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Andy Wren shook his head. Had he heard the guy right? "You want me to do what to be on your show?"
The guy sighed. "Look it's called Reality TV, and that's not just the genre, it's the title and the whole schtick. A houseful of people who will all go about their normal lives for a whole year while crossdressing."
by Erin Halfelven
Andy blinked. "You mean the -- the guys will dress as girls and the girls will dress as guys?" It sounded dumb enough to be a real Hollywood idea.
"That's right." The producer's assistant, whose name was Phil Bollard, nodded. "You got it." He had a soul patch beard and a shaved head and he was a white guy. He looked like Howie Mandell's creepy younger brother.
"I don't..." began Andy.
"Before you say no, listen to the whole deal. We pay rent and expenses for a whole year, find you a job, provide medical and dental insurance, and training to make this work. You get a monthly stipend, too, and a big bonus check at the end." Phil beamed.
"You've... It's got to be a joke, right?" Andy fidgeted in the interview chair. He'd taken a day off his job in the Palmdale library to come down to Burbank to interview for this show--in a Starbucks on San Fernando. He wondered if he had made a mistake, the hundred fifty bucks or so it cost him in lost wages, busfare, glossies and a digital sample video would make things tight this month.
Phil tried to reassure him. "No, no, we're perfectly serious about this. Rent and expenses up to $2000 a month. Stipend is $500 cash and $500 into a bank account. Stay all the way to the end and we will add triple the bank account plus $1000. That totals to $31,000 in addition to whatever you earn in the job we find you and we've paid your rent and household expenses --including wardrobe!-- and you got insurance to boot."
Andy shook his head. "I don't think so," he said, frowning. Living as a girl for a whole year? Wasn't that what those creepy people on Oprah and Jerry Springer did?
Outside it was February, windy and cold in the Los Angeles Basin--well, cold for LA--warm and comfortable inside the coffee shop. Phil leaned forward and pushed the venti latte cups aside. "Look, you want to be an actor, huh?"
"It's... Yeah." Andy kept it simple. Obviously he wanted to be an actor after preparing for this interview.
"Think about what playing a crossdresser did to Tom Hanks' career," suggested Phil.
Andy made a face again. First of all, Tom Hanks was brilliant and Andy would have to be a fool to think he was half as good. Second, that old sitcom probably didn't have that much to do with Hanks' later success.
Phil laughed. "Look, you're only 5'5", you weigh, what, less than 110 pounds? You're blond, blondish, don't have much beard, you'll probably be able to pass the first day. You got the face for it, too. We'll get you a job as a receptionist or something."
"It just feels weird, the whole idea," Andy muttered. It felt very weird in multiple very weird ways.
"You won't be alone," Phil said. "We plan to have eight people living together, four guys and four girls, with genders swapped. It'll be an adventure and you'll make money."
"I was planning to go to college, get my degree..." Andy trailed off. "I graduated high school midterm." The idea of other people being in on the whole thing, participating, knowing things about him, set him off on an entirely new tangential freak out.
"That's good!" said Phil. "We can pay tuition and buy your books, get you just a part-time job so you can study. What do you want to study? You been accepted anywhere?"
Andy shook his head. "I thought I'd go to Antelope Valley for a year or two. Just get some general ed out of the way. It's all I can afford anyway."
Phil looked at the screen of his tablet computer. "You're seventeen? Living with your folks? Think they'd sign for you to do this?"
Andy blinked. "Just my dad. Mom lives in Arizona." What would his father say to this deal? Andy blushed to think.
"We can get you into a better school than a JC in Palm-fucking-dale, kid," said Phil confidently. "We haven't decided where we're filming yet, maybe Malibu. You could go to Pepperdine, study Theater or Film. That ought to help convince one of your folks to sign."
"I dunno."
"What if we sweetened the deal a bit? Ten thousand dollar signing bonus, half for you, half for the Mom or Dad that signs you up?"
Andy blinked.
Phil doodled something on the iPad. "We might could go higher than that."
"When..." Andy started.
"When what?" Phil looked eager, ready to pounce.
"When would you start? Filming..."
Phil shrugged. "Taping. April. May probably. Get a year in and have time for post-production before going on the air next fall. Not this fall, next year." He looked at Andy with a sly expectant expression. "You're thinking about it, huh?"
Andy didn't speak. His expression might have meant anything. Jobs were hard to get, acting jobs especially. He'd tried out for several spots, figuring that he could play a high schooler on a soap opera. But nothing had clicked and the soaps weren't hiring anyway. Cable reality shows were just about all there was in Hollywood these days.
He sighed and bit his lip. He and his dad did not get along anymore. He needed to move.
Phil waited him out, looking confident.
Andy shook his head. "It's not enough money, what you're offering. A year of my life should be worth more than just double minimum wage." He hardly believed he had said that. What was more astonishing, that he might agree to be in such a whacked-out project or that they might pay what he was going to ask?
Phil smiled. "With rent and expenses, it's more than that already. How much do you want, kid?"
Andy swallowed hard. "I want a quarter million, total. And a play-or-pay contract, if you guys back out of everything you have to give me at least half of what I would have got paid. Oh, and a share of movie rights, gross."
Phil whistled. "Think big, huh?" He smiled. "And who told you about play-or-pays?" His smile widened to a grin. "You're lucky, the producers have seen your glossies and your sample. They want you for this. I'm not sure they want you that bad, but maybe we can work something out."
