A Senior Year to Remember- Chapter 5

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A Senior Year to Remember- Chapter 5

By Bethany Star
Thanks To Stanman63 For Editing!

Synopsis:When Robert's lying, habitual stealing, and attitude about women gets to be too much for his mother, she comes up with a Plan to help her delinquent son turn around. .


My stomach was doing flip-flops the entire ride to the mall. Why the hell did I agree to do this? What do girls even do at malls anyway? How on earth was I going to keep my secret? I put on a fake smile when I got to the mall and joined Juliet as we walked in.
“Well? What do you want to do first, Becky?”

“Um…I dunno, what do you usually do?”

“Have you never been shopping before? Girl we gotta get you educated!”


And just like that we were off! We didn’t really buy much, mostly tried on clothes and looked around. In a way, it was a lot like shopping with my mom, except this time, I tried on way more clothes.
I actually had to pretend to enjoy myself. Of course, spending time with Juliet was another huge incentive. I was starting to enjoy myself till Juliet headed towards Victoria’s Secret. There was no way I was going in there! Even if I looked like and was acting like a girl, Victoria’s Secret still felt like forbidden ground.

“Hey Julie? I don’t think we need to go in there. I’ve got enough panties and bras and stuff. Why don’t we hit the food court or something?”

Julie giggled. “Silly! We’re just going to look, and besides, there’s more than just undies in there!”

With that, she dragged inside that towering fortress of femininity know as Victoria’s Secret. I’d never been in here before and I know most guys would be staring at all the pictures of models and most girls would be looking at the clothes, but I was amazed by how shoddy the security system was.

I bet I could walk out of here with at least 10 panties and a hoodie. Probably more if I wasn’t so scared of being discovered, and if I cared to steal women’s clothes, I probably would have tried my luck.

I was looking around the store, trying to stay somewhat out of sight when Julie grabbed me. “Becky! You gotta try this dress on, it’s so you!”

I sighed, we’d been through this pattern before. I reluctantly took the dress she offered, stepped into a changing room, and slipped off my t-shirt and jean shorts and pulled the dress over my head. As soon as I did, something changed. I don’t know what but I felt so free in that dress.

I looked in the mirror and loved what I saw. The neckline exposed just enough boob to be flirty yet covered enough to make me comfortable. There was a zipper that went from the waist to the top of the dress. The straps felt really comfortable and the red hue looked perfect against my tan skin. I walked out and gave Julie a twirl. The dress only came down to about my mid thigh and the swirling of the fabric around my legs sent a shiver of pleasure up my spine.

Julie started clapping, “I know that look; you don’t want to take that dress off do you?”

“No, no I don’t.”

“Well then let’s go buy it girlfriend! And you said you didn’t want to shop here.” She responded with a wink.


I’d never felt more feminine then when I walked out of Victoria’s Secret wearing my new red dress and a pair of matching t-strap espadrille wedges that Julie had bought me. With a purse on one arm and the iconic pink Victoria’s Secret bag in the other, I felt like the most beautiful teenage girl in the world! The illusion was shattered when I heard Julie call out, “Sam, Luke!”
I turned my head and saw Sam Meyer and Luke Organa headed our way. I never liked either one of them. They were on the football team and while they never went out of their way to be jerks, we’d had enough encounters to get to the point where I hated both of their guts. The two grinned when they heard Julie’s voice and trotted over.

“Hey babe.” Sam grinned and greeted Julie with a kiss. I guess they were dating; their status was always on again off again. “And who’s this?”

“Sam, Luke, this is Rebecca Smart. She’s new at our school and she just made the cheerleading squad. Rebecca this is Sam Meyer and Luke Organa, our star quarterback and running back duo.”

The whole time Luke kept looking at me like a hungry wolf eying a piece of meat. When he heard my name he looked startled. “Smart? You any relation to that douche bag faggot Robert Smart?”

“Yeah, he’s my cousin! Although I take it you two aren’t friends?”

