Hot Doggie 3

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A Chapter describing the first legal and medical ramifications of the conjoinments.

Hot Doggie 3

As the conjoined couple Sandra and Elizabeth wrote up the night log in the office, Octavia, the care home owner-manager, arrived slightly earlier than usual. In anticipation of the forthcoming doctor’s visit, she had slept that night in a bedroom at the staff bungalow. It was only a short step across the grounds to the main building instead of the normal commute from her regular home, hence her early arrival.

“Morning’ girls, did the night shift go okay?”

Elizabeth looked up blearily for she was unused to staying awake all night. She had slept fitfully when Sandra had dozed in the chair but it hadn’t been a restful snooze and she was looking forward to their bed. Sandra on the other hand was used to working all night and she was able to give an accurate and helpful statement of the night’s events.

At first she gave a brief account of the various patient’s situations and Octavia thanked her before explaining.

“The doctors are arranged for 2 p.m., is that OK?”

Elizabeth looked up from Sandra’s lap and frowned thoughtfully.

“Uuhm -, you’d better come with us, there’s been some more developments.” Octavia’s face clouded uncertainly.

“Now what?”

“You’d better see for yourself. It’s Jenny and Marge.” Finished Sandra.

“Why! What’s happened to them?”

“It’s happened again. You’d best come and meet them.” Added Elizabeth.

Full of foreboding, Octavia followed the conjoined pair to Jenny and Marge’s apartment Sandra knocked politely and Marge’s voice ushered them in. Octavia let out a squeal of shock as her jaw fell slack and she stared stupidly at the newly conjoined models. The squeal fell silent then it became a groan as Octavia realised the consequences of the news of yet another conjoinment became public. As Octavia stared in shock at the ex models, she slowly recovered her composure.

“How the hell did it happen?”

Both girls pretended total ignorance and Sandra noticed they had removed their magic pendants.

“Will you permit me to check you out or would you prefer the doctors to do it when they come to see these two?”

“Well, we have to go to the bathroom so you may as well check us out there.” Declared Jenny.

“Have you tried walking yet?” Asked Sandra.

“No. We tried to stand and we managed that, but walking’s a bit tricky. We only managed one step. It’s odd. We don’t seem to have the same co-ordination as our arms.” Replied Marge. “That’s why we’re back in bed.”

“Well we’d better help you then,” offered Octavia as she motioned to Sandra to take the other arm. As Jenny and Marge pulled the duvet back, Octavia realised the full extent of their changes.

“Oh my God!” Octavia gasped. “And your legs! Your legs -! They’ve -, they’ve grown back!!”

“Well there’s no need to make that much fuss. Legs are normal, aren’t they?”

“Oh! I -, I’m sorry. It just threw me that’s all. Hey come on, two conjoinments in as many days, don’t you think I’ve a right to be out of it? It’ll take some explaining; and the doctors coming here this very afternoon -, what d’you think they’ll say?”

Everybody fell silent. Octavia was right. One conjoinment was bad enough, and questions would certainly be asked. Two conjoinments was an epidemic! The doctors would tear the place apart, looking for pathological or histological answers. They might even close the care home and nobody wanted that. Until yesterday, the home had proved a haven of tranquillity and security for all the residents including the mentally disabled residents. It was a well-run and happy home and everybody felt secure but a presumed epidemic of multiple conjoinments would cause chaos if it became public! As they mulled the idea in their minds, Sandra finally arrived at the best possible solution.

“We could pretend that only Jenny and Marge have been conjoined.”

“Go on,” pressed Octavia as she caught Sandra’s drift, “you mean.”

“Well. Nobody yet knows about Elizabeth and me. Everybody still thinks that I’m carrying her around in the baby harness.

When the doctors come, just pretend it was Jenny and Marge all the time. Have you told any of the other staff about Elizabeth and me?”

“No-o,” replied Octavia thoughtfully, “I thought it best to be discreet. D’you know, I think it might work. You and Elizabeth
can stay in bed this afternoon, or go for a walk or something, and we can pretend that it was Jenny and Marge all the time. I didn’t mention any names or anything about your condition because I wanted to respect your privacy. I don’t think the doctors will be any the wiser.”

“It’s worth a try,” declared Jenny as she and Marge exchanged nods of agreement.

“Right,” finished Octavia. “You two off to bed for now while I pretend that I’ve just discovered Marge and Jenny. I must admit; I’m clutching at straws here.”

“What about the bathroom? Asked Marge. “We’re bursting!”

“Come on then, quickly before the day staff arrive.”

“We can’t walk properly. Well not yet anyhow. We’ll need a bit of support.” Said Jenny.

Octavia frowned again and turned to Sandra and Elizabeth.

“Can you help me?”

“That’s what we’re here for,” Sandra replied as she reached out and took hold of Jenny’s right arm. Octavia took her cue and held Marge’s left as the conjoined models stood up and took their first tentative uncoordinated steps. They wobbled uncertainly to the bathroom and gingerly lowered themselves onto the seat. Then Jenny and Marge exchanged smiles as they ‘pushed’ simultaneously and expelled their urine.

“Well that bit works,” they giggled together as Sandra and Elizabeth automatically turned away and pretended to be concerned with re-arranging the bath towels. Octavia however stood gaping at them and Jenny raised her objections.

“Do you mind! Turn away can’t you. This is a bit private. Look at Sandra and Lizzy, they are showing respect.”

Octavia recovered from her stupefied stare and apologised as she shook her head.

“Oh! Yes! Of course! I’m so sorry. It’s just that-, well, the whole thing has knocked me for six. I’m in a bit of a tizzy.”

Sandra and Elizabeth opened the door and gave Octavia an escape avenue. She stumbled out then Sandra and Liz followed, leaving Jenny and Marge to work out their toilet arrangements in private. Outside in the corridor, Octavia turned apologetically to Sandra and Elizabeth.

“I just wasn’t thinking; staring at them so stupidly. I can’t believe I was so rude! This whole thing -, well -, it’s just thrown me. I suppose all this toilet business is old hat to you by now.”

“It’s not an issue really,” replied Elizabeth reassuringly, “we’ve only got one rectum and we share the arms. Wiping clean and washing is all a bit new to me anyway, but Sandra is a good guide.”

“And what about the other? You know -, uuhm, urinating. “D’you uuhm share that as well?”

“Oh yes, sort of, well, more or less,” interrupted Sandra casually, “We share all the same sensations and everything down there is more or less as it should be.”

