Hot Doggie 1.

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This is a blast from the past that I found on one of my old floppy discs.

Hot doggie. 1

The squeal for help dragged Sandra from her early morning torpor and she blinked stupidly as she stirred. She uncurled her legs, yawned then stretched stiffly from the uncomfortable chair in the night office. Next she tugged the hem of her nursing uniform and adjusted her panties that had ridden up into the cleft of her bum. After spending the night watch scrunched up in the uncomfortable night duty chair her back was sore and her legs stiff with cramp.

Sandra was a shemale transvestite and the panties that had ridden up tight into her bum made it uncomfortable around her genitals. After adjusting her panties to ease the crush around her boy parts, she stood up and stretched again before a second cry compelled her to act. She checked the mirror and smoothed her nurse’s uniform before investigating the source of the sound. As her heels clacked down the hall, the cries grew louder and she called to reassure the voice she now recognised.
Sandra had worked for nearly two years in this care home for severely disable people. As a transvestite who knew enough about life’s hurts and disappointments, Sandra understood other people’s pain. Her experiences had not made her bitter but conversely, they had made her tolerant and understanding of other people’s ailments and disabilities. She had failed utterly at school because her transvestism had been ‘outed’ and all hope of a normal education had become impossible. Small town life made it impossible for her to get any ‘proper job’ and she had been forced to leave home early to follow the only life she could tolerate; that was living and more importantly, dressing as a woman

She had really wanted to become a doctor but her transvestism at school had totally destroyed any hope of such a career. The subsequent denial of any proper education and her desperate need to live as a woman, without actually going through re-assignment surgery, had created an almost impossible set of life circumstances.

The upshot of it all had meant she had been forced to take simple menial low paid jobs with few questions asked by her employers as she worked to keep body and soul together. After a few years on the office cleaning circuit and various other low-paid jobs she had gravitated into domestic work. Then finally, she had sunk to the lowest strata of society working as the general skivvy in a cheap care home at the bottom end of the care spectrum.

Finding herself at the very lowest level of society without actually sinking into crime or prostitution had left her utterly demoralised. The only way from the bottom however, was up and gradually, as she struggled to drag herself from her depression and low self esteem, she had moved from care home to care home, gradually crawling up the labour market ladder. Slowly climbing back towards self-respect and more importantly, self-reliance. Eventually she had arrived at her present position in a high-class care home where the residents, (Not patients she noted.) were well cared for and relatively wealthy.
It had been the best work she could find, but more importantly, she had a staff apartment. The job didn’t exactly pay ‘film-star’ wages but it came with a room and three meals daily.

What little money she earned, was entirely hers to spend and most of it went on clothes, makeup and cheap costume jewellery. Indeed, now that she was free and clear of her small town roots, Sandra lived exactly as she wanted. Illicit hormones as a youth and then Internet supplied hormones in her teenaged years had given Sandra a completely female appearance. Nobody at the home knew that Sandra was a boy; in fact nobody at all knew her secret since she had been forced to leave home at fifteen. If any old school acquaintances had met her now they would never have recognised the beautiful girl as the nerdy gawkish boy of her childhood.

After a year on probation at the care home, Sandra had proved reliable and conscientious. Despite being only twenty-one, she was soon given the more responsible job of night attendant. Basically, all she had to do was remain awake and attend to any problems during the night. It proved to be well within Sandra’s capabilities.
Within a few months she had developed a sleep pattern that enabled her to slump in the old night duty chair ‘ cysgu ci defaid’ as her old Welsh grandmother used to say. Cysgu Ci defaid ‘Like a sleeping sheepdog’. Her senses had become attuned to the slightest thing and she awoke to the merest whisper of a sound. The residents at the home soon learned that in Sandra, they had a proper guardian during the long night hours.

This latest call she knew came from Elizabeth’s room and she called again softly down the hall to reassure the girl. The cries immediately ceased. Elizabeth trusted Sandra completely. Sandra was the only person on the whole care home staff whom she trusted to lift her and care for her completely.

This was because Elizabeth was a thalidomide victim. Her disabilities had been of the worst possible kind. She had been born completely limbless. There was not even the slightest evidence of any bumps or vestigial limbs either from her hips or her shoulders. Indeed, apart from her head and her breasts, Elizabeth’s torso resembled a large smooth sausage. With only her mouth to function as any sort of prehensile grip, Elizabeth was utterly dependent upon her carers. Elizabeth’s other disability was that she was secretly a lesbian. She never revealed this to anybody because firstly she had no way of physically addressing her own needs and secondly she had learned just how vulnerable she was.

This lesbian vulnerability was the primary engine of Elizabeth’s whole outlook and approach to life, but when her parents had been killed in a car crash she was virtually thrown to the wolves. After some horrifying experiences at the hands of so called carers who had turned out to be little more than perverts; Elizabeth had at last found safety in this well run, but expensive care home. Things were still imperfect though, for in her newfound sanctuary the young Elizabeth expected to live a life of tedium and ennui until she finally ended her days. That was until Sandra entered her life. Despite having grown to trust Sandra utterly, she had still avoided ever declaring her sexuality to Sandra.

Like Sandra, Elizabeth was an intelligent person, though her disabilities had made her life infinitely worse than Sandra’s. As she lay helpless in her cot with her bladder bursting to expel, she whimpered with relief as Sandra’s face appeared round the door.

“Quick. Pleease! I’m bursting.”

Sandra immediately lifted the helpless girl from her cot and promptly transferred her to the specially modified lavatory. Courteously she looked away and busied herself tidying the bathroom as Elizabeth relieved herself.

Elizabeth was truly indebted to Sandra and was grateful that the night nurse always found time in the early morning to attend to her before the brusque and impersonal day staff arrived.

“I’ve finished thank you.” Declared Elizabeth.

Sandra then tenderly washed and cleaned her privates as Elizabeth gasped with relief and thanks.

“Will you have time to bath me?” Elizabeth asked ... the hope showing plainly in her eyes.

“It depends on the other patients." Sandra replied "If there are no big problems, I’ll come back. But for now I’ve got to finish the morning round. See you later, I hope.”

With that Sandra tenderly replaced Elizabeth’s cotton ‘body tube’ then replaced Elizabeth into her special cot and commenced her morning round. As she pottered about with various Tasks, the care home manager Octavia arrived.

“Any problems during the night Sandra?” Asked Octavia.

“No. Just finishing up here then I’ll write up the log.”

“Good girl.”

Octavia entered her office and Sandra spent another half hour finishing up, then she knocked on Octavia’s door.

“Elizabeth wants me to bath her. Is it OK?”

“Please pet. That would be a real boon. It’s not yet seven so the morning crowd won’t be in for another ten minutes. Thanks awfully.”

Sandra returned to Elizabeth’s room and prepared the special bath. Later Octavia smiled as she looked in to find Elizabeth laughing as Sandra finally dried the helpless girl off in her arms. Octavia had privately checked with Elizabeth several times to ask if she was happy with Sandra’s care and each time Elizabeth had enthusiastically reassured Octavia that Sandra was the only nurse she could really trust. Octavia left the pair alone as Sandra clasped Elizabeth’s lower torso between her knees and started to gently brush Elizabeth’s long silky blond hair.

Sandra really envied Elizabeth’s long beautiful,blond hair so combing the long silky tresses was always a pleasure.

Sandra’s own working life style demanded that she keep her own carroty mop in a short-cropped bob. What with constantly bending and reaching into dirty corners, it would have been impossible to keep long hair clean. Despite aching to one day own a crowning glory of tumbling golden locks to complete her femininity, Sandra was compelled to wear her awful carroty red hair in a spiky almost lesbian style crop. It irked her grievously but there was little else that she could do. As she combed and fingered Elizabeth’s long silky tresses, Sandra sighed absent-mindedly.

“I wish I had hair like yours.”

“Don’t bloody patronise me!” Snapped Elizabeth.

“Wha-!” Gasped Sandra, utterly taken aback.

“I said don’t bloody patronise me. I don’t need sympathy or any other sort of bloody patronisation. I’ve had that sort of shit all my life; people feeling sorry for me because of my limbless ness, so they try to make up for it somehow, usually by complimenting me on my hair or my bloody eyes.”

“I’m sorry Liz, I didn’t mean it like tha”-

“ There’s no need to feel sorry. Sorry won’t bring me a pair of arms or legs, so just leave it, OK!”

“But-! But I!” Sandra fell dumb with hurt surprise at the vehemence of Elizabeth’s remarks but her final words crushed Sandra as Elizabeth snarled.

“I wish I had arms and bloody legs like yours! But it’s never going to happen is it?”

Sandra’s fingers trembled and tears forced their way to her eyes at Elizabeth’s vindictiveness. Sandra was too hurt to say anymore for she might have said something really cruel. Instead she finished Elizabeth’s hair as quickly as possible then pursed her lips and bit them tight shut as she stumbled angrily from the room. It was only the feint sob in the corridor that alerted Elizabeth to the hurt she had caused. She called desperately after Sandra but it was too late, Sandra’s heels had already clattered out of earshot.

In the privacy of her cramped night office, Sandra wiped the tears away and prepared to hand over the watch.

