Timeout 4- Reel to Real - Chapter 4

Joanie finishes prepping for her trip. Suzy teases Joanie using powers copied from Pinky. Joanie and the smilodons meet Miki. That gets complicated after Joanie repeats a phrase three times. Joanie learns more about sorceresses and their familiars the hard way. She runs into a recovering Anna and May Lee. Joanie stops by Leeann and her cycle mechanic dad and flies to Madison to unite the Smiths. Dr Sara reads Joanie the riot act about Eric. A big rat scares the nurses then speaks to Joanie.

Andy Warhol said,"In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes." What if your 15 minutes came late in life, and fame decided to never let you go? Could you survive the circus your life would become?

Timeout 4, Reel to Real: A Whateley Academy Fan fiction

This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? To see the canon Whateley Stories, check out either Sapphire's Place,

(http://www.sapphireplace.com/stories/whateley.html) or the Big Closet (http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/taxonomy/term/117)."

Here’s another chapter in part four of my TG/sci-fi/superhero/magic and anything else that comes to mind epic. It’s not that bad; I do have an overall story arc in mind, honest. I’m much better than when I started this, though my grammar and spelling remain flawed; ask Itinerant if he is still coherent. (wibble) Wibble? Oh oh! … As I was saying, your constructive criticism and advice continues to help. This is an exercise in the joys of creativity and in appreciation of the wonderful Whateley Universe. Any violations of copyright, trade mark or use of real people or incidents are purely for purposes of humor or parody and done solely for the free enjoyment of the reading public. All rights reserved in perpetuity, John from Wauwatosa WI, 2005-2006.

Adult content advisory: this chapter contains situations and topics unsuitable for young minds or your sanity. If you survive that pap, there is some adult content too, so be warned.

Timeout 4

By John from Wauwatosa
Words wrestled in lime Jell-o by Itinerant
Thanks to Grover for the use of and assistance with Miki.
Special thanks to Itinerant, Janet Nolan and Karen_J for their helpful criticism of several difficult scenes.
Final proofing by Janet Nolan of GEBPR. This chapter carries the Seal of Approval of the Guild of Evil Blonde Proofreaders, so “You know it has to be bad ®.”

Chapter 4, This Old Farm House -- Fran-o-rama 2, Hey Miki You're So Fine 3, First Christmas — Revisited, Welcome to Adulthood 5, You’ve Got Male

Whateley Academy Dunwich, May04, 2007

May 04, 2007

Mr. O’Conner recovered quickly from his case of *sticker-shock*.

“You okay, Mr. O’Conner?” I asked, as I knelt next to him and checked him for injuries.

He opened his eyes and quickly blushed. He was apologetic in the extreme. I thought it charming but confusing.

“Forgive me, I never intended ... it’s just the shock of how expensive your car was and when I woke I ... Forgive me for … You must think me a pig, Ms. Brown.”

~~Huh? He hasn’t done anythi....~~

Then it dawned on me what he’d been looking at when he woke. And he had gotten an eyeful in full, glorious Cinemascope or was it 3-D?

~~Must have been Cinemascope, ‘cause I’m a 40-D.~~

I redid a couple of the fashionably small -- but clearly not up to the task of restraining my assets -- buttons on my blouse and started giggling, or was it jiggling?

~~Cut that out, Joanie. Just tell the story.~~

“I’m the one who should apologize. No lingering *double vision* is there, Mr. O’Conner?”

“No, but if my wife sees this, I’m toast,” he replied, smiling.

I helped him up, and we resumed filming.

“Oh, the three hundred twenty five thousand is the predicted selling price if this model goes into production. This preproduction model cost between two and three million, not counting development costs. And if you dare faint, the next thing you will see is Harry Wolfe’s hairy chest, which is impressive but not the same,” I said quickly, and snickered.

“This is going to be a fun project ... Um, Joanie?”


“The TV crew was telling me about ... the magazine and I wondered...”

“Another pervert -- can’t a girl have a few photos taken without guys drooling all over themselves? Excuse me a moment, Mr. O’Conner.” I turned and called out so the entire work site could hear me. “Attention, your attention please, hands up all of you who are interested in seeing my naked body,” I shouted. They all raised their hands, including the busy camera and sound crew. “Pinky, and this is too much, Suzy, not you, too?”

“It’s important to understand the competition? I mean, I have my boyfriend to consider,” she replied. Then she and Pinky laughed.

Suzy came over and whispered in my ear. ”I’ve been practicing my mimic abilities and Pinky let me copy her powers. We *talked* telepathically, and that’s why we raised our hands. Pinky figured you’d get a laugh out of it. Remember, you promised, I get to copy yours someday, Auntie,” she finished and grinned.

~~The minxes set me up, and on short notice too. That’s a relief.~~ I thought, then turned back to face Mr. O’Conner.

"Okay, you get your autographed copy, but after today’s *preview* I should ask you to donate to the Academy.”

“Absolutely! I will, and so will the crew,” he pointed at them, and they all nodded. “And well worth it, I might add,” he said, and we both snickered.

We filmed some additional material, then I drove back to campus in my loaner crew cab.

* * * *

“They are letting you keep the preproduction GT? That is so kewl, I meant cool,” Pinky said, and she bounced a few times.

“I knew I shouldn’t have let you spend so much time with Mel this Easter weekend. The sports car is mine whenever I want. In return they wish to display it when I’m not using it and they want to do some ads with me driving. You’ve seen the sort of thing before, Pinky. The wind in my hair, a smile on my face,” then I got an attack of the sillies, “and like my boobies all jiggly in a totally bitchin’ crop-top and me, ah, blowing kissies at the camera. I’m so totally not happy with this, you know. They treat me like I’m some dumb, ah, um, blonde, that’s it, like, you know, whatever,” I did in my increasingly convincing Val speak. I do it so effortlessly, I’m beginning to worry.

“Joanie, stop it! Your mind could get stuck like that, and I’d have to help you put your shoes and socks on in the right order,” she said and snickered.