Elizabeth privately squeezed their mutual cock in their mutual cunny as she grasped the double meaning of Sandra’s words. ‘Sandra was technically quite right for she and Elizabeth did share sensations and indeed, everything was ‘as it should be’ for a conjoined boy and girl! At that stage Octavia was still ignorant of their conjoined duality and there was no need for Octavia to know about Sandra’s exciting little extra bits. The idea of using Jenny and Marge as the subject of the doctor’s visits pleased Elizabeth no end. They could keep their own arrangements secret for a little longer until they had sorted out lots of personal and legal issues.

Elizabeth had a sharp brain and had fought for years to get her legal and human rights recognised. Indeed, she had already decided that, that very morning before the doctor’s afternoon arrival, whilst in the privacy of Sandra’s staff flat, she had intended to call her regular lawyers to fix the legal issues and re-affirm her emancipation rights as soon as Sandra woke up. She had no intention of allowing any stupid doctors to try and drag the pair of them off unwillingly to the laboratories or operating tables.

Now that urgency was removed. Jenny and Marge would be the lightening conductors to deflect the strikes. Even so, Elizabeth knew she would have to move quickly. There were also the same issues for Jenny and Marge, but she would address them later in the morning after Sandra had had some sleep and before the doctors arrived.

Back in the bathroom Jenny and Marge shared their very first defecation.

“How shall we do it?” Whispered Marge curiously.

“I suppose we just push like we normally used to do,” replied Jenny, “Sandra and Elizabeth said it just comes naturally for them.”

“Come on then,” encouraged Marge.

They pushed together and everything worked normally. Both girls sighed with relief and giggled after they had completed their evacuation. Marge gave a little squeak of surprise as Jenny experimented with their sphincter and squeezed it tight.

“0-0h! Oy! You cheeky thing! Warn me if you’re going to play with my arse.”

“Never mind that,” chuckled Jenny, “ who’s going to wipe?”

“Uugh! Gross. I’ll let you do that this first time.”

“Gee thanks!” Shrugged Jenny.

Jenny’s ‘single shoulder’ shrug caused Marge to flinch licentiously as their three tits wobbled tantalisingly. Jenny then reached for the toilet roll and doubled the paper before bending over unexpectedly.

“Hey! What are you doing?” Squawked Marge.

“What does it look like? Wiping our butt!”

“Heck! D’you always do it that way, around the back then? I go under the front way and push away from my cunny.”

“Well I go around the back and pull away from mine. Listen! D’you want to get this finished with or not?” Jenny Growled.

It was Marge’s turn to shrug and Jenny’s turn to twitch as their tits wobbled again.

Then as Jenny’s fingers dug into their rectum Marge squealed again.

“Ow-oww. Steady on. Is that how you do it?”

“Of course. D’you want our arse cleaned or not?”

Marge relaxed for the sensation whilst surprising her, had not hurt her. Then Marge discovered a very pleasant side effect of their conjoinment. Her haemorrhoids had disappeared. For most of her adult life, Marge had suffered from them but now they had completely gone. As Jenny’s fingers busied themselves in their rectum Marge smiled with relief.

“What are you grinning at?” Demanded Jenny.

“It’s our butt. My piles have gone. There’s no blood and it’s not hurting. They -, they’ve gone, gone completely. I could never have dug into my arsehole like you just did. The pain would have killed me. Can I check it out?”

“Be my guest,” offered Jenny.

Marge took some more toilet tissue and probed delicately from long habit. This time, Jenny savoured the peculiar sensation of having somebody else clean her butt. Never having suffered from haemorrhoids, Marge’s delicate testing felt quite evocative to Jenny causing her to squirm and giggle.

“Stop tickling my arse!”

By way of reply, Marge boldly dug into their arse and savoured the pleasure of not suffering any pain.

“Hey this is keen. D’you think any other ailments have gone?”

Jenny wondered then tested her little finger experimentally. She had crushed it in a car door as a child and been cursed with the occasional attack of arthritis ever since.

The knuckle joints of her little finger had always been stiff since that day. Up until that moment, in all the other excitement, she had not noticed her little finger’s flexibility.

In photo shoots, she had always discreetly kept her little finger away from the camera and it had never been noticed by any of the photographers. Fortunately in most modelling shoots, the hands were usually shown open and extended so the stiffness of her little finger was very rarely an issue.

The problem also affected her grip, which had always been weak because she couldn’t fully close her little finger. Now as she flexed her fingers she let out a squeak of delight.

“You’re right! Look! My finger, I can close my whole hand!”

As a close friend, Marge knew about Jenny’s finger and she grinned delightedly at the shared discoveries.

“This is brilliant. Quick! Call them back to help us into the shower.”

They called for help and the trio re-appeared.

“We might need help in the shower.”

As they spoke Sandra and Octavia reached forward and helped them the few steps to the cubicle.

“Can you manage in there washing by yourselves?” Asked Octavia.

“We’ll have to, wont we,” replied Marge.

“Not if you’re still worried about keeping your balance,” replied Elizabeth, “Sandra and I need a shower, we could help you.”

“Oh I’m not sure that’s a good idea,” said Octavia, “there might be legal issues. You know, sexual abuse and all the health and safety stuff.”

“Oh stuff and nonsense!” Snapped Jenny. “We’re adults for God’s sake! Anyway; if we slipped and fell, then there would be an issue. Besides, Sandra’s been helping us for two years, and as for the privacy thing, well I mean — come on!! We’re conjoined twins for heaven’s sake! What’s private now? We’ve just shared a poo and a wee for God’s sake!”

“Well. OK then,” declared Octavia. “You get on with showering while I go and prepare a disclaimer so that you can state that you’ve no objections. Is everybody agreeable to that?”

The two pairs of conjoined couples exchanged looks then Elizabeth spoke for them all.

“OK. I’ll check it over later then if we’re all agreeable, we can sign it. We’ll need two witnesses though.”

“That could cause a problem,” sighed Octavia, ever alert to the legal implications for her business.

“Oh don’t be such a pussyfoot,” encouraged Elizabeth. “I’ve already got it in hand anyway. I’ll tell you after we’ve showered.”

Octavia squinted at her richest resident and bit her lip nervously. ‘Elizabeth had long ago demonstrated her shrewdness in many things legal.’ Her battle for full and independent emancipation had not been easy. There had been plenty of relatives and supposed friends who had hoped to garnish control of her fortune by pretending to be her carer. The manager knew all about Elizabeth’s past and she had proved to be a supportive, sympathetic ally for Elizabeth during her darkest hours. She tactfully withdrew as the girls prepared to shower.