Finally, the morning staff arrived and Sandra ate her breakfast in lonely silence before repairing to her staff apartment. There she took a quick shower then slumped into bed. She was badly wounded by Elizabeth’s harsh words and she only fell into a fitful sleep after tossing and turning for half an hour. It was just after two when she woke feeling like shit so she elected to indulge in some ‘retail therapy’ to alleviate her hurt.

She exchanged a few brief pleasantries with the afternoon staff then set off on her favourite activity ... shopping. At the end of the lane she was waiting for the regular bus when the care home’s own minibus appeared in the lane. It was taking some of the mentally disabled residents to a fun fare. The physical stimulation of the fairground rides served to bring excitement and response into their benighted lives. The driver immediately recognised Sandra and picked her up. In truth, the lady bus driver had also picked Sandra up for a bit of intelligent conversation. Her mentally disabled passengers could be quite trying at times pointing out the same old landmarks and talking always about the same old stuff. She finally put Sandra off in the high street with arrangements to pick her up on the way home. Both women checked that they had each other’s mobile numbers to avoid any mistakes.

As the bus pulled away Sandra stood silently reflecting on her job at the care home. Elizabeth’s cruel words had wounded her deeply and she found herself looking in an employment agency window to see if there were any better paid jobs for an unqualified twenty-something. She sighed wearily as she found nothing to match her present conditions, for in truth, Octavia’s establishment paid top whack. Wistfully, she turned and entered a large newly opened mall that she had been meaning to visit since learning of its new existence.

She spent the remainder of the afternoon cruising the shops and sated her appetite with a few modest purchases. It was all her salary allowed. She also searched hopefully for a bit of cheap costume jewellery but the bright jewellery shops proved too expensive for her meagre purse. She finally gave up looking as she headed down a narrow alleyway that led from a small side exit of the new mall into the older part of town. There was a little coffee shop that she frequented because the proprietor was openly gay and it gave Sandra some small comfort to think that there were other people with problems like hers; not exactly the same but sexual nevertheless.

In the older centre of town the streets were narrow winding cobbled lanes full of old buildings and interesting little shops. Sandra loved the old town, and was heading for her favourite café were two of the narrow winding streets crossed. As she headed for the little cafe she passed an ‘olde-worlde’ shop that she had not noticed before.

‘What’s this? It must be new.’ She wondered as she read the notice over the old wooden door and noticed a few cheap necklaces in the window.
‘Spells’r us. Wonder what this place does?’ She pondered as she stepped inside.

An old fashioned bell on a spring clanged as the door disturbed it and a strange old man in a dark scruffy gown emerged from the back room.

“Hello Sandra,” intoned the old man.

“How d’you know my name?” Gasped a frightened Sandra, worried that he might know more about her. Worse still, more about her ‘problem’.

“It’s my business to know.” Replied the old man. “I’m a wizard.”

Sandra frowned nervously and made to leave immediately but the old man smiled to reassure her.

“Don’t be frightened. Are you looking for some jewellery?”

Once again, Sandra swallowed nervously.

“Wha- what else d’you know?” She croaked as her throat ran dry.

“Oh I know enough. Now would you like to see some necklaces?”

Sandra knew she should have continued feeling nervous, but somehow the old man’s twinkling eyes set her at ease. She nodded uncertainly whilst still wondering how he knew so much about her. The old wizard took a box from under the counter and opened it before her to display several different necklaces. Before Sandra had a chance to examine them he took a pair of thin chain necklaces each with a pretty little pendant. For some reason they exactly suited Sandra’s mood and she studied them curiously.

“What are they?” She asked.

“Pairstones,” replied the wizard.

“What-stones?” Asked Sandra as she studied the exquisitely worked pendants.

“Pairstone pendants. Look.”

“The wizard ‘clicked the pendants together and they fitted perfectly.

“See.” Continued the wizard. “The two pretty stones actually fit up to each other. See how they match perfectly. There see, the join is almost invisible. Now it looks like a single pendant with two chains to fit around your neck. In olden days, some oriental couples would buy a pair and each would wear one when they got married. It brought them closer together and they never separated. That’s why the pair are together now. The necklaces are like the married couples and stay together even unto death.”

“But I haven’t got a partner,” protested Sandra.

“Not yet, but these necklaces will bring you one. One that will perfectly meet all your dreams.”

Sandra wagged her head disbelievingly and smiled inwardly as she considered her shemale state.

“Well thanks, but no thanks. I doubt I’ll ever find the right mate for me.”

“Don’t be so sceptical.” Suggested the wizard. “You’ll be surprised by the power of these pendants. I’ll tell you what. You can try the necklace by sale or return. If you haven’t found a perfect mate within a month, I’ll refund your money. Just keep the receipt.”

Sandra shrugged then smiled. It seemed a fair deal. The stones were certainly very pretty and if she was not mistaken the chains were actually real gold. She held one up and tried to study it under the single light. The wizard smiled again and rummaged in his mouldy old gown to produce a jeweller’s magnifying glass.

“If you’re looking for the hall-mark try this.”

Sandra was surprised by the man’s openness and took the glass as the wizard indicated the hallmark on the heavy clasps that gripped each stone pendant. The hallmarks were clearly present and she looked straight into the wizard’s eyes for any sign of deception. Years of living with the closely guarded secret of her transvestism had taught Sandra to spot danger or threat or deception quickly. This man’s expression was openness and honesty. She had already fallen in love with the beautifully worked stones in the pendant and she took the offer.

“How much?”

“They’re free for now. Pay me when you find a mate.”

“Don’t be silly,” protested Sandra, “there’s got to be a catch! These necklaces alone are gold and the craftsmanship is beautiful”

“Well if you don’t want them I’ll-.”

He reached to take the necklaces back but Sandra was finally persuaded. She held onto the necklaces and rummaged through her purse.

“You must take something. Take this; it’s all I’ve got left as a deposit. I mean I might never come back.” Protested Sandra.

“You will if you’re dissatisfied.” Observed the Wizard knowingly. “Don’t forget, I know your name, I know you work at the care home, and I know all your other little secrets.”

For a moment Sandra froze but the wizard continued.

“Don’t worry. All secrets are safe with me. Take the necklaces and come back when you’re ready. Just remember. You must wear the necklace with the back stone and you must give your intended mate the front stone. See how the two stones fit one behind the other. The pink stone fits in front and the blue stone fits behind." So saying he placed the necklace around Sandra’s neck and smiled openly as Sandra fingered the ornament.

“It suites you see.”

Sandra turned to study her refection and could have sworn she saw a purple glow radiating from the stone. She turned to ask the wizard but he already answered her unasked question.

“Yes. You did see it. The two stones react with each other. I told you there’s a little magic involved. I’m truly a wizard.”

Sandra chuckled inwardly at the man’s peculiar persistence about magic but in all truth, she had fallen in love with the necklace and she fingered it one more time before finally trying to insist that he take her last five-pound note.

“I don’t need your money,” protested the Wizard equally persistently, “you’ve worked hard enough for what little money you earn. You keep it. If you want to pay me, do so after the necklace has worked its magic.”

“Well. Tha- thank you. I don’t know what to say.”

“Well I’m closing up now. Have a wonderful life.”

So saying, the wizard held open the door and Sandra somehow found herself out in the street were the shadows were already lengthening.

“Goodness! Is that the time?” She gasped as she studied her watch. Then she turned once to study the shop again. The door was already closed and she could hear the bolts sliding home so she sped off to meet the minibus. Once home she placed the pendant in her drawer and prepared for the night shift.

That night after her late evening rounds she heard a familiar cry for help. Sandra took a deep breath and set off down the hall. Elizabeth’s cruel remarks were still smarting but she still had her duties of care to perform.

“What is it?” She asked, not caring too much to hide her hurt at Elizabeth’s sharp tongue.

“I need to pee and I also wanted to apologise for this morning.”

“Right. Apology accepted. Is there anything else?”

“Are you still angry? I’m sorry if I hurt you, I was really fed up this morning.”

“No- I’m more hurt than angry. I never meant what I said about your hair the way you took it.”

“I realise that now. I’m sorry. It’s just that-.”

“It’s just that you’ve got away with stuff like that all your life. Other people have got feelings as well.”

Elizabeth fell silent. She nodded thoughtfully. In addition to liking Sandra, she also respected her for never taking advantage of her helplessness. That helplessness was now making itself apparent again as the urge to pee became desperate.

“I’m sorry. I won’t do it again. Oo-oo! I need to pee now, quickly.”

Sandra rolled her eyes and picked Elizabeth up to carry her to the lavatory. As she carried the limbless girl in her arms, Elizabeth gently kissed her on the cheek and whispered ‘Sorry,’ once again.

It was the first time anybody had kissed Sandra since being a little child. Ever since her transvestism had been an issue she had realised she was utterly vulnerable to all sorts of situations and threats. Consequently, she had always avoided any possible situations that might have precipitated any further unwelcome advances or placed her in danger. Elizabeth’s kiss sent shudders down her spine and she tensed uncertainly. Elizabeth sensed the tension and squirmed nervously.

“What’s wrong? I only kissed you.”

