I may need youall to hold on to me

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Keep me in your prayers, everybody. The idea I got was to create a diary of my 13th year of life. Its going to be scary, and hard to write at times, so I may need all of you hanging on to me.


Holding you tightly

I am here for you Dorothy to offer you whatever you need.
Biggest Hugs

Scary indeed...

Writing about bits of ones own life is often a very scary proposition. Especially when doing so specifically for others to read.

Good luck, and if it gets too rough, DEFINITELY take a breather from it for a while.

Oh... and *holds onto Dorothy to comfort her*.

Abigail Drew.

i tried.

I tried to do an autobiography but could never get past the age of 3. Kind of sad. So I fictionalized it, that's where GBTC came from.

K.T. Leone

My fiction feels more real than reality

Katie Leone (Katie-Leone.com)

Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life