Fortunately, the shower cubicle was designed to accommodate disabled people and it had plenty of room. Both pairs of conjoined girls were soon lathering each other up as Octavia returned to her office to prepare the disclaimer.

After preparing a specimen disclaimer, Octavia returned with some extra large towels to facilitate the drying process and a change of panties for Sandra and Elizabeth. As she opened the door she heard both pairs of girls giggling licentiously in the shower.

“Are you lot behaving in there?” She asked lightly, knowing full well that stuff was certainly going down.

As a closet, lipstick lesbian, Octavia knew girly fun when she heard it. She placed the towels on the hot rail and sat on the toilet seat to await their emergence.

After a few nervous squeaks and awkward bumps, the shower door opened and the four girls stood unsteadily. Octavia rose to assist them. She noted the somewhat flushed expressions and guessed that it was not all down to the hot water of the shower. Sandra, ever the boldest, caught Octavia’s expression and smiled responsively.

“Well. You would have as well!”

“I never said a word,” smirked Octavia as realisation of the four girl’s lesbian sexualities caused her own face to crimson with shock and also secret delight.

“Why are you blushing?” Demanded Elizabeth as she watched Octavia’s neck redden against the pure white of her blouse.

”Well -, you -, you were -, you were uu-hm. I heard you and I could also see through the smoked glass of the shower door. I’m not completely stupid!”

“All we were doing was cuddling. We had to do that to hold Jenny and Marge up. They are getting better at balancing but they still have trouble standing on one leg while they wash the other foot.” Stated Sandra firmly.

Octavia fell silent. In truth all she had seen were two vague forms pressed up close and face-to-face. Sandra was probably telling the truth. Octavia wondered if she wasn’t letting her own thoughts run away with her. She watched as Jenny and Marge cautiously stepped out and took one of the huge bath towels. It covered them adequately and they swayed slightly as they started gently dabbing their soft rounded curves. Next, Octavia handed one to Sandra and Elizabeth who proved much more able to dry themselves. Eventually, both pairs of girls were dry and dressed in loose fitting bathrobes, then they settled down in Sandra’s staff flat to discuss tactics. The first thing Elizabeth did was call her lawyer friend at home.

“Hello, Jean. This is Elizabeth, your thalidomide client. Can you drop everything and come over later this morning? Bring your laptop, a camera and plenty of headed paper. It’s important. Oh! And bring another person as a witness, preferably another woman and preferably a lawyer also.”

As a wealthy client, who never called unless it was truly urgent, Jean responded to Elizabeth’s call immediately. Besides, few other clients paid Jean a monthly retainer.

After arranging to meet at eleven o’clock, Elizabeth put the phone down and turned to the others.

“We need to make sure that the doctors are in no doubt about who’s in control. Believe me. I’ve had plenty of experience with doctors. They always think they know best.”

“I hope this is the right way to go,” observed a worried Octavia.

“I’m telling you now,” replied Elizabeth, “it’ll all turn out to hang on the law. It always does. Now let’s give Sandra a chance to sleep before Jean arrives.”

They agreed to this and left Elizabeth and Sandra to sleep through the rest of the morning.

Jean arrived on the button just as Octavia was waking Sandra and Elizabeth.

“Your lawyer friend is here with another girl.”

Sandra reached sleepily for their combined panty-corselet but Elizabeth desisted.

“We won’t need that. Jean will need to witness our condition as well as Jenny and Marge.”

They chose a skirt, a pair of plain cotton pants bought for the purpose of medical examination and a pair of loose fitting tops with matching bras. After quickly dressing, Elizabeth and Sandra met the lawyers in Octavia’s offices whilst Octavia sat with Jenny and Marge in the side-room.

Jean’s eyes widened with shock as she realised Elizabeth’s conjoinment to Sandra. She even forgot to introduce her legal partner Rosemary to Sandra, but Elizabeth had recognised Rosemary from old.

“Oh hell Elizabeth! Is this what it’s about?” Screeched Jean.

“You bet. Look, I’ll show you.”

Elizabeth slipped off their skirt and carefully tugged down the side of their panties to reveal the seamless conjoinment without exposing their crotch.

“But how the hell did this -?” Gasped Jean as her colleague Rosemary let out a grunt of surprise and peered closely at the join.

“Magic.” Replied Elizabeth.

“Oh yeah. Now pull the other one!” Scoffed the disbelieving Jean.

“No seriously Jean. It just happened whilst Sandra was carrying me in that baby harness we used to use. She dozed off the other evening before her night duty with me in the baby harness. When we woke for Sandra to start work, we were stuck together.”
After inspecting the conjoinment closely Jean looked up at Sandra.

“Is this true?”

“Of course it’s true! D’you think people somehow get conjoined every day?”

“The girl’s got a point Jean.” Observed Rosemary the other lawyer.

“So do you think it’s magic?” Mocked Jean.

“Tell me what else. Remember, I was a doctor before going in for law. That’s no ordinary conjoinment. For one thing, THEY ARE NOT TWINS! There’s no scarring, no signs of surgery and if I’m not mistaken; somehow Elizabeth has developed vestigial femurs, which are somehow conjoined to Sandra’s femurs. Now remember, I was the doctor who advocated for Elizabeth in the disability hearings and I know that Elizabeth had absolutely no limb forms of any kind. She was virtually a sausage with just a head and two tits. That’s what made the medical arguments so tricky. Look now, there’s a clear extension of her hip and femur arrangements that enables her to remain attached to Sandra without straining or stretching Sandra’s tummy. In fact that’s a very healthy tummy with good muscle tone.”

Satisfied that the conjoinment defied all medical logic Rosemary then turned to the conjoined pair and asked a few crucial questions. Elizabeth and Sandra answered as honestly as they dared then Elizabeth laid out her wishes and broke the stunning news of the other conjoinment of Jenny and Marge. With every word, Jean and Rosemary’s eyes widened in disbelief until Octavia entered from a side-room with the other conjoined girls.

A deafening silence descended as Jean and Rosemary stared at both sets of conjoined girls. Finally, Jean gathered her legal wits and took control.

“So. You say you’re seeing the specialists this afternoon.”

“Yes,” replied Elizabeth.

“Then we’d best get going. What is it you particularly want?” Asked Jean as she switched on the video recording equipment.
Elizabeth then explained that she was more than content with her newly gained condition. She demonstrated the use of their shared arms and legs then described all the other advantages including the toilet convenience. At every juncture, Jean and Rosemary threw in curveball questions but rarely did Elizabeth or Sandra fail to find a suitable answer or demonstration. After an hour of intensive questioning both lawyers nodded their agreement and promised to return the following day with a watertight legal arrangement. Next they turned to Jenny and Marge.

