric was staring in the mirror at what could only be described as his twin sister, Erika.

Erika’s dark hair had been pulled back into a high pony-tail to keep it out of her face while she learned the art of make-up. She stood two inches taller than Samantha but with a lean body and full ‘c’ cups, she looked well….. in the mind of the shocked Eric, She was ‘hot’.

“We might be able to pull this off after all.” Erika turned to Samantha who smiled back then suddenly threw herself into a hug with her sister’s friend.

Samantha held onto Erika for a moment then pulled away. “Now, what size shoe do you wear?”

“Eight.” Erika replied without thinking. She was still amazed at what she saw in the mirror.

“Okay, that means we need to go shopping.”

“What?” Erika pulled her gaze away from the mirror and looked to Samantha.

“I don’t have any shoes that will fit you. We need to go shoe shopping.”

“Looking like this?” Erika was shocked back to reality.

“Well, except for your hairy legs, you’d pass as a girl on the streets.” Samantha conceded. “Change into a pair of the jeans and we’ll head out to get you some shoes.

“I don’t have any money.” Erika shrugged hoping that would end this charade.

“I have more than enough, besides, we’re going to the second hand stores. They will have shoes that look like you haven’t just bought them."

“Samantha, I can’t leave your house looking like this, what if I am recognized?” Erika complained.

“Erika, come here and look in this mirror.” Samantha said standing in front of a full length mirror in her bedroom. Erika stood beside Samantha.

“Take a good look.” Samantha brushed her fingers through her white blonde hair, then made room for Erika. “Do you see Eric Martin the moody, picked on, art genius in that mirror? Because I sure don’t. All I see is Erika Martinez the confidant beautiful young lady who is going to turn heads just by walking down the street. No one will suspect that you aren’t a girl, unless you tell them, and even then, I doubt they will believe you.”

Erika pulled on the jeans that she had tried on earlier and slipped on Eric’s skater tennis shoes and followed Samantha out the door.

Erika’s heart was pounding hard in her chest as she walked down the driveway. She looked around with eyes wide in terror and she as sure her face was as red as a tomato.

“Relax, Erika.” Samantha soothed. “No one is going to suspect as long as you act like you are what you appear to be.”

“Easy for you to say.” Erika squeaked, “You haven’t had your head forced into a toilet, or been duct taped in your underwear to the school’s flagpole.”

Samantha grimaced at the descriptions that Erika had just put out. “The store is only a few blocks away. We’re almost there.”

“We can’t be almost there, I can still see your driveway.” Erika protested.

“Sorry, I was trying to distract you.” Samantha grinned. “Sooo, how did you come up with the character Raven?”

“It was Summer’s idea, actually.” Erika related.

“My sister came up with Raven?” Samantha was startled.

“Kind of.” Erika admitted. “While talking about Comics we started playing around with an idea for a hero, except it would be more of a vigilante. Raven kind of came about after a week or so of discussions.”

“So Summer helped to create Raven.” Samantha seemed pleased. “That’s cool.”

Samantha was right, the store was only a few blocks away. They entered the large cavernous area to the smell of musty, old clothing and worn furniture.

“I know it doesn’t smell that great, but after a good wash and a couple of days in your own place, the clothes or shoes take on your own smell, I promise.” Samantha guided Erika back to the back of the store where there were several shelves of old shoes. Dress shoes, tennis shoes and casual shoes. Samantha had Erika try on several different kinds. Before she knew it. Samantha and she were walking out of the store with a few different kinds of shoes. She was wearing a pair of white canvas shoes on her feet. A pair of Keds that looked like they had only been worn a few times.

“We got four pairs of shoes for about half of what it would cost for one pair of new shoes.” Samantha beamed.

“Do you shop here a lot?” Erika asked.

“No one at school would believe it, would they.” She grinned “I find all kinds of really good stuff here. Some are even given up by our classmates.”

“Do I really need all four pairs of these shoes for two months?” Erika asked.

“We have one more pair to get, but we’ll stop by the shoe store for those.”

“What more could I possibly need?”