“Naw baby, that gaybo certainly isn’t my friend. Even if he’d like to be.” Luke ended with a wink. God how I’d love to wipe that stupid grin off his face! Still I can’t let my anger show. Just smile and giggle Robert.

Sam looked over, “Hey you two hungry? Luke and I were gonna go grab something to eat and then head over to see that new Transformers movie. You guys want to come? We’ll call it a date and pay for it.”

Julie gave me a wink and said, “Sure handsome, Becky and I would love to join you!”

We headed over to the food court. Sam had his arm around Julie but I definitely didn’t want Luke doing that to me so I kept my distance. The two boys led us to the food court where they ordered food for us. I wanted some pizza or a Subway sandwich but I didn’t want to seem out of place so I just ordered what Julie was having: a salad and a strawberry milkshake from Chik-Fil-A.

Throughout the whole ordeal, I was shocked at how polite Luke was. He waited till he had paid for my food before getting food for himself, he carried my tray to our table, and even pulled out a chair for me to sit.

Maybe I misjudged him, maybe I was the jerk here. He was treating me nice now. I mentally resolved to give him a second chance. We started eating in silence. I was waiting for Julie and Sam to join us at our table, then noticed that they had picked a table for two on the other side of the lunch room.

“I guess you just noticed that the two lovebirds abandoned us.”

“Huh? Oh…yeah.” Smooth Rebecca, real smooth. Think of something, say something! “So, are you getting ready for football?”

Luke rubbed his shaved head and grinned, “Hell yeah girl! Sam and I are going to own the game this year! Hey since you’re on the cheer team, you’ll be there to support us all the way right?”

I smiled, “Yup, I’ll be there!”

He winked at me. “Great, at least that’ll give me something pleasant to look at during the games.”

I laughed. We continued with our small talk. Luke wasn’t such a bad guy one on one. Meeting him as a pretty girl instead of being my usual jerky self helped me see him in a different light.

I was actually enjoying myself, something I hadn’t really done since this whole girl ordeal had started. I looked up startled as Julie and Sam walked up, “Well you two certainly look like you’re having a good time. Ready to go to the movie?”

Luke looked up, “Dang Sam, is it that time already? Right, let’s get going!”

I grabbed my purse and bag and Luke helped me to my feet. He held my hand and the two of us walked over to the theatre. After talking to him it didn’t feel so weird for him to be holding my hand. He held it gently, but it was obvious that there was a lot of power in that arm.

The two boys bought our tickets grabbed popcorn and a few other refreshments and then we settled into our seats at the theater. I settled down to enjoy the movie. This girl thing certainly had its perks, I’d been wanting to see this movie and now I not only got in free, but my popcorn, soda, and candy were all taken care of as well!

I admit I wished I was Sam. As soon as the movie started he and Julie seemed to forget why they were there. I would rather be the muscular blond quarterback making out with the cheerleader than the cute girl with her head resting on the star running back’s shoulder, his arm around her. Still, I played the part to perfection and when the movie was over we all left happy.


As we headed back through the mall, Luke put his arm around me. I was about to protest but he started rubbing my back and it felt oh so good! We walked in silence for a while, then Luke turned towards me, “I’ve had a really good time today. I know it’s not an actual date but it sure felt like one. Would you mind if we did it again tomorrow? Just the two of us on a real date?”
I was stunned. I hadn’t spent a month as a girl and I was already being asked on a date, by Luke Organa no less. I wanted to say no, but he’d been so nice that day that I just smiled and whispered a 'yes'.

Luke grinned, his black eyes twinkling. “Thanks Rebecca! I’ll let you know when I’ll pick you up!”

I was walking along, enjoying the feeling of Luke rubbing my back when I noticed that his hand was creeping lower and lower. I jumped a little when his hand grabbed my cheek and squeezed! I spun towards him, speechless that he would try something like that but I don’t think he noticed.

I glanced at Julie to see how she would react but she was too busy talking to Sam to glance back. I was seething inside but I didn’t want to make a fuss so I kept walking. What does a girl do in this situation? I had no idea but if I was going out on a date with Mr. Touchy here I better be prepared.