“So, you two need something for this afternoon.” Observed Jean.

The pair nodded and prepared themselves for a barrage of questions.

This time, the questions were much more intimate and penetrating and went on until the specialists arrived. Jean and Rosemary had however; prepared an interim legal agreement to allay the doctor’s attempts to compel Jenny and Marge to go to hospital. Instead, a trio of baffled consultants were forced to examine the pair in the care home’s medical room and eventually to concede that there was little they could do. The pair shared too many important organs. Indeed, Jenny and Marge were frankly surprised at the doctor’s willingness to accept the situation and agree with the pair that they were more than content with the developments.
Jenny and Marge agreed to see a psychiatrist the following day but only on the clear understanding that nothing would be allowed to upset their current living arrangements.

Fortunately, Elizabeth’s friends Jean and Rosemary had done an excellent legal job on Jenny and Marge’s declaration of conjoined emancipation thus the doctors had little recourse. They would be unable to make any untrue or extravagant claims about the conjoined model’s condition. The following day, the psychiatrist felt obliged to declare that the girls seemed balanced and sane. Indeed, the magical return of their amputated legs was deemed a positive advantage. Jenny and Marge had progressed well with walking over night and they could demonstrate an acceptable degree of mobility to the returning doctors.

After two whole days of tests and examinations, the doctors were forced to conclude that the pair should remain conjoined. In any case, they shared too many vital organs and separation would have been impossible without one or the other being killed. As they emerged from the doctor’s examinations, Jenny and Marge punched the air in delight and immediately visited Sandra and Elizabeth who had prepared a little celebration with Octavia, Jean and Rosemary, in Jenny’s apartment.

“It worked.” Crowed Jenny victoriously. “It all worked perfectly. We proved that we are sane and that we enjoy being conjoined!”

“What’s more,” added Marge, “they cannot separate us because we share all our vital single organs and there are no complications. We share one heart, a single stomach, pancreas, liver and I don’t know what else. It’s all just so perfect!”

“So when one dies, you both die,” observed Elizabeth darkly, “well, here’s to a long conjoined life.”

“I shouldn’t worry,” replied Jenny, “death is a long way off and anyway, what about you two. What happens when one of you dies? When we go, we go together. It doesn’t look as if you share many organs”

There was a reflective silence for several seconds before Sandra countered with the same argument as Jenny.

“Well, if you’re right, we shouldn’t have to worry for a good while. As you said, death is a long way off. So let’s not look on the black side, let’s just celebrate our conjoinments.”

At this point Octavia deemed it time to lighten the proceedings and proposed a toast.

Everybody clinked their champagne glasses and hugged each other intensely as they celebrated their first legal-medical victory.

After several glasses of champagne, Elizabeth and Sandra went into the little kitchen to prepare the canapés and sandwiches; there they quietly discussed the next step.

“D’you think we should tell Octavia and my two lawyer friends about Charlie?” Asked Elizabeth.

‘Charlie’ had become their mutually affectionate name for Sandra’s cock.

“Do we have to? Is there anything to be gained by it?” Argued Sandra, though not very forcefully.

“Well. I think it’s a bit false of us to mislead Jean and Rosemary. If they ever have to advocate for us in court and it comes down to a full medical exam, we shouldn’t spring any unfair surprises on them. After all, they drew up our conjoined emancipation declaration in the belief that we’re both girls. That might cause legal complications.”
Sandra mulled over Elizabeth’s arguments and was slowly persuaded that it might be the right thing to do. However she still had doubts stemming from her painful dysfunctional, transvestite childhood.

“It’s all right for you. You’ve always travelled under your true colours. They might penalise me and say that I’m insane because I’m living a lie.”

“And then what; separate us? Over my dead body!” Scolded Elizabeth.

Just at that moment, Rosemary entered the kitchen to ask about the delay with the titbits.

“Over whose dead body?”

Sandra and Elizabeth spun round as Rosemary’s question startled them.

“Oh nothing,” squeaked Elizabeth nervously, “we were just wondering about doctors trying to split us up. We don’t share all the important organs like Jenny and Marge. It might be possible to separate us surgically.

“And deny you the use of those arms and legs. I don’t think so. It would be tantamount to maiming you, now that you enjoy such facility not to mention the other conveniences like the lavatorial benefits. No. I don’t think any judge would allow that, especially as you advocate so strongly for the advantages you’ve gained. And they are advantages!”

“What about other stuff?” Asked Sandra.

“Like what?” Replied Rosemary.

“Well, there’s other issues,” stammered Sandra hesitantly, “uu-hm much more per -, personal stuff. It’s my stuff really but it affects Lizzy as well.”

“What sort of stuff?” Asked Mary as she frowned with perplexion.

There was a pregnant silence, until Elizabeth broke the deadlock. Once again her legally sharp mind was ticking.

“Are you still bound by your Hippocratic oath?”

“Uuhm, ye-ess,” replied Rosemary cautiously as her medical mind started clunking. “Does this mean you’ve got other secrets?”

“Uuhm, ye-ess,” replied Sandra, mimicking Rosemary’s caution.

Rosemary picked up the unspoken cynicism in Sandra’s guarded reply and smiled narrowly.

“So what’s the problem?”

“Well there’s no problem really,” added Elizabeth, it’s just that Sandra and I have something extra to tell you.”

“Go on,” prompted Rosemary as her medical interviewing skills started to operate.

“Well -. It’s — it’s a bit personal.” Mumbled Sandra nervously.

“How personal?”

“Is sexual dysfunctionality deemed a cause to diagnose insanity?” Asked Elizabeth.

“Not normally,” replied Rosemary, “only if it’s associated with the cause of a crime or a serious, criminal, behavioural disorder.”

“And what constitutes a behavioural disorder?” Pressed Sandra.

“Anything that might be deemed a danger to another person, or a danger to ones-self. Something that might cause a public disorder, or a disturbance of the peace.”

“So if it’s strictly private thing and nobody else knew about it, then it’s not a legal issue.” Pressed Sandra as she searched for a way to go forward.

“Not normally,” mused Rosemary thoughtfully, “it might become a medical issue but if the previous criterion are the guidelines I just gave you, then sexual dysfunctionality is deemed to be just another medical condition.”

“Nothing dangerous then,” finished Elizabeth.