“I knew I should never have let you borrow my collection of MAD Magazine on CD. You were reading The Planet that went Ape, weren’t you?” I asked.

“Yeah, but that James Bomb spoof -- the scene from their version of Goldfinger with the laser cutting up between his -- I laughed until I started peeing,” Pinky said and snickered.

“I’ll bet you were laughing, ‘and in a very high voice, too,’ Pinky.” She laughed so hard she was crying.

~~ I have never seen her that happy -- it's about time, child.~~

“Pinky, you have the duplicate keys for my room and the King Annex?” I asked after she calmed down and her blush faded.

“On this rawhide boot lace around my neck, Joanie, see? I’ll be real careful not to lose them. Thanks for trusting me to take care of George and Gracie. I’ll make sure they get lots of exercise and clean water and stuff. Suzy said she’d help too. Oh, Jenny, um, Steel Lotus says she’ll check on them just before she goes to bed and right after she wakes so I don’t have to do all the work feeding and cleaning their box. Her roomie is a student maid for Poe, so she has keys to get Jenny in your room.

“You girls have this all worked out, huh?”

“Yeah, I mean yes, Joanie. We’re all meeting to run at 7 o’clock both days and we scheduled a band practice for Saturday at 4 in the afternoon. Sunday we’re having a group study in the library starting at ten o’clock. After that we’ll drag our boyfriends to your room, get drunk, take illicit drugs and have group sex,” Pinkie said, and I rolled my eyes.

“That is so wrong. Shame on you, girl, not inviting me,” I said and pulled to the side of the road, I was laughing so hard.

“We’ll be good, promise,” Pinky said, smiling.

“Take lots of pictures of the orgy, otherwise you won’t know who to send thank you notes to, my little debutante,” I said, and broke up yet again.

* * * *

Classes crawled by in a fog the rest of the morning. My mind was not on my studies. ~~That’s a strange expression. Now I can’t get the image out of my mind of all those courses crawling around in the fog. ‘Oh look, there goes Algebra 201, nice asymptote.’~~ I was in a strange mood all morning. I had trouble paying attention, but managed to get through my classes intact. I ate an early lunch, then left a list of emergency numbers and contacts with Pinky, who had the next lunch. Tom and Tina agreed to meet me by my truck at one o’clock, so I gave the smilodons a quick run outside. I wouldn’t see them for several days, and I owed it to them as their *mommy*. They behaved at first, until the wind shifted and they caught a scent. They froze, then George tore off so fast his leash ripped out of my hand and I nearly fell.

“George! Stay! Heel!” I called out.

He obeyed for a moment, then whatever it was got him going again.

“George, HEEL!” I shouted.

George stopped at the base of a large tree and looked up longingly. Gracie was better behaved, but she was soon staring up that tree, though from a different vantage.

“Have you treed a squirrel, George?” I asked facetiously, while I got a solid grip on both leashes.

“Don’t worry little one, George and Gracie won’t hurt ...”

I stopped in mid-sentence. I saw a familiar face, her whiskers twitching, peer from around the back of the tree some 25 feet up.

“I’m sorry, Miss Miki. My kitties were naughty. George, Gracie, heel, stay!” I said in a firm, but soft, voice.

They moved to my side and sat in a perfect stay, though their eyes and ears were tracking Miki. I sat down next to my smilodons.

“Down, stay!” I said and they lay down on either side of me, their senses still zeroed in on Miki. “Good smilies,” I said, and gave them each a treat and an ear scratch.

“It’s okay, Miki,” I said, but I backed that with a firm grip on their leashes.

I tossed a treat her way. It was one of those lion-cub chow kibbles I’d coated with anchovy paste and then dried. It landed near the trunk of her tree, but a bit to the side as I made a chucking/clucking sound. That’s what I’d call it; I’m not sure what the technical name is. It’s the sound people use to call squirrels to them to give them peanuts. Miki came down slowly, stopping several times to check on my cats. She hopped down the last few feet, grabbed the treat and scampered back to the first large branch some 15 feet up. I gave each of my smilodons a treat and rubbed the side of my face against theirs. Miki sniffed the treat, then ate it eagerly. I made that chuck-cluck sound again and tossed several treats, each progressively further from the tree trunk.

~~Yum, yum, anchovy frosted cat food, though some of those snack-mixes with the baked-on Worcestershire sauce can’t be that different. Maybe I should try one ... Ah, maybe not.~~

The mongoose looked at me, and I thought it nodded its head in approval, but then everything I knew about this animal was strange. She -- I assumed it was a she from what I’d been told of the legend -- came steadily towards the treats, eyeing George and Gracie, who had their *radar locked*. I spoke calmly to my cats and to Miki, trying not to spook any of them. When she bent to pick the first treat George tensed but a quick, “George, stay,” calmed him.

Miki scampered back to the tree and ate her treat by the trunk. It was odd, but I sensed she was intensely happy despite her wariness of my smilodons. She returned for a second treat and only retreated part way. George and Gracie stayed still; if anything they were gradually relaxing, so they got treats as a reward.

~~I’ll need to make more treats soon, they sure do the trick. I realize Miki is a mongoose and not a person, but I swear she is about to dance for joy or whatever mongooses do when they are happy. This is getting weirder by the minute.~~

Miki came for the closest treat; she was within ten feet of us. George and Gracie watched intently, but without seeming ready to attack. If anything, my *cats* relaxed further. Miki sat up on her haunches and ate almost daintily. She deftly cleaned her fur after, clearly a fastidious animal with regard to her grooming. Pinky and I gave the smilodons daily brushings. My *kittens* groomed themselves and each other frequently, yet their fur was not near as lustrous as Miki's. The mongoose’s coat seemed to glow in some indefinable way to my eyes but then Miki was no ordinary animal.

~~I must be nuts but George and Gracie are acting like Miki is off the menu, not a threat and maybe even family. Don’t tell me *I* sent them an empathic message like Pinky does? I don’t think I did, did I? I don’t even know how.~~

I was feeling good over how well this was going, and I got bold. I gave my kitties each a treat then held a treat in the tips of my thumb and index finger.