“A pair of flip-flops. You’re going to want to buy them new.”

“Do I really need heels for camp?” Erika wondered aloud.

“They aren’t heels, their wedge sandals, and you will need them to wear with the dress.”

“But you said, that I might not need to wear the dress.”

“Think of it as a safety measure. Wearing your Keds with the dress would be equivalent of you walking around with your zipper undone.”

“I didn’t know it was down, and it turned out to be broken.” Erika defended an incident that happened at school last September.

“The point, is that you’ll need to wear the wedges with the dress.” Samantha led Erika into a drug store.

“What are we getting here?” Erika asked.

“Your own make up, deodorant, flip-flops, razors and stuff.”

“Can’t I just share yours?” Erika asked.

“No. It wouldn’t look right for you to be using everyone else’s stuff all of the time.” Samantha pulled a few different packages off the make-up display and then took Erika down the other aisles, pulling an item here an item there.

The walk back to Samantha’s house went quickly. They two took their loot up to Samantha’s room, and laid it all out, checking to see what they had and what they might need.

“I’ll pack this into a suitcase and have it stowed under the bus with your name on it.” Samantha explained. “I’ll keep a change of clothes in my bag so that when you get on the bus you can change. Make sure you wear those panties under your jeans. Do you have an old band T-shirt, like ‘Metalica’, or Iron Maiden or something?”

“Will the Ramones work?” Erika pouted her lips in thought.

“Perfect.” Samantha smiled. “Wear that, it’s more androgynous. Oh, and when your parents leave, pull your hair up into a ponytail.” Samantha pulled an elastic off her dresser and handed it to Erika.

“How do I get this stuff off, so that my parents won’t notice?” Erika pointed to her face.

“Come on in here and we’ll wash it off.” Samantha led Erika to the bathroom.

Once the make-up was off, and clothes were exchanged, Eric stood in front of Samantha’s mirror, looking at a more familiar sight. His long dark hair hung down in his face. He swiped a piece back and noticed his groomed eyebrows. He shook his head and allowed the hair to cover the evidence up again.

“Would you mind if I walked you as far as the duck pond?” Samantha asked.

“Sure. I guess so.” Eric shrugged. Inside, his heart fluttered. She wanted to spend more time with him. He picked up his deck from next to the front door and they walked slowly back towards the park.

“Samantha?” Eric questioned.

“Yes, Erika…. I mean Eric.” She corrected with a giggle. “Sorry, Eric.”

“Why do you use ‘Winter’ as your handle?”

Samantha was quiet for a long moment, “I guess in a way to keep close to my sister.”

Eric stayed quiet, listening.

“Her name was Summer, but she should have been named Winter. She was quiet and melancholy. I guess it’s just to honor her in some twisted way.”

“I think she would have liked that.” Eric commented.

“You really think so?” Samantha queried sounding a little more light hearted.

Eric nodded. “I do.”

“What about you, Eric? Why Phantom?”

“Ever read Phantom of the Opera?”

“I saw the movie.”

“It’s not the same. You should read the book.” Eric sighed. “The Phantom was despised and shunned for his disfigurement. People were afraid of him and called him Satan’s child. In actuality he was an artist, a genius, a real renaissance man.”

“Hmmm.” Samantha was lost in thought.

“And his real name was Eric.” Eric added.

“Really?” Samantha was startled from what she was thinking.

“Do you really think we can pull this off?” Eric looked at the blonde beauty.”

Samantha smiled. “I think we are going to have a blast at camp.” She leaned close. The smell of her perfume made his blood hot. She kissed him on the cheek, causing him to blush bright red. “Thank you, Phantom.”

“What for?” Eric’s heart raced.

“I’m actually looking forward to this summer, instead of moping around the house, constantly being reminded of someone I miss.”

“See you on line?” Eric asked.

“Of course.” She smiled. “Remember to shave your legs, oh and shave your armpits too. I’ll see you in three days at the latest.” She turned and walked back the way they had come. Eric watched her long blonde hair bouncing and shimmering in the late afternoon sunlight for a while then turned and skated back home.

End of Chapter Two

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