Andy smiled but not with confidence. I'm going to do it? I've got to be out of my mind, he told himself.
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Damn you Erin!!!
This sounds like my concept for "Ultimate Change" which is pretty much a reality show for 8 guys to live as a girl. But, in my end, the winner gets SRS.
You know what I like about this though, you didn't jump straight into cross dressing. And you show some conflict in the thinking of the protagonist. I think people who already classify themselves as GID go through some internal conflict about dressing the part. I know I fret over it constantly. Is this going to be a comedy type thing like Kelly Girl, or are you coming to the dark side (Join me, it's romantic here).
K.T. Leone
My fiction feels more real than reality
Katie Leone (
Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life
This occurred to me yesterday while driving
When I got up this morning, I had to get it down before I forgot the details I had dreamed up. I don't think you had ever told me about your similar idea, but this isn't so different from so other stuff here and on other sites.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Interesting idea...
It is, perhaps, a little extreme even for mainstream reality TV, but you never know...
After all, a decade ago a cross-section of British society were sent to live on a remote Scottish island for a year ("Castaway 2000"), with the aim of eventually becoming self-sustainable. Yes, being filmed (albeit by themselves), giving video diaries etc.
And given there's already been a reality show featuring crossdressing ("He's a Lady") - not to mention a segment on a Japanese game show ("Josou Paradise"), who knows - someone may be daft enough to come up with the idea for real...
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Not even joking
I actually hesitated before posting this figuring that maybe I needed to take it to Burbank and use it for a treatment in my pitch. :) There are a metric assload of cable channels out there, one of them would do this and probably will. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Actually, This has been on TV.
About 6-7 years ago, there was a show on either Discovery Channel(?) or TLC(?). A group of men and women were selected to live together as the opposite sex in New York City. Both were given "lessons" in how to live and act as either a male or a female. The show followed their progress. They also had some challenges during the series to complete like modeling in the opposite gender. At the end, each surviving contestant, had to see if they could fool their friends to win. One woman, became a waiter and waited on a group of her friends at the end of the show and was not recognized.
This was set in New York. It lasted one season. I wish I knew more, like it's title. I watched it. It was pretty lame.
It is an interesting concept.
Trish Ann
~There is no reality, only perception~
Trish Ann
~There is no reality, only perception~
Short term
That show wasn't for a year of living but for something shorter and it was a competition. I couldn't remember the name either and something similar was done in the UK, too.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
UK attempts
I can't think of anything directly similar, but you can probably guess what's unusual about this music video:
There have been various spots on TV shows involving celebrities passing as the other gender (sometimes with the aid of facial prosthetics), but as far as I'm aware no reality series other than "Boys Will Be Girls". Unless someone can prove me wrong :)
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
strange how tastes differ across borders
Mainstream TV is never what Reality TV is truly aimed at anyways. It's more aimed at the gullible. (my opinion)
But such an idea would be actually no problem to the public in Canada (known to be far more liberal minded than those fools in suits - executives - tend to be.
However just a few miles south of us they would see it as another Jerry Springer tv type show - you know, the 'clowns in makeup' attitude.
I used to be a HUGE fan of the TV show 'The Swan' and was very sad when it only lasted one season. I was hoping to see some of the TG public as subjects on that show, if not for any other reason but to help the TG public image move AWAY from the typical Dame Edna and Ru Paul image we have.
That all being said, however, if I'd seen or been able to detect such a show as this on Canadian TV I would most certainly break my habit of boycotting REALITY TV and actually watch it. (again I'd never expect to see the US censors allow such topics on public access)
Showcase Original show: KINK
They didn't use the footage of me flogging a friend in Rebar while they were filming the Fogg and Fanny segment. [ Season 1, actually filmed before it was even on the air ], we had both signed the consent for them to use the footage, but they cut it.
Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.
I can see the previews now...
"Coming this fall on CBS, eight people, four male, four female, trade genders for a year. Can they make it as the opposite gender? Will they get found out? Tune into Genderswap Thursdays this fall..."
After I read this that is the line that popped into my head...
I don't really watch that much TV, but this is one show I would watch...
interesting idea
I cant wait for more.
is this?
Is this going to be the start of a new series? It's definitely cool as a first chapter, but hardly a complete story.
Abigail Drew.
Now that's a set-up!
You have to continue this. I've read or seen something like it before, but the difference is the F2M players. That changes everything for me, and makes it more interesting. I can picture so many stories out of this!
Please, DO IT!
(Hey the character's last name is cool, too!)
A simple swap of give name with surname
Andy (Andrew) Wren... Wren Andrews.
Add a femme picture to his drivers license and it's a go.
([email protected])
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper ubi femininus sub ubi
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Dad can I cross-dress on national TV?
Andy's Dad: "Hell no,"
"But look, they'll pay you this and me that,"
Two weeks later
"Dad, thanks for saying yes, but what the hell are you doing?"
"Hey you got your half and I got mine, but I'm keeping my share to myself. And call me Mom while I'm dressed this way, Andrea"
Good start Erin
I'd like to see more!
Thank you.
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
Teaser Story
This is a great lead in to what I think could be a great reality TV story, something along the lines of Girly Jobs by Arcie Emm. Girly Jobs is the best transgender reality TV story that I've read so far but I think this could give it a run for its money if it was expanded. Just sayin'.
I like it as is so if this is all we get, I'm happy.
Thanks and kudos.
- Terry