I made that silly noise again and said softly, ”Miki, treat; I won’t bite.” I held very still.

She moved towards me, stopped, stood up on her haunches again and did a slow, deep, formal bow, like a visiting dignitary would give to a monarch. It seemed to go for some length of time, and she started making a series of soft noises that had a repeating pattern to them. It was hypnotic; I was fascinated by her action. I found myself mimicking her motions and sounds. I found this activity increasingly pleasant, almost enthralling. I felt calm and safe as my mind tried to make sense of it.

~~It's as if she is saying a formal greeting ... No, it’s more like a prayer or a chant. This is mondo weird, but I’m stumped for another explanation.~~

“My, you’re a polite soul. I'd love to be your friend, Miki. Treat?” I said softly. I tossed two of the last treats to my cats with my free hand. I focused on Miki, and I vaguely remember saying “Yes, I agree, I agree, I agree.” I had a sense that something wonderful would happen, but only if I agreed. Miki came forward, touched the treat, there was this tingle, her paws touched my hand and ...

* * * *

It’s difficult to recall with clarity, but I remember a brilliant light and this tsunami of sensations. They were all mixed up like I was smelling colors, hearing odors, seeing sounds, tasting textures -- it was right out of a 60’s drug *trip*. I admit I’d had a large coffee that morning, but nothing else, I swear! Well, I did put a few ounces of skim milk in it but no sugar. Okay, one packet. I’m weak, so sue me. Through it all, despite my disorientation, I got this feeling of unconditional love, respect and immense relief. It was as if a terrible ordeal was over, and somehow I was responsible for ending it.

I felt someone shaking me and saying something, but it was all garbled. Slowly I thought I could make out bits of it. Though I knew something was wrong, I wasn’t concerned; I was in ecstasy. The last time I’d felt this good was when I’d fantasized about Eric and I doing, you know, it, while I, um ... practiced. I’m sorry if it upsets you dear d/j/w readers but it’s all I *can* do with Eric until he reaches the age of consent. I imagine ... no, I know he fantasizes about me as well, he’s admitted it recently. Eric was all upset when he told me, like he thought it was wrong. He was afraid I’d be upset.

“Eric, if we did it physically it would be wrong both legally and ethically. However, your imagination is yours to do with as you please. That you think of me pleases me no end, dear. Your selecting me as the woman of your dreams is an honor, Eric. You could have pursued any of your classmates, but you chose me, a girl you knew you could not have until you were much older. I wish we could be intimate, but it’s not right or legal to do so at your age. Be patient, and it will work out. I promise you will not be disappointed when the time comes. Exhausted, yes, sore, yes, your ears ringing from my exuberant screams, yes, but disappointed, never,” I remembered telling him and feeling very naughty at the time.

~~Freud would have a field day with Eric and I. He could have written chapters about our relationship. Be honest, Girl, he could have written a book on you alone.~~

Someone continued to shake and call to me; gradually I rejoined the living.

“... What’s wrong with you....? Wake up, plea ... JOANIE, are ... okay?’ Pinky shouted at me. It sounded like a distant radio station with every few words dropping out.

“Wha -- huh? Why you shouting?” I managed to say.

My head felt like I had cotton jammed up there. My thoughts were sluggish and difficult to hold on to. I tried to sit up, but gave up on that fool idea as I was very dizzy.

“Pinky, stop ... world from spinning,” I said, and she slowly raised me to a sitting position where, to my surprise, I felt better.

“What happened? I was walking past, and I saw you collapse. I ran to you, and a strange animal shook itself and ran away. It’s watching us from up in a tree now. Were you attacked by a rabid animal, ‘cause it sure ran funny, like it was dizzy or sick? I was so scared, but I managed to run to the nearest emergency box and call Security. We’d have got you trained help sooner, but George and Gracie would let no one near you except for me. The EMTs were about to shoot them with a trank rifle when I got the kitties to relax,” she explained, worry in her voice.

~~They wanted to use a trank rifle on my babies? Somebody is going to get an earful from me — poor kitties.~~

The EMTs checked me out thoroughly though it was not easy. George and Gracie were growling and hissing whenever the EMTs got too close to me. They were seriously unhappy with anyone getting near to their stricken *mommy*. They’d grown since I’d rescued them, to 25 and 22 pounds respectively. In most ways the sibling smilodons were still kittens, cute as could be, but powerful and intimidating to the unfamiliar. Pinky calmed my nervous smilodons and with her help the EMTs got me to medical.

* * * *

They poked and prodded and drew blood samples, yuck! I felt better quickly; whatever had affected me was wearing off.

~~Go, regen, go!~~

I did notice a few of the staff and students were blurry around the edges, like the turbulence of their body pushing the air aside as they walked was faintly visible to me. I said as much to Dr. Tenet when she was called.

“Dr. Tenet, why are you glowing like that? It’s hard on the eyes, it’s so bright. Were you doing a magic experiment that went wrong?”

“Glowing? You see me glowing? Describe what you see, please; this is important,” she asked, looking concerned but pleased.

I described what I saw, then she had me describe what led up to my seizure. She got out several crystals; I recognized a few from when Lonnie scanned the wards around the GT. One crystal glowed intensely bright as she brought it near, particularly on one side of me. When she did that, I thought I saw a faint line extending from my body out of the examination room. She handed several crystals to me; a couple glowed faintly, and one of them began pulsing slowly. I thought one of them glowed brighter the longer I held it. She looked at me, confused but relieved.

“Eh, what’s up, Doc?”

You can guess the voice I used. Hey, it worked for Mel Blanc after his near fatal car crash.

“Joanie, stop that!” Dr. Tenent said and laughed. “What the tests and my own senses tell me is you bonded with a familiar. Almost certainly Miki from the unusual *signature* of the link between you and your descriptions of what happened,” she said smiling.

“Link? And what’s with the funny stuff I’ve been seeing. You’re still glowing you know,” I said. It was fainter, but I *knew* she was glowing like a nightlight. Then I saw myself in a mirror. I raised my hand, and I saw the same thing.