“That’s the jist of it; at least as far as the law is concerned. It’s still a huge, complex field though, and each case has to be addressed on its merits. But basically, -No public danger; no public problem-. So no legal issues.”

“What about transvestism or transexualism?” Asked an emboldened Sandra.

“Why. Is that your problem?” Asked Rosemary without sounding the least surprised. Her casual attitude reassured Sandra who nodded nervously.

“Which is it, transvestism or transexualism?”

“A bit of both I think,” replied Sandra.

“Go on,” encouraged Rosemary, “how much of each?”

“Well -, I’ve -, I’ve got -, I’ve got a penis.”

Rosemary’s eyes widened very slightly but her only other response was to nod slowly.

“And? Is it functional?” She asked cleverly avoiding any show of embarrassment or censure.

“Uu-hm -, yes.” Stammered Sandra.

“And your breasts, are they real or implants.”

“Real,” whispered Sandra in a high nervous whisper.

“How old are you?”

“Twenty two.”

“A few years younger than Elizabeth then.”


Rosemary fell into a thoughtful silence as she studied the pair.

“Do you -?”

“Have sex. Yes.” Replied Elizabeth hastily. Glad to get the issue out into the open.

“And it is consensual?”

“How d’you mean?” Asked a puzzled Elizabeth.

“Well. I haven’t seen how you’re conjoined. What I mean is, if Sandra’s penis becomes erect, can you voluntarily prevent it from entering your vagina.”

“Oh! I see what you mean. Oh yes, unless I hump my hips, it simply slides past me and presses my clitty.”
Rosemary rubbed her jaw thoughtfully as she pondered the next step.

“I’d like to examine you, but that’s obviously a painful issue for you both. Besides, technically, I should have a chaperoning nurse.”

“What, you mean a second person present.” Countered Sandra.

“Well yes.”

“Well one of us would be the ‘second person’ no matter which one of us you examined.”

Rosemary smiled at the beguiling logic then chuckled.

“I wish it was as simple as that. Both my lawyer’s hat and my doctor’s hat tells me that your argument might be deemed technically flawed.”

“Why. We’re two people,” argued Elizabeth, “tantamount to husband and wife no less.”

“Well this is no simple marriage guidance counsel is it?”

“So the upshot is you want another person present.” Finished Sandra.

“Afraid so. It’s best you see me tomorrow and the sooner the better. I’ve got a medical colleague who’s discreet.”

Sandra and Elizabeth’s shoulders sagged partly with relief but partly with impatience. They had hoped to resolve the issues that same afternoon.

“I thought you’d be going back up to London tonight.” Observed Sandra.

“I am.”

“So you expect us to travel up to London tonight or tomorrow morning.”


“What. Conjoined! Like this!”

“How else. You’ve managed to walk around town down here without any issues.”

“Huh. The townspeople know us. They’ve known about Liz’s disability and my carrying Liz around in a harness for nearly a year now. They’re used to it and assume Liz is still in a harness.”

“So. People in London don’t take much notice. They’ll assume the same.”

Sandra capitulated. There was little else she could do. Elizabeth sensed Sandra’s defeat and took the issue forward.

“Where’s your practice?”

“In the same offices as our legal practice. I specialise in medical jurisprudence. There is a small examination room in the chambers and I have a nurse and a medical colleague whom I can call on. They’re both very discreet.”

“They’d better be,” cautioned Sandra.

Rosemary gave Sandra and Elizabeth an old look as she replied.

“Could they be anything else and still be working for me? I’ve been at this combined law and medicine business now for over ten years. I’m older than you might think.”

Sandra and Elizabeth had to take Rosemary’s words at face value, so they finished arranging the canapé’s and sandwiches then carried in the tray to rejoin the others. After some further discussion, Jean and Rosemary left to return to London. Sandra and Elizabeth turned to Jenny and Marge.

“You mean to say you’re going up to town as well?”

“We have to. They have to prepare a case for our conjoined emancipation hearings.”

“But I thought it was cut and dried.” Said Sandra

“Medically it is; that bit’s a formality. There’s just the other stuff concerning our joint property rights and stuff. We even have to write a will for God’s sake.”

“Yeah. So do we.” Observed Elizabeth. “My estate is worth a fortune and now that Sandra’s conjoined with me there’s all sorts of stuff to sort out.”

“What? Your not going to cut me out of your will are you darling?” Giggled Sandra.

“It’s no laughing matter,” cautioned Elizabeth. “If I died before you, I wouldn’t put it past my relatives to try and have my dead body separated from you and then have you cut out of the estate. You should have seen them trying to get their hands on my money last time. They tried to claim that I was somehow mentally disabled as well as physically disabled. They tried every argument in the book and some that never got into it. Then they tried to play the ‘Caring relatives’ card but that got short thrift with the judges after I was able to demonstrate how I’d been abused. Fortunately there was forensic evidence but I’m not going into that again. All I can tell you is that they are like bloody vultures!”

Sandra fell silent. As yet they had no idea if she and Liz could be separated. If it was medically possible, there was no knowing who would try what if Elizabeth died first. Before they could write a will, they would have to get the best medical opinion about the extent of their conjoinment.

In some ways, Sandra felt that Jenny and Marge were luckier. When one died, they both died and there would be few complications provided their will was properly prepared.

After Jean and Rosemary had left, the afternoon tea was a fairly subdued affair as all four girls and Octavia considered the implications of the morrow. They decided that they would go up in Octavia’s car for privacy. Then Octavia confirmed that there was another staff member to cover Sandra’s night duty.

“I think you’d all better sleep at my house tonight,” declared Octavia, “ we don’t want the new night nurse to make any surprising discoveries before we’re good and ready, do we? She’s an agency nurse so I’ve no idea what she’s like.”

After agreeing to the arrangements, Octavia brought her car around to the side door of her office whilst the girls gathered whatever clothing they thought suitable. Sandra studied Jenny and Marge’s bras and selected a few that could be readily converted into ‘three cup bras. Then some loose blouses were collected and the girls checked to see if they could fit into a pair of Sandra’s old jeans. Fortunately they were stretch denim and Jenny and Marge had struggled skilfully with their old modelling skills to squeeze into the skin-tight garment. Sandra’s eyes widened lustfully as the material stretched delightfully around the pair’s taught rounded butt..

Jenny and Marge recognised the old look and grinned provocatively as they wiggled their shared beautifully rounded butt.
“The look in your eyes Sandra, assures me you’re a lezzie!” Marge giggled. Elizabeth also giggled as she felt their cock twitch and she squeezed it with their dampening cunny. Both Jenny and Marge spotted the secretive responses of Sandra and Elizabeth and they smiled invitingly.