“I. Oh nothing. I wasn’t expecting it, that’s all.”

“But you tensed up so much. Why?”

“It’s nothing. Please, I'm begging you. Just don’t do it again without any warning.”

If Elizabeth could have shrugged, she would. Instead she stiffened her body as Sandra placed her on the lavatory and turned her face away. Elizabeth was puzzled by Sandra’s response to the kiss.

‘After all,’ thought Elizabeth, ‘how could I be a threat, no arms and no bloody legs? Why should Sandra get so uptight? It was only a peck on her cheek.’
There remained a tense silence then Sandra quickly wiped Elizabeth’s privates before returning to the bedroom.

“Can I sit with you in the duty room for a while? I’m bored.” Begged Elizabeth.
Sandra agreed. The long turns in the night duty room were irksome even though she had a computer and a television to keep her company. At least she could share the early period with Elizabeth between her early nighttime duties. Sandra brought in another chair and some cushions to support Elizabeth’s helpless torso then she prepared for her first round of duties. This involved the first hourly check on all the residents and usually a brief reassuring chat. Fortunately, the care home was all at ground level and most of the residents chose their own bed times. At this time of the evening only a few of the seriously disable patients were actually in bed because the preparations took special care. This was done by the afternoon shift to ease Sandra’s night duties. The first night round was always a brief ‘quickie’ requiring just a brief check on those already bedded.

As she passed her bedroom, Sandra collected her newly purchased pendant and placed it around her neck. Staff were not allowed to wear jewellery during the day but at night, things were relaxed. Besides, there was nobody else but Sandra on duty and the residents were too fond of her to report her for such a minor transgression. She stared curiously in the mirror as the strange stone seemed to glow a soft purple glimmer, then she resumed her round.

A final check in the common rooms ensured that the other residents were OK and then Sandra returned to Elizabeth with two cups of chocolate. Elizabeth gratefully sipped her tube as Sandra entered the reports. Then they settled down to chat.

“Can I ask you something?” Asked Elizabeth trying to hide the nervous tension in her voice.

“Go ahead,” replied Sandra absently as she alternately typed the computer keyboard and penned the logbook.

“Are you afraid of me?”

Sandra hesitated and frowned.

“Why d’you ask that?”

“Well, why did you tense up earlier when I kissed you to thank you?”

Elizabeth watched Sandra closely and her sharp intelligence noted the ever so slight tenseness grip Sandra’s frame as the pen froze on the page. Elizabeth smiled inwardly for she had to admit it though. Sandra hid her reactions well.
‘Oh she’s good,’ thought Elizabeth to herself, ‘only somebody like me, attuned to all the subtle nuances of threat would have noticed Sandra’s suppressed response.’ Elizabeth pressed her suit.

“Have you ever been abused; as a child I mean?”

The pen trembled slightly in Sandra’s hand and it was the first obvious sign of Sandra’s distress. She laid it down carefully and sat staring into the computer screen. Elizabeth waited patiently. It was obvious that Sandra was ‘dealing with something’ and it would achieve nothing to overload the issue. Eventually Sandra replied.

“I don’t much like kissing and stuff.”

“Why. It was only a peck to say thanks.”

Another long pause followed as Sandra toyed with the pen. Then she spoke haltingly again.

“It usually leads where- where I don’t want to go.”

“Meaning.” Pressed Elizabeth boldly.

Sandra turned to stare curiously at Elizabeth as she considered her own past and a suitable answer. The old caution took over.
It was comfortable mechanism, a device that usually averted further inquisition and prepared the way for a final closure.

“Oh nothing. What would you know?”

“That’s exactly it; I don’t know,” replied Elizabeth. “I don’t know anything about you but I do know about abuse and lots of other stuff. But for you it’s obviously a big problem. Most people don’t feel threatened by the kiss of an armless, legless doll. In fact it’s nearly always taken as an invitation. That’s why I don’t kiss just anybody, only those I trust implicitly.”

“Yeah well that’s as maybe. I don’t want to talk about it. Can we talk about something else?”

They finished their chocolate drinks in silence then Sandra stood up to take the cups back to the night pantry. As she bent to collect Elizabeth’s special cup, her pendant slipped out of her blouse. Elizabeth’s eyes fell upon it and she chose it as something to change the subject.

“That’s pretty. What is it?”

“Oh nothing. It’s just a cheap pendant that I bought in town today.”

Sandra turned to return the cups and left before Elizabeth could respond. Elizabeth was once again left alone in the chair as she heard Sandra gathering various cups from the common room then the clink of washing up. It was a familiar nightly routine that always reassured the residents that Sandra was up and about. It was fully half an hour before Sandra returned but Elizabeth was well used to always waiting on somebody else’s convenience. It was no use getting angry for it was the one major issue that Elizabeth had been forced to learn to accept, namely being left alone like a piece of furniture whilst other tasks were accorded priority. In all truth, Sandra was the best carer in this respect. In her spare time in the afternoons, Sandra often hefted Elizabeth around the home in a special ‘baby harness’ just to ameliorate Elizabeth’s boredom. However, this was impossible when washing and cleaning. Having a big lump resting on your tummy and sticking out in front was totally impractical when bending to clean or when working at a sink, stove or table. Eventually the clinking crockery noises subsided and Sandra returned.

“All finished now?” Asked Elizabeth.

“Until the ten o’clock round. D’you want to come into the common room? Jenny and Marge are still up and playing cards. They’ll probably be going to bed about ten.”

Jenny and Marge were two of the physically disabled residents who suffered no mental disabilities. They could hold a proper conversation with Elizabeth but only during the day. Before Sandra had arrived, Elizabeth had never been allowed to stay up late because of the attendant care load but now Sandra’s dedication had surmounted the logistics problem. The care home management were not inhumane, but there had always been a logistics and costing issue. The fact that Sandra was prepared to heft Elizabeth around in a ‘giant baby sling’ without embarrassment, was gratefully acknowledged.

The fear of sexual abuse of the residents by staff was always a concern to the care home management but after Sandra’s one-year probation, a proper trust had been established. The afternoon privileges had soon been extended to the nights. Octavia, the manager reasoned correctly that Elizabeth would have soon voiced any objections if Sandra had abused her.
Sandra clipped the harness over her shoulders and carefully slipped the helpless Elizabeth into the comfortable womblike sling. Now Elizabeth was safely ensconced in the kangaroo like pouch and could look out normally as Sandra walked along.
Fortunately, despite her totally feminine appearance, Sandra still enjoyed some residual strength born of her male origins. Elizabeth was an easy burden and indeed a welcome one. Subconsciously, Sandra savoured the ‘motherly’ condition she felt having Elizabeth so close.

Jenny and Marge turned expectantly from the card table as the clack of Sandra’s loaded heels pre-empted her and Elizabeth’s arrival.

Before their car accident, Jenny and Marge had been very close friends and models. Now they were confined to wheelchairs. As Sandra entered, Marge chuckled.

“I don’t know how you can always walk in heels especially with Elizabeth.”

Jenny and Marge knew nothing of Sandra’s transvestism and would never have understood that to a transvestite, heels were one of the ultimate declarations of femininity. Sandra would have preferred to walk fifty miles in the most painful sexy heels than take one step in a man's shoe. Sandra just smiled and plonked herself down on the sofa. Jenny and Marge gave up the game they were playing and re-dealt the cards as Sandra and Elizabeth joined them. They made up a threesome with Elizabeth aiding and abetting Sandra. It was the nearest thing to normal social intercourse that Elizabeth ever attained. In the low light of the common room Jenny noticed Sandra’s pendant.

“That’s a pretty stone on your neck. What makes it glow like that?”

Sandra suddenly remembered her pendant and she tensed nervously as she fingered it while her mind raced for an explanation. Then she decided to laugh it off.

“Oh it’s just a cheap pendant I bought in town today. I think it must glow because of my body heat or the room temperature or something. I don’t know.”

“It’s quite unusual. Where did you get it?”

“Oh that little shop just on the corner where the Oldgate crosses the Cripplegate. You know, the one where we always go for coffee when we finish shopping.”

Jenny and Marge were regular town visitors and often went shopping with Sandra and Elizabeth but they could never remember any such little old shop. They exchanged puzzled looks.

“There’s no shop like that on the Cripplegate cross. There are just a couple of old pubs and the café next to the estate agents. The other corner is the boutique where we always shop last of all and the bank fills the big corner where the busses stop.”

Sandra frowned nervously. In truth she could not remember ever seeing the shop before so she presumed it to have been a newly opened enterprise.

“Well it’s there now. I know cos’ I bought this there.”

“It’s a nice pendant, declared Marge, can I look at it?”

Sandra handed the ex model the pendant and sat back as the two models studied it. Both models knew gold when they saw it.

“This is real gold Sandra. How much did you pay for it?”

“Well I’d rather not say,” declared Sandra honestly, but not for the obvious reasons.

Marge and Jenny exchanged knowing glances as Jenny smiled.

“Got yourself a bit of a bargain didn’t you?”

Sandra just shrugged noncommittally. The less she said, the less she had to explain.

“Can I look at it?” Asked Elizabeth.