Wait a minute, I’m glowing. This is too Twilight Zone for me.~~

“Joanie, I’m smiling because you’re a bit like me; you’re a sorceress. Not necessarily a powerful one, not even a typical one; you are decidedly one-of-a-kind. The *funny stuff*, as you put it, consists of magic auras and a type of ley line that connects you with your familiar. With a familiar you don’t need to worry about trapping excess magic in those odd warper fields of yours. She’ll act as your safety-valve,” she explained.

I told her that I could see myself glowing, and that her glow wasn’t so bright anymore.

“That’s likely your senses adjusting to *seeing* magic. I was so bright before because your newly awakened senses were overly sensitive.

“What do I do now?”

“See me when you come back from your trip. It won’t do you or your familiar harm to be apart, though you may sense each other's emotions at times. It will be strange until you get used to it. Let Miki make the first move, she’s the expert in this. Don’t worry about how to communicate, your familiar will find a way. Familiars often communicate via empathy and telepathy though sometimes they can speak. The bond and the magic make this possible. A familiar may appear to be *just* an animal, but it is far more.

“The bond appears much as I expected it would be. You are linked close enough to sense each other’s feelings but in an indirect fashion with your warper field as a buffer of sorts. Your description of how you felt while out of it confirms the empathic/telepathic connection. The crystal scans show a strong bond between Miki and your aura with a weaker one between you and Miki directly. That link is why you can sense some magic, and it may let you use magic with training. You could eventually do useful magic, or you might never be much better than a stage magician. How strong the link becomes depends on you and Miki, but you are not so tightly bound that the death of one would endanger the other. That you can see me glowing is proof you can sense magic, dear.”

“What of Miki, and the regulations prohibiting importation of mongoose to the US? Ms. Hartford has ordered her *removal*. Is spending time with me as my familiar putting Miki at risk?” I wiped a tear from my eye involuntarily.

“You are upset, aren’t you? Brave Joanie, the mutant super, scared for the life of a small furry animal. That explains your smilodons,” she said and smiled at me. “I’ll help with the paperwork -- as a sorceress’s familiar, Miki is protected from that law. Also she was here long before the law was drafted so she could be grandfathered in, exempt in other words. I’ll get you a temporary card, signed by Circe and myself, which should protect her. Keep it with you at all times. You may need to get her a small harness or collar for identification purposes and to obey leash laws -- not that a familiar will stray,” she said.

Dr. Tenent excused her self and left the room. If there is one thing I love more than anything else, it’s waiting around doing nothing. You believe me, don’t you? Okay, I got bored, fast. I’m allowed to, I’m a teenager; my body certainly is. As to my mind, the jury is out. Before anyone thinks of saying my mind is out-to-lunch, be advised. Under such circumstances I am not responsible for my actions.

As I was saying, I spent some time examining myself and the room. I noticed some objects *glowed* to my senses. They were mostly objects I recognized as some of Dr. Tenent’s mystical *tools*. Most objects looked the same to me before and after my *bonding* with Miki. To my senses I still was lit up like the proverbial Christmas tree, colors swirled around me in fascinating patterns. I noted one color predominated over all others, though I can’t find the proper words to describe it. It was definitely a female color: I am sure of that. If I concentrated I could *see* a thread, for want of a better word, connecting me to something beyond the room.

~~Must be part of my bond with Miki. I think … no, I *know* there is intelligence on the other end of this *thread*. Weird, but it was to be expected given how today has gone. Cummon Fate, bring it on! Weird comes in threes doesn’t it?~~

After an hour or so — really 20 minutes, it just seemed longer — Dr. Tenent returned with Circe who did a few tests of her own. She quickly confirmed Dr. Tennet’s diagnosis. What she said next startled me but then Circe has a way of unsettling people. Fortunately she unsettled me in a positive way; she was friendly. Circe is not a bad person; she only comes off as aloof and imperious. She is often so enigmatic she appears to be superior or condescending but I think that’s a tradition among the masters and mistresses of the magic arts. I must admit if the stories I’ve heard about her are true, Circe has earned the right to act smug.

“Welcome to the Sisterhood, Joanie,” Circe said and smiled.

“Sisterhood?” I asked.

“Miki’s late mistress was one of the last of a magic cult from old India. They were dedicated to keeping a great evil from entering the human realm. You are now an heir to their legacy. Don’t worry, we’ll help you, and the demon they fought is still safely confined in the tomb they prepared 150 years ago. Charlie Lodgeman gave us his report, and maintaining the integrity of the warded tomb confining the demon is a high priority. I have confirmed the nature of the demon the Sisterhood imprisoned, and I am impressed at their feat. Joanie, Miki is the last living witness to the Sisterhood’s sacrifice. That she chose you as her mistress is an honor not to be taken lightly. She must have sensed something special in you to bond.”

This was getting too heady for me.

~~Circe feels I’ve been honored? What did she say, exactly? … ”An honor not to be taken lightly,” whoa, this is getting way spooky for me. I’m little old Joanie, not Joan of Arc though Jane Wieden was cute as Miss *of Arc* in Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure. I wonder what PETA’s stand on familiars is? … Wait a minute, what’s this about the Sisterhood?!~~

“Calm yourself, this is nothing to be worried about. It’s not like you’re being nominated as a saint, *Joan*. Sorry, I can sometimes read minds. Take your friends to see their mom; visit your Iowa family. See me when you get back … and don’t worry — children!” Dr. Tenent said as we finished.

* * * *

On the way out of medical I bumped into May Lee and Anna, and I do mean bumped into. I had to grab Anna hard to keep us from falling. I saw who I’d nearly trampled, and my heart soared; she looked so happy, if startled.

“I’m so sorry; I wasn’t ... Anna! May Lee! I apologize for not keeping in touch. Anna, did you start your treatments? You look much happier,” I asked, embarrassed.

~~Anna looks almost normal. She must have had surgery, and I wasn’t there to hold her hand, damn. Good friend I am, jeese.~~

“I had surgery a couple days after you last saw me.”