To their mutual delight they had to share the back seat as they slipped discreetly away from the care home to Octavia’s house.
Octavia’s house was an impressive Victorian folly with a turreted corner and Gothic windows set in dressed stone walls. It resembled a miniature version of a Scottish Lairds Castle and it was set in some fairly spacious grounds. The girl’s eyes widened as the car crunched up the gravel drive.

“D’you live here all alone?” Asked Jenny, speaking for all four conjoined girls.

“Sadly yes,” replied Octavia, “ when mum died I inherited it and I couldn’t let it go. It’s got lots of happy memories.”

“Who cleans it?” Asked Sandra, ever the practical one and reflecting her typical outlook.

“I have a woman in three days a week. It doesn’t get very dirty. There’s only me so most of the rooms don’t get used much.”

Octavia climbed up the flight of steps to the front door, unlocked it and then offered help to Jenny and Marge.

“I think we can do it ourselves now,” declared Marge as the pair easily emerged from the car.”

“The arms bit is easy getting out of the car, and the walking is pretty much OK now. These steps will take a bit of practice though,” added Jenny.

Octavia, Elizabeth and Sandra hovered concernedly but the models picked their way cautiously up the steps and reached the front door without any mishap.

“You’re improving all the time,” observed Sandra.

“It’s bloody fantastic to have legs back!” Laughed Marge as she and Jenny turned to look back down the steps.

“So. Welcome to Dracula’s Castle,” chuckled Sandra as Octavia switched on the lights and they stared into the cavernous hallway.

“Oh it’s not that bad,” protested Octavia,” the next thing you’ll be wondering is if it’s haunted.”

“Well is it,” asked Jenny.

“No of course not. It’s a very happy house. I was born here and we had wonderful times here.”

“But now it’s just you.” Observed Elizabeth.

“Sadly yes. I never married.”

The conjoined pairs exchanged significant glances behind Octavia’s back as she turned to enter the kitchen.

“She’s one of us I think,” Mouthed Jenny knowingly.

The others nodded and they entered the kitchen as Octavia was already putting the kettle on. They chatted around the Kitchen
table until late evening then Octavia announced that she was going to bed.

“It’s a tiresome drive up to London with all the traffic, so I’m going up to bed now. I’ll show you your rooms and I suggest you get an early night."

They followed her up a grand staircase and she gave them a choice of rooms. The pairs chose adjoining rooms opposite Octavia’s room and they bid Octavia goodnight.

Almost before Sandra and Elizabeth had started to undress, there was a discreet knock on a connecting door between the rooms. Sandra opened the door to meet Jenny and Marge.

“Can we come in?”

“Why not,” replied Elizabeth. “What’s the matter; can’t sleep?”

Jenny and Marge exchanged knowing glances and grinned hopefully.

“It’s our first night together. We hoped you two could give us some pointers.”

“Ha!” Choked Sandra. “We’re hardly experts ourselves are we. We’ve only been conjoined for one more night than you.”

“So. Is it nice?” Asked Marge.

“What? You mean — uuhm sex?” Giggled Elizabeth.

“Uu-hm yes. Of course. What else?”

“Well for us it is, but I don’t know about you two. You’ll probably have to work it all out for yourselves. I suppose your bodies will tell you what you want.”

“Bodies!” Wondered Jenny. “Don’t you mean body?”

“Oh. Okay then, if you insist; body. Yes I suppose ‘body’ does make more sense. You’ve only got one trunk and one pussy.”

“And one heart, and one stomach, finished Jenny.”

By now the atmosphere was electric and Marge took the plunge.

“We still have trouble balancing in the shower. Can you help us?”

Sandra and Elizabeth took the hint and agreed. Jenny and Marge then collected their towels and returned to Sandra and Elizabeth’s room. After undressing they grabbed their shower caps then all stepped into the commodious shower. There they soon fell to what had been electrifying the atmosphere all evening.

Jenny and Marge showed no reticence when they finally got Sandra and Elizabeth naked in the shower. Naturally, their first interest lay in the big secret that nestled way back under Sandra and Elizabeth’s shared tummy. Curious fingers eagerly searched for the secret delight and the models squealed lustfully when they felt it hardening responsively.

“So it gets nice and hard then even though you’re a girl.” Observed Jenny.

“Mmm,” groaned Liz and Sandra as their hips gyrated urgently.

“That’s cool,” sighed Marge as they probed gently at Sandra and Elizabeth’s sexy parts.

“Hey! Gerroff!” Giggled Elizabeth, “Octavia’s right, you two are like a bloody octopus!”

“Well if we are, then this octopus has met a very horny mate! Just look at this!”

“We call him Charlie,” giggled Elizabeth as their cock twitched and stiffened further in the model’s inquisitive grasp.

“Well Charlie’s a right goer isn’t he?” Observed Marge as she and Jenny gently squeezed the firm velvety organ.
Sandra and Elizabeth gasped as Jenny’s eyes glittered greedily.

“I do believe he’s big enough to do what he was designed for.”

“Yes,” agreed Marge, “I thought he’d be too small to reach right up and under Lizzy’s crotch, especially as Sandra’s a shemale. Shemales often can’t get it up, but this; well this is just yummy!”

Sandra and Elizabeth felt their rampant cock being gently tugged towards the model’s cunny. One of the model’s hands gently ‘encouraged’ Charlie to claim his privileges whilst the other hand gently hugged Liz and Sandra tighter into a Sapphic embrace. Liz and Sandra needed little encouragement as they jointly savoured the especially delightful shared sensations of their newly shared cock being slowly pushed into another woman’s receptive eager cunny.

“We’d be more comfortable on the bed,” offered Sandra.

The suggestion gained instant approval and eager hands grabbed at the towels as they dried themselves and clambered hurriedly onto the bed.

“Mmmm! Satin sheets!” Squealed Elizabeth, “Octavia certainly knows how to treat her guests!”

As they clambered onto the bed, they hesitated briefly as they removed their shower caps.

“What’s the best way to do this?” Giggled Marge.

“Girls always on top,” demanded Jenny. “That way we won’t get crushed.

“Hey! Hold on,” objected Elizabeth, “I’m a girl and I could get crushed between you and Sandra! I’m only small!”

“How about you two sit astride our lap,” suggested the ever-practical Sandra.

Jenny was about to declare that they wouldn’t get sufficient penetration but even as she prepared to voice her thoughts, her gaze fell to Charlie who was growing yet bigger from under Elizabeth’s crotch.