Jenny handed it back to Sandra who held it up for Elizabeth’s inspection. Elizabeth peered at it and remarked on the stone.

“Why does it glow like that?”

“I don’t know,” answered Sandra again, “it just does.”

With that the stone unexpectedly separated and Sandra was left holding the two separated pendants.

“Oh you’ve broken it!” Protested Elizabeth.

“No. It’s called a Pairstone,” declared Sandra as she reassembled it then separated it again. “See, one half is blue and the other is pink.”

She held out the separated halves and the models studied the intricate craftsmanship.

“Why it’s beautiful!” Squeaked Jenny and Marge nodded her agreement as she held the pink half.

“But look. It’s stopped glowing. How does it do that?” Observed Marge as she studied her half more closely.

“I’ve already said. I don’t know.” Sighed a beleaguered Sandra.”

“Well the blue suites your carroty hair better than the purple and the pink suites Lizzy’s blond hair better.” Observed the fashion conscious Jenny. “Here put them on.”

So saying, Jenny stretched across the table and slipped the pink stone over Elizabeth’s neck. Then she handed the other pendant to Sandra who unthinkingly slipped the blue stone around her own neck.

“See. What did I say? They suite you perfectly.”

Elizabeth peered down at the newly placed pendant and smiled as it nestled in her cleavage. Sandra fingered her half and noticed that it had started to glow again. Fortunately, it was behind Elizabeth’s head and invisible to the others. Without further ado they resumed playing cards. The clock in the hall finally toned the tenth hour and the group prepared for bed.

“See you in the morning called Jenny and Marge as they retired to their rooms.”

“Good night,” replied Sandra and Elizabeth as Sandra commenced her rounds.

Finally, they returned to Sandra’s duty office to finish the log before putting Elizabeth to bed. Sandra turned to face the chair and gently grasped Elizabeth’s torso to lift her out of the baby sling. Elizabeth wouldn’t budge.

“Let go dear, I want to lift you out.”

“I- I’m not holding on Sandra. I seem to be stuck.” Gasped a nervous Elizabeth.

“What d’you mean?”

“I’m not holding. Look! How can I hold, Stupid? I’ve got no arms or legs!”

So saying Elizabeth shrugged her shoulders angrily as Sandra gave another tug. She suddenly felt a weird tugging at her abdomen. Elizabeth gave a squeak and wriggled nervously.

“Wha- what’s going on! What are you doing?” Squealed Sandra as she reached into the baby sling.

“I- I’m not doing anything. Protested Elizabeth. My butt seems to be stuck!”

Sandra’s fingers groped carefully down her stomach until the encountered a blockage. Somehow, she could not get her fingers between her tummy and Elizabeth’s butt.

“There’s some sort of blockage. Stop squeezing against my tummy!”

“I’m not! I tell you!” Protested Elizabeth as she jerked her torso to try and wriggle free.

Her efforts pulled painfully at Sandra’s tummy and she squealed her protest.

“Ow! Stoppit!”

“Well let go then!” Snapped Elizabeth.

“I’m not holding! Look!”

Sandra waved her arms in front of Elizabeth to prove her point.

“Well what’s trapping me?”

“I don’t know!”

So saying, Sandra pushed her hand down the side of the baby sling and it slipped out through the bottom seam. The front buttons of Sandra’s nursing overall had also torn open and the flaps lay aside.

“What the- the bag’s broken, and my tunic! It’s all ripped! Look!”

She gripped the baby sling and tugged it upwards and snagged Elizabeth’s breasts in their under wired bra. Elizabeth squealed with pain and twisted vigorously to alleviate the hurt. Her efforts sent another pull through Sandra’s tummy but this time it somehow tugged at Sandra’s hips. Sandra felt her self being twisted sideways and almost lost her balance.

“Ow! Stop that, you’ll have me over!”

As she reached out to grab the door for support, the baby sling snagged her arm and slid completely over Elizabeth’s head. Without the frontal restraint, Elizabeth slumped forward and caused all her unsupported weight to flop forward. She let out a frightened squeal until her fall was arrested by the strange attachment to Sandra’s tummy. Elizabeth’s weight would have pulled Sandra over but fortunately her grip on the door was still secure.

Elizabeth’s squeal died in her throat as she realised that somehow she was securely attached to Sandra’s tummy. At the same time Sandra realised exactly the same thing. With one hand still holding the door, she reached around Elizabeth’s armless torso and held her against her own. Once she had recovered her balance she gingerly wobbled towards the chair. As she moved she realised that Elizabeth was no longer a dead dragging weight, she was definitely somehow attached to her own body and the connection was getting steadily stronger. With a terrified groan of fear Sandra slumped in the chair and released her arms from around Elizabeth’s torso.

“What’s happened to us?” Croaked an equally terrified Elizabeth as she found it easier to sit upright on Sandra’s lap.

“Were somehow stuck together!” Whispered a shocked Sandra as she felt nervously around under own her tummy.

“Hey watch it!!” Protested Elizabeth. “That’s my you-know-what!”

Sandra’s fingers froze as she inadvertently contacted Elizabeth’s love lips.

“Sorry. I didn’t meant to. I’m trying to find out how we’re stuck together.”

Elizabeth twitched again as Sandra’s nervous fingers probed delicately and further under her own tummy. Eventually Sandra found the waist band of her silky panties pushed right down and back over her own organ. Unfortunately her cock was already reacting to the tight silky caress of the panties. The silky fabric was cutting down into her crushed cock and she parted her legs slightly to ease the discomfort. Elizabeth protested as her sex became exposed.

“Hey! Close your legs, you’re showing everything I’ve got!”

“I can’t my panties are digging into me. I can’t find the bottom of your torso tube either. It must have come off in the baby sling.”

Sandra was in a quandary. If she removed her panties completely there was no knowing where her cock would end up but it was certain that she’d grow a full stiffy. As it was, her panties were restraining her cock and preventing it from growing bigger. However the discomfort was barely tolerable. She rummaged through the torn baby sling and found the Bum tube that normally covered Elizabeth’s lower legless torso. Even as she produced it, she realised it would never fit Elizabeth again; unless of course, they managed to get separated. She shrugged and threw the bum tube on the table where Elizabeth studied it.

“I can’t use that again. Unless we can separate, we’ll have to share the same panties.”

“So how do you propose that we separate?” Demanded a frightened Sandra.

Elizabeth gave another mighty squirm but it only succeeded in somehow tugging at Sandra’s hips and thighs. She gave a nervous shudder and croaked.

“Hey! We’re well and truly stuck!”

“Tell me about it!” Riposted Sandra sarcastically.

Then Sandra felt a violent churning inside her stomach and a vicious stabbing pain lancing through her gut. She gave a grunt and heaved out of the chair to slump writhing to the floor. Fortunately her descent was slow and she slid on her back thus avoiding injuring the helpless Elizabeth.

“Arrgghh. Ow! Ooooh! Oh shit. What the hell’s happening?” Squealed Sandra.

Elizabeth let out a nervous cry. She had never heard Sandra swear before.

“Are you OK?”

“No I’m bloody not. It feels as though somebody’s just speared my guts!”

Sandra lay in the foetal position frantically squeezing at the sides of her tummy until the pains subsided as quickly as they had begun. She lay gasping for a few moments then slowly sat upright as the sweat poured off her. As Elizabeth felt the tension ease from Sandra’s stomach wall she whispered again.

“Are you OK?”

“Yes. Now I am, but not just then. Shit what was all that about?”

“You’d better take a drink of water.” Suggested Elizabeth.

“Yeah! That’ll sort it won’t it?”

“I didn’t mean it like that. You feel hot.”

“What d’you mean; I feel hot. How would you know?”

Elizabeth fell silent as her thoughts raced through her head.

‘Hell! How did she know Sandra felt hot.’

The silence grew oppressive as both girls’ minds raced. It was Elizabeth who finally voiced her thoughts.

“I think we’re stuck like this forever, unless a doctor can separate us.”

“Why d’you think that?”

“Well, when you had those stabbing pains, I could feel my own tummy churning. Our stomachs seem to be joined as well as our hips.”

“Oh shit! Don’t say that.” Cursed Sandra as she carefully rose to her feet.

She found the act surprisingly easy because Elizabeth’s attachment was now quite secure. In fact the balancing was relatively easy but a little extra effort was required to propel their combined weights. Once they were standing, Elizabeth looked down and then twisted her neck to squint at Sandra.

“We seem well and truly stuck.”

“Yeah but it’s funny. You seem to be able to move your hips. How’s that?”

“Try and find out.” Replied Elizabeth. “I’ll let you feel around for the join.” Go on, I won’t be offended.

Once again, Sandra felt under her (and Elizabeth’s tummy,) to try and determine how they were conjoined. Her nervous fingers traced along Elizabeth’s love lips and she gave a licentious twitch.


“Oh don’t apologise. In fact it was quite nice.”

Sandra tried to remain impersonal as her fingers travelled further under Elizabeth’s crotch to find her rectum. Instead, she fetched up once again against the waistband of her own dislodged panties.

“You- you don’t seem to have an arsehole anymore.” She gasped.