“I should have been there to wish you luck and keep you company after. I’m sorry, Anna, that was uncaring and rude.”

“Don’t feel bad, Joanie. Whateley sent Anna to a specialist at Johns Hopkins. You couldn’t have been there, and they arranged for me to sleep in her room. You have a lot on your plate, and you are doing more than enough by paying for this. You can’t be everything to everyone," May said, and hugged me.

“The surgeon took out the breast implants and the contraceptive implants they’d overdosed her with,” May Lee explained. I was horrified, and it showed.

“I knew they drugged you and had you on high-dosage birth control, but an overdose using implants?”

“Whateley medical wondered why my hormone levels wouldn’t come down, The doctors found I’d been given several times the recommended dose of implantable contraceptives. The hormones and drugs kept me confused, compliant and primed for sex; I couldn’t help myself. I was at risk for serious complication, like blood clots or liver damage if they had been in much longer. As the surgeons at Johns Hopkins were removing my implants it made sense they do the other surgery at the same time. The breast implants were so big the doctors put in adjustable implants in their place and have slowly deflated them so my skin can adjust. I’m wearing a special compression bandage to help in this. It feels real odd, like someone is massaging my breasts. They are doing this to minimize scarring and adhesions. It’s working too; I’m starting to look like myself!”

"You look good, Anna, what’s next?” I asked.

“They remove the adjustable implants next weekend. After I heal for a couple weeks Whateley’s thaumatologists will craft spells to grow the tattoos out of my ski.; it uses the body's own ability to encapsulate foreign objects, like with a thorn. This will take a week or more, but those awful tattoos will be gone. There are quicker methods, but they risk serious side-effects or damage to the skin. After all traces of magic wear off, they will give me a magical tune-up to restore my body to its pre-surgery state. By mid-summer, you’ll never know I was ever touched by those creeps. I’ll be a virgin, in my body at least. Thank you, Joanie,” Anna said and hugged me.

“All I did was pull a few strings; you have to suffer through all the treatments. What of that boyfriend who didn’t support you?” I asked, regretting it immediately. “I shouldn’t have asked that. Don’t answer, Anna. Do you forgive me?”

“I forgive you, Joanie. I think I should tell you, seeing how much you’re helping. He came to see me in the hospital. His parents believed I was damaged goods, and assumed I got into pornography voluntarily. He claimed they pressured him to break it off. They are very traditional, so I’m inclined to believe him. He felt his honor required him to tell me to my face we were through. He contacted May Lee and she agreed he should see me. When he came to my room, May read him the riot act and so did my surgeon. They spent a long time explaining everything that had happened to me was not of my free will. He told his family, and they formally offered to renew the offer of marriage. I told them I would have to think about it, as their snap judgment wounded me,” Anna said and giggled.

“Good! Make the jerks suffer. They showed their true colors when forced to by a crisis. Personally, I might not forgive them or him and would look elsewhere for love, but that’s me. If you love him, you’ll find a way. If not, grind him in the dust and find yourself someone worthy of you. I’ll lend you the boots to do it. Stiletto heels are great for stomping on a man’s feet,” I said, snickering.

“You are vicious, Joanie. Remind me never to get on your bad side,” May said. “I saw your sports car the other day. What did you do to get that?”

“I prostituted myself,” I said and laughed. “I’m doing ads for Ford, so ...”

“Oh you!

* * * *

I returned to my dorm, snagged my pre-packed overnight bag, Les Paul, and mini practice amp, then hurried to my truck. It was a little past one but given what happened with Miki and I, not bad. At the last moment I realized I wanted a ball cap and aviator sunglasses I’d put in the bag and got them out.

~~I need to wear this hat and my kewl shades. After all I have the image of Ex-Wisconsin egotists to uphold.~~ I looked at my reflection in one of the trucks mirrors. ~~Oh yeah, all I need is a landing craft and a corncob pipe. Douglas MacArthur, eat your heart out.~~

Tom and Tina were waiting along with most of the Sabers and my cleanup crew.

“Why are you here? Don’t you have classes?” I asked.

“So we snuck out of class early, Joanie. It’s almost the break between class periods, and our teachers know it’s important we see our friends off. Tom, Tina, you be brave for your mom; she needs you,” said Cheryl, surprisingly emotional for her.

We all gave the Smith twins hugs, even Mystor, though very carefully as he and Tom were the only guys.

We got ready to go, and Mystor handed me my guitar then placed my bags in the crew compartment.

“What have you got in here? You women and your obsession with clothes! My bag would weight half this. Oh, I closed it; you’d left it open, Blondie,” he said and laughed.

“Keep talking like that, and you’ll never get to see any of us out of them,” I replied.

“But I saw you naked and up close, Joanie; that will satisfy me for a long time. Oh, here’s the doll I made out of your clothing in the magic class. I can’t change it back, I tried, but since you’re visiting your Iowa friends maybe Mel would like it? I heard you talk about how much you like her. I had Dr. Tenent examine the doll, and it’s safe to handle. There are no dangerous magic residues remaining,” Mystor finished and handed me the doll. He had thoughtfully placed it in a colorful gift bag.

“That’s a great idea; thanks. Thank you all for seeing us off. Behave yourselves, and I want film of the orgy, *K*?” I said.

They looked at me, confused, until Pinky broke out in giggles.

We got in the crew cab and as I prepared to start the engine I said, “I shall return!” and drove off, snickering so bad I almost had to pull over and stop.

“Do I want to know what any of that was about?” Tom asked.

“No,” I replied.

“Pinky told me, silly, at least about the orgy. I’ll explain,” Tina said to her brother as we drove past my farm and on to Berlin.

* * * *

At the airport we discovered we were early for our charter; it had been delayed by weather. We had time to waste so I drove the short distance to town and the cycle dealer. I made sure to grab the poster in a mailing tube I’d brought along. I’d wanted to check on the little girl I’d met back in December for some time. First there was another girl I wanted to see.

“Where’s Julie Anne?” I asked an unfamiliar office worker.