We finally got to the mall exit where Julie and I had parked our cars. Julie gave Sam a goodbye kiss then headed for the exit. I wasn’t sure how to say goodbye to Luke. I felt like a simple goodbye would be too abrupt and I didn’t want both of my identities to be on his bad side. So, I decided to do what many girls had done to me, I gave him a hug.

Luke’s hands grabbed both cheeks as we embraced and gave them both a squeeze. I ignored it; I had noticed that Luke never put his change back into his wallet so while he was entertaining himself with my not so ample backside; I was helping myself to about $20 from his pocket. Call it payback for him invading my space! I broke off the hug when I started to feel a finger wander where it didn’t need to go. God how did girls put up with this kind of junk! I turned to go and let out a little yelp as Luke slapped my butt.

“See ya gorgeous!” he called out.

I joined Julie and we headed out to our cars.

“Well someone’s a little flirt! I take it you and Luke hit it off well!”

“Me? A flirt? I was just being friendly!”

“Sweetie, being friendly is all a guy like Luke needs! So when’s the date?”

“Huh? How’d you now about that?”

“Oh c’mon, it was obvious he was going to ask you out! Have fun, Luke’s a pretty funny guy! See ya Monday Becky!”

I sat in my car taking deep breath. Why on earth did I agree to go on a date? Why did I say yes to Luke! I mean he’s the guy who caused that stupid Call of Duty incident, the one that had people laughing at me for months afterwards! I sighed. Mom and Josh were going to have a field day with this.

End of Part Five

To Be Continued In Part Six

Thank you all for reading! I'm sorry this one took so long to come out. Because I'd been away this chapter is really me rediscovering the characters while still moving forward in the story I want to tell. Hope you all enjoy it. Look for the next part to come out next week, I've started writing it and it's a bit of a departure from my usual fare but hopefully you all will enjoy it. As always comments, kudos, and constructive criticism are not only appreciated, they are wanted.
Thanks for reading!

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A Senior Year to Remember- Chapter 5

Robert seems to be becoming more girly all the time.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

If you mean by being more girly....

Andrea Lena's picture

...bending over backward to accommodate a misogynistic homophobic pig, I suppose you're right. More girly indeed!

Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

Great to see this story again

It should be interesting when mom and little brother learn of Beckys' date. I think Joshs' reaction is almost guaranteed. Question is what will mom say and do. Will she get all excited or will she tease unmercifully. I wonder if she'll get all caught up in having a daughter and just sort of forget Robert exists. Dad is still out there lurking and what will he say when he finds out what is happening? Going to be a fun ride.

Still a thief!

Will he ever learn?


Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)


E.R. or the Morgue


Robert's Mom, yes Robert's mom had better start teaching her son, to be prepared for his date, with Luke. He probably has not been out on many dates as a guy. He is now going out on a date with a guy who wants nothing more then to get into Beckys pants. Or get her to do some other things, that Robert is not ready to fend off.

I wonder if mom is ready to run to the E.R. or maybe to the Morgue to visit her son beaten to an inch of his life by his date. I think mom will find that her little game had an unexpected ending.



Thanks Bethany,


' but I have to agree with Andrea and Rami, This lad is playing a dangerous game that
I have had the misfortune to see end up fatally,something that happens on a regular basis
all over the world.If Mother has any sense at all she will not allow it!


good thing

*** I know I was the one that said I don't want to wait. But I remember my grand mother saying to me that "you can't rush genius". She said "so keep it cool" kiddy!. We all laughed.Don't worry Bethany. Take what time you need to make it a good story....Rebecca

magic dress?

I think we are slowly losing Robert and gaining Rebecca in his place, that dress from Victorias Secret I think put a magic spell on him plus his first evening at a movie with Luke seems to be changing our lovable rascals mind although one thing concerns me greatly-that Luke will lose control of his temper if he finds out who Rebecca really is, I just hope Rebecca doesn't get hurt and yes I too have seen things best not seen with transgendered M2F boys which I think he is slowly becoming whether he has grasped that yet or not. I love this story Bethany Starr, please keep up the lovely story telling