“Hey! That’s just fabulous! How d’you do that?”

Liz and Sandra peered down at their own cock and were amazed themselves that Charlie could grow so much. Their jaws sagged with surprised incomprehension.

“I -, I -, dunno’ Mmm-mm, he sure feels good though,” sighed Elizabeth as she frotted their clitty against Charlie’s ridged back.

“You’d best climb aboard,” declared Sandra huskily, “otherwise you’ll miss the fun.”

Marge and Jenny needed no further prompting. They slithered forward on their knees along the satin sheets then gently spread their thighs to carefully lower their cunny onto the inviting organ. Liz and Sandra gasped again as they felt the already slick lips of Marge and Jenny’s cunny slowly envelope Charlie. The models gave a little gasp as Charlie parted their innermost secrets then they squeaked licentiously as he slipped easily into their receptive maw.

“Ooh — ooh! That’s just soo-oo nice!” Groaned Jenny as Marge made little sympathetic mewling sounds.

“D’you both feel it?” Whispered Elizabeth.

Jenny and Marge croaked ‘Yes’ in perfect harmony as they started to grind their hips to force Charlie deeper into their belly.
Elizabeth’s eyes widened appreciatively as Marge and Jenny gradually descended Charlie until their clitty fetched up against Elizabeth’s own clitty that she of course shared with Sandra.

“Oooww - oooowwh!” Squealed Sandra as she felt her first ever voluntary sensations of a clitty being mashed against another girl’s pubis. “Ooohh! That’s just sooo-ooo goo-ood!”

As girls from their very conception in their mother’s wombs, Jenny, Marge and Elizabeth had of course grown up to often savour the delights of mashing their clitties against any suitable convenience in their formative years. They knew exactly what did and did not work to bring each other off. As Charlie penetrated to his maximum depths, the three of them worked their hips eagerly humping against each other’s pubic bones as they indulged their ultimate shared delights. The effects for Sandra were however, even more climactic. As the three real girls, (rg’s) worked their shared delights, the newly gained sensations for Sandra simply started to overwhelm her.

Firstly she felt the tight eager envelope of Marge and Jenny’s vagina clamp wet and firm around her rigid swollen shared cock, then she felt Lizzy and her own vagina calling frustratedly to be filled. This lent an added fricassee’ of torment to Sandra’s other pleasures but it did little to ameliorate the sheer ecstasy of feeling her and Lizzy’s stiff responsive clitty, (‘like a second cock’ thought Sandra,) fetching up against the other responsive bud that met their own as they frotted urgently along Charlie’s ridged back.

Slowly Sandra started to lose control and her normally strong back started to sag as the sensations overwhelmed her. Sandra started to sag backwards and Elizabeth let out a nervous whimper as she felt Marge and Jenny start to loom over her. The last thing Elizabeth wanted was to be suffocated by Marge and Jenny’s three ripe breasts for her head came exactly to the line were their three breasts and Sandra’s double d’s met. She let out a muffled squeal as Sandra finally collapsed on her back but then she had a most pleasant surprise.

It was as if the two couples were just made for each other.
As Sandra fell backwards, Marge and Jenny simply supported their torso on their arms and kept their beautiful breasts from suffocating Elizabeth.

As their three suspended breasts stopped just short of Elizabeth’s face the fearful squeal changed to a muffled murmur of delight. Elizabeth simply lay back and rested her head between Sandra’s pillowed breasts then let Marge and Jenny’s middle breast simply slip between her lips. As the turgid nubbin of stiffening nipple sensed Elizabeth’s soft lips softly clamp and suck, Marge and Jenny let out identical gasps of delight.

“Oooh! That’s so good! That feels just sooo-oo right. Go on! Don’t stop, just like that, nice and soft and gentle.”

As Marge and Jenny expressed their delights, Sandra looked up and smiled as the dawn of realisation forced its way into her besotted brain.

‘Of course! Marge and Jenny shared the middle breast and therefore all the sensations therein. Elizabeth was at exactly the right position and height to gently titillate the shared nipple and endow both models with identical sensations; particularly as the models were complimentary left and right handed conjoined partners. To complete the union, Sandra brought her own hands to the breast interface and gently ‘tit fenced’ her own swollen nipples against Marge and Jenny’s respective outer breasts. The models let out a groan of surrender and accelerated their eager humping of Charlie.

“Oh my God!” Croaked Marge, “We’re simply just made for each other!”

“Yess!” Seconded Jenny as her and Marge’s jaws sagged with lust.

“Mmmmmph!” riposted Elizabeth with her preoccupied mouth full of delightful nipple.”

Sandra simply closed her eyes and gently humped her and Lizzy’s hips in response to Marge and Jenny’s urgent demands.
Then Liz and Sandra felt the desperate accelerating approach of their boy orgasm and they tensed in eager anticipation. Marge and Jenny picked up the shudder through the tight entwinement of their legs and the pair looked down at Sandra.

“Are you coming?” Gasped Marge.

“Oooh yesss!” Growled Sandra as Elizabeth ‘Mmmmphed’ again to declare her agreement.

“What? Both of you?” Squeaked Jenny, a little jealously.

“Mmm, mmmph,” repeated Elizabeth as Sandra simply nodded her head eagerly.

“And then you get a girly orgasm after?” Checked Marge.

“Yes!” Squeaked Sandra; a little peeved at being distracted.

Jenny and Marge detected the irritation so they shut up and recommenced humping on Charlie. Sandra and Liz were able to concentrate on the approaching express train and they also fell silent as the sensations gathered in their loins. Then the dam burst and Elizabeth let out a squeal of delight.

It was the first time Elizabeth had ever enjoyed a pure boy orgasm without the attendant girly sensations of having her love tube filled. Instead, she was now free to savour the unrestricted onset of a shared lesbian girly orgasm as her clitty continued to mash against Marge and Jenny’s. She and Sandra humped furiously as the ejaculations drove them to a violent crescendo of delight and then fell away with equal speed. All in the space of a few seconds, Liz and Sandra had completed ‘Act One’ of their lovemaking.

For a few seconds, Liz and Sandra lay still and Jenny lamented.

“I hope that’s not it! What about us?”

“Just wait a minute,” gasped Elizabeth, “while we gather our wits and breath.”

Marge smiled and looked into Sandra’s eyes as she recovered. Their expressions said everything, as Marge understood the situation and Sandra nodded affectionately.