“She only works on Saturdays and semester breaks. Julie has class at the local state university campus -- just turned 18 and already in college. What can I do for you, Ms.? ...” she hesitated then looked at me hard and smiled. “I’m guessing your name is Joanie?”

“I’m passing through and thought I should stop by. I’m flying my friends here to see their mom; she’s in a hospital out west. Is Isaac in?”

“He’s in the shop. I hope your friends’ mother is okay?”

“She’s getting better, but they miss each other; excuse us,” I said, and walked to the repair shop.

* * * *

“Anyone home?” I called, and was almost immediately pounced on by a squealing young school girl.

“Joanie, you lied! You are no elf. You are an angel,” Leeann said and hugged me tight. It reminded me of the previous time she’d hugged me. It was last December, and she was an unhappy child who desperately missed her late mother. This time she wasn’t sobbing as she held me, she giggled instead. “Thank you for what you did before Christmas. Daddy and I talked a long time. I cried, and he cried. Thanks for the cookies; you are a good baker. I see a lady ‘chiatrist, and we talk all about my mommy and dad, and why maybe I feel like I do. Daddy comes sometimes, too. I feel so happy, and it’s because of you. I showed my friends your picture and note, and they were so jealous and said what a nice lady you are,“ she said and paused for breath.

~~Shades of Mel, here.~~ I thought.

I backed off some and looked at her. She’d let her hair grow. It was still short, but definitely in a girl's style. Her clothes, though not girly-girl, were noticeably female.

“You’re wearing a skirt and a blouse, Leeann. Whose idea was it, dear?” I asked.

“Mine, silly elf lady,” she said and giggled. “I wish you were a real elf; you were funny,” she said.

“But there are elves, Leeann. They are called the Fey, but they are what the legends are based on. We have one at our school; she’s a student and very pretty. Here, this is for you,” I said and handed her a poster from the tube in my hand.

It was one we sold in our school store. It was a larger copy of the photo of Nikki Reilly in the Whateley brochure. Leeann unrolled it and her eyes went wide.

“I see her big violet eyes, and her pointy ears; she is a real elf. Thanks for the poster, but she’s not as pretty as you, Joanie,” Leeann said and grinned.

“I’m glad you like it, and thanks for saying I’m that pretty. I’m relieved you’re not sad anymore. I can see you’re all bubbly which is good; I like seeing people happy. Leeann, these are my friends, Tom and Tina. They’re fraternal twins and schoolmates of mine at the mutant school," I explained.

“Real mutants like you, Joanie?”

“Their powers are different, but they are mutants and nice kids,” I replied. “Why don’t you three talk while I see your dad, okay?” I asked, and she nodded and went over to my friends.

* * * *
I turned and walked over to her father.

“Isaac, Leeann seems much better.”

“She is. That talk we had after you did the elf bit broke through the wall. She has her bad days, but she’s like I remember before my wife ...”

“That’s good news about Leeann, Isaac. Are you feeling better?”

“I am; I’m dating again. It’s a girl Julie Anne introduced me to, Carol, the new office gal here. She was Julie’s babysitter, and she knew my wife. They were in school together, but Carol was a year behind my wife. So far so good, Joanie, she and Leeann get along, and she’s a good influence on her. I know nothing about girl’s fashion and all the things she needs to grow into a woman. How are you? I saw the news a while back when you were at a school dance. Are you still in contact with the young man you danced with? You looked the perfect couple to me, Joanie,” he added.

“I, ah ...”

“Daddy, Joanie has a boyfriend!” called out Leeann excited.

~~Thank you Mr. and Miss Quisling.~~

“I like him a lot, Leeann, but he’s still in school so we can only be friends. Don’t tell anyone, ever; some people could make a lot of trouble for him and me if they knew,” I asked her.

“Joanie may look like a high school girl, but she’s 49 and the nice boy -- the one you thought was good looking -- is in his teens, Leeann. When he’s a little older then it will be okay for them to be boyfriend and girlfriend, but for now they are good friends only,” Tina said, and very nicely I thought.

“He’s good looking?” I asked.

“Leeann saw the video of Eric and you dancing. She said Eric was dreamy,” Tina replied.

“Dreamy? And you are seven years old?”

“He is. Eric looks like a TV actor. You were very pretty in that dress, Joanie.”

“Thank you, you look pretty too. Oh, Isaac, I’d like a sidecar for my old Harley. I could research and find one, but I’m so busy these days. Could you locate one or see if the plans are available to build one from scratch?”

“I’ll see. Harley was amazed when they saw the pictures of your old bike We sent them one of your old tires, we kept the other for display. I wouldn’t be surprised if they contacted you seeing as you're doing ads for Coke and Ford,” Isaac said. He hesitated then spoke. “I heard you’re going to be in a magazine this summer?”

“How did you learn that?” I asked knowing it had been in numerous newspapers and in the electronic press.

“Entertainment Tonight announced you’d posed for Playboy for a record fee, and that you’re donating it all to charity. Can I ...?”

“Not another autographed copy?”

“Well, that would be welcome, but I was hoping Leeann and I could have our photo taken with you as a remembrance?”

He called in Carol, who took our picture then the twins and I took off for the airport.

* * * *

“Good afternoon, ladies and gentleman. Sorry for the delay, we bucked strong headwinds getting here. That same weather system will give us favorable winds on our flight to Wisconsin, so we should be in Madison on time. You are?” the copilot asked.

“Tom Smith and my sister Tina, and this is our friend who arranged the charter, Joanie.”

“You again?” the copilot asked rhetorically. We knew each other well.

“Hi! You get that embarrassing bulge taken care of?” I asked and snickered.

“I am sorry I came on to you, Ms. Brown. That was unprofessional on my part. The pilot gave me a lecture after that flight. My ears are still burning,” he said.

“He should have. I did get a good laugh out of your discomfort, sorry.”

“That’s okay. I’ve had some interesting dreams since then, thank you,” he replied.

“Just as long as they are dreams, Mister,” I said and snickered.