“What d’you mean, no arsehole. I must have. Reach further.”

“You haven’t!” Protested Sandra. “I’ve already reached my thing and there’s definitely nothing between them.”

“So how do I shit?” Demanded Elizabeth.

“I don’t know!”

Elizabeth strained her sphincter and Sandra let out a shout.

“Hey stop that. You’ll make me shit my own pants!”

“Well that explains all that stomach stuff. We now share the same arsehole.”

Sandra nervously ‘pushed’ her own sphincter and Elizabeth jerked responsively.

“Hey I felt that!”

“Oh fuck,” giggled Sandra. “Just how gross is that?”

“Never mind how gross it is. You’ve made me want to go.”

The same urge pushed through Sandra’s bowel and the mutual need propelled them to the bathroom. Sandra tugged her panties to her knees and once they were sat on the pan they debated what to do.

“Do you want to go first?” Asked Elizabeth.”

“Well it’s my arsehole, so why not. I’ll have to sit right back though so that you can pee as well as me.”

“I’ll tell you what.” Suggested Elizabeth. “You sit right back and I’ll urinate first. Then you can urinate and defecate all you like.”

Sandra accepted the logic and fell into an embarrassed silence as Elizabeth emptied her bladder.

“Now you.” Elizabeth advised after she had finished.

Sandra made herself comfortable and finally relieved herself. As she pushed to evacuate her bowel, Elizabeth gave a little gasp.

“I felt your arse pushing but not your pee. Why doesn’t your pee splash?

Sandra tensed nervously. As a boy sitting on the pan, her cock pointed forward against the inside of the pan and the pee did not direct downward straight into the water. Hence there was no splash. She decided to make light of it.

“Not all girls are plumbed the same.”

Elizabeth did not reply. As a limbless thalidomide victim, she had led a very sheltered life with little sibling intimacy. Elizabeth had no idea about such issues.

Relieved that her answer had ‘passed’, Sandra started wiping themselves.

Elizabeth giggled for she was thankful it was Sandra wiping her pussy. Sandra had cleaned it many times before and the new act, whilst much more intimate, still seemed to come naturally. Sandra felt Elizabeth physically relax as she spoke.

“Well I’m glad it’s you that I’m stuck to. That was easier than having to summon help.” Chuckled Elizabeth. “I could grow used to this. It’s much more convenient.”

Sandra did not reply but finished wiping herself then bent to pull up her panties as Elizabeth stiffened and held herself against Sandra’s tummy. As she struggled to push the waistband under Elizabeth’s ‘crotch’ Elizabeth protested.

“Hey. If those panties fit, you might as well pull them up over my waist. After all it’s all the same waist now.”
“I’d rather not. Not just yet anyway. It doesn’t seem right.”

“Oh don’t be so daft. What’s wrong with you?”

“If it’s all the same to you. I’d prefer it this way.”

“Oh be like that then. But what about my pussy, it’s exposed for everybody to see. That’s not very nice is it?”

Sandra recognised Elizabeth’s embarrassment and struggled to hold the torn flaps of her nursing uniform around them both. This proved impossible so Sandra was forced to find another solution. Fortunately, all the other residents had retired to bed so it caused little embarrassment to Elizabeth as Sandra went to her bedroom and sought out a suitable all embracing garment. Being a fashion conscious transvestite, Sandra’s wardrobe proved utterly unsuitable. She felt a little self-conscious as she rummaged through her panty drawer and Elizabeth’s eyes widened.

“Oh my God! Don’t you have any sensible cotton panties? Every one of these is just so frilly and femme!”

“Finally Sandra found a pair of fairly loose cut panties but with elasticated legs and waistband. She managed to pull them over their combined waist and was pleasantly surprised to discover that they were nice and snug they without being too tight. Elizabeth gave a nod of satisfaction as they both studied their appearance in the mirror. There was not the slightest hint of Sandra’s ‘boy clitty’ tucked away inside the smaller panties.

“Now what about a skirt or something.”

“I’ve got nothing with such a large waist.” Objected Sandra. “What d’you think I am a hippopotamus or something?”

She held open her wardrobe door and Elizabeth was forced to admit it.

“Don’t you have any knee length full skirts? Do you always dress like a tart?”

The mention of ‘full length’ reminded Sandra of the linen store. ‘There were bound to be bigger nursing tunics in there. As she stepped down the corridor from her staff flat to the linen store Sandra found somehow that Elizabeth was even easier to carry. Somehow, the weight on her tummy seemed better balanced and less gravid.

‘Elizabeth was obviously somehow attached to her skeleton at the hips; or was it the thighbones’ wondered Sandra as she lengthened her stride.

Elizabeth also seemed more confident as she felt Sandra’s pace change.

“You seem more confident, your taking bigger strides and I’m not flopping about so much.”

“I know. It’s weird. Can you feel my legs then?”

“Yes!” squeaked Elizabeth. I can. It’s as though we’re sharing the same flesh.”

“Oooh! That’s kinky. Giggled Sandra as she reached down and flicked the elasticated leg of the outer French panties.

The action tickled Elizabeth’s clitoris and she squeaked with surprise.

“Oooh-ooh! That was nice. You be careful, or I’ll need further care and attention.”

Sandra’s hands flew to her sides with embarrassment as she stammered her excuse.

“No I meant can you feel the elastic on your leg, or should I say my leg?”

“Yes. I can. Giggled Elizabeth as she wriggled licentiously. I can feel it distinctly. I seem to have grown into your sensory nervous system. Hey! That’s weird; I can feel the silky panties caressing my butt. Can you?”

Sandra gently caressed her own butt cheeks through the silky materials and twitched with pleasure. Soft silky panties were one of her major turn-ons and she shivered with pleasure. She gently pinched her own butt cheek and Elizabeth flinched and giggled.

“Hey. I felt that! Stop pinching my bum you perve!”

“It’s my bum. I’ll do what I like with it!” Chuckled Sandra as she caressed both butt cheeks and felt her ‘boy clitty’ stiffen again.

She became frightened immediately and quickened her step to the linen store. There they found a larger tunic and Sandra removed the torn one. Fortunately the overall buttoned all the way up the front from hemline to neck and it was a simple operation to button the front up to Elizabeth’s neck. Their waistlines were level so the belt served to compress Elizabeth against Sandra’s body and provide extra support. Elizabeth, being a natural born girl was a lot shorter than Sandra and she found her head nestled between Sandra’s soft ample breasts. She luxuriated against the silk blouse with her head between Sandra’s fulsome breasts.

“Mmm. That’s nice. I’ve got a lovely soft pillow to rest my head.”

Sandra found the arrangement unexpectedly convenient and she tried doing a few movements to check out her mobility. Elizabeth proved to be little hindrance and Sandra sighed with relief. Even her field of vision was unimpaired with Elizabeth’s head and long silky hair nestled softly in her cleavage. Her breasts billowed out over Elizabeth’s narrow armless torso and protruded like cushions over Elizabeth’s shoulders.

“It’s a good job you bra provides good support,” observed Elizabeth, “otherwise I’d be drowned in tit flesh. Do you always wear an underwired bra?”

“Yes I like the support and shape they give me.”

“Well the wire ends are sticking into my neck.”

“I can’t do anything about that for now. All my bras are underwired. We’ll just have to go shopping and get me some new bras.”

“We!” Squealed a startled Elizabeth.”

“Well who else? You’re going to have to get used to this. I can’t see a simple solution. If we’ve only got one arsehole now, how will the doctors separate us? D’you want to be stuck with a colostomy bag? If it comes to that, what else do we share? We already share sensations in our thighs and butt. Where’s it going to end?”

Elizabeth fell silent as Sandra exited the linen store and commenced her night rounds. Fortunately, all the residents were now asleep and they returned to the night duty room to write up the patrol log. Then Sandra settled back and contemplated how she was going to get comfortable in the large night chair. She could no longer curl up into a little ball. Instead, she pulled up the other chair that Elizabeth had previously used, put her feet up and stretched out. Before long she heard Elizabeth’s slow regular breathing. She could not believe that Elizabeth had fallen asleep on her lap.

‘Lucky girl,’ thought Sandra as she felt Elizabeth’s head resting lightly on her right breast. She sat for a while wondering how on earth she was going to explain to Elizabeth about her little friend tucked away in her panties. She knew about the abuse that Elizabeth had suffered and was terrified that the discovery of a permanent new penis so intimately located right up close to her vagina might send Elizabeth into a hysterical fit or something. Sandra was frightened. What would happen in the morning when they would inevitably have to reveal their situation to Octavia the manager? Then the doctors would be involved and everybody would know her dreadful secret. She would obviously be sacked and thrown out, but ‘hold on’ if she was thrown out, they’d have to throw Elizabeth out, and she was a good paying resident.

‘Oh it was all so confusing’ sighed Sandra softly as she lay quietly so as not to disturb Elizabeth.