For a few minutes, the couples lay entwined but Marge and Jenny were delighted to feel that Charlie was remaining as stiff as ever. As the realisation grew in Marge and Jenny’s brains that their partners were not yet ‘finished’ they started to hump gently again. During the ‘boy thing’ Sandra and Liz had driven hard and selfishly towards their climax but this second time both couples shared control as the girly sensations started to flow between them.

This time, as the sensations slowly welled up like a slow rolling wave from their loins, the conjoined pairs found time to whisper guidance as they eagerly enhanced their mutual enjoyments. The most delightful discoveries for Marge and Jenny was the strange symbiosis they discovered as they found themselves whispering almost identical ‘instructions’ to Liz and Sandra about how to adjust their position or motions as Charlie slowly brought both couples to a spectacular climax. Sandra and Liz giggled softly and Jenny and Marge echoed simultaneously.

“What’s up?”

“It’s you two. You sound as though we’re making love in an echo chamber.” Observed Liz.

“But it’s fantastic!” Echoed the models. “We feel exactly the same things. It’s just so fabulous. We have perfect harmony and perfect synchrony.”

“How d’you know you feel the same things?” Giggled Sandra.

“It’s how we react. Whatever we feel we react to and we both react exactly the same. If one of us feels a wave coming up our body, we both do. We’re as one person in all but thoughts and minds.”

“Mmmm. Lucky you,” whispered Liz, “and I thought we had it good.”

“You’re making me jealous,” declared Sandra.

Then a larger ‘wave’ of lust surged up from both sets of their loins and both couples gasped as they fell silent and their libidos took control. So urgent were their needs that the bed shook and banged under their gyrations. The bumps and noises alerted Octavia in her own bedroom across the hall.

Octavia debated whether to join the couples in what was obviously a rapturous consummation of their conjoinments but, despite the feelings growing in her own loins, she had to regretfully forego the opportunity because of the long drive to London in the morning. Reluctantly she pulled the duvet over her head and forced herself to try and sleep.

As both couples rode the waves of lust, they gasped and panted eagerly for there was nothing so certain as the approaching mutual orgasms. Then, to their abiding joy the waves of lust started rising to a crescendo and their bodies took complete control. Marge and Jenny started to whimper feverishly as Liz and Sandra found their hips humping ever more urgently.

“This is it!” Croaked Jenny as Marge let out a low wail of delight.

“Yes! Yess! Yesss! Here goes! Ooh yesss. Always like this! Let it forever be like thisss!

These were the last coherent remarks that Marge and Jenny were to make as they ascended into a sexual nirvana and lost their reason to an explosion of lustful delight.

Simultaneously, Liz and Sandra felt their climax approaching but for them an even bigger surprise was to hit them. They were expecting the long all-embracing approach of their female climax but right on the very crest of the lustful female wave, a second humungous male orgasm spiked urgently and totally unexpectedly. Between their urgent moans, Liz and Sandra let out a squeal of surprised delight as suddenly, they ejaculated again and again, right in the midst of their surrender. The feverish spasms of their combined, female-male climax brought an added dimension to Marge and Jenny’s ecstasy as they both felt the hot seed spurting into their shared femininity.

But there was something extra. Something electric, something unnatural, something psychic seemed to be flowing between them. For long moments both couples writhed and thrashed in paroxysms of lust as they surrendered utterly to their newfound sensations and sexualities. Then slowly, ever so slowly, their needs subsided and they succumbed to a languid exhaustion as all four gasped and panted whist still locked in a fearful embrace.

Fearful because all four had been a little frightened at first by the force and magnitude of their climaxes. It was to be several minutes before they recovered the composure and confidence to discuss the event experience. Inevitable it was Sandra, ever the practical one, who whispered nervously.

“Was it just me or did we all feel that good?”

“We did, croaked Marge and Jenny.”

“You mean, like we shared something special?” Added Elizabeth.

“Yes. Did you feel it, like something charged, something extra,” whispered Sandra nervously.

A tense silence followed for a moment before the other three girls whispered in perfect unison.


“See!” Gulped Sandra. “There it goes again, like there’s something psychic going on. You three just answered in perfect synchrony. What is it?”

“I don’t know,” replied Marge, “but it sure was nice!”

“Mmmm,” sighed Jenny as she reached out to untangle Elizabeth’s long golden hair, “ that’s exactly it; nice, really, really nice.”
Elizabeth was too far-gone to add anything. She just laid her cheek against Jenny’s hand as her fingers gently strayed amongst the damp perspiration soaked tresses of Elizabeth’s golden hair. By way of response, Elizabeth gently extended her soft lips and reattached herself to Marge and Jenny’s shared central nipple. The models gasped contentedly then fell silent. Fortunately, Marge and Jenny’s single torso proved no burden at all. It seemed that their arms had twice the strength of ordinary arms, as though they had lost two arms but the strength remained.

Despite lying on top of Liz and Sandra, they fell asleep easily with their tummies pressed together and their heads either side of Sandra’s on the pillow. Happily, Liz and Sandra’s cock kept stiff all night. It provided a perfect ‘centering device’ that exactly prevented Marge and Jenny from sliding off their newfound partners. This left their outer breasts resting lightly on Sandra’s fulsome bosoms whilst their middle breast settled easily and gently into Elizabeth’s receptive lips. Elizabeth fell asleep, savouring the utter contentment of sleeping between Sandra’s soft enveloping pillowed breasts whilst not being crushed or discomforted by Marge and Jenny. Elizabeth’s own breasts being only lightly pressed by Marge and Jenny’s soft navel.

As the four girls realised the perfect geometry of their sexually charged conjunction, they mutually concluded that both couples were perfectly made for each other and that they could forever sleep this way every night for the rest of their lives.

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a foursome!

my goodness, everybody is "getting busy" here.



Hot Doggie 3

If they do get separated, will they all enjoy their good heath, or will their maladies return?

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

A & N

Ms Taff,
You have certainly peaked at the Apex of disgraceful with this segment and simultainiously reached for the Nadir of kinkiness and done it sooo delightfully. You are my Shero! I shudder to contemplate what wondrous kink yet lurks in the deeper regions of that marvelous and literate playroom that you have between your.....ears.


Dance, Love, and cook with joy and great abandon

I was worried

when they shared the psychic link; I thought they might all get conjoined together. I didn't think they were wearing the pendants; there are only two and the two conjoiners have four heads (between them.)(and I'm not counting Charlie's! :-P) I thought that maybe the magic had "stepped up", boosted by the simultaneous sex.

I guest we'll see, if there are more episodes...

Hugs and Bright Blessings,

Ready for work, 1992. Renee_3.jpg

Hugs and Bright Blessings,