* * * *

We made great time, and arrived in Madison mid afternoon. Gin in her PT was our ride to the hospital.

“Tom, Tina you look great. Joanie here hasn’t been filling your mind full of strange, perverted thoughts has she?” Gin asked.

“Joanie’s been great to us. I’m in her band with a fun bunch of other students. My brother has no musical talent, but he helps us move stuff and is dating Joanie’s niece,” Tina said with pride.

‘Tom and Suzy are dating already?” Gin asked, surprised.

“Maybe it’s something in the water, but they are an item. Tom is a gentleman, mostly, though Suzy is a junior me. Minxes must run in the family,” I said and snickered.

“How’s Ms. Smith?” I asked.

“Don … I mean Ms. Smith is a fighter. She’s doing great, and insists we all call her Donna. She so nice to us and rarely complains despite her pain. I wish all patients were like that. Joanie, Dr. Sara mentioned your thoughts about where Tom and Tina got their mutant genes. The tests show most came from their mom. I’ve seen natural mutants with fewer so-called mutant genes. Your suggestion is possible, but we’ll talk it over with the whole family now that they are here,” Gin said.

“Tom, Tina, what if your mother could be a mutant like you? Does that sound like a good idea?” Gin asked.

“Mom could be like us?” Tom asked.

“Yes, and we could make her young again. Young enough to be your older sister or make the three of you triplets,” she said and the twins gasped.

“Your mom needs to hide from these bad people as much as you two do. I can alter your mom with magic. I can even change her appearance, skin color, eyes, ethnicity, and body type -- the works. It would help her hide, and let her start fresh after the terrible things the kidnappers did to her and your late father. Think about it,” Gin asked.

* * * *

We arrived at the Mutant wing of the University of Wisconsin Hospital well before dark. We entered through a secure staff garage. After we were cleared through security, Gin took me aside.

“Joanie, something is bothering Dr. Sara, and it’s just happened recently. She says nothing is wrong, but it was such a change from the love struck Miss Free-spirit she’s been of late. Maybe you can get through to her. I’m concerned,” Gin added.

“Absolutely! She’s my substitute mother, and I owe her. I’ll find out, Gin,” I replied, and Gin looked relieved.

We arrived at Donna’s room. I was happy to see Big Red on duty. She gave us all warm hugs and inspected my tonsils with her tongue.

~~She’s so conscientious in her duty to her patients, or is it she still carries a torch for me?~~

“Your mom’s pretty beat up; don’t let it scare you, but don’t lie either. Your mom wants the truth at all times. As bad as she looks, she’s getting well. It will be awhile before she’s fully recovered, but she will recover completely. She can’t talk real loud because her jaw is wired shut to help it heal, so keep your voices down, okay?” Red explained.

“We will, Ms. Red,” Tina said for them both, and they walked in the room. I watched from just outside the door. I could see them at the side of her bed.

“Mom?” Tina called out.

The poor child was crying at the sight of her injured mom but was smiling as well. I saw Tom stiffen up then smile, a tear or two running down his face. I was so proud of my two young friends.

“Tina? Tom? Thank god!” she mumbled. I walked away to give them some time alone.

“Joan, just the person I wanted to see; follow me,” Dr. Sara said. Gin was right, Sara looked unhappy.

* * * *

She led me into her private office and locked the door behind us.

“What’s wrong, Sara? You seem so unhappy. Can I help in anyway?”

“*You* can help alright, *Joan* ... What the hell were you thinking?” she snarled at me.

~~...?!...~~ I couldn’t think, I was in shock.

“Who are you? What are you? I thought I could trust you -- that you were a responsible adult -- then you pull this. You must be out of your mind. Sex with an under age boy! Do you want to go to prison, Joan? I’d bet you’d like that, you slut!” She was shouting at me.

“But, Sara, I ...”

“Don’t you DARE call me Sara!” she screamed. I had never seen her so angry before. I couldn’t recall her ever being angry.

I got a momentary image of Eric and I being intimate and getting caught in the act. The look in his face as I was arrested was heartbreaking; he seemed almost catatonic. I felt this wave of sadness, anger and disappointment hit me from everyone I knew, particularly Sara. It was as if she’d slapped me in my mind. Then I felt Eric’s despair and thoughts of suicide. I got an image of him breaking into a gun cabinet and … My world had been blown asunder. It hurt terribly, more than I had ever hurt in my life. I burst into tears, I felt rejected by her -- like a child disowned. All I could sense was disappointment and disgust bordering on hate in place of the love she’d so freely gave me, and I couldn’t stand it. I had failed Eric. I’d failed my friends. I had failed Sara, and I had failed myself. I wanted to die. I curled up in a ball in the corner of her office, terrified and confused.

~~How could Sara think that? … Ghod, what have I done to hurt her so? … I hate myself. Sara will never forgive me.~~

When I realized what I had done, what I had almost done, and what I was likely to do if things didn’t change, the dam burst. The words poured out of me almost subconsciously. “I love Eric. I would never hurt him. We almost did it, -- I mean have sex -- but it was an accident. Ghod, I wanted him so bad. We didn’t do anything other than touch each other inappropriately, but we wanted to make love and it’s WRONG! I’ll breakup with Eric, I’ll never see him again. I’ll sign an oath to that effect. I’ll break all contact with him and his family, Sara. Please don’t hurt him!” I cried, tears streaking down my cheeks.

I felt her hands touch me. I flinched and twisted away from her.

“Leave me alone! I’ve failed you and you hate me for it! Ghod, I hate me. I’m a worthless piece of slime,” I shouted and sobbed.

Sara got on the floor and hugged me fiercely; she wouldn’t let go despite my thrashing to get away. I felt her kiss me on the cheek, and my fear and anger began to fade.

“Forgive me, Joanie. Please forgive me, dear. I didn’t want to do that but it was the only way I could be certain. I will never hurt you again, ever. How could I? I love you. I know you find that hard to believe after what I just did; Joanie, but I do love you. This was a test; it was hard, but necessary. I had to force you to react instinctively. You know I’m an empath. I needed to observe how you would react when threatened with the loss of Eric and of your dreams. I didn’t want you rationalizing; I needed to know your heart.