At two o’clock Sandra rose gently and slipped on her soft shoes to do her rounds. She was pleased that Elizabeth remained sleeping and gently embraced the sleeping girl’s torso as she silently checked each room. Fortunately, everybody was sleeping soundly and the patrol went without a hitch. Sandra was mildly surprised to learn that Elizabeth could sleep even whilst Sandra was patrolling the home. She carefully made herself a cup of coffee then returned to her office to watch the TV. The four o’clock patrol also went without incident and Sandra sighed as the dawn broke at five. She stared out of the window at the beautiful grounds and reflected that soon she would have to leave such a beautiful place.

‘What in heaven’s name would she do?’ She wondered.

The dreaded hour of discovery was approaching when the morning staff arrived at six.

Then Elizabeth woke. For a moment she gave a confused squeak before she remembered the situation. Then she twitched to reassure herself that it had not been some weird dream.

“I need to pee.” She declared.

“Yes so do I.” Agreed Sandra.

They visited the lavatory and prepared to pee. As before, Elizabeth relieved herself first then Sandra followed suite. Then Sandra wiped them both and fiddled with the panty arrangements as Elizabeth waited patiently.

“I don’t see why you don’t just pull our panties up around our waist. It would be much easier and to tell the truth, the waist band of your panties is cutting a bit under where we’re joined.”

“Not just yet.” Declared the frightened Sandra. “When I get used to it all this, I probably will. I’m still getting my head around this. I’ve got problems as well you know.”

“What problems?” Asked a curious Elizabeth.

“Not now.” Replied Sandra. “You’ll learn soon enough. I’ve got issues with such intimacy as well. My life hasn’t all been sweetness and light. For me things aren’t as simple as you think”

“You call this simple,” giggled Elizabeth.

“It is for you. Now you’ve got a permanent carer. Just think a pair of arms and legs to attend upon your every need and you never have to worry again about wetting yourself or anything. For you, this is a huge improvement but for me -, well I don’t know what to think.”

Elizabeth pondered Sandra’s words and realised she was right.

“D’you want to be separated then?” She asked anxiously.

“Why? Don’t you?” Riposted Sandra.

Elizabeth paused anxiously before confessing.

“No. I like you. For me this is a dream come true. Please stay with me.”

Sandra was gobsmacked. Her jaw dropped as she finished off the night log and the pen slipped from her nervous fingers. It rolled off the desk and she bent to pick it up. To her surprise, Elizabeth presented no problem. It was a simple matter to bend down and pick it up without any additional contortions. Elizabeth sensed Sandra’s easy motion and responded.

“See. I’m no problem, am I?”

Sandra rolled the pen in her fingers thoughtfully until the turning of the front door key disturbed her thoughts.

“Now comes the reckoning." sandra observed. "Here’s Octavia, the manager.”

Now Elizabeth began to be worried. There was no way they could hide. Octavia was a conscientious boss who nearly always arrived before any of the morning staff, to address any issues with Sandra about the previous night. Sandra often carried Elizabeth in the baby sling because of Elizabeth’s regular early morning toilet needs and she often met Octavia in the hall with Elizabeth still ensconced in the sling.

The only difference this time was that Elizabeth was under Sandra’s nursing overall. Sandra crossed the hall as Octavia turned to greet her.

“Morning love. Any problems during the night?” She asked eying the unusual sling arrangement.

Sandra had already made up her mind to come clean. There was absolutely no way to hide the situation and Octavia was a sensible, fair and compassionate woman, even if a little demanding.

“Well -, yes. I’m afraid there is.”

Octavia glanced at Elizabeth and considered the confidentially issue. She did not want problems being discussed in front of the residents, even though she knew Elizabeth to be a sensible, intelligent adult.

“D’you mind if Sandra and I talk privately in the office Elizabeth.”

“Well, I’m afraid that’s the problem,” mumbled Sandra fearfully.

“What d’you mean darling?” Pressed Octavia.

“Well that’s just it! We can’t talk privately. Come into the office and I’ll show you.”

Octavia frowned slightly and followed Sandra. Sandra closed the door then turned to Octavia.

“I’m afraid it’s a serious problem.”

“Go on.” Pressed Octavia.

Sandra then spoke to Elizabeth.

“Shall I show her?”

Elizabeth nodded dejectedly.

“You’ll have to some time, sooner’s better than later.”

With this permission Sandra stared tearfully at Octavia as she started to unbutton her overall. As the realisation that Elizabeth was not resting in a baby slung became apparent, Octavia’s brow furrowed with disapproval. However, her expression soon moved from censure to shock as Sandra bared their lower bodies to reveal the conjoinment.

“Wha- what the hell’s happened?”

“We don’t know,” chorused Sandra and Elizabeth.

Octavia bent forward to study the precise location and she reached out curiously. Sandra flinched nervously and Octavia realised how frightened the pair were. It was obvious they did not want to be touched.

“May I just look then?” She asked.

“Why not? You may as well.” Shrugged Sandra. “This will only be the start. Wait till the doctors get to look.”

“Well I am a nurse,” protested Octavia. “You don’t mind do you? Don’t be frightened.”

“Just the bit around my tummy then,” declared Sandra anxiously. “Don’t go poking around our private bits.”

“Of course,” agreed Octavia sympathetically, although she couldn’t help but wonder why Sandra seemed so resistant.

After delicately tracing her finger where she thought the conjoinment would have actually occurred, Octavia realised there was no tell-tale line or any evidence of scarring.

“It’s strange. It looks as though you could have been conjoined from birth. There’s no sign at all of any surgical attachment.”

“Well of course not!” Snapped Elizabeth. “D’you think we somehow went and met a secret surgeon in the middle of the night and asked him to join us together. Don’t be stupid!”

“That’s uncalled for.” Replied Octavia, a little annoyed by Elizabeth’s notorious short temper. “I was only making a clinical observation.”

“Arguing is getting us nowhere.” Interrupted Sandra. “The question now is, what next?”

Octavia thought for a moment then nodded her head.

“Well obviously, you can’t go about in public like this. Well not yet anyway. You’d best stay around the home for now.”

“But what about my job? Nobody will employ me now.”

Octavia studied Sandra then asked her to walk across the office.

“You seem to walk OK. Are you still mobile? Can you bend and stuff?”

Sandra bent forward easily and touched her toes. Elizabeth however let out a squeak of surprise.

“Whoa girl! Warn me when you’re going to do that!”

“Sorry love. I didn’t think. I was just demonstrating.”

“Who says we need a job anyway, declared Elizabeth. You’re forgetting I’m part of this package now. I’ve got private means thanks to my dearly departed parents. If we stay together, then we won’t have to work.”

Sandra frowned but Octavia nodded agreement about Elizabeth’s observation.

“Elizabeth’s got a point Sandra, she is quite wealthy. Her income more than covers her care costs. If you remain conjoined, then her care is your care and her costs are your costs.”

Sandra fell silent. Things were not as bad as they had first seemed. She could move easily for Elizabeth was quite a small girl. Even if Elizabeth had been born normal, she would have only stood about 1.4 meters. Her tiny torso was hardly noticeable and certainly not a burden. Sandra could move around easily and even her balance was not affected. Somehow, Elizabeth was totally embedded within Sandra’s broad hips and there was no discomfort or disablement. The new conjoinment was far less cumbersome than the baby sling. In truth the only change would be the need to buy panties, skirts and trousers with a bigger waists. Sandra’s tops and bras were still the same.

The only problem was Sandra’s cock. She bit her lip as this single major worry tormented her. Octavia sensed Sandra’s despair and suggested that she go and sleep.

“After all darling, you’ve just worked a full night shift in addition to all this change. We can discuss solutions after you’ve slept.”

Sandra seized the escape clause offered by Octavia and turned for her room but Elizabeth objected.

“Hold on! I want some breakfast first.”

“OK. I’ll make it,” declared Sandra, “we can get it finished before the rest of the staff arrive.”

“There you are, see. The benefits are showing already.” Smiled Octavia.

Sandra quickly rustled up an English breakfast whilst Octavia busied herself with some paperwork in her office. Sandra and Elizabeth settled down to the meal. The strange thing was that Sandra’s hands had no trouble feeding Elizabeth. They both felt the weird development and Elizabeth shuddered with anticipation.

“Am I controlling your hands?” She whispered.

Sandra tensed nervously as she realised that there was definitely some alien input into her arms. It seemed that when she was presenting food for Elizabeth to eat, the fork went into Elizabeth’s mouth as easily as if Sandra had been feeding herself. The whole operation seemed quite weird.

“It seems like it, at least when you feed yourself.”

“That’s really keen!” Giggled Elizabeth. “So I’ve got hands now!”

To emphasise her newfound ability, she scratched her nose. This was a luxury she could only ever have dreamed before. They both felt a thrill of excitement ripple through their conjoined body as they mutually realised their shared condition.

“This is really super.” Squealed Elizabeth. “Can I try the coffee cup?”

“Be my guest,” replied Sandra as she put down the fork and chewed on her bacon.

Sandra felt really odd to be watching her own hands lifting the coffee cup to Elizabeth’s lips whilst she simply did nothing. Then Elizabeth took a sip and replaced the cup.

“Can I cut my own bacon?”

“Go ahead,” replied Sandra nervously. “When can I have my hands back?”

“Sorry.” D’you want to eat now.

“No. It’s not that. I’m just puzzled how it’s happening. Motor functions come from the brain down the spine. The arm control divides at the shoulder so how come you can control my arms through your hips?”

“Well we share other sensations.” Observed Elizabeth. “This conjoinment stuff must be spreading throughout our bodies. We might even share ‘you know what’ eventually.”

Sandra was frightened. Elizabeth still thought Sandra was a girl. ‘What the hell would Elizabeth do if she suddenly felt the sensations of an erection growing in her clitoris?’ Sandra knew she would have to come clean to Elizabeth pretty soon.

“Who’s got overall control?” Wondered Elizabeth as she wiggled their fingers.

Sandra demonstrated quite firmly that she had the master switch and sighed with relief when she stopped the fingers wiggling and took a long drink from her coffee mug.

‘At least she could still prevent Elizabeth from discovering what lay immediately behind her vagina.’

Elizabeth pressed her head affectionately between Sandra’s breasts to demonstrate that she was quite content with Sandra having the main control. She was just supremely content that she actually had arm functions of any sort.

After breakfast Elizabeth asked a very telling question.

“Who’s bedroom shall we sleep in yours or mine?”

“I’ll be more comfortable in mine. Besides, my shower is bigger and I always shower before going to bed.”

“I’ll need my shower cap then.” Observed Elizabeth.

They collected Elizabeth’s toiletries from her room then retired to Sandra’s staff flat to attend to their bodily needs.
Once again they shared the bizarre sensations of a shared defecation and giggled as they each urinated from their respective plumbing. Once again Elizabeth remarked upon Sandra’s silent pee.

“You must have some weird plumbing if you can pee that far forward without splashing into the pan.”

“I- I’ll explain in the shower,” replied the nervous Sandra. “Here let me wipe you.”

“I can wipe myself now.” Observed Elizabeth.

However, Sandra had wiped Elizabeth before she had time to object and quickly cleaned herself before preparing for the shower. She helped Elizabeth tuck all her long, golden hair up under the shower cap then quickly slipped her own over her carroty locks. In the shower, Sandra finally plucked up the courage to enlighten Elizabeth about her true nature.

“Can I tell you a huge secret?”

“You’d better.” Chuckled Elizabeth. We can hardly have any secrets between us, if we’re going to live like this.”

“I know, but this one is a huge secret. You may not like it.”

“Well let me be the judge of that.”

Sandra transferred control of their hands to Elizabeth and suggested that she wash their bodies first then ‘down there’.

“It’ll be good practice for you and you’ll get to know our body better.” Observed Sandra.

With no more ado Elizabeth took the shower gel and liberally lathered down their bodies. She was so excited to be able feel and touch her own body, let alone Sandra’s. She quickly washed their bodies then worked her way down to their shared genitals. Firstly her fingers worked into her own vagina then she spoke to Sandra.

“D’you mind if I do yours?”

“That’s my big secret. Just wash further back down there.”

Elizabeth’s fingers had hardly moved back a couple of centimetres when they collided with Sandra’s cock.

“What the-! What’s this?” Gasped Elizabeth as her soapy fingers recoiled from the fleshy protuberance.

“It’s my cock.” Whimpered the nervous Sandra.

“Your cock!” Squealed Elizabeth, as her shocked fingers recovered their composure and gently investigated the unexpected intruder.

“Yes. I was born a boy but I’ve lived as a girl since I was fifteen.”

“So you- you’ve got a co- cock!” Stuttered the shocked Elizabeth.

“Yes. That’s why I kept my panties on last night. I didn’t want to shock you.”

“But you think it’s OK to do it now.”

“You’ve got a short memory. At nine o’clock last night we were two separate individuals. It's taken me a lot of time and courage to show you. I think we had enough shocks last night without this one.”

“Yeah. Well. That’s as may be. I think this is a bigger shock than the conjoinment. You mean you’re actually a boy!”

“Well I can’t help it can I!” Sandra started to cry. “I didn’t ask for all this.”

“You should have told me last night.”

“Why. What good would it have done?”

“ I wouldn’t have gone all night without sex!”

Sandra stiffened with shock as she struggled for words. The shock also stopped her crying.

“What d’you mean, gone with- gone without sex?”

“You know. Sex. Like when a man goes with a woman.”

“But. But I- I thought you hated all that. I thought after the abuse stuff, that you-.” Sandra finished lamely.

“No.” Countered Elizabeth. “I hate abuse, I hate being used like apiece of meat, but this. This is different.”

“How so?” Asked a puzzled Sandra.

“Well it’s a part of me now isn’t it. I can control it, and I can share it. Anyway. You’ve shown time and again that you’re not an abuser.”

“It’s not that easy. I can’t control my cock. When he gets horny, he just gets horny and I have to let him subside on his own or relieve him with an orgasm. What’s going to happen when I orgasm?”

Elizabeth thought for a moment then continued soaping their crotch as she spoke.

“We can find out when we get into bed.”

“You mean. What. I screw you?”

“Well not quite. That’s jumping the gun a bit. Maybe I can give you a wank and bring myself off. Normally I used to hump myself against any convenient bedpost or doorjamb. Now I’ve got proper fingers to do it and it feels really good. We’ll consider full sex when I get to know you better.”

Sandra gave a snort.

“Huh. I can’t see that working. Not if we share everything. When he gets horny you’ll want to shag yourself. Just wait and see. We’ll get to know each other well enough and right soon enough.”

“I hope so.” Declared Elizabeth as she gently fingered the lather into their arsehole then jetted the shower nozzle into their intimate parts.

Finally they were washed and Elizabeth savoured the lovely sensations of patting herself and Sandra dry with the towel. Once they were dry, Elizabeth gave a shudder of pleasure and rubbed her head against Sandra’s naked breasts. Sandra murmured softly as the long golden tresses spilled over her sensitive nipples. The pleasures caused her cock to stiffen and Elizabeth squeaked with delighted surprise.

“Hey! I felt that.”


“Your cock! I felt it sort of-. Is that what it feels like?”

“What? My stiffy you mean?”

“Yes! Yes! I can feel your cock-, I mean my cock- no-, I mean our cock stiffening. It feels like my love bud stiffening except that I can feel him testing my love lips. Mmm! That’s nice. Do that again.”

Elizabeth bent down again to see what was happening and Sandra felt Elizabeth grasp her cock and press it against her clitty. Then Elizabeth rocked slowly and rubbed her sensitive swollen clitty against the ridged back of Sandra’s cock. Sandra lurched as a delicious new sensation surged through her cock.

“Ooo-ow.” Steady love. I felt that. God! It feels like electric!”

“What? What did you feel?” Squeaked Elizabeth.

“Your clitty,” grunted Sandra. “Well it’s our clitty now! I felt our clitty being frotted against our cock.”

Elizabeth started losing control as her inner needs took over. She desperately wanted to fill her love tube and show Sandra what being a woman was all about. She reasoned that if they shared sensations in their cock and clitty, then they must necessarily share sensations in their vagina.

“Give me your fingers again,” begged Elizabeth.

“Let’s get into bed first,” countered Sandra.

After Sandra slipped on a bra to support her breasts, they scampered eagerly into the bed to resume their pleasuring.
Sandra ‘released’ control of her arms to Elizabeth whose love tube was now soaking in anticipation. The urge to be ‘filled’ took Sandra by complete surprise and she threw herself on the bed to lie with their legs spread wide whilst Elizabeth urgently fingered their cock and tried to tuck it backwards.

“I can’t get him in. He’s grown up past our clitty.” Declared a frustrated Elizabeth. “I’ll have to bend him back to slip him in.”

“Well do it very gently then.” Gasped Sandra. “I want a fuck!”

“D’you want a fuck or to be fucked?” Giggled Elizabeth as she struggled with unfamiliar sensations of their growing erection.

“Both you silly cow. Don’t you?”

“Mmmm. Yes. This is going to be good.”

Elizabeth smeared some of their love juices over their cock and made sure that their vagina was good and ready. Then she bravely pushed their cock down and bent it so that the bell was nudging at their love lips. Sandra gave a yelp of pain as Elizabeth bent their cock but once it was firmly wedged between their love lips Elizabeth released her grip on their cock and it flipped straight again. The springing action slipped their cock straight up and into their slippery love tube. Sandra let out a squeal of delight as she felt her cock being enveloped by a warm slippery tube and simultaneously felt herself being invaded by her own cock for the first time. Her vagina squeezed around her own cock and she let out a howl of pleasure.

Simultaneously, Elizabeth was sharing identical sensations as her unfamiliar new cock invaded the urgent cavity in her vagina. She joined Sandra in their mutual demented release. To add to the overwhelming confusion, Elizabeth probed experimentally on their clitoris as she savoured the new sensations of being able to finger her clitoris to order. This caused further overload to their mutual orgasm. The two lay squirming and moaning with ecstasy as their libidos assumed total control.

Naturally their ‘boy orgasm’ arrived first and took Elizabeth by complete surprise. Being born a girl, she had never ever experience such an explosive pinnacle of ecstasy. She let out a screech of surprised delight as the crescendo approached like an express train and she felt herself pumping urgently into her own insatiable maw.