“I’m so sorry I entered your mind, dear, but those terrifying thoughts were all yours. I simply allowed them to break free into your conscious mind. I felt them along with you. I wish I hadn’t needed to do it, but it was necessary. I did this as much for Babs as for Eric and you. And I did it for me. I love you too much not to have, Joanie. Hate me if you must, but I had to save you,” she said, her demeanor soothing and remorseful.

“But it hurt! I thought you loved me!” My anger rebounded.

~~She betrayed me. The woman I’ve come to love as if she was my mother betrayed me!~~

“I’m so sorry, Joanie, I know the emotional wounds will take time to heal, but I do love you and so does Babs. She called me after you told her to talk with Eric about this Easter. He admitted to her he wanted to make love to you. In his dream -- as you two snuggled -- it seemed real. He thought you really were making love then he woke. It was as if the dream had come true. He stopped when he realized what was happening, but he wanted you and was ecstatic you wanted him.

“That you both stopped, and physically it never went beyond what they used to call heavy petting, reassured us, but the strength of Eric’s feelings worried Babs and me. Eric admitted he’s had dreams since where it feels so real he can’t be certain that you two haven’t had sex. Rationally he knows, but subconsciously he’s not certain anymore. Babs thought you sounded unsure of your intentions when you last spoke with her. That worried her too, as she always could *read* your intentions before, but not that time. Babs may not be a mutant but she is a keen observer and listener having been raised in a political family. Sometimes I’d swear she‘s an empath,” Dr. Sara stated, still holding and gently rocking me like I was her baby. It was both comforting and somehow repugnant. There was a war raging in my subconscious. Something was wrong but what was it?

“I felt I had lied to Babs after we finished speaking. I’d felt that way after I talked with you and said it was all under control. I’m so sorry I lied to you, Sara. I don’t want to lie, and not to either of you ladies. What do I do now? What do Eric and I do? This is out of control,” I replied, sniffling.

“Babs, Eric, and you will have a long talk when you get to Iowa. You need to slow things down. Be a girl and a boy who are friends first, then you can progress to girlfriend and boyfriend. Take care not to be alone when you are tired and your thinking is impaired, and absolutely no alcohol or drugs -- that could be disaster, even given how fast your regen burns them off. I know you wouldn’t, but some kid might spike things at a party thinking it will liven-up things.

"I *read* your thoughts when I tricked you. No, that’s not right. I *read* your thoughts when I lied to you. God forgive me but I lied. Joanie, you love him deeply and want the best for him. You value him above yourself and would not knowingly harm Eric. Take it easy and go slow, but do see him. Call him as you have, just concentrate on being friends first and the rest will follow in due course. Can you do that for me?” she asked.

I nodded.

“Can you forgive me?” Sara asked.

My mind was in turmoil. “No,” I said, and got up to walk out of her office. I thought I heard her crying.

* * * *

I walked around for a while, thinking over what had happened. Had she been unfair in tricking me into stating my true intentions? Sara seemed openly regretful of how she had tricked me. She seemed honestly worried she had gone too far and damaged our relationship.

The problem was I wasn’t sure what to think. Confronting my feelings and fears was intensely unsettling. Conversely I was glad it was in the open. They -- Babs and Sara -- had known Eric and I were infatuated with each other, now they knew how deep it went. Now I knew as well. We weren’t just intensely attracted; we were more than just in love. We were soul mates and willing to sacrifice our own happiness for the sake of the other. In the long run this was good for Eric and my relationship. This was better for my relationship with Babs and Sara as well, but still, Sara had hurt me if only mentally. The woman I thought of as my mother had hurt me. Why? It suddenly came to me. The answer was simple, she hadn’t. The pain was from confronting my own demons, and in freeing me she had suffered as well.

~~And I told her I couldn’t forgive her. What kind of a bitch am I?~~

I reached an area of shops in the huge hospital complex and spotted a florist. I made a decision. A while later I returned. Dr. Sara was in her office, softly crying. I felt sick.

“Sara, I said I couldn’t forgive you, and I didn’t lie,” I spoke slowly and heard her gasp. “There is nothing to forgive, dear Sara; you did this out of love and fear for my safety. You did this to protect Eric and me, and I thank you.”

I paused. “I forgive you Sara, but I don’t think I can forget this. Your words hurt,” I said flatly. I stopped to wipe my tears. I saw the pained reaction on Sara’s face. “Rationally I know why and I understand but part of me feels violated. Can you understand?”

I saw she was hurting and so was I. I tried to find some humor in our mutual pain. “A small part of my mind is still hurting and will extract its terrible revenge … Doctor. Mah ha ha ha!“ I said trying to be menacing and failing terribly. I giggled and paused. “These are for you, Mom, if you’ll have me?” I asked, and handed her a crystal vase full of roses. “Roses were my mother's favorite, I hope you like them.” I turned to leave and Sara hugged me from behind.

“I will always love you, daughter,” she said, then kissed me. I turned to face her and we held each other for a while. We stood not speaking, just comforting each other. It would take time but in my heart I so wanted to be able to trust her without reservation. When we’d both wiped each others tears, I walked off to Donna Smith’s room with the other vase of flowers I’d bought, a spring arrangement.

I was nearing her room, and I heard a shriek.

“There’s a huge rat in the lounge!” a nurses aid shouted, her face in shock.

~~Huge rat? … No, it can’t be.~~

I set the flowers on the floor outside Donna’s room and I ran to the lounge. I was greeted by a pair of gleaming eyes peering from behind a couch. Then the animal came out into the open.

“Miki! What are ...”

~~Greetings, Mistress Joanie.~~ I heard a strange woman’s voice say in my own mind, then I fainted.

To be continued.
Thanks to Grover for the use of and assistance with Miki.
Special thanks to Janet Nolan and Karen_J for their helpful criticism.
Thanks again to Itinerant for being there even when it isn’t easy

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