“Oh! Wha’ss happening?!! Aaah! Oow-oow-oow-oow, oowoowoow! Aah-aah-oow!! Oh don’t let this stop, I- I- ooh! Oooh! Ooooh! Oooh! Aaah! Ooowwwoow!!!”

Her cries of delight synchronised with each ejaculation and slowly died with them as she finally gave out the last long slow sigh of repletion. Then she moaned.

“Why did it stop so suddenly? I was enjoying that.”

“That’s how it is for little boys,” gasped Sandra who had similarly enjoyed the orgasm. “Now shall we try for some girly fun?”

Elizabeth lay for a few moments with her head between Sandra’s ripe breasts as she savoured the thundering of Sandra’s heart as it matched her own.

“Your boy orgasm; it’s a powerful thing isn’t it?”

“Yes sighed Sandra as she slowly recovered her libido and the sensations inside her newly sensed vagina remained calling for further relief.

Both girls became a little confused. The boy fun had proven hugely exciting but they could still feel the slow swelling onset of the girl orgasm. This time however, Sandra allowed Elizabeth complete control of her fingers.

Elizabeth seized the wonderful new opportunity and slowly stroked the sensitive nubbin that brought her the rare delights she had always previously had to struggle to obtain.

“Mmmm! This is lovely.” Murmured Elizabeth as her fingers exactly tended to her burgeoning needs.

“Mmmm you bet!” Groaned Sandra who had now started to squirm slowly as Elizabeth’s control exactly matched their needs.

“You’ll like this.” Whispered Elizabeth as she skilfully fingered her stiff clitty and explained to Sandra. “There see. Just there is where I always start. Isn’t that just the nicest feeling?”

“Ooooh!” Croaked Sandra with surprised delight. “Yes! That’s lovely. Nice and slow! Oh! That’s it, just there! Yesss! Just like that! There again, yes! You’ve got it. You’ve got it! Keep going like that! Yesss! Yee-eesss!
Elizabeth smiled to herself as she introduced Sandra to the slow welling glories of a girly orgasm. She experimented with her newly acquired finger skills and as she teased herself, she also tantalised Sandra.

“Oooowooh! Please don’t stop!” Begged the squirming Sandra.

Elizabeth grinned to herself as she paused just briefly enough to rouse their mutual frustrations and intensify their need.

When she resumed fingering, Sandra let out a loud groan. Then Sandra felt the strangest sensation as a wave of warmth grew in her tummy and slowly started to pulse through her whole body. She felt her vagina clamp on her own cock and struggled to make order of the uncontrollable sensations. Another wave closely followed the first wave, and then another as the long slow waves of their girly orgasms started to roll through their bodies. Sandra felt a low wail of satisfaction starting to grow in her throat as the crescendo approached. Finally the waves broke inside her like the sea hitting the beach and she moaned with pleasure. Her moans of course, exactly matched Elizabeth’s and brought a whole new meaning to the expression ‘mutual orgasm’.
Sandra slumped lazily on her back as Elizabeth matched her mood and lay with her head once again nestled in that most perfect of pillows; the deep cleavage between the silky cups of Sandra’s fulsome feather soft breasts. As the waves continued to ebb and flow inside them, they savoured an intimacy that far transcended even the closest of ordinary lovers. Elizabeth felt control of her fingers being taken by Sandra and then felt a delightful tingle as those same fingers gently caressed Sandra’s nipples through her silky bra cup.

“Mmm. I can feel that as well.” Murmured Elizabeth. “You’ve got very sensitive nipples. If you don’t stop that I’ll be having another orgasm.”

“It’s how I used to get myself going before we became conjoined.” Whispered Sandra.

“Will you do it to me?” Begged Elizabeth. “I’ve never been able to touch my nipples.”

Sandra stiffened as she realised the privations of Elizabeth’s previous condition.

‘Of course!’ She realised. ‘Without hands and fingers, Elizabeth would never have been able to caress her nipples. It was sometimes possible to activate her clitty by ‘humping’ the bedpost or scrabble along the floor to find a table leg and ‘hump’ that; but it would have been impossible to titillate her nipples as they wobbled uncontrollably on her breasts.’
Unselfishly, Sandra returned hand control to Elizabeth and instructed her.

“Go on. Play with your nipples. Don’t worry. I’ll enjoy it as well.”

Elizabeth was nervous at first. All previous sensations to her nipples had either involved inadvertent pain caused by accidental bumps and injuries, or abusive sensations when she had been placed in unsuitable care after her parents had died in the motoring accident. There she had been sexually abused and it took a long time for her to recover from the mental scars left by that abuse. After much litigation and a desperate search for suitable care, Elizabeth had finally made it to Octavia’s care home were Sandra was to later find work.

Even before the magical conjoinment, Sandra had been the best thing to happen in Elizabeth’s life since the death of her parents. Sandra was the first person that Elizabeth grew to trust since her parent’s accident. Even the discovery of Sandra’s shemale arrangements had not destroyed that trust. Indeed it had strengthened it after their first mutual orgasm. Elizabeth reasoned that now she understood just how powerful and lustful a boy’s sex drive was, then for anybody with those urges to have resisted abusing her when she was a helpless limbless sausage and yet have had such intimate care and contact for over a year; then that person must have been a veritable saint. Now she lay forever within the total protection of that same somebody and yet shared in her every living moment and feeling. Elizabeth found herself growing to love Sandra yet more than she ever thought she could.

‘Such a caring, sharing gentle, loving friend,’ she thought.

As they lay together, Elizabeth further tested Sandra’s words. She did indeed have control of their hands and arms. Cautiously, Elizabeth lifted their shared fingers to her own breasts and tentatively brushed them ever so delicately across her nipples. The sensation shocked her at first but she soon gained pleasure. Soon she was gently rolling her nipples between her fingers and thumbs as the sensations sent lightening bolts of pleasure down to their primary pleasure centre.
Sandra felt Elizabeth tense with delight and smiled as Elizabeth whimpered and shuddered with unadulterated lust.

“It’s nice isn’t it?” Suggested Sandra.

“Mmmm, beautiful,” sighed Elizabeth.

“Shall we go to sleep now darling?” Begged the exhausted Sandra. “Octavia’s right, it’s been a long night and we’ve got the devil to face this afternoon.”

“I don’t mind,” whispered Elizabeth sleepily, “I’ve got you to look after me.”

For the first time since the childhood manifestations of her transvestism, Sandra felt the first warm tender feelings of love from somebody else. Gently they rolled on their sides and Sandra felt it surprisingly easy to curl up like two spoons with her lower arm under the pillow supporting Elizabeth’s golden head of hair.

Similarly, Elizabeth lay for the first time in her life on her side without fear of rolling helplessly onto her back or falling forward and crushing her boobs. The sensation of security from having control of a pair of shared arms brought her utter contentment. She quickly fell asleep with her head on a proper feather pillow and Sandra’s soft double D breasts providing an extra supportive backdrop. For additional comfort and security, Sandra’s upper arm was gently wrapped under Elizabeth’s own softly breathing breasts. Elizabeth had never felt so much secure contentment. The only problem now was letting Sandra in on her last big secret, namely her secret lesbian sexuality. However after their recent shared delights, Elizabeth concluded happily that it would be no problem. No problem at all.

As Elizabeth’s breasts rose and fell with blissful sleep, Sandra looked upon her golden hair for a final time and gently stroked the long silky tresses.

‘I only wish my hair had turned the same colour as Elizabeth’s’ she sighed before joining Elizabeth in the land of dreams.

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very odd

but kinda sweet too.



Not since Judith Rossner's ATTACHMENTS...

laika's picture

Wow, this story brings a whole new meaning to the word togetherness. For as weird as the circumstances they find themselves in, they're a pair of believably human & likeable characters. The Wizard (should this have an Spells R Us tag?) helping these two lonely people with one of his more, uh, creative whammies. And as someone with a slight case of apotemnophilia and/or Body Image Integrity Disorder (see: my story, The Texas Chainsaw Masochist...) I found the whole thing more erotic than I should probably admit. I'm eager for more of this if you still have it on file somewhere...
~hugs, Veronica

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)

Hot Doggie 1.

OK, I am hoping that the title means another chapter because the Wizard would help Elizabeth to grow her limbs out.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

Very good Story

Well, Bev, I can see where your "signature" comes from. "Growing old disgracefully." Hell woman you've been thinking marvelously disgracefully for some time now, obviously. You go Girlfriend.


Dance, Love, and cook with joy and great abandon


As Monty Python would say, "Now for something completely different."

Wonderful story, by the way.

Can she make herselves pregnant? Where was Octavia during all the ruckus of selves discovery? What will happen if they remove the magic neckkaces?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Linda Jeffries
Too soon old, too late smart.

Linda Jeffries
Too soon old, too late smart.


WebDeb's picture

...Strange but yet holds a certain fascination.
Does this dichotomy lend a new meaning to gender duality?
It would seem to me they have the best of both worlds and so sexual orientation need not be an issue for Elizabeth.
Unusual tale but it certainly held my attention to its conclusion.


It isn't very often that a story surprises me by being unique, but you've certainly achieved that.
I can't wait until I have the time to read more.
